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Lighting | deep learning empowers spectral imaging

Writing | Huang Longqian

Recently, from the School of Optoelectronics, Zhejiang University Hao Xiang The team of researchers is "Spectral Imaging with Deep Learning"The topic is Lighting: Science & Applications Published a review paper, sorted out the spectral imaging technology based on deep learning, explained the principle and research summary of its various technical routes, and organized the current spectral imaging dataset, outlining the possible future trends and challenges.

First, spectral images

The image we usually see in the display screen is an RGB three-color image, which has three channels of red, green and blue, that is, the color of each pixel is formed by superimposing the three colors of red, green and blue. If the three-color image is expanded to ten colors, hundred colors, and thousand colors, then our control and rendering of the image color will be extremely fine. An image with so many bands is a spectral image (term explanation >): it has more than three bands, which can be thirty or even hundreds.

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of a spectral image composed of 9 bands

The spectral information of a substance can fully reflect its internal physical structure and chemical composition. When there are enough wavelength bands in the image, each part is a spectral curve – reflecting the structural composition of the place. Therefore, the spectral image not only reflects the spatial characteristics of the imaging target, but also contains its structure and composition characteristics. Therefore, in addition to fine image rendering, the key application of spectral images is material composition analysis, which is widely used in remote sensing, medical detection, food detection and other fields.

Second, spectral imaging

Spectral imaging is a combination of imaging technology and spectral detection technology, and the main technical goal is to obtain spectral images. Traditional spectral imaging technology is scanning(Including point scanning, line scanning, band scanning)By constantly moving the spectrometer to obtain the spectrum of each point, a two-dimensional image is finally obtained. This scanning spectral imaging system is bulky and slow, which has been criticized.

Figure 2 Scanning spectral imaging (from left to right, point scan, first scan, and band scan)

With the development of computational optics, computational spectral imaging has become a new spectral imaging method. The method uses some coding to make the hidden spectral information enter the detector in a certain way, and finally uses the optimization algorithm to reconstruct the spectral image. The traditional computational spectral imaging method is iterative. Although it has effectively reduced the size of the system compared with the scanning spectral imaging, it has a great computational burden, often requires several minutes or even hours of iteration, and the reconstruction accuracy is relatively average.

The huge burden of data computing prompts people to think and look for more effective spectral reconstruction algorithms. In recent years, deep learning has developed rapidly, and the powerful pattern recognition and feature extraction capabilities of deep neural networks after good training have been favored by spectral imaging researchers. Deep learning methods have become the object of exploration, and deep learning has gradually empowered spectral imaging.

Methods of deep learning

The process of computational spectral imaging coding sampling system design and spectral image reconstruction, deep learning technology can be applied in every aspect of the process. How to effectively classify these different techniques is a key issue. The review proposes to classify according to the properties of light, that is, the computational spectral imaging system is divided into amplitude coding, phase coding and wavelength coding according to different coding methods.

(1) Amplitude-encoded spectral imaging

Figure 3: The spectral coding process in a coding aperture system

Amplitude-coded spectral imaging is achieved through a coded aperture system(CASSI)Conducted, using coding aperture(Amplitude mask)Amplitude coded spectral imaging based on deep learning replaces the iterative algorithm of compressed sensing recovery with deep neural networks, and performs efficient spectral reconstruction through codec co-optimization, iterative expansion neural networks, and untrained networks.

(2) Phase-encoded spectral imaging

Figure 4: A phase-encoded spectral imaging system

Phase-encoded spectral imaging through diffractive optics(Diffraction Optical Elements, DOE)Phase coding is achieved by designing the two-dimensional height profile of the DOE to achieve specific phase delays at different positions. Phase coding affects different spectral components through Fresnel diffraction, and then by modeling the diffraction process, the original spectral image can be reconstructed by the algorithm. Due to the complexity of diffraction calculation after phase coding, traditional iterative algorithms are difficult to achieve effective recovery of spectral images. This problem has been solved after the emergence of deep learning. At present, the spectral recovery of phase coding is mainly carried out through deep neural networks. Compared with amplitude coding, phase-encoded spectral imaging has the advantages of small light energy loss and compact system.

(3) Wavelength-encoded spectral imaging

Wavelength-encoded spectral imaging directly encodes the image in the spectral dimension and can be performed through optical filters. RGB images can be regarded as a kind of spectral coding. At present, the mainstream wavelength coding methods use existing RGB or design optical filters, and the encoded spectral reconstruction mostly relies on deep learning technology.

Direct spectral reconstruction based on RGB images is a very hot direction. With the NTIRE 2018 and NTIRE 2020 spectral reconstruction competitions, many deep learning technology teams participated, greatly expanding the existing deep learning spectral restoration techniques. The researchers analyzed the RGB spectral reconstruction and filter design spectral reconstruction involved in deep learning, and divided the reconstruction methods into point reconstruction and block reconstruction, so as to introduce each reconstruction method.

Figure 5 Codec Cooperative Design Spectral Imaging Technology [
1] [
[2] (Source: Advanced Theory and Simulations)

Wavelength coding based on custom optical filters is an emerging spectral imaging technology in recent years. By designing wide-spectrum filters, greater coding freedom can be obtained than RGB filters. Combined with effective deep learning technology, compact, fast and accurate spectral recovery can be achieved.

IV. Future Outlook

Based on current deep learning techniques and spectral imaging techniques, the researchers have made some suggestions for the future development of deep learning-based spectral imaging. These include the large-scale and normalization of datasets, and the use of large neural networks(For example Transformers)Introduce additional information such as object categories, solve the problem of layer disappearance in the process of codec collaborative design, and use neural networks architecture search technology.

Paper information

Huang, L., Luo, R., Liu, X. et al. Spectral imaging with deep learning. Light Sci Appl 11, 61 (2022). 



[1] Song H, Ma Y, Han Y, et al. Deep ? Learned Broadband Encoding Stochastic Filters for Computational Spectroscopic Instruments [J]. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2021, 4 (3): 2000299.

[2] Zhang W, Song H, He X, et al. Deeply learned broadband encoding stochastic hyperspectral imaging [J]. Light: Science & Applications, 2021, 10 (1): 1-7.

Contributions from the research group are welcome – press release

Article reprint/business cooperation/research group submission, WeChat:447882024

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Chongqing’s deputy mayor says taxi companies have the best returns in the world

  The Beijing News reported on December 2According to Xinhua News Agency, since November, Chongqing, Hainan Sanya, Gansu Yongdeng and Guangdong Shantou and other places have a series of taxi strikes. Taxi strikes are frequent, from one side of the refraction of monopoly.

  The right to operate a taxi was fired to millions

  In response to the taxi industry monopoly, Chongqing’s "brother" Yang Xiaoming proposed the idea of "People’s Taxi Company" three years ago. However, when Yang Xiaoming applied to the Chongqing Municipal Transportation Administration for "taxi operation indicators", he was rejected.

  In fact, what Yang Xiaoming was denied was a monopolistic public resource – the right to operate taxis.

  At present, the taxi operating rights used by taxi companies are transferred by the government in the form of "concessions". At first, they were mostly transferred for free or at a low price, but they were monopolized and speculated by some companies. In some cities, the operating rights of a taxi were speculated to millions of yuan.

  Taxi companies return’best in the world’

  Huang Qifan, vice mayor of Chongqing, said in a discussion with taxi drivers that the taxi company takes about 70% of the money. After deducting costs and taxes such as car purchases, a car has a profit of about 40,000 yuan per year. The average annual income is 50%, and some even as high as 70%. It is really "the industry with the best return on investment in the world."

  Some drivers say taxi companies are simply a "rentier" class created by a monopoly.

  Transportation department research will issue a new policy

  Experts believe that the top priority is for government departments to take measures as soon as possible to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of drivers. Such as mandatory "three insurance" protection, formulating the maximum price of "part money", and providing unified and standardized contract models. The second is to break the monopoly of the industry.

  According to the reporter, the State Council has identified the transportation department as the competent department of the taxi industry. At present, the transportation department is investigating the deep-seated problems of the taxi industry and will take policy measures to solve the historical legacy problems.

  The latest data shows that there are more than 1 million taxis legally operating in the country, and there are about 2 million "brother" in the country.

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Editor in charge: Li Erqing

The "drama essence" company behind "Cang Lan Ji"

Author | Weinika

Editor | Li Chunhui

The drama powder of the three ancient dolls in the summer file fell into a heated debate about the ranking. But no matter what criteria you use,From the perspective of publicity, Freesia is the best and richest.

There are only 90 Weibo hot searches in the long broadcast cycle of 56 episodes of "Splendid Star"; Also divided into two parts, 59 episodes of "Aquilaria Resina", 116 hot searches in Weibo; But "Freesia Tactics" has not been broadcast yet, so far it has reached 131 hot searches in Weibo.

The image comes from the hot search engine, and the data ends on August 27th.

The gap in Tik Tok’s hot list is even wider. From the second day of its broadcast, Freesia has been on the hot list, with an average of 5 hot list topics per day and up to 10 hot list topics per day. And "brilliant star" has never been on a hot list. Although Aquilaria Resinatum is on the list almost every day, the number is small, 1-4, and not all of them are positive topics.

It is clear at a glance that the cost of the publication of Canglan strategics is plentiful. It is needless to say that its broadcasting platform, iQiyi, is now open source and thrifty, and its consistent announcement strategy. Why is the film so exciting? It has to be said that the magical company behind "Freesia", which was established only four years ago, suddenly became popular-stellar gravity.

The general impression it gives the people who eat melons is that the boss, Wang Yixi, is very skillful, and he always replies to fans or publishes small essays. For example, he cries on the high-speed rail when he hears that the heat is breaking through. The impression given to insiders is that they are rich and know nothing else.

Nowadays, because of the discussion of freesia, many drama fans begin to hope that the gravity of stars will inherit the mantle of ancient dolls. In their view, Tang people declined from brain drain, and Zhouyi declined from the break of capital chain. The stellar gravity found the behind-the-scenes team of the Tang people, and the boss was a rich second generation who was not short of money, so he completely filled the shortcomings.

Is this really the case?

A producer who knows rice circles better than "Yu Ma"

Wang Yixu, the boss of Stellar Gravitation, Yu Zheng, the boss of Entertainment Film and Television, Liu Ning, the vice president of Perfect World, and Yang Xiaopei, the boss of Xixi Film, were honored as "Four Fine Producers" by netizens for their frequent essays and responses to netizens.

But after careful study, Wang Yixu is actually different from other producers. Most producers are keen to tell about the difficulty of the production process in order to win the sympathy of the audience; Or a online celebrity posture that wants to make a debut and constantly expresses itself. For example, Zheng Zheng often takes his own selfie after losing weight successfully. However, Yu Zheng’s essays are not all self-expression. To be honest, he is sometimes regarded as a reasonable guest who exposes the situation of the industry.

And Weibo, who is in Wang Yixu’s list, mistakenly thinks that Hard Candy has clicked into some big powder Weibo.He doesn’t look much like a producer. He doesn’t have any self-expression, but more like a fan operator.

For a drama project, from shooting to broadcasting, he constantly released various photos taken without watermark, and constantly drew prizes for fans who forwarded photos, and often forwarded fans’ second-generation videos, comic books and so on. In addition to "Freesia Tactics", YCY and Ding Yuxi’s "Lucky at Seven o’clock", which has not yet been broadcast, are also being reprinted wildly by Wang Yixu.

This kind of high-frequency fan interaction has made the series warm up in the starring powder circle and the core drama powder circle before it started broadcasting. I have to say that Wang Yixu knows the way of rice circles and uses it for the promotion of dramas.

Esther Yu and Dylan were suspected of quarreling in the live broadcast of "Freesia", but neither side responded afterwards. However, Wang Yixu responded positively to fans that Wang Hedi had "coaxed" Esther Yu, and they often quarreled. As soon as this word came out, the cp powder in a group of plays could not stop hitting the real cp.

Even the drama attracted less investment, and Wang Yixu did not forget to affirm the efforts of fans. Wang Yizhen called "black spots" (black powder, I really didn’t see any producer directly use this kind of rice circle language) to make "Canglan tactic", which was not optimistic at first. Later, due to the efforts of fans, the data records of the same type of members of iQiyi were constantly refreshed.

Isn’t this the most familiar powder abuse routine for Xiufen? Telling the helpless story that the project is not optimistic creates an illusion that "my brother only has fans", thus enhancing the stickiness and initiative of fans.

In fact, Wang Yixu’s skillful marketing of rice circles was first applied to SNH48 whitehairpin, the star of the play, during the period of "Chasing the Ball", and he bought 1,000 numbers for whitehairpin to play the list and vote in the general election, but he failed to bring a red drama series successfully.

When the IP drama "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" of Guoman was played, Wang Yizhen was even more perfect.Netizens’ first impressions of the play are: xx appeared on the Internet, xx denied it, and then Wang Yizhen personally refuted the rumor or responded ambiguously to the rumor.Obviously, it is not a super IP, but it gives the whole story of who will play the little dragon girl and who will play Lin Daiyu more than ten years ago.

Male starring candidates from JC-T, Li Xian, Chen Xiao, Cheng Yi to Liu Yuning, slipped through the first-line niche; Liu Shishi, Angelababy and Ni Ni were chosen as the leading actresses in Yang Mi.I slipped through 85 flowers, as if half the entertainment circle were competing for the role of the play.

Later, Yang Mi and Simon joined the group "The Fox Demon Little Matchmaker Moon Red", which was thought to be settled. Who knows that the rumors about Liu Shishi’s acting are still going on, and Wang Yixu replied to a private letter from netizens that there will be no change in the selection of Huaizhu. Although he didn’t name names, Liu Shishi, who was sealed by many fans, will still star in The Fox Demon Little Matchmaker Bamboo Industry.

A new generation of Tang people?

In Weibo, Wang Yixu mentioned that he had watched the dramas of the Tang Dynasty since he was a child, which immediately triggered many netizens’ discussion about using stellar gravity to mark the Tang Dynasty. So, does this young company, which is only 4 years old, really have the potential to inherit the mantle of the Tang Dynasty?

Judging from the layout of the original star gravity, it is obviously not focused on Xianxia ancient dolls.In 2018, the star gravity, which entered the industry for the first time, invested a lot of literary films.. Including "A Cloud Made of a Rain in the Wind" directed by Lou Ye, "The Poet" starring Song Jia and Zhu Yawen, and "Punch Mom" starring Tan Zhuo. These movies have a high probability of losing money.

Only the film "Get My Brother Away" which cooperated with Wanda made a small profit. However, in 2020, Stellar Gravity and Wanda still have a contract dispute lawsuit without public ruling, which shows that Stellar Gravity is not going well in the film field.

In 2019, the sand sculpture drama "Once upon a time, there was a Lingjian Mountain" was a small reputation and popularity, and the focus of stellar gravity seemed to turn to the field of TV dramas. The play of stellar gravity is no different from that of most film and television companies. From buying IP and hoarding IP to signing authors, screenwriters, directors and actors, it involves the development of the whole industry chain.

Many people behind the scenes have a suffix of "Star Project" in the subtitle of "Freesia Tactics". This "Star Project" is a plan to train new people by stellar gravity, which means that many of these behind-the-scenes teams are self-trained. Including directors Yi Zheng and Qian Jingwu of Freesia, chief screenwriter Liu Xiaolin of the first draft, chief screenwriter Jinjin Bai of the final draft, screenwriter Zhang Li, co-screenwriter Cao Xiaotian, visual effects producer Ye Zi, music director Huang Yi, etc.

Looking through it, the "Star Project" also includes signed writers/screenwriters: Wuzai, Jiulu Feixiang, Taotao Round, Jane Dark, etc. Jiulu Feixiang also has two ancient puppet works "With the Phoenix" and "Protecting the Heart" adapted by other families. Artists’ brokerage is not outstanding. At present, Guo Xiaoting is a bit famous, and Ryan has a contract dispute lawsuit with Stellar Gravity.

In fact, most film and television companies with production ability have a set of their own training teams. The famous midday production system mostly comes from the "Shandong Gang" of Shandong film and television. A stable and efficient production team can reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles.

However, this kind of situation is rarely publicly marked like stellar gravity, and it has a title. The previous person who emphasized his own team was 500.

The arc alliance initiated by 500 includes director Wang Siyang, group B director Song Xiao, screenwriter Yu Xiaoqian, photography director Liu Yingjian, lighting director Sun Jingliang, action director Li Yinghui and so on. They will also add a suffix "A·L·U", which is the abbreviation of "ARC LIGHT UNION" in the subtitle display of "Black Storm".

This approach is equivalent to branding the production team.With the accumulation of word-of-mouth of subsequent works, it can not only cultivate mature behind-the-scenes personnel, but also increase brand value and social status.

However, whether the plan can be successful depends on whether there are successive successful works. Because they are satisfied with "Freesia", the audience who are expecting stellar gravity to inherit the mantle of the Tang Dynasty will have to wait patiently for the broadcast of the next ancient puppet by stellar gravity.

However, stellar gravity can still carry out such deep-pocketed marketing in the case of saving money in the whole industry, and Hard Sugar Jun is inevitably curious about its capital background.

where is the money to come from?

It is rumored in Jianghu that Wang Yixu is a rich second generation "idolize Big Brother".The first company he founded in 2015, Shanghai Renxiang Culture, is mainly engaged in star data analysis and provides fan data algorithm services for video websites.Therefore, it is not surprising that Wang Yixu knows the way of rice circles.

Wang Yixu’s other background can only be found that he attended the Ivy League University jointly founded by Tencent and cheung kong graduate school of business Chuangchuang Community, and studied Tencent’s business model and cultural and creative industries. Whether the "money" of stellar gravity comes from Wang Yixu or not, Hard Sugar Jun is skeptical.

According to Tianyancha information, Wang Yizhen’s financial situation in 2018-2019 may not be particularly optimistic. There were two cases in which the equity was pledged, and the pledgee was Bank of Beijing Shanghai Branch. Equity pledge refers to the act of pledging the company’s equity as a guarantee. Generally speaking, the major shareholder is short of money or the company is not well managed to pledge the equity.

Zhang Yucheng, another founder of the company, was also pledged in 2018. The biggest change in 2019 is that the investors of financial capital, Wang Zheng, Shi Bo and Tang Yizhen, successively withdrew from Zhang Yucheng’s Wuren film and television culture.

However, Hard Sugar Jun prefers that the "money" of stellar gravity comes from Zhang Yucheng.According to the data of Zhang Yucheng searched on the Internet, he studied in Shenzhen International Exchange College, a famous aristocratic school in Shenzhen. He is a full-time international high school authorized by many foreign institutions, which specializes in training students going abroad. The annual tuition fee is as high as 278,000.

Zhang Yu graduated from University College London with a bachelor’s degree in statistics, economics and finance, and graduated from Cambridge University with a master’s degree in economics and finance. From 2013 to 2015, he worked in the investment banking department of Huatai United Securities, which ranked in the top five in China.

He should have started his business in 2015 and caught up with Wang Yizhen. The capital operation of stellar gravity is probably handled by Zhang Yucheng. In 2018, there may be some situations in the capital behind the two. But soon in July 2019, stellar gravity introduced the investment of iQiyi.

In August, 2020, Star Gravitation cooperated with Zhongshi Mingda Culture Media to establish Quality Gravitation Culture Media Company. The controlling party behind Zhongshi Mingda Culture Media is Tik Tok’s Quantum Jump Technology.In other words, after the investment of long video investor iQiyi, Stellar Gravity introduced the capital of short video byte system.

What’s more worth mentioning is that Wang Jianjun, the mysterious director of Stellar Gravity. He has the employment information of directors, supervisors and legal persons of 62 companies, among which there are many companies with state-owned background, belonging to China Huadian Group, Jinneng Holding Group and Shanxi Financial Investment Holding Group.

It seems that stellar gravity is not only a long and short video, but also a director with such a background. It is not surprising that he has money. However, if you have money, you will have money. If the gravity of the stars can really stably output high-quality ancient dolls, it will benefit the younger generation of viewers. Of course, it is best not to rot.

Avatar 2: the first choice for parent-child viewing on New Year’s Day, with special effects far exceeding Marvel superhero blockbusters.

On December 30th, Avatar: The Way of Water (hereinafter referred to as Avatar 2) exceeded $1.1 billion at the global box office. The film is not only a stunning blockbuster with extraordinary visual effects, but also a family film suitable for parent-child viewing.

The line "Children are our weakness and our armor" has aroused the emotional resonance of countless audiences. In the upcoming New Year’s Day holiday, Avatar 2 will still be the first choice for the audience in major movie markets around the world, including China.

As a super 3D visual blockbuster that James Cameron led the team for thirteen years, Avatar 2 is undoubtedly the biggest attraction to attract the audience with its highly realistic visual effects and amazing imagination.

The Pandora planet in the film not only has the fantastic deep forest, strange mountains and rocks, exotic animals and strange-looking Nami in the first film, but also has a magnificent and thrilling underwater world, magical marine life, giant Tukun and winged sea snakes, which obediently become the mount for Nami on the island reef to swim in the ocean.

Whether it’s the forest or the ocean, the mountain or the island reef on Pandora, the expressions or actions of people and animals, the skin or the hair are vivid and subtle, giving people a strong sense of reality that they are immersive and close at hand.

Near the end of the film, Colonel Miles Quaritch leads the earth people to kill Tukun in the ocean and kidnap Jack’s children as hostages. With the help of Nami on the island reef, Jack and his wife fight to the death, and the scene is particularly intense and wonderful.

Judging from the stunning 3D visual effects production level of the whole film, personally, it is far superior to Marvel Comics and DC superhero blockbusters, which undoubtedly represents the highest film industry level in Hollywood and even the world.

Earlier, Cameron criticized Marvel Comics and DC’s movies more than once, saying that Thanos’s motion capture performance in "The Avengers" series was poor. After watching Avatar 2, I found that this is not Cameron’s arrogance, but the fact is true.

Such a top-level visual special effects presentation comes from Cameron’s rich imagination, creative concept of Excellence, investment in shooting and production, and courage to explore and try advanced film technology.

According to media reports, when filming Avatar 2, Cameron moved a huge water tank with a capacity of 900,000 gallons into the studio to simulate the marine environment and truly present the underwater scene. He also developed a motion capture system for underwater shooting and designed and produced underwater 3D shooting equipment.

Although the plot of Avatar 2 is an old routine of Hollywood commercial blockbusters, and there are some logical problems, it shows a strong concept of family affection, and the golden lines about it are impressive, which has aroused the emotional resonance of countless audiences.

Colonel Miles Quaritch, the villain in the film, kidnapped Jack and his wife’s children three times to coerce and force them to submit. Even when the earth people who drive fishing boats hunt Tukun, they also take this despicable means to kill the pregnant Tukun mother.

I have to say,These earthlings are really bad, and they know that "children are the soft underbelly" is not only applicable to animals like humans and Tukun, but also beyond national boundaries and planetary boundaries.

At the end, the child rescued his parents from the underwater shipwreck, so the hero Jack said with emotion, "Children are our weakness and our armor." This Chinese translation line is ingeniously borrowed, which can be called an ingenious translation, and has aroused the emotional resonance of thousands of audiences in Qian Qian.

In addition, "the family will be together!" Other lines about family and affection in films such as "Being a father means protecting your family" also left a deep impression on the audience.

These plots and lines make Avatar 2 not only a stunning blockbuster with extraordinary visual effects, but also a family film suitable for the whole family, and it is the first choice for parents and children to watch movies during the New Year holiday.

According to the Guangzhou Daily reported on December 27th, the proportion of family viewing and parent-child viewing in the audience group of Avatar 2 continued to increase, and "giving children a valuable growing memory" was recognized by many parents and audiences.

Since Avatar 2 was released in the world’s major film markets on December 16th, its global box office of 434.5 million dollars in the first weekend, although it was lower than expected before the release, it still set a new box office record for James Cameron’s films in the same period.

Since then, the box office trend of the film is similar to Titanic and Avatar directed by Cameron, showing strong stamina and being another long-distance runner in the global film market.

According to foreign media reports, Disney, the producer of Avatar 2, predicts that the North American box office of the film is expected to be close to 400 million US dollars by the end of 2022, while the cumulative box office of Avatar in North America at the end of 2009 was 352 million US dollars.

On December 28th, the global box office of Avatar 2 exceeded US$ 1 billion, which was not only faster than that of North America, but also faster than some movie market observers predicted.

For this reason, the New Year’s Day holiday will be a good time for the parents of "Yangkang" in China to take their "soft spots" and go into the cinema to watch Avatar 2. Don’t miss the remaining 20 days.

# Football highlights

World football plays well every Friday.

The fifth goal, Bayer Leverkusen midfielder Velc, flicked around in the penalty area and singled out the other team’s entire defense. In the face of the opponent’s five-person double-team hitting the hand near the corner, with such performance, it seems that it is difficult for Vilt to stay in the pharmaceutical factory.

The fourth goal Tristan corner kick directly scored. This goal requires not only superb footwork, but also strong self-confidence. The corner kick directly breaks the door, and the high arc is the secret.

The third ball was hung upside down in the restricted area of Mitrovic, with an excellent angle and a heavy potential. Mitrovic (Riyadh Crescent 6-0 Mumbai City AFC Champions League), such high-quality goods as Mishen can be described as a blow to the Saudi League.

Palacios volleyed at almost the same position in the second ball, stretching his movements in one go. Froumy Nensai 5-3 goias Bajia. This ball is more beautiful and gives people a greater visual impact.

The first goal, Harry Kane’s shot in the middle of the field, is bold and has the charm of Beckham’s fame with one goal. This ball is expected to be selected for this year’s puskas award.

I haven’t seen such a wonderful goal for too long.

Thank you for your appreciation, and your attention is more exciting.

AFC publicly apologized and compensated China: Maintain the dignity of football!

Foreword of football world from a new perspective: Enthusiasm and order interweave. Welcome everyone to enter the football world. Here, we will discuss fairness, order and various stories behind football. I hope you can share this wonderful journey with me.

1. Controversial moment: What’s the meaning behind passion? In an Asian Games, a fierce confrontation between the China men’s soccer team and the Qatari team aroused widespread concern. In that game, the conflict between the two players not only increased the tension of the game, but also became the focus of media attention. In the end, although China successfully advanced, it also paid the price of players’ suspension and injury, and even suffered defeat in the follow-up matches. The AFC imposed a fine on this, and the issue of fine also caused many discussions outside.

2. Reflection on Asian football: Exploration of fairness and order Conflicts and disputes will not only affect the team’s performance, but also affect the fans’ enthusiasm for football. In order to ensure the fairness and order of the game, the Asian football community needs to reflect deeply and take corresponding measures. At the same time, the players should also show a more professional and disciplined attitude on the court to bring more exciting games to the fans.

3. Redefining Fairness: The Choice and Challenge of AFC Recently, AFC cancelled the qualification of direct promotion to the World Cup qualifiers, which caused widespread controversy. Some people think that this decision is more conducive to strong teams, while ignoring those teams affected by various reasons such as the epidemic. Fairness is not only a reflection of achievements, but also various factors behind it need to be fully considered.

4. The charm of football: not only competitive football is not only a competition, but also the intersection of emotions, enthusiasm and dreams. On this pitch, every player is fighting for honor and dreams. As fans, we should understand and support them. Conclusion: enthusiasm in order, order in enthusiasm In the world of football, enthusiasm and order are not contradictory. Every game is an exploration of fairness, discipline and enthusiasm. Let’s look forward to more exciting football.