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Interview with "Deep Sea Crisis" Action Guide | Why Jackie Chan Is Hard to Find "Jackie Chan"

1905 movie network feature "I also want to find a second Jackie Chan, but it’s very difficult and the market doesn’t need it."Recently, when talking about the current situation of the action actor market in the past few years, the eyes are red. The topic of Kung Fu actors finding successors has once again become the focus of public opinion.

With the advance of technology and the post-production of special effects, many dangerous action scenes no longer require actors to play in person. Coupled with the rise of other types of films, the situation of domestic action actors seems to be getting worse and worse.

As a famous action director in Hong Kong, he has a lot of intersections with Jackie Chan, and has served as action director and stunt director in the representative works of isomorphic action aesthetics.

How does Huang Mingsheng feel about Jackie Chan’s confusion? What are the action scenes worthy of attention in the new film directed by him as a martial arts instructor?

Head action actors are hard to come by

"I think this question is actually very natural, because there are not many kung fu superstars like Jackie Chan, they are all geniuses, and geniuses don’t happen often, so it’s normal." Under the spotlight, Huang Mingsheng said half-jokingly. In his opinion, there are many head action actors in China, such as,,, etc.

These actors themselves had a certain degree of martial arts skills, so they were more handy and entertaining when shooting action movies. They were among the action actors and could be met with rare talents.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer action actors, which is also due to various reasons.In the 1980s and 1990s, action movies became the hallmark of Hong Kong movies. Starring Jet Li, it also set off a nationwide frenzy for martial arts.In this context, the market demand for action movies was huge, and action actors naturally became the market’s darlings. The number of relevant practitioners was at its peak.

With the passage of time, the aesthetic ability and viewing taste of the mainstream audience of movies have quietly changed. The development trend of the film market in the new century, "a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend", has made the era of action movies no longer exist. The demand for the number of action actors has declined.

"Now that many genre films have developed in the market, you think the proportion of kung fu films and action films is decreasing, but it’s actually a good thing. This proves that the domestic film market is very inclusive." Huang Mingsheng admits that the current reduction in the proportion of action films and action actors in the market is actually a relative process. In addition, some well-known action actors in Hong Kong have been transformed into directors behind the scenes.

The improvement of the level of the domestic film industry, the maturity of green screen cutout and post-production special effects synthesis technology are also one of the reasons for the overall decrease in the number of action actors. In the early years, when these technologies were not yet mature, most of the dangerous action scenes required actors to complete the actual shooting.

In addition, the current film production model often requires more market recognition for actors than action ability. In addition to their own strong business, action actors also need a certain amount of box office appeal in order to have more acting opportunities. Under the combined effect of multiple factors, the golden age of action actors is gradually fading away.

What qualities does a qualified action actor need to possess?Huang Mingsheng admits that physical coordination is the most important. This is also the advantage of head action actors. Today’s martial arts guidance team can express movements in many ways. After a period of reasonable training, ordinary actors can also complete many movements themselves. But Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Wu Jing and other action actors with experience in martial arts since childhood will have a stronger visual impact and higher fluency.

In addition, a professional attitude and strict self-requirements are indispensable self-cultivation for an excellent action actor. In the development of domestic films, action actors are still a rigid demand.

Cultural and martial arts opera design concepts are similar

"In fact, the action design is actually the same as the literary drama. First of all, you need to understand the whole story and characters, and you need to design a reasonable and realistic style for the film." Huang Mingsheng, who has many years of experience in action directing, admits that the design concept of literary opera and martial arts is similar, and authenticity naturally becomes the key word for creation.

Click to watch the video: "Deep Sea Crisis" action guide Huang Mingsheng: The design principles of cultural and martial arts dramas are all the same

Produced, directed, and directed by Huang Mingsheng as a martial arts instructor, "Deep Sea Crisis" tells the story of the international nuclear weapons expert who was hijacked by terrorists and caused the world to tremble. Our public security counter-terrorism personnel worked closely with the Navy to finally resolve the crisis.

With such anti-terrorism works "relatively few in the history of Chinese cinema", Huang Jianxin bluntly said that filming was challenging. This is a fresh field that needs more exploration. For film action direction, it is also full of challenges.

In Huang Mingsheng’s opinion, every action scene in the movie is difficult, and each has its own difficulties. Among them, the good and evil parties chase each other on motorcycles and fly up the fishing row from the beach, and finally end with a big explosion scene, the most difficult to shoot.

Because of the live shooting, the fluctuation of the tide will change the distance from the shore of the fishing rafts and other props in real time. This requires the action guidance team to calculate the variables in advance, so that the movement route of the actors and motorcycles is within a safe range. In order to better present the screen effect of this scene, the actors conducted many rehearsals.

"Actually, we often encounter such a problem, even if the actor has some experience in making action movies before, it may not be consistent with our [action] design, so he will go through some training in the early stage." Huang Mingsheng’s better visual effects of action scenes cannot be separated from the cooperation of the actors. The professionalism of many actors in the film moved him.

The action scenes performed by the male lead not only required the use of professional grappling and fighting skills, but also some new moves designed by Huang Mingsheng. Yan Yikuan "has never done these moves before, and he has never faced the level of danger." The female lead actor of the film even started action training before the crew started filming.

After many years in the industry, Huang Mingsheng’s movement design philosophy is changing.At present, although many movies are not action movies in terms of genre, there are also many uses of action elements. In the past, the theme of Hong Kong action movies was to serve action elements, but now action elements are more to serve the theme of movies.

Currently, Huang Mingsheng is involved in the production of a science fiction action movie. In the future, he particularly hopes to have the opportunity to work with Wu Jing.

The "Wandering Earth" roadshow continues at the age of 65, Wu Mengda insists on hanging Weiya by himself

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film’s national college roadshow set off in full swing. On the 25th, the film’s main creators appeared in Guangzhou and Xi’an in two ways to share the film’s shooting process and feelings with the students. The students at the roadshow were full of "burning" and the atmosphere was warm. They expressed their feelings for the film and the creator’s "stubborn to the end" belief and spirit, and were full of expectations for Chinese science fiction! Next, the creators will also go to Zhengzhou, Wuhan and other cities to meet and interact with local students.

The film will be officially released on the first day of the new year in 2019, and the door to an imaginative future world is about to open.


Guangzhou Station exposes highlights of the film, Liu Cixin signs autographs for super fans

The original and executive producer Liu Cixin and director Guo Fan, starring Mike Sui, appeared in Guangzhou, Yangcheng, and greeted the students in Cantonese. The roadshow began with an undisclosed highlight, and the students expressed their dissatisfaction while shouting. Hidden in the highlight is an informative easter egg – Wu Jing appeared and showed everyone the behind-the-scenes process of the film shooting, and also shared his feelings during the performance. In the video, he shouted "Too hard!", which caused the students to laugh at the scene.

When talking about the feelings of participating in the film, Mr. Liu Cixin said bluntly: "As a science fiction writer, in fact, the richer your imagination is, the more weak you feel in words, and it is difficult for you to describe your imagination in words. As art, science fiction is particularly suitable for use of pictures and images to show."

Director Guo Fan said that Teacher Da Liu’s words inspired the film: "When the earth is in crisis, the way the Chinese choose is not to give up the earth and leave, but to install an engine on the earth and take the earth to wander. This is the culture of the Chinese people and the soul of our film." Mike Sui, who is in charge of "funny" in the film, was dubbed by the director as "an old artist with both virtues and art". As a "living treasure" at the event, he broke the news: "In fact, when he worked with director Guo Fan five years ago, he said he wanted to shoot a science fiction movie, and now his dream has finally come true."

In the "Me and My Stubbornness" interactive session, a big fan of Teacher Liu made a surprise appearance. He brought the magazine "Science Fiction World" (2000), which had first published the novel "Wandering Earth", to the scene. He had treasured the magazine for 18 years. Teacher Liu Cixin signed it on the spot and expressed his gratitude to his classmates. The super fan said excitedly: "Thank you Teacher Liu Cixin for creating so many excellent science fiction works, which has had a great impact on my life." There was also a child at the scene who raised his hand enthusiastically and asked why the creator wanted to create science fiction content. Director Guo Fan’s answer was impressive: "We hope that more and more children will pay attention to science, expand their imagination, and let them have more imagination and courage. Science fiction movies are a very important carrier."


Wu Mengda, 65, stubbornly insisted on hanging Weiya, calling Director Guo Fan a "crazy director"

The film stars Wu Mengda and Zhao Jinmai parachuted into the ancient city of Xi’an, and the arrival of Wu Mengda’s teacher sparked cheers from fans. The two creators had a warm exchange with their classmates, introducing their characters and sharing behind-the-scenes stories. Wu Mengda’s self-proclaimed role is "National Grandpa": "I played the grandpa of Duoduo and Liu Qi in the film. He dotes on his grandchildren very much. Although these two children are particularly naughty and don’t give people peace of mind, he sacrificed his all in order to let the children feel the emotion of’home ‘in the harsh environment." Zhao Jinmai, who plays Han Duoduo, introduced his role as a little rebellious at first, but eventually became particularly brave.

At the scene, both grandparents participated in the interaction on the topic of "me and my stubbornness" and shared their own stories of stubbornness. Stubbornness is also an emotion that runs through the film. Teacher Wu Mengda exclaimed "I’m so tired": "I’m in my 60s this year, and I’ve been acting in comedies for more than 40 years. This time, I challenge new genres with young people, and I have to inhale oxygen every time I finish filming. But for the sake of Chinese science fiction, I have to be stubborn with everyone to the end!" Zhao Jinmai said that his stubbornness is to do a good job in the career he likes, and at the same time, he also takes care of his studies. Because she happened to catch up with her high school entrance examination during the filming of "Wandering Earth", she is also brushing papers every day while filming.

When it comes to director Guo Fan, Mr. Wu Mengda directly commented on him as a "crazy director": "I have been filming for more than 40 years and have cooperated with many directors, but director Guo Fan is the most persistent person I have ever met. I also admire him from the bottom of my heart. His persistence is something that everyone should learn." Zhao Jinmai joked that the film is a "crazy director" who stubbornly challenges a new genre with a group of "crazy actors". When asked by classmates what life experience they can share, Mr. Wu Mengda shared seriously: "Every stage has different ideas, but I hope that no matter what you do, you will always be righteous and sincere."


"Platform + Park" empowers Deepin Line · Qingdao Station: Deepening platform application, CAOS helps create a new high ground for digital economy

  On December 16th, "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered Deepin Line · Qingdao Station was held online. This event was guided by the Organizing Committee of the World Industrial Internet Industry Conference and jointly organized by the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center, Haiercaos IoT Technology Co., Ltd., and Sino-German Ecological Park. It aims to promote the integrated development of "Platform + Park", create a new high ground for regional digital economy, deepen the application of industrial Internet platforms, and transform regional development momentum.

  Lu Yang, Deputy Director of Qingdao Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, He Xiaolong, Deputy Director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center, Tao Wei, Director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center System Institute, and other leaders attended and delivered speeches. Representatives of key industrial Internet platforms and industry enterprises attended and shared the keynote to jointly explore the practical experience and solutions to promote the development of "platform + park".

  Deeply empowered to promote the integrated development of "platform + park"

  As an important carrier for the comprehensive connection of all elements, the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain of the industrial economy, the industrial Internet platform empowers the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry while continuously expanding the scope of application. Promoting the integrated development of "Industrial Internet + Park" is an important measure to create a new high ground for the regional digital economy. It is of great significance for deepening the application of the industrial Internet platform, accelerating the digital transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises, and transforming the momentum of regional economic development.

  Lu Yang pointed out that in recent years, Qingdao City has adhered to the industrial Internet as the main thread connecting the economic development of the city, deeply implemented the "Industrial Empowerment Qingdao" and the "Four New Navigators", and took the lead in exploring the creation of a new type of industrialization "Qingdao Model" that empowers 100 industries to transform, data-driven upgrades of thousands of enterprises, and scenarios support application landing. In the next step, Qingdao City will lead the industry, replicate the model, and output capabilities to optimize the platform ecological construction model, strengthen the application scenario empowering model, and strengthen the international cooperation and opening model.

  He Xiaolong said that industrial parks are responsible for a series of important missions such as gathering innovative resources, cultivating emerging industries, and promoting urbanization. At present, the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center promotes ideas and practices for the work of "Platform + Park", and has achieved certain results in standard development, model system, and ecological cooperation. In the next step, the center will deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and actively promote the high-quality development of "Platform + Park".

  Tao Wei said that the research report on the "Industrial Internet + Platform" empowerment mechanism comprehensively expounds the development needs of the park, the platform empowerment mechanism, application scenarios, the digital construction of the park and policy suggestions, which will provide a useful reference for the construction of the industrial park and provide support for the digitization of the park.

  Multi-party discussions to build a new ecosystem for the industrial Internet industry

  During the event, around the practical experience and solutions of "Platform + Park", the participating industrial Internet platforms and industry enterprise representatives shared the theme, providing development suggestions and paths for the popularization of advanced experience and the promotion of excellent cases, and the construction of a new ecosystem of industrial Internet industry that can cooperate and win-win.

  Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park, Qingdao City Brain Investment and Development joint stock company operation director Zhong Xiaoyang shared the construction experience of Qingdao Free Trade Zone Sino-German Ecological Park from the aspects of park positioning, overall planning, platform construction, etc. He pointed out that based on the ability support of the industrial Internet platform Caos COSMOPlat, the park has created a one-stop full business process, full production factors, full value chain digital factory system platform, covering Client Server, order scheduling, design process, production execution, supply chain coordination and other ten core scenarios, becoming the world’s leading industrial Internet lighthouse base and the first batch of national industrial Internet demonstration parks.

  Feng Qingfeng, director of industry solutions at Haier Caos IoT Technology Co., Ltd., conducted an in-depth analysis of the practical cases of Caos COSMOPlat in energy, chemical industry, home appliances and other industrial parks around the three dimensions of pain points, solutions, and value-added sharing in the transformation of the park. Based on the industrial Internet empower path of points and lines, it introduced the overall idea of Caos COSMOPlat empowering scenarios, enterprises, parks, industries, and regions.

  Sun Yunlei, project owner of Anhui Tongling Henggang Smart Chemical Park, introduced the construction experience of Anhui Tongling Henggang Chemical Park around "Industrial Internet + Smart Chemical Park". Tang Zirui, Director of Technical Operations of Netroot Technology (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., introduced the experience of Handle Global Root Node. Xiong Pan, Director of Industry Marketing of Humi.com, based on the construction of Chongqing Smart Park, shared the park solution of Humi Industrial Internet Platform. Ao Min, Deputy General Manager of JD.com Industrial Internet Business Department, shared the theme of "Industrial Internet Drives New Industrial Supply Chain".

  From point to surface, create a new high ground for the regional digital economy

  If the digital transformation of a single park is the "point", then the driving role of the industrial Internet platform for industrial and regional transformation is the "surface". In recent years, in the special project "Gongfu Qingdao" launched in Qingdao, COSMOPlat helped Qingdao creatively create the "1 + N + X" industrial Internet empowering platform model, which set off a deep transformation of urban industrial digitalization.

  Along the practice path of "1 + N + X", Qingdao and Caos COSMOPlat built a comprehensive service platform for Qingdao industrial Internet enterprises, opened up 24 commissions, provided 946 public services, 281 empower services and 15,000 empower applications; built N vertical platforms, Caos COSMOPlat led the development of Qingdao’s "one super multi-professional" vertical industry platform echelon, with a total of 40 online platforms, serving nearly 90,000 enterprises, driving Qingdao’s industrial Internet industry cluster to be successfully selected as a strategic emerging industrial cluster in Shandong Province; to build X demonstration parks, Caos COSMOPlat empowered Sino-German high-end home appliances and Dongjiakou Chemical industry, high-tech zone "artificial intelligence + high-end equipment" and other industrial Internet demonstration parks, among which Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park was selected as the first batch of national industrial Internet park pilot demonstrations.

  The effect of this innovative model is solidly reflected in the growth curve of Qingdao’s urban industry leap. Up to now, Caos COSMOPlat has empowered more than 4,000 young enterprises, driving Qingdao’s new industrial output value to exceed 30 billion yuan. Relying on the experience of "Industrial Empowerment Qingdao", Caos COSMOPlat will replicate the "Qingdao Model" of empowering 100 industries to transform and upgrading thousands of enterprises with data gain to all parts of the country. A "digital story" like Qingdao is being staged in Deyang, Sichuan and Wuhu, Anhui.

  As an important place of economic growth and innovation, industrial parks contain a large number of enterprise entities, application scenarios and potential needs, providing a broad space for the innovation and development of the Industrial Internet. Taking this event as an opportunity, Qingdao will take the "Platform + Park" as an incision to undertake the mission of the times of digitalization and digital industrialization of industries with Chinese characteristics. And CAOS CSOMOPlat is playing an increasingly important role as a driver, which will help the "Qingdao Model" to bloom across the country and help the high-quality development of industrial parks.

Source: The Internet

Xiaomi Mi 4 compares to Huawei P7 disassembly: Who is better?

Leonardo Phoenix is a foundational model launched by the Leonardo AI platform, which has made breakthroughs in prompt following, image generation clarity, and AI research. The model provides higher quality image generation through architectural innovation, especially in the text generation of portraits, banners, posters, and logos. In addition, it also enhances creative control, allowing users to easily access and quickly modify generated content through prompt enhancement and AI prompt editing. Although some features such as image guidance, elements, and photo realism are not yet integrated, it is expected to be added in the near future.

Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. recalled some Chery Tiggo 8 PRO cars.

China Quality News Network News According to the website of the General Administration of Market Supervision on May 12, a few days ago, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. filed a recall plan with the State Administration of Market Supervision according to the requirements of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall and the Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall. It is decided to recall some Chery Tiggo 8 PRO cars produced from March 8, 2022 to August 18, 2022 from May 12, 2023, totaling 16,640 vehicles.

Due to the software problem of the integrated brake controller, when the intelligent headlight of the vehicle is in the "auto" position and the driver frequently switches the far and near lights and brakes, the integrated brake controller occasionally fails intermittently, which in extreme cases leads to hard braking and potential safety hazards. 

Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. will check the software version of the integrated brake controller for the recalled vehicles, and upgrade the vehicles that need to be upgraded to the improved software version free of charge to eliminate potential safety hazards. 

Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. will notify relevant users of the recall by telephone, SMS, registered letter and other forms. Users can call the customer service hotline of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. at 400-883-8888 or contact the authorized repair station of Chery to learn more about this recall. In addition, you can also visit www.dpac.org.cn, www.recall.org.cn, and follow the WeChat WeChat official account to learn more information and reflect the defect clues. 

Nobel prize in chemistry: researcher of lithium battery. Domestic experts: three professors deserve the prize.

John Goodenough (American, born in 1922)

Stanley Whittingham (American, born in 1941)

Akira Yoshino (Japan, born in 1948)

  The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to American solid-state physicists John Goodenough, Stanley Whittingham and Japanese chemist Akira Yoshino in recognition of their contributions in the field of lithium batteries. The three scientists will share the prize of 9 million Swedish kronor (about 910 thousand US dollars) equally.

  The reporter interviewed many professors from Nanjing University and Nanjing University of Technology. All the professors interviewed were unanimous: the three professors were well-deserved, especially the 97-year-old American solid-state physicist John Goodenough. "We all think that he should have won this award long ago."

  He set a new record for the oldest person.

  Haruki Murakami in the scientific community: 97 years old, working every day.

  This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry, besides the winning project "People-friendly", another highlight is Goodenough, a 97-year-old award-winning scientist. Previously, this record was held by arthur ashe King, an American scientist who won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 96. Because of Goodenough in the name (meaning "good enough"), Goodenough was also humorously called "good enough" by the outside world.

  For many years in a row, the "good enough" old man has been nominated, but he has been in a state of running with him. "Everyone thinks that the old man should have won this award long ago." Zhu Jixin, a professor at the Institute of Advanced Materials of Nanjing University of Technology, said that Goodenough has been nominated for the Nobel Prize many times, which is almost the "Haruki Murakami" in the scientific circle.

  Previously, Goodenough has made outstanding contributions in the field of magnetic materials. For him at that time, electrochemistry belonged to the nature of "playing with tickets". "Early batteries had low discharge capacity and energy storage density. Goodenough found lithium cobaltate with layered structure as the anode of the battery, and used metal materials other than lithium as the anode, which can realize high-density energy storage. " In this way, rechargeable lithium batteries can be commercialized.

  Now, the "good enough" old man who is over 90 years old still goes to work in the small office of the University of Texas at Austin every day. To this, he explained, "My work is not finished yet."

  "Good enough" in Professor Nanjing’s eyes: All-rounder in arts and sciences with high output, especially loving home.

  Many professors interviewed by this reporter are no strangers to Goodenough. Professor Jin Zhong from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Nanjing University told the reporter that Mr. Good enough is still studying new energy storage battery systems, especially high-safety solid-state lithium batteries, which maintain high-quality scientific research output every year. At some meetings, there is no lack of him. "He is very kind and approachable. He has many new ideas and has been breaking through himself. When he speaks the report, the organization is very clear. The articles he writes not only put forward new concepts, but also explain the principles very clearly. " Admiralty said that he has also taught a group of masters of making batteries, and his disciples are all in academia and industry.

  In academic circles, Goodenough’s "all-rounder" is also famous. From philosophy and other liberal arts disciplines to lithium battery research and other fields of science and engineering, Goodenough’s learning and scientific research stories across the liberal arts and sciences have become the benchmark for future generations to marvel at. Professor Zhou Haoshen from the Department of Energy, School of Modern Engineering and Applied Science, Nanjing University, told the reporter that Goodenough was still a "special family lover" and his life was very warm.

  prize motivation

  They make the use of lithium batteries "good enough"

  "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to three scientists, which gave a shot in the arm to the new energy field that has not won awards for many years." Professor Jin Zhong of Nanda University said that the Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to research in biochemistry and other fields for two consecutive years. This time, Mr. "Good enough" won the prize at the age of 97, which can be said to be widely expected. The award-winning research on lithium-ion batteries is a systematic research with traditional electrochemistry as the core and involving physics, chemistry, energy and materials.

  A Professor Hao Shen from Nanda Zhou introduced that the early nickel-cadmium batteries and lead-acid batteries had low energy density. In 1970s, Stanley Whittingham, one of the winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize, made the world’s first new lithium-ion battery with titanium sulfide as the cathode material and lithium metal as the cathode material.

  B This is undoubtedly a great progress of mobile power supply, but it has a lot of hidden dangers, because lithium metal is active, so the battery will be in danger of explosion. In order to solve this problem, Goodenough predicted that if the positive electrode was made of a metal oxide containing lithium instead of a metal sulfide, the battery would have a greater potential. In 1980, Goodenough invented the most important component in lithium batteries, lithium cobaltate cathode material. Nowadays, most portable electronic devices all over the world use this cathode material.

  C Since then, Japanese scientist Akira Yoshino has discovered that the negative electrode can be made of carbon material and does not contain any metal. Matching the positive electrode discovered by Goodenough, he invented the first commercially feasible lithium-ion battery in 1990. Instead of using metallic lithium as the cathode, he used graphite, a carbon material that can insert lithium ions like lithium cobaltate as the cathode.

  In 1991, the lithium-ion battery jointly invented by Akira Yoshino and Goodenough was put on the market by Sony, which marked the large-scale use of lithium-ion batteries. The original brick-like "mobile phone" no longer exists, and it is replaced by a thin mobile phone that uses lithium batteries and "slim down" the parts together.

  At present, both electric vehicle technology and mobile electronic technology are based on the vigorous development of lithium batteries, which makes our life "good enough".

  How to solve the problem of battery spontaneous combustion and slow charging?

  "Super Battery" is on its way.

  The cooperation between Akira Yoshino and Goodenough has made the lithium battery with high explosion risk safe, but readers will surely ask, why do the news of spontaneous combustion or explosion of mobile phone batteries still occasionally appear in newspapers? Admiralty explained that the fire and burning accidents of mobile phones and electric vehicles will be reported every once in a while in the news, precisely because the safety of lithium batteries is still not satisfactory. It can be said that people are still not completely satisfied with the performance of lithium-ion batteries, and further technological innovation is needed to develop a battery with high energy density, good safety, long cycle life and no pollution to the environment, which is exactly what people are looking forward to.

  In addition, our common "complaints" about the lack of fast charging and large capacity of lithium batteries are also the future development direction of lithium batteries. Zhou Haoshen said that the "technological revolution" of lithium batteries is still on the road, and there are three main innovations: the energy density, power density and safety factor of batteries should be made higher. But there is a problem that you can’t have your cake and eat it. Therefore, Goodenough, a 97-year-old "good enough" old man, still insists on the front line of scientific research, just to solve these problems. Perhaps in the future, "super battery" will be successfully born, and new electrons with high energy density, such as lithium air battery, metal battery and lithium sulfur battery, will better change our lives.

  A doctor from NTU has just become a "good enough" postdoctoral fellow.

  In Nanjing University Institute of Technology, Zhou Haoshen’s lithium battery research group specializes in the research of new electrochemical energy storage materials and technologies, including lithium-ion batteries, and keeps in communication with Goodenough’s research group.

  The reporter learned that a doctor who graduated from Nantah Institute of Technology also successfully applied for a postdoctoral position in Goodenough’s research group, officially went to the United States in September this year and began to follow Professor Goodenough as a postdoctoral position. Professor Zhou Haoshen revealed, "Yesterday, the postdoctoral fellow was still with ‘ Good enough ’ The old man discussed the work of NTU solid lithium air battery and agreed to cooperate. " (Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu News reporter Yang Tianzi)

Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition went on the market, with a price of 1298-176,800 yuan.

(Text/Liu Huiying Editor/Zhang Guangkai) On April 7, 2023, BYD 2023 Champion Edition was officially listed, with an official guide price of 129,800 yuan-176,800 yuan.

At the beginning of 2023, BYD launched the 2023 Champion Edition with an entry price of 99,800 yuan, which made BYD’s price drop to less than 100,000 yuan for the first time. At the beginning of listing, this car has aroused strong repercussions, which can be driven by pure electricity, with high configuration, strong performance and cheaper price, and has brought heavy blows to joint venture compact cars such as Sylphy, Corolla and so on.

In the month when BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition went on the market, Qin family achieved the top sales of all kinds of cars with the sales volume of 30,540 vehicles; The sales volume of Qin family reached 40,850 units in March, setting a new high for all kinds of cars.

Qin PLUS EV, which is newly listed this time, has also won the pure electric A sedan championship for many times. Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition launched a total of six models, all of which upgraded the core technology of E platform 3.0, and the starting price reached 120,000.

Technically, the new car upgrades the core technology of E-platform 3.0 and is equipped with a wide temperature range high-efficiency heat pump system, which reduces the energy consumption of air conditioners by 40% under low temperature conditions and greatly improves the low-temperature cruising range; With the eight-in-one electric powertrain, the volume and weight of the system are reduced by 10%, and the comprehensive working condition efficiency is 89%.

In terms of power performance, the maximum power of the vehicle motor is increased to 150kW, and the acceleration time of 0-50km/h is increased to 3.8 seconds; Equipped with blade battery, CLTC can last up to 610km under comprehensive working conditions, and its comprehensive energy consumption is as low as 12.5kWh/100km.

Appearance, this model and the current design remain the same. The front face follows the design language of "DragonFace", with a closed front grille and a heavy downward-pressed front head. The headlights are designed in the shape of "arrow feather", but the interior has been added with a jet blue appearance and a warm sun brown interior.

In terms of seats, the integrated sports seat adds a punching process, which not only improves the heat dissipation, but also cooperates with the cloud cushion with better wrapping, which increases the comfort of driving.

In terms of intelligent network connection, the 2023 Champion Edition replaced the 8.8-inch full LCD instrument, and was equipped with DiLink 4.0 intelligent network connection system. According to different models, it provided 10.1-inch and 12.8-inch central control panels, and the 12.8-inch central control panel also supported adaptive rotation function.

In addition, the car will also be equipped with mobile phone NFC car keys, remote control driving and other functions, and equipped with electric sunroof, front electric seat adjustment, rear air outlet and other configurations.

Qin PLUS, on behalf of China brand in the car market, broke the monopoly market pattern of joint venture car enterprises. If the 99,800 Qin PLUS DM-i has penetrated the price moat of joint-venture fuel vehicles, then the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS EV 2023 will allow pure electric A sedan to enter the hinterland of fuel prices, which is expected to give China brand the right to speak in the future.

Dongguan Extreme Krypton 001 price cuts hit, with a special price of 269,000! Act quickly.

If you are looking for a high-performance, high-quality electric vehicle, it must be your first choice. At present, Krypton 001 is carrying out preferential promotion activities, with a preferential amount of 37,000 yuan and a starting price of only 269,000 yuan. This preferential activity is under way in Dongguan, so you can easily buy this excellent electric car. If you want to know more about Krypton 001, please click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.


Krypton 001 is a luxury electric car with a sense of technology and futurity, and its design is very attractive. The front face adopts a streamlined design, and the lines are simple and smooth, showing a sense of movement and strength. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which makes the whole vehicle look smoother and more exquisite. The body adopts two-color design, with chrome decoration and LED headlights, which makes the whole car look more fashionable and luxurious. The overall style is simple and atmospheric, full of modernity and science and technology, which shows the high-end positioning and unique charm of Krypton brand.


Kykrypton 001 is a luxury electric car, with the body length, width and height of 4977*1999*1533mm, the wheelbase of 3005mm, the front tread of 1703mm and the rear tread of 1716mm respectively. The body lines are smooth, showing an elegant curve and showing a dynamic style. The front and rear tyre size are both 255/55 R19, and the rim adopts fashionable multi-spoke design, which increases the sense of movement and fashion of the vehicle. Generally speaking, the design of Krypton 001 is very attractive, and it is a luxury and sporty electric car.


The interior design style of Krypton 001 is simple and atmospheric, and it is made of high-quality leather, giving people a sense of advanced. The steering wheel adopts the way of electric up and down+front and rear adjustment, which is convenient for the driver to adjust to the best driving posture. The central control screen has a size of 15.05 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C interfaces, which are convenient for charging and connecting devices. The front seats are also equipped with heating, ventilation and massage functions, as well as electric seat memory function, which can store the seat adjustment preferences of the driver and co-pilot. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion to provide more storage space. In a word, the interior design of Krypton 001 is comfortable and practical, which provides a good driving experience for drivers and passengers.


The engine of Krypton 001 has a maximum power of 580 kW and a maximum torque of 810 N m.. This engine has a strong power output, providing excellent acceleration performance and driving experience for drivers. At the same time, its high torque output also provides excellent climbing ability and overtaking ability for vehicles, allowing drivers to easily control in various road conditions. In addition, the engine of Krypton 001 also adopts advanced technology, which significantly improves its fuel economy and saves the cost of vehicles for users. Whether it is daily commuting or long-distance travel, Krypton 001 can bring excellent driving experience and comfort to drivers.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, he mentioned that the body line of Krypton 001 is smooth and the profile is simple, giving people a sense of stability and atmosphere. He specifically mentioned the futuristic body color "electro-optic blue", which sparkled with deep luster in the sun and made people shine. In the front part, the front shape is very aggressive, the air intake grille is wide and blackened, and it is impressive with sharp headlights on both sides. Compared with other electric vehicles, the front design of the Krypton 001 is more personalized, without too complicated design elements, but it is unforgettable. The waist line of the door is high and straight, which perfectly blends with the window frame, making the whole body look more harmonious. The lines on the trunk lid outline a perfect arc, which echoes the shape of the rear of the car. On the whole, the design of Krypton 001 not only has the style of luxury car, but also has a sense of science and technology, which is a very attractive model.

Car breakfast | Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horse

Car breakfast | Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horseCar breakfast | Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horse

home news

Five departments launched the pilot demonstration action of intelligent manufacturing in 2023.

On August 1st, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, the General Office of the Ministry of Finance, the General Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the General Office of the General Administration of Market Supervision launched the pilot demonstration of intelligent manufacturing in 2023. We will select a number of outstanding scenes of intelligent manufacturing, build a number of intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and smart supply chains in a way of revealing the list, select a number of leading enterprises in various industries and fields, and promote the high-quality development of intelligent manufacturing.

The National Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry Metrology and Testing Center was accepted and established.

The General Administration of Market Supervision recently officially approved the establishment of the National Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry Metrology and Testing Center based on Shanghai Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. Intelligent networked vehicles are still in the initial stage of industrialization, with key components such as millimeter-wave radar, image recognition camera, laser radar, high-precision satellite positioning system (GPS, Beidou, etc.) and vehicle-mounted wireless communication module, as well as advanced driving assistance systems of intelligent networked vehicles, such as adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane keeping assistance system (LKA), emergency braking system (AEBS), automatic parking system (AP) and blind area monitoring system (AP).

Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "license restrictions" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and supporting Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other major automobile cities to implement car purchase subsidies and trade in old ones.

On August 1, the relevant person in charge of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce told the media that in the second half of the year, we will focus on mass consumption, cultural tourism consumption, sales leaders and county consumption. At present, Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Support Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other automobile major cities to implement car purchase subsidies, trade in old vehicles for new ones, and expand the sales of new energy vehicles.

Jiangxi will issue 100 million yuan coupons, including car coupons.

Recently, Jiangxi Province issued "Several Measures on Further Promoting and Expanding Consumption", which stated that in the second half of this year, Jiangxi will arrange 100 million yuan of provincial-level business development funds for issuing consumer vouchers, an increase of 30 million yuan over last year. The coupons are divided into four categories, namely, automobile coupons, household appliances coupons, catering coupons and furniture coupons.

international news

Toyota’s net profit in the first fiscal quarter reached 1.31 trillion yen, a year-on-year increase of 78%.

On August 1st, Toyota announced its consolidated financial report for the first fiscal quarter from April to June (International Accounting Standards), and its operating profit increased by 94% year-on-year to 1.12 trillion yen. Operating income increased by 24% to 10.55 trillion yen; Net profit increased by 78% to 1.31 trillion yen.

Hyundai Motor sold about 335,000 vehicles worldwide in July, up 1.2% year-on-year.

On August 1st, Hyundai Motor announced that its global sales in July 2023 was 334,968 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%. From January to July, the global sales volume of Hyundai Motor was 2,416,508 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 9.3%.

Exxon Mobil is reported to be negotiating with Tesla and Ford on lithium supply.

On July 31, according to people familiar with the matter, ExxonMobil is negotiating with Tesla, Ford, Volkswagen and other automakers to supply them with lithium. Negotiations with potential customers are still in the early stage, and the company has not yet made plans for potential lithium business.

The Japan Commercial Vehicle Alliance will put garbage collection vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells into practical use this year.

On August 1, according to Japanese media reports, Japan’s commercial vehicle alliance centered on Toyota will put garbage collection vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells into practical use this year. First of all, it will be introduced in Fukuoka City and will be promoted to other local governments. The project is implemented by "Commercial Japanese Partner Technology Company" (CJPT) funded by Toyota, Isuzu and Suzuki.

Enterprise news

SAIC: In July, SAIC sold 91,000 new energy vehicles, a record high in the year.

On August 1st, according to preliminary statistics, SAIC sold 91,000 new energy vehicles in July, continuing the good monthly growth since January, hitting a new high in the year. Among them, SAIC passenger cars (including overseas bases) sold 28,000 new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 29%; For the first time, the sales of new energy vehicles of SAIC-Volkswagen and SAIC-GM "both broke through 10,000". SAIC-Volkswagen sold 13,000 new energy vehicles and SAIC-GM sold 10,000 new energy vehicles, up 93% year-on-year. SAIC-GM-Wuling sells 35,000 new energy vehicles.

Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an sold 45,025 vehicles in July, up 80% year-on-year.

On August 1st, GAC Aian officially released the sales data of July this year and January-July this year, among which the sales volume in July this year was 45,025 units, up 80% year-on-year, while the cumulative sales volume in January-July was 254,361 units, up 103% year-on-year.

Jianghuai responded to the cooperation with Huawei to develop MPV with a price of about 1 million yuan: no relevant notice was received.

According to media reports, Guo Ming, an analyst of Tianfeng International Securities, issued a document saying that Huawei and Jianghuai Automobile are cooperating to develop the MPV with a price of about 1 million yuan, which is expected to be mass-produced in the second quarter of 2024, and the sales target is to deliver 50,000 vehicles in the first year of listing. In this regard, Huawei said it would not comment. Relevant personnel of Jianghuai Automobile responded that "no relevant notice was received." The staff of Jianghuai Automobile Securities Department said, "Huawei is the technical supplier of Jianghuai Automobile, and the company has strategic cooperation with Huawei. The relevant information is subject to the announcement."

Zotye Auto: The actual controller of the company has not lost contact.

Zotye Auto said on the interactive platform on July 31 that the company’s actual controller has not lost contact, and the company can normally contact the actual controller and communicate with the company’s related business. The actual controller also maintains close contact with the company’s board of directors and related personnel. The actual controller of the company has offices in many places and travels a lot, and the office location is not completely fixed.

Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horse

On August 1st, Ford Electric Horse issued a statement on the change of sales, service and users’ operation entities, saying that from August 1st, 2023, the sales, after-sales service and users’ operation entities of Ford Electric Horse will be changed from Ford China Electric Vehicle Division to Changan Ford.

Weilai: 20,462 new cars were delivered in July, up 103.6% year-on-year.

On August 1, Weilai announced that in July 2023, Weilai delivered 20,462 new cars, up 103.6% year-on-year and 91.1% quarter-on-quarter, and the delivery volume reached a record high.

LI sold 32,500 vehicles from July 1st to 30th.

On August 1st, according to LI, in the 31st week of 2023 (July 24-July 30), LI’s weekly sales reached 7900 vehicles. As of July 30th, the monthly sales volume of LI has reached 32,500 vehicles.

Extreme krypton cars delivered 12,039 vehicles in July, up 139.7% year on year.

On August 1st, Geely Holding’s high-end intelligent electric brand announced that the company delivered 12,039 vehicles in July, up 139.7% year-on-year and 13.4% quarter-on-quarter. As of July, a total of 132,620 vehicles have been delivered.

The sales of zero-run cars reached 14,335 units in July.

On August 1st, Zero Run Automobile said that in July 2023, the sales volume of Zero Run Automobile reached 14,335 units, and the monthly sales volume continued to grow, with the delivery of C series exceeding 12,000 units.

A notice of the major version update of the domestic game "Tribal Survivor": new forces, new buildings and Spring Festival activities will be launched.

The domestic construction and operation game "Tribal Survivor" recently announced a major version update notice, and new forces, new buildings and recipes and Spring Festival activities will be launched. Let’s take a look!

Wandering stars

Original official announcement:

Advance notice of major version update

As you can see, we didn’t release this week’s routine update because we were concentrating.Try to be in China before the New YearComplete the release of major version. This major version includes the following contents:

Brand-new power system

Redo the trade mechanism

New wonders architecture

Theme of Spring Festival activities

Power system

We have added five new forces, four of which are from unique cultural areas, and their prestige level will gradually increase with the completion of the event and the trade.

Wandering stars

In the end, these forces will provide you with as many as 25 new buildings, 4 new crops and 17 new formulas. As for the fifth one, he is the fat trader who squeezed the fruits of your hard work in the previous game.

In addition, the brand-new trade and spectacle adjustment will also be highly related to these forces, and the content of trade and spectacle will be introduced in detail in the next part.

We hope that the participation of these forces will bring you more interesting content. Before we formally meet with you, let me introduce some of them that may interest you.

New architecture and recipes

A new crop: cactus

Wandering stars

Well, we know that the cactus in everyone’s mind is a desert plant, and I guarantee that the desert map will appear in the game in the future (provided that our art students who work overtime continuously put down their knives first).

New building: Quetzalcoatl Temple

Wandering stars

The Quetzalcoatl Temple from Mayan civilization is supposed to be mainly used for prayer and sacrifice, but in the game, it will serve as the soul of citizens and bury the dead citizens.

I know that many friends who are familiar with South American culture will hold different opinions on the function of this sacred building. But! Infinite graveyard, dear, it’s better than burning it in the river as many "cruel" players demand, isn’t it?

New formula: bamboo basket

Wandering stars

Only the basic raw material "bamboo" is needed to make a backpack column consumable, which is a mass production benefit. How did bamboo come from? We’ll know when the time comes,

Yes, the panda is a lie, and the picture has nothing to do with it (I don’t care, Meng is justice). There are more interesting contents, and I can meet you in a few days, so stay tuned.

New wonders of architecture

There is good news and bad news about spectacle buildings: the good news is that we have added two new spectacle buildings;

The bad news is that in the future games, the spectacle architecture will become the highest level of power and prestige unlocking content. In other words, friends who have not experienced the spectacle architecture, seize the last chance.

A new wonder: the grand palace

The prototype of the Grand Palace is the Hanyuan Palace, the core building of the Daming Palace in the Tang Dynasty. As one of the largest forces of human civilization at that time, the Tang Dynasty managed the largest population on the earth with an efficient official system, and they maintained a very friendly relationship with other civilizations at that time.

The effect of the grand palace also comes from the characteristics of this great empire:

The grand palace is a special city hall building, which will have all the functions of the city hall; It also has an additional 5 mayor slots, allowing the player’s city to hire up to 10 mayors; Its completion will increase the reputation of players and any other forces by 100%.

Wandering stars

Trade redo

Wandering stars

Generally speaking, apart from the original merchant ship visits, we have redone the whole trade system, and at the same time, the whole branch of trade science and technology has also been redone.

The new trading system will bring you the following conveniences and opportunities:

A more relaxed starting point

The basic trade building is now open by default, which means that you can start earning the initial money without relying on the technology tree.

Automatic transaction

Compared with before, you may need to spend more time setting trade targets and implementing trade caravans, but after these settings are completed, the caravans can regularly sell and buy goods according to your settings. Now players can really concentrate on developing advantageous industries in exchange for the circulation of scarce materials. I hope this will enrich the development options of the game and avoid the embarrassment that players have to produce all the materials themselves or order materials at high prices.

Wandering stars

Market price mechanism

There is a difference between the buying and selling prices of goods, and forces will pay higher returns for their favorite goods according to their needs, which means that if you have enough time to pay attention to these prices, you can even make direct profits through trade.

Of course, the market is not immutable. Dumping will bring down the price, and purchasing will bring up the price. Powerful businessmen are not mentally retarded, but if you are good at stock investment and the like, it is not a problem to crush the IQ of NPC.

Wandering stars


If conditions permit, you can buy an insurance for your caravan, whether on land or at sea. The insurance will provide you with some compensation in case of caravan distress and avoid a one-time excessive loss.

As for why and when the caravan is in distress, we choose to pretend that this is not a big problem. By the way, the risk of shipping is far greater than that of land, which should be known to all.

activities for Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important reunion festival in China every year.

As a team from China, we made some contents related to this festival especially during the Spring Festival.

Maybe this is just a routine operation for China players, but we sincerely hope that players from other parts of the world can share the fun of this special festival.

paste up the "Fu" Character

Wandering stars

Sticking the word "blessing" is a traditional custom in China during the New Year. Every household will stick the word "blessing" on the door and wall during the Spring Festival. The word "paste blessing" has pinned people’s yearning for a happy life and wishes for a better future. But you may find that people often paste the word "fu" upside down. Why?

Of course, it’s not because there is no culture. This is because in order to fully reflect the yearning and wishes for happiness, the people simply paste the word "fu" upside down, indicating that "happiness has fallen (arrived)". An interesting homophonic stalk represents people’s beautiful vision of a happy life.

Players who have read this passage, you now know what to do when there is a blessing event in the game. You see, those players who haven’t read the update announcement may choose the wrong one.

The legend of nian

Wandering stars

Nian beast, also known as "Xi", is a kind of monster in ancient myths and legends in China. It is said that Nian beast would invade villages all over the country at midnight at the end of the year, bringing terrible disasters. In order to drive away Nian beast, people finally found the weakness of Nian beast and successfully drove it out. People all over the world always get together to celebrate at the most important festivals, but the reasons for gathering in stories are always different, which is really wonderful. Here, we also invite players from all over the world to share the stories behind your festivals with us. Maybe we can restore these interesting stories in the game to share the joy from various cultures and regions with you.

After the update, you will know how Nian beast was defeated. Before that, guess what it is most afraid of.

Lantern festival lantern

On the 15th day after the New Year in China, it is another special festival: Lantern Festival, which means the official end of the New Year Festival in China.

Wandering stars

People will hold Lantern Festival in the bustling streets of towns. In many cities where rivers pass, people will exile lanterns in the rivers. In addition, solve riddles on the lanterns is also an important activity of the Lantern Festival. People write riddles on paper and put lanterns and lanterns for people to guess. Riddles are enlightening and interesting, so they are loved by all walks of life in the process of spreading. Many times, solving puzzles will bring some extra rewards.

Tribal Survivor is a town building game, and you will lead survivors to open up new homes. Rely on a small amount of materials to deal with natural and man-made disasters, ensure the health and happiness of citizens, choose different development routes to bring unique advantages, and finally establish a prosperous town with a large population and unique characteristics.

For more information, please pay attention to: