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The "Wandering Earth" roadshow continues at the age of 65, Wu Mengda insists on hanging Weiya by himself

1905 movie network news A few days ago, the film’s national college roadshow set off in full swing. On the 25th, the film’s main creators appeared in Guangzhou and Xi’an in two ways to share the film’s shooting process and feelings with the students. The students at the roadshow were full of "burning" and the atmosphere was warm. They expressed their feelings for the film and the creator’s "stubborn to the end" belief and spirit, and were full of expectations for Chinese science fiction! Next, the creators will also go to Zhengzhou, Wuhan and other cities to meet and interact with local students.

The film will be officially released on the first day of the new year in 2019, and the door to an imaginative future world is about to open.


Guangzhou Station exposes highlights of the film, Liu Cixin signs autographs for super fans

The original and executive producer Liu Cixin and director Guo Fan, starring Mike Sui, appeared in Guangzhou, Yangcheng, and greeted the students in Cantonese. The roadshow began with an undisclosed highlight, and the students expressed their dissatisfaction while shouting. Hidden in the highlight is an informative easter egg – Wu Jing appeared and showed everyone the behind-the-scenes process of the film shooting, and also shared his feelings during the performance. In the video, he shouted "Too hard!", which caused the students to laugh at the scene.

When talking about the feelings of participating in the film, Mr. Liu Cixin said bluntly: "As a science fiction writer, in fact, the richer your imagination is, the more weak you feel in words, and it is difficult for you to describe your imagination in words. As art, science fiction is particularly suitable for use of pictures and images to show."

Director Guo Fan said that Teacher Da Liu’s words inspired the film: "When the earth is in crisis, the way the Chinese choose is not to give up the earth and leave, but to install an engine on the earth and take the earth to wander. This is the culture of the Chinese people and the soul of our film." Mike Sui, who is in charge of "funny" in the film, was dubbed by the director as "an old artist with both virtues and art". As a "living treasure" at the event, he broke the news: "In fact, when he worked with director Guo Fan five years ago, he said he wanted to shoot a science fiction movie, and now his dream has finally come true."

In the "Me and My Stubbornness" interactive session, a big fan of Teacher Liu made a surprise appearance. He brought the magazine "Science Fiction World" (2000), which had first published the novel "Wandering Earth", to the scene. He had treasured the magazine for 18 years. Teacher Liu Cixin signed it on the spot and expressed his gratitude to his classmates. The super fan said excitedly: "Thank you Teacher Liu Cixin for creating so many excellent science fiction works, which has had a great impact on my life." There was also a child at the scene who raised his hand enthusiastically and asked why the creator wanted to create science fiction content. Director Guo Fan’s answer was impressive: "We hope that more and more children will pay attention to science, expand their imagination, and let them have more imagination and courage. Science fiction movies are a very important carrier."


Wu Mengda, 65, stubbornly insisted on hanging Weiya, calling Director Guo Fan a "crazy director"

The film stars Wu Mengda and Zhao Jinmai parachuted into the ancient city of Xi’an, and the arrival of Wu Mengda’s teacher sparked cheers from fans. The two creators had a warm exchange with their classmates, introducing their characters and sharing behind-the-scenes stories. Wu Mengda’s self-proclaimed role is "National Grandpa": "I played the grandpa of Duoduo and Liu Qi in the film. He dotes on his grandchildren very much. Although these two children are particularly naughty and don’t give people peace of mind, he sacrificed his all in order to let the children feel the emotion of’home ‘in the harsh environment." Zhao Jinmai, who plays Han Duoduo, introduced his role as a little rebellious at first, but eventually became particularly brave.

At the scene, both grandparents participated in the interaction on the topic of "me and my stubbornness" and shared their own stories of stubbornness. Stubbornness is also an emotion that runs through the film. Teacher Wu Mengda exclaimed "I’m so tired": "I’m in my 60s this year, and I’ve been acting in comedies for more than 40 years. This time, I challenge new genres with young people, and I have to inhale oxygen every time I finish filming. But for the sake of Chinese science fiction, I have to be stubborn with everyone to the end!" Zhao Jinmai said that his stubbornness is to do a good job in the career he likes, and at the same time, he also takes care of his studies. Because she happened to catch up with her high school entrance examination during the filming of "Wandering Earth", she is also brushing papers every day while filming.

When it comes to director Guo Fan, Mr. Wu Mengda directly commented on him as a "crazy director": "I have been filming for more than 40 years and have cooperated with many directors, but director Guo Fan is the most persistent person I have ever met. I also admire him from the bottom of my heart. His persistence is something that everyone should learn." Zhao Jinmai joked that the film is a "crazy director" who stubbornly challenges a new genre with a group of "crazy actors". When asked by classmates what life experience they can share, Mr. Wu Mengda shared seriously: "Every stage has different ideas, but I hope that no matter what you do, you will always be righteous and sincere."


Xiaomi Group-W (01810. HK): In the fourth quarter of 2023, the revenue of smartphone business was 44.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.6%.

On the evening of March 19th, 2024, Xiaomi Group -W(01810.HK) reported that the revenue of smartphone business in 2023 was RMB 157.5 billion, and the global smartphone shipments were 146 million units. In the fourth quarter of 2023, the revenue of smartphone business was RMB 44.2 billion, up by 20.6% year-on-year, and returned to year-on-year growth after seven consecutive quarters of year-on-year decline. In the fourth quarter, global smartphone shipments reached 40.5 million units, up 23.9% year-on-year, significantly exceeding the growth rate of the global market.

Announcement of Listed Companies in Shenzhen (September 5)

  79,770,600 restricted shares of Bear Electric were listed and circulated on September 7.

  () Announced that the number of shares released from restricted sale this time is 79.7706 million shares, accounting for 51.14% of the company’s total share capital; The date of listing and circulation of the restricted shares this time is Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

  Haofeng Technology: Stop planning for major asset restructuring and resume stock trading.

  () It was announced on the evening of September 4th that the company planned to purchase the equity of Shenzhen Jianguang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. by issuing shares and paying cash, and the company’s shares were suspended from trading on August 22nd. On the afternoon of September 2, the company received a notice from Beijing Jianguang Asset Management Co., Ltd. that it could not complete all the required approval procedures during the company’s suspension, and applied to terminate the promotion of related transactions. After careful study, the company decided to stop planning this major asset restructuring, and the company’s shares resumed trading on Monday, September 5. Termination of this major asset restructuring will not affect the normal operation of the company.

  Tongyu Communication: There are no major events that should be disclosed due to abnormal fluctuations in stock trading.

  () On the evening of September 4th, it was announced that the deviation of the daily closing price of the company’s shares in three consecutive trading days exceeded 20%, which was an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading. The company has not found that the public media has recently reported undisclosed information that may or has had a great impact on the company’s stock trading price; The company’s disclosed operating conditions and internal and external operating environment have not changed significantly; Upon verification, the Company, the controlling shareholder and the actual controller have no major matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed, and there are no major matters in the planning stage; The controlling shareholder and actual controller did not buy or sell the company’s shares during the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading.

  Haofeng Technology stopped planning major asset restructuring and resumed trading on September 5.

  Haofeng Technology announced that the company intends to purchase the equity of Shenzhen Jianguang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. by issuing shares and paying cash. The company’s shares were suspended from trading on August 22, 2022. After careful study, the company decided to stop planning this major asset restructuring, and the company’s shares will resume trading on Monday, September 5, 2022.

  315,000 restricted shares of Zhongke Electric will be listed and circulated on September 8.

  () Announced that there is one incentive object that meets the conditions for lifting the restricted sales this time, and the number of restricted shares lifted this time is 315,000 shares, accounting for 0.0435% of the company’s current total share capital; The listing and circulation date of the restricted shares released this time is September 8, 2022.

  Chunxing Seiko: The subsidiary received the notice of hearing on administrative punishment from the Bureau of Ecology and Environment.

  () It was announced on the evening of September 4th that Chunxing Foundry (Suzhou Industrial Park) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, recently received the Notice of Administrative Punishment Hearing issued by the Ecological Environment Bureau of Suzhou Industrial Park. The company attaches great importance to this matter and requires its subsidiaries to actively prepare relevant materials and seriously treat legal rights such as statements and defenses; The Company will strengthen the supervision and guidance on the production and operation management of subsidiaries, strengthen the cultivation of employees’ awareness of environmental protection, and strictly implement relevant environmental protection systems, norms and standards, so as to promote the sustained, healthy and stable development of enterprises. The company will take this as a warning and further strengthen the environmental protection awareness of its subsidiaries. The matters that Chunxing Foundry, a subsidiary, received the notice of administrative penalty hearing will not affect the normal production and operation of the company and its subsidiaries, nor will it have a significant adverse impact on the company’s financial status and operating results.

  Chunxing Seiko Subsidiary received the notice of hearing on administrative punishment from the Bureau of Ecology and Environment.

  Chunxing Seiko announced that Chunxing Foundry (Suzhou Industrial Park) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chunxing Foundry"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, recently received the Notice of Administrative Punishment Hearing (Su Yuan Huan Xing Gao Zi [2022] No.061) issued by the Ecological Environment Bureau of Suzhou Industrial Park. The relevant information is hereby announced as follows:

  On June 2, 2022, the environmental law enforcement officers of Suzhou Industrial Park found that the cooling water containing release agent was discharged to the water body in the external environment through the rainwater pipe network in the factory area, and the oily components of the cooling water were analyzed by sampling.

  Your unit’s behavior violates the first paragraph of Article 33 of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in People’s Republic of China (PRC): "It is forbidden to discharge oil, acid, lye or highly toxic waste liquid into water." The regulations, you are now ordered to immediately stop the illegal behavior and correct it. It is proposed to impose a fine of RMB 145,000 on your company.

  The company attaches great importance to this matter and requires its subsidiaries to actively prepare relevant materials and seriously treat legal rights such as statements and defenses; The Company will strengthen the supervision and guidance on the production and operation management of subsidiaries, strengthen the cultivation of employees’ awareness of environmental protection, and strictly implement relevant environmental protection systems, norms and standards, so as to promote the sustained, healthy and stable development of enterprises.

  Dayu Water Saving 58.5938 million restricted shares will be listed and circulated on September 8.

  () Announce that the shares released from the restricted sale this time are the shares issued by the company to a specific object in a summary procedure in 2021. The number of shares released this time is 58.5938 million shares, accounting for 6.7951% of the company’s total share capital. The circulating date of the tradable shares with limited sale conditions is September 8, 2022 (Thursday).

  Lear Chemical: Shareholders intend to reduce their shares by no more than 2%.

  () It was announced on the evening of September 4th that the shareholder Zhongtong Investment plans to reduce the company’s shares by centralized bidding for no more than 14.88 million shares (no more than 2% of the company’s total share capital) within six months after 15 trading days from the date of the announcement of the reduction plan.

  8,726,100 restricted shares of Oriental Yuhong were listed and circulated on September 8.

  () It was announced that the actual number of restricted shares available for listing and circulation in the third restricted stock incentive plan was 8,726,100 shares, accounting for 0.3463% of the company’s total share capital. The date of listing and circulation of the restricted shares is September 8, 2022.

  Zhongtong Investment, the shareholder of Lier Chemical, plans to reduce its shareholding by no more than 2%.

  Lear Chemical announced that the shareholder Zhongtong Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongtong Investment") plans to reduce its shares by centralized bidding within six months after 15 trading days from the date of the announcement of the reduction plan, not exceeding 14,886,700 shares (not exceeding 2% of the total share capital of the company).

  Haofeng Technology terminated major asset restructuring and resumed trading on September 5.

  On the evening of September 4th, Haofeng Technology announced that the company decided to stop planning to purchase the equity of Shenzhen Jianguang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jianguang Digital") and resume trading on September 5th.

  According to the announcement, Haofeng Technology originally planned to acquire the equity of Jianguang Digital by issuing shares and paying cash to obtain the controlling stake of the target company. IT is understood that Jianguang Digital is a leading IT solution and end-to-end IT service provider for industrial digital transformation in China, and its main customers are large enterprises in equipment manufacturing, high technology, energy and chemical industry, consumer goods and other industries.

  Haofeng Technology said that on the afternoon of September 2, the company received a notice from Beijing Jianguang Asset Management Co., Ltd., because it could not complete all the required approval procedures during the company’s suspension, and applied to terminate the promotion of related transactions. After careful study of the opinions of relevant parties, in order to effectively safeguard the interests of both parties and investors, both parties decided to terminate the planning of this major asset restructuring after careful study and consensus.

  Supor spent 163 million yuan to buy back 3,325,100 shares.

  () Announced that as of August 31, 2022, the company had repurchased 3,325,100 shares, accounting for 0.41% of the company’s total share capital; The highest transaction price is 54.00 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price is 44.55 yuan/share, and the total amount paid is 163 million yuan (excluding transaction costs).

  Short-term transaction and apology of Fu Honghui’s spouse, supervisor of Yingfang Micro-Company.

  () Announcement was issued. On September 2, 2022, the company received the "Description and Apology Statement on Short-term Trading of My Relatives" issued by Ms. Fu Honghui, the supervisor of the company, and learned that the recent trading of the company’s shares by Mr. Xiao Haiguo, the spouse of Ms. Fu Honghui, constituted short-term trading.

  According to the announcement, Mr. Xiao Haiguo confirmed that this transaction was an independent investment decision made by him without fully understanding the relevant laws and regulations. Ms. Fu Honghui was unaware of the transaction, and there was no case of using short-term trading or insider trading to seek benefits, and there was no subjective violation. Ms. Fu Honghui and her spouse, Mr. Xiao Haiguo, have deeply realized the seriousness of this matter and that short-term trading is a violation of the Securities Law. They deeply apologize for the adverse effects caused by this behavior, and promise that they will consciously abide by the relevant provisions of the Securities Law prohibiting short-term trading in the future, and will not sell the company’s shares within six months from the date of the last purchase of the company’s shares, and will not buy the company’s shares within six months from the date of the last sale, and will learn this lesson profoundly.

  Maiwei shares: Anhui Huasheng plans to purchase 12 production lines of high-efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells from the company.

  () On the evening of September 4th, the company announced that it had signed several equipment purchase contracts with Anhui Huasheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Anhui Huasheng"). According to the above contracts, Anhui Huasheng plans to purchase 12 production lines of high-efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells from the company, totaling 7.2GW, and the total purchase amount exceeds 50% of the company’s audited operating income in 2021, but does not reach 100%. The contract amount of this transaction is a trade secret, and fulfilling the disclosure obligation may lead to unfair competition and damage the company’s interests. The company has fulfilled the exemption process of internal confidential information disclosure and exempted the disclosure of the contract amount.

  Puli Pharmaceutical: "Terlipressin Injection" obtained the approval of drug registration.

  () Announced, the company recently received the drug registration approval of Terlipressin Injection issued by National Medical Products Administration.

  Puli Pharmaceutical: "Pantoprazole Sodium for Injection" was approved by the drug registration.

  Puli Pharmaceutical announced that the company recently received the drug registration approval of Pantoprazole Sodium for Injection issued by the State Food and Drug Administration.

  Hejing Technology intends to participate in the recruitment of investors in Hunan Shuopu reorganization.

  () Announced that the company’s registration to participate in the recruitment of reorganization investors of Hunan Shuopu New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hunan Shuopu") can pass the preliminary screening of intended investors and be determined as the final reorganization investors. There are uncertainties. If the company is successful in bidding this time, the company will perform the corresponding review procedures and fulfill the corresponding information disclosure obligations in a timely manner according to the final bidding results and specific trading plans, in accordance with the Listing Rules of Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association.

  According to the announcement, the company’s participation in the recruitment of investors in Hunan Shuopu reorganization is mainly based on the fit between Hunan Shuopu’s business accumulation in lithium-ion power battery separator and the strategic direction of the company’s merger and acquisition. If this transaction can be completed, it will have positive significance for the company to open up business coverage and upgrade industrial layout, which will help improve the company’s sustainable operation ability and conform to the company’s development strategy.

  Maiwei shares spent 163 million yuan to buy back 503,300 shares.

  Maiwei shares announced that as of August 31st, 2022, the company repurchased 503,300 shares of the company by centralized bidding through the special securities account, accounting for 0.29% of the company’s total share capital. The lowest transaction price was 291.51 yuan/share, the highest transaction price was 345.00 yuan/share, and the total amount paid was 163 million yuan (excluding transaction fees). This repurchase was implemented.

  Chuanyi Technology: The company’s sodium ion battery project has met the pilot production conditions and will be put into operation soon.

  () Announcement, the company’s stock (stock abbreviation: Chuanyi Technology; Stock code: 002866) The deviation of the closing price increase for two consecutive trading days (September 1, 2022 and September 2, 2022) exceeds 20%, which is an abnormal fluctuation of stock trading according to the Trading Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other relevant regulations.

  According to the announcement, at present, the company’s sodium ion battery project has the pilot production conditions and will be put into operation soon. The actual yield of the project is affected by the pace of future production capacity and market price factors, and the yield of the project is uncertain, and the company’s sodium ion battery is in the stage of capacity construction and has not yet made a profit in the short term.

  Sanchuan Wisdom: A performance briefing will be held on September 2nd.

  On September 3, 2022 (), it was announced that the company would hold a performance briefing on September 2, 2022, and the semi-annual performance briefing of Sanchuan Wisdom in 2022 would be conducted by remote network, which was open to all investors.

  The details are as follows:

  Q: Where is your company’s future performance growth point? What can stocks expect?

  A: Thank you for your concern. Recently, the company has implemented the development strategy of "one body and two wings" and actively entered the rare earth harvesting industry, which are the results of careful consideration, active development and long-term layout of the company’s management. We think they are all worth looking forward to. thank you

  Q: Which of your various mergers and acquisitions and investments will have a qualitative change in the future, which will have a positive effect on the market value of listed companies?

  A: Thank you for your concern. Recently, the company focused on the distribution of rare earth resources collection and utilization industry, and jointly invested with Ganzhou Jisheng to set up Ganzhou Chuanyi to implement the "comprehensive utilization project of secondary resources with an annual output of 320 tons of REO"; Acquisition of 67% equity of Ganzhou Tianhe to realize the holding of the company; Established Ganzhou Chuanyu International Trade Co., Ltd. jointly with Beijing Boyu to carry out the trade of rare earth minerals. These foreign investments and mergers and acquisitions aim to turn the rare earth collection and utilization business into a new business segment of the company, and gradually form a development pattern of dual main businesses, which will have a positive effect on the future development of the company. thank you

  Q: What do you mean by "one body and two wings"?

  A: Thank you for your concern. The "one body and two wings" proposed by the company refers to the overall solution of smart water affairs with Sanchuan characteristics, with smart metering as the main body and smart energy and high-quality water supply as the two wings. Specifically, it is to integrate Sanchuan resources, including smart meters, secondary water supply equipment, smart water management software, Yunzhilian platform, contract energy management, photovoltaic power station construction and operation and maintenance, etc., to meet the needs of customers, such as ensuring water supply, speeding up water fee collection, reducing leakage rate, and implementing energy conservation and consumption reduction, so as to improve efficiency and promote the information digital transformation and green low-carbon development of water supply enterprises. thank you

  Q: What is the reason for the year-on-year decline in your company’s performance in the first half of the year?

  A: Thank you for your interest in the company. Generally speaking, in the first half of 2022, the downward pressure on the overall economy increased, the epidemic spread more and lasted for a long time, and the delay in industry demand led to a decline in sales; At the same time, the supply chain is not smooth, the sharp rise in raw material prices leads to rising costs, and the squeeze between supply and demand leads to a year-on-year decline in the company’s performance in the first half of the year. thank you

  Q: It is understood that yingtan has been under static management for 20 days because of the epidemic situation. Will this static management affect the normal operation of the company?

  A: Thank you for your concern. Before the implementation of static management, the company has arranged for production personnel, technicians and related management personnel to stay in the factory and implement closed management and operation. At present, the company’s production situation is normal. In addition, in terms of stable production and supply, the high-tech zone has given strong support to ensure the smooth logistics of raw material procurement and product sales. Therefore, the epidemic did not have a big impact on the normal production and operation of the company. thank you

  Sanchuan Wisdom’s main business: all kinds of water meters, water management application systems, water investment and operation, the difference between production and sales of water supply enterprises and DMA partition measurement management, healthy drinking water service, and the construction of smart water data cloud platform, etc.

  Sanchuan Wisdom 2022 reported that the company’s main income was 381 million yuan, down 5.56% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was 78.4105 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6.34%; Deducting non-net profit was 70.2783 million yuan, down 8.87% year-on-year; In the second quarter of 2022, the company’s main revenue in a single quarter was 224 million yuan, down 6.03% year-on-year; The net profit returned to the mother in a single quarter was 44.3743 million yuan, down 11.66% year-on-year; Non-net profit deducted in a single quarter was 40.032 million yuan, down 12.08% year-on-year; The debt ratio is 9.77%, the investment income is 47.7051 million yuan, the financial expenses are-3.3088 million yuan, and the gross profit margin is 28.07%.

  The unit has no institutional rating in the last 90 days. The data of margin financing and securities lending show that the stock has a net inflow of 145 million in the past three months, and the financing balance has increased; The net inflow of securities lending was 65,500, and the balance of securities lending increased. According to the financial report data in the past five years, the Securities Star valuation analysis tool shows that the moat of competitiveness in Sanchuan smart industry is average, with poor profitability and average revenue growth. There may be hidden troubles in finance, and the financial indicators that should be focused on include: accounts receivable/profit rate, operating cash flow/profit rate. The stock has a good company index of 2 stars, a good price index of 2 stars and a comprehensive index of 2 stars. (The index is for reference only, and the index range is 0~5 stars, with a maximum of 5 stars)

  Entrepreneurship in the West: The controlling shareholder intends to transfer its 12.28% share agreement to Ningxia Coal Industry.

  () It was announced on the evening of September 4th that on September 2nd, Ningxia State-owned Capital Operation Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ning Guoyun"), the controlling shareholder of the company, signed an agreement with Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd., the shareholder of the national energy group, stipulating that Ning Guoyun intends to transfer its 179 million shares (accounting for 12.28% of the total shares of the company) to Ningxia Coal Industry at a transfer price of 6.05 yuan/share. After the completion of this share transfer, Ning Guoyun and Ningxia Coal Industry are both the largest shareholders of the company, and the control right of the company has not changed. The actual controller is still the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

  The controlling shareholder of Western Venture agreed to transfer 12.28% shares in Ningxia Coal Industry at a transfer price of 6.05 yuan/share.

  Western Venture announced that on September 2, 2022, Ningxia State-owned Capital Operation Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ning Guoyun"), the controlling shareholder of the company, and Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd., the shareholder of the national energy group (hereinafter referred to as "Ningxia Coal Industry") signed the Share Transfer Agreement on Ningxia Western Venture Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Share Transfer Agreement"). It is agreed that Ningguoyun intends to transfer its 179 million shares (hereinafter referred to as the "target shares", accounting for 12.28% of the total shares of the company) to Ningxia Coal Industry at a transfer price of RMB 6.05 per share (hereinafter referred to as the "share transfer").

  According to the announcement, after this share transfer, Ningxia Coal Industry holds 251 million RMB ordinary shares of the company, accounting for 17.19% of the total shares; Ning Guoyun holds 251 million RMB ordinary shares of the company, accounting for 17.19% of the total shares. After the completion of this share transfer, Ning Guoyun and Ningxia Coal Industry are both the largest shareholders of the company, and the control right of the company has not changed. The actual controller is still the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

  Heyuan gas: the invention patent certificate obtained by the subsidiary involves the efficient hydrogen production system.

  () It was announced on the evening of September 4th that Yichang Jinyan Heyuan Gas Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, recently obtained an invention patent with the patent name: an efficient hydrogen production system.

  The controlling shareholder of Hunan Development intends to change to Xiangtou Holdings.

  () Announcement was issued. On September 4, 2022, the company received a notice from Hunan Development Group, the controlling shareholder of the company, that it would transfer 44.99% equity of Hunan Development (208,833,642 shares) held by Hunan Development Group to Xiangtou Holdings for free.

  After the free transfer of equity, the controlling shareholder of the company will be changed from Hunan Development Group to Xiangtou Holdings, and the actual controller will still be Hunan Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

  Hunan development: the state-owned shares are transferred free of charge and the controlling shareholders are changed.

  Hunan Development announced on the evening of September 4th that the company received a notice from Hunan Development Group, the controlling shareholder of the company, on September 4th that it would transfer 44.99% equity (209 million shares) of Hunan Development held by Hunan Development Group to Xiangtou Holdings for free. After the free transfer of equity, the controlling shareholder of the company will be changed from Hunan Development Group to Xiangtou Holdings, and the actual controller will still be Hunan Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

  Youyou Food, Baiya Co., Ltd. joined hands with Wenshi Investment to establish PE.

  () It was announced on September 3rd that in order to improve the efficiency of capital use, optimize the allocation of resources, give full play to the industry research, project management experience and risk management and control system of professional investment institutions, and combine the industrial resources of professional investment institutions to help the company explore new tracks and lay out new fields, further tap the second growth curve of the company and enhance its comprehensive competitiveness, its wholly-owned subsidiary Youyou Manufacturing plans to invest 20 million yuan with its own funds with Wenshi Investment, NSW Select No.1, (), and.

  According to the data, the partnership that the company intends to participate in this time is Wenrun Jiapin No.2 (Zhuhai) Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), of which Wenshi Investment invested 100 million yuan, accounting for 39.4477%, making it the largest shareholder; NSW Select No.1 invested 70 million yuan, making it the second largest shareholder; Youyou Food, Baiya Co., Ltd. and Qianhai Tang Renshen each contributed 20 million yuan, tied for the third largest shareholder. The executive partner of the fund is Wen’s investment.

  According to the agreement, the investment scope of the fund mainly includes: the equity of unlisted enterprises, the property share of limited partnerships, the equity of listed companies in the New Third Board, and the fixed increase of listed companies; Providing loans within one year for the invested enterprise for the purpose of equity investment; Idle funds can also be invested in bank demand deposits, government bonds, central bank bills, money market funds and other cash management tools recognized by the CSRC.

  Youyou Food said that this foreign investment will help broaden the company’s investment channels, seize investment opportunities in related fields, enhance the company’s investment ability, and conform to its own development strategy and the interests of all shareholders. At the same time, the company also suggested that the amount of this investment is small, and it is not expected to have a significant impact on the current financial situation and operating results.

  Brother technology: grant the right to use the name "Brother" for the use of new materials of Brother free of charge.

  () On the evening of September 4th, it was announced that the company intends to sign an Agreement on the Authorization of the Use of the Brand Name with Zhejiang Brother New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Brother New Materials", with the tentative name subject to the industrial and commercial approval) controlled by Qian Zhida, the actual controller of the company, and grant the right to use the brand name "Brother" for free. This authorization will not affect the company’s operation, and this transaction constitutes a connected transaction. The company focuses on the fields of medicine, food and special chemicals. The main business of Brother New Materials in the future is the research and development, production and sales of special high-performance polymer modified composite materials. The main business and product application fields of the company and Brother New Materials belong to different business modules and fields, which are independent of each other.

  Chuanyi Technology: The sodium ion battery project has met the pilot production conditions and will be put into operation soon, and the operating yield is uncertain.

  Chuanyi Technology announced on the evening of September 4 that the company’s stock trading fluctuated abnormally. Risk warning: At present, the company’s sodium ion battery project has the pilot production conditions and will be put into operation soon. The actual yield of the project is affected by the pace of future production capacity and market price factors, and the yield of the project is uncertain, and the company’s sodium ion battery is in the stage of capacity construction and has not yet made a profit in the short term; Sodium battery is a new technical product, which needs to open up the terminal market and demand, and there are also uncertainties in the cultivation and development of the market.

  Chuanyi Technology: The sodium ion battery project has met the pilot production conditions and will be put into operation soon.

  Chuanyi Technology announced the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading. At present, the company’s sodium ion battery project has met the pilot production conditions and will soon be put into operation. The actual rate of return of the project is affected by the pace of future production capacity and market price factors, and the rate of return of the project is uncertain, and the company’s sodium ion battery is in the stage of capacity construction and has not yet made a profit in the short term; Sodium battery is a new technical product, which needs to open up the terminal market and demand, and there are also uncertainties in the cultivation and development of the market.

  Editor: He Liguang


  The securities agency strives for true and accurate information. The contents mentioned in the article are for reference only and do not constitute substantive investment suggestions. Therefore, the operation risk is at your own risk.

  () signed a memorandum of understanding with Pohang Municipal Government of South Korea and ECOPRO to promote the key raw materials and materials project of power lithium battery.

  Gemmy announced that the company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Pohang Municipal Government of South Korea and ECOPRO Co., Ltd. of South Korea on September 2, 2022, and Gemmy will cooperate with ECOPRO to establish a joint venture company related to the secondary battery material project. Gemmy will take the lead and control the construction of key nickel, cobalt and manganese raw materials and precursor materials projects in Pohang City to stabilize the core market of South Korea and guide the American market.

  830 million yuan Shunbo alloy convertible bonds will be listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on September 7.

  () It was announced on the evening of September 4th that the "Shunbo Convertible Bonds" with a total amount of 830 million yuan (8.3 million pieces) will be officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on September 7th. It is reported that the convertible bonds have a term of six years, the duration is from August 12, 2022 to August 11, 2028, and the conversion period is from February 20, 2023 to August 11, 2028. The coupon rate is 0.3%, 0.6%, 1.0%, 1.6%, 2.0% and 2.5% respectively, and the initial conversion price is 20.44.

  According to the announcement, the funds raised by this convertible bond will be used for the construction and operation of the 400,000-ton secondary aluminum project of the company’s new material industry base project (Phase I) and to supplement the working capital. Among them, the 400,000-ton secondary aluminum project is located in Xinshi Industrial Park, Ningma New Functional Zone, Maanshan City, Anhui Province, and is implemented by Shunbo Alloy Anhui Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary newly established by the company in June 2021, with a total investment of 1.869 billion yuan. After the project is completed and put into production normally, the total annual average profit is 245 million yuan, the financial internal rate of return after income tax is 12.51%, and the after-tax investment payback period (including the construction period) is about 10.30 years, which has good economic benefits.

  According to the company’s development strategy, in the business of casting aluminum alloy raw materials, we will closely rely on the existing four production bases in Hechuan, Chongqing, Qingyuan, Liyang, Jiangsu and Xiangyang, Hubei, do a good job in regional market expansion and penetration, and strive to achieve sales growth; Accelerate the construction of the 400,000-ton production base in Anhui Shunbo Phase I, ensure that about 100,000-ton production capacity devices will be put into production in the fourth quarter of this year, and the product sales area division and coverage will be further enhanced. In terms of wrought aluminum alloy raw material business, on the basis of the existing Chongqing Aobo, we will accelerate the equipment construction and installation progress of the 150,000-ton wrought aluminum bar project in Shunbo, Hubei Province, and strive to achieve partial mass production in the fourth quarter of this year. At the same time, actively promote the preliminary work such as land and environmental impact assessment of the 500,000-ton deformation raw material project in Anhui Shunbo Phase II, strive to start the project as soon as possible, and put some production capacity devices into trial operation in 2023.

  The controlling shareholder of Western Venture intends to transfer 12.28% shares of the company to Ningxia Coal Industry by agreement.

  According to the western venture announcement, Ning Guoyun, the controlling shareholder of the company, and Ningxia Coal Industry signed a share transfer agreement on September 2, 2022, stipulating that Ning Guoyun intends to transfer 179,146,635 shares (accounting for 12.28% of the total shares of the company) to Ningxia Coal Industry at a transfer price of 6.05 yuan/share. After the completion of this share transfer, Ning Guoyun and Ningxia Coal Industry are both the largest shareholders of the company, and the control right of the company has not changed. The actual controller is still the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

  By the end of August, Tianhai Defence had bought back about 8.84 million shares at a cost of 38.53 million yuan.

  () Announcement on the progress of share repurchase was issued on September 3, 2022. As of August 31, 2022, the company has repurchased 8,835,400 shares of the company by centralized bidding, accounting for 0.5% of the company’s total share capital. The highest transaction price is 4.78 yuan/share, the lowest transaction price is 3.99 yuan/share, and the total amount paid is 38,530,300 yuan (excluding transaction fees). (Zhao Ping)

  Yunnan Baiyao obtained the patent of prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) targeted nuclear drug research and development.

  Recently, () announced that the company has signed the Technology Transfer and Cooperative Development Agreement with Peking University No.1 Hospital and Beijing Institute of Cancer Prevention and Control. Peking University Hospital and Beijing Institute of Cancer Prevention and Control have transferred the patents related to prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) targeted nuclear drugs to the company, and the company will conduct research, development, production and commercialization activities on the cooperative targets worldwide.

  According to relevant data, prostate cancer is the second most common malignant tumor among men in the world. Accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer is helpful to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of patients. PSMA, a transmembrane protein, is an ideal biomarker with high sensitivity and specificity for prostate cancer metastasis localization imaging and advanced radionuclide targeted therapy. The PSMA targeted nuclear drug transferred this time has the characteristics of high specificity and low accumulation of non-target organs, which is more conducive to the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer in situ and locally. At present, the PSMA targeted nuclear drug has been clinically tested in Peking University Hospital, Peking University Cancer Hospital and other hospitals, and its safety and effectiveness have been effectively verified in a certain range.

  According to the announcement, Peking University Hospital and Beizhang Research Institute will transfer to Yunnan Baiyao all the rights, ownership and interests of the PSMA targeted nuclear drug and all related patents, patent application rights, proprietary technologies, other intellectual property rights, data and technical materials on a global scale. After the technology transfer is completed, Yunnan Baiyao has the right to independently decide and be responsible for the development, registration, production, commercialization, global layout and any other matters related to the transfer target. In addition to this project, Peking University Hospital agreed to cooperate with Yunnan Baiyao to develop nuclear medicine diagnosis and treatment products ("tumor nuclear medicine products") in other tumor fields. If Peking University Hospital intends to cooperate with a third party to develop, produce or commercialize other tumor nuclear medicine products, Yunnan Baiyao has the priority to cooperate in the development, production or commercialization of these products.

  In 2018, Peking University and Yunnan Baiyao formally joined hands and began to establish Peking University-Yunnan Baiyao () Research Center, and carried out project cooperation around the strategic track determined by the company, and carried out all-round cooperation in five fields: oncology, traumatology, pharmacy, stomatology and medical beauty. After the completion of the patent transfer and introduction, the Central Research Institute of the company will start relevant research work according to the application requirements of the new drug clinical trial application (IND). The development of this project will help Yunnan Baiyao to accelerate its entry into the nuclear medicine field. (Gao Yi)

  Tech Keya: The consortium won the bid of 130 million yuan for the construction of smart heating project of Harbin Investment Group.

  () Announced. Recently, the company received the Notice of Winning Bid, and determined that the consortium formed by the company and Shandong Honghua Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. (members of the consortium) was the winning bidder for the smart heating project of Harbin Hatou Group, with the winning bid price of 130 million yuan and the construction period of 372 days. If the contract can be formally signed and implemented smoothly, it will have a positive impact on the company’s operating income and operating profit.

  Technology University Keya: The winning bid for the smart heating project of Harbin Hatou Group is about 130 million yuan.

  Tech Keya announced on the morning of September 5th that the company recently received the Notice of Winning Bid, and determined that the consortium formed by the company and Shandong Honghua Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. (members of the consortium) was the winning bidder for the smart heating project of Harbin Hatou Group, and the winning bid price was about 130 million yuan.

In spring, China feels the vigor and vitality of China.

       CCTV News:The breeze blows the green fields and the earth blooms. At the moment, it’s early spring, and plants are sprouting all over the country, making a thriving scene. Next, we will walk into China in Spring and feel the vigor and vitality of China.

       In early spring, the south is full of breezes and flowers. This is Yong ‘an Town, Zigong, Sichuan. At present, thousands of acres of colorful rape flowers here bloom for the second time, putting makeup on the earth. In recent years, Zigong Academy of Agricultural Sciences has cultivated colorful rape suitable for local cultivation through breeding technology. This kind of rape flower has long flowering period, strong fragrance and strong ornamental value, which has promoted the development of local suburban agricultural tourism industry.

       Migratory birds crow and spring flowers bloom. Following the camera, we came to Gaoluo Township, Yuanqu, Shanxi Province. After the temperature rose, thousands of acres of wild peaches here competed to bloom, clusters and strings, which set each other off with the green terraces and strange paths in the mountains, forming a beautiful picture of spring. Tourists come in groups of three and five, follow the flowers, see all the flowers and share the beauty of spring.

       As the weather warms up and the snow melts, more than 400 swans are welcomed by the Daling River in beipiao city, Liaoning Province. They sometimes bend their necks and bow their heads, paddling leisurely; Sometimes it spreads its wings and glides gracefully, just like a dancing fairy. It is understood that the Daling River Basin is an important stopping and foraging place for migratory birds, and about 80,000 migratory birds stop here every year.

Yao only scored 9 points in the fund game! The strongest surface 175 is not as good as Fang Shuo, and now even CBA can’t be played.

Thomas Jr., who was neglected in the NBA last season, was once reported to have joined the T1 League in Taiwan Province, China. However, due to a series of unreasonable demands put forward to the team (to stay in a five-star hotel, the food, clothing, housing and transportation of relatives and friends must also be paid by the team), he finally did not appear in the Baodao League. Thomas Jr., who is 34 years old, is far less competitive and physically functional than when he was a Celtic. In this Yao Fund Charity Tournament, Thomas Jr. is the absolute big name of the international star team, and his performance has really attracted everyone’s attention.

After the CBA has completely opened the home and away system, Thomas Jr., a star with a certain popularity, is indeed a potential target of CBA teams. However, given that he has no ball to play in the past season, his competitive state is still worrying, so this Yao Fund Charity Tournament may also be an important indicator for some CBA teams interested in signing him.

However, after the whole game, Thomas Jr. scored only 9 points, even worse than Fang Shuo (16 points). The offensive end relied too much on outside projection and was limited by his height. It was almost difficult for Thomas Jr. to score in the restricted area through breakthrough. Although Thomas Jr. won the full support of the fans at the game break or after the game, CBA is a stage that needs to speak with strength after all. If Thomas Jr. can only play the role of "selling tickets" like Jeremy Lin, I’m afraid most teams will flinch from him.

With the approaching of the new season, many CBA teams have signed their own foreign aid one after another, and only two teams, Kenya and Sichuan, have not yet confirmed their small foreign aid. Sichuan had previously been in contact with Gordon, who played for Beijing Control last season, so the only team that could sign Thomas Jr. was Kenya. However, at present, we don’t even know where to put the home court of the new season, and even the core players like Wu Guanxi and Zhao Lingzhou have given up. It is estimated that it is impossible for Kenya to spend a lot of money to sign Thomas Jr.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Thomas Jr. will sign other CBA teams as a third foreign aid later, but if he refuses to put down his posture, or comes to CBA to "collect and fight", he is bound to be a passer-by in CBA. In fact, in recent years, there have been many small foreign AIDS in CBA, such as Pierre Jackson and Feld, who have proved themselves in CBA.

Malanville, who played in Sichuan last season, Brandon Taylor, who played in Ningbo, and Brandon Jefferson, who played in Tianjin, although their strength was limited, they dared to play the game and were recognized by the fans. If little Thomas really wants to play in CBA, I hope he can keep a humble attitude. If he is a condescending and arrogant attitude, even if he was the strongest 175 on the surface, he is destined to be eliminated by CBA soon.

Defender Debate: Why did China Men’s Basketball Team miss Guo Ailun’s capable hand?

Guo Ailun, a high-profile player, unexpectedly failed to make the final list in the defence battle of China men’s basketball team. This defender has made great contributions to the national team in the past games with his excellent skills and breakthrough ability. However, in the selection of Djordevich, Guo Ailun was not recognized. The selection criteria of Djordevich caused controversy, which made the China men’s basketball team look a little weak in the guard lineup, and made people question his selection decision. Guo Ailun is a highly anticipated defender. He has excellent technology and agile breakthrough ability, and often shows extraordinary personal ability in competitions. In the past games, he scored key points for China national team many times and made great contributions to the team’s important victory.

Therefore, fans have high expectations for Guo Ailun’s inclusion in the final list. However, Guo Ailun was not selected as expected in the selection process of Djordevich. Obviously, the selection criteria of players in Djordevich are related to other factors. He may pay more attention to the players’ physical condition, tactical adaptability and teamwork spirit. This preference may lead to Guo Ailun’s failure to gain recognition in the eyes of Ciorjevic. Of course, Guo Ailun’s failure to make the final list may also be influenced by other factors. Injury is a possible factor. In sports competition, injuries are inevitable, which may affect the state and performance of players.

If Guo Ailun is recovering from injury at the time of selection, then his condition may not be ideal, which also affects his chances of being included in the list. In addition, the fierce competition in the position of defender is also a factor worthy of consideration. China men’s basketball team has many excellent defenders, and the competition is fierce. In the selection process of Djordevich, other players may perform better in some aspects, thus occupying the position in the defender lineup, which led to Guo Ailun’s failure to enter the final list. Whatever the reason, Guo Ailun failed to make the final list of China men’s basketball team, which made the team look a little weak in the defender lineup. In competitive sports, every position needs excellent players to ensure the team’s tactical diversity and ability to deal with emergencies.

Guo Ailun’s absence may have a certain impact on the overall strength of the China men’s basketball team in the guard position. The outside world began to question the selection decision of Jorjevich. Fans, media and experts expressed their dissatisfaction with Guo Ailun’s failure to make the list. To some extent, these doubts reflect the public’s concern and expectation for the China men’s basketball team. As a coach, Jorjevich must face the pressure and challenges from all sides. He needs to make decisions to balance the advantages and disadvantages among players and ensure the best performance of the team on the field. Although Guo Ailun didn’t make the final list, it may not be without reason that Djordevich made the decision.

As fans and spectators, we hope that the China Men’s Basketball Team can perform well, but at the same time, we also believe that the decision of the coaching staff is well thought out. We expect China men’s basketball team to achieve better results in future competitions. No matter who stands on the court, they will go all out to win honor for the national team.

At the end of Serie B, Criscito retired successfully.

@ Shen Tianhao: This season’s Serie B regular season finale, Genoa, who has already qualified for Serie A in advance, staged a goal battle with Bari at home. The 36-year-old Genoa star Criscito scored his first personal goal this season at the last minute of the last game of his career. He scored the goal with the most familiar penalty, helping Genoa beat Barry 4-3, and then read a touching open letter after the game, officially ending his career as a player. Criscito was born in Naples, and the longest stop in his career was in Dzenit, but Genoa is already his spiritual hometown-he joined the Griffin five times in different forms and put on a red and blue shirt.

The ultimate chat computer chats and finds that it has surpassed human beings. What will the future world be like?

Recently, there is a very hot thing called ChatGPT (Chinese is called chat generation pre-training transformation model). In fact, it is an AI artificial intelligence chat robot program.

It was born as hot as a supernova explosion, surpassing Apple, Google and Tesla. . .

So I also tried to chat with it for a day, looking for all kinds of questions and soul torture to see how this artificial intelligence is different from the previous one.

Chinese is an abstruse language, especially ancient Chinese, which is difficult for ordinary people to understand, let alone create.

So I gave GPT a question with reading+creation. The GPT answers as follows:

Preface to Linjiangxian-Tengwang Pavilion

The mountains and rivers here are also wonderful. The prosperity of the river table is beautiful! People who are on the outside are more lovely. If you don’t believe me, look at the height of this pavilion. There are clouds under the sky, and the water of the Yangtze River and the beach of white sand stones are fascinating. The people on the pavilion are so intoxicated that in the middle of the night, it seems that they can go straight to the sky, board the heavens and see the four seas.

However, I feel this way. As soon as I get here, I have deeply felt the culture of the river table, and its depth is as deep as the sea. Scholars, poets and singers, all have their own character and stand out from the rest of the world. Not only Huan Yi, Yang Zun and others, but also Shao Minghuang’s talents, Jin Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, all of them took advantage of this piece of land and became famous all over the world.

I have been admiring it for a long time since I lived here. Every desire to cultivate Tao Zhu, keep humble, in order to achieve. And repeatedly in the middle of the night, intoxicated with the joy of literati, listening to the talents of the group, quite emotional. Today, thanks to a visit, I paid a visit to this pavilion with reverence and opened a new chapter.

Linjiangxian, the name of the immortal, came here this time, like a fairy tour. Looking through your literature and listening to the words of literati, my heart is happy and I can’t help myself. The ink in the pen, unexpectedly from the initial sloppy, gradually to the magnificence, profound meaning, magnificent. It’s not surprising that it’s a one-step show.

Is to give it, spare time, come here. It’s not an insult to visit, nor is it a superficial move. If you want to talk about it, you can only encourage everyone with the origin of culture and the culture of Jiangnan. I hope that in the future, we can learn from each other and make progress together in cultural exchanges, so as to inherit the aspirations of our ancestors and achieve the great cause of Chinese civilization.

No typos or grammatical mistakes were found in the whole passage. The level has surpassed that of human (me) [covering my face]. . .

I found a math problem in the college entrance examination online, and GPT quickly gave an answer. . . I don’t know if there is anything wrong [covering my face] because I don’t understand anything except Chinese.

ChatGPT’s development company, OpenAI, has another professional AI painting program, Stable Diffusion, but it only supports inputting English prompts. If English is not good, there will be many difficulties in creation.

But now that I have GPT, I chat with it and tell it my own painting idea. Then I ask it for hints, and copy the hints into the stable difference, resulting in the following works. . .

There’s a dialogue in the 139th sentence of the comic book "The Demon Discharger at the End", which is a bit difficult. I’ll test it.

At the same time, compared with other translation software, GPT not only translated the literal meaning, but also showed the meaning it understood. . . Moreover, the dialog box of AI has no word limit, and it can translate an article, a contract or even a book.


GPT can also be programmed directly. I tell it the idea, and then it starts to "create" a game for me.

I wrote a large piece of code "beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep. So the first game I created was born. . .

After a night of testing, I found that this GPT has existed in different dimensions compared with the previous artificial intelligence software (siri and the like) [stunned]

In fact, there are many things GPT can do, such as reading contracts, generating contracts, making PPT of tabular data, writing articles and writing scripts. . . Too much, too much. . .

ChatGPT was born only three months ago, and it is still evolving. Every question and answer is training and learning for GPT.In this regard, Google has issued a CODE RED alert, which is the first time in Google’s history, which is equivalent to a country being threatened by nuclear weapons. Major technology companies have said that they want to release their own AI products. . .

If a new scientific and technological revolution is coming, it must be an artificial intelligence revolution. I don’t know what the world will become in the future. I just hope that artificial intelligence can help human civilization evolve at a higher speed. (End)