标签归档 爱上海龙凤

What is the operation effect of parking service around the Road Campus of the Second Affiliated Medical College? The reporter "looks back"!

  On August 1st, Wenzhou Net News reported that parking service service was introduced to Xueyuan West Road in the urban area, hoping to rectify the traffic chaos in Xueyuan West Road by "solving the problem of marketization". This morning, the launching ceremony of parking service service around the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University will be held in Xueyuan Campus of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, which indicates the official start of parking service service there.

  The reporter learned that the parking service service around the Second Affiliated Hospital of College West Road and Eye Optometry Hospital has been put into trial operation for nearly a month. What was the effect during the trial operation? With this question, yesterday afternoon, the reporter once again came to Xueyuan West Road for a site visit.

  It takes only 30 seconds to complete the delivery and parking process.

  At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter saw in Xueyuan West Road that six signs with the words "25 yuan in parking service in the Second Affiliated Hospital" had been set up in the west-east direction of the road section to remind the residents to choose the regular parking service. Right in front of a building in the Road Campus of the Second Affiliated Medical College is the parking service Service Area. More than 10 staff members wearing uniform red vests are providing parking service services to people who come to see a doctor. The reporter found that there were more than 160 parking services at this service point at this time. After on-site timing, the whole process takes only about 30 seconds from the time when citizens drive into parking service service area to the time when parking personnel complete the delivery.

  Zhou Chengwen is the on-site manager of parking service service point. According to him, after the citizens drive their cars to parking service service area, parking personnel will immediately come forward to give the owner a bracelet with the number and contact information marked on it. After the citizens have finished seeing a doctor, they can call the number on the bracelet to pick up the car, and the parking personnel will return the car with the corresponding bracelet after driving it back to the hospital.

  "At present, we keep 15-20 parking service staff at the scene every day. After the citizens hand over the car to the parking staff, we will park the car in the regular underground parking lot in the neighborhood near the hospital, and there will never be parking staff driving on the road or parking at random." According to Zhou Chengwen, at present, the parking service point receives 200-300 vehicles that need parking every day. Generally, it takes only 3 minutes to drive from the hospital to the parking lot, but it takes 6-7 minutes to get back from the parking lot without traffic jams. "Therefore, when the citizens pick up the car, we will explain and let them call 10-15 minutes in advance to reduce the waiting time for picking up the car." Zhou Chengwen said.

  The reporter learned that at present, from 9: 30 am to 10: 00 am every day, it is the peak period of the service point. During this period, there may be many people and few cars, but with the end of the summer vacation, this situation will be improved.

  There are still these problems to be solved at the scene.

  Because the current parking service is not only convenient, but also more affordable than before, it has been praised by many citizens. However, during the interview, the reporter also found that there are still many problems that need to be solved.

  The reporter found that at the intersection of Xueyuan West Road and Feixia Road, there were still several "parking service scalpers" standing in the middle of the road. In addition, the reporter also found several illegal parking service personnel on the west side of the Stomatological Hospital. According to relevant sources, since the Second Affiliated Hospital set up a regular parking service service, it has caused a lot of influence on these illegal parking service people. "At first, they stopped to collect 40 yuan, but since the introduction of a regular parking service service, their business has been difficult, but there are still several diehards on the roadside ‘ Leak ’ 。”

  According to the previous bidding scheme for the right to operate the driving parking service, in addition to setting up the parking service area in the Second Affiliated Hospital, parking service area should also be set up in the designated area of the optometry hospital opposite. However, the reporter found yesterday that the parking service service on this side of the optometry hospital has not yet been opened. According to relevant sources, the parking service on this side of the optometry hospital has not been opened yet, because the selection of parking areas by various departments has not yet reached a final result. "This side is different from the second affiliated doctor. At present, it is impossible to set up a U-shaped passage for parking and delivery. If the delivery point is set on the road, it will easily lead to congestion, so the parties are still discussing it." The person introduced.

  In addition, the reporter also found that a new isolation guardrail was set in front of the stomatological hospital, which made the separation of people and vehicles more clear, but with the setting of the guardrail, new problems appeared. A passer-by told reporters that there are two huge distribution boxes and mobile communication cable boxes on this sidewalk. Because these two "big guys" are very close to street lamps, the originally spacious sidewalk there has become particularly crowded. "There are already many pedestrians and electric cars on this road, and every time they go to this place, they will be blocked. I really can’t figure out why these two big boxes should be placed in such a small place." The citizen said.

  Source: Wenzhou Daily

  Original title: The parking problem of Xueyuan West Road in the urban area is still a long-standing problem after more than 20 years — —

  Parking service process is convenient and affordable, but there are still many problems to be solved urgently.

  Reporter Du Yichuan

Animation event, hot opening









On the morning of June 20th, the 19th China International Cartoon & Animation Festival was officially opened at Baima Lake in Hangzhou.

It is understood that the theme of this animation festival is "Animation Capital, the City of Asian Games", which lasts for five days, and more than 20 items are organized in five major sections: competitions, exhibitions, forums, business and activities. The main venue is located in Hangzhou Baima Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center, and the sub-venue is located in cartoon museum, China. 469 enterprises and organizations from 59 countries and regions, thousands of exhibitors, merchants and professionals participated in the exhibition, and internationally renowned animation companies such as Pixar, Disney and Sony, as well as more than 650 brand IPS, made a concentrated appearance at the animation festival.

In order to facilitate the majority of anime fans to better watch the exhibition, the reporter combed a number of distinctive booths at the animation festival Expo on June 20 and made a "punch card strategy". Let’s take a look first.

Recommended booth 1: Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee booth

Coordinates: A1-8

Almost everyone who enters Hall A of Hangzhou Baima Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center will be attracted by the "Asian Games Purple". At the entrance of the booth of Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, the mascots of Hangzhou Asian Games "Chen Chen", "Cong Cong" and "Lian Lian" are particularly eye-catching. If the time is right, the mascot doll will also take photos and interact with everyone on the spot.

The booth also shows the newly released medal "Hushan" of Hangzhou Asian Games, and the Hang Cheng scroll of "Three Clouds and One City" carefully outlined by lines on the medal can be clearly seen. At the same time, three comic book excerpts and five animation works that won the final prize in the original animation competition of the Asian Games Organizing Committee are also on display.

In addition, visitors can buy licensed products of Hangzhou Asian Games in the licensed products area of the booth, and also experience the AI dressing of etiquette costumes of Hangzhou Asian Games on the spot.

Recommended booth 2: Electric Soul Network

Coordinates: A1-11, 13, 15

The booth of Hangzhou Electric Soul Network Technology Co., Ltd. is not far from the booth of Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee. According to reports, the real heroes of games such as Dream of Three Kingdoms 2 and national dance will be displayed on the stage of the booth from time to time.

This year is the Asian Games Year in Hangzhou, and Dream of Three Kingdoms 2 has been identified as one of the e-sports events of the Asian Games. "To this end, we built a stage area and a game demo area, and brought some sports game interactions." The person in charge of the electric soul network brand introduced that the booth will also arrange the Guofeng e-sports competition, and on the Dragon Boat Festival, there will be "mysterious guests" coming to the scene to bring you an e-sports competition show. If you also love e-sports, you may wish to come to the scene at that time.

Recommended booth 3: Zhongnan Cartoon

Coordinates: A1-6

Zhongnan Cartoon moved the 20th birthday party to the animation festival. To enter the booth, you must first cross a "just visiting", where you can see the classic cartoon images created by Zhongnan cartoons in the past 20 years.

There are many experience activities in the booth, such as the somatosensory game specially developed and designed by Zhongnan Cartoon for this year’s Animation Festival. You can control the glider on the screen to dive forward and overlook the whole picture of Baima Lake and cartoon museum in the air just by swinging your arms and moving sideways. In addition, children can color the image in "Le Bi You You" on the spot and add favorite elements; The holographic cabin with full sense of science and technology can interact with virtual digital people in real time across space; Participate in cartoon image design, and it will begin to perform immediately after completion; The "live version" of Tianyan and Xiangling will also appear on the scene. Welcome to take photos and "punch in".

Recommended booth 4: Hello Kitty Paradise

Coordinates: A1-12

With pink arrangement and lovely plush, Hello Kitty Paradise can be called the most tender booth in this animation festival. Visitors can participate in the lucky draw at the booth and have the opportunity to draw tickets for Hello Kitty Paradise. The booth also specially arranged a castle wall as the background wall for the audience to "punch in", which made people feel like they were in Hello Kitty Paradise.

In addition, at a specific time, the audience can also attend the meeting of Sanrio’s "big stars" such as Hello Kitty and Big Eared Dog, and all the interactive needs of taking photos, hugging and ultra-close contact can be met.

Recommended booth 5: Hangzhou Public Security "Police Uncle"

Coordinates: A1-18

Hangzhou Public Security made its debut with a number of derivative Q versions of "Uncle Police" IP, and the live activities were also full of experience. For example, what is the experience of wearing an explosive suit that is 35 kg and difficult to carry with both hands? Needless to say, there was a long queue for the live experience on June 20, so you should remember to take a seat as early as possible if you have the heart to experience it. In addition, the audience can also wear FPV (first view) glasses at the booth to experience the speed and passion of flying through the plane.

It is understood that there are police uncles of different police types "on duty" every day at the booth, including anti-fraud police. The audience can receive the "Zheli Hangjing 2" expression pack for free by scanning the code on the spot, and they can also taste the "police tea" specially prepared by the police uncle.

Recommended booth 6: bilibili

Coordinates: B1-16

Bilibili’s booth is one of the most crowded and hottest booths for young people at the Animation Festival Expo. After receiving the card at the entrance certification center, the audience can participate in activities such as "fishing", "playing music" and "fan inscription", and have a chance to win prizes such as "small TV" big pillow and theme skateboard.

This year, the big member supply station was launched for the first time in the booth, which provided a rest space for the certified members of the "special forces" exhibition, provided free drinks and charging treasures, and occasionally replenished snacks.

Recommended booth 7: Great technology

Coordinates: B1-14

How to play the meta-universe? Hangzhou local enterprises have brought some new answers with great technology.

According to the person in charge of the booth, Dayou Technology is the first metacosmic enterprise in China to create the next generation of Internet content ecology with an open platform model. At this animation festival Expo, Dayou Technology showed a variety of technical application cases, allowing everyone to experience the asymmetric interactive social gameplay in the meta-universe, and let VR users play with a large number of mobile phone users. At the same time, the scene also brought high-tech highlights to the audience, such as the popular Meta-Universe Concert at Tokyo IT Exhibition and the opening drama Faust of the Meta-Universe Drama Festival attended by more than 1,000 people in Beijing 798 Art Park.

Recommended booth: Exhibition of Excellent Works of "I am the King of Animation"

Coordinate: B2 atrium

On the 2nd floor of Hall B of Hangzhou Baima Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center, an exhibition of outstanding works of the "I am the king of animation" contest, jointly sponsored by Hangzhou Animation and Game Industry Development Center, Hangzhou Education Bureau and Hangzhou Daily Newspaper Group, is on display. This year’s exhibition has specially set up a graffiti wall, which welcomes animation lovers to play on the spot.

After 15 years, the contest "I am the king of animation" has become an important carrier for cultivating young people to form socialist core values, and an important platform for young people in Hangzhou to show themselves by cartoons and depict the image of Hangzhou as the "animation capital".

Special reminder

Due to the large traffic during the animation festival, it is suggested that the audience choose bus and subway for green travel. In order to facilitate the general public to travel by public transport, five subway stations, namely Jiangling Road, Binkang Road, Jucai Road, Changhe and People’s Square, have set up free shuttle bus lines and free transfer lines to the parking lot.

For more information, please follow China International Cartoon & Animation Festival’s official WeChat and Weibo.

After 9 years, the Asian Youth Championship group qualified! A light in the dark night of China football.

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 9 th: After 9 years, the Asian Youth Championship Group qualified! A light in the dark night of China football.

  Reporter Bian Liqun

  In the U20 Asian Cup group match, which ended on the evening of 9th Beijing time, the U20 national football team played Kyrgyzstan 1-1 and successfully qualified from the "group of death". This is the U20 national football team reaching the U20 Asian Cup knockout round again after 9 years.

  For China football in the valley, it is undoubtedly an invaluable light in the dark night.

  Competition progress

  This game is still quite thrilling. The opening ceremony of Kyrgyzstan U20 posed several threats. It wasn’t until the 19th minute of the game that China shot a slightly threatening shot, and Eiffel turned around and attacked the goal in the restricted area, slightly higher than the crossbar.

  In the 30th minute, Kyrgyzstan set the ball, but the close header in front of Brauzman didn’t reach it, so China dodged a bullet.

  Yi Bian fought again. In the 49th minute, Brauzman pushed the goal, but the offside goal was invalid.

  In the 59th minute, the passive China team took the lead in breaking the deadlock! China fought back, Buick Berdinov made an own goal in the process of clearance, and China led 1-0!

  In the 87th minute, China missed the goal in the counter-attack. In turn, Kyrgyzstan scored a quick counter-attack, and China scored 1-1 in Kyrgyzstan. In the end, this score was difficult to maintain until the end.

  Re-qualify after 9 years

  As Japanese U20 beat Saudi U20 2-1 in the same group, China scored 4 points in the group stage, with 1 win, 1 draw and 1 loss, and qualified as the second group. In the previous two group matches, the U20 national football team was reversed by Japan 1-2 and defeated Saudi Arabia 2-0.

  Whether it is the process or the result, this is a happy result. Since the U20 national football team, represented by Wei Shihao, reached the Asian Youth Championship (U20 Asian Cup) in 2014, the China team has not qualified for 2016 and 2018.

  In the 2020 Asian Youth Championship, China suffered the first missed trough in 25 years, but the Asian Youth Championship was later cancelled due to the epidemic.

  In this Asian Youth Championship, China stumbled through the preliminaries, but fell into the "death group" where Japan and Saudi Arabia were located, and its prospects became even more bleak.

  It is precisely these factors that make people feel extremely happy even if the U20 national football team is "only" qualified for the Asian Youth Championship, and it has successively made headlines and hot searches in major media.

  Of course, there are also different voices that this is an accidental event of "eating jiaozi", which is due to luck, and what’s more, it has come up with a cynical "traditional artistic ability".

  Then ask, isn’t one of the great charms of football accidental? Otherwise, why is Saudi Arabia still talking about winning Argentina in the World Cup? If you can’t be happy if you win or lose, what’s the point of football? Simply make a spittoon to abuse and vent?

  At present, the strength of China football is indeed limited, but it is worthy of applause to be the best under limited conditions, which is not limited to the U20 national football team, but also to the national football team and the women’s football team in China.

  Give a sample of China football.

  Of course, over-belittling and over-flattering are not conducive to the current football in China. At this stage, we still need to be rational and pragmatic. This U20 under Antonio also fully embodies this point.

  Although the tactic of "swinging the bus" was adopted and the ball was handed over to the opponent, it was not for the sake of swinging the bus.

  We can see the adjustment of the defensive level and formation, the aggressiveness in the rush, the routine of counterattack, including the design of the set-pieces, and we can still see some skills. It is already very successful to achieve such an effect under the existing team.

  Coupled with the vigor, the players carried out the tactics well. Whether against Japan or Saudi Arabia, which is stronger than themselves, the boys of the China team always fought and were not defeated.

  This has also set a good example for China football. In the face of strong players in the international arena, it is not just passive beatings. We can find a way that suits us and compete to a certain extent.

  In addition, Eiffel, Mutalifu and Hu Hetao, who performed well in this U20 national football team, also showed the importance of the league. They all made progress under the struggle of the Super League last season. Can withstand the critical moment in the U20 national football team.

  After entering the knockout stage, on the evening of 12th, Beijing time, the U20 national football team will play against South Korea. The opponents had previously drawn U20 in Oman, Jordan and Tajikistan at 4:0, 2:0 and 0:0 respectively.

  Fight hard, catch up, China boys continue to refuel! (End)

The Chinese horror film expected in the year was scolded by the hot search.

The writer of this article is the writer @ 中中中中中中中中.

Lazy and greedy, do not love labor, only love movies. 

Last weekend, two hardcore movies were discussed by everyone.

One is Wei Jiahui+Liu Qingyun’s hot police and bandit suspense film Detective Wars, and the other is the annual Chinese-language horror film Curse that many fans are looking forward to.

"Curse" is a very lively movie both inside and outside the play. It is adapted from the true story of a six-mouth evil in Kaohsiung. The trailer was taken off the platform because it was too scary.

When it was shown in Taiwan Province, China, some viewers fled the cinema in fear, and some went to the temple to worship God after watching it. In the same period, the box office topped the Hollywood blockbuster "New Batman", ranking first at the box office of Taiwan Film this year with a score of NT$ 170 million.

With such a stunt, the appetite of mainland fans is naturally lifted high, and even known as "the best Chinese horror film of the year."

However, after the "curse" was launched, it was scolded by the hot search.

Not for anything else, just because of "bad luck."

Is "The Curse" really horrible or unlucky? Xiaowan has helped everyone to check the film. The front part is "high energy" and timid.

"Curse" strung together a curse spanning six years with two timelines.

Six years ago, if a man and his boyfriend and friends formed a "ghost squad" to explore the mysterious village. The whole village is wrapped in a strange and mysterious atmosphere. Everyone greets with strange gestures and worships strange evil spirits.

Boyfriends and friends broke into the "absolutely forbidden tunnel" and died on the spot, and the villagers also died. If the pregnant man was lucky enough to survive, he left here in a state of mental breakdown.

Six years later, Ruonan, who returned to normal, got her daughter’s right to care, and the mother and daughter started a new life. But strange things have happened one after another, and my daughter has symptoms of evil.

If the man runs around for his daughter, but more innocent people suffer, she finally decides to go back to the source of fear-the tunnel in the forbidden area of cults to find out.

On the surface, the horror elements in The Curse are nothing new, but a combination of "Death in a Forbidden Area", "Curse-ridden" and "Strange Death", with the tearful affection elements of "Motherly Saving Women".

But is the "Curse" really about the story of "the great mother is eager to love her daughter and return to the forbidden area PK evil spirit"?

Not necessarily.

There are many contradictory scenes and details in the film. The biggest doubt is: When did the man know about the evil god The Secret Behind? Six years ago or six years later? 

We can interpret this film in a different way, which may break the existing story about "maternal love".

Formally, The Curse also belongs to the popular screen/desktop movie in recent years, which is constantly switching between mobile phone screen, computer screen and video recording in the monitoring room.

Most of the curse content is if the man is explaining it to the screen, and this first-person narrative is actually mixed with many subjective elements.

Through the screen, we saw a novice mother who often "does bad things with good intentions", and she unconsciously felt sympathy and pity.

But what if the man lied? What if we see what she wants us to see?

What if it was all a scam from beginning to end?

The Curse has both positive and negative interpretation space. It depends on the audience’s understanding that loving mother/evil mother, saving women/sacrificing, breaking spells/unsealing evil spirits.

As early as the beginning of the film, "The Curse" implied by the running direction of the Ferris wheel and subway that "our thoughts quietly shape the world". The world is what you think.

The biggest controversy surrounding the curse is: bad luck.

Why did the audience feel unlucky, and even this topic was once hotly searched.

The first is the immersive fear brought by Chinese horror.

Japanese, Korean, European and American horror films are still separated by a layer, and ghosts that can only be hit by crossing the ocean cannot induce the sense of sight of domestic audiences. Taiwan Province horror movies are different. Everyone has the same root and the folk culture looks familiar.

There are two kinds of horror elements in the curse: foreign elements and Chinese elements. The former includes insects, antennae, secret fear and jumpscar; The latter includes folk customs, feudal superstitions and Chinese binding.

Although the former is scary, it will be forgotten after seeing nausea; It is the latter that really goes deep into the bone marrow and causes association.

Whispering the mantra "Fire Buddha Xiu Yi" and "Heart Sa Baa" which can be seen everywhere, strange cult totems can also find similarities in murals;

There are common spells and exorcism rituals in feudal times; There are also ancient altar offerings, swaying dim red lanterns, and hairy clay dolls in the ancestral hall, which can understand the essence of Chinese horror.

Have to sigh with emotion, Taiwan Province horror movies have a way of holding Chinese horror. It is a trend in recent years to combine folk elements with stories of evil spirits, and it is also an opportunity for Taiwan Province horror films to revive. The previous "Little Girl in Red" series and "Zongxie" also exploded for similar reasons.

Little girl in red 2

The second reason for bad luck is that the audience feels offended.

Watching traditional horror movies, we usually stand in the perspective of God and overlook the tricks of the characters in the film. Although the people in the film have no idea about their own situation, we know in advance that there are ghosts of the dead, and we treat them with a sense of superiority from an omniscient perspective.

"Curse" uses screen narration, which is equivalent to the audience standing in the second perspective and having an equal dialogue with the characters in the film, which is easy to produce immersion.

So when we read the spell after Ruonan at the end of the film, we found ourselves cheated and became a part of the curse.

When the audience realizes it, people will naturally feel annoyed. The subtext is "The director actually dragged us into it" and "The dummy actually lied to the real person".

This kind of "offense" to the audience is not new, and it has also appeared in other horror films before.

The most classic is the video of Sadako’s death in "The Ring of Midnight". People who watch the video will die strangely within 7 days, and if they pass it on to others, they can hand over bad luck.

There are also pirated videos in "Ghost Will Show". It is said that anyone who sees the death of Fusang (the film in the film) will be killed by a female ghost. Of course, the characters in the play saw it, and so did the audience outside the play.

In Truth or Adventure, there are also scenes in which videos are posted to video websites. In this way, the protagonist group allows more people to share the devil’s sanctions.

"Curse" should refer to the above films and set up a bridge that offends the audience. From the perspective of communication, this stunt is quite memorable, which is really conducive to the wide spread of the film.

Its essence is no different from old terrier’s "If you don’t forward it to X people within X hours, you will …", so you don’t have to feel unlucky or unlucky.

Don’t be afraid, there is also a curse letter in Legend of Wulin.

Returning to the film itself, The Curse is a Chinese horror film worth watching with acceptable quality.

The greatest advantages and disadvantages of The Curse are related to the screen narration.

On the one hand, with the help of large and small screens, it builds a horror experience with a strong sense of immersion and interaction, and all the scary pictures seem to happen in front of us.

On the other hand, in order to pursue the consistency of the form before and after, the film also added a screen where it is not necessary to use the screen narrative, which is not as good as the semi-screen narrative of the Female Ghost Bridge.

The Curse has brought many amazing highlights, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Kevin Ko, a new generation director, also has ambitions and plans to devote himself to it.

When he was a student, he filmed a small-budget horror short film "Ghost Print", the first feature film was the slashing thriller "Fatal Party", and in his early works, there was a doomsday counterattack related to the doomsday element, which was enough to see his interest.

In the past ten years, he has not produced much, and he is out of the category of horror. The Adult 2, the Emergency of Getting Off the Bill and the Budaoxia, which were filmed in the mainland, can only be regarded as unsuccessful commercial comedies.

From the beginning of "The Curse", Kevin Ko returned to the old line of horror films. The win-win box office reputation of "Curse" gives him confidence to promote the follow-up films of the same type.

In addition to Curse 2, which features a girl and a boy, Kevin Ko also intends to open a "one-word movie universe" based on the real events in Taiwan Province.

Maybe, there will be the next explosion in the follow-up new films "Pickling", "Sleeping", "Even" and "Burial" of "One Word Movie Universe".

Note: Some pictures in this article are from Douban and the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us actively.

The soul of the army is immortal, and the glory will stay forever. In 2020, the "most beautiful retired soldiers" was released!

Once in the army, the soul of the army is deep into the bone. Generations of revolutionary soldiers have made important contributions to national independence, national liberation and socialist modernization with blood, life, wisdom and sweat.

  A word "to" means a lifetime. Whether dressed in military uniforms to defend the country or taking off military uniforms, retired soldiers have written wonderful chapters on all fronts: on the road to winning a well-off society in an all-round way and fighting poverty, in the battle against the COVID-19 epidemic, in the forefront of flood control and disaster relief … … At the emergency moment that every country needs, they all charge ahead and practice the clank oath of "retiring and not fading, and building a new era" with actions.

  What we see in the retired soldiers is the simple brand of hard work, the heroic blood that came forward in times of crisis, the upright posture that keeps its true colors forever, and the infinite power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!




  They dare to charge, be brave in dedication, have a sense of responsibility and mission, overcome layers of difficulties and obstacles, and forge ahead in times of national crisis. They are the silhouette of a group, reflecting the spirit of the times when the vast number of veterans are based on all walks of life and devoted to social construction; They are a bright banner, showing the excellent qualities of Do not forget your initiative mind, a retired soldier, and keeping his mission in mind.

  Let’s walk into these shining names together and feel their sincere and unchanging Chinese military soul — —

Zhao Xiaoying

Head nurse of thoracic surgery department of army characteristic medical center

  She is a "desperate three mothers", Wenchuan earthquake relief has her firm figure, and helping Liberia fight Ebola has her solid footprint. After taking off her military uniform, she became a rehired employee. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, she took the initiative to apply for "aid to fight the epidemic in Hubei". As the first batch of medical team members, she went deep into the high-risk pollution wards of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital to participate in the rescue work. The ward where she served as the head nurse "has the highest cure rate, the lowest mortality rate, zero infection among medical staff and zero complaints from patients".

Wang Guohui

Secretary of the Party Branch of Tianying Village, Baiji Town, shenqiu county City, Henan Province

  After the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, on New Year’s Eve in 2020, veteran Wang Guohui chose to "go upstream" and drove 500 kilometers alone to deliver 5 tons of vegetables picked from his vegetable planting base to the construction site of Huoshenshan Hospital under construction. Having served in Wuhan for 17 years, he has long regarded it as his second hometown. His hometown is in trouble, and he is duty-bound to go through fire and water! After that, he sent "love vegetables" to Wuhan twice regardless of his personal safety. He built a "love bridge" between Shenqiu and Wuhan, showing the feelings of the retired soldiers about their home country.

Kuang Yuanping

Chairman of Hubei Yanhuang Group

  At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Kuang Yuanping, who was visiting relatives in Australia, was held up in Sydney due to flight interruption. Affectionate for the motherland, he actively called for the establishment of an overseas Chinese anti-epidemic coordination group in Australia, and sent an initiative to overseas Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese communities in 78 countries to raise a large number of urgently needed medical materials, and spent 10 million yuan to send the materials to Wuhan twice by charter flights. He also mobilized the affiliated enterprises and employees of the Group to donate money and materials to support nearly 500 hospitals, isolation points and communities in Hubei Province, showing the true feelings of a retired veteran and the responsibility of outstanding entrepreneurs.

Ding guonian

Chairman of Zhejiang Guohua Group Co., Ltd.

  After retiring, Ding Guonian developed a small enterprise into a group enterprise with total assets of 7.5 billion yuan. Since the establishment of the company, he has always adhered to the development concept of "retired soldiers are valuable human resources" and adhered to the principle of "giving priority to the recruitment of retired soldiers", creating a cultural atmosphere of respecting, worshiping and invalidating the army in the enterprise. Up to now, he has recruited more than 2,000 retired soldiers. He took the initiative to assume social responsibility, and when he became rich, he did not forget to give back to Mulberry, help the needy and donate money to study, with a total donation of more than 260 million yuan. During the epidemic spread in COVID-19, he also actively rushed to organize donations and materials, which contributed to the fight against the epidemic.

Yu Wenxian

Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dean of Shanghai Beidou Navigation Innovation Research Institute

  Yu Wenxian, known as the founder of "China Precision" and the "pilot" of Beidou navigation, has led a research team to achieve a series of achievements in radar target recognition, remote sensing information processing, integrated navigation and positioning technology, and made outstanding contributions to key technologies of defense, equipment development and industrialization in China. After retiring, he promoted the establishment of the Institute of Perception and Navigation in Shanghai Jiaotong University, undertook major projects such as the application demonstration project of Beidou satellite navigation in the Yangtze River Delta, led the establishment of the key laboratory of Beidou navigation and location service and intelligent detection and identification, and devoted himself to solving the core technical problems in Beidou navigation and location service, with remarkable scientific research results.

Joe Sun

Xinjiang entry-exit frontier inspection station Hong Qi La Fu entry-exit

Border checkpoint police

  Sun Chao, who joined the army at the age of 17 and became a frontier soldier in Hongqilafu, Xinjiang, gave up the high demobilization fee because of the army reform, and chose to be a grassroots policeman at the entry-exit frontier inspection station in Hongqilafu. He stayed on the Pamirs at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters for 24 consecutive years. Although "being a soldier is at the edge of the horizon", in order to let his comrades stationed in the "forbidden area of life" eat fresh vegetables, he taught himself agricultural knowledge, overcame the key technical problems of vegetable planting in the alpine region, successfully planted more than 36 kinds of vegetables, built 8 vegetable greenhouses, and created the "Wan Ren Ice Peak, Ten acres of Jiangnan" green mile!

Chen bingjin

Chief Engineer of Sichuan Chuanjiao Seed Industry Technology Co., Ltd.

  Chen Bingjin, an agricultural science popularization person who walks in the field, is a "farmer scientist who came out of the pepper field". After retiring from the army and returning to the countryside, determined to change poverty with science and technology, he studied hard, asked for advice with an open mind, worked hard in school and worked hard in middle school, overcame difficulties such as lack of funds and technical resources, and with his strong perseverance and firm belief brought by his five-year military career, he independently overcame scientific research problems in the pepper field, bred more than 70 new pepper varieties, obtained 11 invention patents in the pepper field, boosted the scientific and technological progress in China’s pepper field, and wrote his own legend from farmer to scientist!

Dong bojun

Secretary of the Party Branch of Qinghai Lizhan Law Firm

  After retiring, Dong Bojun’s fine style, which has always been tempered by the green military camp, affects his practice process. He loves his job and pays attention to social responsibility, puts forward the service concept of "working in the law firm and dedicating to the grassroots", and goes deep into military camps, communities, rural areas and schools to carry out legal preaching and legal consultation on a voluntary basis all the year round. He never forgets the kindness of military education and training, and provides free consultation and training for all legal affairs involving active servicemen and retired servicemen. He has made important contributions to the economic development and social stability of Qinghai Province, and is called "a full-fledged iron-mouthed lawyer" by judicial personnel.

Wang changqun

Retired cadres of Yunnan Grain and Oil Transportation Company

  Wang Changqun, who joined the army at the age of 15, has participated in tasks such as liberating the southwest, eliminating bandits and defending the frontier. Later, she obeyed the organization’s arrangement to participate in local economic construction, took root in the border area with her husband, and made contributions to the construction and development of the border area. In the 1970s and 1980s, the war on the southwest border ignited, and she volunteered to be the leader of the condolences before the support. A family of six people went to the battlefield, and two sons fought bravely and died heroically. After retirement, she inherited the red family style, was enthusiastic about social undertakings, offered love for public welfare, helped fight the epidemic, and always adhered to the original nature of Communist party member and performed boundless love.

Jin yuguo

Chairman of Longyuanhong Fruit Distribution Co., Ltd., Jingning County, Gansu Province

  In line with the idea of "let everyone change their living methods", Jin Yuguo, after retiring, was under great pressure. During his tenure as village party secretary, he raised funds to set up wood distribution stations, carpet factories and brick and tile factories, which enabled more than 300 people in the village to find jobs at home and made his village one of the "10 Red Flag Villages" in the city. He also based on the advantages of local apple planting, seized the opportunity, took the lead in establishing an organic apple demonstration base, set up a professional cooperative, extended the industrial chain, created the "Longyuanhong" apple brand, promoted Jingning apples to be exported to more than 30 cities and 16 countries and regions in China, and led more and more villagers to start businesses and become rich.

He Jianzhong

Director of Jiangping Road Post Sub-office, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province

  After retiring, He Jianzhong became a grass-roots postman. Faced with the "boring" work of repeating sorting and delivery every day, he set himself the "three noes" work goal of "no mistakes, no omissions and no complaints", and worked diligently for 15 years, which was recognized by the masses; After serving as the director of Jiangping Road Sub-bureau, he once again established the "three noes" rule of "no complaining, no shrinking, no admitting defeat" and led the overall situation from the countdown of the city’s performance to the first place for 12 consecutive years. After being elected as the representative of the 11th to 13th National People’s Congress, he dutifully made suggestions and served the people’s livelihood, and made steady progress on the road of performing his duties.

Guoqiang Zhang

China FAW Group Co., Ltd. Vehicle Road Tester

  He used to be an automobile soldier. After retiring, he went to China’s largest commercial vehicle enterprise to become a vehicle inspector. He has been attached to the automobile for 37 years, and has grown from a layman who can only operate the steering wheel to a technical "vanguard" in the quality assurance post, and has also become an out-and-out "automobile veteran". In his work, he created his own learning method of "one look, two notes, three exercises and four summaries", and formulated a set of testing standards. The National Professional Skills Standard for Automobile Assemblers and Adjusters, which participated in the editing and presiding, became an industry textbook, contributing to the revitalization of national automobile brands.

chen weihua

State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Xicheng District Taxation Bureau

Deputy director of the first taxation office

  Chen Weihua, who was the 31st monitor of Zhang Side Class, brought the good idea, good style and good tradition of "green military camp" into "blue tax post" after retiring. He insisted on "serving the people", started as a grass-roots tax collector, actively studied and humbly asked for advice, and quickly grew into a business backbone; He performed his duties and was willing to contribute, strictly audited every deed tax business, established a standardized defense line, and saw through many illegal cases; He expanded "online and offline double assistance" to achieve zero complaints about tax service in ten years. During the COVID-19 epidemic, he actively explored the classified service mode and became a good "non-contact" tax practitioner. He is a lubricant between taxpayers and tax workers, a "service yardstick" in the eyes of colleagues, and a "Zhang Side wearing a tax badge".

Zhang Tianshui

Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

Deputy stationmaster of sanfang qixiang fire rescue station

  In 2012, Zhang Tianshui, a sophomore, abandoned his pen and became a fire fighter. With the reform of the fire brigade, he took off his "olive green" and replaced it with "flame blue". He described his youth in the arduous task of defending the fire safety of the ancient buildings in Sanfang and Qixiang, and devoted himself to the glorious mission that the only fire rescue team in the country was responsible for raising and lowering the national flag in the provincial capital city. He set an example in training and practiced his skills hard; Fight bravely in fire fighting and rescue, and charge ahead. Zhang Tianshui, the hero of the post-90 s fire, vowed to be a firefighter with zero mistakes under the national flag!

Retired soldiers in Lujiang County, Anhui Province

Flood fighting and emergency assault team 1

  In the summer of 2020, Lujiang County, Anhui Province suffered a once-in-a-century flood. On July 22nd, the Shidaweilian section of Datong Town in this county suddenly burst its dike. At a critical moment, a retired military cadre (Wang Song) and four firefighters (Chen Lu, Chang Qing, Li Junjie and Li Shun) transferred from the former Armed Police Fire Brigade formed a flood fighting and emergency assault team to rescue the trapped people. In the emergency rescue, regardless of personal safety, they fight where the most dangerous is and where the most difficult is, and truly regard the front line of flood fighting and emergency rescue as a "whetstone" to show their mission responsibility. Chen Lu and Wang Song have been chased as martyrs.


Deputy Mayor of Chuanfangyu Town, Jizhou District, Tianjin

Concurrently secretary of the Party branch and village director of Maojiayu village.

  Twenty years ago, Maojiayu Village was a "bachelor village". After Li Suo retired, he voluntarily gave up the "iron rice bowl", led the villagers to start businesses, improve the living environment of the village, engage in tourism, run farmhouses to open homestays, build healthy leisure, cultural tourism and health care bases, and build an unknown backward village into a well-known "national agricultural tourism demonstration village", which not only made the "myth" from poor villages to tourism professional villages.

Potting Song

Party Secretary of Houbaligou Village, Zoucheng City, Shandong Province

  After leaving the army, Song Wei worked hard and became a local entrepreneur with small achievements. In 2005, facing the expectations of the villagers, he resolutely returned to the village as the branch secretary and took over the poor and backward mess in Houbaligou Village. After fifteen years of hard work, Song Wei, in accordance with the development idea of "leading by Party building, educating people by filial piety and benefiting the people by industry", United and led the villagers to vigorously develop the collective economy, forming the industrial pattern of commerce, science and technology, education, old-age care and eco-tourism in internet plus, resettling more than 20,000 people for employment and entrepreneurship, and making the village develop from initial debt to assets of more than 4 billion yuan, becoming a well-known civilized village.

Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" Poverty Alleviation Team

  Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" poverty alleviation team consists of seven retired military cadres, including Xiao Zhengqiang, Yang Shouliang, Lin Xiancai, Chu Daiyang, Lei Xingfa, Hu Kegui and Yang Bing. They kept their true colors as soldiers, continued to write about their feelings, played the vanguard and exemplary role of party member, a retired soldier, took off their uniforms and went to the "new battlefield" to fight poverty and overcome difficulties, leading the people in party member to become the "vanguard" in the decisive battle to fight poverty and build a well-off society in an all-round way. They promoted the rural industrial revolution, promoted grassroots social governance, and gradually grew into leaders of grassroots party building, maintainers of harmony and stability, and caring people of the people, which played an important role in demonstrating and leading Anshun’s economic and social development.


Bing Lianchang, a villager from Houtou, Qiaoshang Township, Huguan County, Shanxi Province

  After 22 years of training and education by the party and the army, although he took off his military uniform, he always maintained his true colors of sharing worries for the party, contributing to the country and serving the people. In 2018, he resigned as a journalist and volunteered to return to his hometown to serve as the company commander of Houtou Village. He devoted himself to the cause of poverty alleviation in his hometown and led Houtou Village to build roads to get rid of poverty. More than 3,500 meters long, with thousands of stone steps and more than 100,000 stones, Niu Hesong took three years to lead the villagers to "move the mountain from the foolish old man" and cut two tourist trails in the depths of Taihang Mountain, which opened the door to the development of tourism in Houtou Village and made the poor and backward mountain village uproot its roots and embark on the road to prosperity!

Shi bingqi

Dazhuang Village, Xingcun Town, hejian city City, Hebei Province

Party branch secretary and village director

  In February 2018, Shi Bingqi, who had retired from the post of deputy teacher, gave up the comfortable retirement life in Beijing and resolutely returned to his hometown to lead the villagers to a well-off society. He laid a solid foundation for party building and formed a unique "educational model of farmers’ ideological and political work"; In view of the stubborn diseases such as garbage, road water and illegal buildings in the village, he established 20 village rules and regulations to rectify the appearance of the village; In order to stop the unhealthy marriage customs, such as comparing people’s feelings and doing big things, he explored a new way of villagers’ self-management and constantly promoted the change of customs … … In just over two years, he led a "post-village" with a scattered team and frequent contradictions into an advanced, stable and civilized "benchmark village" and was affectionately called "senior university village official" by the people.

  They always keep their true colors and overcome difficulties, showing the style of veterans struggling for the first place; They dare to charge and dedicate themselves in times of crisis, demonstrating the mission of "if there is a war, they will return when they are called"; Their deeds are touching and inspiring, which will inspire the veterans to build a new era and gather strong positive energy to learn advanced and strive to be advanced.

  The release ceremony is divided into four chapters: Retrograde Expedition, Vow Silent, Ordinary Persistence, and Strength of Attacking. Through video display, interactive interviews and other links, we strive to present the advanced deeds and feelings of work and life of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" from all angles, and show the veteran spirit they always remember in their hearts.

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

Children's voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Children’s voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

  This year coincides with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Chinese people’s Volunteer Army’s war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The release ceremony also specially set up a tribute link, inviting three old heroes to the release ceremony, namely Huang Zhifu, Lin Bingyuan and Chang Zhiguo, to tell the heroic story of the volunteers who are not afraid of strong enemies and sacrifices, to accept the high respect of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and the audience, and to encourage the majority of retired soldiers to follow the example of the old heroes, remember this magnificent history, inherit this spirit of promoting dedication, and pay tribute to the heroes and the audience.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

  Jiang Jianguo, Vice Minister of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Zhu Tianshu, Vice Minister of Veterans Affairs, and Bi Bin, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Bureau of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, attended the ceremony and presented awards for the "Most Beautiful Veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

  They come from all walks of life, but they have the same name — — The most beautiful retired soldier. What they took off was the military uniform, and what they could not get rid of was the muscle memory of "charging forward" and the true colors of brave and determined soldiers. They showed their talents in times of crisis, without fear of fighting the tide of the times, and their advanced deeds spread all over the country, sketching out the most beautiful scenery of "serving the people".

  Join the army and defend the country; Retire and build a beautiful home. The transfer of the battlefield and the change of identity have not changed the true colors of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" revolutionary soldiers, the true colors of serving the people and the true colors of unremitting struggle. They have taken off their military uniforms and bid farewell to the army, and they are still shining in various fields, writing a new chapter in their lives and careers with their own words and deeds!

  Retirement does not fade, loyalty and courage, tonight, let us pay tribute to the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and witness the glory of "veterans"!

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

Central radio and television main station

Society and Law Channel (CCTV-12)

It premiered at 20:15 on December 18th.

Science and education channel (CCTV-10)

Replay at 15:38 on December 19th.

National defense military channel (CCTV-7)

Replay at 22:30 on December 19th.

"Shiny name — — The release ceremony of the most beautiful veterans in 2020 "

Pay tribute to every retired soldier!

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu?

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu? Everyone knows that education is a stepping stone, so the adult college entrance examination is a good choice for many employees, but many people want to know some common questions about the adult college entrance examination in advance when they apply for the adult college entrance examination. The following small series will answer some questions about the adult college entrance examination for everyone, hoping to help everyone!

If you have questions about the adult college entrance examination, don’t know how to choose the examiners’ colleges and majors, and don’t know the local policies for entering the exam, click to learn now > >

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu?

In the English review from the entrance examination to the undergraduate level, the examination syllabus not only shows the content of the examination, but also explains the types of the examination. Candidates can choose their own suitable preparation materials according to the examination syllabus, and gradually learn with the materials to improve their learning ability step by step.

In the investigation of English subjects, the original title rarely appears, but the deformation of the original title often appears. Therefore, after preparing for the exam for a period of time and mastering the basic examination knowledge, candidates should still do the questions carefully, check and fill in the gaps from the questions, find their own knowledge weaknesses, and then consolidate them again.

Adult college entrance examination is a major that decides whether candidates are admitted or not according to the principle of "selecting the best candidates from high scores to low scores".

Undergraduate: According to the principle of filing, the Provincial Education Examinations Institute files from high scores to low scores according to candidates’ wishes. Colleges and universities determine whether candidates are admitted or not and the majors they record, and return the electronic files of those who are not admitted.

Specialty: According to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following volunteers" in parallel volunteer, the Provincial Education Examinations Institute puts the candidates’ files on the provincial control line according to the enrollment plan of colleges and universities. Colleges and universities determine whether to admit candidates and their majors within the enrollment plan limit, and return the electronic files of those who have not been admitted.

This year’s admission score line needs to wait until the exam is finished, but the annual admission score line does not fluctuate greatly. Students can refer to last year’s admission score line first. You need to take four exams for starting high school, three exams for starting high school, and three exams for starting high school, each with a perfect score of 150, with a total score of 450.

The above is related to the adult college entrance examination. Candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the adult college entrance examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online adult college entrance examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have questions about the adult college entrance examination, don’t know how to choose the examiners’ colleges and majors, and don’t know the local policies for entering the exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of National Adult College Entrance Examination in 2024

Official website Summary of Adult College Entrance Examination Registration in All Provinces of China in 2024

Summary of Registration Conditions for Adult College Entrance Examination in 2024 in All Provinces of China

Why is your collocation always ordinary? I don’t understand these three points of fashion, so it’s no wonder I’m not foreign.

If you want to enhance your charm and get rid of rusticity quickly by collocation, our collocation should not be too casual. A woman with real temperament will not follow suit at will. When you want to find a collocation that can keep warm and fashionable in winter, maybe you can look at the following fashionable collocation and understand these three points of fashion, and you can easily become fashionable with foreign flavor.


First, master 3-point fashion, but not foreign style.

(1) let you have long legs by being short at the top and long at the bottom.

The biggest figure problem of short or short-legged girls is that the proportion is not good enough. At this time, we don’t have to worry. We can improve our personal proportion easily by mastering the classic collocation skills of short and long.

The collocation of jacket and high-waisted trousers is mainly to make the position of our waist be pulled up, which can highlight your waist and visually extend the leg length.


② Personality overlapping highlights taste.

Girls with average collocation skills rarely try to mix and match at will in their daily lives, but if you really want to wear a sense of high class, overlapping is definitely indispensable.

Especially in winter, it is recommended.You can boldly use all kinds of coats to fold and wear.Through various loose coats, bottoming shirts, sweaters, etc., the style is changed, thus easily embodying the sense of fashion.


③ Boldly express charm with color.

In daily collocation, black, white and gray are the most common, classic and versatile, but for some girls who pursue individuality,Single color matching is always boring. At this time, it is really easy to express your personality through beautiful popular color matching.

For example, in winter, in addition to the basic black, white, gray and earth tone, green, pink and purple clothes can also be used, but the saturation is not too high, otherwise there will be a risk of blackening.


andColor not only affects skin color, but also affects our matching proportion. Different colors of upper and lower body clothes can form a more obvious style visually.

For example, dark bottoms with light-colored tops can also be divided into our proportions at the color division, so that the proportion of the figure can be adjusted. When you match, you should remember that the color division point should be raised as high as possible, so as to avoid appearing fifty-fifty.


Second, these are fashionable and foreign, and they look good when copied.

In winter, all kinds of cotton-padded jacket are indispensable clothes in our wardrobe. How should a cotton-padded jacket with a short foundation be matched? First of all, girlsYou have to look at the inside. The inside style is simple and low-key, and it can be worn with a down jacket, so you can refuse to be bloated.Form a better bonus effect. For example, these simple sweaters with solid color down jackets have a strong sense of layering.

Simply matching wide-leg pants with the lower body can also block the body disadvantage, modify our existing body problems, and easily foster strengths and avoid weaknesses.


When wearing a loose coat, if you are worried that you will look fat if you cover your waist, then you can also match a variety of high-waist pants to form a more obvious connection.

By matching high-waist trousers with a short coat to modify your figure, you can also open your coat, which obviously highlights your waist curve. This collocation will basically not appear bloated.


The matching of the same color has always been very classic. When girls and friends don’t know how to match, it should be no problem to choose the same style for the color of tops and trousers..

Simple matching of the same color makes the whole shape look more harmonious and more closely connected, and it does not seem to be inconsistent.


Same-color collocation does not mean that the colors must be exactly the same, we can use the collocation of near-color system.It can also be combined with colors with uniform color system and different brightness. With a sense of hierarchy, it will not be too complicated and particularly easy to control.


Winter collocation only needs to master the above fashionable ideas and see how these fashionistas are matched, which will always enable you to gain more ideas in dressing and master more ways to become beautiful, and you can become a goddess inadvertently.

Live football

Live football officially entered the PC, competing with FIFA for the market of computer games. As a computer football enthusiast, you must have your own unique views on these two games, and you can make progress only when you find problems. If you are a loyal supporter of live football, which of the following are the places you are most satisfied with?

Game screen

Music sound effect

Sense of control balance

Online function
Upper hand speed

JD.COM Group released Q4 and annual financial report: jingdong cloud laid out industrial AI to promote artificial intelligence landing industry.

JD.COM Group (NASDAQ: JD, HKEx: 9618) released its fourth quarter and annual results in 2022, with annual net income exceeding one trillion yuan. In the fourth quarter, its net service income was 57.8 billion yuan (about 8.4 billion US dollars), a year-on-year increase of 40.3%. Jingdong cloud, as the core brand of technology and services provided by JD.COM, continues to exert its cutting-edge technology and digital infrastructure to boost the real economy to achieve high-quality growth with the ability of digital intelligence supply chain.

Since the comprehensive transformation to technology in early 2017, JD.COM system has invested nearly 100 billion yuan in technology, continuously strengthened its own technical capabilities and industrial digitalization capabilities, and provided technology and services to the outside world with jingdong cloud as its core brand. In the field of AIGC and big model, jingdong cloud’s artificial intelligence application platform of Yanxi is preparing for the industrial version of ChatGPT to accelerate the landing of artificial intelligence technology in the industry. At present, Yanxi virtual anchor has served more than 4,000 brands; JD.COM Exploration Institute upgraded the model of the Weaver Girl, and topped the list of SuperGLUE, an international authoritative task evaluation for complex language understanding.

Jingdong cloud continued to dig deep into cutting-edge technology, and the Weaver Girl model topped the national list again.

In the basic model of common language understanding, JD.COM Exploration Institute upgraded the Vega v2 model with larger scale, stronger performance and better mobility. This model can be widely used in many downstream natural language processing tasks, such as sentiment analysis, semantic matching, grammar correction, intelligent question answering, common sense reasoning and so on. On the SuperGLUE list of international authoritative complex language understanding task evaluation, Vega v2 model surpassed top international institutions such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and OpenAI, and topped the world with an average score of 91.3.

This is not the first time that the Weaver Girl model has won the championship. Vega v1 ranked first in the top test GLUE in the global natural language processing field with a total average score of 91.3. Vega-MT also won 7 track titles in WMT2022 International Machine Translation Evaluation. The winning of Vega series models proves that JD.COM Exploration Institute’s multilingual natural language processing technology is leading in the field of super deep learning.

Jingdong cloud exports industrial AI capabilities, and digital intelligence technology helps thousands of industries to grow with high quality.

Jingdong cloud’s artificial intelligence application platform is preparing for the industrial version of ChatGPT, and has announced the "125" plan of landing application roadmap. JD.COM will focus on two advantageous industries, namely retail and finance, and carry out technical research around five types of applications: content generation, man-machine dialogue, user intention understanding, information extraction and emotion classification, so as to accelerate the development and landing of artificial intelligence technology in China with the strength of industrial AI and promote the development of real economy.

In the field of digital people, jingdong cloud has launched the virtual anchor of Yanxi. Driven by AI, the virtual anchor of Yanxi has a changeable image, a voice comparable to that of a real person, and a wealth of e-commerce knowledge accumulation. At present, it has interacted smoothly with the audience in hundreds of brand live broadcast rooms, widely serving 3C home appliances, beauty cosmetics, maternal and child, pets, home and other stores, and providing digital anchor services for many well-known brands such as Lenovo, Nut and Yili, bringing millions of GMV growth every day.

Jingdong cloud, as a "more industry-aware" cloud, will not only deepen its technology and maintain its leading position in the industry, but also rely on its own practical experience in the industry to continuously precipitate technology into services and land in major industrial scenes, so as to build an efficient driving force for thousands of industries to build a digital and intelligent supply chain, promote the construction of a modern industrial system and help the industry rebuild its global competitiveness.

ChatGPT is hot out of the circle? Wait, the pig farm also has black technology.

Recently, ChatGPT has been popular. Before that, Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, released the AI ? ? hero list, announced that he would pay for himself, and set up Beijing Lightyear Technology Co., Ltd. to confirm his entry. Later, there was an extreme dialogue between programmers from big factories and ChatGPT. From emotional consultation, project management to novel creation, ChatGPT was almost omnipotent and omnipotent (PS, Xiaobian was trembling with fear).

Behind the explosion of ChatGPT is everyone’s embarrassment and concern for the field of artificial intelligence. So is there any application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of pig breeding? How do they combine?


The Origin and Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial intelligence technology is a branch of computer science. The original intention of its creation is that scientists hope that computers can imitate human intelligence, so that machines can handle complex things.

Artificial intelligence can be traced back to 1950, and Allen Matheson Turing put forward the famous "Turing Test" [which refers to asking questions to the testee through some devices (such as keyboards) when the testee is separated from the testee (a person and a machine). After many tests, if the machine makes the average participant make more than 30% misjudgment, then the machine has passed the test and is considered to have human intelligence.

In the same year, he published the paper "Computing Machine and Intelligence", and put forward and tried to answer the question "Can a machine think?". After the paper was published, it received extensive attention and discussion, and Turing was later called "the father of artificial intelligence".

In 1956, John McCarthy (computer scientist and cognitive scientist), an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Dartmouth College, located in the small town of Hannos in the eastern United States, invited a group of big coffee scholars including Marvin Minsky (winner of Turing Prize in 1969) and Claude Shannon (founder of information theory) to hold an academic conference. The conference mainly discussed topics such as machine imitating human intelligence, including: how to program computers, neural networks, calculation scale theory, mechanical theory (referring to self-learning), randomness and creativity.

Dartmouth Conference has been held for more than two months. Although the participants did not reach an agreement, they agreed on a word for the discussion: Artificial Intelligence (AI). At this point, the word artificial intelligence began to appear in people’s field of vision, and 1956 was also called the first year of artificial intelligence. After that, the theoretical research and practical application in the field of artificial intelligence continued to break through (see the development history of AI for details).

(Image from Demeo Consulting Wang Wei)

Before ChatGPT, the last time artificial intelligence was widely concerned was in May 2017, when Alphago defeated Li Shishi, the world Go champion, by a score of 4: 1, and will face Ke Jie, a player from China, at the world internet conference in Wuzhen. You know, after Li’s defeat in artificial intelligence, Ke Jie made a statement in the media: Even if Alpha Dog beats Li Shishi, it can’t beat me.

Before the start of the competition, Ke Jie had high hopes and was once regarded as "the last hope of mankind". However, the reality is cruel. Alphago(Master) beat Ke Jie, a talented teenager in China, with a score of 3: 0.

After the on-site interview, Ke Jie once choked:Playing chess with AlphaGo is too painful, AlphaGo is too calm, it is too perfect, and I can’t see any hope of victory.. So why is "artificial intelligence" technology so powerful?


Analysis of artificial intelligence technology

Artificial intelligence mainly includes five core technologies, namely computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics and biometrics.

Computer vision is a science that studies how to make machines "see", which means that cameras and computers are used to identify, track and measure targets instead of human eyes, and further graphic processing is carried out, so that computers can be processed into images that are more suitable for human eyes to observe or send to instruments for detection.

Machine learning is the core of artificial intelligence technology, which enables intelligent machines to simulate human behavior independently with the support of algorithm complexity theory, convex analysis, statistics and other disciplines. Machine learning refers to how to improve the performance of specific algorithms in empirical learning, that is to say, machine learning is based on massive data or past experience to optimize the performance standards of computer programs.

To put it simply, this process is similar to personal self-reflection, which is to review past experiences and then adjust the optimization behavior so as to do better next time. But different from personal reflection, personal reflection has limited sources of experience, while machine learning is based on a huge database given by developers, with wider sources of experience and data and more timely feedback based on goals.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a variety of theories and methods to study how to achieve effective communication between people and computers in natural language. Natural language processing is a science integrating linguistics, computer science and mathematics, which can be mainly applied to machine translation, public opinion monitoring, automatic summarization, viewpoint extraction, text classification, question answering and so on.

Robot refers to performing tasks such as working or moving through programming and automatic control. Robots have the basic characteristics of perception, decision-making, execution, etc., which can assist or even replace human beings to complete dangerous, heavy and complicated work and improve work efficiency and quality. At present, sweeping robots have entered the daily life of the public.

Biometric technology is closely combined with high-tech means such as optics, acoustics, biosensors and biostatistics through computers, and uses the inherent physiological characteristics (such as fingerprints, faces, irises, etc.) and behavioral characteristics (such as handwriting, voice, gait, etc.) of human bodies/creatures to identify their identities, such as "face recognition" and "pig face recognition".

Therefore, artificial intelligence can be understood as imitating human information input (images, words, sounds, etc.), information processing (based on the correct thinking model in the past) and then action execution, and constantly strengthening various abilities in the process to achieve the set goals and continue to improve. The core of artificial intelligence lies in deep learning, that is, continuous feedback and continuous optimization based on strategy.

The mechanism of deep learning is similar to the deliberate practice learning method proposed by Florida psychologist Anders Millard J. Erickson. Anders pointed out that the key factor to distinguish a person’s mediocrity and Excellence in the professional field is the degree of deliberate practice. The longer the deliberate practice, the higher the professional level. Deliberate exercises mainly include four elements:Clear goals, staying away from the comfort zone, concentration and timely feedback.. Different from human deliberate practice, the deliberate practice process of the machine has no emotion, so it is more efficient to execute.

Just a few months after Alphago(Master) defeated Ke Jie, in October of 17, DeepMind team published a new paper in Nature magazine, and launched a new generation of product AlphaGo( Zero). The paper points out that Alphago(Zero) reached the level of Alphago(Master) in only 21 days, and when Alphago(Zero) played the 40th day, it had already defeated all previous programs and won the world Go championship.

Afterwards, the industry put forward three cores for Alphago to quickly reach the top level in the world: first, it adopted a learning algorithm combining machine learning and neuroscience; Second, in Google’s powerful cloud computing system, more than 30 million steps of professional chess player’s chess manual have been learned through a large amount of data analysis; Third, throughThe ever-increasing self-gameFind a better idea than the basic chess manual. Artificial intelligence technology is created by human beings, and the achievements in some aspects are far beyond human beings, which may also be worth thinking and learning.


Application of artificial intelligence technology in pig farm

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and agriculture can be traced back to March 2015. Li Keqiang, then Premier of the State Council, put forward the action plan of "internet plus" for the first time in his government work report; In July of the same year, the State Council issued the Action Plan on Actively Promoting the internet plus (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).

The Action Plan clearly puts forward to actively promote the modern agriculture in internet plus, and points out that it is necessary to establish standardized scale livestock and poultry breeding bases and aquatic healthy breeding demonstration bases,Promote the popularization and interconnection of intelligent devices such as accurate feed delivery, automatic disease diagnosis and automatic waste recycling.. The release of Action Plan opened the historical curtain of agriculture in internet plus.

After that, AI technology, like other emerging Internet technologies, was gradually applied to the practice of agricultural industry. On the one hand, new cutting-edge technology, on the other hand, traditional agriculture, how do they combine? What kind of sparks will break out?

Scenario 1: Pig farm monitoring and pig inventory

Since the outbreak of African swine fever in 2018, biosafety has been crucial for aquaculture enterprises. Under the traditional breeding mode, people and things inside and outside the pig farm are complicated, and materials, vehicles, birds and animals come in and out frequently. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to achieve effective supervision. For example, in the process of dissecting dead pigs, improper wearing of protective clothing by operators may cause the spread of diseases in pig farms. It is difficult to pass the manual on-site review, and it is impossible to supervise all the time. By using technologies such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, employees’ misconduct can be identified and early warning signals can be conveyed to managers in time, which can effectively avoid the risk of disease spread.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology can also be used to count and estimate the number of pigs. In the traditional breeding process, pig dealers need to go to the pigsty for on-site counting and weighing in the pig selling process. By using the camera above the pig farm combined with artificial intelligence technology, the pigs in the pen can be counted in real time, so as to achieve the effect of remote pig watching and real-time weight estimation.

The AI patrol and early warning interface of "Pig Xiao Zhi" of rural credit cooperatives.

Scheme of intelligent pig farm with integrated rural credit, mathematics and intelligence for message or private message consultation

Scene 2: Intelligent dung cleaning robot and inspection robot

Pig farm is a model of large-scale farming. Large-scale farming and high manure output are difficult problems that plague the operation of enterprises. In traditional farming mode, manual cleaning is usually needed, and the labor input cost is high in the process of manual cleaning. Some pig farms use water to clean manure, which consumes a lot of water, and at the same time, it is easy to cause high humidity in pig houses and cause health problems of pigs. By using artificial intelligence technology to develop a dung sweeping robot, it can effectively solve the problems of difficult cleaning, reducing water consumption and saving costs.

Similarly, robots developed by combining intelligent speech recognition and visual recognition technologies can cruise around the pigsty all day, find abnormal pigs (such as fever and shivering) in the pigsty in time, prevent and control diseases in advance, and effectively resolve the risk of disease infection.

Mu Yuan inspection robot

The above are only typical application scenarios of artificial intelligence technology in pig farms. With the expansion of business scale and the improvement of cost control and biosafety requirements of enterprises, the combination of artificial intelligence technology and pig breeding is becoming closer and closer.



At last year’s Deep Bay Meeting, in view of the application of intelligence in pig farms, Qin Yinglin, chairman of Mu Yuan Co., pointed out: "It takes three years for us to train an excellent employee, and many employees are unqualified for three years, which takes five or even ten years. But we want to make a machine in the assembly line, and gather all our wisdom of raising pigs. We are producing this very quickly now, and producing thousands of units a day is equivalent to producing the corresponding number of laborers. "

It can be seen that artificial intelligence technology has been applied on a large scale in the farms of some enterprises. With the continuous development and mature application of technology, it is certain that "unmanned pig farms" and "unmanned farms" will eventually come true.


Talking about the development of AI from ChatGPT, consulting with Deme.

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Qin Yinglin’s Sharing in Deep Bay Meeting, Wandou Agricultural Science.

Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting "internet plus" Action, the State Council