标签归档 江浙沪品茶论坛

Selenium-enriched millet in Zibo to build a rich industry

  In the golden autumn and October harvest season, selenium rice is fragrant with local conditions. While celebrating the third "China Farmers Harvest Festival" in China, Beifo Village, Zhaili Town, Zichuan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province held the first "Selenium-enriched Millet Harvest Culture Festival" in Beifo Village.

Zhang Jibo, Party Secretary of Zhaili Town, Zichuan District, Zibo, and Wang Lin, Mayor of Zhaili Town, celebrated the bumper harvest with the villagers of Beifo Village.

  The theme of the activity is "watching rural culture share the joy of harvest, and the natural selenium-enriched millet helps the industry to increase income", aiming to show the rich folk culture of Zhaili Town and promote the pace of rural revitalization.

  According to reports, Zhaili Town is a provincial-level modern agricultural industrial park, a provincial-level agricultural product quality inspection demonstration town, and a municipal-level industrial strong town. Beifo Village is a key regional protection area of the national geographical indication of "Liaowu Xiaomi", located in the semi-hilly area, and the fields on the hillside are located on limestone, semi-sandy, and pure selenium-enriched soil, which is most suitable for the growth of millet. The selenium-enriched millet in Beifo Village has been planted for thousands of years. Every year, the millet is harvested and the seeds are left for sowing next year. The selenium-enriched millet in Beifo Village is naturally grown without artificial fertilization and irrigation, which has high promotion value and edible value!

Beifo village natural selenium-enriched millet

  Beifo Village has a population of 835 households and 2,228 people. In order to help ordinary people grow millet for sale, Zhaili Town assisted Beifo Village to set up the "Judeyuan" agricultural products professional cooperative in Zichuan District, Zibo this year. The millet planting area in the village is 260 mu, and the millet output is 45,000 kg. Now it has sold 35,000 kg through various channels.

  Zhang Jibo, secretary of the Party Committee of Zhaili Town, said: "There are 26,000 mu of high-quality natural selenium-enriched land in Zhaili Town. The Party Committee and government of Zhaili Town attach great importance to the development of selenium-enriched industry, actively implement the" double promotion "project of party building industry, build the party organization in the industry, and gather party member in the industry, so as to realize a good situation that party building promotes the industry and the industry brings wealth to the people. Through industrial development, the enthusiasm of party member cadres will be stimulated, and a strong entrepreneurial atmosphere will be formed, and the cohesiveness, appeal and combat effectiveness of party organizations will be enhanced. "

  Xiaomi feast. Nearly ten special dishes, such as golden cake, golden spring rolls, gold and silver shrimp, millet balls, millet grains crisp, fried chicken with rice noodles, etc., are all made of local selenium-enriched millet, and the quality of millet products with the most regional characteristics in Beifo Village is vividly displayed.

  Although the songs and dances are not flashy, they are full of celebration of the harvest. The villagers in Beifo sing and dance, playing new hopes for a better life and dancing hard to get rich. Ju Suping, president of Zibo Liaozhai Folk Music Research Association, blessed the harvest of natural selenium-enriched millet in Beifo Village with beautiful folk art and non-genetic inheritor Guan Li of paper-cutting art, unique paper-cutting and cultural art.

Selenium-enriched millet blends with rural culture and becomes a beautiful landscape at the event site.

At the event site, rural programs were loved by guests and villagers.

  As a link between Beijing and Shandong, Beijing Zibo Enterprise Chamber of Commerce has never forgotten the feelings of mulberry and devoted itself to the two places. Zhao Jinlin, Executive President of the Chamber of Commerce, made a special trip to congratulate on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, and said: "Beifo Village is an old district with a glorious revolutionary tradition. In recent years, the development and changes of Beifo Village are gratifying and encouraging. With the rural revitalization and development strategy of the Supreme Leader General Secretary, the overall environment of the whole country working together to get rid of poverty, and the joint efforts of the leaders of the town and village committees and the villagers, the days of the villagers will surely be flourishing and every family will be happy. At the same time, he said that the Chamber of Commerce will also use its own advantages to do some work for the promotion of selenium-enriched millet and actively assist in enhancing brand influence. "

Actively explore the Hunan path of high-quality development of general aviation in the new era

  Xu Dazhe, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress

  Mao Weiming, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Provincial People’s Government.

  As a national strategic industry, general aviation plays a great role in serving economic and social development and national security. The effective development and utilization of low-altitude airspace and the construction of low-altitude flight service guarantee system are the fundamental guarantee for the high-quality development of general aviation. Since Hunan was approved as the first pilot province of global low-altitude airspace management reform in September, 2020, the provincial party committee and the provincial government attached great importance to it, quickly set up a pilot reform organization, set up a provincial-level development platform for navigation, and strengthened coordination between the central and local governments, military and civilian cooperation, provincial and municipal cooperation, government-enterprise cooperation, and vigorously promoted the mode of "one window for acceptance, one network for operation, and global service". The province has built 12 general airports and opened five low-altitude tourist routes. More than 30 central enterprises and superior enterprises from other provinces have planned industrial layout in Hunan, and the development of general aviation, low-altitude tourism, flight training, aviation sports and other industries is gratifying, laying a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of general aviation.





  Cultivate new kinetic energy for the high-quality development of Hunan. Focus on giving full play to the advantages of general aviation’s derivative formats, large development space, wide service range and sufficient supporting kinetic energy, implement major development strategies of general aviation in depth, accelerate the upgrading of aerospace, advanced materials, machinery manufacturing, automatic control, electronic information and other industries, strive to seize the commanding heights of navigation industry development, break new paths for high-quality development of general aviation, and inject new impetus and provide strong support for high-quality economic and social development of the province.

  Broaden new space for the people’s high-quality life. Promoting the popularization of civil aviation is an important measure to conform to the people’s yearning for a better life in the new era. Based on Hunan’s comparative advantages, we should identify the entry point for general aviation to create a high-quality life, speed up the improvement of general aviation supply chain and consumption chain, and constantly improve people’s participation and gain a sense of happiness and security. Accelerate the development of social public aviation services such as emergency rescue, medical treatment, urban security, traffic command and rescue, and build new security for people’s lives and property. Vigorously develop general aviation consumption services such as short-distance transportation, air travel, air sports, aviation science popularization and tourism research, and create new supplies to meet the needs of people’s better life.

  Strive to promote the high-quality development of general aviation

  Adhere to the unity of goal orientation, problem orientation and result orientation, and promote the reform pilot work with high standards and high efficiency. By 2022, we will ensure that the pilot of low-altitude airspace management reform reaches the national expected goal, initially build a "1+13+N" general airport skeleton network, realize the comprehensive application of Beidou third-generation satellite navigation technology in low-altitude surveillance, and the province’s general aviation industry will develop its comprehensive competitiveness and industry output value into the upper-middle ranks of the country. By 2025, the full coverage of general airports will be achieved, a fully functional general aviation system in the province will basically take shape, and the comprehensive development competitiveness and industry output value will enter the top three in the country, forming a new pattern of navigation development with perfect system and mechanism, good industrial ecology, large-scale agglomeration development, perfect service functions and active participation of the people.

  Focus on "one center". Around the center of the global low-altitude airspace management reform pilot, the six goals and eight tasks put forward in the reform pilot implementation plan were fully completed. According to the pilot requirements and time nodes, we will optimize the classified planning, management and use of low-altitude airspace, and steadily achieve the effective use goal of "default opening, announcement closing, dynamic use and flexible conversion".

  Strengthen the "two supports". Focusing on the two supports of general airports and navigable pilots, we will do a good job in the layout planning of general airports in the province, strengthen the approval of projects and land use, and guarantee funds and policies, and accelerate the construction of navigation bases in accordance with the construction layout of "1+13+N" general airport skeleton network. We will carry out the training of general aviation business license, private license and sports driver license, and train a group of high-quality and skilled navigation pilots as soon as possible.

  Grasp the "three keys". Focusing on the three key areas of R&D, production and consumption of the navigation industry, we will take the lead in making efforts on shortcomings and gaps in breakpoints, intensify the research on key core technologies and key components in advanced materials, automatic control and electronic information, and implement the "breaking zero and multiplying" plan to build Hunan into an innovative highland of aviation science and technology with core competitiveness. Give full play to the leading role of a new generation of technology in industrial optimization and upgrading, and fully integrate new generation technologies such as Beidou satellite navigation, cloud computing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 5G/6G communication. Promote the autonomous control of the power system and airborne system of the whole navigation machine in the province, focus on building a number of national key navigation manufacturing enterprises, and attract upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to gather in Hunan. Incorporate general aviation public services and equipment products into the scope of government procurement, develop short-distance transportation, logistics and express delivery industries, carry out aviation culture science popularization, emergency experience and aviation driving experience, fully cultivate leading enterprises of general aviation in Hunan, support leading enterprises to merge and extend the chain, strengthen the position of supply chain and the right to speak in market competition, promote the industrial chain to extend to both ends and climb to the high end, and form a number of leading enterprises of navigation industry chain with national core competitiveness. Give full play to the policy superposition and attraction capacity of the free trade zone and the airport area, increase the intensity of attracting investment and attracting talents, accelerate the construction of a national general aviation development demonstration park, and promote the professional and large-scale development of the whole industry chain.

  Leading the "four major trends". "Green, wisdom, inclusiveness and innovation" is the new trend of general aviation development. With the application of new Beidou satellite navigation technology and the implementation of collaborative and efficient management system, Hunan will take the lead in realizing centimeter-level fine division and precise management of airspace. Hunan will further follow the trend, deeply study the three-dimensional release, intelligent management and efficient use of urban low-altitude airspace, take the lead in developing "urban navigation", and first try the wide application of unmanned aerial vehicles in urban logistics express delivery, public transportation, social public management, medical assistance, urban fire protection, traffic command, emergency relief and other areas of people’s livelihood security, mass and universal, so as to enhance people’s sense of happiness in navigation flight.

  Collaborative promotion of reform pilots has achieved results.

  The pilot reform of low-altitude airspace management has a tight time, heavy tasks and high requirements. It requires the "military, land, people and enterprises" to think in one place and make efforts in one place to promote the detailed implementation of all work.

  Strengthen coordination and cooperation. Give full play to the role of general dispatch, general lead and general coordination of the Collaborative Management Committee Office, strengthen overall dispatch and comprehensive coordination, and regularly supervise the implementation of provincial units. Adhere to a game of chess, deepen the coordination between the central and local governments, the military and civilians, the provinces and cities, and the government and enterprises, jointly study and promote the implementation of major decisions, reform measures and major projects in the reform pilot, and jointly solve the difficulties, blocking points and pain points encountered in the reform pilot.

  Strengthen institutional guarantee. Learn from the experience of brother provinces extensively and speed up the local legislation of general aviation. Strengthen the top-level design guidance, pay attention to the full connection with the provincial "14 th Five-Year Plan", and compile and implement the general aviation industry development plan, navigation equipment manufacturing development plan and general airport development plan with high starting point and high quality.

  Strengthen policy guidance. Detailed implementation of various policies and measures to support the development of the general aviation industry, and fully release the policy dividend. Intensify publicity to attract domestic and foreign general aviation enterprises or groups with abundant funds and excellent qualifications to settle in Hunan. Stimulate market vitality, actively guide and encourage people to participate in navigation consumption such as navigation pilot training and low-altitude tourism, so that the general aviation industry can play a greater role in expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption upgrading.

Selecting insiders and manipulating competitions … God knows what China sports has experienced in recent years.

  CCTV News:A few days ago, Fiona Fang magazine sponsored by Procuratorial Daily published an article entitled "Shocking Corruption at the Top of Sports in China". The article listed some relevant measures and some specific cases of anti-corruption in China sports since the 18th National Congress. How did China sports experience the pain of reform in the past five years? Xiaobian tells you through several stories.

  Twin sisters regret retiring.

  In May, 2017, twin sisters Hua Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting returned to the stadium to win the gold medal at the award ceremony of the Flower Tour Double Event in the 13th National Games. Four years ago, because of a controversial referee’s score, the Wen Ting sisters, a world-famous flower swimming group, only achieved the third place in the National Games, ending their sports career with a bronze medal, while the host group Liaoning won the championship.

  The nearly perfect performance was awarded a low score by the referee. The score of the Liaoning team on the final day of the same set of competition actions was 2.2 points higher than that of the previous day’s preliminaries. All doubts pointed to Yu Li, then the head of synchronized swimming department of the General Administration of Sports, but after the game, Yu Li said in an interview: "The referee did not violate the relevant general rules and regulations in the scoring process, so the final score was determined to be effective and the original result was maintained."

  One year after the National Games in Liaoning, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made an all-round tour of the State Sports General Administration. After nearly one and a half months of inspection, the inspection results were announced, in which "the selection and selection of referees are not standardized, and the competition violates the principle of fairness and fraud" has become the focus of attention. On the third day after the announcement of the inspection results, the General Administration of Sports reported that an official was investigated for allegedly manipulating the competition and accepting improper bribes, and the person who was taken away was Yu Li, the former minister of the water polo department of the swimming center.

  According to authoritative media reports, in the 12th National Games, in order to "take care of" the host team’s "gold medal task", Yu Li, the former head of the National Flower Tour Team, accepted a bribe of 200,000 yuan from the director of Liaoning Swimming Center, resulting in a major scoring dispute in the flower tour project.

  In fact, the phenomenon of using authority to operate competitions like Yu Li is by no means a case in China sports, and it has even become a "hidden rule" in many projects. At the 10th National Games, Tian Liang, a famous diver, was suppressed because of his "bad relationship" with a leader of the China diving team. Before the game, in the referee’s lounge, a sports executive demanded that "no matter how well Tian Liang dances, he can only give 8.5 points at most". In the competition, after a perfect entry in Tian Liang, except one referee who gave a high score of 9.5 according to the standard, other referees really only gave 8.5 points. The referee who gave a high score finally lost the qualification of "best referee" and resigned soon after offending the leader.

  Although the official has not announced the exact reason why Yu Li was taken away, what is certain is that she can’t escape the common crime of accepting bribes or corruption. According to several media reports, although Yu Li and her husband Liu Fengyan, as cadres of the General Administration of Sports, obtained two houses allocated by the General Administration, Yu Li thought that their living conditions were not good enough, and then bought a 200-square-meter commercial house at a price of nearly 51,000 square meters, but the problem is that no one knows where the money came from.

  The table tennis player ran away angrily.

  Donna entered the national youth team at the age of 13 and won the national youth championship at the age of 16. She was called a "genius" of table tennis by the outside world, but she never participated in the world championships and the Olympic Games in the national team. Later, she changed her nationality and went to South Korea to play. After that, she won 10 games in the Korean Table Tennis Championships, ranking first in the women’s singles.

  "The Chinese Table Tennis Association does not pass the trials, but designates potential players in advance for centralized cultivation." According to media reports, Donna even said that South Korea is her motherland and hoped to enter the Olympic Games on behalf of South Korea, which caused great controversy.

  According to titan sports, Yu Li was not taken alone to assist in the investigation. She was also taken with an ace coach of the weightlifting team. It is mentioned in the article that this involves an ugly drama of China weightlifting team in the 2012 London Olympic Games. At that time, Zhou Jun, a 53kg Hubei native who represented China team, failed in snatch three times, creating the worst result of China women’s volleyball since she participated in the Olympic Games in 2000, and Zhou Jun’s qualification for the Olympic Games was also the result of the struggle of local interests.

  The similar shady selection is not a case. Take the national football team as an example. The list of players of each national team is full of disputes. As early as 2014, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also published the article "What can the professional reform do to save the" deflated football "for more than 20 years? Named the phenomenon of chaotic football management in China.

  In this paper, the expressions such as "the examination and approval of the competition and the selection and appointment of athletes and referees are not standardized, open and transparent", "the competition violates the principle of fairness, practices fraud", "the development and operation of the competition are chaotic" and "the power of the units directly under the General Administration is highly concentrated" have aroused strong repercussions from netizens, especially the majority of football fans, and China football has once again been pushed to the forefront.

  According to insiders, although the strength is the first in competitive sports, the selection of national team athletes has become a matter of great interest in many absolutely superior events, and it is easier to trigger some private power and money transactions.

  The incident of Yu Li caused an uproar among the public, and also opened the tip of the iceberg of China sports corruption. On June 25th, 2015, official website, the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, announced that Xiao Tian, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, was suspected of serious violation of discipline and law and was currently under investigation. From July 2014 to July 2015, more than 10 officials were investigated in the State Sports General Administration, sports project management centers and provincial and municipal local sports bureaus in one year.

  On March 21st, 2017, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection launched a new round of inspection of the General Administration of Sport. According to the website of CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, this patrol will achieve full coverage for 22 subordinate units of the State Sports General Administration, and "keeping an eye on key people, key matters and key issues" has become an important direction of this patrol. A series of chaos in the selection of athletes highlights the grim situation of corruption in sports, and it is urgent to crack down on the corruption of sports industry officials.

  China men’s basketball team is struggling.

  With the retirement of Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and other veterans, the performance of China men’s basketball team in the international arena plummeted. In addition to the reasons for the lack of success, there are deeper reasons for the fall of China men’s basketball team.

  "It is inconceivable that even a company holding a three-person basketball game needs the approval of the Basketball Association. Internationally, the Olympic Games, NBA and other events are organized by non-governmental organizations and operated in a market-oriented manner. There is no official approval at all. "

  According to Qiao Xinsheng, dean of the Institute of Integrity of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, this is a disguised form of "power rent-seeking". The General Administration of Sports and the local sports authorities have formed a huge "interest chain" and turned it into a tool to gain the gray interests of the department.

  This point was also mentioned by Yao Ming, a basketball star and member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, in the "National Conference". He believes that at the current stage of development, there is no inevitable reason for the approval of sports events.

  Yao Ming pointed out that competition management and approval fees are often collected by the management centers of various sports, and the standards vary widely, which is easy to breed corruption; However, the sports management department interfered with the allocation of resources that could have been allocated by the market with the administrative hand, and also formed a monopoly objectively, which seriously hindered the enthusiasm of social forces for running sports and caused the fact of artificially setting a "threshold" for running competitions.

  Yao Ming’s proposal was adopted in the government work report of that year. However, people in the industry believe that sports departments at all levels have implemented the examination and approval of sports events for many years, and it will be difficult to remove this "cake of interests" from internal reform.

  In fact, it was not until the Central Inspection Team pointed out that "the examination and approval of sports events was irregular and opaque, highlighting the interests of departments" that the General Administration of Sports was forced to rectify its position, "canceling the examination and approval of commercial and mass sports events, and all other sports events were not required except national comprehensive sports events such as the National Games, the National Winter Games and the National Youth Games, and a few special types of sports events involving national security, politics, military affairs and diplomacy".

  Facts have proved that the cumbersome examination and approval process can not provide positive energy for the management and operation of sports events itself except for breeding the soil of "power rent-seeking". In November 2016, the new director of the General Administration of Sports, Gou Zhongwen, took office, and several major reforms and anti-corruption measures were successively introduced: from February to May this year, various forms of anti-corruption special meetings and anti-corruption inspections were held for four consecutive months, and 15 subordinate units were inspected as of May 28, and more than 180 problems were pointed out; In addition, Yao Ming, Lang Ping and other professionals are allowed to settle in trade associations to lead the reform in related fields … … The effect of this series of measures can only be tested by waiting for future events and achievements. (Text/Cheng Xiang)

Tongliang: 6000 acres of cherry blossoms.

At present, in Shuangshan Town, Tongliang District, 6,000 mu of cherry flowers have entered the full bloom stage, which not only attracts tourists, but also breeds new hopes for villagers to increase production and harvest this year.

Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 1
Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 2

Walking into Jianxin Village, Shuangshan Town, Tongliang District, looking around, patches of cherry flowers stretch from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, clusters and clusters, densely covered with branches, like white snow, beautiful. Visitors who come to enjoy the flowers stroll along the path among the flowers, breathing the fragrant fragrance and enjoying the beautiful scenery in spring.

Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 3
Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 4

Shuangshan Town, Tongliang District is known as the hometown of cherries, and it is a well-known "hometown of small fruits". In recent years, the local cherry and other fruits have been planted in an area of more than 10 thousand mu, among which Jianxin Village is the core area of cherry planting, with more than 10 varieties such as white cherry, cinnabar cherry, Chinese red cherry and black pearl cherry in the early, middle and late days, and the flower viewing period will last until the middle and late March. In recent years, with the flower viewing economy as the fulcrum, the local area has promoted the combination boxing of rural festivals, recommended double-mountain cherries and derivative products, promoted people’s income and helped rural revitalization.

Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 5
Tongliang: 6,000 acres of cherry blossoms 6

(The first eye-Chongqing Radio and Television Special Reporter Wang Yang Zhou Zhenyu Editor Xiang Wei)

"Fang’s Unique Skill" —— Song Yulin’s Talk on Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Paintings

  Editor’s Note: The official WeChat platform of Song Wenzhi Art Research Center has opened the book "Youyuan — — Since the column "Essays on Tibetan Fan by the Owner of Shiyanzhai", it has been deeply loved by art lovers and collectors. Previously, Mr. Song Yulin had published "Yuyuan" and "Mo Yuan", and "Dream Yuan" was his "three-edge" work. The three books are not only independent books, but also interrelated and coordinated, involving more than 200 ancient and modern calligraphers and painters, and more than 230 articles, which are very precious. The author introduces the artist’s artistic experience, the style characteristics of his works and his love for calligraphy and painting with the collection.

  Among contemporary Lingnan painters, Fang Chuxiong is an excellent flower-and-bird painter. His animal paintings are unique and praised as "a unique skill of Fang". I am often attracted by the cordial and warm atmosphere in his paintings. I remember a philosopher once said: brilliant, will be attributed to plain. I think it is appropriate to describe Chuxiong’s paintings as brilliant and plain. I can’t remember when and where I met Brother Chuxiong. Maybe we didn’t have much communication at that time, so the impression was not deep. A few years ago, Brother Chuxiong heard from a friend that I liked his works, so he called me and said that he would give me one, which made me quite embarrassed, but I appreciated his kindness.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Map of Rats and Cows in 2006.

  Fang Chuxiong is a native of Puning, Guangdong Province. He was born in Shantou in 1950, so he is also from Chaoshan. Because of this, several of my artists in Shantou are very familiar with Brother Chuxiong, and Brother Zhang Yingping is one of them. In 2006, my son got married, and the two new people belonged to a cow and a mouse. Therefore, Brother Ping specially invited Brother Chuxiong to draw a picture of a mouse and a cow as a gift, and the young couple got this gift, be in heaven. In 2014, it was a good opportunity for Ying Pingdi to help me find 12 frames of animal albums painted by Brother Chuxiong, in which there were two dogs, ducklings, young tigers, two sheep, fairy mice, pigs, jade rabbits, octopuses (cats and butterflies), chickens, monkeys, koalas, buffaloes, etc., with accurate pictures.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Animal Album" and "Two Dogs" in 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Animal Album" and "Blessed Pig" in 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Koala in Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, Jade Rabbit, 2014

  A painter’s style of painting mostly comes from his nature. Brother Chuxiong loves the truth and plainness of nature, and is especially good at using animals common in mountains and farmhouses as his creative materials. My brother has lived in Lingnan for a long time, so it is self-evident that the painting style of Lingnan painting school has both form and spirit, gorgeous colors and appeal to both refined and popular tastes. Gao Jianfu and Gao Qifeng Kunzhong are both masters of animal painting, but Chuxiong’s animal painting is different from theirs. There is a difference between them. The former wins with atmosphere and momentum, while Chuxiong is restrained and quiet, which is mainly related to Chuxiong’s temperament.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Animal Album" and "Young Tiger" in 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, You Chicken, 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, Double Sheep, 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, Octopus (Cat Butterfly), 2014

  Brother Chuxiong entered the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1975, stayed there to teach after graduation in 1978, and was sent to Beijing and Tianjin to study. Li Keran, Li Kuchan, Cui Zifan and Sun Qifeng all taught him. However, I feel that Mr. Wang Lanruo (1911— 2015) seems more important to him. If Wang Lan is from Jieyang, Guangdong Province, Jieyang also belongs to Chaoshan area. In those days, Chaoshan businessmen were very close to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai because of their business, so most of the nave and screen strips hung in their homes were made by famous marine artists. Therefore, the influence of Shanghai-style art in Lingdong area is enormous. It is said that there are more than 60 Chaoshan people who have studied in Shanghai Art College (including Mr. Xie Haiyan and Mr. Chen Dayu who later worked in Nanjing Art College). Mr. Wang Lanruo studied painting with Zhu Wenyun in Shanghai in his early years, and then he was admitted to Shanghai Fine Arts College. After graduating in 1935, he returned to his hometown to serve as a middle school teacher for a long time. When Fang Chuxiong was 6 years old, he became a teacher with Mr. Wang Lanruo. This special relationship between Wang Lanruo and Shanghai style painting also profoundly influenced the artistic path of Brother Chuxiong after his death. In fact, pushing forward, Sun Peigu (1891— 1944) is also a painting predecessor who combines Lingnan painting school and Shanghai painting school, and Wang Lanruo is from Sun Peigu’s door. From Sun Peigu to Wang Lanruo and then to Fang Chuxiong, we can clearly feel the existence of Lingnan and sea painting style in their works.Naturally, Brother Chuxiong’s paintings can’t be si

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fairy Mouse of Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Two Monkeys" in Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Ducklings in Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Buffalo in Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014

The China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup ended, and the Serbian team won the championship.

Zhongxin. com, Chongqing, September 18 (Xiao Jiangchuan) On the evening of the 17th, the 2023 "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup Competition came to an end at the Yubei District Gymnasium in Chongqing. After three days of fierce competition, the Serbian Zlatibor basketball team finally won the championship.

This competition attracted Shanghai Jiushi Sharks from China Professional Basketball League (hereinafter referred to as CBA), Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team, Serbian KLS League Meta Basketball Team and Zlatibor Basketball Team to participate. Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team won the first place in the regular season and the second place in the playoffs in the CBA League last season. Zlatibor Basketball Team was founded in 1979, and has won the top Serbian basketball league championship for many times.

After three days of fierce competition, the Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Team finally won the championship with two wins and one loss, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team won the second place, Shanghai Jiushi Sharks won the third place, Serbia Meta Basketball Team won the fourth place, and Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team player Wu Qian was named the most valuable player in the tournament.

"This China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is an intercontinental club cup held in China, which provides CBA teams with an opportunity for intercontinental confrontation and a head-on collision between CBA high-level clubs and European basketball clubs." The person in charge of the event organizer said that the purpose of this event is to improve the competitive level of professional basketball in China and Europe, help China’s professional basketball go abroad, and also to promote the exchange and cooperation between China and Europe’s basketball industry for a long time.

In August 2019, the "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup was officially launched in Chongqing. The China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is held in Yubei District of Chongqing in August and September every year. The organizing committee invites the top clubs of the European Basketball Champions League and European basketball leagues to come to China to play against the top clubs of CBA. (End)

The storm Leon overturned the sailors and wrecked the ship, and Gill Apennine wore a hat at the beginning of his career

AC Milan 5-1 Sampdoria (war communiqué)

Titan sports’s all-media correspondent in Italy Shen Tianhao.

Before the home game against Sampdoria, Leon received his Serie A player of April trophy on the sidelines. Is it? Why? What time? Intensive schedule and heavy mental pressure make the boundaries between months blurred, and the 4-goal away victory over Naples seems to have happened in the last era. Milan have won only three of the previous 11 league matches. In April, Leon scored twice against Napoli and Lecce, contributing two of them. The other game was against Lazio, in which Leon was injured, Milan was cornered in the bitter struggle for four, and the team longed for the personal light of the Portuguese.

Leon came back full of blood, and Milan won easily.

Leon raised the trophy, and his own song was played in the south stand. The lyrics were very simple: "Leon, Leon …". Because the Milan winger often plays the leading role on the court, this ballad appears very frequently. Perhaps the south stand needs to consider optimizing its melody and lyrics. Leon came back, Leon scored, Leon led Milan to victory-everything is a familiar script. In the 10th minute of the game, Milan easily broke the deadlock: Brahim Diaz won the confrontation in the midfield, lightly picked the ball and then sent a just-right overhead ball. Leon grabbed in front of Gunther and pushed the far corner directly to the goalkeeper.

Milan have always been helpless against the iron drum array this season, but Sampdoria’s situation is different from that of Empoli and cremona. The last time Stankovic played against Milan, it had to be traced back to the Europa League knockout in 2020-21. At that time, he led the league leader Belgrade Red Star, and the team did cause a lot of trouble to Milan in two rounds. This time, the former Inter Milan midfielder is a team that is plagued by unpaid wages and has been relegated. They have no intention of building a strong city in the San Siro.

Even so, Sampdoria still had his own chance: Zanoli easily broke through Milan’s left side, then knocked back at the bottom, and Quagliarella in front of the door succeeded in pushing and shooting, and scored for 18 consecutive Serie A seasons. Special Olympics made a fool of himself in the process of defense. The two-round derby in the Champions League was a heavy blow to the Milan team, especially for Special Olympics, who seemed to have exhausted all his energy. The nightmare of losing points against the weak team reappeared. Fortunately, Milan woke up in only 3 minutes: the corner kick cooperated, Diaz sent a cross, and Gill’s header was very easy.

Before returning to the goal-scoring track, Gill failed to score a goal in the last six league games-it was his longest goal shortage since he came to Apennine. Gill was annoyed by the defeat. He left heroic tears after the German game. Not scoring goals makes Gill hungry, and he has no mercy on a fragile sailor. Four minutes later, Milan won the penalty: Augello’s long pass was intercepted by Tomori, Tonali’s assist found Leon in the seaman’s defence, and the Portuguese entered the penalty area and was knocked down by Gunter in the process of switching to his right foot. There is no doubt about the penalty. Gill stood in front of the ball, and the opponent was not Napoli, 3-1!

Gill wears a hat and blows the horn of decisive battle.

At the end of the season, it was the first time Milan scored 3 goals in the first half. This Sampdoria team has an uncertain future at the management level, but it has been completely disarmed at the competitive level. For the defending champion of Serie A, this is obviously a weak opponent; For the red and black No.10, his opponent’s loose defense made him feel comfortable in the front waist position for a long time. Diaz sent a long pass for his teammates, decided the direction of the flank attack with the ball, broke the opponent’s midfield defense with the breakthrough, and sent the ball into the net in the 63 rd minute of the game. Calabria-Gill-Salmax-Leon-Tonali-Diaz, with a continuous kick and a clear running route, how long has it been since you saw Milan kick such an offensive?

The goal continues. In the 68th minute, Leon sent a cross from the left, and Gill leaned against Netinke, breaking the door with Ibrahimovic’s unconventional action and gaining the first hat of his Milan career. Pioli praised Ai Jiang after the game: "Olivier never lets people down. Even when he doesn’t score, he can make a lot of contributions to the team. Of course, scoring goals will make him happier! " In the past one and a half seasons, Gill was the only center that Milan could use, used well and dared to use. When he chose to join the team two summers ago, he never thought that he would shoulder such a heavy responsibility. He finally gritted his teeth and persisted. A hat trick against Sampdoria was a fitting reward.

With this hat, Gill tied the report card of 11 goals in the league last season; After opening the record for the team, Leon tied the number of league goals he directly participated in (11 goals and 10 assists last season and 13 goals and 8 assists this season). Milan’s league journey this season can’t be compared with that of a year ago, but Gill and Leon at least tried their best. What’s the problem? Others stand up too few times. Decatur came on as a substitute, which continued to disappoint. His debut season in Milan was doomed to end in nil.

From the technical and tactical level, Milan played against an already absent-minded Sampdoria, and the scenes and results did not have very strong reference value. The question of whether Diaz could play No.10 well could not be answered through this game. From the psychological level, this great victory is tantamount to a tonic for Milan. The blue-black carnival in the derby left a piece of land, and the Rossoneri struggled to rebuild their fortress. Next comes the visit to Juventus, and Gill said after the game that the team should regard this as a final.

Captain Shougang’s emotional intelligence is high, and there are too many articles involved, and Guangdong has become the target of public criticism.


With the brave play of Zhao Jiwei’s three-pointer, the desire of Shougang men’s basketball team to fight back was also extinguished one by one. Today’s Shougang is still too young, and the reserve lineup is not deep. Compared with the Liaoning men’s basketball team with a strong team, it is not only the lineup system, but also the on-the-spot experience in the playoffs. There is still a big gap. However, this does not affect fans’ love for Shougang.

Why do you say this? Because Shougang, to be honest, has been a surprise entry this season. If it weren’t for Leiden’s appointment, Shougang would have a second spring. Otherwise, Shougang will pack up and leave as early as the end of the regular season. Therefore, it is beyond the fans’ expectation to be able to reach the top 8 seats.

As a Chinese poem reads we have no fear of the clouds that may block our sights as we are already at the top of the height. Even in the face of the champion Liaoning men’s basketball team, it is able to withstand the pressure and fight back. I have to say that this has made the fans see the dawn of Shougang’s return to the peak. Just after the game, Zhai Xiaochuan, the captain of Shougang, also led all the players of Shougang Men’s Basketball Team. Standing on the field, I walked around the field for a week, expressing my pure apologies to the fans of Shougang and my regret for not winning at home. I failed to live up to the expectations of Shougang fans.

Shougang’s behavior also moved the fans very much. Later, Zhai Xiaochuan also updated his social media and sent out a special dynamic. First of all, I expressed my congratulations to my brother team, Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team, and secondly, I recognized everyone in Shougang Men’s Basketball Team. Being able to stand on the playoff field against Liaoning is enough to make them feel extremely proud. Said very little, but every word was distracted.

Moreover, other players of Shougang also sent messages to congratulate the Liaoning men’s basketball team. They were friends off the field and opponents on the field, which made people unable to help but contact the previous years. The Guangdong men’s basketball team won Shougang for two consecutive years, but no one from Shougang sent a message to make a sharp contrast. Now Guangdong and Guangsha are also fighting to the death, and the action scale is comparable to the fighting field. I have to say that this gap is still embarrassing.

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ChatGPT is hot out of the circle? Wait, the pig farm also has black technology.

Recently, ChatGPT has been popular. Before that, Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, released the AI ? ? hero list, announced that he would pay for himself, and set up Beijing Lightyear Technology Co., Ltd. to confirm his entry. Later, there was an extreme dialogue between programmers from big factories and ChatGPT. From emotional consultation, project management to novel creation, ChatGPT was almost omnipotent and omnipotent (PS, Xiaobian was trembling with fear).

Behind the explosion of ChatGPT is everyone’s embarrassment and concern for the field of artificial intelligence. So is there any application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of pig breeding? How do they combine?


The Origin and Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial intelligence technology is a branch of computer science. The original intention of its creation is that scientists hope that computers can imitate human intelligence, so that machines can handle complex things.

Artificial intelligence can be traced back to 1950, and Allen Matheson Turing put forward the famous "Turing Test" [which refers to asking questions to the testee through some devices (such as keyboards) when the testee is separated from the testee (a person and a machine). After many tests, if the machine makes the average participant make more than 30% misjudgment, then the machine has passed the test and is considered to have human intelligence.

In the same year, he published the paper "Computing Machine and Intelligence", and put forward and tried to answer the question "Can a machine think?". After the paper was published, it received extensive attention and discussion, and Turing was later called "the father of artificial intelligence".

In 1956, John McCarthy (computer scientist and cognitive scientist), an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Dartmouth College, located in the small town of Hannos in the eastern United States, invited a group of big coffee scholars including Marvin Minsky (winner of Turing Prize in 1969) and Claude Shannon (founder of information theory) to hold an academic conference. The conference mainly discussed topics such as machine imitating human intelligence, including: how to program computers, neural networks, calculation scale theory, mechanical theory (referring to self-learning), randomness and creativity.

Dartmouth Conference has been held for more than two months. Although the participants did not reach an agreement, they agreed on a word for the discussion: Artificial Intelligence (AI). At this point, the word artificial intelligence began to appear in people’s field of vision, and 1956 was also called the first year of artificial intelligence. After that, the theoretical research and practical application in the field of artificial intelligence continued to break through (see the development history of AI for details).

(Image from Demeo Consulting Wang Wei)

Before ChatGPT, the last time artificial intelligence was widely concerned was in May 2017, when Alphago defeated Li Shishi, the world Go champion, by a score of 4: 1, and will face Ke Jie, a player from China, at the world internet conference in Wuzhen. You know, after Li’s defeat in artificial intelligence, Ke Jie made a statement in the media: Even if Alpha Dog beats Li Shishi, it can’t beat me.

Before the start of the competition, Ke Jie had high hopes and was once regarded as "the last hope of mankind". However, the reality is cruel. Alphago(Master) beat Ke Jie, a talented teenager in China, with a score of 3: 0.

After the on-site interview, Ke Jie once choked:Playing chess with AlphaGo is too painful, AlphaGo is too calm, it is too perfect, and I can’t see any hope of victory.. So why is "artificial intelligence" technology so powerful?


Analysis of artificial intelligence technology

Artificial intelligence mainly includes five core technologies, namely computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics and biometrics.

Computer vision is a science that studies how to make machines "see", which means that cameras and computers are used to identify, track and measure targets instead of human eyes, and further graphic processing is carried out, so that computers can be processed into images that are more suitable for human eyes to observe or send to instruments for detection.

Machine learning is the core of artificial intelligence technology, which enables intelligent machines to simulate human behavior independently with the support of algorithm complexity theory, convex analysis, statistics and other disciplines. Machine learning refers to how to improve the performance of specific algorithms in empirical learning, that is to say, machine learning is based on massive data or past experience to optimize the performance standards of computer programs.

To put it simply, this process is similar to personal self-reflection, which is to review past experiences and then adjust the optimization behavior so as to do better next time. But different from personal reflection, personal reflection has limited sources of experience, while machine learning is based on a huge database given by developers, with wider sources of experience and data and more timely feedback based on goals.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a variety of theories and methods to study how to achieve effective communication between people and computers in natural language. Natural language processing is a science integrating linguistics, computer science and mathematics, which can be mainly applied to machine translation, public opinion monitoring, automatic summarization, viewpoint extraction, text classification, question answering and so on.

Robot refers to performing tasks such as working or moving through programming and automatic control. Robots have the basic characteristics of perception, decision-making, execution, etc., which can assist or even replace human beings to complete dangerous, heavy and complicated work and improve work efficiency and quality. At present, sweeping robots have entered the daily life of the public.

Biometric technology is closely combined with high-tech means such as optics, acoustics, biosensors and biostatistics through computers, and uses the inherent physiological characteristics (such as fingerprints, faces, irises, etc.) and behavioral characteristics (such as handwriting, voice, gait, etc.) of human bodies/creatures to identify their identities, such as "face recognition" and "pig face recognition".

Therefore, artificial intelligence can be understood as imitating human information input (images, words, sounds, etc.), information processing (based on the correct thinking model in the past) and then action execution, and constantly strengthening various abilities in the process to achieve the set goals and continue to improve. The core of artificial intelligence lies in deep learning, that is, continuous feedback and continuous optimization based on strategy.

The mechanism of deep learning is similar to the deliberate practice learning method proposed by Florida psychologist Anders Millard J. Erickson. Anders pointed out that the key factor to distinguish a person’s mediocrity and Excellence in the professional field is the degree of deliberate practice. The longer the deliberate practice, the higher the professional level. Deliberate exercises mainly include four elements:Clear goals, staying away from the comfort zone, concentration and timely feedback.. Different from human deliberate practice, the deliberate practice process of the machine has no emotion, so it is more efficient to execute.

Just a few months after Alphago(Master) defeated Ke Jie, in October of 17, DeepMind team published a new paper in Nature magazine, and launched a new generation of product AlphaGo( Zero). The paper points out that Alphago(Zero) reached the level of Alphago(Master) in only 21 days, and when Alphago(Zero) played the 40th day, it had already defeated all previous programs and won the world Go championship.

Afterwards, the industry put forward three cores for Alphago to quickly reach the top level in the world: first, it adopted a learning algorithm combining machine learning and neuroscience; Second, in Google’s powerful cloud computing system, more than 30 million steps of professional chess player’s chess manual have been learned through a large amount of data analysis; Third, throughThe ever-increasing self-gameFind a better idea than the basic chess manual. Artificial intelligence technology is created by human beings, and the achievements in some aspects are far beyond human beings, which may also be worth thinking and learning.


Application of artificial intelligence technology in pig farm

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and agriculture can be traced back to March 2015. Li Keqiang, then Premier of the State Council, put forward the action plan of "internet plus" for the first time in his government work report; In July of the same year, the State Council issued the Action Plan on Actively Promoting the internet plus (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).

The Action Plan clearly puts forward to actively promote the modern agriculture in internet plus, and points out that it is necessary to establish standardized scale livestock and poultry breeding bases and aquatic healthy breeding demonstration bases,Promote the popularization and interconnection of intelligent devices such as accurate feed delivery, automatic disease diagnosis and automatic waste recycling.. The release of Action Plan opened the historical curtain of agriculture in internet plus.

After that, AI technology, like other emerging Internet technologies, was gradually applied to the practice of agricultural industry. On the one hand, new cutting-edge technology, on the other hand, traditional agriculture, how do they combine? What kind of sparks will break out?

Scenario 1: Pig farm monitoring and pig inventory

Since the outbreak of African swine fever in 2018, biosafety has been crucial for aquaculture enterprises. Under the traditional breeding mode, people and things inside and outside the pig farm are complicated, and materials, vehicles, birds and animals come in and out frequently. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to achieve effective supervision. For example, in the process of dissecting dead pigs, improper wearing of protective clothing by operators may cause the spread of diseases in pig farms. It is difficult to pass the manual on-site review, and it is impossible to supervise all the time. By using technologies such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, employees’ misconduct can be identified and early warning signals can be conveyed to managers in time, which can effectively avoid the risk of disease spread.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology can also be used to count and estimate the number of pigs. In the traditional breeding process, pig dealers need to go to the pigsty for on-site counting and weighing in the pig selling process. By using the camera above the pig farm combined with artificial intelligence technology, the pigs in the pen can be counted in real time, so as to achieve the effect of remote pig watching and real-time weight estimation.

The AI patrol and early warning interface of "Pig Xiao Zhi" of rural credit cooperatives.

Scheme of intelligent pig farm with integrated rural credit, mathematics and intelligence for message or private message consultation

Scene 2: Intelligent dung cleaning robot and inspection robot

Pig farm is a model of large-scale farming. Large-scale farming and high manure output are difficult problems that plague the operation of enterprises. In traditional farming mode, manual cleaning is usually needed, and the labor input cost is high in the process of manual cleaning. Some pig farms use water to clean manure, which consumes a lot of water, and at the same time, it is easy to cause high humidity in pig houses and cause health problems of pigs. By using artificial intelligence technology to develop a dung sweeping robot, it can effectively solve the problems of difficult cleaning, reducing water consumption and saving costs.

Similarly, robots developed by combining intelligent speech recognition and visual recognition technologies can cruise around the pigsty all day, find abnormal pigs (such as fever and shivering) in the pigsty in time, prevent and control diseases in advance, and effectively resolve the risk of disease infection.

Mu Yuan inspection robot

The above are only typical application scenarios of artificial intelligence technology in pig farms. With the expansion of business scale and the improvement of cost control and biosafety requirements of enterprises, the combination of artificial intelligence technology and pig breeding is becoming closer and closer.



At last year’s Deep Bay Meeting, in view of the application of intelligence in pig farms, Qin Yinglin, chairman of Mu Yuan Co., pointed out: "It takes three years for us to train an excellent employee, and many employees are unqualified for three years, which takes five or even ten years. But we want to make a machine in the assembly line, and gather all our wisdom of raising pigs. We are producing this very quickly now, and producing thousands of units a day is equivalent to producing the corresponding number of laborers. "

It can be seen that artificial intelligence technology has been applied on a large scale in the farms of some enterprises. With the continuous development and mature application of technology, it is certain that "unmanned pig farms" and "unmanned farms" will eventually come true.


Talking about the development of AI from ChatGPT, consulting with Deme.

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Qin Yinglin’s Sharing in Deep Bay Meeting, Wandou Agricultural Science.

Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting "internet plus" Action, the State Council

After 3-0, 1-2, the Serie A champion team became worse, shooting 28 goals, making it the first defeat in history, and Milan had a good chance.

In the 26th round of Serie A, Naples won 2-0, which means that they are back on the right track after the last round of defeat. They scored 68 points and were far ahead in the championship, which also shows that the other four teams can only reach the second place at most. From the point of view of points, originally Inter Milan was most likely to hold the second place in the standings. After all, after the first 25 rounds, their points reached 50 points, temporarily ahead of Lazio, AC Milan and other teams!

However, with the end of the 26th round, Inter Milan, the 19th champion of Serie A, almost ruined its advantage. In this round of competition, the Nerazzurri played against spezia, and in the first round, Inzaghi led a 3-0 victory. In addition, the starting price of Vispe Zia of Inter Milan is 278.1 million euros, which shows that the Nerazzurri have won completely. Even the Nerazzurri are considered to have the strongest lineup in Serie A, and it seems that they deserve to win again. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out, and the "Nerazzurri" finally faced defeat under the frequent waste of opportunities.

From the 5th minute when lautaro got the chance to play, to the end of the first half, Inter Milan launched more than 5 attacks, but all failed, including a penalty. However, lautaro missed the penalty in the first half and became the player who missed the penalty the second time since the 2021-2022 season: 8 penalty kicks and 4 penalties. In the second half, Inter Milan stepped up their offensive. From the 46th minute to the 83rd minute, lautaro and brozovic launched attacks in vain, and finally the score was rewritten with the help of Lu Kaku’s penalty.

However, spezia’s luck was even better. In the 55th minute, Danielle Maldini was unguarded and scored from the front of the restricted area. In the 87th minute, Spezia relied on a penalty to kill the game directly, and Inter Milan lost 1-2. What we need to know is that the possession rate of the "Nerazzurri" in this battle is 38 percentage points higher than that of the opponent, and the number of shots reached 28 times, which is 7 times that of the opponent. However, it is still embarrassing that it is still impossible to win.

Interestingly, the defeat of this game is also the first defeat of Inter Milan against spezia. In the previous nine games, the Nerazzurri won eight games. It seems that the team’s instability has seriously affected a series of records! Of course, the defeat of Inter Milan is undoubtedly a good thing for AC Milan in the same city. After the first 25 rounds, the Rossoneri accumulated 47 points.

In other words, if we win this round, then AC Milan points can also reach 50 points, which is consistent with Inter Milan, and then better compete for the second place. You know, in the first 18 rounds, AC Milan beat Inter Milan and held the second place in the standings. Now it seems that Pioli is expected to lead the team to restore the victory!