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Where is the new ecological artificial intelligence road focusing on AI industry?

  On the morning of December 28th, the 2018 People’s Network Artificial Intelligence Partner Conference with the theme of "AI enlightens the future" was held in Beijing. Zhang Qin, member of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and former vice chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, Ye Zhenzhen, president of People’s Network, Mars, inspector of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Luo Hua, deputy editor-in-chief of People’s Network, Dewen Li, deputy director of Information Center of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and She Guiqing, vice president of Beijing Internet Court, attended the event. The meeting focused on the great influence of artificial intelligence in economic development and social progress, sharing cutting-edge technologies, exploring commercial applications and looking forward to development prospects, with fruitful results and remarkable effects.

  Mars, inspector of the Information and Software Services Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in his speech that the development of artificial intelligence in China is in a rare historical opportunity period. From the perspective of policy environment, China has taken a series of measures in scientific research and development, application promotion and industrial development, forming a strong synergy to promote the development of artificial intelligence. From the perspective of development foundation, it has laid a solid foundation for the development of artificial intelligence through in-depth implementation of strategic actions such as "internet plus", speeding up and reducing fees, "Broadband China", integration of industrialization and information technology, and innovative development of industrial Internet. Judging from the market conditions, China’s advantages as a big country and a big market have been brought into full play in the Internet era, which has directly spawned and cultivated a number of enterprises with international influence and competitiveness, and created favorable conditions for the development of artificial intelligence in terms of talents, technology and business models.

  During the activity, People’s Network Artificial Intelligence Research Institute was formally established. Luo Hua, deputy editor-in-chief of People’s Daily Online, said at the inauguration ceremony that the establishment of the research institute is a useful attempt to combine scientific research, investment and media business, which will not only help People’s Daily Online to carry out in-depth cooperation with relevant institutions in the industry in the future, but also help the competent authorities to better promote the development of the industry and industry enterprises to better carry out related businesses. By building a research platform, on the one hand, we can recruit talents and gather wisdom from many sides to make suggestions for the development and application of technology; On the other hand, it can also effectively integrate all kinds of resources, thus cultivating or incubating high-quality projects and gestating opportunities for People’s Network to carry out strategic mergers and acquisitions in the field of artificial intelligence.

  Luo Hua introduced that the next step of the research institute will give full play to the advantages of resource integration, build an industry research platform, make use of the influence and communication power of People’s Network, widely gather experts from all walks of life in politics, industry, learning and research, conduct in-depth research in scientific research institutes, industry frontline and competent departments, organize academic exchanges and seminars on a regular basis, analyze the problems and difficulties in the development of artificial intelligence in China, profoundly sum up existing experiences and lessons, build a communication bridge between industry, scientific research and decision-making, and optimize the top level for the central government.

  Zhang Qin, member of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former vice chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, Professor Tsinghua University and academician of the International Institute of Nuclear Energy, gave a keynote speech at the meeting. He believed that the safety of nuclear power plants was very important, and it was necessary to conduct regular, high-frequency and strict troubleshooting of equipment failures. In order to solve the problem that false signals interfere with the fault diagnosis of nuclear power plants, we can use artificial intelligence technology to help workers judge faults, deal with them correctly and control risks. The dynamic uncertain causality diagram can solve the problems of uncertainty, dynamic characteristics, false signals and so on by analyzing the causal relationship between variables and components of industrial systems.

  He said that artificial intelligence is at the third peak of development. Although there are some bubbles, it has made substantial progress in general and is being combined with the real economy. However, he also pointed out that although the big data that the industry is currently concerned about can be statistically analyzed, it is only a part of artificial intelligence, and the two cannot be treated equally.

  Fu Sheng, CEO of Cheetah Mobile, pointed out in his keynote speech that since the rise of artificial intelligence, commercialization has always been an important issue in the artificial intelligence industry. He believes that there is a big gap from the emergence of a new technology to the landing of products and finally to the formation of industrialization. However, with the help and guidance of the state, the technology substitution may be shortened. At present, many companies talk about bottom-level innovation, but at least it seems difficult to achieve it now. On the contrary, there is a great chance to do a good job in the industry. "This is also an opportunity for small companies to achieve overtaking in corners."

  At the meeting, Lenovo Group, Microsoft, Cheetah Mobile, Iflytek, Jianan Yunzhi, Mingluo Data, Alibaba Cloud, Yunzhisheng, Shangtang Technology, CMB International, Xunlei Group, Defiance Technology, Huiju.com, CCID Research Institute, Guoxin Fund, Analysys, Teslink, Squirrel AI, homework help, New World and Shengzhe Technology participated in People’s Network Artificial Intelligence. In the next step, People’s Daily will promote the formation of a multi-functional business structure of media, technology, capital and scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence, and carry out extensive and in-depth business cooperation with more partners from all walks of life at home and abroad.

  In the round-table dialogue session, the guests discussed from three aspects: capital, technology and application, and deeply analyzed the opportunities and challenges of the next development of artificial intelligence.

  In recent years, the valuation of artificial intelligence enterprises has been rising. Regarding whether there is a bubble in the market, Zhao Yahui, general manager of People’s Venture Capital, believes that the market bubble is just the turning point of the industry, and from the past law, any emerging industry needs to go through the process from birth to outbreak. Song Chunyu, vice president of Lenovo Group, believes that the bubble in the artificial intelligence market mainly comes from the public’s expectation of its future development prospects.

  Lian Suping, member of the Management Committee and vice president of China Merchants International Finance Co., Ltd., also expressed optimism about the future development of artificial intelligence. She believes that the scientific and technological strength based on Internet big data has been formed, and the cold winter of capital cannot hinder the development of artificial intelligence. Tian Feng, senior strategic director of Alibaba Cloud Research Center, said that what remained after the bubble was just needed, and just needed can create value for the industry. Yu Yang, chairman and CEO of Analysys, put forward from the practical point of view of data intelligence company that grasping the needs of users and creating value for customers is more conducive to the growth of enterprises.

  At present, artificial intelligence has gradually become a topic of the whole people, and it has gone deep into financial, government, education and other industries, bringing many changes to the lives of ordinary people. In this context, the industry has different views on whether the development trend of artificial intelligence technology is to run in small steps or to subvert and reshape. In this regard, Cui Jing, deputy director of the Institute of Electronic Standardization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the development direction of artificial intelligence technology at this stage is still inconclusive. Liang Jiaen, chairman of Yunzhisheng, believes that the current knowledge and big data have not been well combined, and there are still many problems in the application field of artificial intelligence. Xie Yinan, vice president of Defiance Technology, said frankly that despite the rapid development of AI applications, its technical system development has not yet achieved subversive innovation. Grace Wai Wong, vice president of Iflytek Consumer Business Group and general manager of Hearing Technology, also said that algorithmic intelligence, perceptual intelligence, sports intelligence and cognitive intelligence are still in the era of weak artificial intelligence. Ceng Min, senior R&D director of Microsoft Xiaobing in Microsoft (Asia) Internet Engineering Institute, suggested that AI needs to solve infrastructure problems, and the maturity of technology should be measured by the number of actual cases.

  Regarding the application of artificial intelligence, Li Yazhou, co-founder of Machine Heart, said that medical care +AI will be very popular in the future, security +AI will also be very popular, and AI will also have a strong ability to change other industries. Xie Chao, vice president of TESLIN, believes that the application path of artificial intelligence is "+AI", and the core driving force for the progress and development of science and technology is to integrate with the industry. Liujing, vice president of Mingluo Data, distinguishes between "AI+" and "+AI". The essence of the former is super artificial intelligence or general artificial intelligence, and its foundation is technology-driven; The latter is industry artificial intelligence, based on industry and domain knowledge. Zhang Li, vice president of Jianan Yunzhi, said that whether it is "AI+" or "+AI", artificial intelligence will be realized at multiple levels and structures in the end. It is suggested that the industry should combine the cloud and the end to have a truly complete closed loop. Yang Xin, vice president of Huiju.com, believes that the most suitable application scenario is the key. From the user’s point of view, "+AI" and "AI+" are both means and paths. Jin Jun, CMO of Shangtang Technology, thinks that no matter "+AI" or "AI+", it means that AI cannot exist alone. AI itself is not a useful industry, only by attaching it to a certain industry,It is the time when AI really works when it has a polymerization effect with this industry.

The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi

On July 25th, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 8th China National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi.
In Wuyuan Sports Center Gymnasium, Xu Shubin, secretary of Wuyuan County Party Committee, presided over the opening ceremony; All the leaders and guests on the rostrum pressed the starting column together.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, announced the opening of the competition. Li Xiaoping, Director of Jiangxi Sports Bureau, and Qiu Xiangjun, Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government delivered speeches. Shi Ke, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, AARON Li, Director of Youth Sports Department of State Sports General Administration, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, Luo Laishui, Director of Shangrao Municipal Sports Bureau, Xu Shubin, Secretary of Wuyuan County Committee, Zhou Huabing, County Governor of Wuyuan County, Tao Wusheng, Chairman of Aofei Recreation and Sports Group, and other leaders attended.
The signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi volleyball team’s "Provincial Team Building" was held in Wunvzhou Convention and Exhibition Center, Wuyuan County on July 25th.
On July 25th, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, presided over the signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi Provincial Volleyball Team’s "Provincial Team Building". Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, read out the instructions of Governor Ye Jianchun of Jiangxi Provincial Government on the establishment of a special report on Jiangxi volleyball team.
Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, signed a contract with Zhu Meiqing, deputy mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, and Shi Ke, deputy governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, unveiled the Shangrao Volleyball Club in Jiangxi.
In recent years, Wuyuan County has vigorously developed the national fitness campaign, held sports brand competitions, promoted the integrated development of "sports+tourism" and improved the quality of development. It has successively hosted several national and provincial large-scale sports events such as the National Ancient Post Road Walking Competition, the "Most Beautiful Country Cup" National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament, the Wuyuan International Marathon and the Poyang Lake International Cycling Race. At the same time, a series of national fitness activities such as football, table tennis, gateball, ground throw ball and softball are widely carried out.
In 2022, the county hosted more than 40 large-scale events at or above the municipal level, such as the men’s and women’s volleyball competition in China Super League, the National Youth Table Tennis Competition (South Division) and the Cycling Cross-country Challenge around Poyang Lake. Nearly 1 million sports tourists came to Wuyuan to participate in the events, which stimulated the sports tourism consumption to reach 480 million yuan and stimulated the vitality of the tourism market.
In 2022, Wuyuan, as the only representative of the city, was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award in Shangrao’s sports work, as well as the Outstanding Contribution Award in Competitive Sports in Shangrao from 2019 to 2022 and the Advanced Unit in Mass Sports Work in Shangrao in 2022.
On July 25th, athletes were competing in Ziyang Park, Wuyuan County.
Gas volleyball is a mass sport that integrates sports, leisure and entertainment. As a new sport, it has been favored by more and more middle-aged and elderly friends. The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament in the most beautiful countryside has been held for the eighth time since it was held for the first time in 2014. The cumulative number of participants has exceeded 10,000, which has been widely praised by air volleyball fans all over the country. There are 312 teams from all over the country, and more than 3,000 team leaders, coaches and athletes participate in the competition. The competition is divided into three groups: youth group, middle-aged group and elderly group.
(China Daily Jiangxi reporter station Tang Ying/photography Zhang Wen)
Source: China Daily.

Detailed illustration of the basic standard swimming posture of "Life Home"

Via: network

Copyright belongs to the original author.



With a jingle, before explaining the essentials of breaststroke, I will introduce it to you: "Rower’s legs don’t move, close your hands and then close your legs, first extend your arms and then kick your legs, and then straighten up and float for a while." As you can see from the jingle, the hand moves before the leg. Be sure to close your leg after you stop, and then kick after you reach out.

Arm movement

1. delimit. Put your hands forward and tilt your palms at about 45 degrees (little finger up). Draw your hands outward and backward at the same time, and then bend your arms backward and downward.

2. Draw inside. The palm turns inward from the outside, and the hand drives the forearm to accelerate the inward stroke. The hands are close together in the chest from the bottom up (the hands are high and the elbows are low, and the elbows are under the shoulders) and extend forward.

3. Stretch forward. Stretch your hands forward (elbow straight). It should be reminded that the outward stroke is relaxed, the inward stroke is hard, the completion is accelerated, and the forward stroke is positive.

Complete coordination action

Raise your head for air when you row your hands outside, lower your head and hold your breath slightly when you row your hands inside, and kick and exhale when you stretch your hands forward.

Leg movement

Retract your legs

Bend your knees and retract your legs, keep your heels close to your hips, and slowly retract your legs behind your thighs, which can reduce resistance. At the end of leg retraction, the knees are shoulder width apart, the calves are perpendicular to the water surface, and the feet are near the water surface.

Turn your feet.

The distance between the feet is greater than the distance between the knees. The feet are everted, the toes are facing outward, the feet are facing the sky, and the inner sides of the calves and feet are aligned with the water, like the English letter "W".


In fact, it is the process of leg straightening (hip flexion and knee extension), in which the waist, abdomen and thigh exert force at the same time, and the calf and the inner side of the foot push the water at the same time, first outward, backward and downward, then inward and upward, just like drawing a half circle. Pushing the water outward and clamping the water inward are continuous, that is, pushing the belt and clamping it.

When the pedaling is completed, the legs are straight together, the feet are turned inward, and the toes are opposite. Don’t push the water too hard, but accelerate it from slow to fast. The pedal speed is the fastest when the legs are nearly straight and close together.


After the legs are together and straightened, they slide for a short time (1-2 seconds).



Swimming is a whole-body exercise, and the activities of any part are inseparable from the coordination of the whole body. On the surface, freestyle relies on paddling and kicking to generate propulsion. In fact, the role of trunk can not be ignored. First of all, the torso should maintain a certain degree of tension. If the waist is soft, the whole person is like a pool of mud. Secondly, the rotation of the body can effectively exert the strength of the large muscle groups in the trunk, reduce the resistance and improve the work effect.

There are many forms of complete cooperation in freestyle. Generally speaking, it is common to paddle twice, fetch water six times and breathe once.

Arm entry action

1. The entry point of the hand is between the extension line of the shoulder and the midline of the body, leading with the thumb and obliquely inserting the water.

2. After entering the water, the hands, elbows and shoulders continue to stretch forward to stretch the arms. With the rotation of the body, bend your wrist and elbow, and your arms catch water outward and backward; After the hand paddles to the lowest point, rotate the arm to paddle inward, upward and backward, and keep the paddling posture with high elbow and bent arm.

3. When the arm is perpendicular to the horizontal plane, take the lead, accelerate the water push, and turn the arm to paddle outward, upward and behind until the thigh side, and lift the elbow out of the water.

4. After the water comes out, the arm moves forward naturally and relaxedly through the air, keeping the elbow posture high. Then hand in front of the shoulder leading into the water, start the next action.

(1) The arm paddles underwater in a curved line. From the side, the stroke trajectory of the hand relative to the body is "S".

(2) There are three basic forms of freestyle two-arm cooperation: front cross cooperation, middle cross cooperation and back cross cooperation. This picture is in the form of front cross, which is easy for beginners to master.

One-arm stroke is an action that beginners should focus on. As shown in this figure, the left arm strokes, then the right arm can support the board. Generally, the leg draws water for about 10 times, and the arm paddles once. You can add breathing exercises when you master it to a certain extent. The specific number of groups and practice methods will be introduced in detail in teaching.

Whip kick in the leg

1. The kicking action starts from the hip, and the thigh drives the calf to make a whipping action.

2. Kick the leg upward from the corner. Start with a straight leg, bend your knees when your feet are close to the water, and lift your calves up so that your feet can get out of the water and then draw water down. At first, you can kick water with your straight legs, but your legs are slightly relaxed and don’t be stiff. Your legs will naturally bend under the pressure of water. The knee joint bends at an angle of about 130-160 degrees before the downward stroke, and the stroke range is about 30-40 cm. Stretch your feet (ballet feet) when you draw water, and don’t hook your feet.


backstrokeAlso known as backstroke, it is a swimming posture in which the human body lies on its back in the water. Backstroke includes back breaststroke and back crawl, because the face is on the water and breathing is convenient, but swimmers can’t see where they are swimming and are easy to go in the wrong direction. Backstroke is the only position in which an athlete starts in the water, and the others all jump into the water.

1. When the arm is paddling, the water comes out with the thumb ahead. When the arm is moved, the arm is perpendicular to the water surface and the upper arm is close to the ear. In the process of moving the arm, the arm rotates, and when entering the water, the little finger is inserted into the water ahead.

2. If the head position is 12 o’clock, the water entry points of both hands are at 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock. After the hand enters the water, paddle straight down.

3. The arm stroke should be coordinated with the body rotation, and the position difference between the shoulders is constantly formed.

4. The two arms are crossed in the stroke, that is, the two arms are always in opposite positions. When one arm is paddling, the other arm moves.

5, the head remains stable without swinging left and right.

Backstroke coordination

1. Although breathing is not limited, it is best to use rhythmic breathing, or to inhale when one arm is fixed. After all, there will be waves and splashes when paddling and moving in the water. Breathing at will is easy to choke water.

2. Keep a horizontal body posture. The trunk and shoulders rotate around the longitudinal axis with the arm movements, and one shoulder is always out of the water.

3. Generally, every stroke is 2 times, the legs are drawn 6 times, and the breathing is 1 time.

4, the legs alternately whip up and down to draw water. Draw water up quickly and forcefully, with your feet slightly turned inward and stretched straight, and your legs and feet naturally relax when you draw water down.

matters need attention

1. When moving the arm, the arm should not be too wide close to the body.

2. If the arm is easy to bend when moving, you can temporarily lead the water with your little finger, and then lead the water with your thumb after getting into the habit of straight arm.

3. Keep your body stretched, upright, and almost horizontally lying on your back on the water, as if lying flat on the bed with a short pillow under your head.


Backstroke legs should experience the thigh force, both lifting and pressing, and experience the feeling that the thigh drives the calf.

butterfly stroke

butterfly stroke

Butterfly stroke is one of the swimming events, and the butterfly stroke technique evolved on the basis of breaststroke technique. The butterfly stroke is the last developed stroke among the four competitive swimming strokes. Because its leg movements resemble dolphins, it is also called "dolphin swimming".

1. The hand entry point of butterfly stroke is on the extension line of two shoulders, leading with the thumb and obliquely inserting into the water.

2. After entering the water, stretch your shoulders and elbows forward, and grab the water outward, backward and downward with both hands along the curve. When your hands are shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows and speed up the stroke.

3. After the hands are separated to reach the maximum width, the arms turn inward, upward and backward, and keep the elbows bent when the arms are lifted. When your hands are under your chest or abdomen, the distance between your hands is the shortest.

4. The combination of breathing and stroke is also the key to butterfly stroke. When the arm finishes paddling inward, the head comes out of the water to inhale, and when the arm is moved, the head returns to the water. Remember two "before", that is, the head comes out of the water before the hand comes out, and the hand enters the water before it enters the water.

Butterfly stroke coordination

1. When the distance between the two hands in butterfly stroke is close to the nearest distance, the direction of arm stroke changes again, and it turns to outward, upward and backward strokes until the water comes out.

2. After paddling out of the water, the arm moves forward through the air under the drive of the shoulder. When preparing to enter the water, the arm moves forward from both sides in a low, flat and relaxed posture.

3. It is difficult to master the body posture of butterfly stroke, and it is also difficult to master the whip kick. When studying butterfly, we will have special decomposition exercises to let you master the operation step by step.

Matters needing attention in butterfly stroke

1. The stroke route of butterfly stroke is generally "keyhole" shape, which means that the distance between hands under the chest or abdomen is the shortest, and this stroke route before and after is relatively uniform.

2, pay attention to the butterfly limbs movement is both arms and legs at the same time coordinated force.

The Best 20 Sega 32X Games Recommended

On November 21st, 1994, Sega 32X was released in North America. Like Sega Mega-CD, it is an additional component of Mega Drive. Sega 32X initially had a retail price of $159, but ended its life at a shameful price of $19.95. The release of Sega Saturn made all players stop paying attention to it, and only sold more than 800,000 units in its life, which became a difficult commercial failure for Sega.

But who would have thought? Twenty-eight years later, with the rise of retro nostalgia, Sega 32X has become a highly sought-after collection. Although there are only 40 games in it, and many of them are improved versions of old games, we have summarized 20 of the best Sega 32X games for your convenience in nostalgia (archaeology? ) save some time in the process.

At that time, the game won the longest game name award in history (later defeated by brain exercise), which was translated as follows: Golf Magazine: 36 big holes of Fred Kapos (not knowing golf terms). The game got mixed reviews, but it was often mentioned because of 32X.

Cosmic Carnage is a "cosmic massacre", which is essentially a real-life fight in space. It has the strangest character design in human history. This game was launched as the first game, because it was so bad that even Sega pretended that it didn’t exist.

The 32X platform of Beat Boy is one of the games with the best pictures. The gameplay includes constantly exploring each level to find hidden things, and attacking the enemy with various jumping actions. Although they are all traditional platform action games, they lack the rhythm and expressiveness in the name.

The imitator of Violent Motorcycle, the picture is a bit rough, but the gameplay itself is not that bad. The game has 12 drivers and 12 routes. Players punch and kick their opponents while avoiding obstacles and jumping over hills. Multiplayer is very interesting, but it can’t reach the level of some two-person racing games in MD games.

Kolibri, which means "Hummingbird", is an amazing game, which is called 32X "The Adventures of Dolphins". Like Tempo, Hummingbird Adventures ranks among the best 32X games because of its graphics rather than its gameplay.

Also known as "Stellar Assault", "Shadow Squadron" is a very similarStar Wars 3D air combat game, there are few comments about it on the Internet, and there is nothing to say about it.

Amazing spider-man: Warnet was released exclusively on Sega 32X that year, and it is a must-have for Marvel Comics fans. This game is much better than people think, although sadly, most people in the world no longer care about 32X. It is not surprising that the game was released after Sega announced that it would stop production for 32X.

Spider-Man is not the only Marvel hero in this game, but also Daredevil, who repelled Hydra and other evil forces in the Marvel universe in this wall-climbing and horizontal scroll game. Unfortunately, this game didn’t get the praise it deserved at that time.

WWF Wrestling Mania: Arcade Edition is called one of the best and most unique wrestling games on home consoles. Why is it so unique? For beginners, it is more like a fighting game than a wrestling game. For those who are familiar with WWF, there are many famous wrestlers in it, which is equivalent to WWF’s all-star fight.

Pacific Rim-style mecha are fighting in the city streets. One of the many first-person cockpit perspective games on 32X is Armored Steel Head (personal translation). This is one of the first games of 32X. The game focuses on the first-person cockpit perspective and can switch the third-person perspective. It is a visually beautiful game. At the beginning of each level, a commander from the role armed forces will appear to explain the background story and cheer for the upcoming battle.

This is a classic horizontal scroll game with smooth frame rate and smooth animation.Looking at it now, "The Maya Adventures of Raiders of the Treasure"It’s like a mysterious sea in 2D. And Sega 32X Edition "The Maya Adventures of Raiders of the TreasureIt looks like the best version of Windows 95 at that time. However, the 32X version plays at 30fps, which is half that of the Windows version.

Primitive wrathThere is SFC version.Pseudo-3d style fighting game, with only four ancient animals as optional protagonists.You can carry out cruel ending actions and bloody attacks. It can enter the top ten simply because Europeans and Americans like real people to fight quickly, love me, love my dog.

Arcade transplant works, you can play the original version in the small game of "Dragon 0". There is also an MD version, but the 32X version is closer to the original arcade game, and the better picture makes it more interesting to play.

In 94-95, a Star Wars game saved 32X. Without this game, no one will be interested in 32X and many players will turn to Nintendo’s platform, which is Star Wars: Arcade Edition. The game looks incredible on 32X, which proves that 32X is not useless. There are only three levels in this game, so the replay is low. But whether it’s shooting down a Star Destroyer or completing the famous Death Star Run and blowing the space station to pieces, this game can make the dream of Star Wars fans come true.

md vs 32x

Virtua Racing Deluxe has won both the arcade and the console. The 32X version really enhanced the picture, which transplanted the arcade well. The enhanced visual effect made the game look better, the outline of the car and the road were clearer, and the texture in the background was more pleasant. The MD version of "VR Racing Car" renders 9000 polygons per second, thanks to the Sega Virtua processing chip in the cassette, which is far beyond the processing capacity of MD.

At that time, the works of Blizzard were still excellent, and Black Thorn was one of them. The game played like a mixture of Demon City and Prince of Persia. SFC version and Mac version only have 17 levels and 4 worlds, while 32X version is more valuable, with an extra area, with a total of 5 worlds, which can be said to be the best of all versions!

As the ancestor of 3D fighting and fighting games,VR Warrior doesn’t need a real introduction, especially for Sega players and fighting gamers.

As we all know, the 32X version of Doom is basically the same as the PC version, andThe 32X version is one of the first games ever to get the "adult level" rating of M for Mature, because of its bloodiness and Satan worship. Although it is not the best version, it is still worth experiencing.

Although the SFC version is more popular, the 32X version of "Real Play 2" is one of the 32X essential games, which is highly respected in Europe and America, but the author has no feeling about this kind of game that emphasizes functional stimulation and curiosity.

The only hedgehog Sonik series game on Sega 32X. The protagonist of this game is Knuckles the Echidna, with a new "combination system", which allows players to use two characters at a time. In the eyes of many people, this game sucks. But I don’t agree. I think this game is Sega trying something new. I like the new combination system. It feels very much like what Nintendo will do. Just because it is different doesn’t mean it is not good! Unless we are talking about the whole 32X, it is.

NBA Jam T.E is a wonderful game. The 32X version is the most accurate arcade transplant version, and it has a lot of exciting new features, including hidden eggs, new players, better music and other modes.This game is not only the first in our list, but also the "first" in many other aspects. It is the first NBA carnival game in the series, and it is also the first game to use authorized players. It also created a record of $1 billion in arcade for the first time!

Entertainment Talk Show | Constant Romance

Not surprisingly, the footage of "New Longmen Inn" starring Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao didn’t appear on social media for long, and the two stars began to explode. From then on, because these actors will go to Hangzhou again in the future, there is probably one more reason, such as watching the new national style environmental Shaoxing opera "Xinlongmen Inn", and also watching Chen Lijun’s "Jade-faced Husband" Jia Ting and Li Yunxiao’s gold inlaid jade.

The play "Xinlongmen Inn" was produced by Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe led by Mao Weitao, a famous Yue Opera performer. It became popular not long after it was staged, and it has been sold out so far. Unexpectedly, it is also reasonable. Surprisingly, the whole drama is full of young actors, acting the plots of the famous movies Longmen Inn and Xinlongmen Inn, and these two movies, one from the famous director Hu Jinquan, the other from Li Huimin and Tsui Hark, starring Brigitte Lin and Maggie Cheung, that is to say, it has lacked freshness in all aspects, and the previous one is an insurmountable peak, no.

Many people think that both the version of the Yue Opera "Xinlongmen Inn" and the images of Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao are imitating the Baozang Song and Dance Troupe, but in fact, as long as you know a little about Yue Opera, it is not difficult to know that such a stage expression is derived from the old tradition of Yue Opera.

Poetry and Politics: Women’s Yue Opera in Shanghai’s Public Culture in the 20th Century, written by Jiang Jin, is a book I like very much. This book combs the history of Yue Opera, introduces important actors and plays, and examines the history of Yue Opera from the perspectives of gender, politics, the game between popular culture and elite culture.

Yue Opera was born in Shengzhou. From the beginning of "Xiaoge Class", it constantly improved its performance form and gained a firm foothold in Shanghai. At the same time, a fundamental change has taken place. It gradually changed from an all-male class to an all-female class. The reasons for becoming an all-female class are complicated. From the performance ability of men and women, the actresses at that time were more devoted and more capable, because it was very difficult for them to get out of the mountains and get a job opportunity, so most of them worked very hard. Moreover, the joys and sorrows in the story often linked with their own experiences and touched their hearts. They were particularly devoted to their performances, and they really laughed if they wanted to, and they really shed tears if they wanted to. This will more resonate with the audience.

From a cultural point of view, people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have a very rich secular life and developed secular culture, forming a kind of "emotional culture", which pays attention to personal life and true feelings. Yue opera is the concentrated expression of "love culture", and it is highly consistent on stage and off stage. While expressing feelings on the stage and telling love stories between the opposite sex, it is difficult to grasp the scale of male and female actors and actresses, and the actors are embarrassed, and the audience under the stage is also embarrassed. Only female CP will not make people uncomfortable at all. From the audience’s point of view, the audience of Yue Opera has gradually become dominated by women, further affecting its form.

In fact, the expression of this kind of "popular drama" and the core of "emotional culture" have been continued in Chinese film and television. From today’s perspective and referring to the drama tradition in Jiangnan area, it is not difficult to see that it is a cinematic "drama", which is full of "drama" from the core to the expression. It even gradually extended to a huge genre, shaping the creation and acceptance of later generations. Many ancient dolls, many Xian Xia, or stories like Dream of China may all fall under a big category: drama. The drama in the south of the Yangtze River is their not-so-distant source.

In the history of Yue Opera, the most important turning points and practices are all related to these factors. For example, the reform of Yue Opera in Yao Shuijuan and Yuan Xuefen, as well as their own theaters and schools for Yue Opera, all have a strong gender color, especially the enthusiasm for building theaters and schools, which can be understood from the perspective of women’s psychology-women like to build their own nests. There is also the interaction between Shaoxing opera actresses and female audiences, and even female audiences set up various fan organizations for idols, in this way to expand social interaction and exercise their social participation ability. This is actually very similar to today’s fan organizations.

A history of ups and downs of Yue Opera is actually a history of women, a romantic history belonging to women. Judging from this history, from "Xiaogeban" to the popularity of Chen Lijun and Li Yunxiao, some things in the deepest part of human nature have never changed, or even changed, they have become very slow. They always appear in the same or similar appearance in different times. This is a little reassuring.


Captain Shougang’s emotional intelligence is high, and there are too many articles involved, and Guangdong has become the target of public criticism.


With the brave play of Zhao Jiwei’s three-pointer, the desire of Shougang men’s basketball team to fight back was also extinguished one by one. Today’s Shougang is still too young, and the reserve lineup is not deep. Compared with the Liaoning men’s basketball team with a strong team, it is not only the lineup system, but also the on-the-spot experience in the playoffs. There is still a big gap. However, this does not affect fans’ love for Shougang.

Why do you say this? Because Shougang, to be honest, has been a surprise entry this season. If it weren’t for Leiden’s appointment, Shougang would have a second spring. Otherwise, Shougang will pack up and leave as early as the end of the regular season. Therefore, it is beyond the fans’ expectation to be able to reach the top 8 seats.

As a Chinese poem reads we have no fear of the clouds that may block our sights as we are already at the top of the height. Even in the face of the champion Liaoning men’s basketball team, it is able to withstand the pressure and fight back. I have to say that this has made the fans see the dawn of Shougang’s return to the peak. Just after the game, Zhai Xiaochuan, the captain of Shougang, also led all the players of Shougang Men’s Basketball Team. Standing on the field, I walked around the field for a week, expressing my pure apologies to the fans of Shougang and my regret for not winning at home. I failed to live up to the expectations of Shougang fans.

Shougang’s behavior also moved the fans very much. Later, Zhai Xiaochuan also updated his social media and sent out a special dynamic. First of all, I expressed my congratulations to my brother team, Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team, and secondly, I recognized everyone in Shougang Men’s Basketball Team. Being able to stand on the playoff field against Liaoning is enough to make them feel extremely proud. Said very little, but every word was distracted.

Moreover, other players of Shougang also sent messages to congratulate the Liaoning men’s basketball team. They were friends off the field and opponents on the field, which made people unable to help but contact the previous years. The Guangdong men’s basketball team won Shougang for two consecutive years, but no one from Shougang sent a message to make a sharp contrast. Now Guangdong and Guangsha are also fighting to the death, and the action scale is comparable to the fighting field. I have to say that this gap is still embarrassing.

What do you think of the welcome comment area to leave a message?

Jokic said that he didn’t want to shout out a sweeping declaration to the Wolves: the series would end next time.

On April 22, Beijing time, the Nuggets beat the Timberwolves 120-111 in the third game of the series, winning the match point with a big score of 3-0. If they win the next game, they will sweep their opponents and advance to the second round. After the game, the Nuggets generals were in high spirits. They all said that they did not intend to bring the series back to Denver, and they were eager to end the series in Minnesota.

"After leading 3-0, our mentality is that we don’t want to go back to Denver to continue playing the series. This is not disrespect for the Timberwolves, because this is our own mentality." Nuggets coach Mike Malone said.

In this campaign, Jokic scored 20 points, 11 rebounds and 12 assists, which was the seventh time in his playoff career that he scored a triple-double. Jokic said that after the Nuggets won the first two games, they didn’t want to let go of the throttle: "We don’t want to give the Timberwolves a way out. We want to go all out and take the lead, and they need to respond. This is our plan and I think we have done a good job. "

If the Nuggets can win Game 4, it will be the first time for the Nuggets to sweep their opponents in the playoffs. Although the Nuggets already hold the match point, they also know that it is not difficult to sweep their opponents to advance in the next game.

"We know that the end of the series is often the most difficult game to play. I hope we can find a way to win. We can’t take the mentality that we can go back to home to end the series. Our mentality should be to end the opponent in the fourth game. " Malone said.

Jamal Murray was satisfied with the team’s performance in the away game. He said: "We know what we should do, they are aggressive, and I think we have done a good job in coping with the pressure."

Judging from the performance of the Nuggets, the number one in the West is still underestimated, and their depth is very thick. Michael Porter said: "The existence of Gordon and Jeff Green gives us a very comprehensive lineup. We rarely use these lineups in the regular season, but these multi-forwards lineups are very useful, because we can switch from the number one position to the number five position. When Jokic was not present, our attack was a little different, but we still completed the attack. We have many players who can do different jobs. "

Brief introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The development history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be traced back to 1950s. The following are the main stages of the development history of AI:

  1. Logical reasoning and problem solving (1950s-early 1960s): The early AI system was based on symbolic logic, and solved problems through logical reasoning of facts and rules. However, this method has limitations, and it is difficult to deal with a large number of uncertain and fuzzy information.
  2. Machine learning and pattern recognition (1960s-1980s): The research of AI began to turn to machine learning and pattern recognition. Machine learning is a method to learn and optimize algorithms by training data, while pattern recognition is a method to realize intelligence by identifying and classifying patterns. These methods have been widely used in image recognition, speech recognition and natural language processing.
  3. Expert system and knowledge representation (1980s-1990s): AI research began to pay attention to expert system and knowledge representation. Expert system is an intelligent system based on expert knowledge and inference rules, which can simulate the decision-making process of human experts. Knowledge representation is a method to organize knowledge and information into a form that can be processed by computer, and it is an important foundation to realize AI.
  4. Statistical learning and deep learning (1990s-2010s): With the continuous development of computer hardware and algorithms, AI research began to pay attention to statistical learning and deep learning. Statistical learning is a machine learning method based on statistical model and data analysis, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships. Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle more complex and high-dimensional data.
  5. Self-learning and multi-modal AI(2010 to present): AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data. Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.

Important events:

  • In 1956, the concept of artificial intelligence was put forward at Dartmouth Conference, which marked the birth of AI.
  • In 1962, Arthur Samuel developed a self-learning program, which was an early application of machine learning.
  • In 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert published Perceptrons, which revealed the limitations of single-layer neural networks and promoted the development of neural networks.
  • In 1975, John Holland developed genetic algorithm, which is an optimization algorithm that imitates the process of biological evolution.
  • In 1981, Japan launched the first commercial robot WABOT-1.
  • In 1997, IBM’s deep blue supercomputer defeated Kasparov, the world champion of chess, indicating that computers can surpass human intelligence in some fields.
  • In 2011, IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence system defeated human players in the program "Dangerous Edge".
  • In 2016, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi, the world champion in the Go competition, marking an important step in the application of artificial intelligence in complex games.
  • In 2018, the GPT-2 model developed by OpenAI made a major breakthrough in the field of natural language processing, which can generate high-quality natural language texts.

The latest development trend:

  1. Self-learning: AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data.
  2. Deep learning: Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships, and is one of the main trends of current AI development.
  3. Artificial intelligence chip: Artificial intelligence chip is a chip specially designed for AI application, which can realize efficient calculation and data processing and is an important technical support for AI popularization and application.
  4. Multi-modal AI: Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.
  5. AI and Internet of Things: The combination of AI and Internet of Things can realize more intelligent and efficient automatic production and management, including intelligent energy, intelligent transportation, smart home and other fields.
  6. AI Ethics and Law: With the continuous development and application of AI technology, AI ethics and legal issues have attracted more and more attention, including privacy protection, data security, and responsibility distribution.

In short, the development trend of AI technology is diverse, involving algorithms, chips, data and applications. In the future, AI technology will continue to develop and apply in depth, bringing more convenience and innovation to mankind.

Bournemouth vs Liverpool first-half statistics: shooting 3-9, possession rate 34.2% vs 65.8%.

Live on March 11 th, in the 27th round of Premier League, Bournemouth led Liverpool 1-0 at half time with Billing’s goal, and Sqauwka counted the data of the first half of the two teams.

Bournemouth vs Liverpool first half statistics (Bournemouth first)

Expected goal-0.87 to 0.71

Shoot-3 to 9

Straight shot-1 to 5

Touching the ball in the opponent’s penalty area-8 to 14

Ball control rate-34.2% vs 65.8%

Corner kick-2 to 6