标签归档 阿拉 后花园 上海

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, July 23rd Japan’s nuclear regulatory agency, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission, held a meeting on the 22nd, officially approving the plan of Tokyo Electric Power Company (hereinafter referred to as TEPCO) to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. According to this plan, TEPCO will start to discharge nuclear polluted water next spring if the local government agrees again.

  Analysts pointed out that in April last year, the Japanese government officially decided to discharge nuclear polluted water into the Pacific Ocean despite strong opposition at home and abroad. Over the past year or so, despite the rising opposition at home and abroad, the Japanese side turned a deaf ear and pushed forward the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea, which is extremely irresponsible and will cause serious harm to the global marine environment.

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  This is the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, which was shot on April 13th, 2021. (Xinhua News Agency/Kyodo News Agency)

  Push hard

  In April this year, Japan Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission ignored domestic and international objections and doubts, and "generally agreed" to TEPCO’s emission plan, forming a draft "review book". After confirming the draft of the "review book" in May, the Committee said that the draft was "no problem" and entered the public consultation session.

  According to reports, 670 of the more than 1,200 opinions collected publicly are technical opinions, including concerns about the determination of the concentration of nuclear contaminated water and the earthquake resistance of equipment. Despite this, after discussing the opinions collected on the 22nd, the Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission said that TEPCO’s response was "appropriate" and approved its plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  After the Fukushima nuclear accident in March, 2011, a large amount of nuclear polluted water was produced to continuously cool the nuclear reactor whose core melted. TEPCO has prepared about 1,000 water storage tanks for storing nuclear contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. With the available capacity of water storage tanks getting less and less, the Japanese government held a cabinet meeting in April last year and formally decided to filter and dilute these nuclear polluted water and discharge it into the sea.

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

This is the nuclear sewage storage tank of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan, which was photographed on February 13, 2021. (Xinhua News Agency/Kyodo News Agency)

  Analysts pointed out that although the emission plan was nominally formulated by TEPCO, in fact, it could not be completed without the participation and support of the Japanese government.

  According to Japanese media reports, in addition to promoting the approval of emission plans, Japan is also stepping up the construction of sea-discharge pipelines. At the end of April this year, TEPCO started the construction of the outlet of the submarine tunnel for discharging nuclear polluted water, with the goal of completing related projects in April 2023.

  make irresponsible remarks

  At present, all parties are generally concerned about the impact of Japan’s discharge of nuclear polluted water on the marine environment and people’s health in countries along the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, questions are raised about the legitimacy of the nuclear polluted water discharge scheme, the reliability of Japanese data, the effectiveness of purification devices and the controllability of environmental impact. Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, pointed out in an interview last year that Japanese nuclear waste water discharged into the Pacific Ocean should not cause environmental damage.

  The International Atomic Energy Agency set up a technical working group to visit and evaluate Japan twice. So far, it has not reached a conclusive opinion on Japan’s sea discharge plan, and at the same time, it has put forward many clarification requirements and improvement opinions. China and Russia submitted a joint technical questionnaire to the Japanese side, and they still haven’t received feedback from the Japanese side. Not long ago, the leaders’ meeting and foreign ministers’ meeting of the Pacific Island Forum also expressed serious concern about related issues.

  In this regard, the Japanese side not only deliberately avoided these questions, but also made irresponsible remarks and tried to cover up the harm. The Japanese side claimed that before the Fukushima nuclear polluted water was discharged into the sea, it had to be filtered by "Multi-nuclide Removal Equipment" (ALPS) to remove more than 60 radioactive substances. Tritium, which is difficult to be removed by the equipment, will be diluted to a concentration far lower than the Japanese national standard and discharged into the sea. The Japanese side also confuses the concept and confuses nuclear polluted water with waste water, saying that waste water discharged from nuclear power plants all over the world contains tritium, and it is safe to dilute it and discharge it into the sea.

  In fact, Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is not tritium-containing wastewater discharged during the normal operation of nuclear power plants, and the radioactive substances contained in it are extremely complex, so it is doubtful whether it can be effectively removed. Given that the Japanese government and TEPCO have many dishonest records in dealing with the Fukushima nuclear accident, their statements are unconvincing.

  Japanese media have found out that there are many radioactive substances in Fukushima nuclear polluted water beyond the standard except tritium. TEPCO also admitted that more than 70% of the nuclear polluted water treated by ALPS does not meet the discharge standards and needs to be filtered again.

  strongly oppose

  There have been a lot of doubts and objections in Japan and the international community about Japan’s plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea. The statement made by the Japan Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission on the 22nd once again aroused serious concern, and all parties urged Japan to cancel the wrong decision to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea.

International observation | It is extremely irresponsible for Japan to approve the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

On April 13, 2021, protesters opposed the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea outside the Prime Minister’s residence in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Du Yiyi)

  People from Tokyo, Chiba and Fukushima held protests that day. The people who participated in the event said that the decision of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission is related to the future of Fukushima and the marine environment, but it is very irresponsible to make such an important decision without fully informing the Japanese people. Some people also said that they are resolutely opposed to discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea, and Japan can no longer pollute the ocean and pollute the earth.

  The National Federation of Fishery Associations of Japan held a meeting in Tokyo a few days ago and unanimously adopted a special resolution of "reaffirming the position of resolutely opposing the discharge of nuclear polluted water from Fukushima into the sea". This is the third time that the group has passed a resolution against the discharge of Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  Japan’s irresponsible behavior triggered strong opposition from neighboring countries. The South Korean government said on the 22nd that it was worried about the Japanese nuclear regulatory agency’s approval of discharging pollutants into the sea, and it would take countermeasures. At the same time, South Korea will also strengthen cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and strengthen the detection of domestic marine environmental radiation.

  China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated on the 22nd that the disposal of nuclear polluted water in Fukushima is related to the global marine environment and the public health of Pacific Rim countries, and is by no means a private matter of Japan. China once again urges Japan to earnestly fulfill its due international obligations, dispose of nuclear polluted water in a scientific, open, transparent and safe way, and stop pushing the plan of discharging the sea. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China emphasizes that before full consultation and agreement are reached with stakeholders and relevant international institutions, shall not start the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea without authorization. If Japan insists on putting its own self-interest above the international public interest and taking a dangerous step, it will pay the price for its irresponsible behavior and leave a historical stain.

Heavy rain! The temperature difference is 21℃! The weather in Jiangxi is too exciting next.

News recommendation reading

Just now! Jacky Cheung confirmed! These last two days

The temperature rises and the sun goes online.

Are there many friends?

Ready to go out and enjoy the flowers?

Pay attention to the friends who plan to travel tomorrow!

The weather in Jiangxi is going to reverse again

It’s raining hard!

A new round of rainy weather is online again.

According to the China Weather Network,

The latest precipitation forecast shows that

Extensive rainfall

Will once again affect Jiangxi

Tomorrow (this Sunday)

It will rain all over Jiangxi.

Among them, there is moderate rain in central Jiangxi and southern Jiangxi

There are also heavy rains in some areas.

So here comes the question

How long will this rain last?

The temperature difference is 21℃! It rained for six consecutive days.

The weather in Jiangxi is too exciting next.

According to the meteorological department of Jiangxi province

The latest forecast released shows that

The following week

Many places in the province will be maintained.

Rainy, rainy, rainy weather

Take Yichun weather as an example.

start from tomorrow

The following week

It rained for six days.


Pingxiang and Xinyu.

It will also enter the empty window period of "sunshine"

Rain, rain, rain.

Even more exciting is that

By the end of this month,

The weather in Jiangxi once again

Enter crazy mode

According to the latest data from the Central Meteorological Observatory

March 23

The highest temperature in Jiujiang is 27℃

The lowest temperature is only 6℃

The temperature difference is as high as 21℃!


Go out during this time

Everyone still wants it.

Take "onion dressing"

Do a good job of daily warmth.

Go out and prepare an umbrella.

Specific weather conditions

Two days after tomorrow

There is a precipitation weather process in the whole province

Among them, there will be light rain to moderate rain on cloudy days in central Jiangxi and southern Jiangxi tomorrow.

There is heavy rain in some areas.

Cloudy days turn to light rain in northern Jiangxi

the day after tomorrow

Cloudy to sunny in northwest Jiangxi

The rain stopped and turned cloudy in other parts of the province.

During the day from 12th to 13th.

The whole province is sunny to cloudy

It is partly foggy in the morning.

13th night-14th

The whole province turns cloudy to cloudy with light rain.

Among them, there are moderate to heavy rains in parts of central Jiangxi and southern Jiangxi.


There was a precipitation process in the whole province

There is moderate to heavy rain in some areas.


It stopped raining and turned cloudy.


Cloudy to sunny days in the whole province

It is partly foggy in the morning.

The main cities and scenic spots in the west of Jiangxi Province

Seven-day weather forecast

Original title: "Heavy rain! The temperature difference is 21℃! The weather in Jiangxi is too exciting next.

Read the original text

On the national feelings in Jin Yong’s novels

> >
13:13 on August 29th.

Editor: Quge Source:China Journal website
The mainland version of "Eight Dragons" started shooting yesterday. Jin Yong fans are controversial about the actors. (13:00 on August 28th) Jin Yong, the "Hero", returned to the Jianghu to revise 15 martial arts novels. (10:54 on July 21)

The charm of the game

Title: The charm of the game: Why are we so fascinated?

With the rapid development of science and technology, video games have penetrated into every corner of our lives and attracted the attention of countless people. From ancient board games to modern e-sports, games have always attracted people with their unique charm. So why are we so obsessed with games? This paper will discuss this problem from many angles.

First, the game is interactive. One of the greatest charms of games lies in their interactivity. Unlike one-way entertainment such as movies and books, games are a two-way interactive experience. Players can cooperate with others to solve problems in the game, and they can also compete with players all over the world. This interaction makes the game full of variables and challenges, and stimulates people’s curiosity and competitive desire.

Second, the game is immersive. The game has a high sense of immersion, which allows players to forget the troubles of the real world and devote themselves to the game. This kind of immersion can often bring players a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. When we win a game or complete a challenge, we will feel extremely excited and satisfied, which is hard to get in real life.

Third, the creativity of the game. The design of the game needs high creativity and imagination. From beautiful pictures to rich plots, from unique gameplay to exciting battles, every link of the game is full of creativity. This creativity not only makes the game colorful, but also satisfies the players’ desire for exploration and knowledge.

Fourth, the sociality of the game. Games are also a social activity,

[A little information] Western media: Real Madrid will look to Manchester City striker Julian.

In the second leg of the semi-final of the Champions League, Real Madrid was defeated by Manchester City 4-0. This game also proves Manchester City’s leading edge in the depth of the lineup. Alvarez has attracted the attention of Real Madrid, and they hope to strengthen themselves and attack the Champions League champion again next season.

The situation in Guangdong is not good Zhu Junlong and Cummings returned to Guangsha, Zhejiang, and gathered 8 donkey kong!

Zhao Yanhao, 25 years old, is 1.95 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.7 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.8 breaks, averaging 1.6 three points per game. Take 4.5 points, 2.0 rebounds, 0.8 assists and 0.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.8 three points per game. A marksman who averaged 17 points in the past two years is also quite fast! )

7. Cummings, 30 years old, is 1.88 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.8 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 1.4 three points per game. 7.7 points, 3.3 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 0.7 breaks in the playoffs. (Good at projection and strong ability to make fouls, not to be underestimated! )

6. Wells, 31 years old, is 1.96 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 11.8 points, 3.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 1.0 breaks, averaging 1.0 three points per game. He scored 8.3 points, 3.0 rebounds, 3.8 assists and 1.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.3 points per game. (2 years ago, he was a super defender averaging 30+ per game, and his scoring ability exploded! )

5. Zhao Jiaren, 24 years old, is 2.03 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 8.4 points, 2.8 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 0.6 breaks, averaging 1.3 points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 9.0 points, 3.0 rebounds and 1.8 assists, averaging 1.5 points per game. (first-class physical quality, fast speed, can suddenly buckle! )

4. Zhu Junlong, 23 years old, is 2.01 meters tall. 9.3 points, 6.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists and 1.2 breaks in the regular season, averaging 1.2 three points per game. 12.0 points, 10.0 rebounds, 1.0 assists and 1.5 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 2.0 three points per game. (Top domestic 3D, strong defense and rebounding, no possession of the ball, three points are accurate! )

3. Sun Minghui, 26 years old, is 1.86 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.9 points, 4.2 rebounds, 8.9 assists and 2.3 breaks, averaging 1.7 three points per game. In the playoffs, he averaged 18.5 points, 6.3 rebounds, 9.3 assists and 1.5 breaks, averaging 2.8 three points per game. (Very fast, strong confrontation, very fast, and both ends of the attack and defense are very aggressive, so we must guard against it! )

2. Will Zhe, 30 years old, is 2.09 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.4 points, 6.3 rebounds, 3.2 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 2.9 three points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 19.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 1.3 breaks, averaging 4.5 three points per game. As a former NBA player, he is too strong on the offensive end, and the three-pointer is too accurate. If he does not carry out high-intensity defense, I am afraid he will explode! )

1. Hu Jinqiu, 25 years old, is 2.11 meters tall. In the regular season, he slashed 20.9 points, 10.4 boards, 1.1 assists, 1.0 breaks and 1.2 caps, averaging 4.5 frontcourt boards per game. In the playoffs, it was 23.8 points, 13.0 rebounds, 1.5 assists, 1.3 breaks and 0.8 caps, averaging 5.0 frontcourt boards per game. (Hu Jinqiu’s playing style is tough without losing skill, and the style of the ball is stable without losing maneuverability, which is almost unstoppable. No one in Guangdong can stop it!

Announced! The red devils broke the record.

At 22: 00 Beijing time tonight, the 27th round of the Premier League will continue, and Manchester United will play at Old Trafford against Southampton.
Before the game, Manchester United ranked third with 49 points in 25 battles, leading the fifth place by 7 points; Southampton ranked the bottom with 21 points in 25 rounds, and has been fired twice this season.
But in the Premier League, you can’t despise any opponent. As Tenhage said before the game, the Saints beat Chelsea 1-0 at Stamford Bridge two weeks ago, and they had to fight for relegation. In the second half of the season, it may be more difficult to deal with these teams. Manchester United must show 100% and give no chance to their opponents.
Of course, playing at home is a good thing for Manchester United, which avoids the fatigue of going out on the road and allows players to have a better rest and adjustment.
Before the game, Manchester United officially announced that the ticket sales at Old Trafford Stadium this season had broken the historical record.【OLD TRAFFORD TICKET SALES BREAK RECORD】.
Official website, the Red Devils, confirmed that the Dream Theater has sold more than 2.3 million tickets this season, surpassing the original record set by Manchester United in the 2016-17 season.
It is reported that this figure includes tickets for Manchester United’s 19 Premier League home games this season, as well as tickets for 13 cup games held or booked at Old Trafford so far this season (5 Europa League, 4 FA Cup and 4 Carling Cup).
If Manchester United can continue to advance in the Europa League, there will be one or two more home games, and the ticket sales data will continue to improve.
In Manchester United’s last home game, Thursday night’s Europa League 4-1 victory over real betis, despite the snow and rain, 72,998 spectators came to the Dream Theater to cheer.
Magic fans expressed their firm support for the team with practical actions. A 0-7 fiasco can’t and shouldn’t obliterate the progress made by Tenhager’s team this season.
The rebuilding process of the Red Devils will have twists and turns, accompanied by humiliation and embarrassment. Losing is not terrible. After being beaten, you have to stand up. Frustration is like a sharp grindstone. After polishing it, the Red Devils can shine more brilliantly.

Life and work are the same, and the robot provides you with perfect service!

Baidu launched the AI chat robot service "Wen Xin Yi Yan", what impact has it brought to people’s lives? Let’s discuss it.

First of all, this chat robot can make people get information more conveniently. Through the dialogue with robots, people can quickly get the information they need, without having to search and filter it themselves as before, saving a lot of time and energy.

In addition, this robot can answer all kinds of questions in a conversational way, whether it is writing code to correct bugs, answering scientific questions, or writing papers and articles.

Chat robots can solve people’s questions in some professional fields. For example, in the medical field, people can get their own health status through conversations with chat robots, or consult the treatment plans for some common diseases.

In the field of education, chat robots can be used as an auxiliary teaching tool to help students solve problems in their studies or provide some learning resources.

In addition, the chat robot can also be used as an intelligent customer service to help enterprises solve the problems of customer feedback and complaints.

In a word, the appearance of chat robots can not only facilitate people to obtain information, but also be applied to various fields to help people solve various problems.

In the future, the development of chat robots will become more and more intelligent and personalized, and become an indispensable part of people’s lives.

Secondly, Wen Xin can become people’s intelligent assistant in a word. This robot can provide people with speech recognition, intelligent translation, speech synthesis and other functions, which can help people communicate better and cross language barriers. In addition, Wen Xin Yi Yan can also be used as an entertainment tool to play games, chat and share fun.

Wen Xin Yi Yan has a wide range of entertainment functions, which can provide users with a variety of chat modes, such as simple question-and-answer games and simulated chatting with users. At the same time, this robot can also generate various types of interesting content, such as songs, jokes, poems, etc., so that users can enjoy more entertainment in their leisure time.

In addition, Wenxin can also combine virtual reality technology to create a more realistic virtual experience for users. For example, users can experience immersive travel scenes, participate in virtual reality games and so on through Wenxin.

On the whole, Wen Xin Yi Yan is not only a practical intelligent tool, but also provides users with more colorful entertainment experiences, making their lives more convenient and interesting.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, robots play an increasingly important role in people’s lives. However, compared with the convenience it brings, people also need to pay attention to the risks that robots may bring. First of all, it is very important to protect the security of personal information.

When using a robot like Wenxin Yiyan, people need to be careful not to disclose their sensitive information, such as bank account information and personal identity information. If this information falls into the hands of criminals, it will cause huge property and spiritual losses.

Secondly, the robot’s answer also needs to be verified. Although such a robot as Wenxin Anya has powerful natural language processing ability, it is still a program written based on programming language. Therefore, its answer may be limited by the program code, resulting in misjudgment and other problems.

Finally, with the continuous progress and update of technology, people need to know and learn the latest technologies and functions in time. Only in this way can we make better use of these robots and make better use of their convenience and advantages. Therefore, when using a robot like Wen Xin Yi Yan, we need to be vigilant, understand the advantages and disadvantages of the robot, and use and control it appropriately.

In short, Baidu’s chat bot service "Wenxin Yiyan" has brought a lot of convenience and possibilities to people’s lives, and we expect it to be constantly improved and innovated in the future development.