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New era, new expression, new attitude, new revision of CCTV TV drama channel

  Focusing on the core requirements of "two improvements" in artistic level and mass satisfaction, and aiming at creating more excellent products with ideological, artistic and ornamental unity, CCTV TV drama channel will launch a brand-new revision on October 24. It is understood that this revision cuts through the management mechanism, visual image, programming and other levels and angles, and strives to bring more pleasing audio-visual experience and unprecedented content presentation to the majority of TV viewers.

  More professional, more focused, "produced by the front desk" and a strong attack.

  As the only national TV professional channel that broadcasts TV series 24 hours a day, CCTV TV series channel has presented countless classic plays to the audience since its launch, and has met the spiritual and cultural needs of the audience with endless masterpieces. In the brand-new revision of this launch, "produced by the reception desk" has become the most eye-catching brand logo.

  On October 24th, the night of the revision, the TV series "Passionate Years", produced by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-starring Li Guangjie and Gao Lu, will be broadcast on the golden channel of TV series. As the first TV series produced by Headquarters, Passionate Years tells a touching story of Chinese researchers who took root in the Gobi and devoted their youth in the early days of the founding of New China. The unique theme, solid and beautiful storyline, accurately restored historical atmosphere and touching feelings of home and country made this masterpiece of main melody attract much attention and expectation, which triggered a warm response.

  It is understood that after "Years of Passion", many dramas produced by CCTV, such as "The Land of Hope" and "The Melody of Endeavour", will be broadcast in the prime time of CCTV. Taking the successful practice of this series of dramas as an opportunity, the TV drama channel will also launch more excellent masterpieces with good ideological, artistic and ornamental qualities.

  More youthful and fashionable, new packaging is stunning and blooming.

  Visual image design is very important for the establishment of channel brand image, which directly affects the competitiveness and recognition of channel brand communication. The brand new channel packaging of CCTV-8, which has won many heavyweight awards such as "Oscar Award in Packaging Industry" and PromaxBDA Asia Gold Award, and will be launched on October 24th, will promote the overall upgrade of brand visual system, with atmospheric style and distinctive features, which is more in line with the image positioning of world-class new mainstream media.

  The revised channel logo is based on a calm crimson background, which strengthens the color of CCTV-8 brand and brings positive energy to the audience. The concise and lively number "8" leaps to the top, and the organic integration of color and geometric numbers has a great aesthetic impression and makes people shine. It is understood that the design of the new LOGO of the channel is inspired by movie screens and home theaters. It has a three-dimensional sense and a sense of space, which will bring the audience a unique feeling of "sitting at home and watching movies".

  In addition to the stunning launch of the channel LOGO, multiple versions of ID deductive image propaganda films with different styles will further vividly explain the brand connotation of CCTV-8. Among them, it not only focuses on the communication of grand and heavy temperament, but also reflects the magnificent feeling of sunrise in the east; There is also a concise and lively expression of Chinese style, which brings a sense of elegance of flowers. It is both holistic and personalized, bringing refreshing visual experience and aesthetic enjoyment.

  More meticulous and accurate, new arrangement leads expectations.

  The TV series "National Children", which tells the touching story of the national children, recently ended in the top eight golden files of the Central Committee. According to the data of CSM National Network, the average audience rating of the drama is 1.22%, the average audience rating is 4.99%, the highest audience rating of an episode is 1.51%, and the highest audience rating of an episode is 6.48%, ranking first among the hit dramas in the same period. The Douban score of 7.6 fully shows the recognition and love of the audience and netizens for this work.

  After "National Children", the TV channel will also launch more masterpieces of realistic themes that show truth, goodness and beauty and highlight "small cost, great feelings and positive energy". Among them, Gina, a popular flower, starred in the war drama "The Unveiled Sunshine", which will be broadcast as "The Years of Passion".

  The family drama "I’m afraid it’s too late" led by Tang Zeng, the 2018 national viewing champion "Mother’s Uncle", is also gaining momentum, which makes people full of expectations.

  At the same time, the all-day arrangement scheme launched in this revision is more meticulous and accurate. In the morning, it focuses on fresh country dramas, echoing the people’s deep and sincere local complex with good stories full of life breath; In the morning, we will push the war hero drama, watch the story of Jin Ge Tie Ma Shan River, and strengthen the feelings of the country and the country. In the afternoon, the youth fashion drama will be broadcast continuously, and the touching song of youth will be sung; In the evening, it focuses on emotional hit dramas, ironing the life folds of every ordinary person with delicate and warm family emotional stories; Focus on high-quality premiere dramas in prime time, and build a top domestic premiere drama platform suitable for all ages; In the second yellow period, classic plays were launched to reproduce classic stories and reminisce about last romance; Then broadcast high-quality overseas dramas, bringing a global film and television feast with high quality, high value and high reputation; Relaxed and pleasant life dramas are broadcast continuously in the middle of the night.

  It is reported that this revision will not only highlight the fashionable and youthful channel characteristics on the basis of the original positioning, but also make full use of scientific methods such as big data analysis and research on communication laws to further adapt to the competitive situation in the national TV drama market, and continue to release the professional advantages of TV drama channels in repertoire creation, arrangement and broadcasting, and continue to maintain the "leader" position of China TV drama professional channels, with high quality, high taste and Kaku Takashina’s "masterpiece".

What are the customs and habits of New Year’s Eve? Briefly introduce the attention and taboos of New Year’s Eve.

  New Year’s Eve is a traditional festival in China. Throughout the ages, people have celebrated it in various ways. So what do you know about the customs of New Year’s Eve? New Year’s Eve, as a traditional festival in our country, is there any stress? Xiaobian has sorted out the precautions for New Year’s Eve. Let’s take a look at those who are interested.

Spring Festival is approaching.

Customs and habits of New Year’s Eve

What are the brief introductions of New Year’s Eve customs?

  "Set off fireworks". Setting off firecrackers is a must on New Year’s Eve. Legend has it that the monster "Xi" is most afraid of the sound of firecrackers. Our ancestors used firecrackers to drive away the monster. Nowadays, the firecracker has been given a new meaning. It also has the function of dispelling poverty and bad luck. The noise also represents a colorful and prosperous life in the new year. Therefore, firecrackers must be lit on New Year’s Eve. Firecrackers are a specialty of China, also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers" and "firecrackers".

  "Shounian". Keeping old age on New Year’s Eve is one of the most important activities, and the custom of keeping old age has a long history. People often stay up all night on New Year’s Eve, which is called Shounian. The earliest record of observing the old age can be found in the local records of the Western Jin Dynasty: on New Year’s Eve, all parties give gifts, which is called "giving back the old age"; Wine and food are invited, which is called "don’t be old"; It is called "dividing the age" when the young and the old gather to drink and wish a complete song; Everyone stays up all night, waiting for the morning, which is called "keeping the old age". On New Year’s Eve, the whole family get together, eat New Year’s Eve, light candles or oil lamps, sit around the stove and chat, waiting for the time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year, and keep vigil all night, symbolizing driving away all evil diseases and looking forward to good luck in the new year. Because of its great significance, until today, people are still used to keeping the old year and welcoming the new year on New Year’s Eve.

  Eat rice cakes and jiaozi. The traditional Spring Festival begins on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month (that is, Laba Festival), and housewives begin to arrange all kinds of food needed for the New Year. Steamed rice cakes, because of their homophonic "high age" and varied tastes, have almost become a must-have food for every family.

Good luck in the year of the rat

Pay attention to New Year’s Eve

  "Bao jiaozi". Eating jiaozi is a traditional way to celebrate the New Year in the north. The Spring Festival is a family reunion festival. On this festival, wanderers who are away from home have to come home from Wan Li for thousands of miles. The whole family has to sit around and wrap jiaozi for the New Year. jiaozi’s practice is to make dumpling skins with flour first, and then use leather bags to stuff them. The contents of the stuffing are varied, and all kinds of meat, seafood, eggs and seasonal vegetables can be stuffed. The orthodox jiaozi method is to cook them in clear water and mix them with vinegar and minced garlic after picking them up. There are also ways to fry jiaozi and bake jiaozi (fried dumpling). Because the word "He" in dough mixing means "He"; Jiaozi’s "Jiao" and "Jiao" are homophonic, and "He" and "Jiao" have the meaning of reunion, so jiaozi is used to symbolize reunion of acacia; It is very auspicious to take the meaning of making friends at an older age; In addition, jiaozi, shaped like an ingot, eats jiaozi during the Chinese New Year, which also has the auspicious meaning of "making a fortune".

Pay attention to New Year’s Eve and taboo matters.

  1. New Year’s Eve dinner

  The New Year’s Eve dinner is also called the reunion dinner. According to Zonggu’s Record of Jingchu’s Age, it was customary to eat New Year’s Eve dinner at least in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Because it is winter, northerners often set up hot pot in the middle of the dining table, so it is also called a stove.

  The dishes of northerners’ New Year’s Eve often include dumplings, fish, rice cakes and long-term vegetables. Because dumplings look like gold ingots, which means wealth; Fish can’t be finished, because in Chinese, "fish" and "Yu" are homonyms, which means "more than one year". The rice cake has the meaning of "rising year by year"; Eating long-term vegetables has the meaning of longevity. In South China, there are many kinds of chicken, roasted meat, Nostoc flagelliforme and oyster sauce, because Nostoc flagelliforme and oyster sauce are homophonic. A typical New Year’s Eve dinner in the south of the Yangtze River must have fish and a rich soup pot.

  According to the old ceremony, the traditional seats on New Year’s Eve are "respecting the east from the left" and "facing the gate for respect". The head of the annual banquet is the elder with the highest seniority, and the last seat is the lowest. If it is a treat, the chief is the most respected guest, and the host is at the bottom. No one else can sit down until the chief is seated, and no one can start work until the chief starts work.


Annual flavor is heavy.

What are the taboos on New Year’s Eve?

  2. Don’t draw water

  There is a taboo of "not pumping water" during the Chinese New Year. People who have wells at home should "seal the wells" before dusk except the day, put wooden covers on the wells, burn incense and worship sacrifices after offering cakes, and then open the covers for reuse three days later.

  3. ancestor worship

  Sacrificing ancestors is the first important event on New Year’s Eve. In many parts of our country, on this day, people will put rich meals and light incense sticks at home, and parents will lead their children to worship. In some rural areas in the north, paper money will be burned at home. In the evening of New Year’s Eve, candles are lit in front of the ancestor statues, wine is poured, and dishes are placed. The whole family holds a grand sacrifice ceremony to express their feelings of "pursuing the future with caution". People didn’t begin to enjoy the New Year’s Eve dinner until our ancestors had eaten it.

  4, lucky money

  The ancients were very particular about lucky money. The copper coins used need a lot of money and new money, and then they are made into various shapes with red ropes. Some wear hundreds of copper coins, which means "long life"; Others are dressed in auspicious shapes such as carp, ruyi and dragon, meaning "money dragon" and "money surplus" in order to bring good luck. In addition to giving children "lucky money" by elders, in some areas there is also the custom of giving "fruit on the eve of the year". On New Year’s Eve, the elders will put oranges, lychees and other fruits on the child’s pillow and take the meaning of "Geely" to wish the child good luck in the coming year. With the development of the times, the current "lucky money" is more direct and pure. Generally, red tickets are wrapped in exquisite red packages and then distributed to children for a good lottery.

  5. Step on the Year’s Activities

  On New Year’s Eve, people in our country will also hold a year-old stepping activity, that is, stick sesame stalks in the courtyard in the shape of gold ingots made of yellow paper rolls and save them into a bundle, which is called "cornucopia". Then, the whole family crushed it with their feet to harmonize "old age" with "broken", and borrowed the auspicious meaning of sesame blossoms, wishing the family prosperity and expressing their wishes and prayers for the new year.

  6, shou sui

  Keeping the old age on New Year’s Eve is also a long-standing custom. As early as the Western Jin Dynasty, it was clearly recorded in the local customs: "I don’t sleep all night, waiting for the dawn to keep the old age." Legend has it that observing the age is to prevent the infringement of a unicorn, which is most afraid of fire, red and sound, so people wear red clothes, light red lights, put up red paper, set off fireworks and firecrackers, burn incense and pray all night, and have the custom of "observing the age" on New Year’s Eve. "Ji Sheng at the age of Emperor Jing" records: "High fever, silver candle, drinking pine mash, sitting on the altar, called keeping the age, and prolonging the year by omen."

  Many places also call New Year’s Eve "Ji Xiangye". On this night, both adults and children should say auspicious words, not unlucky words, dirty words and disrespectful words, or they will have bad luck all year. Therefore, joy, kindness and reunion are the biggest themes of New Year’s Eve.

  7. Turn on the light and sleep

  You can’t turn off the lights when you sleep on New Year’s Eve. You can’t turn off the lights until dawn on the first day of the new year. On the whole night of New Year’s Eve, the lights are generally not turned off at home, especially in the house where ancestors are supported.

  8, avoid breaking utensils

  There is also the custom of avoiding breaking utensils on New Year’s Eve. People believe that if the dishes and cups are broken on this day, it will mean "broken luck" in the new year. Sometimes accidentally breaking cups and plates on this day, the elders will hurry to wrap them in red paper and recite auspicious words such as "Peace through the years" to remedy it. Folks believe that putting the pieces wrapped in red paper on the sacred case for a few days can resolve possible disasters. Therefore, in order to win a good lottery on New Year’s Eve, people will be cautious in their words and deeds in order to achieve a lucky year.

  9. Post Spring Festival couplets

  Spring Festival couplets, also called "door pairs", "spring stickers", "couplets" and "couplets", belong to a kind of couplets and are a unique literary form. This pair of the earliest Spring Festival couplets in the world, "Three Yang began to spread, and four orders began to open", was recorded on the Dunhuang suicide note unearthed in the Tibetan Sutra Cave of Mogao Grottoes, written by Liu Qiuzi, a Tang Dynasty, in the eleventh year of Kaiyuan (723). The folk custom of sticking couplets on the Spring Festival began to prevail in the Ming Dynasty, and the birthplace of the trend was Nanjing. Now people in Jiangnan pay attention to posting Spring Festival couplets on the morning of New Year’s Eve.

  10. paste new year pictures

  New Year pictures, like Spring Festival couplets, originated from "door gods". With the rise of engraving printing, the content of New Year pictures is not limited to the door gods and so on, but gradually the god of wealth is invited to the home, and then colorful New Year pictures such as Three Stars of Fu Lushou, heavenly god blesses the people, Harvest of Five Grains, Prosperity of Six Livestock, Greeting the Spring and Blessing the New Year are produced in some New Year pictures workshops to meet people’s good wishes of celebrating and praying for the New Year.

  11. stick grilles

  In the folk, people also like to stick all kinds of paper-cuts on the windows-window grilles. Window grilles not only set off the festive atmosphere, but also integrate decoration, appreciation and practicality. Paper-cutting is a very popular folk art in China, which has been loved by people for thousands of years. Because it is mostly stuck on the window, it is also called "window flower". With its unique generalization and exaggeration, window grilles show auspicious things and good wishes incisively and vividly, and decorate the festival with splendor.

  12, paste the word blessing

  It is a long-standing folk custom in China to stick blessings on the Spring Festival. Sticking the word "Fu" in the Spring Festival places people’s longing for a happy life and wishes for a bright future. There is no uniform standard for how to paste the word "Fu".

  13, zero must go home.

  After the reunion dinner is finished with laughter, the family will sit around the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala, or visit relatives’ homes to chat, but they must get home before zero. At 1: 00, the whole family should "keep watch" at home. When the hands of clocks and watches pass 12 o’clock, people will set off firecrackers already prepared to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

  14. Burning firecrackers

  There is a folk saying in China that "opening the door to firecrackers". That is, at the arrival of the new year, the first thing for every household to open the door is to set off firecrackers to eliminate the old and welcome the new with the sound of firecrackers. Its origin is very early, and it has a history of more than two thousand years. Setting off firecrackers can create a festive and lively atmosphere, which is a kind of entertainment in festivals and can bring happiness and good luck to people.

Editor in charge: Ke Jinding

The chill is getting heavier! The temperature drops the most in beginning of winter. See where to enter the winter on the national winter map.

China Weather Network News "The north wind is cold and cold, and the sparse wood is half green and yellow." Today (November 8th), China entered the beginning of winter solar term. beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means the beginning of cold winter. After beginning of winter, cold air activities became more frequent, and the winter process accelerated. China Weather Network launched the national winter map during beginning of winter all the year round to see where the cold wind is starting and winter is coming.

[National Winter Map] During the beginning of winter season, most of the north entered the winter.

At the beginning of the solar term in beginning of winter all the year round, many places in the north have entered winter, and the front of winter has reached the central part of North China, Qinling Mountains and western Sichuan Plateau. During the solar term in beginning of winter, the process of winter accelerated, and winter continued to cross south, and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Shandong, most of Henan, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, and northwestern Hubei all entered the threshold of winter. Like Shijiazhuang (November 7), Xi ‘an (November 11), Jinan (November 10), Zhengzhou (November 13), Hefei (November 18), Nanjing (November 19) and other provincial capital cities, the average winter season is concentrated in beginning of winter season.

Most of the south is still in autumn at this time, and places like Hunan and Hubei are cool and full of autumn. In Hainan and the southern coastal areas of Guangdong, the summer heat still exists, and the summer is not over.

[Weather in beginning of winter] The temperature plummeted and the chill became heavier.

At the time of beginning of winter, everything was finally done. Beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means that life begins to close and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate has also changed from dry autumn to rainy and cold winter, with a sudden drop in temperature and a growing chill.

"One day in beginning of winter, water cooling is three points." Beginning of winter is the solar term with the fiercest cooling in the whole year, especially in the north. At this time, it has entered the cold season of "singing winter with the wind". China Weather Network took stock of the national temperature changes in the twenty-four solar terms, and found that the national average temperature began to decline since beginning of autumn, and beginning of winter had the largest decline, with the temperature in first frost dropping by 3.77℃ compared with the previous solar term.

The forms of precipitation after beginning of winter are more diverse, such as rain, snow, sleet and hail. The first snow often appears in North China, and it is already a scene of heavy snow in Northeast and Northwest China.

During the cold air intermission, the temperature difference between day and night in North China, Huanghuai and other places is large, and the humidity increases, which is prone to fog and haze weather, especially the visibility is low in the morning and evening, which will have a great impact on people’s life and travel.

Beginning of winter is not equal to winter. After beginning of winter, the cold air is stronger and the activities are more frequent. The front of winter begins to cross the Qinling Huaihe River, and most of the north has entered winter, while most of the south is still in autumn.

[beginning of winter Phenology] Water begins to freeze when it is frozen.

Beginning of winter is divided into three stages: the first stage is when the water begins to freeze, the second stage is when the ground begins to freeze, and the third stage is when the pheasant enters the flood. It is said that this solar term, water can already form ice; The land also began to freeze; After beginning of winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, but giant clams with similar lines and colors can be seen on the seashore.

"beginning of winter is sunny and has a good harvest." In beginning of winter season, the land in Northeast China is frozen, and agricultural and forestry crops enter the wintering period; Jiangnan and South China should make full use of fine weather to harvest, sun and air late rice.

[beginning of winter custom] It is necessary to make up for the winter and avoid making up for the cold.

As the saying goes, "beginning of winter fills the winter and fills the mouth." In order to resist the cold, there is a folk custom of "beginning of winter food tonic". In the north, jiaozi is eaten, while in the south, radish stewed mutton, ginger duck, crucian bean curd soup and other tonic dishes are usually eaten. However, winter tonic should be moderate, and blind "big tonic" should be avoided.

The weather is getting colder after beginning of winter, so friends should prepare down jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and other cold-proof equipment in advance, and add clothes in time to prevent colds.

When the north wind rises, everything hides, and beginning of winter is brushing away the restlessness of the season with the most peaceful attitude, so that everything can be calm. We might as well enjoy the warm sunshine in winter and feel the good time on earth quietly after our daily busyness. (Text/Liu Wei Design/Liu Hongxin Data Support/Shi Yan Part of the Image Source/vision china)

(Source: China Weather Network)

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Shenzhen, the global fashion capital, is the fourth! Global Fashion City Index released →

Source: [Read Special]

Shenzhen beats Tokyo, ranking fourth in the fashion capital of the world. At the 8th China (Shenzhen) International Fashion Festival held on December 23rd, the Global Fashion City Index was released in Shenzhen for the sixth time. The index was jointly developed by Shenzhen Fashion Designers Association, China Textile and Apparel Education Society and Shenzhen European Textile and Apparel Research Institute.

The global fashion landscape has become "both East and West"

The Global Fashion City Index is the first digital tool in the industry to judge and study the global regional fashion capacity building. On the basis of the previous five sessions, this fashion city index has more detailed data, more professional research and more scientific tools, showing the global city fashion industry coordinates in a panoramic and three-dimensional way.

This global fashion city index has established a number of index systems such as industrial quality index, international image index, fashion environment index, public service index and innovation vitality index in terms of compilation principles, generation path, algorithm system and index selection. Guided by the evaluation and analysis model of fashion city index, it deeply collects the annual index data of global fashion cities and forms a systematic evaluation result. Finally, 20 shortlisted cities were selected for evaluation in the global scope, covering 5 continents and 15 countries and regions in terms of spatial distribution. These 20 city samples basically represent the fashion development in different regions around the world.

Ni Yangsheng, president of China Textile and Apparel Education Society, read out the ranking of 2022 Global Fashion City Index.

The short-listed cities are Paris, new york, London, Shenzhen, Tokyo, Milan, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Sydney, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Beijing, Berlin, Toronto, Rome, Seoul, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Moscow and Rio de Janeiro. Among them, Shenzhen ranks fourth, which indicates that the international status of Shenzhen as a global fashion city has been continuously consolidated.

The release of this index also shows that more changes have taken place in the global fashion landscape, which is changing from "the west wind is spreading eastward, Europe and the United States are dominant" to "the east and the west are equally important, each leading the way". Relying on the complete industrial chain foundation, the huge consumer market, the expression of excellent traditional culture in the new era, and the self-confidence of the younger generation, the Chinese-style fashion city and the traditional international fashion city stand side by side and become a new landmark landscape of the global fashion map.

Shenzhen has become a global fashion "public opinion field"

The release of the global fashion city index reveals several phenomena-

First, the global fashion pattern presents greater uncertainty, multi-polarization and seamless intensification, and the butterfly effect is more generalized.Scientific and technological innovation, digital economy and green development are changing the industrial structure and ecology at an unprecedented speed, scale and scope. From the new manufacturing industry represented by intelligent manufacturing and additive manufacturing, to the new material industry represented by high-performance fibers and biomaterials, and then to the digital creative industry represented by digital cultural creation and meta-universe, innovation has become the key to industrial ecological evolution and value upgrading. Global fashion cities are creating new values in the fashion industry with the sensitivity of fashion perception era, the openness of integration with diversity, the drive of design and the originality of creating beauty and innovation.

Second, the fashion industry has entered a new consolidation period, breaking and reconstructing, subverting and reconstructing, giving fashion laggards unprecedented opportunities.The blessing of digitalization and intelligence endows the fashion industry with an inclusive and diversified cultural context, and also brings more vitality to the backward fashion cities including China. In the diversified industries and market tracks, the self with core advantages is determined, and the ability to create customer value and social value is constantly improved. The rise of the new generation of fashion is unstoppable.

Third, the fashion community has become a global fashion language, and the fashion concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and tolerance has gradually become a global consensus.The global fashion industry has entered a new era of integration. Fashion is interconnected, everything can be woven, too many scenes are waiting to be excavated, and endless user experiences need to be iterated. Every fashion city, whether active or passive, has become the builder of this new fashion pattern, and cross-border innovation and integration innovation have promoted the continuous extension of industrial values and scene boundaries. In the integration with new fields such as digital economy, bio-economy and green economy, fashion cities have recreated new self-values.

Zhou Shikang, president of Shenzhen Fashion Designers Association, said that the Global Fashion City Index is committed to building a fashion community of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and tolerance. The global fashion city launch was held in Shenzhen for six consecutive times, and Shenzhen is becoming a global fashion public opinion field, which is also an important symbol of China’s standing at the home of global fashion. In the index ranking, the overall rise of China’s fashion city is gratifying. Behind it are the vigorous growth of designers and brands who pay attention to Chinese cultural connotation and life aesthetics. I believe that China’s fashion city will accelerate the remodeling of oriental cultural connotation and life aesthetics, build a Chinese fashion discourse and narrative system, create a fashion ecology with China characteristics, world influence and times characteristics, and enhance the creativity and leading power of China’s fashion culture.

(Image provided by the interviewee)

(Original title "Shenzhen is the fourth global fashion city index release")

Editor Li Bin reviewed Liu Chunsheng’s second trial, Xu Jiayi’s third trial, Zhan Wanrong

(Author: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reporter Wu Dequn)

This article comes from [Reading Special] and only represents the author’s point of view. The national party media information public platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.


What is culture? How to explain culture?

What is culture?

If culture talks about appearances, it is: everything that is different from nature in human social life is culture. As long as it is not natural, it is created by people, and it is all culture, but this is only the appearance.

The core of culture: it is the common way of thinking and values formed by this nation that has lived for a long time in a special natural environment and a unique mode of production and lifestyle. This is culture. Specific environment, specific period. Then a group of people generated this value. For example, if he lives on the plateau, or the natural environment on this plain is different from that on the prairie, and his way of life and production are different, then his way of thinking and values are different. This way of thinking and values, he is not a person, he is the common lifestyle and values of this nation or this country, and this is culture.

We in China pay attention to family and everything. We have talked about it for more than 2,000 years. Now the common people also recognize it. It is this value that China people recognize. Therefore, culture is a unique value of a farming nation.

The most basic bond of farming people’s survival is blood, but the basic unit of survival is family, so from this perspective, this family and everything is the unique culture of our Chinese nation. Not in other countries, because their lifestyles and production methods are different, he will change. For example, in Hanshu, especially in Biography of Xiongnu, there is a dialogue between Han Division and Xiongnu, which is called Khan’s dialogue between them. This is called two different cultures, which are actually right from their respective perspectives, but because of their different lifestyles and production methods, I think you are wrong, and you think I am wrong. So what is right and what is wrong? What is suitable for our survival is called right.

# Culture # # Xiongnu #

The China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup ended, and the Serbian team won the championship.

Zhongxin. com, Chongqing, September 18 (Xiao Jiangchuan) On the evening of the 17th, the 2023 "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup Competition came to an end at the Yubei District Gymnasium in Chongqing. After three days of fierce competition, the Serbian Zlatibor basketball team finally won the championship.

This competition attracted Shanghai Jiushi Sharks from China Professional Basketball League (hereinafter referred to as CBA), Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team, Serbian KLS League Meta Basketball Team and Zlatibor Basketball Team to participate. Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team won the first place in the regular season and the second place in the playoffs in the CBA League last season. Zlatibor Basketball Team was founded in 1979, and has won the top Serbian basketball league championship for many times.

After three days of fierce competition, the Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Team finally won the championship with two wins and one loss, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team won the second place, Shanghai Jiushi Sharks won the third place, Serbia Meta Basketball Team won the fourth place, and Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Team player Wu Qian was named the most valuable player in the tournament.

"This China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is an intercontinental club cup held in China, which provides CBA teams with an opportunity for intercontinental confrontation and a head-on collision between CBA high-level clubs and European basketball clubs." The person in charge of the event organizer said that the purpose of this event is to improve the competitive level of professional basketball in China and Europe, help China’s professional basketball go abroad, and also to promote the exchange and cooperation between China and Europe’s basketball industry for a long time.

In August 2019, the "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup was officially launched in Chongqing. The China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is held in Yubei District of Chongqing in August and September every year. The organizing committee invites the top clubs of the European Basketball Champions League and European basketball leagues to come to China to play against the top clubs of CBA. (End)