标签归档 西安夜生活桑拿论坛

Aouita 11 first took Huawei ADS2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, leading the era of intelligent driving.

Aouita 11 is a high-end intelligent electric vehicle, equipped with Huawei’s full-stack smart car solutions, including DriveONE electric drive system, Sound sound system, AR.HUD live projector and so on. Recently, Aouita 11 announced that it will iterate the latest generation of Huawei’s intelligent driving system-ADS 2.0 in the first batch, so as to realize a full-scene intelligent driving experience with high perception, high computing power and high personification.

ADS2.0 is a high-level intelligent driving system released by Huawei on April 16th, 2023. It does not rely on high-precision maps, and can meet more than 90% of application scenarios, with a continuous non-takeover mileage exceeding 200 kilometers. ADS2.0 uses 34 intelligent driving sensors, including 3 laser radars, 6 millimeter-wave radars, 13 high-definition cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which realizes 360-degree environmental perception without dead ends. ADS2.0 also has the functions of high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance, high-speed ICA intelligent cruise assistance, APA intelligent parking assistance, etc., which can cope with complex traffic situations such as congestion, lane change overtaking and active obstacle avoidance.

Aouita 11 is one of the first vehicles equipped with ADS2.0, and it is also the result of deep cooperation between Huawei and Aouita. Aouita 11 single-motor version was officially launched on March 24th, 2023, with a maximum power of 230kW and a 6-second zero-acceleration capability. Aouita 11 single motor long battery life and long battery life are equipped with 90kWh and 116kWh ternary lithium-ion battery packs respectively, with cruising range of 600 km and 705 km respectively. Aouita 11 also has a 750V high-voltage platform with a maximum charging power of 240kW, which can realize "10 minutes and 200 kilometers" lightning fast charging.

Tan Benhong, Chairman and CEO of Aouita Science and Technology, said: "The Aouita 11 single-motor model gives users the choice of longer battery life, and has no compromise in intelligent driving experience, which shows our determination to stick to the high-end intelligent electric vehicle market and is also the basis for Aouita brand to continue to lead in the new track. We are very honored to cooperate with Huawei in depth to jointly promote the technological progress and innovation of China’s automobile industry. "

It is reported that all users of Aouita 11 can take the lead in upgrading ADS2.0 system through OTA, and enjoy the commercial opportunities in urban areas launched by Huawei. In the second quarter, we began to promote high-precision maps to 5 cities, and in the second half of the year, we will start to push the map-free plan to 45 cities, basically covering major cities in China.

Is Tesla FSD "Catfish" about to enter China? Set a high-level intelligence to drive PPA head-on

Tesla FSD will enter China, can domestic car companies still fight? According to media reports, "Chen Kele, deputy director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Department of Shanghai Economic and Information Committee, said that in the next stage, Shanghai will further deepen its cooperation with Tesla, promote the layout of functional sectors such as autonomous driving and robots in Shanghai, and jointly build a technology industry cluster with core technological advantages and facing the global market."

This news has also been interpreted by the outside world as a signal that Tesla FSD is about to enter the China market. If so, then an overseas "catfish" is finally coming.

Tesla has been deeply involved in the field of autonomous driving for a long time, but can the late FSD still penetrate the smart car market in China? After all, during the absence of Tesla FSD, intelligent driving, including Tucki NGP, Huawei NCA, and even Jidu PPA, a company known as "automobile robot", has been accelerated, and China’s wisdom has changed.

The competition is raging, and the domestic intellectual drive is "anti-"roll"Tesla

Tesla is not only the leader of new energy vehicles, but also the promoter of autonomous driving. Since the release of Autopilot in 2014, Tesla’s assisted driving system has become a pioneer in assisted driving worldwide with its leading landing, rich functions and continuous OTA upgrade. When it comes to smart driving, Tesla is second to none.

However, times have changed. Standing in the smart car market in 2023, in the face of the fully blossoming domestic intelligent driving system, Tesla not only no longer occupies an overwhelming advantage, but even has the impression of being overtaken.

At present, almost all domestic smart cars already have very mature intelligent driving functions in high-speed and parking scenes, and are making efforts to assist driving in urban scenes.

For example, when Tucki launched Xmart OS 4.2 in March, it simultaneously released the first-stage capabilities of XNGP, and many of its models can open point-to-point city NGP (Intelligent Navigation Assisted Driving) in Shanghai’s high-precision map coverage area. In April, Huawei released the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 system. In the third quarter of this year, the urban NCA will realize the landing of 15 cities without maps, and in the fourth quarter, 30 cities without maps will be added.

When the limited edition of ROBO-01 lunar exploration was released in October last year, Jidu released the point-to-point navigation assistance PPA simultaneously. According to the official introduction, Jidu PPA has the high-level intelligent driving ability of "multi-domain integration" in high-speed domain, urban domain and parking domain. When ROBO-01 is delivered, the available scene coverage of PPA will reach the leading position in China. The proportion of cities in the scene of users using cars is much higher than that of high-speed and parking, so the "multi-domain integration" of PPA is the only way for high-level intelligent driving.

In addition, car companies such as Ideality, Weilai and even the Great Wall (mainly relying on its subsidiary) have similar promotion plans for urban intelligent driving.

It can be seen that Tesla, which once dominated, is full of uncertainty in the face of the competition in China’s smart driving market in 2023.

The competitive advantage of domestic intelligent driving is not only reflected in the localization of better understanding of China road conditions, but also in the leading hardware configuration. Take Tucki Expressway NGP as an example. By the end of August 2022, its accumulated mileage has reached 36.9 million kilometers. The concentration is backed by the technical empowerment of Baidu Apollo, which is not only the L4-level automatic driving ability, but also accumulated more than 50 million kilometers of test mileage. Complex "China characteristics" such as ghost probe, jam, and take-away riders all form a strong data advantage, which makes domestic intelligent drivers better understand the driving habits of China car owners and better adapt to the complex road conditions in China.

The hardware foundation determines the function of the upper software, and the domestic intelligent driver has been "armed to the teeth", and there are many volumes to be rolled. Among the representative brands of domestic smart driving, 500+TOPS computing power, 30+ sensors and laser radar are all embarrassed to take out their hands without being paired. For example, Aouita 11 is equipped with three lidar, Weilai ET7 and four Orin to pull the computing power to 1016TOPS. In addition to dual Orin X+ dual lidar, Qualcomm 8295 chip is the first to be equipped with the image convergence.

In addition to the efforts in configuration and function, the domestic intelligent driver has made multiple redundancies in safety. For example, two sets of automatic driving system perception schemes of "vision+laser radar" are applied in Jiji, which can work independently and be a safe backup for each other. In addition, the convergence has also achieved "cabin-driving integration". When the intelligent cabin domain control is extremely ineffective, the intelligent cabin domain control can take over the driving task, realize safe parking, and fully ensure the safety of intelligent driving. In addition to technology, it is the efforts made by China’s high-priced smart driving products in the popularization of science and technology.

Domestic intellectual driving technology equality,It is by no means a toy for a few people.

It must be said that Tesla’s software payment model has not only changed the business model of the traditional automobile industry, but has also been imitated by major manufacturers. However, Tesla FSD’s subscription price of 64,000 yuan is really not cheap.

The high price has discouraged many users. According to previous data, the opening rate of Tesla FSD in China is 1%-2%, and the opening rate in the global market is only about 11%, and it continues to decline. Moreover, at present, the domestic FSD is not a "complete body", which can be said to be a "castrated version" function.

Musk is also aware of this problem. In May this year, he released the news on his Twitter. Tesla will plan to provide all car owners in North America with a free one-month FSD fully automatic driving experience package, provided that the FSD is highly smooth and safe.

In fact, smart cars in China have also formed a relatively mature software payment ecology, and various optional packages for cockpit, software services and smart driving are extremely rich. At the same time, local smart car companies are also exploring new ways of playing, bringing leading functions to more users with the concept of universal technology.

Just like the limited edition of Jidu ROBO-1 lunar exploration, the official gave away many user rights and interests including high-level intelligent driving, charging and recharging, vehicle warranty, three-electricity warranty and so on for the users of lunar exploration, and they enjoyed it for life. Among them, the value of high-level intelligent driving is not less than 60,000 yuan, and it has achieved the first "following people but not following cars" mode in the industry, and you can continue to enjoy this right even if you change cars.

Xia Yiping, CEO of Jidu, even publicly stated that intelligence is standard in all departments, from the entry version to the high version, including laser radar and 35.6-inch integrated bottle. This move is tantamount to directly opening a new stage of high-level intellectual driving for science and technology inclusiveness in the domestic market.

In April this year, Ideality quickly followed suit, announcing that NOA software and services in the ideal AD Max 3.0 city will be free for life, and every AD Max user will upgrade the NOA in the AD Max 3.0 city and NOA at high speed for free.

The technology popularization of domestic smart cars is not the "backstab" of Tesla model, because technology should be popularized on a large scale instead of being lofty. With the hardware configuration and intelligent scheme of the centralized ROBO-01, there is no complicated "high-low matching" distinction. This uncomplicated and unconventional mode is not only completely different from other new domestic forces, but also a localized continuation of Tesla’s minimalist technology temperament.

Leading intelligent driving technology brings excellent driving experience to more car owners, which is the greatest significance of scientific and technological progress. At the juncture when FSD is about to enter China, a competition between local high-level intelligent driving and "overseas catfish" is also brewing.

Beauty products are becoming more and more difficult to get out of the circle. What should brands do?

Reporter | Viann

Editor | Lou Qinqin

Beauty brands want to make explosive items. Relying on explosive products to gain popularity is also one of the methodologies for the rise of domestic beauty brands in recent years. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to make explosives.

According to the "White Paper on Beauty Industry of Huge Engine in 2021" (hereinafter referred to as "White Paper") jointly released by Huge Engine and Kado Consumer Index recently, it is becoming more and more difficult for best-selling products to get out of the circle.

According to the statistics on the purchase data of facial skin care products and cosmetics in the first-and fifth-tier cities in China in 2019 and 2020, in 2020, the number of best-selling cosmetics declined slightly from 850 in the previous year to 775, with a decrease of 9%, and the categories of skin care and cosmetics all declined.

Specifically, the number of best-selling skin care products fell from 687 to 632, a decrease of 8%; The number of best-selling cosmetics dropped from 163 to 143, a decrease of 12%.

The absolute number of best-selling products of skin care products and cosmetics has declined, which is partly due to the rising marketing cost.

In the past few years, most beauty brands have made explosive products through relatively accurate product and crowd positioning and intensive social media marketing. As the traffic dividends of Weibo, Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, bilibili and other major platforms gradually disappear, the brand marketing costs continue to increase, and the difficulty of manufacturing explosive products also increases.

However, the "White Paper" also pointed out that although the absolute number of best-selling products of skin care and make-up has declined, their sales share in the market has remained stable at 25%, which indicates that the average market contribution of each best-selling product is rising, and powerful single products have increasingly become an important support for the brand to stabilize its market share.

In other words, although it is not easy to make explosive products, it is quite critical for beauty brands to make explosive products.

For beauty brands, if they want to make explosive products, the reasonable layout of categories is very important.

According to the "White Paper", the categories that are daily necessities and have a large base of consumer goods are the most prone to explosive products. From the category point of view, cleansing and toner, as basic categories, each contribute more than 10% of the best-selling products year after year, and the number of best-selling products will remain stable in 2020.

It is worth noting that although the number of explosions in the elite category has decreased significantly, the sales contribution has increased. This means that under the support of sufficient resources, the brand will invest heavily in the essence of explosive products, and it is possible to achieve greater benefits.

In addition, beauty brands also need to identify unique selling points for single products.

Focusing on the "student party" is one of the effective beauty selling points at present. According to the White Paper, judging from the amount of content broadcast in Tik Tok, many explosive products focus on students, and drive consumers to try with cost-effective communication. For example, the velvet lip glaze of the perfect diary and the high-profile "little yellow hat" whitening sunscreen spray are all selling points with a price of less than 100 yuan and a sense of use close to big brands, which have become explosive products.

Endorsement of product efficacy through star ingredients is another effective beauty selling point, especially in skin care products. Yin Yuli, a beauty and personal care analyst at Mintel, said in an interview with Interface Fashion that after years of market education, consumers in China have a deeper understanding of skin care products. When choosing skin care products, they are mainly efficacy-oriented, and they will buy products according to the problems they want to solve. Skin care brands should not only tell consumers what ingredients are contained in products, but also point out what specific effects these ingredients have.

Take Guerlain’s Emperor Bee Posture Repair and Restoration Honey as an example. This product emphasizes the natural extract of French black bee honey, which can repair the skin. L ‘Oré al Paris’ purple iron eye cream claims to contain anti-aging ingredient Bosin, which can stimulate collagen formation.

Innovating product form is another effective way to upgrade consumer experience and make explosive products. For example, New Zealand Mystery unpacks the jelly-like sleep mask, which is convenient for consumers to control their daily dosage, and is also convenient to carry in outdoor scenes.

In addition, in the case of high market competition, last year’s best-selling products may not sell well this year, which requires beauty brands to be "prepared for danger in times of peace". According to the White Paper, the sales of best-selling products in 2019 accounted for 25% in that year. By 2020, the proportion of the same batch of products will be reduced to 22%, especially in essence, mask and cosmetics.

Therefore, after manufacturing explosive products, brands still need to continuously carry out research and development and upgrade to maintain brand popularity.

China men’s basketball team data report: Cui Yongxi was elected MVP, and the team’s three-point shooting rate broke 50%

On August 5th, Beijing time, China beat Cape Verde 86-66 in a warm-up match that ended early this morning.

After the game, the China men’s basketball team released the data report of this game. According to this report, the China men’s basketball team performed very well on the offensive end, and the team’s offensive efficiency reached 126.8 points per 100 rounds.

In terms of shooting, 42% of China men’s basketball team’s shots came from outside the three-point line, and the shooting percentage reached 52%. In addition, China men’s basketball team’s shooting percentage in the field was 67% and 88% respectively.

In addition, in defense, the China men’s basketball team also performed well, and they limited the offensive efficiency of the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team to 97.3 points per 100 rounds.

The MVP of the China men’s basketball team in this game was young Cui Yongxi, who hit eight sports shots in 17 minutes and scored 18 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists. The other two players who scored in double figures were Zhang Zhenlin (10 points) and Fang Shuo (11 points).

Real Madrid may start a big purge next season, and many players will leave the team and become younger.

There have been many changes in La Liga recently, and this change will intensify after the end of the season, so we must be more objective when analyzing La Liga, so as to have a good result. Some time ago, Xiao Bian made no mistakes in the analysis of the five major leagues. The main thing was to grasp the important information of each team and the financial changes, so that the whole game could be fully digitized, thus making the game more stable. It would be more interesting for us to watch the game. Recently, Xiaobian will give you important information about each team and their overall financial results. Friends can follow my articles and videos at any time by adding my fans and attention. I also hope that my friends will give me more rewards and support. I will work harder, publish more wonderful articles with original data and share the happiness of football and basketball with my friends.

Real Madrid ranked second in La Liga this season, and they are not satisfied with this, because compared with previous Real Madrid, there are also problems in staffing, and aging is a huge challenge for Real Madrid. For Real Madrid, La Liga has entered the final stage, but they have to start to reorganize, so this season, Real Madrid is likely to have a cleaning process. For Real Madrid, this process may be very difficult, but they will definitely do it, which often appears in the history of Real Madrid, so the changes of Real Madrid are also worthy of attention.

Real Madrid will definitely make new changes this season, because for them, the aging is very serious, especially on the offensive end, and this trend is very obvious. Recently, Marca has also made relevant reports. Of course, what they said is still conservative. According to the current information, in fact, Real Madrid has begun to make preparations, and Azar is the first player to be sent away. Because Azar’s state this season is not good, and his attitude towards the game is also very general, which is unacceptable to Real Madrid.

Secondly, Real Madrid is going to send Odriosola and vallejo away, so as to make room for funds and attract more players. More importantly, Real Madrid hopes that these young players like Castia can have a place and get exercise. This is very important for Real Madrid. After all, the team is aging seriously now, so new players must shoulder heavy responsibilities. Therefore, the overall record of Real Madrid next season may not be too good, but at least their reintegration is very important for the team’s future. Of course, these players are just the beginning, and some players will be included.

Modric, for example, although his performance is very good, but it is impossible for Real Madrid to sign a long contract with him, and it is likely that he will be sent away this season. Benzema is also an option for Real Madrid, because he is older, so for Real Madrid, these players have also reached the stage of leaving. It is also very important for Real Madrid to send these players away this season, because it can free up more salary space and get the players they want. For example, Harland, who they are chasing, is an important goal for them in the next two years, and to achieve this goal, it is necessary to send these core players away and make room for salary.

Just recently, Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti was interviewed. He said that every team should prepare for rejuvenation, especially Real Madrid. If it wants to achieve better results, it needs to make some comprehensive changes. At the same time, Ancelotti believes that the young players of Real Madrid have already had very mature performances, so the successful entry of these teenagers into the first team is the future of the team. From Carlo Ancelotti’s attitude, we can see that he is also a coach who is very supportive of the team’s rejuvenation. At the same time, he also thinks that it is time for Real Madrid to change, and sending away players like modric and Benzema can also make room for the team, and carvajal is likely to be among them.

There will be many changes in Real Madrid next season, so everyone should pay attention to it. My current information shows that the above players are likely to be sent away gradually, and the future decline of Real Madrid’s record is a very realistic thing. Of course, this situation won’t last long, because in a year and a half at most, Real Madrid will return to its best state. What do my friends think about this? You can say it and discuss it with me. I also hope that my friends will add my fans and attention so that I can read my articles at any time. I also thank my friends for their encouragement and support. Their rewards are very important to me, and I will continue to work hard to introduce more important information to you.

The storm Leon overturned the sailors and wrecked the ship, and Gill Apennine wore a hat at the beginning of his career

AC Milan 5-1 Sampdoria (war communiqué)

Titan sports’s all-media correspondent in Italy Shen Tianhao.

Before the home game against Sampdoria, Leon received his Serie A player of April trophy on the sidelines. Is it? Why? What time? Intensive schedule and heavy mental pressure make the boundaries between months blurred, and the 4-goal away victory over Naples seems to have happened in the last era. Milan have won only three of the previous 11 league matches. In April, Leon scored twice against Napoli and Lecce, contributing two of them. The other game was against Lazio, in which Leon was injured, Milan was cornered in the bitter struggle for four, and the team longed for the personal light of the Portuguese.

Leon came back full of blood, and Milan won easily.

Leon raised the trophy, and his own song was played in the south stand. The lyrics were very simple: "Leon, Leon …". Because the Milan winger often plays the leading role on the court, this ballad appears very frequently. Perhaps the south stand needs to consider optimizing its melody and lyrics. Leon came back, Leon scored, Leon led Milan to victory-everything is a familiar script. In the 10th minute of the game, Milan easily broke the deadlock: Brahim Diaz won the confrontation in the midfield, lightly picked the ball and then sent a just-right overhead ball. Leon grabbed in front of Gunther and pushed the far corner directly to the goalkeeper.

Milan have always been helpless against the iron drum array this season, but Sampdoria’s situation is different from that of Empoli and cremona. The last time Stankovic played against Milan, it had to be traced back to the Europa League knockout in 2020-21. At that time, he led the league leader Belgrade Red Star, and the team did cause a lot of trouble to Milan in two rounds. This time, the former Inter Milan midfielder is a team that is plagued by unpaid wages and has been relegated. They have no intention of building a strong city in the San Siro.

Even so, Sampdoria still had his own chance: Zanoli easily broke through Milan’s left side, then knocked back at the bottom, and Quagliarella in front of the door succeeded in pushing and shooting, and scored for 18 consecutive Serie A seasons. Special Olympics made a fool of himself in the process of defense. The two-round derby in the Champions League was a heavy blow to the Milan team, especially for Special Olympics, who seemed to have exhausted all his energy. The nightmare of losing points against the weak team reappeared. Fortunately, Milan woke up in only 3 minutes: the corner kick cooperated, Diaz sent a cross, and Gill’s header was very easy.

Before returning to the goal-scoring track, Gill failed to score a goal in the last six league games-it was his longest goal shortage since he came to Apennine. Gill was annoyed by the defeat. He left heroic tears after the German game. Not scoring goals makes Gill hungry, and he has no mercy on a fragile sailor. Four minutes later, Milan won the penalty: Augello’s long pass was intercepted by Tomori, Tonali’s assist found Leon in the seaman’s defence, and the Portuguese entered the penalty area and was knocked down by Gunter in the process of switching to his right foot. There is no doubt about the penalty. Gill stood in front of the ball, and the opponent was not Napoli, 3-1!

Gill wears a hat and blows the horn of decisive battle.

At the end of the season, it was the first time Milan scored 3 goals in the first half. This Sampdoria team has an uncertain future at the management level, but it has been completely disarmed at the competitive level. For the defending champion of Serie A, this is obviously a weak opponent; For the red and black No.10, his opponent’s loose defense made him feel comfortable in the front waist position for a long time. Diaz sent a long pass for his teammates, decided the direction of the flank attack with the ball, broke the opponent’s midfield defense with the breakthrough, and sent the ball into the net in the 63 rd minute of the game. Calabria-Gill-Salmax-Leon-Tonali-Diaz, with a continuous kick and a clear running route, how long has it been since you saw Milan kick such an offensive?

The goal continues. In the 68th minute, Leon sent a cross from the left, and Gill leaned against Netinke, breaking the door with Ibrahimovic’s unconventional action and gaining the first hat of his Milan career. Pioli praised Ai Jiang after the game: "Olivier never lets people down. Even when he doesn’t score, he can make a lot of contributions to the team. Of course, scoring goals will make him happier! " In the past one and a half seasons, Gill was the only center that Milan could use, used well and dared to use. When he chose to join the team two summers ago, he never thought that he would shoulder such a heavy responsibility. He finally gritted his teeth and persisted. A hat trick against Sampdoria was a fitting reward.

With this hat, Gill tied the report card of 11 goals in the league last season; After opening the record for the team, Leon tied the number of league goals he directly participated in (11 goals and 10 assists last season and 13 goals and 8 assists this season). Milan’s league journey this season can’t be compared with that of a year ago, but Gill and Leon at least tried their best. What’s the problem? Others stand up too few times. Decatur came on as a substitute, which continued to disappoint. His debut season in Milan was doomed to end in nil.

From the technical and tactical level, Milan played against an already absent-minded Sampdoria, and the scenes and results did not have very strong reference value. The question of whether Diaz could play No.10 well could not be answered through this game. From the psychological level, this great victory is tantamount to a tonic for Milan. The blue-black carnival in the derby left a piece of land, and the Rossoneri struggled to rebuild their fortress. Next comes the visit to Juventus, and Gill said after the game that the team should regard this as a final.

The situation in Guangdong is not good Zhu Junlong and Cummings returned to Guangsha, Zhejiang, and gathered 8 donkey kong!

Zhao Yanhao, 25 years old, is 1.95 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.7 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.8 breaks, averaging 1.6 three points per game. Take 4.5 points, 2.0 rebounds, 0.8 assists and 0.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.8 three points per game. A marksman who averaged 17 points in the past two years is also quite fast! )

7. Cummings, 30 years old, is 1.88 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.8 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 1.4 three points per game. 7.7 points, 3.3 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 0.7 breaks in the playoffs. (Good at projection and strong ability to make fouls, not to be underestimated! )

6. Wells, 31 years old, is 1.96 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 11.8 points, 3.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 1.0 breaks, averaging 1.0 three points per game. He scored 8.3 points, 3.0 rebounds, 3.8 assists and 1.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.3 points per game. (2 years ago, he was a super defender averaging 30+ per game, and his scoring ability exploded! )

5. Zhao Jiaren, 24 years old, is 2.03 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 8.4 points, 2.8 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 0.6 breaks, averaging 1.3 points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 9.0 points, 3.0 rebounds and 1.8 assists, averaging 1.5 points per game. (first-class physical quality, fast speed, can suddenly buckle! )

4. Zhu Junlong, 23 years old, is 2.01 meters tall. 9.3 points, 6.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists and 1.2 breaks in the regular season, averaging 1.2 three points per game. 12.0 points, 10.0 rebounds, 1.0 assists and 1.5 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 2.0 three points per game. (Top domestic 3D, strong defense and rebounding, no possession of the ball, three points are accurate! )

3. Sun Minghui, 26 years old, is 1.86 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.9 points, 4.2 rebounds, 8.9 assists and 2.3 breaks, averaging 1.7 three points per game. In the playoffs, he averaged 18.5 points, 6.3 rebounds, 9.3 assists and 1.5 breaks, averaging 2.8 three points per game. (Very fast, strong confrontation, very fast, and both ends of the attack and defense are very aggressive, so we must guard against it! )

2. Will Zhe, 30 years old, is 2.09 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.4 points, 6.3 rebounds, 3.2 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 2.9 three points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 19.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 1.3 breaks, averaging 4.5 three points per game. As a former NBA player, he is too strong on the offensive end, and the three-pointer is too accurate. If he does not carry out high-intensity defense, I am afraid he will explode! )

1. Hu Jinqiu, 25 years old, is 2.11 meters tall. In the regular season, he slashed 20.9 points, 10.4 boards, 1.1 assists, 1.0 breaks and 1.2 caps, averaging 4.5 frontcourt boards per game. In the playoffs, it was 23.8 points, 13.0 rebounds, 1.5 assists, 1.3 breaks and 0.8 caps, averaging 5.0 frontcourt boards per game. (Hu Jinqiu’s playing style is tough without losing skill, and the style of the ball is stable without losing maneuverability, which is almost unstoppable. No one in Guangdong can stop it!

Gao Zhidan: In view of the serious problems in the field of football, we are studying solutions and ways.

On the morning of March 12th, the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held its fifth plenary meeting in the Great Hall of the People. After the meeting, the third "Ministerial Channel" interview was held, and some responsible persons of relevant ministries and commissions in the State Council were invited to attend the meeting.

A reporter asked Gao Zhidan, director of the State General Administration of Sports: Football, basketball and volleyball are deeply loved by the masses, and the development of the three big balls has attracted much attention from all walks of life. However, the current situation of promoting the development of the three big balls in an all-round way in China is not ideal. What do you think of this problem? What is the next work plan of the General Administration of Sports for revitalizing the three big balls?

In this regard, Gao Zhidan said that football, basketball and volleyball, the three major collective ball events, have a large population and great social influence, and are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people, especially young people. The results of the three big balls are not only the outcome of a game, but also the spirit of collectivism and patriotism.

Historically, China’s three major events, especially women’s events, have achieved good results in the world. China women’s football team once won the runner-up in the Olympic World Cup and was known as the "sonorous rose". China women’s basketball team won medals in the Olympic World Championships in 1980s and 1990s, and won the second place in the World Cup last year, showing a good momentum of continuous progress and development. China Women’s Volleyball Team, which has been tempered through hard training, has struggled from generation to generation, winning the world championship for ten times in three world competitions and winning honor for the motherland. Their women’s volleyball spirit of the motherland first, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle and never give up, which is condensed by struggle and hard work, has inspired generations of Chinese people to make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Gao Zhidan said, but realistically speaking, for a long time, the development of China’s three major sports, especially men’s events, was not satisfactory, and the level of men’s football was declining all the way. There were many chaos in the football industry, which was in sharp contrast with the requirements and expectations of the CPC Central Committee and the people all over the country. It is a sign of a sports power that the three major goals should be achieved, and it is also a short board that we must make up to speed up the construction of a sports power. Recently, in view of the serious problems in the field of football, we have been deeply rethinking and studying solutions and ways, and are prepared to systematically treat them from the aspects of ideological education, style construction, deepening reform, and doing a good job in the current work, so as to do a good job in all the work of the three goals in the spirit of re-taking the Long March.