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Brother Yang was cracked down on or paid 100 million, establishing MCN to find a way back

This article is from the WeChat official account:Bad review (ID: chaping321), Author: Dodo Bird Samurai, Editor: Mask Line, Original title: "Refund one to pay three can pay 100 million little brother Yang, also began to find a way out for himself.", title picture from: Visual China

Today’s Weibo’s trending topic list is: Crazy Little Brother Yang.

You may not have heard of this name. Brother Yang is Douyin’s top Internet celebrity. The reason for the fire this time is also very "top": the products sold with goods are suspected of quality problems. According to the refund, one pays three, and may have to pay one hundred million.

Trump is not as popular as him today.

Although 100 million yuan was just a "small goal", such a big battle still made netizens curious about what happened.

What happened is very simple, a few days ago, the fake @Wang Hai(It was also him in the Simba Bird’s Nest incident before)I found that the power of the Jinzheng wall breaker and meat grinder sold in Brother Yang’s live stream before was false.

The wall breaker is marked with a power of 300W, but the actual power is 105W. The meat grinder is marked with a power of 300W, and the actual power is 120W.

This product with a unit price of 399 sold for 68,000. According to the refund of one to three, the total amount of the final refund compensation exceeded 100 million.

As things got worse, the brand Fangjinzheng also quickly issued a statement on Weibo, saying that 300W is the rated power of the whole machine, while the 120W and 105W marked on the motor refer to the output power of the motor alone, and the two are not the same concept.

At present, there is no conclusion on this matter, and the two sides are still relying on the "network small court" to shoot snipers in the air and fight back and forth.

In the back and forth controversy, some people followed the amount to eat melons, but in the end they got more doubts: Who is Brother Xiao Yang? How much does he earn a month, can he afford to pay?

Brother Yang, full name "Crazy Brother Yang", formerly known as Zhang Qingyang, was born in Lu’an City, Anhui Province in 1995.

On Douyin, the main funny plot content, sitting on 102.30 million fans, an average of 14 Chinese people, there is 1 is his fan, just from the number of fans, and even hang Andy Lau, Chen He, Di Li Reba and other stars.

As early as his sophomore year, Brother Yang and his twin brother "Big Brother Yang" opened Yang to create short videos, and at the beginning they posted some dancing spoof content. Such content was already a lot on Douyin at that time, and their account data was mediocre.

What made Brother Yang start to feel that he could fire was a simple and crude cannon fight.

Once during the Chinese New Year, the two brothers "rubbed" a big cannon fight, with about half a 27-inch display screen(Visual inspection)It’s so big, and the caption is also rude: "Double-click to add attention, and it will be released tomorrow."

One night came 80,000 many people who wanted to see the firecrackers paid attention to him, and this was the first famous work.

However, it is very tragic that after the firecracker, 40,000 fans were lost the next day.

But from then on, Brother Yang began to try this nonsense and death-seeking style.

His first real hit was "fried ink."

The plot was very simple. He and his roommate were on the balcony preparing to use a firecracker to blow up ink to play. However, as soon as he lit the fire, his roommate entered the room and locked the door, leaving Brother Yang on the balcony to be blown up by ink.

This video directly increased Brother Yang’s fans to more than 600,000, and also made him feel the "traffic password".

Then the two brothers joined their families to create together, grasping the two weapons of death and reversal, specializing in funny plot content. Due to the unique style, the fans grew rapidly.

Such a "traffic password" was later re-engraved by Brother Yang into the live broadcast sales.

There is a brand selling stockings, and they pull the brand and ask him to talk about why a big man wants to sell stockings?

There is a brand selling bags, priced at 1299, and they directly said: What kind of bags are you selling, so expensive, you must not be able to sell any of them.

The brand explained that this bag is very good, for example, it can be waterproof and scratch-proof.

The two brothers began to use various means to wipe the outer skin of the bag with a brush, and even bite their mouths. They had to break it, and the brand couldn’t get off the stage today.

Anyway, very dramatic.

Several times, netizens frantically prompted the brand in the live stream: "You can be the original manufacturer or the plaintiff."

Some people may be curious, what should I do if it is really damaged? The brand is not here to be scolded.

Don’t say it, this buddy really broke things several times, and even if he broke it, these two brothers are not empty.

First, you can use this to cut prices with the brand.

Secondly, because the operations used are very extreme, such as using teeth to check the quality of slippers, these operations do not happen in real life, and the audience will not feel that there is a problem with the quality of the product, but will feel that the quality of the product is good.

Of course, if you believe this scenario completely, you will lose.

But this was full of drama, which made Brother Yang’s live broadcast data rise steadily.

According to the data in the background of the star map, Crazy Little Brother Yang has reached more than 20 million views in recent times, and the sales range of a single game is between 10 million and 100 million.

According to the quotation on the star map, Xiao Yang is now an e-commerce special 210,000 per hour, and the fight is 40,000 a product.

This is just advertising fees, and there is usually a commission.

In addition to direct live streaming, Brother Yang also engaged in "live slicing authorization" before.

Authorized creators can edit out the highlights of Brother Yang’s live broadcast and put them on their account to bring goods. The income is divided into Brother Yang 3:7, and some good data can be discussed for 5:5. Before media broke the news, the share income of just slices is as high as 16 million yuan per month.

But then there were many unauthorized people sailing under false colors, using Brother Yang’s live slices to sell other counterfeit and shoddy products, so the authorized business has been suspended.

Looking at it this way, you might think that Brother Yang is a live blogger who earns a lot by live streaming.

So, yes, but not quite.

Just a few days ago, Brother Yang spent 103 million to buy a building in Hefei.

Look at the name "content-based e-commerce industry base" and you will know that the end of Internet celebrity is the establishment of MCN.

In fact, as early as 2021, Brother Yang established an MCN institution, and now there are more than 300 accounts in the account matrix.

Why set up MCN as a matrix?

In the field of live e-commerce, doing a matrix actually has a natural advantage: the more accounts in the matrix, the greater the traffic, and the stronger the "pricing power" can be obtained, and the price is the life infra of e-commerce. After having the price advantage, you can sell more goods, or you can use it as a bargaining chip to attract more accounts to settle in, a virtuous cycle.

At the same time, if the scale is large, the supply chain and cost control will be easy to handle, directly replicating and optimizing indefinitely.

A long time ago, Brother Yang revealed in the live broadcast that his company had nearly 10,000 employees.

In addition, a leading live streaming host like this has a set of profitable operations: traffic equity.

The live streaming host takes out its own traffic to sell goods for the brand platform, and the brand pays shares in exchange for the live streaming host platform. Viya, who was previously fined for tax evasion, completed deep binding with Giant Bio and Delmar through similar operations.

To put it simply, live streaming is very profitable, but they still want to earn more. Some play MCN to engage in matrices, some play traffic to invest in stocks, and some even turn around and become capitalists directly, using the money they earn to establish investment institutions and make money with money.

From Brother Yang, Simba to Viya, why does everyone want to be an MCN and play capital?

Think about it carefully, in fact, the flow pool is limited, and no one can fully grasp it. For small UP, you are popular this month, and he is popular next month. Even the super top stream has timeliness, but this timeliness may change from monthly measurement to annual measurement.

What these top players want to seize is certainty, such as precipitating a more mature supply chain and cost control, which belong to the industry accumulation and will not be easily outdated. And with these "stable assets", you no longer need traffic completely, and the doubling of scale and profits is only incidental on the way.

Some time ago, there were media reports that Viya made more money after not broadcasting, and to some extent, it also showed that scale can make money faster than pure super individuals.

But how many people can successfully go from "making money for a while" to "making money for a lifetime"? No one can say.

This article is from the WeChat official account:Bad review (ID: chaping321)Author: Dodo Samurai, Editor: Mask Line

An iphone7 judicial auction sold for 270,000 yuan or was maliciously auctioned.

  An Apple 7 mobile phone with a memory of 128G was sold at a price of 270,550 after the judicial auction, and the auction platform showed that the evaluated price of this mobile phone was 140 yuan, and the price of the same mobile phone of this model on Apple’s official website was 6,188 yuan. The Beijing Youth Daily reporter noted that the starting price of the mobile phone was 100 yuan, and the price increase was 50 yuan. By the end of the auction, 2,734 people had signed up and the number of onlookers exceeded 340,000. The staff of the e-commerce platform who provided technical support for this judicial auction said that the auction was a normal auction in compliance from the system point of view. Yesterday, they also paid attention to the abnormality of the auction price, and they have already fed back to the Qinhuai District People’s Court in Nanjing, which initiated the auction, but whether the auction price is abnormal is determined by the court. The staff of the Qinhuai District Court in Nanjing said that the court will investigate whether such a high auction price of this mobile phone in the judiciary is artificially malicious speculation. However, at present, there is no illegal behavior of bidders.

  A second-hand Apple 7 sold for 270,000 yuan.

  Yesterday, the reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed from the platform of judicial auction that an Apple 7 mobile phone with 128G memory sold for more than 270,000 yuan, and the price of the same mobile phone on Apple official website was 6,188 yuan.

  The auction records on the platform show that the auction started at 10: 00 am on September 7, and the bidding period is one day. The lot is an Apple 7 mobile phone with 128G memory (unformatted, with boot lock), which was seized by the Qinhuai District People’s Court in Nanjing. Auction requires bidders to pay 20 yuan’s deposit before bidding, and then they can participate in the auction. The starting price of this mobile phone is 100 yuan, and the increase amount is 50 yuan. By the end of the auction, 2,734 people had signed up for the auction.

  Although the bidding period is one day, this auction has a delayed bidding function, that is, before the end of the auction, if a bidder bids every last five minutes, it will be automatically delayed for five minutes. The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned from the e-commerce platform that provided technical support for the auction that as long as a bidder triggers the delay function within 5 minutes, the auction will cycle until no one bids within 5 minutes.

  Since the first bidder bid for 100 yuan at 10: 00am on September 7th, there have been 708 bidding records on the platform by the end of the auction. After inquiring about the auction records, the reporter of Beiqing Daily found that the mobile phone bid had exceeded 10,000 yuan 11 minutes after the start of shooting; At 10: 30 on September 7, the bidding has reached 50,000 yuan, and there are still people bidding continuously. Before the auction ended at 10 o’clock on the 8 th, the price exceeded 90,000 yuan and triggered a delay. At 12: 36 on September 8, the auction ended, exceeding the original auction cycle by 156 minutes, and the delay mechanism was triggered 377 times. The bidder with the final bid number k0626 ended the auction at the price of 270,550.

  The original owner of the mobile phone is the debtor.

  According to the enforcement ruling provided by the Qinhuai District People’s Court in Nanjing, the owner of the Apple 7 mobile phone auctioned by the Ministry was an executor, who was sentenced by the court to repay the loan for being suspected of a private loan dispute case. According to the civil judgment of Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court, the court ordered the borrower to return 15.1 million yuan.

  Because the person subjected to execution failed to fulfill the obligations specified in the effective legal documents, the borrower applied to the court for auction to seize the property under the name of the person subjected to execution. In accordance with the relevant regulations on auction and sale of property in civil execution, Qinhuai District People’s Court auctioned the property of the person subjected to execution according to law, including this second-hand iPhone7 that was hot shot. In addition, the property seized by the executor includes two mobile phones, a metal necklace, a watch, two bags and a suitcase.

  In addition to this Apple 7 mobile phone with a bid price of more than 270,000 yuan, another Apple 6 mobile phone (16G memory, formatted) involved in the auction at the same time also far exceeded the previous judicial auction in terms of bidding and the number of applicants. After 995 people signed up and 51 bids, it was sold at 6,500 yuan yesterday morning.

  In addition, the reporter of Beiqing Daily found that the transaction price of Apple mobile phones in judicial auctions is mostly lower than the market price, some as low as several hundred yuan, and some as high as 4,000 yuan, and the number of applicants is mostly tens to more than 100 people. This time, the latest auction of Apple 7 mobile phone in Qinhuai District Court set a record in bidding and the number of applicants.

  Some people suspect that the price of 270,000 yuan is high or someone bids maliciously.

  After the incident was exposed, there were doubts that the bidding for Apple mobile phones of more than 270,000 yuan may be a malicious auction. The reporter of Beiqing Daily found that according to the Civil Procedure Law and the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Online Judicial Auction of People’s Courts, if the investigation by the court is a malicious auction, it will be regarded as an act that hinders or resists the execution of the court. The court can investigate the relevant legal responsibilities of the buyer according to the seriousness of the case and take penalties such as fines and detention according to law.

  In addition, the court may rule that the original buyer shall not participate in the bidding during the re-auction. If the buyer regrets the auction after the auction is completed, the deposit paid will not be refunded, and it will be used to pay the loss of the auction, make up the difference between the re-auction price and the original auction price, and offset the debts of the executed person in this case and the debts of the executed person related to the auction property.

  According to the auction instructions published by Qinhuai court at Taobao auction, after the auction is completed, the buyer should pay the auction balance on time, pay it into the account designated by the court before 17: 00 on September 15, 2017, and sign the Confirmation of Auction Completion at the court before 17: 00 on September 22, 2017 and receive the auction receipt.

  In addition, some netizens speculated based on the information such as "unformatted mobile phone with power-on lock" in the auction, whether there was important information in the unformatted mobile phone of the Ministry, and some people bid at a high price to obtain information. However, none of the above speculations have been confirmed.

  The court will conduct an investigation and no illegal acts have been found yet.

  The staff of the e-commerce platform who provided technical support for the judicial auction told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that the buyer’s bidding is a personal behavior, and whether the auction price is abnormal is judged by the court. "Judicial auction is very serious, the information of bidders is strictly confidential, and our platform has no right to monitor the bidding behavior of customers. This is a free bidding market in itself, and the amount of bids is decided by customers themselves." However, the staff said that it is the first time that so many people participated in the auction and the transaction price was so high. If the buyer destroys the auction, the deposit will be confiscated, and whether there will be other additional penalties will be decided by the court.

  In response to this auction, the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted the Qinhuai District Court in Nanjing. The staff said that this mobile phone was photographed at such a high price during the judicial auction. Whether it is normal trading or malicious speculation, the court will conduct an investigation. "The results of the investigation will also be unified." He said that according to the rules of judicial online auction, there was no violation of the rules in the bidding process. According to the rules, after the successful auction, the buyer’s deposit will be transferred to the court’s Alipay account. If the goods are auctioned and the balance is not paid, the buyer will not refund the deposit after the auction is destroyed, and the court can re-order the auction. At present, although the people who participated in the auction raised the price very high, they have not found any illegal activities yet.

The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi

On July 25th, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 8th China National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi.
In Wuyuan Sports Center Gymnasium, Xu Shubin, secretary of Wuyuan County Party Committee, presided over the opening ceremony; All the leaders and guests on the rostrum pressed the starting column together.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, announced the opening of the competition. Li Xiaoping, Director of Jiangxi Sports Bureau, and Qiu Xiangjun, Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government delivered speeches. Shi Ke, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, AARON Li, Director of Youth Sports Department of State Sports General Administration, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, Luo Laishui, Director of Shangrao Municipal Sports Bureau, Xu Shubin, Secretary of Wuyuan County Committee, Zhou Huabing, County Governor of Wuyuan County, Tao Wusheng, Chairman of Aofei Recreation and Sports Group, and other leaders attended.
The signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi volleyball team’s "Provincial Team Building" was held in Wunvzhou Convention and Exhibition Center, Wuyuan County on July 25th.
On July 25th, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, presided over the signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi Provincial Volleyball Team’s "Provincial Team Building". Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, read out the instructions of Governor Ye Jianchun of Jiangxi Provincial Government on the establishment of a special report on Jiangxi volleyball team.
Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, signed a contract with Zhu Meiqing, deputy mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, and Shi Ke, deputy governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, unveiled the Shangrao Volleyball Club in Jiangxi.
In recent years, Wuyuan County has vigorously developed the national fitness campaign, held sports brand competitions, promoted the integrated development of "sports+tourism" and improved the quality of development. It has successively hosted several national and provincial large-scale sports events such as the National Ancient Post Road Walking Competition, the "Most Beautiful Country Cup" National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament, the Wuyuan International Marathon and the Poyang Lake International Cycling Race. At the same time, a series of national fitness activities such as football, table tennis, gateball, ground throw ball and softball are widely carried out.
In 2022, the county hosted more than 40 large-scale events at or above the municipal level, such as the men’s and women’s volleyball competition in China Super League, the National Youth Table Tennis Competition (South Division) and the Cycling Cross-country Challenge around Poyang Lake. Nearly 1 million sports tourists came to Wuyuan to participate in the events, which stimulated the sports tourism consumption to reach 480 million yuan and stimulated the vitality of the tourism market.
In 2022, Wuyuan, as the only representative of the city, was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award in Shangrao’s sports work, as well as the Outstanding Contribution Award in Competitive Sports in Shangrao from 2019 to 2022 and the Advanced Unit in Mass Sports Work in Shangrao in 2022.
On July 25th, athletes were competing in Ziyang Park, Wuyuan County.
Gas volleyball is a mass sport that integrates sports, leisure and entertainment. As a new sport, it has been favored by more and more middle-aged and elderly friends. The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament in the most beautiful countryside has been held for the eighth time since it was held for the first time in 2014. The cumulative number of participants has exceeded 10,000, which has been widely praised by air volleyball fans all over the country. There are 312 teams from all over the country, and more than 3,000 team leaders, coaches and athletes participate in the competition. The competition is divided into three groups: youth group, middle-aged group and elderly group.
(China Daily Jiangxi reporter station Tang Ying/photography Zhang Wen)
Source: China Daily.

You can’t graduate from Tsinghua without swimming. Should swimming be a necessary skill for college students?

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 28th (Shang Qi) Can’t graduate from Tsinghua University without swimming? A few days ago, Tsinghua University confirmed that starting from Grade 2017, students in this school must pass the swimming test, otherwise they will not get the graduation certificate, except in special circumstances.

  Will swimming be linked to getting a diploma? Is the requirement too harsh? Why do some students always worry about physical education tests? Behind the "compulsory", what room is there for improvement in school physical education?

  Can’t swim, can’t get a diploma

  Recently, it is reported that Qiu Yong, president of Tsinghua University, announced at the faculty meeting of the university that Tsinghua University will require all undergraduates to learn to swim from 2017, and at the same time, it will adjust the curriculum to give students more time to go to the playground.

  In this regard, some media confirmed from Tsinghua University that starting from Grade 2017, students in this school must pass the swimming test after admission or take swimming lessons and meet the requirements, otherwise they will not be able to obtain graduation certificates, and students who suffer from skin diseases, water phobia and other diseases that are not suitable for swimming may not take part.

  In response to this regulation, an online survey shows that more than 60% of netizens support it. One of the options is, "Learning to swim well can save your life, and the school has good intentions." However, some netizens think that the regulations are too "wonderful". Is it "too hard" to force students to swim?

  In fact, the reporter from Zhongxin. com found that Tsinghua University was not the only one who had "good intentions" in order to let students master swimming skills.

  It is understood that Peking University, Xiamen University and other universities have rigid requirements for swimming teaching. In the independent enrollment assessment in 2017, Xiamen University requires candidates to choose any one of the six categories of track and field, martial arts, swimming and physical fitness according to their own conditions, and the weight of physical examination is 20%.

  Is swimming a necessary skill for first-class talents?

  For this new regulation in Tsinghua University, the reporter from Zhongxin.com interviewed many college students in the school. Some students told reporters that the school’s move is aimed at cultivating students’ physique, which is also conducive to future work and study in the long run. However, some students think that students’ own willingness to learn should be taken care of, and swimming is more suitable as an elective course in universities.

  The Sports Department of Tsinghua University also said that not all students have to take swimming lessons. Freshmen will take a swimming test after entering the school. If they swim 50 meters in any of the four standard strokes of breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle and backstroke, they will pass, and those who fail must take swimming lessons.

  Some commentators said that it is better to be persuasive than to force students to take physical education exams, expecting students to simply enjoy the pleasure of sports and cultivate a hobby that will benefit them for life.

  Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Academy of Educational Sciences, said in an interview with Zhongxin.com that it is difficult for every student to learn to swim. He believes that this involves the choice of personal hobbies.

  Chu Zhaohui said that it is necessary to have rigid requirements for students’ sports time during school, but the sports events should be diverse. He explained, "Some people are tall and play basketball better, while those who are small may be suitable for gymnastics. It is not necessary to make a single requirement for one sports event, but they should be flexible."

  In an interview with Zhongxin. com, Bie Dunrong, director of the Higher Education Research Center of Xiamen University, thinks that what courses colleges offer and what requirements they have for teaching should not be "fussy", but he is puzzled that higher education is to cultivate first-class talents. Will swimming be linked to graduation certificates? Does it mean that "swimming is an essential skill for first-class talents"?

  Why are students afraid of physical education tests?

  With swimming becoming a compulsory course in some schools, it is worth exploring why sports tests like swimming have always become a "heart disease" for some students and even their parents in recent years, whether it is the senior high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination.

  An investigation bulletin on the state of national fitness activities released by the State General Administration of Sport in earlier years shows that the main reason why children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 are unwilling to participate in physical exercise is that they are afraid of "affecting their studies", accounting for 44.2%, and others are "not interested", "not liking", "lacking sports skills" and "being too tired" in turn.

  On the one hand, students and parents are worried that physical exercise will "affect their study", and on the other hand, the requirements of school education for physical education tests are getting higher and higher, and the enthusiasm for students’ physical fitness tests is not diminished. In Chu Zhaohui’s view, this is actually a manifestation of "sports being cold".

  He said, "Many schools pay attention to test scores and other academic achievements, and pay insufficient attention to sports. In this case, it is necessary to advocate more sports.

  However, Biedunrong found that from kindergarten to primary school, students have physical education class, and from the college entrance examination to the university, students are still afraid of physical education exams. The reason is that "some physical education at present does not cultivate students’ sports interests and specialties, but only to pass the exams, which is the defect of current physical education." (End)

  He believes that compulsory swimming tests like Tsinghua University’s may cause some students to feel afraid of difficulties, and it is difficult for them to really enjoy swimming and sports.

  It has also been suggested that swimming is not only a sport, but also a survival skill, and you may be able to save yourself in case of danger. In this regard, Chu Zhaohui believes that this is not simply a question of incorporating swimming into the exam, but how to cultivate students’ understanding of the value of life.

Why is your collocation always ordinary? I don’t understand these three points of fashion, so it’s no wonder I’m not foreign.

If you want to enhance your charm and get rid of rusticity quickly by collocation, our collocation should not be too casual. A woman with real temperament will not follow suit at will. When you want to find a collocation that can keep warm and fashionable in winter, maybe you can look at the following fashionable collocation and understand these three points of fashion, and you can easily become fashionable with foreign flavor.


First, master 3-point fashion, but not foreign style.

(1) let you have long legs by being short at the top and long at the bottom.

The biggest figure problem of short or short-legged girls is that the proportion is not good enough. At this time, we don’t have to worry. We can improve our personal proportion easily by mastering the classic collocation skills of short and long.

The collocation of jacket and high-waisted trousers is mainly to make the position of our waist be pulled up, which can highlight your waist and visually extend the leg length.


② Personality overlapping highlights taste.

Girls with average collocation skills rarely try to mix and match at will in their daily lives, but if you really want to wear a sense of high class, overlapping is definitely indispensable.

Especially in winter, it is recommended.You can boldly use all kinds of coats to fold and wear.Through various loose coats, bottoming shirts, sweaters, etc., the style is changed, thus easily embodying the sense of fashion.


③ Boldly express charm with color.

In daily collocation, black, white and gray are the most common, classic and versatile, but for some girls who pursue individuality,Single color matching is always boring. At this time, it is really easy to express your personality through beautiful popular color matching.

For example, in winter, in addition to the basic black, white, gray and earth tone, green, pink and purple clothes can also be used, but the saturation is not too high, otherwise there will be a risk of blackening.


andColor not only affects skin color, but also affects our matching proportion. Different colors of upper and lower body clothes can form a more obvious style visually.

For example, dark bottoms with light-colored tops can also be divided into our proportions at the color division, so that the proportion of the figure can be adjusted. When you match, you should remember that the color division point should be raised as high as possible, so as to avoid appearing fifty-fifty.


Second, these are fashionable and foreign, and they look good when copied.

In winter, all kinds of cotton-padded jacket are indispensable clothes in our wardrobe. How should a cotton-padded jacket with a short foundation be matched? First of all, girlsYou have to look at the inside. The inside style is simple and low-key, and it can be worn with a down jacket, so you can refuse to be bloated.Form a better bonus effect. For example, these simple sweaters with solid color down jackets have a strong sense of layering.

Simply matching wide-leg pants with the lower body can also block the body disadvantage, modify our existing body problems, and easily foster strengths and avoid weaknesses.


When wearing a loose coat, if you are worried that you will look fat if you cover your waist, then you can also match a variety of high-waist pants to form a more obvious connection.

By matching high-waist trousers with a short coat to modify your figure, you can also open your coat, which obviously highlights your waist curve. This collocation will basically not appear bloated.


The matching of the same color has always been very classic. When girls and friends don’t know how to match, it should be no problem to choose the same style for the color of tops and trousers..

Simple matching of the same color makes the whole shape look more harmonious and more closely connected, and it does not seem to be inconsistent.


Same-color collocation does not mean that the colors must be exactly the same, we can use the collocation of near-color system.It can also be combined with colors with uniform color system and different brightness. With a sense of hierarchy, it will not be too complicated and particularly easy to control.


Winter collocation only needs to master the above fashionable ideas and see how these fashionistas are matched, which will always enable you to gain more ideas in dressing and master more ways to become beautiful, and you can become a goddess inadvertently.

Football enters the era of big data. China sports should practice the basic skills of the new era.

  Football enters the era of big data (Dazhao Review)

  Three days ago, Shandong Luneng Taishan professional football club management information system based on big data entered a new stage of version 3.0, and once again took the lead in football management concepts and innovations in the new era.

  Since 2015, Shandong Luneng Taishan Club has extensively learned from the research results in the field of global football big data, and continuously improved the level of data mining, analysis and application. Through more than two years of efforts, it has established an information management system including 10 modules including teams, players, competitions, training, medical care and public opinion.

  At the same time, China Football Association has also made plans for the construction of information management system and accelerated its implementation. This is an important measure to change the backward appearance of football in China and meet the needs of the public for football development.

  Today’s society has entered the era of knowledge economy with information technology as the core, and informatization has become a booster to promote national economic and social development. To improve the overall level of football and sports in China in many aspects, it is necessary to be good at obtaining data, analyzing data and using data. Football managers at all levels should also strengthen their study, understand big data, make good use of big data, enhance their ability to use data to promote training and management, improve the efficiency of talent training, and reduce the blindness and deviation of football market operation.

  Although the concept of big data has been put forward for nearly 10 years, it is still a new thing to become a new stage of information development. China football’s understanding and cognition of this is still in the initial state. It is very gratifying that Shandong Luneng Taishan Club has taken the lead, and it will certainly benefit more than one club. The strategic significance of big data technology is not to master huge data information, but to professionally process these data and realize the "value-added" of data through "processing". It is a means to develop the cause and improve the level. Information system can’t directly improve the level of football in China, but ignoring information or staying in the old view of the role of information can’t meet the new needs of football development.

  Objective data and scientific analysis are the key functions and values of information systems. On the other hand, if the data is untrue and the analysis is unscientific, then the misleading disaster may be very terrible. Football is originally a highly socialized sport, and big data is the product of the open era. Any idea of being closed and exclusive is incomprehensible to big data. The management information system of Shandong Luneng Taishan Club was established with the cooperation of many domestic and foreign partners.

  Please cherish this scientific and technological progress and major breakthrough. Football in China has caught up with the new era. In the face of this new topic in the field of football, even if it is slightly behind, it is much smaller than the gap in football competition, and the confidence in catching up with and surpassing the advanced level in the world should be much greater.

CBA News: Basketball Association made a big joke! Expose qi zhou’s offer! Fan Ziming asked not to leave the team.

Fan Ziming’s response attracted the attention and support of the fans. Fan Ziming said that he has regarded Shougang as his second home and has a very harmonious relationship with his teammates. He hopes to stay in Shougang and continue to play for the team. Fan Ziming’s basketball talent can’t be ignored. His height is 2.11 meters, which gives him a certain advantage in the field. However, in recent years, Fan Ziming’s state is not satisfactory, mainly due to injuries, which has led to his state has been declining.

Just as Fan Ziming had doubts about his future, he learned that he was involved in the qi zhou transaction as a bargaining chip. Fan Ziming understands that as a professional basketball player, he has to accept the arrangement and scheduling of the team, but he still wants to stay in Shougang. After all, this team has become his second home.

Fan Ziming’s gratitude and attachment is not limited to the team, but also to the management and teammates of Shougang. He gets along very well with his teammates, helping each other and cooperating flexibly under the basket. They spent a lot of hard training and twists and turns together, and thus established a deep friendship. However, Fan Ziming’s dream came to a turning point, and he was told that he would move to Xinjiang. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Fan Ziming, who doesn’t want to leave Shougang, let alone be moved to a new environment.

Fortunately, however, the transaction between Shougang and Xinjiang reached a deadlock, and Shougang decided to take the initiative to withdraw. This means that Fan Ziming’s dream has come true. He will stay in Shougang and continue to play for the team. Fan Ziming’s response did not leave the team, which not only showed his loyalty to Shougang, but also showed his desire for survival and his vision for basketball. Fan Ziming hopes to continue to play in Shougang, strive to restore his state and contribute to the team.

A regulation in chinese basketball association recently caused controversy. In the finals of the national U17 women’s basketball competition, a team 30 points ahead of its opponent can only win the runner-up, which makes chinese basketball association’s policy a laughing stock of national basketball. According to the regulations of the Basketball Association, the final result of the game not only considers the competition results, but also includes the physical test results and skill results. Only when all three results are ahead can the team become the final champion. The intention of the Basketball Association is to pay attention to the development of players in many aspects, but if the competition results cannot be used as the standard of champions, the competition will become meaningless. The core of competitive sports lies in the fairness and fairness of competition results. This practice of the Basketball Association deviated from the original intention of competitive sports and caused dissatisfaction among fans and the media.

This provision is not only contrary to common sense, but also has some practical problems. First of all, physical test scores and skill scores can be cultivated and improved, and competition scores are the results that truly reflect the strength of the team. If the results of the game lose the meaning of champion, the efforts and struggles of the players in the game will become worthless. At the same time, this regulation also brings great pressure to referees, because they should not only consider the results of the competition, but also examine the other two results. In addition, the recent transactions about qi zhou have also attracted attention. Qi zhou put forward three additional conditions to Shougang, which caused the transaction to be aborted. First of all, qi zhou hopes Shougang can pay him an annual salary of 25 million, however, this far exceeds the salary cap limit of 6 million stipulated by the Basketball Association. Secondly, he hopes to solve his hukou problem in Beijing, which is relatively easy for Shougang. Finally, he asked for a house in Beijing.

Although Shougang has the ability to meet qi zhou’s requirements, it violates relevant regulations and has a negative impact on the team. The basketball association has set up the salary cap in order to maintain the fairness of the league and avoid the team’s excessive dependence on individual players. The request for housing in Beijing is unfair to other players. Therefore, considering comprehensively, Shougang decided to withdraw from this transaction.

As a popular sport, basketball is often full of various dynamics and changes, which has aroused public concern and heated discussion again and again. Recently, the news of Fan Ziming’s request not to leave the team, the controversy caused by the regulations of the Basketball Association and the latest development of qi zhou trading have become hot topics, attracting many people’s attention. The news that Fan Ziming requested not to leave the team caused widespread concern. As a promising young basketball player, Fan Ziming has been deeply expected by the fans. And his sudden request not to leave the team has aroused many people’s doubts and discussions. Fan Ziming’s action is praised as the embodiment of true love for the team and loyalty, and some people think it is an alternative expression. In any case, the news that Fan Ziming asked not to leave the team will undoubtedly bring more topics and wonderful performances to the basketball world.

The controversy caused by the regulations of the Basketball Association has also become the focus of attention. The rules of the basketball association are to maintain the fairness and order of the basketball game, but sometimes it will cause some controversy. Recently, due to the release of a series of basketball association regulations, it has aroused fierce controversy among fans and the media. Some people think that these regulations limit the performance space of players and damage the appreciation of the game; Some people think that these regulations can better regulate and manage basketball events. The controversy over the regulations of the Basketball Association not only reflects the dynamics and changes in the basketball world, but also is a positive exploration and attempt.

The latest development of qi zhou trading has also attracted wide attention. As an important figure in China’s basketball field, qi zhou’s trade has been attracting much attention. Recently, the news that qi zhou is about to be traded has triggered a heated discussion among fans. This news not only reflects the strategic adjustment and evolution of the team, but also shows the concern and competition of the basketball community for excellent players. The latest development of qi zhou’s trading will become a stirring force for the future development of basketball, and I believe his performance will continue to attract many people’s attention.

To sum up, the news of Fan Ziming’s request not to leave the team, the controversy caused by the regulations of the Basketball Association and the latest development of the qi zhou trade all show the dynamics and changes in the basketball world. These events have aroused widespread concern and heated discussion, and also brought more topics and wonderful performances for the future development of basketball. Basketball is always full of infinite possibilities and variables, so we have reason to expect more news and stories to be displayed in the future development.

2-3! Cao Meng continued to compete for the championship, and Zhang Linyan was fascinated: one-stop internal cutting+world wave, making 19 goals in the first season

On May 21st, Beijing time, the first leg of the semi-final of the Swiss Women’s Super Playoff started, and Zhang Linyan, a talented woman studying abroad in China, broke out again. With the help of God, this campaign was directly cut in one stop, and she scored a key goal for the Cao Meng women’s football team. However, the Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-3 to Zurich women’s football team, and it was at a disadvantage to compete for the championship. She needed to win in the second round to have a chance to enter the final.

Cao Meng women’s football team won four consecutive victories before the current round of competition, which strongly impacted the championship trophy, while Zhang Linyan took out the state of winning the championship and losing the hand. She made achievements in four consecutive games, scored three goals and one assist, scored two through-train goals, won the best goal award in a single round and made a wonderful assist. However, the Zurich women’s football team also has an excellent state, and it is also a favorite for the championship, entering the semi-finals with seven consecutive victories.

In this match, the competition between Cao Meng women’s football team and Zurich women’s football team was fierce, and the game was in a stalemate. Zurich women’s football team is slightly superior to Cao Meng women’s football team in both offensive and defensive ends. In the first 68 minutes, Zurich women’s football team leads 2-1; In the 68th minute of the game, Zhang Linyan, who started the game, once again showed her super personal ability. She got a straight ball from her teammates on the right side of the frontcourt, cut the ball directly to get rid of many defenders, and finally shot the world wave with her left foot directly from the arc top of the restricted area, and the ball hung directly in the corner of the top left corner of the goal. Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-2 Zurich women’s football team, but at the last moment Cao Meng women’s football team lost another goal, and Cao Meng women’s football team finally ended the game 2-3.

The first leg of another semi-final game has also ended. Selvelt defeated St Gallen’s women’s football team 2-1 away and remained unbeaten in the season. This game is 19 wins, 2 draws and 0 losses, which is the biggest favorite to win the championship. Cao Meng women’s football team has 14 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses this season, while Zurich women’s football team has 17 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. As can be seen from the total score, the stability of Cao Meng women’s football team is not as good as that of Servit and Zurich, so it is difficult to be optimistic about the championship. However, they have Zhang Linyan, the winner of the Swiss women’s super season Golden Globe Award, which greatly enhances their confidence in the championship, and they have the opportunity to complete the counterattack with the star effect in the second round.

Although 22-year-old Zhang Linyan studied abroad in European football for the first time, she made 19 goals in the first season of studying abroad, and her offensive ability was fully recognized. After the regular season, she won the Swiss Women’s Super Official Player of the Season Award, which is a new history for China women’s football players studying abroad. At the same time, she also won the Best 11 Player Award. With such high-light performance, Zhang Linyan needs a championship trophy to end the season. All the last five games have made achievements, and all of them have shown the performance of top stars, which is enough to prove her desire for the championship. There is reason to believe that Zhang Linyan will continue to make achievements in the second round of the semi-final to help the team reverse the promotion.

It is understood that Zhang Linyan’s promotion after studying abroad is very obvious. Her confrontational ability, game rhythm and ball handling ability are all better than in the past, especially her breakthrough ability, which has fulfilled the talent of talented players. Recently, she has made achievements in three consecutive games (including two goalkeepers). According to this growth rate, Zhang Linyan may go further in the new season and challenge the five major leagues.

145 pages of enterprise digital transformation Big Data Lake project construction and operation comprehensive solution WORD

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Part of the information content:

The application, management and display of data lake are integrated, providing standard services, data interfaces and report presentation methods. The data of data lake adopts efficient and reliable storage architecture. The enterprise business data migration plan is formulated, and the core data stored in ERP system, data acquisition system, OA system, video monitoring system and cloud business system are migrated to the data lake as a whole, and the inelastic resources are deployed locally. For the elastic computing function, it is necessary to cooperate with the algorithm data lake. So as to realize the controllability of core data and eliminate security problems and potential unknown risks. Support visual modeling, and support mouse dragging for artificial intelligence algorithm modeling. Including data preprocessing, feature engineering, algorithm model, model evaluation and deployment, etc., it supports many types of algorithm applications in the field of fast-selling business, including logistic regression, K nearest neighbor, random forest, naive Bayes, K-means clustering, linear regression, GBDT binary classification, GBDT regression and other algorithm models, and also supports artificial intelligence training models such as deep learning. The presentation layer displays the operation status and resource usage of various business systems in a multi-dimensional and dynamic way through unified business BI report components. And support the periodic or temporary generation of business situations, decision data display, fault analysis and mining and other business scenarios.

X x data lake architecture diagram

Document center:

It is mainly used to store files in various formats, including video files, video and audio files, PDF files, Office files and other types of files, and provides file-level full-text retrieval, document publishing, file sharing, file extraction and other functions. Provide file rights management, version management, version history recovery and other management functions.

The file content in the file center can exchange fusion data with the log center and data center through ETL process, and participate in data processing, data mining, machine learning, image analysis and so on.

Log center:

Collect all kinds of log data, IOT data and other real-time data, and the data will be processed in real time by the stream processing engine to ensure that the data will be analyzed and processed in the first time, so as to achieve real-time monitoring and real-time alarm.

The processed real-time data can be integrated with the data in the file center and data center to participate in data analysis.

Structured data center:

Real-time (or batch) access to structured data in databases or other media, and efficient processing of all kinds of data with the help of powerful processing capabilities such as Hadoop/Spark.

Effectively combine the data in file center and log center to participate in data analysis and data mining.

Support tens of billions of data Cube to achieve sub-second multi-dimensional query of massive data.

Standard SQL output interface, supporting the needs of continuous upgrading and secondary development.

Schematic diagram of unified interface of data lake interface

Data access principle

1. Give priority to the application-driven construction of high-value digital twin projects;

2. The data entering the lake must be certified by the data management department, and the corresponding data asset standards shall be issued to match the corresponding data responsible person;

3. The principle of data modeling is standardized step by step with original data, clean and integrated data, three normal forms structure and service wide table;

4. The overall platform shall conform to the principle of high availability and parallel expansion, and conform to the data planning of the business for 3-5 years.

Real-time data synchronization supports most real-time database synchronization requirements. Support data synchronization across WAN and receiver clustering. Build a unified, standard, easy to copy and maintain data real-time synchronization platform, and at the same time complete the technical specifications and strategies of data real-time synchronization. Realize data synchronization monitoring system, and build a continuous and reliable real-time monitoring system for data update. Complete the integration mechanism of one-time rapid data import and incremental data import-trickle replication. The Full Dump module is used to realize the encryption of data warehousing, and the HiveSQL interface is provided based on Data Handle, at the same time, the decryption of data warehousing is completed. Control of data access rights through customization of Application Adapter.

L The scheme of keeping the original database for business systems that frequently read and write data, ERP system, data acquisition system, OA system, video monitoring system and cloud business system. Business data should be synchronized to the data lake, and the consistency between local data lake and business system data should be verified periodically during the parallel operation.

L receive real-time incremental data and store the data in the local data lake according to the predetermined architecture. Real-time production data is accessed in real time and reliably transmitted to the company’s database cluster. The data access amount is about 110TB/ day, and the historical data is 40000TB.

Logical architecture diagram of data migration

L Data lake operations are divided into two categories: inelastic and elastic. For inelastic operations, operations are performed in the local data lake. For operations that consume large resources and need elastic calculation, collaborative calculation is adopted with the enterprise cloud, and data is not saved in the enterprise cloud data lake. After the operation calculation is completed, the process and result data are sent back to the local data lake for storage. Interface service supports publish-subscribe mode, cross-data lake and cross-system call, HDFS, Hive, HBase and other systems.

A) interface type

Bulk data encapsulation

A large number of data are extracted according to certain conditions and packaged into data resources. Batch data packaging must be carried out through the system, not manually.

Data request interface encapsulation

The data is encapsulated as an access interface by restful interface, so that the accessor can access the data through remote call.

B) interface security

configuration management

Configure the content of shared data and sharing interface rules, including basic data configuration, sharing service configuration, sharing rights and sharing configuration distribution.

A) basic data configuration

It can configure the basic data used in the data sharing functional domain, including the configuration of the shared data system, the data structure and semantic description of the shared data entity, and the sharing method.

B) shared service configuration

Data service definition, data service directory, data service parameter configuration (such as: target system, sharing mode, data bearing mode, access frequency, access permission period), etc.

C) sharing permission configuration

Configure the permissions of the target system that is allowed to use the shared service, and support the permissions configuration of specific data entities and attributes within the shared service.

D) shared configuration distribution

The content of shared data and sharing interface rules are distributed to all relevant systems.

Data sharing process

Monitoring, exception handling and log management of data sharing processes, and providing query statistics and analysis functions for data related to data sharing.

A) table data sharing

The target system is an application layer analysis system, which directly opens the access rights of tables, and the target system extracts data through ETL.

B) data query

The target system is an application layer analysis system, and the target system directly calls the data query service provided by the data lake to complete the data query.

C) data subscription

The target system is an application layer analysis system, and the target system puts forward data subscription requirements, and the data lake provides data subscription services.

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The reason of C Ronaldo’s bleak evening scene: mistaking the platform for ability

C Ronaldo has gone far away to the desert, so that the hot sunshine in the desert can cure the injury and pain of the defeated plum ball king!

At the age of c, he has gone to the desert, and his competitive career has been finalized.

Although there is a lot of wealth, it seems to be happy! But its heart is painful!

As we all know, Ronaldo is aloof and arrogant, and I am the only one!

I take the super plum ball king as my responsibility all my life, and pursue honor, glory and data all my life.

C Ronaldo has been a technical career for more than ten years, and his money has been free and his wealth has been satisfactory; It cares more about face, scenery and honor.

During C Ronaldo’s career, during his years in Real Madrid, he won four Golden Globes and four Champions League games, which strengthened his confidence and courage, boasted himself the first, second and third place in the world, was extremely inflated and self-mad.

C Ronaldo’s greatest misfortune is to regard the platform as an ability! It is the real Madrid platform and personal efforts that have made its real Madrid years dazzling!

C Ronaldo left Real Madrid, moved to Juventus and Manchester United, accomplished nothing, and never won the Golden Globe Award, Sir, or the Champions League again! 16 lang in the Champions League every year! Its juventus years are incomplete!

C Ronaldo’s national team was ruined, and fans said that it was lying in the European Cup. Although it was exaggerated, it was not groundless!

C Ronaldo’s World Cup achievement is hands-free, which is a stain on his life! Causing 10 zeros in the World Cup to be bleak. Single-core team leader has the best score in the top 16.

After the dark years after Real Madrid, nothing was achieved after the World Cup.

C Luo Fang understands that it is the Real Madrid platform and Lafayette that have made its brilliant Real Madrid era. I mistook the Real Madrid platform for my ability, woke up like a dream, and wanted to return to Real Madrid and relive the beauty. But the vicissitudes of life, powerless, was rejected by Real Madrid! I have to go to Saudi Arabia to waste the rest of my life!

Life is like this, when you miss the opportunity, it may be a lifetime of regret and regret!