标签归档 新上海sh419

Why did China’s football get worse and worse?

Personally, I didn’t like football until I was about 15 or 16 years old. Actually, I didn’t like it much. I just liked it a little bit, but I didn’t devote myself to it. At that time, the atmosphere was not the same as it is now. At that time, there were no female guns and male stars, and the mainstream was iron-blooded men. Being a man would be tough and hard. Anyone who dared to stretch out his blue finger and casually freestyle would be killed by the people in the street.

The best way to be tough is sports. Therefore, among male students, if you don’t know much about sports, you will look like a soft egg in the eyes of your classmates. If you don’t watch the five major leagues, the Champions League and World Cup NBA, you will definitely develop abnormally. The more you devote yourself to watching football matches, the more you will look like a man. The more excited you are, the more eloquent you will be. It shows that you are professional and exuberant in male hormones. Boys think that with so much performance, girls will look at him more because of his exuberant hormones.

Everything in the world is related to sex, except sex itself.

I didn’t say this, but Wilde, the boring man. You have to settle accounts with him.

I liked football at first, just like joining a pyramid scheme gang. I was dragged in by my head. My roommate talked to me about football all day, walking, eating, sleeping and taking a shit in the bathroom. I was afraid that if I didn’t respond to him, he would be gay with me, so I was forced to learn football knowledge to show that I was normal. I was very man, and I was full of male hormones. Dude, you’d better not mess around, but I have never been very interested.

Really, just like my feelings for Kitahara, I really couldn’t find a better one in those days, so I’ll just try to like it.

If we put it aside now, right, then so-and-so, so-and-so, we will catch a lot of high-quality ones, although I can’t even remember the names.

My age of football enlightenment was Li Jinyu, Zhang Yuning and Li Tie, that is, the Li Tie who had just been fired as the head coach of the national team. He used to maintain the style of F4 in the early 2000s for many years, which was particularly recognizable. After being a head coach, his face was a lot rounder and his hair was a little shorter, but it was still much longer than that of ordinary boys. This shows how much psychological influence adolescence has on a person’s life. I can’t forget Toko Kitahara and Li Tie can’t forget F4’s long hair.

Because the players of that session were highly valued, playing against the weak team was just like playing for fun. Every time Li Jinyu scored a goal, he would learn from Guo Jing’s bow and arrow shooting. POSE was particularly handsome and very rhythmic. Although he lost to South Korea in the first game, he played against South Korea as a whole, and the momentum was fierce. The Korean media all thought that we were mental derangements, and we despised them even after losing, which was different from China people who always liked self-examination at ordinary times.

Because everyone has high expectations for that generation, sometimes when watching the game in the classroom, male students gather around the TV and score a goal, and the students are just like taking drugs. Some smash their desks, some howl like wolves, and some will grab the collars of the students next to them and shake others while screaming, making them twitch as if they were touched by electricity.

There were no entertainment activities in those days, and life and entertainment depended on the ambiguous eyes of female students and sports competitions.

In the 2000s, because a Yao Ming suddenly appeared in basketball, I only watched the NBA. After Yao Ming retired, I didn’t even watch sports events, so I concentrated on earning money to support my family.

Earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and practical than sports competitions. I don’t even want to come out here.

Occasionally, I saw the news of football in China, which basically showed a bloody collapse trend. The more I kicked, the more I collapsed. At the beginning, there were still several people studying abroad in Europe. Later, there were fewer and fewer people studying abroad. Now there is only one Lei Wu left. Now the national team seems to be reduced to the top eight in Asia, and it is often beaten on the face by Syria and Thailand. In the end, the China men’s football team has simply become a domestic emotional trash can and has become the object of collective banter. Since 2002,

Strangely, however, the Super League was extremely hot in previous years, and it was once known as the "sixth largest league in the world". Guangzhou Evergrande even won the AFC Champions League twice. In 2019, the average salary of Super League players reached about 6.5 million RMB. The average annual salary of the most expensive players in Guangzhou Evergrande and Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai was about 12 million RMB, and the worst player in Beijing and Shanghai also reached 2 million RMB.

This phenomenon that the league is hot and the national team is weak happens at the same time, which makes China football look very strange.

So what is the reason that led to this phenomenon?

Out of curiosity about the origin of all things, I chose to visit many domestic footballers who have been running around the world for 20 or 30 years and ask them why China’s football has been playing more and more in the past 20 years. Interestingly, everyone’s answers are surprisingly consistent, and there is a relaxed attitude of "You guys have seen through the world of mortals for a long time, so what should you do?".

After synthesizing everyone’s opinions, I gradually figured out the root logic of China’s failure in football.

Before writing this reason, I would like to remind you that, unlike our industrial party, which always feels confident that there is a sea of stars in front of us, most people in the sports and entertainment circles are still a little sad. At least three people in the football circle have used the phrase "China football is the epitome of China society" with me.

But as far as I know, this sentence is wrong.

China football and China entertainment circle are not all the epitome of China. Accurately speaking, they are only the epitome of China’s negative energy. China football circle and entertainment circle are relatively deformed, and they are also deeply related to finance, real estate and other industries. Because the starting industry of money itself is not normal in China, it is not normal to reflect on them. If you want to compare China industrial circle with China entertainment circle, it will be another world.

Back to the main question, why did China’s football (mainly referring to the men’s national team) play so badly?

It’s just that the players who play football are not good.

Then why are the players not good at football?

To put it simply, the fastest growth time of football players’ personal level is in the period of teenagers, but the level of football teenagers in China is not good.

We all know that no matter what line of work, the best person must be a combination of "high talent and diligence", and both of them are indispensable. Moreover, whether it is sports or literature and art, high talent can be seen in adolescence, whether it is Go, piano, writing, running, singing, dancing, basketball, or even physics and mathematics, it is clear at a glance when you are a teenager.

There is a saying in the world of Go, "If you are not a national player at the age of 20, you will be hopeless all your life", which is the truth.

Yao Ming in his teens, James in his teens, and Lang Lang in his teens all showed super-high talent in their teens, and became an industry elite in their adulthood. No one did not show his talent and did not undergo cruel training after the age of 20, and then he suddenly became extremely awesome in a certain field.

Even Tik Tok online celebrity, who was hit by the Universiade, became popular because of one sentence and one thing, and often passed away quickly, because there was no talent to continue exporting.

Including myself, I have 20 years of writing experience to write articles, and I don’t suddenly write things. I started writing novels when I was in junior high school. Every morning, the whole class is waiting for my novel to be updated, and I will circulate it to each other every morning, and the cover of my notebook will end up like oil residue.

If the highest score of football players is 100 points, let’s assume that Pele, Diego Maradona, Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi have a total score of 95 points (fans don’t come to wrangle, thank you), then they should reach the level of about 80 points before they reach adulthood. The league will improve their level, but the space is not as big as expected. The league mainly plays a role in maintaining a high level.

The Super League is very prosperous, but it doesn’t improve the level of China men’s soccer team that much, because they were locked at the level of 50-60 points in adolescence, and the league will make them rise to 65-70 points, but the upper limit is too low.

The Super League is helpful, and we can also pull a group of people out of the league to bully the fishing club, but the Super League is not the core reason that determines the level of the national team.

When you look at the time when international football stars became famous and began to make achievements, they usually started around the age of 18. For example, Messi became famous at the 2005 World Youth Championship, when he was just 18 years old. The next year, Diego Maradona called him his successor. Cristiano Ronaldo also became famous at the age of 18. In 2003, he moved from Sporting Lisbon to Manchester United for 12.24 million pounds, because at this time their total score was very high and they began to dump our players in the same period.

Of course, we have some high-level and good prospects. Don’t believe any strange theories of race and culture. I said that it is hooliganism to talk about problems with culture. We can have talents from all walks of life. How can 1.4 billion people not have a football genius?

In fact, India also has all kinds of talents, but it is buried and there is no platform to play.

However, when our players are teenagers, they encounter two big problems, which make their level stuck in the low level range. One is the lack of excellent youth football teachers, and the other is the lack of a lot of opportunities for practice.

As mentioned earlier, a master must be a combination of "high talent+diligence". High talent needs guidance, or it will be ruined. For example, Yao Ming is a basketball family. This is no problem. Lang Lang studied with Professor Zhao Pingguo at the age of 9 and has always been supported by experts. If he was born in a bad environment, his road to fame would be a hundred times more difficult.

Many children in Beijing can get the top resources in the country after they are born. Being famous in Beijing means being famous all over the country. Therefore, a large number of writers and singers are likely to emerge in Beijing, while a child from Sichuan, Hunan and Shanxi is ten million times more difficult and has to work ten million times harder to reach the same height. Because he has no resources and platform, he can only bite his teeth and die.

Do you say that children in Beijing are born with better talents than those in Shanxi? I don’t believe it.

There has never been any real fairness in this world. We were born to overcome all kinds of unfairness.

By the same token, compared with foreign countries, our football players were led astray in their youth, because we were short of excellent youth football coaches.

Ali Shaw, a Dutch coach who worked in our national team, once said an argument:

"The success rate of youth football training is high, and 70% depends on the level of young football coaches."

The highest level a player can reach as a teenager is not far from his final destination.

Our coaching level from children to teenagers is very low.

Maurines, a Spanish coach, came to Shanghai Shenhua Youth Training Department to work. In an interview with diariosur, a Spanish media, he said that our youth training coach can only play strength and run, and he is very weak in training technical and tactical abilities.

About 20-30 years behind Europe.

Some of our coaches with C-level coaches or D-level coaches’ certificates can’t do a good job of passing the low flat ball with their arches. They can only teach their children to run and shoot, and Spanish children of the same age can already open the space to send a straight ball.

Our youth football coaches are not only of low quality, but also lack of talents.

Like Spain, with a total population of less than 47 million, there are as many as 15,000 coaches with UEFA A-level certificates, 84,300 in Japan, a leading Asian country, and 600 in Iceland, a country with a population of only 360,000, 400 of whom have UEFA B-level certificates.

In China, a country with a population of 1.4 billion, in 2018, there were only over 40,000 coaches registered with the Football Association, only half of that in Japan. There were 11,855 C-level coaches, 2,298 B-level coaches, 985 A-level coaches and 158 professional coaches who could teach children a little.

The number of A-level coaches in our population of 1.4 billion is only 6.6% of Spain’s population of 47 million. There is only one A-level coach for every 1.54 million people in Spain, and one A-level coach for every 3,133 people in Spain.

There are only six A-level coaches in a big city with a population of 10 million, while there is one A-level coach in a community in Spain.

How can you beat Spain?

If you want to beat them, the Spanish coaches should not be collectively angry.

Moreover, the salary of most grass-roots football coaches in China is 5000-8000 yuan per month, which makes people have no motivation to stay for a long time in first-and second-tier cities.

What makes China football change fundamentally is not how hot the league is held, but the emergence of a large number of excellent coaches covering the grass roots, so that these coaches can earn income to support their families and have room for promotion. Then, under the guidance of these coaches, talented children can become world superstars.

Only with Bole can a swift horse be selected and trained. Without Bole, China football would be completely blind.

Then why is China so good at table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting, but China football can’t copy their methods?

Because football is the most competitive sport in the world.On the whole earth, the competition of table tennis, badminton, diving and weightlifting is far less than that of football. The competition of football starts with dolls and is basically stereotyped by teenagers. It is necessary not only to be talented and let people pick it out, but also to practice with a large number of people.

Pay attention to this word, it must be "a large wave of people often play", not a small number of people who train hard like table tennis and badminton.

This involves the second problem of diligence in "high talent+diligence". This diligence is not an individual’s diligence, but a group’s diligence based on a large number of grass-roots clubs.

A large number of excellent grass-roots coaches ensure the selection and training of highly gifted children, and a large number of grass-roots clubs ensure the growth of children.

Let’s take Ronaldo as an example.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s father is equipment manager of Andorinha, an amateur football club (that is, a handyman), so Cristiano Ronaldo trained in this club at the age of 7. Because of his good foundation, he was signed by the best local national club at the age of 10. When he signed it, he only spent 22 footballs and two sets of jerseys. After three years of careful training, Cristiano Ronaldo won half of the team’s goals here and was later attracted by Sporting Lisbon. At the age of 13, Cristiano Ronaldo moved to Sporting Lisbon for 1,500 pounds and played at the age of 18.

Messi’s experience is similar. At the age of 5, he started playing football in amateur grass-roots clubs. His father was the coach and taught him personally. From then on, he was promoted to the old boys Club in Newell. At the age of 11, he needed treatment because of dwarfism. Newell dared not spend the money. At the age of 13, Messi was taken to the youth training camp in La Masia, Barcelona, Spain by coach KUKA, and he also got treatment opportunities. Since then, he has become famous in Barcelona.

In fact, Japan is learning from the model of "a large number of excellent coaches+grassroots amateur clubs" in Europe and South America, which makes Japanese football play stronger and stronger in Asia.

Reporter Miao Yuan once interviewed Japanese youth training coach Chiba Taishin, who used to be a professional player and worked as a youth training coach for 20 years after retiring. According to his reaction, many football teachers in Japan are volunteers, playing with their children when they were young. In junior high school, children can train three times a week and play once. In middle school, Japanese football will form a three-legged team, a social team and a professional echelon, with a large number of campus and social players. The level of the top 32 social teams in China is close to professional.

In the 12-15-year-old echelon of professional teams, only 1% of the outstanding talents are selected from these teams. Because there are a large number of grassroots units, excellent seedlings come up.

Chiba Taishen also said a very important point: children should master basic football skills at the age of 10-12, and improve their understanding of football after the age of 12, and combine skills with football understanding.

I doubt very much how our scarce football coaches, and most ordinary coaches, can make our children in China master basic football skills at the age of 10-12.

With grass-roots clubs and enough students, we have to let them fight at this time.

An interesting point is that the vast majority of football powers in the world are actually not vast countries, and the football level of countries with large areas is actually not outstanding, like that of China, the United States and India.

Why is it easy for a small country to practice strong football? It is because regional confrontation can often be organized without making the young players so tired.

Even in countries like England and Italy, which we don’t think are so big, teenagers and Italian C try their best to compete in different districts. When amateur clubs compete, the driving distance is guaranteed to be within one or two hours, so as to try to go and return on the same day without wasting everyone’s time and energy on the bus.

An hour or two’s drive is too extravagant for China. In the past, it would have been enough for Shaoyang to drive to Loudi to compete. Even if there is a high-speed train now, we have to change trains when we get off high-speed railway station. Our Shaoyang team wants to pick Changsha, and it will take four or five hours to change trains, so the little players will be exhausted.

Therefore, it is best to divide a province into several small areas, so that young people in small areas can confront each other more, and let them experience the beatings in the world and the pressure and happiness of growing up from an early age.

Then some people may object to this view and say Brazil? People are as big as Brazil, and a state is quite a country in Europe. How can people do so well?

Brother, Brazilians are actually suffering. It took them nearly 50 years to complete the national league, and it was only in the 21st century that they made their living mainly in coastal states, relying on state leagues. Small-scale regional confrontation is the basis for their talents to flourish.

We look at how the world’s football powers have risen, and soon know where the main vein of football development lies.

After the World War II in Germany, Herbega, the coach director of the Football Association, planned to "train 100 excellent coaches first, teach 100 people for every one, and train 10,000 coaches."

Ten years later, the Federal Republic of Germany won the World Cup in Switzerland in 1954.

Up to now, Germany has turned the German Football Association into the largest single sports association in the world, with 24,481 clubs, 145,000 teams and 7.17 million registered players.

But among the 7.17 million registered players, only 1,500 people finally make a living in this line. These 1,500 people are really one in a million.

So how can China beat the Germans?

If you want to beat them, German coaches should not be collectively angry.

By the way, the salary of German youth coaches is five to ten times that of ordinary people. Think about the salary of China youth coaches of 5,000 to 8,000 yuan, which is really invisible. That’s why youth coaches try to ask for bribes from players.

Let’s take a country with small boobs as an example to see how Icelandic football has become strong. The case of this country is more representative.

Iceland has a population of 330,000, so it’s normal that people can’t beat others. All of them have to go to work, and the weather is cold. There are few football fields in China, so it’s difficult to get a team out. Everyone understands, but the Icelandic Football Association has made great efforts to strengthen itself. In 2000, it began to build nine large indoor football stadiums all over the country, and every school and village also built football fields. By 2015, a total of 179 standard football fields and 128 football fields were built.

Moreover, since 2000, Iceland has trained 600 professional football coaches like crazy, 400 of whom have the UEFA B-level coaching certificate, which is equivalent to one professional coach for every 100 young men of the right age. In addition, due to the small space, they can often be pulled together to engage in confrontation, and the level has risen steadily.

By the European Cup in 2016, the Icelandic team began to make achievements, with two draws and one win in the group stage, killing England in the quarter-finals and successfully reaching the quarter-finals.

Think about what it would be like if China could reach the quarterfinals of the European Cup.

But it took Icelandic people only 16 years.

So you see, as long as we start from the roots in a down-to-earth manner, we can start football.

Therefore, everyone should understand a truth. In the most competitive sports subdivision industry in the world, football must start with dolls, and there must be a large number of amateur bottom clubs+youth leagues+fierce confrontation in small areas+a large number of excellent grassroots coaches, and then an excellent adult top league and an excellent national team can be established.

The result of the national team is the final result, and the national team is not the cause of the matter.

Then why is the foundation so poor? The Super League has been quite lively in the past few years, and even won the AFC Champions League?

This question is relatively simple.

The Super League looked prosperous in the past few years because of its interests.

Many companies go to the Super League, and their purpose is not football at all, because all football clubs in China are losing money. The poor income of Chinese football clubs is simply not enough to plug their teeth, but how can they do business at a loss?

This is the same as opening a five-star hotel. I usually love to explore the business model and find that most five-star hotels in China are unprofitable. Hotels that invest 10 billion yuan can earn up to 100 million yuan a year, and the input-output ratio is too low, and most of them are still losing money. Five-star hotels in Shaoyang are extremely well built and the cost is so high, and there are few guests at all. I don’t know how they maintain it. It is a bad business here.

It was not until later that I learned that a five-star hotel is actually a part of the infrastructure. If you build a five-star hotel, the local government will try to make it up for you in the land or other places, so that you can earn money from other places.

Chinese football clubs also mean the same thing. Bosses vote for football mainly to earn money from local governments, finance and other places, but they are not interested in football.

So you asked him to spend ten years building a youth training system. How could he have this idea? I don’t even know where it is five years later. I’m crazy. Why did I invest so much money to build a youth training system?

If the boss insists that I build an echelon, then I’ll just build an inspection to cope with it. Anyway, we can’t do a ten-year talent training plan that consumes money and energy.

Therefore, in the first year when Lippi coached the national football team, he reflected that China professional clubs didn’t even have a complete echelon construction. How many years have it been?

A senior person in the sports field told me that when Jiangsu Suning scored well, Jiangsu Sports School directly gave the echelon to Suning, and then Suning directly dissolved it.

You can pay attention to one thing. Chinese football clubs especially like to smash foreign aid with deep pockets, but they don’t train local young players. First, because it is easy to make achievements, they can quickly smash an AFC Champions League with money and get recognition from the top. Second, buying directly in the peripheral market, large transactions can generate huge amounts of money flow, and everyone in this link, from the general manager, translators, brokers and coaches, is eager to get kickbacks.

Since in China, the club can’t build a youth training echelon for his special motivation, why can’t we learn from South America, Europe and Japan, and build a large number of amateur clubs at the bottom? Let China players raise their level to 75-80 points when they are young, and then keep a high level in the league. How many stars with 85-90 points are there?

This problem is much more complicated, and it involves more economic chains.

If we compare Japan and Germany, we lack a large number of well-trained excellent coaches, and we can’t keep these people struggling in their posts for decades, and a football market has not formed.

If we compare South American countries, we lack a large number of volunteers. Many parents in South America are free volunteers in amateur clubs. They have fun by themselves, and they also take their children to play together. They can often play all night on the court.

These two points are difficult to achieve in China.

Training a large number of excellent football coaches requires a long-term 10-year plan, which requires administrative power. After the training, these people have to be prevented from changing careers easily, and there is a shortage of volunteers. In fact, parents in China are very busy, and they are not on the same level as Europeans, Japanese and South Americans.

China is now the fastest-growing economy in the world. Everyone needs to keep up with the big forces economically and make a determined effort to earn money. Because if the class leap cannot be achieved now, it will be several times more difficult for the later generations to achieve it. Everyone is working hard to earn money. Where can they spare time to volunteer at the football field?

Therefore, we can make a comparison. Either developed countries have perfect wages and benefits, or South American countries, whose economies are flat and often harvested by the United States, have perfect amateur clubs at the bottom, and such clubs are not for profit. China is now in a special historical stage. Many people have just become urban citizens from rural areas, and a large number of high-quality young people are still seizing emerging jobs such as the Internet and finance. They are all buying the first car and the first suite in their lives and have no time to participate in football grassroots projects in person.

Everyone has the opportunity to change their destiny, and it is not football’s turn to grab time for the time being.

I think that if China’s economy stagnates one day or becomes a developed country, football will be much better than it is now.

You may be tempted to ask, then why did China’s football and basketball, which were good in the past, fall into this state now?

Because it used to be a national system, this system has been scolded for decades in my impression, and it has produced many drawbacks, saying that it is a waste of people and money, which is the wrong way of socialism in the past, but in fact, the national system also has its excellent side. In the past, good players were actually selected from sports schools at different levels and then practiced hard behind closed doors. In 2002, that wave of players was actually the last performance of players trained by the national system.

After that wave, the level of players became worse and worse, because the old system was overturned, but the new system was not established, and the bottom-up basic population such as South America and Europe was not established, so they played worse and worse in the past 20 years.

It is not anyone’s fault that a new system has not been established, but it is decided by the stage of China’s times.

We have seen that some small countries, such as Qatar and Viet Nam, can often abuse the men’s soccer team in China. In fact, they have just set up a team with a little meager funds, and the government has stepped forward to set up a youth training center, which has achieved results in a long time.

The children in China, without government organization, received expensive and wrong guidance in their teens, but after the technology was formed, they couldn’t play with the small professional guidance.

It’s a bit like people are using the national system that we don’t use to attack the unhealthy market system that we haven’t formed.

Of course, because this country also lacks the bottom operating system in South America, it can only bully China at most, and it is very difficult to go any further.

"Usually our poor youth football population is just making up the numbers." A big shot in the circle sighed and said this to me.

In fact, in all areas of deep competition, the sports circles in China have encountered the same problems as football.

For example, in basketball and volleyball in China, the results are getting worse and worse. Only the middle of the women’s volleyball team was saved by Lang Ping. That’s because the competition of women’s volleyball in the world was not so fierce. Lang Ping saved a group of teenage girls in time and caught up with them through a lot of hard training.

If nothing unexpected happens, the three major events in China, regardless of men’s and women’s events, are all due to the fact that the new system was not established when the old system was transferred to the new system, which is an inevitable historical trend.

The former China Women’s Football Team, the 2002 China Men’s Football Team, and the former Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and Li Na were actually trained from the old system. They were the beneficiaries of the old system. Now the new system has not been built, and China’s special historical stage has made the three goals worse and worse.

Those leagues that look like red fire can’t hide the failure of our construction at the bottom of this fierce global competition.

Finally, give some advice to China football:

1. Learn from Germany and Iceland, establish a football coach training system, and strive to have thousands of professional coaches in each key city.

2. Through market-oriented operation, these coaches are guaranteed to survive and stay, and there is still room for salary increase. (This is the hardest)

3. Without thinking about doing a good job in football all over the country, we should set aside one or two key provinces, decentralize coaches in these provinces, divide these provinces into different small regions, and launch fierce youth leagues in each small region. If possible, it is best to set up three teams, such as youth training centers, youth training points of football associations and cooperative schools of clubs, like Germany, to select outstanding talents from them.

4. Choose a leader with a long term for about ten years, and be patient to do it.

If it really doesn’t work, it’s ok to engage in the previous youth training system.

Of course, in fact, football is a sport and entertainment, and it is not so important in essence. As I said before, "earning money to support the family is actually much more technical and more practical than sports competitions." Now our country focuses on aerospace, the belt and road initiative and the prosperity of the whole people. Compared with football, football is really insignificant. No matter how well you play it, there is no chance to raise your head and speak in the face of the powerful economic and technological gap.

If football scores can be exchanged for the improvement of the living standards of the whole people, I believe that people in Brazil’s slums must raise their hands in favor.

We have a wider sea of stars and dust, and we can take it slowly in the back.

According to the present situation, football in China may still linger for a while, but it doesn’t matter. The best chance to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best chance is now.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has made it clear that local governments should study the "list" of real estate projects and accurately support reasonable financing needs.

After the two ministries and commissions issued a document clarifying that "the coordination mechanism of real estate financing should be established in cities across the country", the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a meeting on the 26th to clearly speed up the implementation of the aforementioned coordination mechanism. All localities, taking projects as the object, promptly studied and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, and established an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects at the national level.
On the morning of 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a deployment meeting for the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. Relevant responsible comrades of housing and urban-rural construction departments (commissions) of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and responsible comrades in charge of people’s governments of 35 key cities attended the meeting. Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, made it clear at the meeting that accelerating the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is effective, supporting the development and construction of real estate projects, meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally, and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
In early January, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the "Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing". According to the notice, the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing is established by cities at or above the local level, with the responsible comrades of the city government in charge of housing and urban-rural construction as the team leader, and the local housing and urban-rural construction departments and the agencies dispatched by the General Administration of Financial Supervision as the member units.
According to the development and construction of real estate projects and the qualifications, credit and finance of project development enterprises, the coordination mechanism puts forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, and pushes it to financial institutions within their respective administrative areas. Financial institutions evaluate the supporting objects pushed by the coordination mechanism according to the principles of marketization and rule of law.
Different from the previous white list of housing enterprises, the innovation of coordination mechanism lies in that the object of financing support is projects rather than enterprises. According to the aforementioned notice, financial institutions should not blindly lend, cut off or suppress loans for projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but should support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements and adding new loans.
At that time, Chai Qiang, president of China Real Estate Appraiser and Real Estate Brokers Association, publicly stated that the debt risk of real estate enterprise groups does not mean that all its real estate projects are risky. Providing financing support with the project as the carrier avoids financial institutions from "one size fits all" all projects of debt default housing enterprises.
The meeting further emphasized that the orderly development and construction of the project is the basis for the stable and healthy operation of the real estate market and is related to the vital interests of the people. In view of the current financing problems of some real estate projects, all localities should focus on projects, study and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate the issuance of loans by financial institutions within their respective administrative regions, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.
"Loans are the relationship between banks and housing enterprises. After the establishment of the financial coordination mechanism, the government can bridge the gap in the middle, establish a platform for dialogue and exchange, and better coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing. " Feng Bo, vice president of Chengdu Urban Construction and Development Research Institute, told the First Financial Reporter.
Feng Bo said that although some financial institutions have established some white list systems before, some financial institutions may confuse the debt risk of real estate group companies with the development and operation risk of project companies because they may not have a comprehensive and accurate grasp of the project development risks and operation risks of development enterprises.
"Bank credit approval should fully consider the business level, mortgage guarantee, repayment ability and other related risk factors. If there is a big risk, it will take hedging measures. Because project loans are often large, once they are formed, they will have a certain impact on the bank’s operating indicators and all aspects of loan management. " An industry insider told reporters.
However, Feng Bo also suggested that under the new coordination mechanism, the city government will take the lead in coordinating and guiding the financial institutions within their respective administrative areas to connect with real estate projects within their respective administrative areas, which will enhance the accuracy, continuity and coordination of real estate financial support policies, which will help to reverse the current hedging behavior of some bank financial institutions against real estate enterprises, more accurately support and better meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of buyers.
The meeting also made it clear that the role of "people’s governments in cities at or above the prefecture level" is to take the lead in coordination, quickly establish and operate this important mechanism, timely judge the local real estate market situation and real estate financing needs, strengthen overall planning, refine policies and measures, and build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises.
Although both the new real estate model and the new coordination mechanism emphasize the full autonomy of urban real estate regulation and control, there are also people in the industry who are worried about the different auditing standards, progress and supervision standards for the white list of projects.
The meeting put forward detailed requirements from the regulatory level: credit funds should be guaranteed to be closed and used in compliance, and misappropriation should be resolutely prevented. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented.
It is worth noting that at the press conference of the State Council Office held on the 25th, Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, also said that accelerating the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing was effective.
Li Yujia, chief researcher of Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, said that the financing coordination mechanism is an important guarantee for the real estate support policy to take effect. In the next step, the financial management department should promote the reengineering of the business system and risk control system of financial institutions, and the real estate management department should do a good job in the integrity management and compliance of business management of real estate enterprises.

The cinema movie "Cloud Dream" was officially launched. Zhang Xingyao has grown up to protect traditional culture.

  On December 15th, Wang Yuan, Baozhong Shan and Jin Doucan were the producers, Zheng Xiantai was the director, Deng Liguang was the photography director, and Ji Wang, Shan Sijie, Baozhong Shan and Zhang Xingyao starred in Yunmeng, Hubei Province. The film was produced by Hubei Dazizai Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by Yunmeng Guze Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Qianhai Dazizai Film and Television Media Co., Ltd. Among them, the actor Zhang Xingyao plays a rich girl with a complete growth line.

  Continuation of historical and cultural heritage and protection of cultural relics

  The movie Cloud Dream takes the protection of cultural relics as the theme, takes the cloud dream region as the background, tells the legendary story of father and son guarding precious cultural relics, and presents the long history and rich culture of cloud dream to the world by means of film and television. According to the director, this film was made to show the culture of Yunmeng Chuwangcheng and the local customs, and introduce the local characteristics and culture of Yunmeng to China and even the whole world. The release of the film is of great significance to the inheritance of cultural relics protection and the continuation of history and culture.

  This is a family story film with ideological and artistic features. The total shooting length is about 105 minutes. The actor Zhang Xingyao plays a rich girl in the film. After experiencing personal growth, she finally contributes to the protection of precious cultural relics. Zhang Xingyao is handsome in appearance and unique in temperament, which is highly suitable for the role in the film. What kind of wonderful presentation will she have? What do young people think about the protection and inheritance of cultural relics? Let’s see from the movie.

  Zhang Xingyao leads the starring role and depicts the warm story with heart.

  Zhang Xingyao is one of the leading stars of the film, and at the same time, with Ji Wang, Shan Sijie and Shan Bao as partners, he will jointly interpret a warm film that reflects the social reality and highlights the spirit of the people to protect cultural relics, showing the audience the participation and efforts of the Chinese people in the protection of cultural relics, and at the same time making people understand and love China traditional culture more. Zhang Xingyao has launched a number of new film and television dramas this year: The Eight Thieves, The Record of Smelling Scenes, The Legend of Jianghu Detective, and The Second and Third Seasons of Return to 1993.

  In various types of works, Zhang Xingyao tries hard to explore and hone her acting skills, and constantly opens a new role chapter, bringing different points of view to the audience. Next, the online drama "The War of Housewives" and the movie "The Night Inn" starring her will also meet with you in 2024. I look forward to the wonderful performance of the actor Zhang Xingyao on the screen, bringing more high-quality works, and the future can be expected.

The latest situation of table tennis World Cup: Olympic runner-up led the team to win, Germany, South Korea 8

On the evening of December 7th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Mixed Team World Cup continued, and four teams came on stage again for two matchups, namely, South Korea VS Sweden and Germany VS China Taipei. Among them, the second-seeded German team won 8-2 under the leadership of Olympic runner-up Shan Xiaona, ending the losing streak.

As for Sweden, which played inextricably with Japanese players not long ago, the performance was poor this time. In the end, the fourth seed South Korea won 8-2, and it was not an upset-please see below for details.

The battle between South Korea and Sweden is quite interesting. Although the overall strength of the former is obviously stronger, it is mainly the female players who are stronger. As for the male athletes, they have little advantage over Sweden. However, after the start of the competition, the Korean mixed doubles team Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi took the lead, losing 1-2 to Carlson/C Carlberg (10-12, 11-6, 6-11), and the Swedish team successfully gained the lead.

However, in the second set, South Korea quickly succeeded in counterattack. As a marginal main force, Li Shiwen quickly won 11-9, 11-9 and 11-8 in a row, sweeping Sweden’s top player Berg Sterlon. This shows the great strength gap between the two teams of female athletes.

The third set was the battle of focus. South Korean Lin Zhongxun played against Swedish men’s singles No.1 Carlberg. Not long ago, Carlberg almost overturned Zhang Benzhi and lost 2 points in the deciding game. However, this time, he lost 7-11, 8-11 and 8-11, and the Swedish team was forced into a desperate situation.

In the fourth set of men’s doubles, the former world number one and now world number two Korean team Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun played Karlsson/A Carlberg. As a result, the first two ended the battle with 11-7, and the total score of South Korea beat Sweden 8-2.

Germany is the second seed in this competition. However, Shan Xiaona, the Olympic runner-up, is the only core player. Bohr, Ochalov, Francesca, Qiu Dang, Han Ying and Mittham are absent one after another. In terms of strength, they are not even in the top four. They have lost to Sweden and France in succession before, but the China Taipei team they met this time is not at its peak.

Like Germany, the China Taipei team did not have the top three athletes Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing, so the group stage was almost eliminated. Chen Siyu, the number one player in the quarter-finals, kept resting, and it was not realistic to win Germany.

In the first set of mixed doubles, German meissner/Winter played against China Taipei’s Yang Jiaan/Li Yuhuang. In the first set, the first two players lost 3-11, but then they won two 11-7 turnovers in a row, successfully gaining a 2-1 lead in the total score.

The second set was the battle of focus, in which Shan Xiaona and Chen Siyu, the strongest main players of the two teams, played against each other. Although Shan Xiaona is 40 years old, but the fast break is still powerful, he won the first prize with 11-7, but he was defeated by 8-11 in the second game. In the deciding game, Shan Xiaona rallied and finally ended the battle with 11-7, helping the German team to expand its advantage.

In the third set of men’s singles, Walther, a German player, played against Ye Zhiwei of China Taipei Team. The former’s offensive quality was obviously higher, and he soon ended the battle with 11-9, 11-8 and 11-5. In the fourth set, German women’s doubles team Shan Xiaona/Winter made persistent efforts and finally defeated Chen Siyu/Huang Yihua 11-6, thus defeating China Taipei 8-2 with a total score, ending the previous losing streak.

In this way, after losing in a row, Germany finally saved the face of the second seed, so what kind of ranking and achievements will they finally achieve? Let’s continue to wait and see!

1-2! Levan’s goal was difficult to save, Barcelona’s unbeaten golden body was broken, and Harvey missed the miracle of Mourinho.

Touring group

In the early morning of May 21st, Beijing time, the 35th round of La Liga officially started, and Barcelona played against Real Sociedad at Camp Nou. In the first half, Sollott steals Comte and assists merino to push and shoot to break the deadlock. In the second half, Sollott pushed to expand his advantage. Levan pulled back a city at the end of the game, but he was unable to recover the defeat. In the end, Barcelona lost 1-2 to Real Sociedad at home and suffered the first home defeat of the season.

After beating the Spaniard 4-2 away from home in the last round, Barcelona has been crowned La Liga champion four rounds ahead of schedule, and winning the league title after four years has also announced the beginning of Barcelona’s reconstruction. As for Real Sociedad, 3 wins and 2 draws have remained unbeaten in the last five rounds, and even defeated Real Madrid, but their fourth position is not stable, Villarreal is still struggling to catch up, and they still need to play against Atletico Madrid and Seville, so they can’t relax.

Perhaps because he has won the championship ahead of time, Harvey directly rotated in this game. Pedri, Garvey and araujo all failed to enter the big list, and Rafinha, Dembele and Levan led the front trident; Busquets and Kathy, Derong sit in the midfield; Bald is a guest right-back, Comte returns to the middle to partner Christensen, the left-back is Alba, and the goalkeeper is Ter stegen; Before the game, the Royal Society players lined up to welcome Barcelona, who won the championship in advance, to enter the stadium.

Only 5 minutes after the opening, Comte took the ball to the midfield and was intercepted by Sollott. After the latter broke the ball, he pushed back and crossed into the restricted area. merino was unmarked and pushed the goal, 0-1! The royal society took the lead in anti-customer.

1 goal behind, Barcelona immediately launched an offensive counterattack. In the 15th minute, Rafinha broke the ball in the frontcourt and made a cross pass. lewandowski took the ball from the bottom and sent it to the back point. Dembele headed the ball and was blocked by Remiro. In the 17th minute, Kathy’s volley in the restricted area was cleared by the Lenormand goal line. In the 19th minute, De Jong inserted in front of the cross pass in the restricted area, and Su Weimendi completed the key damage. A minute later, Rafinha crossed at an oblique angle of 45 degrees, and the header in front of Lewan was actually biased; In the 23rd minute, Lewan scored a direct free kick over the crossbar.

After resisting Barcelona’s three axes, the royal society also gradually found the offensive. In the 28th minute, Rafinha made a mistake in returning, and Barrenechea turned around and strafed and was confiscated by Ter stegen. In the 30th minute, Sollott counterattacked a low cross, and Mohammad Ali Shaw outflanked and stabbed, which was solved by Ter stegen. In the 32nd minute, Muhammad Ali Shawnee sent a straight plug, and Barrenechea followed up with a volley.

Back in the second half, Harvey took the lead in adjusting, and Alonso, Fati and Ferran Torres appeared together; In the 66 th minute, Kubo Jianying set the ball and sent it to the restricted area. Diego Rico’s close-range header actually went straight to the top. After the substitution, Barcelona not only failed to gain anything on the offensive end, but the defense line fell again; In the 72nd minute, Derong’s frontcourt holding organization was broken, Kubo Kenying held the ball on the spot to push back, the Japanese international scored the ball to the left, Su Weimendi knocked horizontally, Sollott easily pushed into the net against the attacking Ter stegen, 0-2! Barcelona 2 goals behind, Real Madrid society ahead of schedule to lock the victory.

In the 90th minute, Phelan Torres got rid of the defense on the right and sent a cross. Lewan threw his head in front of the door and pulled back a city, 1-2! Levan scored the 22nd league goal, five goals ahead of Benzema, and hoped to get his first La Liga Golden Boot.

However, Barcelona finally lost 1-2 at home, and the unbeaten home league was broken. In addition, the number of goals conceded by Barcelona this season has reached 15, which failed to refresh Mourinho’s single-season record in 2004-05.

The situation in Guangdong is not good Zhu Junlong and Cummings returned to Guangsha, Zhejiang, and gathered 8 donkey kong!

Zhao Yanhao, 25 years old, is 1.95 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.7 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.8 breaks, averaging 1.6 three points per game. Take 4.5 points, 2.0 rebounds, 0.8 assists and 0.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.8 three points per game. A marksman who averaged 17 points in the past two years is also quite fast! )

7. Cummings, 30 years old, is 1.88 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 10.8 points, 2.8 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 1.4 three points per game. 7.7 points, 3.3 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 0.7 breaks in the playoffs. (Good at projection and strong ability to make fouls, not to be underestimated! )

6. Wells, 31 years old, is 1.96 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 11.8 points, 3.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 1.0 breaks, averaging 1.0 three points per game. He scored 8.3 points, 3.0 rebounds, 3.8 assists and 1.3 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 0.3 points per game. (2 years ago, he was a super defender averaging 30+ per game, and his scoring ability exploded! )

5. Zhao Jiaren, 24 years old, is 2.03 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 8.4 points, 2.8 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 0.6 breaks, averaging 1.3 points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 9.0 points, 3.0 rebounds and 1.8 assists, averaging 1.5 points per game. (first-class physical quality, fast speed, can suddenly buckle! )

4. Zhu Junlong, 23 years old, is 2.01 meters tall. 9.3 points, 6.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists and 1.2 breaks in the regular season, averaging 1.2 three points per game. 12.0 points, 10.0 rebounds, 1.0 assists and 1.5 breaks in the playoffs, averaging 2.0 three points per game. (Top domestic 3D, strong defense and rebounding, no possession of the ball, three points are accurate! )

3. Sun Minghui, 26 years old, is 1.86 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.9 points, 4.2 rebounds, 8.9 assists and 2.3 breaks, averaging 1.7 three points per game. In the playoffs, he averaged 18.5 points, 6.3 rebounds, 9.3 assists and 1.5 breaks, averaging 2.8 three points per game. (Very fast, strong confrontation, very fast, and both ends of the attack and defense are very aggressive, so we must guard against it! )

2. Will Zhe, 30 years old, is 2.09 meters tall. In the regular season, he scored 16.4 points, 6.3 rebounds, 3.2 assists and 1.1 breaks, averaging 2.9 three points per game. In the playoffs, he scored 19.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 1.3 breaks, averaging 4.5 three points per game. As a former NBA player, he is too strong on the offensive end, and the three-pointer is too accurate. If he does not carry out high-intensity defense, I am afraid he will explode! )

1. Hu Jinqiu, 25 years old, is 2.11 meters tall. In the regular season, he slashed 20.9 points, 10.4 boards, 1.1 assists, 1.0 breaks and 1.2 caps, averaging 4.5 frontcourt boards per game. In the playoffs, it was 23.8 points, 13.0 rebounds, 1.5 assists, 1.3 breaks and 0.8 caps, averaging 5.0 frontcourt boards per game. (Hu Jinqiu’s playing style is tough without losing skill, and the style of the ball is stable without losing maneuverability, which is almost unstoppable. No one in Guangdong can stop it!

Premier League: Newcastle VS Wolves. Wolves have an outstanding ability. Is it difficult for Newcastle to play an advantage?

I just wrote a German B game, and everyone should have seen it. Here, let’s talk about another Premier League focus game, Newcastle versus Wolves!

I talked to Wolves several times this season, and each time they were injured at least three or four times in the front line. Last November, it was the most serious. One game was short of five strikers, playing Tottenham Hotspur, and Wolves injured Diego Costa. Jimenez has recently returned. Although he hasn’t scored yet, he has gained an assist by playing Fulham, and his contribution has surpassed that of other Wolves centers by playing the threat made by Tottenham Hotspur.

As we all know, Wolves’ lack of forward power is very prominent this season, and Everton gave them the bottom before, but after these two games, Everton also overtook them, and Wolves finally became the team with the least goals in the Premier League.

They struggled out of the quagmire of the relegation zone, and now they have risen to the 13th place in the standings, mainly relying on the defensive end. Wolves have always been good at defense, and they are even more conservative when they are guests. They won’t let go of the attack when they play Southampton and Everton. Today, they challenge Newcastle in different places, and there is no accident or the main tone of defense. The two flanks of Wolves are the key to their solid defense and threat.

Under the training of winger Loppert Ji, Wolves’ two wingers are very strong, and playing Tottenham Hotspur on the court is a good manifestation of two points. First, they can limit their opponents’ cross, especially in the second half, it is difficult for Kane to get in touch with his teammates; Second, the Wolves’ goal came from Moutinho’s possession of the ball and his assignment to the wing, which effectively opened the defence of Tottenham, and then found an angle to hit the door quickly, which made Tottenham suffer.

Today, Newcastle, which they are going to play, is also a team that relies on a large number of wingers to attack.

In the game, St. Maximin relies on the support of Qiao Lin and Dan Bourne to dominate the left impact, while Almiron draws on the right side, and Trippier takes on the task of crossing the ball from the side or rib part. This combination is Eddie Howe’s most conventional offensive strategy.

However, there is little quick linkage between Newcastle’s two wingers. Usually, they finish on one side, pass the ball back to the middle and split the side again, thus completing the change of attack direction. In this way, the opponent will have enough space and time to complete the defensive position selection and coordination.

Therefore, we can see that Newcastle can only score in the middle of the Premier League in the case of strong impact, which has seriously dragged down their progress. Today, Wolves, with good defense and strong wingers, may not play easily.

What’s more, Newcastle are short of suspended Jorington today, and Scheer may not be able to play. Jolington played like a duck to water after being transformed into a midfielder, and was successfully elected as the MVP player in February. He has both physical fitness and speed, and he has a strong sense of position. He can form an effective strong point in Newcastle midfield and support the impact of St. Maximin, which is the key to Eddie Howe’s tactical implementation. Without him, Newcastle’s left threat will drop a lot.

As for Fabian Schell, the defense is also quite stable this season. His air confrontation ability is the strongest in the team, and he can also serve the ball. His long-range shooting ability is excellent. Without him, the loss may not be limited to the defensive end.

As we all know, Newcastle are the team with the fewest goals conceded in the Premier League, with a strong defense, and goalkeeper Pope is also the goalkeeper with the most goalkeepers in the Premier League. According to the front line of Wolves, it is really too difficult to break their goal.

But as we said earlier, Newcastle’s attack problem is also relatively objective. Under the restriction of Wolves’ flank, it may not be so easy for Newcastle to play an advantage. It is my current opinion that Newcastle will join Wolves or shake hands with both sides. What’s your opinion?