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"Platform + Park" empowers Deepin Line · Qingdao Station: Deepening platform application, CAOS helps create a new high ground for digital economy

  On December 16th, "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" empowered Deepin Line · Qingdao Station was held online. This event was guided by the Organizing Committee of the World Industrial Internet Industry Conference and jointly organized by the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center, Haiercaos IoT Technology Co., Ltd., and Sino-German Ecological Park. It aims to promote the integrated development of "Platform + Park", create a new high ground for regional digital economy, deepen the application of industrial Internet platforms, and transform regional development momentum.

  Lu Yang, Deputy Director of Qingdao Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, He Xiaolong, Deputy Director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center, Tao Wei, Director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center System Institute, and other leaders attended and delivered speeches. Representatives of key industrial Internet platforms and industry enterprises attended and shared the keynote to jointly explore the practical experience and solutions to promote the development of "platform + park".

  Deeply empowered to promote the integrated development of "platform + park"

  As an important carrier for the comprehensive connection of all elements, the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain of the industrial economy, the industrial Internet platform empowers the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry while continuously expanding the scope of application. Promoting the integrated development of "Industrial Internet + Park" is an important measure to create a new high ground for the regional digital economy. It is of great significance for deepening the application of the industrial Internet platform, accelerating the digital transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises, and transforming the momentum of regional economic development.

  Lu Yang pointed out that in recent years, Qingdao City has adhered to the industrial Internet as the main thread connecting the economic development of the city, deeply implemented the "Industrial Empowerment Qingdao" and the "Four New Navigators", and took the lead in exploring the creation of a new type of industrialization "Qingdao Model" that empowers 100 industries to transform, data-driven upgrades of thousands of enterprises, and scenarios support application landing. In the next step, Qingdao City will lead the industry, replicate the model, and output capabilities to optimize the platform ecological construction model, strengthen the application scenario empowering model, and strengthen the international cooperation and opening model.

  He Xiaolong said that industrial parks are responsible for a series of important missions such as gathering innovative resources, cultivating emerging industries, and promoting urbanization. At present, the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center promotes ideas and practices for the work of "Platform + Park", and has achieved certain results in standard development, model system, and ecological cooperation. In the next step, the center will deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and actively promote the high-quality development of "Platform + Park".

  Tao Wei said that the research report on the "Industrial Internet + Platform" empowerment mechanism comprehensively expounds the development needs of the park, the platform empowerment mechanism, application scenarios, the digital construction of the park and policy suggestions, which will provide a useful reference for the construction of the industrial park and provide support for the digitization of the park.

  Multi-party discussions to build a new ecosystem for the industrial Internet industry

  During the event, around the practical experience and solutions of "Platform + Park", the participating industrial Internet platforms and industry enterprise representatives shared the theme, providing development suggestions and paths for the popularization of advanced experience and the promotion of excellent cases, and the construction of a new ecosystem of industrial Internet industry that can cooperate and win-win.

  Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park, Qingdao City Brain Investment and Development joint stock company operation director Zhong Xiaoyang shared the construction experience of Qingdao Free Trade Zone Sino-German Ecological Park from the aspects of park positioning, overall planning, platform construction, etc. He pointed out that based on the ability support of the industrial Internet platform Caos COSMOPlat, the park has created a one-stop full business process, full production factors, full value chain digital factory system platform, covering Client Server, order scheduling, design process, production execution, supply chain coordination and other ten core scenarios, becoming the world’s leading industrial Internet lighthouse base and the first batch of national industrial Internet demonstration parks.

  Feng Qingfeng, director of industry solutions at Haier Caos IoT Technology Co., Ltd., conducted an in-depth analysis of the practical cases of Caos COSMOPlat in energy, chemical industry, home appliances and other industrial parks around the three dimensions of pain points, solutions, and value-added sharing in the transformation of the park. Based on the industrial Internet empower path of points and lines, it introduced the overall idea of Caos COSMOPlat empowering scenarios, enterprises, parks, industries, and regions.

  Sun Yunlei, project owner of Anhui Tongling Henggang Smart Chemical Park, introduced the construction experience of Anhui Tongling Henggang Chemical Park around "Industrial Internet + Smart Chemical Park". Tang Zirui, Director of Technical Operations of Netroot Technology (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., introduced the experience of Handle Global Root Node. Xiong Pan, Director of Industry Marketing of Humi.com, based on the construction of Chongqing Smart Park, shared the park solution of Humi Industrial Internet Platform. Ao Min, Deputy General Manager of JD.com Industrial Internet Business Department, shared the theme of "Industrial Internet Drives New Industrial Supply Chain".

  From point to surface, create a new high ground for the regional digital economy

  If the digital transformation of a single park is the "point", then the driving role of the industrial Internet platform for industrial and regional transformation is the "surface". In recent years, in the special project "Gongfu Qingdao" launched in Qingdao, COSMOPlat helped Qingdao creatively create the "1 + N + X" industrial Internet empowering platform model, which set off a deep transformation of urban industrial digitalization.

  Along the practice path of "1 + N + X", Qingdao and Caos COSMOPlat built a comprehensive service platform for Qingdao industrial Internet enterprises, opened up 24 commissions, provided 946 public services, 281 empower services and 15,000 empower applications; built N vertical platforms, Caos COSMOPlat led the development of Qingdao’s "one super multi-professional" vertical industry platform echelon, with a total of 40 online platforms, serving nearly 90,000 enterprises, driving Qingdao’s industrial Internet industry cluster to be successfully selected as a strategic emerging industrial cluster in Shandong Province; to build X demonstration parks, Caos COSMOPlat empowered Sino-German high-end home appliances and Dongjiakou Chemical industry, high-tech zone "artificial intelligence + high-end equipment" and other industrial Internet demonstration parks, among which Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park was selected as the first batch of national industrial Internet park pilot demonstrations.

  The effect of this innovative model is solidly reflected in the growth curve of Qingdao’s urban industry leap. Up to now, Caos COSMOPlat has empowered more than 4,000 young enterprises, driving Qingdao’s new industrial output value to exceed 30 billion yuan. Relying on the experience of "Industrial Empowerment Qingdao", Caos COSMOPlat will replicate the "Qingdao Model" of empowering 100 industries to transform and upgrading thousands of enterprises with data gain to all parts of the country. A "digital story" like Qingdao is being staged in Deyang, Sichuan and Wuhu, Anhui.

  As an important place of economic growth and innovation, industrial parks contain a large number of enterprise entities, application scenarios and potential needs, providing a broad space for the innovation and development of the Industrial Internet. Taking this event as an opportunity, Qingdao will take the "Platform + Park" as an incision to undertake the mission of the times of digitalization and digital industrialization of industries with Chinese characteristics. And CAOS CSOMOPlat is playing an increasingly important role as a driver, which will help the "Qingdao Model" to bloom across the country and help the high-quality development of industrial parks.

Source: The Internet

Presenting the centenary of the founding of the party, the TV series "Red Boat" produced by the reception desk is turned on!

The Red Boat, a major revolutionary historical TV series produced by the Central Radio and Television General Station, produced by the Television Drama Documentary Center of the General Station, and produced by China TV Drama Production Center Co., Ltd., has been officially launched in Hengdian Film and Television City recently. The drama will reproduce the historical process of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s birth, development and growth from 1919 to 1928 in a panoramic way, and vividly interpret the connotation and value of the "Red Boat Spirit".

Launching ceremony of "Red Boat"

The TV series "Red Boat" is guided by the "Red Boat Spirit", which tells the story of Mao Zedong, Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and Zhou Enlai, and other proletarian revolutionary pioneers’ persistence, hard work and selfless dedication under arduous circumstances, focusing on the purity of communist party people’s initial heart, the truth of doctrine, the firmness of faith and the beauty of personality.

The whole play is ambitious, grand in structure, solid in play and true in historical facts, which shows the story of China and the strength of China, and artistically shows the historical inevitability of China’s road.

"Red Boat" stills

As the key repertoire of "A Tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)", the TV series "Red Boat" interprets the historical logic and initial struggle of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the past century from the original point, and its shooting and production has extraordinary historical significance and strong practical significance.

"Red Boat" stills

The production team of the play is strong, directed by Yeming Song, who has directed many masterpieces of major revolutionary historical themes such as Marshal Peng Dehuai and Diplomatic Fengyun. Young actors such as Wang Renjun and Xi Wang co-starred with powerful actors such as WangZhifei and Dong Yong, and powerful actors such as Yang Lixin and Ding Liuyuan joined in.

"Red Boat" stills

The main creators of the crew will uphold the spirit of artisans, adhere to the standards of profound thinking, exquisite art and excellent production, aim at high quality, high efficiency and high productivity, reproduce major historical events in a panoramic way with the artistic creation of the new era, stick to their original intentions, keep in mind their mission, take the promotion of the "Red Boat Spirit" as their own responsibility, and strive to hand over an answer that satisfies the audience.

"Red Boat" stills

Four melons a day, each one is more exciting, and the stars in the entertainment circle will play.

The incident of Zhao Wenqi’s unmarried children revealed another kind of family concept conflict. Zhao Wenqi released photos of unmarried children, but there was no husband. Netizens have speculated whether there is a hidden problem of marriage self-discipline behind this behavior. During the development of the whole incident, the social discussion on women’s self-discipline gradually warmed up, and Zhao Wenqi became the focus of the topic.

Finally, we focus on the libel of Zhao Liying. Rumors that suddenly broke out on the Internet accused Zhao Liying of tax evasion, which seriously endangered her reputation. Fans found that these rumors originated from other celebrity cases, and officials quickly dismissed them. While the rumor maker apologized to Zhao Liying, the incident revealed the harm of online rumors and called on the public to rationally identify information.

On the whole, the entertainment circle of this day is surging, and the stars are facing severe tests in family, marriage and moral choice. These events reflect the ups and downs of the entertainment circle, and the stars are always facing public scrutiny and comments under the dual pressure of public opinion and social media. This also makes us ponder, under the aura of stars, whether they are also facing trivial and real life problems like ordinary people, as well as many disturbances of family and marriage.

2-3! Cao Meng continued to compete for the championship, and Zhang Linyan was fascinated: one-stop internal cutting+world wave, making 19 goals in the first season

On May 21st, Beijing time, the first leg of the semi-final of the Swiss Women’s Super Playoff started, and Zhang Linyan, a talented woman studying abroad in China, broke out again. With the help of God, this campaign was directly cut in one stop, and she scored a key goal for the Cao Meng women’s football team. However, the Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-3 to Zurich women’s football team, and it was at a disadvantage to compete for the championship. She needed to win in the second round to have a chance to enter the final.

Cao Meng women’s football team won four consecutive victories before the current round of competition, which strongly impacted the championship trophy, while Zhang Linyan took out the state of winning the championship and losing the hand. She made achievements in four consecutive games, scored three goals and one assist, scored two through-train goals, won the best goal award in a single round and made a wonderful assist. However, the Zurich women’s football team also has an excellent state, and it is also a favorite for the championship, entering the semi-finals with seven consecutive victories.

In this match, the competition between Cao Meng women’s football team and Zurich women’s football team was fierce, and the game was in a stalemate. Zurich women’s football team is slightly superior to Cao Meng women’s football team in both offensive and defensive ends. In the first 68 minutes, Zurich women’s football team leads 2-1; In the 68th minute of the game, Zhang Linyan, who started the game, once again showed her super personal ability. She got a straight ball from her teammates on the right side of the frontcourt, cut the ball directly to get rid of many defenders, and finally shot the world wave with her left foot directly from the arc top of the restricted area, and the ball hung directly in the corner of the top left corner of the goal. Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-2 Zurich women’s football team, but at the last moment Cao Meng women’s football team lost another goal, and Cao Meng women’s football team finally ended the game 2-3.

The first leg of another semi-final game has also ended. Selvelt defeated St Gallen’s women’s football team 2-1 away and remained unbeaten in the season. This game is 19 wins, 2 draws and 0 losses, which is the biggest favorite to win the championship. Cao Meng women’s football team has 14 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses this season, while Zurich women’s football team has 17 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. As can be seen from the total score, the stability of Cao Meng women’s football team is not as good as that of Servit and Zurich, so it is difficult to be optimistic about the championship. However, they have Zhang Linyan, the winner of the Swiss women’s super season Golden Globe Award, which greatly enhances their confidence in the championship, and they have the opportunity to complete the counterattack with the star effect in the second round.

Although 22-year-old Zhang Linyan studied abroad in European football for the first time, she made 19 goals in the first season of studying abroad, and her offensive ability was fully recognized. After the regular season, she won the Swiss Women’s Super Official Player of the Season Award, which is a new history for China women’s football players studying abroad. At the same time, she also won the Best 11 Player Award. With such high-light performance, Zhang Linyan needs a championship trophy to end the season. All the last five games have made achievements, and all of them have shown the performance of top stars, which is enough to prove her desire for the championship. There is reason to believe that Zhang Linyan will continue to make achievements in the second round of the semi-final to help the team reverse the promotion.

It is understood that Zhang Linyan’s promotion after studying abroad is very obvious. Her confrontational ability, game rhythm and ball handling ability are all better than in the past, especially her breakthrough ability, which has fulfilled the talent of talented players. Recently, she has made achievements in three consecutive games (including two goalkeepers). According to this growth rate, Zhang Linyan may go further in the new season and challenge the five major leagues.

The annual best women’s volleyball team in the Champions League will be judged to see who can become the top seven in volleyball today.

The 2022/2023 Women’s Volleyball Champions League is coming to an end. At present, there is only one final game left. The only suspense is who will win the Champions League Gold Cup, Isachibashi or Wakif Bank.

In order to create momentum for the Champions League, the European Volleyball Federation began to organize the selection of the best women’s volleyball team in the Champions League in 2022/2023. Let’s take a look at which players are the top players in the Champions League this season, who will be elected as the top seven women’s volleyball teams today, and see if there is your favorite star on the list.

The Turkish team has become the big winner of the women’s volleyball Champions League this season. They have successfully encircled the Italian team. Coneri Yano was blocked from the semi-finals by Fenerbahce. Although Novara reached the semi-finals, she still fell to the semi-finals. In this way, the Turkish women’s volleyball team is definitely the big winner of the best lineup.

There are four candidates for the best setter. They are Ogennovich, the "Bitter Melon Sister" of Isachi Bashi, Ozbaye of Wakif Bank, Mariks of Fenerbahce and Wowosh of Yano, Coneri.

These four people are all big cows in the field of second setters, among which "Bitter Melon Sister" and Wowosh are even more cattle. They have won the best second setters in the Champions League before. Up to now, the voting situation is: Vowalsh won 56.5%, Ozbaye 32.7%, Makelis 8.1%, and "Bitter Melon Sister" Ogennovich 2.7%.

Yano, Coneri, where Vowalsh is located, did not enter the semi-finals, but Vowalsh temporarily ranked first in the voting, showing her popularity. Isachi Bashi entered the final of the Champions League, but its main setter, Ojeninovic, came last in the voting. Perhaps she is really old at the age of 39.

The best candidates are also four: Karakurt of Novara, Egnu of Wakif Bank, Vargas of Fenerbahce and Boskovich of Ithachi.

If it is a few years ago, there is still some debate about who is the first in the world today, but now, there seems to be no suspense, and Boskovich is the only one in the world. In the past, Egnu was able to wrestle with Boskovich, but now, Boskovich is ahead of Egnu in stability, skill, strength, self-control and self-motivation.

As for Karakurt and Vargas, Karakurt is particularly emotional and unstable, so he can’t be the core of the team. Although Vargas can’t compete with Boskovich at present, her rising space is not small, and she is definitely more promising than Karakurt.

The current voting situation reflects the above analysis, with Boskovich winning 50.2%, Vargas 39.3%, Egnu 9.4% and Karakurt 1.2%.

1, who is the first attack?. The four candidates selected as the first main attack are Gaby of Wakif Bank, Wolongkova of Ithachi Bashi, Carcasses of Novara and Kotikova of Lekane Warero. In terms of fame and fighting capacity, Gaby, a small steel gun, and Wolongkova, a heavy gun, are undoubtedly the biggest, while Carcasses, 37, and Kotikova, 24, are much worse, and their teams are also slightly worse, so Gaby and Wolongkova are the most competitive.

At present, Gaby is far ahead with 78.7%, Wolongkova is second with 16.9%, Carcasses is 2.3%, and Kotikova is 2.1%. It seems that the eyes of fans are quite professional.

2. The two new talents are the most popular in the second main attack selection.. The four candidates shortlisted for the second main attack are Xiaocaiwa and Cristina of Fenerbahce, and the other two are Calander of Reshuff, Poland, and Serra of Milan women’s volleyball team.

To tell the truth, the candidate for the second main attack is a bit weird. Xiaocaiwa and Christina were selected in an upright way. They are too brilliant this season, but they are quite aggressive at a young age. The biggest controversy is Serra, the main attack of Milan women’s volleyball team is useless at present. She is only ranked 64th in the Champions League attack list, with a poor attack score of 45 points. Is she here to be funny? The current vote rate also confirms Sierra’s unbearable situation.

Xiaocaiwa ranked first with 64.9% of the votes, followed by Christina with 30.6%, Serra with only 3%, and Calander with only 1.5%. It seems that the two teenagers are promising, especially Xiaocaiwa.

The four candidates selected for the Best Freeman are normal. They all come from the top four teams, namely, Aika of Wakif Bank, Akiz of Ithachi Bashi, Fersino of Novara and Og of Fenerbahce.

The strength of these four people is equal to that of Zhong Bo, which reflects that they are anxious to win votes. At present, Og won 43.1% of the votes, Aika 29.5%, Akiz 19.2%, and Felsino 8.25 ranked last. To be honest, it is really hard to draw a conclusion about who can laugh at the end.

The best secondary attack is to select blocking machines. Blocking ability is an important reference, and of course, fame is also a plus item that cannot be ignored.

1, the best first attack Gunes war teammate Og Bo Gu.. The four candidates for the best first attack are Gunes and Og Bo Gu of Wakif Bank, and the other two are Jack of Isachi Bashi and Stevanovic of Milan Women’s Volleyball Team.

Talking about the situation of these four candidates, Gunes and Og Bo Gu are naturally the most promising candidates. Gunes is super in strength and popularity. Og Bo Gu is very "chicken blood" this season. Jack has done well but is not well-known. Only Stevanovic is simply here to play soy sauce, or to make up the numbers. Her blocking in the Champions League is only 9 points.

At present, Gunes has 44.1% of the votes, Og Bo Gu 42.9%, Stevanovic 8.1% and Jack only 4.9%.

2. The most popular candidates for the best second attack are Ida and Danesi.. The best second-in-command competitors are Fenerbahce’s old second-in-command Aida, Novara’s Danesi, Kone’s De cruyff and Lecanevorero’s Keqiulina. Looking at the blocking data alone, Danesi is the best, with an average blocking score of 0.91 and Ada only 0.48, but the selection seems to be more about popularity. At present, the election situation is: Ada is the first, with 55.7% of the votes, Danesi is the second, with 31.4% of the votes, De cruyff is 10.2%, and Ke Qiu Lina is 2.8%, which is very favorable for Ada.

The Women’s Volleyball Champions League is the world’s top event at the level of volleyball clubs. There are many stars and giants, and the game is beautiful and fierce. Who will be the best team in this Champions League? Let’s wait and see!

Tonight at 18: 00, Asian Cup quarter-final: China men’s soccer PK South Korea’s three highlights, with score forecast.

China National Youth Team entered the knockout stage again after 9 years, which also made the fans see hope! Only one step away from the World Youth Championship! At 18: 00 p.m. on March 12th, China National Youth Team will compete with Korean National Youth Team in the knockout round, which is also a competition for qualification for the World Youth Championship! Let’s take a look at the three highlights of this game. Forecast score: China men’s soccer team 1-0 Korea, China men’s soccer team 0-1 Korea, in short, both sides will win or lose a smaller score!

1. The promotion of China National Youth Team is not optimistic!
China National Youth Team can advance to the U20 Asian Football Cup, which is beyond most people’s expectation. In Asia, the youth training of China men’s soccer team has fallen behind in all respects! Comparing the data of the three group matches (China’s national youth team is in front), against Japanese national youth team, the ball control rate is 22%-78%, the straight shot is 2-9, the corner kick is 3-12, against Saudi national youth team, the ball control rate is 24%-76%, the straight shot is 5-6, and the corner kick is 2-9, against Kyrgyz national youth team, the ball control rate is 32.5%- The key data, China National Youth Team is not dominant, which is the embodiment of real strength.

However, against the Korean National Youth Team, the China National Youth Team has many embarrassing records. In the past 20 years, China National Youth Team and Korean National Youth Team have played eight times, with one draw and seven losses, and have never won. The last unbeaten game was 9 years ago when Wei Shihao drew 0-0 with the Korean National Youth Team in the group stage of the National Youth Team. In this Asian Cup, South Korea’s national youth team won two wins and one draw in three group matches, scored six goals without conceding a goal, and advanced to the first place in the group. China National Youth Team won one game, drew one and lost one in three group matches, scored four goals and lost three, and advanced to the second place in the group. The strength gap between the two teams is too obvious.

2. Advantages of China National Youth Team!
Looking back on the three group matches of this Asian Cup, China National Youth Team was able to advance. Apart from a little bit of luck, the players’ tactical discipline and never-giving-up fighting spirit on the field were memorable. Whether it is against the Japanese National Youth Team, which is the strongest in the group, or against the Kyrgyz National Youth Team, which has lost two games in a row, China National Youth Team has always insisted on defensive counterattack! And the players always perform this on the court. Four goals, two opponents’ own goals are a bit lucky, but two sharp counterattacks against the Saudi youth team are really fatal! In an interview, the captain of the National Youth Team, Ai Fielding, said that the success of the China National Youth Team was mainly due to the tactical execution of the whole team, great unity and belief in winning, so it was able to enter the quarter-finals.

Football is round, and anything will happen until the game is over!

From the pre-match disappointment to the final promotion success, China National Youth Team has well interpreted the charm of football: football is round, and anything will happen on the field. Compared with South Korea’s national youth team’s group match, China’s national youth team has passed the test of group match, and China’s national youth team has been ahead of its opponents in mentality. As long as the tactical execution is reasonable, it is not necessarily impossible to defeat the strong with the weak!

Italian media: Rome has raised the offer of salary reduction and renewal for smolin, and the new annual salary is the same as at present.

Live on March 12, according to the report of Il Tempo, Rome has raised its offer to renew smolin’s contract, and the current annual salary for renewal is the same as that of the existing contract.

Roma don’t want to lose smolin, and his contract will expire at the end of the season. According to "Il Tempo", Rome has sent an important signal that they have raised their previous offer for renewal.

Rome has offered a two-year contract before, but the annual salary is lower than the current 3.5 million euros.

Considering that the player wants to stay, Roma decided to offer a two-year contract at the current annual salary, and the bonus is very easy to get.

(Stewed Sydney with rock sugar)

Brief introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The development history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be traced back to 1950s. The following are the main stages of the development history of AI:

  1. Logical reasoning and problem solving (1950s-early 1960s): The early AI system was based on symbolic logic, and solved problems through logical reasoning of facts and rules. However, this method has limitations, and it is difficult to deal with a large number of uncertain and fuzzy information.
  2. Machine learning and pattern recognition (1960s-1980s): The research of AI began to turn to machine learning and pattern recognition. Machine learning is a method to learn and optimize algorithms by training data, while pattern recognition is a method to realize intelligence by identifying and classifying patterns. These methods have been widely used in image recognition, speech recognition and natural language processing.
  3. Expert system and knowledge representation (1980s-1990s): AI research began to pay attention to expert system and knowledge representation. Expert system is an intelligent system based on expert knowledge and inference rules, which can simulate the decision-making process of human experts. Knowledge representation is a method to organize knowledge and information into a form that can be processed by computer, and it is an important foundation to realize AI.
  4. Statistical learning and deep learning (1990s-2010s): With the continuous development of computer hardware and algorithms, AI research began to pay attention to statistical learning and deep learning. Statistical learning is a machine learning method based on statistical model and data analysis, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships. Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle more complex and high-dimensional data.
  5. Self-learning and multi-modal AI(2010 to present): AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data. Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.

Important events:

  • In 1956, the concept of artificial intelligence was put forward at Dartmouth Conference, which marked the birth of AI.
  • In 1962, Arthur Samuel developed a self-learning program, which was an early application of machine learning.
  • In 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert published Perceptrons, which revealed the limitations of single-layer neural networks and promoted the development of neural networks.
  • In 1975, John Holland developed genetic algorithm, which is an optimization algorithm that imitates the process of biological evolution.
  • In 1981, Japan launched the first commercial robot WABOT-1.
  • In 1997, IBM’s deep blue supercomputer defeated Kasparov, the world champion of chess, indicating that computers can surpass human intelligence in some fields.
  • In 2011, IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence system defeated human players in the program "Dangerous Edge".
  • In 2016, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi, the world champion in the Go competition, marking an important step in the application of artificial intelligence in complex games.
  • In 2018, the GPT-2 model developed by OpenAI made a major breakthrough in the field of natural language processing, which can generate high-quality natural language texts.

The latest development trend:

  1. Self-learning: AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data.
  2. Deep learning: Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships, and is one of the main trends of current AI development.
  3. Artificial intelligence chip: Artificial intelligence chip is a chip specially designed for AI application, which can realize efficient calculation and data processing and is an important technical support for AI popularization and application.
  4. Multi-modal AI: Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.
  5. AI and Internet of Things: The combination of AI and Internet of Things can realize more intelligent and efficient automatic production and management, including intelligent energy, intelligent transportation, smart home and other fields.
  6. AI Ethics and Law: With the continuous development and application of AI technology, AI ethics and legal issues have attracted more and more attention, including privacy protection, data security, and responsibility distribution.

In short, the development trend of AI technology is diverse, involving algorithms, chips, data and applications. In the future, AI technology will continue to develop and apply in depth, bringing more convenience and innovation to mankind.