标签归档 上海水磨会所

Ordinary figures build a series of security barriers.

Zeng Qiuju and community workers publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control.

 Deng Xiaohu, a community doctor, helped the residents to do a detailed examination.

"If we climb one more floor, we can reduce the possibility of virus transmission." "If we buy more, we can guarantee the supply of food baskets for everyone." Community prevention and control is the first line of defense against the epidemic in COVID-19. In the past few days, the "most beautiful retrograde" around us has been jointly controlled and fearless in the epidemic, building a safety barrier.

Work together to overcome the difficulties. In this epidemic, community secretaries, volunteers, retired people, caring people, drivers, etc. appeared in every corner of urban and rural areas, and became a warm-hearted force in prevention and control.

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily reporter Bu Lan reports.

Community epidemic prevention personnel:

Grandpa died of illness, and he fought back his grief and went to work.

"Resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control war!" On January 29th, in Xiufeng Sub-district Office, Kaifu District, Changsha City, party member Commando, composed of 49 party member, made a solemn oath. Yao Jing, the vice captain standing in the front row, has a firm eye, but everyone doesn’t know that his elderly grandfather in his hometown is dying.

On January 28th, more than 30 Hubei guests stayed in a designated hotel in Xiufeng Street. Street commandos entered the hotel as quickly as possible. After Yao Jing was busy, she arranged for the team members to take turns on duty and do a good job in prevention, control and service. Because he is in charge of the health line among the members of the street team, from the New Year’s Eve, he has been involved in the epidemic prevention work all the time, going deep into the house-to-house investigation of the community and turning around for several days. However, at noon on January 29, the most feared news came, and grandpa left this world.

"The most kind smile never see again, I’m sorry! Grandpa walked all the way! " After writing this passage in a circle of friends, Yao Jing held back her sadness and devoted herself to the frontline epidemic prevention work.

Community aunt:

Changing patterns to supplement nutrition for front-line workers

"Since the New Year’s Eve, the community has been posting notices in the community. The staff eat instant noodles every day and work overtime until midnight. I really feel sorry for them. " Zeng Qiuju, who lives in Lifa New Town Community, Muyun Street, Tianxin District, Changsha, said that although he has retired, he also wants to do something for the community.

From January 30th, every morning at 8: 00, Zeng Qiuju, 57, will go to the nearby supermarket to buy food early. After coming back to disinfect the kitchen, he will start cooking rice to ensure that five dishes and one soup can be served on time at 12 noon.

Zeng Qiuju will cook in a variety of ways according to everyone’s preferences, such as bean paste, fried radish skin with bacon, stewed chicken, seaweed and egg soup, etc. After cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, Zeng Qiuju will go with the community workers to check the epidemic prevention situation in the jurisdiction, such as registering the business situation of surrounding stores, community disinfection, epidemic prevention publicity and so on.

Community doctor:

Crush one’s head and extract specimens for suspected objects

Since January 22, Deng Xiaohu, deputy chief physician of Qingyuan Street Community Health Service Center in Tianxin District, Changsha City, has been working, visiting households, checking and monitoring every day, publicizing protection knowledge, and walking in a hurry.

Deng Xiaohu visits more than 10 families every day. Once the suspected person is found, it is necessary to take his temperature, ask about the contact history, guide the matters needing attention, register it, and carry out dynamic monitoring.

At 9 o’clock on New Year’s Eve, he received an urgent call. A girl in her twenties needed medical observation because she was taking care of her grandmother who was diagnosed in novel coronavirus. "After I put on protective clothing, I was sweating all over, and even my goggles were water mist. In this case, it is very easy to be infected to extract secretions from the throat of the suspected object. At that time, it was really hard on the scalp. "

Community police: I had a special "reunion dinner" with my family through video.

On January 24th, New Year’s Eve, Yan Xiaodan, a community policeman at the vault police station of Yuhua Public Security Bureau in Changsha City, and his wife, elderly parents and young daughter who couldn’t go home at the same post had a special "reunion dinner" through WeChat video.

Yan Xiaodan’s wife is a pediatrician in the Provincial People’s Hospital. She went to the front line years ago and hasn’t come home yet. As a community policeman, since New Year’s Eve, Yan Xiaodan has been carrying out epidemic prevention propaganda in the community and checking the personnel and vehicles in the jurisdiction, cleaning up the entertainment places and mahjong halls that are still open in the jurisdiction, and has been on duty for several days.

The epidemic was urgent, and both husband and wife were fighting at the front. When thinking about his family, Yan Xiaodan can only report his work status to his family through WeChat video connection and encourage each other. "Since our husband and wife are engaged in this profession, we must undertake the mission entrusted to us by the profession."

Community driver: Take a cot and get ready to drive at any time.

On January 26th, Lei Dongqiang went to the Eden Medical Park to purchase protective supplies and disinfection materials. It was past 6 pm when he returned to the unit to unload the materials and do the daily maintenance of the ambulance. He hurriedly ate a bucket of instant noodles and stood by in the hospital. At 10 o’clock that night, he received a temporary emergency task and went to the high-speed exit to be on duty. Lei Dongqiang rushed to the high-speed exit, and it was an all-night stay.

Lei Dongqiang, a 67-year-old ambulance driver, is an old party member in Xiufeng Street Community Health Service Center, Kaifu District, Changsha. His daily work is the ambulance driver and the water and electricity maintenance of the unit. In the past few days, in order to be able to set off at the first time after receiving an urgent task, Lei Dongqiang set up a temporary bed directly in the health cabin of the main building and rested on this simple bed at night so as to get out at any time.

Fixed-point service hotels, high-speed exits and referral of suspected cases open to people in epidemic areas also need to cooperate with various communities to investigate the situation of returning people in Wuhan. Lei Dongqiang is always on call, taking everyone around every place.

Community caring people: drive 300 bags of vegetables for free every day.

"Pollution-free vegetables are collected free of charge, and the virus is heartless and affectionate. We will work together to fight the epidemic." On the morning of February 12th, Wang Zihao drove a van full of vegetables that had just been picked from vegetable fields, and sent them from Gao Qiao Town, Changsha to Xingshacheng District, Changsha County for citizens to collect for free.

Wang Zihao, 25, retired from the army last September and returned to Weihan Village, Gao Qiao Town. He is going to open a fast food restaurant in Xingshacheng District this year. In the early stage, he planted a few acres of side dishes in his hometown. "Now there are many side dishes at home, but at present, the store can’t be opened, so he has the idea of delivering vegetables."

From February 8th, he picked and packed vegetables with his parents every day, prepared about 300 bags, and then drove for an hour from Gao Qiao Town to Xingshacheng District for the citizens to collect. "It’s my regret that I retired early and couldn’t fight with my comrades. I can only do my best to do something meaningful at this critical moment." Wang Zihao said.

Community retired elderly: 70-year-old party member led 21 members to fight the epidemic together.

"Huang Miao, you have come back from shopping. Come on, spray your hands with alcohol first, and take your temperature before entering the community." "Brother Zhao, remember to wear a mask when you go out!" "Fat Dad" Chen Yunxiang greeted the residents at the gate of the community while busy doing various epidemic prevention propaganda work.

On the first day of epidemic prevention and control work in Tangjialing community of Changsha, he volunteered to participate in the prevention and control war "epidemic". "I am a party member, even if I am 70 years old, I am still a party member, and I will take protective measures."

From the beginning of the circulating broadcast of mobile speakers to the distribution of warm tips, epidemic prevention notices and posting notices to residents, "Fat Dad" has to walk more than 10 kilometers every day for inspections. Moreover, he also led 21 players to join the "epidemic". "We set up a volunteer team last year, and now it just comes in handy!"


Psychological stress in community work?

Try to do this!

The data shows that nearly 4 million urban and rural community workers are fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention and control in 650,000 urban and rural communities, and each community worker has to face 350 people. So, how should community workers do psychological debugging?

Insiders suggest that we should protect ourselves first. If you are under great pressure at work or have important things at home, you should communicate with your colleagues and superiors in time, and you can stop working or rotate your work if necessary. If you can’t adjust yourself well, you can also call the psychological assistance hotline for professional help. If you can’t control your worries, try to divert your attention and find something that you can devote yourself to for a long time to change your fear.

At the same time, you can often soak your feet with hot water and listen to soft music to relax and ensure adequate sleep.

These 24 sets are suitable for everyday fashion wear. They look beautiful when worn. You may wish to collect them in early autumn.

Autumn clothes wear fashionable atmosphere, and different styles are worn with different combinations. 24 sets of fashionable autumn clothes have different styles, some of which are youthful and some are quiet next door. Different styles have interpreted different selves, found their own styles and matched their favorite clothes, which is what every girl loves!


First, fashion autumn clothes are worn.

1. coat

How can you get a suit jacket with an autumn coat? The black suit jacket is simple and formal, and the grass green suit jacket is covered with a simple white T-shirt, which is comfortable and gentle to wear in autumn.

With black straight pants, modify the leg shape, wear the visual sense of long legs, and the legs are slightly split.It can make the calf slimmer, and it can also make the wear itself look more fashionable and personalized.


2. Pants

Autumn pants must have jeans, jeans can be said to be very common all year round, slim jeans are very suitable for wearing with boots in autumn, cool, Shuai Shuai.Wearing sexy and handsome, and wearing it like this is super leg-long, and the long legs will feel immediately.

The top is paired with a one-shoulder sweater, which is particularly slim, especially highlighting the shoulders and necks of girls, and the local charm is often more attractive.


3. Skirts

The autumn knitted dress is worth starting with, a classic diamond plaid knitted skirt, which is classic and retro.And very warm, not only full of autumn atmosphere, but also very practical and versatile.

It is not only suitable for daily matching, but also suitable for going out to play. With a suit jacket of the same color, it is simple to wear the same color, which shows the elegance of girls and naturally improves their temperament!


Second, the matching skills of fashion autumn clothes

1, color echo

Color echo is the most important trick to wear.Dark gray sweater cardigan, full of college spirit, age-reducing and cute, no matter what clothes are worn inside, they are very beautiful. You can wear a halter top inside or a simple shirt.

With a small black pleated skirt, simple three-color matching, the fashion sense of age-reducing wear is really eye-catching, so full of energy is also very suitable for dating!


2, wide outside and tight inside

Wide outside and tight inside is a very slim wearing skill, and it is also very slim and natural to wear in autumn.The khaki loose long trench coat is simple and natural, and it is also super beautiful and bright, which is more handy to match.

The more suitable style is intellectual atmosphere, with a slim shirt inside, which is full of age reduction and cuteness, while the combination of light mature girls and students is mature, and different people can bring different feelings with the same clothes.


3. The upper part is short and the lower part is long

Dressing is something we need to experience every day in our lives. Good dressing can also make women more confident and charming.

The beige short sweater is slim and slim, highlighting the waist and wearing a sexy figure curve. With black straight trousers,Wearing short clothes and long clothes can also make girls more confident and sexy. If they are tired of wearing loose and sweet clothes, they can also try slim sexy clothes!


Second, fashion autumn clothes with templates

1. Knitwear+skirt

The blue pullover sweater is very beautiful to wear, very sweet and fresh. With the denim skirt, the hem of the skirt is also very loose, which will make the girl’s figure curve look more beautiful and sexy.

However, the style of wearing is close to the sweetness. If you want to have a figure and a face value, wear it in autumn and plant grass as soon as possible!


2. Knitted cardigan+dress

Knitted beige cardigan is quiet and elegant, simple and natural, full of vitality and very cute. It is a beige dress inside, and the warm color makes the color look very good, and it looks very smart for girls.

Paired with a pair of canvas shoes, simple, elegant and natural, with a pair of orange canvas shoes, a whole image of a good girl.

[See you at 8: 00] China men’s basketball team missed the top 16 of the World Cup.

  At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.


  ● The Ministry of Finance announced the national lottery in 2018, and the overdue prize money exceeded 2.5 billion yuan.

  ● Many provinces signed letters of responsibility to strive to reduce the myopia rate of children and adolescents by 0.5% every year.

  ● The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issues relevant annual reports, showing that mobile sources such as motor vehicles have become an important source of air pollution.

  ● Because the user privacy agreement of "ZAO”App is not standardized, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology conducted an inquiry interview with the relevant person in charge of Beijing Momo Technology Co., Ltd..

  ● The reporter learned from the People’s Bank of China on the 4th that P2P online lending institutions, whether in operation or out of operation, will be fully connected to the credit information system.

  ● Hetao Irrigation District in Inner Mongolia and Qianjinbei in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province were included in the World Irrigation Project Heritage List in 2019 (the sixth batch).

  ● Beijing Daxing International Airport will have the official sailing conditions before September 15th.

  ● Hainan Province will include "unreasonable low-cost travel" in the category of public interest litigation.

  ● The China Tobacco Control Association released the survey results of 10 counties/towns in 8 cities, and nearly 60% of the cigarette outlets did not have signs prohibiting the sale of minors.

  ● Ma Hongjun, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Yunnan Forestry Vocational and Technical College, was expelled from party membership and public office.

  ● In the final match of Group A of the 2019 Basketball World Cup held on the 4th, the China men’s basketball team lost to the Venezuelan team by 59:72, ranking third in the group with a record of 1 win and 2 losses, and missed the top 16.


  ● On September 4th, a New Zealand tourist bus rolled over, killing five tourists from China.

  ● On the 4th local time, an explosion occurred in a fireworks factory in India, and the death toll has risen to 19.

  ● The U.S. government intends to speed up the execution procedure of death penalty to punish the criminals of mass murder.

  ● The US-European satellite insurance collided, and the US company argued that the communication failure caused it to "do nothing".

  ● Iranian President Rouhani said on the 4th that Iran will further suspend the implementation of the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue.

  ● Due to the defection of some Members of Parliament, the British Prime Minister suffered a major setback in Parliament, or a general election will be held in advance.

  ● The South Korean Foreign Ministry said that the Rising Sun Flag is a symbol of militarism and should not appear in the Japanese Olympic Games.

  ● A formalin leakage accident occurred in a middle school in South Korea, and 51 students were sent to hospital.

  ● Scientists have warned that the melting amount of Greenland ice sheet in 2019 may set a historical record.

  ● A teenager in Britain only eats French fries, potato chips and white bread for a long time, and his eyes are blind due to nutritional imbalance.

  [hundred States]

  ● The trial of the man’s wife-killing case in Thailand ended, and the defendant refused to plead guilty. The case will be pronounced on November 8.

  ● The family members of the deceased in the Lijiang anti-killing case said that if the other party was sentenced to justifiable defense, they would not appeal.

  ● Due to the spontaneous combustion in the passenger’s charging treasure cabin, a flight of Eastern Airlines returned after taking off, and the police intervened in the investigation.

  ● Shanxi high-speed traffic police responded that "the police colluded with the car" and the police involved had been suspended.

  ● On the 4th, a crowded event occurred in the opening promotion of a shopping mall in Bazhong, Sichuan, which has injured 16 people.

  ● A public security bureau chief in Yunnan lost his horse and angered his mother. He cried in court when he was tried.

  ● Anhui cracked a huge network superstition fraud case, involving more than 50 million yuan.

  ● Huazhong University of Science and Technology responded to the suicide of Chen Zemin, a graduate student in 2016: it is fully cooperating with the public security organs to investigate and assisting the families of the students involved in handling the aftermath.

  ● A teacher of an off-campus cram school in Nanjing was arrested for allegedly molesting a female student.

  ● Nanning Customs cracked a major smuggling case of dried peppers from India and seized 620 tons of dried peppers involved.

  ● Hubei has launched a smart school bus. If a student is forgotten in the bus, the system will automatically call the police.

  ● According to astronomical experts, on the evening of the 6th of this month, Tianyu will stage "Jupiter and the Moon".

  Visual sense

  ● Recently, a brigade of the Air Force Aviation in the northern theater conducted ultra-low altitude valley flight training, and the pilot was clearly visible in the cabin.

  ● Rice in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province turns yellow one after another, and autumn is getting stronger.

  ● FIFA announced the emblem of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, which looks like a white trophy from a distance.


  ● If you complain about your work, if you feel wronged in your heart, first look at the picture below. 30,000 people support the safety of 7 million people.

  — — On the 4th, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s wife, Jing He, forwarded a post in the official discussion forum of the Major League of Police Support on her personal Facebook page, supporting the Hong Kong police.


  ● Brown rice is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which is suitable for people with three highs.

  — — Weibo, the official of Gree Electric, responded that "Dong Mingzhu claimed to make rice cookers for the three high crowds".


  ● Mr. Tielang Dai, director and screenwriter of the animated film "Sheriff Black Cat", died at 19: 25 on the 4th due to illness at the age of 89.

  ● Recently, in Taizhou, Zhejiang, eight young "prospective doctors" worked together to save a suicidal woman who wanted to jump off a bridge on the way to the hospital for internship.

  ●78-year-old American writer Andrew • Kaplan is about to become the first "AndyBot" and realize "eternal life" on the cloud.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Xiao Xiao Cai Chunlin

The latest news of CBA! Basketball Association severely punished Shandong team, Jiangsu laid off Shi Yi, and Guangsha signed a super foreign aid contract.

In CBA, we have seen all kinds of wonderful tickets, including the conflict between Xi Reli Jiang and Shi Linjie in the hotel. However, when chinese basketball association issued a ticket again, it was a bit funny. Jia Cheng and Gao Shiyan of Shandong men’s basketball team were banned before, and Shandong men’s basketball team punished 10 yuan for them. As a result, chinese basketball association decided that Shandong men’s basketball team made inappropriate comments, and in this way, Shandong men’s basketball team was punished by 50,000!

Li Nan used many controversial players, including Shi Yi, when he was the head coach of China men’s basketball team. However, Shi Yi’s performance in Jiangsu men’s basketball team was a disaster, and he was laid off by Jiangsu men’s basketball team in this offseason.

The biggest problem in Zhejiang Guangsha is foreign aid. According to media reports, they have decided on the candidate for big foreign aid, that is, last season’s foreign aid for fire fighting, Willzhe, and the two sides have officially signed a contract.

When Gong Xiaobin was the head coach of Shandong Men’s Basketball Team, there was a famous saying that CBA and chinese basketball association were too dogmatic. After the match between Shandong men’s basketball team and Xinjiang men’s basketball team in CBA Summer League, Jia Cheng and Gao Shiyan were banned for one game. At that time, Shandong men’s basketball team also punished them for only 10 yuan.

Premier League-Liverpool 1-1 Villa retained the top 4 hopes, and firmino scored a curtain call at home.

At 22:00 Beijing time on May 20th, in the 37th round of Premier League, Liverpool played against Villa at home. In the first half, konate sent the ball, Watkins took the penalty and kicked the ball wide. Then Douglas-Louis passed the ball to the back to send an assist, and Ramsey pushed the goal. In the second half, VAR decided that Van Dyke was offside first, and Gakpo’s goal was invalidated. Then firmino and Milner came off the bench to finish the curtain call at home. At the end, Salah made a cross and sent an assist, and firmino scored a curtain call at home. At the end of the game, Liverpool’s 1-1 draw with Villa still retained the hope of being in the top four.

Key event

In the 22nd minute, konate delivered the ball, and Watkins took the penalty and kicked the ball wide.

In the 27th minute, Douglas-Louis passed the ball to the back and sent an assist. Ramsey pushed the goal and Villa scored 1-0 in Liverpool!

In the 55th minute, VAR decided that Van Dyke was offside first, and Gakpo’s goal was invalidated.

In the 90th minute, Salah made a cross and sent an assist. firmino made a curtain call at home and Liverpool scored 1-1 at Villa!

Wonderful GIF

Farewell to firmino, Red Army fans presented firmino’s portrait tifo before the game. Don’t give up parting, the little fans wore firmino masks and held flags to show their respect. In the 23rd minute, Watkins fell in the restricted area during the confrontation with Van Dyke, and the referee thought there was no problem.

The 40th minute, Ramsey hit the door from a small angle, and alysson blocked the ball. In the 45th minute, Mince kicked Gakpo with his foot lifted too high, and the referee showed a yellow card after being confirmed by VAR. In the 51st minute, Salah’s right-hand shot failed to hit strength, and Martinez confiscated the ball.

In the 64th minute, alex Moreno was injured and replaced, and Buendia came on as a substitute. In the 72nd minute, at home, firmino and Milner came off the bench. In the 90th+10th minute, the camera was given to firmino and Milner after the game.

Technical statistics

Liverpool starting:1- Allison Becker, 66- Alexander Arnold, 5- konate, 4- Van Dyke, 26- Robertson (72’21- Chimicas), 3- Fabinho (81’19- Elliot), 17- Curtis Jones (63’20- jota).

Substitute who didn’t play:62- kelleher, 2- Joe Gomez, 28- Fabio Carvalho, 32- Matip

Villa starts:1- Damien Martinez, 27- Digne (53’15- alex-Moreno) (65’10- Buendia), 4- Consa, 5- Mince, 2- Cash, 6- Douglas-Luis (87’32- Deng Doncoeur), 41- Ramsey, 41-Deng.

Substitute who didn’t play:38- Sinisalo, 9- Bertrand Traore, 25- Olson

There is no suspense in Messi’s return to Barcelona because of the adjustment of the team building plan in Bali! Mbappé may become the only super giant

Messi’s return to Barcelona is a high probability event, not only because of the economic level and the booing of fans, but also because the team-building plan of the high-level Paris has changed.
According to the exclusive news of the British "Mirror", it is expected that Messi will leave Paris after his contract expires this summer. Although his contract has only two months left, Paris is in no hurry to renew it with him. Club President Nasser’s goal is to make Paris have a more financially sustainable plan, which requires reducing the names of big-name players in the team and paying more attention to young French talents.
The information in the Mirror is highly credible. When the Qatari consortium entered Paris, this French powerhouse directly turned into a upstart in football. In order to make the team quickly improve its strength and become a traditional giant comparable to the old European brands, the top management of Greater Paris has continuously invested huge sums of money to recruit top football stars. With the blessing of Jinyuan football, the strength of Greater Paris has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has become the invincible overlord of Ligue 1. However, after so many years, Gabriel failed in the Champions League without exception.
Such a large investment can only be "in the nest", and the Qatar consortium will be tired, and then reflect and finally adjust. Does the superstar strategy really work? High-level officials in Greater Paris have found the answer after hitting a wall again and again. So, that’s why Neymar was involved in the rumors of leaving the team, and now it’s Messi’s turn.
Messi must have considered the possibility of staying in Greater Paris, and Paris executives have also considered renewing Messi’s contract, but Messi can feel the change in the attitude of the club’s top management, and their position of retaining people is not as firm as before. If you want to stay, you have to take a big salary cut, and the fans in Paris keep booing him. In the end, Messi decided to leave this depressed place.
This change is also necessary for Barrichelli, although he may wake up a little late. Stacking superstars can bring a lot of topics and traffic, but it is accompanied by the irreconcilable relationship between superstars. There is a word called "the king can’t see the king", which means that people who are very strong in the same field can’t be together, otherwise there will be chaos.
Messi is recognized as the "king of the ball" in today’s football, and even crowned in situ after winning the World Cup, while Mbappé is the first person in French football and recognized as the "new king" in the future. When the "two kings" are gathered together, they will not get the effect that 1+1 is equal to 2 or greater than 2. And Neymar only serves Messi, plus other "factions" and "gangs". It looks like the stars are gathering, but in fact, it is "different". Just look at the season ticket publicity storm between Mbappé and the club. The internal management of Greater Paris is actually very chaotic.
Therefore, the adjustment of the team-building plan of the top management in Greater Paris is actually a change in the general direction, from the previous star cluster to a more pragmatic strategy based on youth training and a small number of stars.
Messi is probably not the only superstar who left Paris this summer. In fact, Neymar has already been put on the list for sale, and the future Barley will be composed of a super giant in Mbappé, a first-class football star and our youth training talents. To tell the truth, there are many French football talents, which can be described as blowout, so the team-building strategy like Greater Paris is completely feasible.

ChatGPT will have self-awareness in two or three years. How to prevent it from threatening human beings? Zhou Hongyi said so.

"The development of ChatGPT is not a matter of competition among several Internet companies, but determines whether China can accumulate this technology in the next industrial revolution." Zhou Hongyi, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360 Group, told the Times Weekly reporter.

Zhou Hongyi has been elected as a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Committee for two consecutive years, and "safety" has always been the key word of his proposal. Recently, the great breakthrough of ChatGPT has caused extensive discussion. Zhou Hongyi has talked openly about the development prospect of ChatGPT more than once, and also expressed his concern about the safety of artificial intelligence.

In Zhou Hongyi’s view, ChatGPT or Big Language Model is a milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. It is the starting point of general artificial intelligence and the turning point of strong artificial intelligence, so ChatGPT will bring an industrial revolution driven by strong artificial intelligence or general artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT is not only an enhanced version of search engine, but also more than a chat robot. It will reshape all digital applications and industries through the artificial intelligence services provided by SaaS. Zhou Hongyi said, "In this field, we can catch up."

At the National People’s Congress this year, Zhou Hongyi submitted a proposal, calling on China to catch up with the great leap of artificial intelligence big model technology represented by ChatGPT. People should pay more attention to the innovation mode behind technological breakthrough while paying attention to technological innovation.

Zhou Hongyi, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360 Group.

Promote the innovation and development of artificial intelligence big model technology

ChatGPT has caused a global heated discussion. This year, Zhou Hongyi proposed a large-scale artificial intelligence model technology represented by ChatGPT.

"We must find the law of industrial development in the research process." Zhou Hongyi said, for example, why is ChatGPT successful in the United States? Why did Americans take the lead in making it? Why can OpenAI and Microsoft cooperate? "Understanding these problems can promote relevant departments to formulate policy guidance conducive to the birth of China version of ChatGPT and promote the integration of universities, scientific research institutions and industrial companies in China." Zhou Hongyi said.

"We can’t just see how high its big model parameters are." Zhou Hongyi emphasized that the most important thing is to maintain a good and open culture of cooperation. In his proposal, Zhou Hongyi summed up three key factors for the success of ChatGPT-firstly, the "Microsoft +OpenAI" collaborative mode of production, research and research, secondly, the open innovation mode based on open source and crowdsourcing, and finally, the ecological innovation mode centered on the general big model.

Source: the creativity of the worm

Zhou Hongyi suggested that it is necessary to establish a collaborative innovation model of "large-scale scientific and technological enterprises+key scientific research institutions", build China’s "Microsoft +Open AI" combination, and lead the big model technology research; From the height of building a national strategic scientific and technological force, we should screen production and research institutions with good technical foundation, form an industrial synergy combination with complementary advantages, and give full play to the research advantages of scientific research institutions in key core technologies; At the same time, we will give full play to the advantages of large-scale scientific and technological enterprises in productization, engineering, scene, commercialization and data, and become the leading leader in tackling key problems and application of large-scale model technology.

He also proposed to support the establishment of a number of long-term open source projects of national artificial intelligence models to create an open and innovative ecosystem of open source crowdsourcing. Zhou Hongyi believes that the artificial intelligence big model should not be an advanced technology monopolized by a few companies, but should give full play to its industrial and social value.

Focusing on how to promote the technological innovation and development of artificial intelligence big model, Zhou Hongyi proposed to set up a number of national long-term projects in an open source mode for multiple technical routes, with "large-scale scientific and technological enterprises+key scientific research institutions" as the leader, and guide universities, scientific research institutions and innovative enterprises to form innovative ecological groups of multiple technical routes through open source, cooperation, crowdsourcing and ecological innovation modes. On the one hand, it can reduce the risk caused by the wrong choice of technical route, on the other hand, it can also avoid the monopoly of technological achievements in the hands of a few institutions and promote greater scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Not developing is the biggest insecurity.

ChatGPT drives a wave of entrepreneurial craze. Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, Zhou Bowen, the former chairman of JD.COM Technical Committee, and Wang Xiaochuan, the former Sogou CEO, successively announced their retirement and entered this frontier field.

Technology giants have returned to the rivers and lakes, and Internet giants such as Ali, Tencent, Baidu and Byte have made statements one after another, which will increase investment in artificial intelligence. Under the craze, it is only a matter of time before China version of artificial intelligence language model and ChatGPT-like products appear.

OpenAI took the lead in developing ChatGPT. What did it do right?

Zhou Hongyi believes that OpenAI uses a large number of open source algorithms and papers, skillfully combines various open source achievements, and cooperates with Microsoft to solve the problems of engineering, computing power, data, product experience and business model. Secondly, like Apple’s App Store ecosystem, OpenAI cultivates vertical applications based on ChatGPT. In addition, user traffic is also very important, attracting users to use it, and at the same time, it can also feed and debug large language models based on manual tagging reinforcement learning. Finally, OpenAI has a long-term spirit and a pattern to make universal artificial intelligence innovations that change human beings.

In Zhou Hongyi’s view, China Internet companies have strong engineering ability and strong technology landing ability. "Now, ChatGPT has made a sample, based on open source technology, and there are no insurmountable obstacles. The rest is a matter of time." Zhou Hongyi firmly believes that "with the support of the state’s encouraging policies, China can achieve a better level of follow-up in two or three years."

The big model of artificial intelligence language has a high entry threshold, which is mainly reflected in both technology and capital.

Citic jiantou research report pointed out that the evolution of Transformer in network structure has brought about the improvement of parameters and model layers, which has caused the qualitative change of generative AI technical ability; At the same time, the advantage of parallelization allows it to train on a larger data set, which also promotes the development of pre-training models such as GPT.

As for why ChatGPT can answer questions, Zhou Hongyi told Times Weekly that the training materials for ChatGPT are very important. He pointed out that people mistakenly thought that since robots are chatting with people, they should learn chat materials. In fact, the chat materials generated by social tools have low knowledge content.

"When we chat, no one is talking about knowledge, but they are all lifting each other’s poles. There are many wisecracks and nonsense words." He explained that the chat robot trained in this way is more than "artificial mental retardation" or "artificial leverage", and the dialogue is illogical.

ChatGPT avoids this kind of corpus, just as a person is not necessarily good at expressing, but he is full of poetry and books, expressing elegance and logic, and everyone is willing to chat with such people. Zhou Hongyi emphasized that it is very important to feed ChatGPT with high-quality corpus.

Tuchong creativity

Artificial intelligence technology promotes social progress and also hides risks.

Zhou Hongyi is worried that if ChatGPT is allowed to input corpus without limitation, and get knowledge of searching and browsing the Internet at will, will the self-conscious GPT have the idea of being hostile to human beings after watching movies like Terminator?

After consciousness, ChatGPT may evolve into "eyes", "ears", "hands" and "feet" in the second step. At present, GPT has only "brain". If you add "eyes" and "ears", you can understand all kinds of images and videos of human beings and understand all kinds of audio, knowledge storage will advance by leaps and bounds, and the level of intelligence will also be greatly improved.

In the future, when ChatGPT accesses the API of the Internet and enters the era of the Internet of Everything, it is undoubtedly equivalent to having "hands" and "feet" and indirectly having the ability to control the world. By then, ChatGPT can not only buy air tickets on the webpage, but also take taxis, order takeout, and even manipulate various IoT devices through the webpage.

Finally, ChatGPT may be able to evolve itself. At present, ChatGPT can only write some simple codes. One day, when its code ability is improved, can it automatically look up its own code, correct the upgraded code, or even recompile a new version? If so, it will have the ability of self-learning and evolution, and realize the prospect of robot manufacturing robots.

Zhou Hongyi insists that the biggest insecurity is not developing artificial intelligence. "Whether humans will therefore go into destruction remains to be seen. However, we can’t stop developing technology, but know where the bottom line and boundary of technology are, so as to regulate the development of technology in the right direction. " Zhou Hongyi said.

Where to study abroad? Stanford University has become the first choice for many China students for the following reasons.

Stanford University is a world-famous private research university located in Stanford, California, USA. Founded in 1885, it is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It is famous for cultivating some of the most talented and influential graduates. Its world-class research facilities and strong concern for innovation are only part of the reasons why students from all over the world flock to its hall every year.

1. Close to Silicon Valley

One of the most striking aspects of Stanford is its proximity to Silicon Valley, the center of the technology industry. This proximity means that students can take advantage of the huge network of technology companies and startups in the region, many of which are actively recruiting graduates from Stanford University. For example, many graduates continue to work for companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook, just to name a few. In addition, many students started their own technology companies while studying at Stanford University, and the university provided them with the support they needed to start their own businesses.

2. Interdisciplinary research

Another advantage of Stanford University is its emphasis on interdisciplinary research. The university is firmly committed to interdisciplinary cooperation and encourages students to pursue their interests in various fields. This enables students to get a comprehensive education and prepare them for a wide range of careers. In addition, the university’s partnership with local enterprises, governments and other organizations means that students can obtain a huge network of resources to help them further achieve their research goals.

3. At the forefront of cutting-edge research

Stanford University is also famous for its commitment to cutting-edge scientific research. The university has a rich history of innovation, and its faculty and students have made many pioneering contributions in the fields of science, engineering and medicine. For example, in the early days of the Internet, researchers at Stanford University played an important role in developing ARPANET, the predecessor of the modern Internet. Recently, researchers at Stanford University have been at the forefront of artificial intelligence, robotics and biotechnology.

4. Advantages of artificial intelligence

One of Stanford’s most striking scientific research achievements is its work in the field of artificial intelligence. In recent years, the university has been at the forefront of the progress of deep learning, which is a subset of artificial intelligence and has been proved to be very effective in solving complex problems. For example, researchers at Stanford University have developed a deep learning algorithm that can accurately diagnose diseases based on medical images and translate speech from one language to another with high precision. These advances have the potential to completely change many industries and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.

5. Characteristics of robot field

In addition to its work in artificial intelligence, Stanford University is also famous for its cutting-edge research in the field of robotics. The university has a long history of innovation in this field, and its researchers are at the forefront of developing new and improved robots for wide applications. For example, researchers at Stanford University have developed robots that can perform complex tasks in dangerous environments, such as exploring deep-sea trenches or defusing bombs. These advances may greatly improve the safety and efficiency of many industries.

In a word, Stanford University is a world-renowned research institution, which is highly respected for its commitment to interdisciplinary research, attention to innovation and breakthrough scientific achievements. Its location in Silicon Valley provides students with unparalleled opportunities to enter the technology industry, and its partnership with local organizations means that students can obtain a huge network of resources. With great emphasis on scientific research and commitment to interdisciplinary cooperation, Stanford University is an ideal place for students interested in pursuing a career in science, engineering or medicine.