Cultural self-confidence, spiritual strength is more high.

Cultural self-confidence, spiritual strength is more high.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Traditional non-legacy relies on the short video "circle powder" for the younger generation; The Battle at Lake Changjin, The Awakeing Age and other main melody film and television works have aroused empathy among the whole people; Weekends in museums and grand theaters have become a lifestyle … In the past year, China’s cultural undertakings and cultural industries have flourished, and people’s sense of cultural acquisition and happiness has been continuously enhanced.

Culture makes the country prosperous and the nation strong. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee clearly put forward the long-term goal of building a cultural power by 2035. How to stimulate endogenous motivation with culture and condense the spiritual strength of forging ahead in a new journey? Our reporter interviewed a number of deputies.

Cultural undertakings flourish.

According to Yan Jingming, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, literary and artistic creation has flourished in recent years, and literature, movies, TV dramas and stage art have all made great achievements, which is gratifying. "China writers have provided a large number of excellent works to express real life, tell the story of China well and carry forward the main theme of the times; Excellent film and television dramas carry forward the spirit of the times and are full of feelings of home and country, which has aroused enthusiastic response among the broad masses of the people, especially young audiences, and fully embodies the power of culture. "

Cultural undertakings such as press and publication, radio, film and television, literature and art have flourished, further enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people; Museums and city parks are open for free, and public cultural services are continuously upgraded, making it more convenient for people to enjoy cultural life.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, by the end of 2020, there were 3,212 public libraries, 618 art galleries, 5,788 museums, 3,327 cultural centers, more than 40,000 cultural stations and 575,400 village-level comprehensive cultural service centers. All public libraries, cultural centers, cultural stations, art galleries and more than 90% museums are open free of charge, achieving "barrier-free, zero threshold".

Wu Weishan, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and director of China Art Museum, has a deep understanding of the people’s high cultural enthusiasm. Since the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the number of people making appointments for China Art Museum is 1,800 per day, and tickets are often booked out several days in advance, especially on weekends. "This reflects the public’s demand for beauty and culture." Wu Weishan said that the China Art Museum also responded to the public’s voice by holding online exhibitions and other ways. In his view, it is necessary to strengthen the aesthetic education of the whole people, enrich and cultivate the social and cultural atmosphere with the idea, spirit, behavior and creation of beauty, improve the aesthetic and humanistic quality of the whole people and enhance cultural self-confidence with aesthetic education and cultural people.

Cultural self-confidence is constantly increasing.

Only by establishing a high degree of cultural self-confidence, can a country and a nation forge the determination to persist, the courage to work hard and the vitality of innovation and creation, and let the spiritual building of the country and the nation stand tall. At this year’s two sessions, the deputies generally felt that with the continuous development of China’s cultural undertakings and cultural industries, people’s spiritual and cultural life has been continuously enriched and cultural self-confidence has been continuously enhanced.

"In the process of China opera going out, we won applause and recognition from the world audience, which greatly enhanced the cultural confidence of our opera people. We are increasingly aware that only national ones are the world’s. " Li Shujian, deputy to the National People’s Congress and vice chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, said. In recent years, he has led Henan Yu Theatre to perform in more than 30 countries and regions, including Broadway in the United States and Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. "Especially after the performance of Henan Opera" Cheng Ying Saving the Orphan "in the United States, local stars enthusiastically took photos with us, and many foreign audiences met me backstage and said that we told a good story." Li Shujian said. In order to facilitate the understanding of foreign audiences, "Saving the Orphan in Cheng Ying" has subtitles in seven languages.

It is not only a traditional opera, but also the original opera’s going out to sea has let the world see the new atmosphere of China culture.

Ke Jun, deputy to the National People’s Congress and general manager of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, said that the original operas such as River of Transportation, Jian Zhen’s East Crossing and Rabe’s Diary used the concept of integration and innovation to tell the story of China in an international language, and promoted the exchange of civilizations and mutual learning. Among them, "Jian Zhen’s Journey to the East" and "Rabe’s Diary" toured in Los Angeles, new york, Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna respectively in 2019, and were appraised by Chinese and foreign media as "China’s original opera with high standard, high quality, deep connotation, phenomenal level and world level".

"These achievements have enabled us to see the new atmosphere of a cultural power and greatly enhanced our cultural self-confidence. The creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture is promising. " Ke Jun said.

Building a strong cultural country

This year is the second year of implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan. How to better promote the construction of a strong cultural country is also a topic of concern to the deputies.

The success of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics showed the world the strength of digital technology in China and the charm of China culture. With the help of new technologies such as 5G, ultra-high-definition video and free viewing angle, the audience has gained a better sense of immersion and presence, which are the cultural and scientific achievements of the deep integration of cultural industries and new technologies.

This year’s government work report puts forward, "promote the digitalization of public culture, promote the optimization of the layout of grassroots cultural facilities and resource sharing, and expand the supply of high-quality cultural products and services." In this regard, Ma Huateng, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman and CEO of Tencent’s board of directors, believes that the integration of cultural science and technology is the cross-cutting field of the two strategies of strengthening the country by culture and technology, and the special project of "cross-border application" of cultural scientific and technological achievements should be deployed to promote the value spillover for other industries, further enhance the independent innovation capability of science and technology, and at the same time deploy the special project of "deep application" of cultural scientific and technological achievements to promote the high-quality development of cultural industries.

Han Yongjin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the National Library Council, believes that it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical research of cultural power, especially the research on the index system of cultural power; At the same time, we should pay attention to giving full play to the power of literature classics to make the words in them come alive. "Literature classics are engraved with the spirit of China and the soul of the nation, bearing the historical memory, ideological wisdom and knowledge system of the Chinese nation, and are the driving force and source for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." Han Yongjin said that the most fundamental thing to make the words in the classics come alive is to guide everyone to read. This year, national reading has appeared in the government work report for the ninth time.

Embracing the future is also the aspiration of the representatives of the literary and art circles. Ji Wei, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association, believes that the COVID-19 epidemic has changed the performance mode of traditional Quyi. "In the Internet age, traditional folk art cannot be absent. Every literary and art troupe must adapt to the new situation in which online and offline performance methods coexist and communication methods change, and give full play to the role of literary light cavalry. " Ji Wei said, "As long as the’ soul’ of traditional folk art is still there, it will certainly attract the attention of young people."


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