标签归档 2021上海油压店推荐

Jackie Chan visited Taiwan four years later to raise money for poor school children (Photos)

    China News Agency, Taipei, June 18 (Reporters, Xu Xiaoqing, Geng Jun) After four years, the famous artist Jackie Chan visited Taiwan again on the 18th. Jackie Chan, who is Taiwan’s son-in-law, said here that "I am afraid of my hometown, and this trip is a special trip to raise money for poor children in Taiwan."

    At the invitation of TVBS Caring for Taiwan Cultural and Educational Foundation, at 1 pm, Jackie Chan appeared on the 84th floor of the "One? One" building in Taipei to attend the "Baby Our Hope – Jackie Chan Endorsement Fundraising Press Conference". This is Jackie Chan’s second appearance in Taiwan after many years, which has attracted the attention of many media.

    Jackie Chan said that as a Taiwanese son-in-law who married a Taiwanese wife, he was "half Taiwanese." He said that after living in Taiwan for a long time many years ago, he loved to eat Taiwan’s cold noodles and red rice, and he had a deep affection for the streets of Zhongxiao East Road and Dunhua South Road in Taipei, and even the grass and trees. In fact, he has always wanted to do something for Taiwanese children.

    At the press conference, Jackie Chan met face-to-face with poor school children from Taitung, Yunlin, Taipei and other counties. He confessed to the children that "when I was a child, I was similar to you, or even more bitter, and I didn’t have schooling." He encouraged Taiwanese children who received funding to cherish the good environment created by social charity groups, study hard and thrive.

    According to Li Tao, a veteran TVBS host, Jackie Chan is keen to participate in Taiwan’s philanthropy and is an "activist" who talks less and does more. Jackie Chan himself also admitted that he often watches Taiwanese TV programs at home in Hong Kong, especially some news about visiting the poor, hoping to learn about the groups in Taiwan that need urgent care.

    According to reports, Jackie Chan recently learned through a TV news that the football team of Fengli Primary School in the mountainous area of Taitung has been short of funds for a long time. He immediately donated a sum of money to help the caddies buy jerseys and provide travel expenses for the football team to participate in large-scale competitions. This time, Jackie Chan endorsed TVBS charity activities, hoping to raise 60 million NT dollars this year as a bursary for 10,000 poor school children.

    Jackie Chan also revealed that in addition to caring about the physical and mental health of Taiwanese children, he is non-stop mobilizing the Asian entertainment industry to raise funds for the relief of the Wenchuan earthquake. He said that after the Sichuan earthquake, not only Hong Kong people from all walks of life took action, but also Taiwan compatriots did a lot for it. Everyone is very concerned about the earthquake.

    Jackie Chan’s "whirlwind" appearance in Taiwan this time. He called on the media: focus more on children’s charities and less gossip. End

Editor in charge: Li Xian

Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. recalled some Chery Tiggo 8 PRO cars.

China Quality News Network News According to the website of the General Administration of Market Supervision on May 12, a few days ago, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. filed a recall plan with the State Administration of Market Supervision according to the requirements of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall and the Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Management of Defective Automobile Product Recall. It is decided to recall some Chery Tiggo 8 PRO cars produced from March 8, 2022 to August 18, 2022 from May 12, 2023, totaling 16,640 vehicles.

Due to the software problem of the integrated brake controller, when the intelligent headlight of the vehicle is in the "auto" position and the driver frequently switches the far and near lights and brakes, the integrated brake controller occasionally fails intermittently, which in extreme cases leads to hard braking and potential safety hazards. 

Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. will check the software version of the integrated brake controller for the recalled vehicles, and upgrade the vehicles that need to be upgraded to the improved software version free of charge to eliminate potential safety hazards. 

Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. will notify relevant users of the recall by telephone, SMS, registered letter and other forms. Users can call the customer service hotline of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. at 400-883-8888 or contact the authorized repair station of Chery to learn more about this recall. In addition, you can also visit www.dpac.org.cn, www.recall.org.cn, and follow the WeChat WeChat official account to learn more information and reflect the defect clues. 

National Health Planning Commission: There are 5.4 million registered patients with severe mental disorders in China.

  BEIJING, Beijing, April 8 (Shang Qi) Depression, anxiety, alcoholism and senile dementia … … With the rapid development of China’s economy and society, the aging population has intensified, the pace of life and work has been significantly accelerated, and the accompanying psychological pressure has generally increased. The public has paid more and more attention to their own mental and psychological health. So, what is the mental health status of China people at present? On the morning of the 7th, the National Health and Family Planning Commission held a press conference to introduce this.

  What is the status of severe mental disorder?

  — — There are 5.4 million registered patients with severe mental disorders in China.

  On the morning of the 7th, the National Health and Family Planning Commission held a regular press conference in Beijing to report the recent progress of mental health work in China.

  According to reports, by the end of 2015, there were 2,936 mental health service institutions in China, with 433,000 beds, a significant increase over 2010 (1,650 institutions and 228,000 beds); There are 27,733 licensed (assistant) psychiatrists, 57,591 psychiatric nurses and more than 5,000 psychotherapists in China. More than 900,000 people have obtained professional qualification certificates for psychological counselors.

  Wang Bin, deputy director of the CDC of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, revealed that by the end of 2016, there were 5.4 million patients with severe mental disorders registered in China, with a management rate of 88.7%. Among them, the number of patients with schizophrenia accounts for about 3/4 of the total number of registered patients.

  What factors lead to depression?

  — — Heredity, external pressure, unhappy life, etc.

  According to reports, depressive disorder includes depression, unspecified depressive disorder and bad mood. The prevalence rate of depressive disorder in China is generally on the rise, with 4.06%, of which 3.59% is depressive disorder, which is higher than the survey results in 1980s and 1990s.

  Wang Gang, president of Beijing Anding Hospital, said that from some mechanisms of depression, factors such as heredity, external pressure and some unpleasant events in life may lead to depression, among which the contribution of heredity is about 40% and 50%.

  It is worth noting that he also introduced that the first episode of depression is generally concentrated around the age of 30. In addition, the incidence rate of most mental diseases is equal between men and women, but the incidence rate of women is significantly higher than that of men.

  After treatment, whether depression can be cured is also the focus of public attention. In this regard, Wang Gang said that it is not difficult for patients with depression to get a clinical cure after comprehensive treatment, and most of them can return to the social function level before the onset.

  Why is the prevalence of anxiety disorder rising?

  — — Public psychological pressure has generally increased.

  What is anxiety disorder? Zhu Zhuohong, director of the mental health counseling center for employees of central state organs, explained that anxiety disorder is a group of mental disorders with anxiety as the main manifestation, accompanied by some physical manifestations, especially autonomic nerve dysfunction.

  "For example, some people will have severe palpitation, sweating, shaking hands, and even physical manifestations such as frequent urination, urgency and diarrhea." He said.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of anxiety disorder in China is 4.98%, which is higher than the survey results in 1980s and 1990s.

  Wang Bin explained that with the rapid development of China’s economy and society, the pace of life and work has been significantly accelerated, and the public psychological pressure has generally increased, which has led to a corresponding increase in the risk of illness.

  She added, "In recent decades, residents’ health awareness and willingness to seek medical treatment have also improved, and the ability of professionals to identify mental illness has also improved. These factors are related."

  How to prevent senile dementia?

  — — Promote healthy aging and improve various health policies for the elderly.

  With the aggravation of population aging in China, the prevalence of senile dementia is also on the rise.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of senile dementia is 5.56% among people aged 65 and above, which is higher than that of some areas in China since 1987.

  It is reported that compared with other countries with higher life expectancy, the prevalence of senile dementia in China is lower than that in the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

  Talking about the next work plan, Wang Bin said that considering the current situation of the rising prevalence of dementia in the elderly, we should promote healthy aging from the perspective of individuals, families and society, improve various health policies for the elderly, and delay the development of patients’ illness by taking comprehensive intervention measures.

  Is the prevalence of alcohol use disorder different between men and women?

  — — Men are significantly higher than women.

  According to public information, alcohol use disorders include alcohol dependence and poisoning symptoms, which are manifested as long-term overclocking, excessive drinking, short-term heavy drinking, etc., which will not only harm the body, but also lead to a series of serious mental health problems.

  According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, due to the influence of local drinking habits and residents’ drinking habits, previous surveys in various parts of China show that the prevalence of alcohol use disorders varies greatly in different regions.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of alcohol use disorder in China is 1.84%, and the prevalence rate of men is significantly higher than that of women.

  In addition, compared with the survey results of some economically developed countries and middle-income countries published by international authoritative journals in recent years, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder in China is at a medium level. (End)

The folding screen mobile phone has been scolded again. Why can’t it be sold well?

Smart phone innovation is weak, and we once regarded folding screen mobile phone as a new breakthrough.

From Samsung’s Galaxy Fold to Huawei’s Mate X, as well as Motorola’s Razr, the folding screen mobile phone has gradually become a topic raised by major mobile phone manufacturers last year, and even revived the clamshell design that has been silent for many years.

▲ Image from: SlashGear

They are as radical as the outside world thinks, using a touch screen that can be folded or unfolded, so that the mobile phone can be turned into a flat plate while taking into account the original size, or the volume can be further reduced by using a folding structure.

However, looking back a year later, these mobile phones, which were claimed to be the future, failed to leave any deep impression on the mass users.

Not only because of the high pricing and low output, the folding screen mobile phone is destined to become a plaything for niche users, but more importantly, people have found many hidden dangers after using the real machine, which also makes the current folding screen mobile phone like a product of trial and error.

Razr released by Motorola at the end of last year also failed to escape the fate of being spit out. This folding screen phone basically retains the design language of Razr V3, such as the classic small chin and flip shape, but it uses a foldable screen inside, which shows a unique retro feeling.

The unique shape has also won a lot of praise from Motorola Razr. Many digital enthusiasts think that it is the best folding screen at present, and the flip shape can further reduce the size of the mobile phone, which is more acceptable to the public than Samsung Huawei’s idea of "turning the mobile phone into a tablet".

▲ Image from: CNET

Nevertheless, after the aircraft was put on the market, some foreign scientific and technological media gave mixed comments on it.

Among them, the author of Android Central said that although Razr has an amazing design, there is a certain compromise in durability and configuration. For example, after several days of use, the hinge of the machine will make a harsh "squeaking" sound every time it is opened and closed, which sounds very uncomfortable.

In addition, due to its small size, Razr’s experience in battery life and taking photos has not reached the flagship level. Considering its price of $1,500, people should ask for more, but it is obviously untenable to rely on a foldable screen.

▲ Under CNET’s turnover machine, Razr only persisted for more than 20,000 times before it broke down.

In addition, CNET used a self-made machine to flip Razr. As a result, after 27,000 consecutive flips, Razr had a hinge failure and could not close the screen normally. If it is calculated according to the average frequency of users unlocking their mobile phones every day, then a Razr mobile phone will be "broken" in just one year.

In fact, CNET used the same tool to test the Samsung Galaxy Fold before, and the machine insisted on 120,000 consecutive folds.

▲ Motorola’s official testing methods are obviously more moderate.

However, Motorola officials do not agree with this result. They said that CNET’s testing method can’t restore the situation of daily use well, but will further accelerate the wear and tear of parts.

Later, Motorola also released a video showing the correct testing methods, hoping to prove that the machine did not "lie" in its service life.

▲ There are many Motorola Razr that have been "played badly" in offline stores abroad.

The worst is yet to come. With the official listing of Razr, many damaged Razr display machines have appeared in major offline stores abroad. For example, Max Weinbach, the author of XDA website, saw a prototype whose screen was stripped off, which was obviously caused by human factors, but it also proved the fragility of the folding screen mobile phone from the side.

Some people also found green stripes on the store trial machine, or encountered the situation that the half screen continued to flicker, which was very similar to the problems encountered by the first batch of Samsung Galaxy Fold. The high probability was the failure of the display screen caused by frequent folding.

In any case, in this new product of Motorola, we still don’t see the possibility of mass production of folding screen mobile phones, but it will further dispel users’ desire to buy.

From the design point of view, there have been several forms of folding screen mobile phones, but at present there is no solution that can completely solve all the hidden dangers.

One is the durability problem, which is also the biggest obstacle for folding screen mobile phones to enter the mainstream market. Although several manufacturers claim that their products can withstand 100,000-200,000 times of opening and closing, screen folding is only one of the scenes in actual use, and people have to consider many factors such as falling resistance, scratch resistance, dustproof and waterproof.

▲ The difference between eversion and eversion structures also leads to different design choices.

The structural differences between eversion and eversion will also lead to different design choices. For example, Samsung Galaxy Fold uses two screens inside and outside, which can really protect the inner screen better. Although Huawei Mate X’s eversion design can balance the thickness and size, the screen is exposed all the year round, and it is difficult to avoid scratches.

On the other hand, because the folding screen mobile phone often adopts the structure of left and right or up and down, it also means that it is difficult to reuse the existing component layout of traditional mobile phones.

▲ Dual battery layout in Samsung Galaxy Fold fuselage

For example, at present, Samsung, Huawei and Motorola basically choose the "double battery power supply" scheme for folding screens. In fact, one battery is placed in the left and right or upper and lower parts of the folding screen mobile phone.

Due to the large size of Samsung and Huawei, the actual battery capacity of both exceeds 4000 mAh, while the small size design like Motorola can only guarantee 2500 mAh battery, and the battery life will naturally decline.

▲ Motorola Razr uses two dynamic brackets at the rotating shaft.

Hinge is also a technology that folding screen mobile phones have to ignore. When the screen is frequently folded and squeezed, it is not only the screen that is lost, but also the life of the mechanical hinge.

At present, Samsung and Huawei have adopted different hinge schemes for folding screen mobile phones, and the gap after folding can be controlled in a small range, but the disadvantage is that users have to use both hands to unfold the mobile phone into a flat state.

At this point, the design of Motorola Razr’s upper and lower flip covers is more humanized. With the help of the hollowed-out part left by the dynamic bracket, Razr solves the crease problem caused by the folding screen under large curvature, and the compact size also allows the user to open/close the flip cover with only one hand.

However, the new design also brings new problems. Because of the hollowing out, Razr’s screen is not closely attached to the mobile phone. The BBC showed a detail in the hands-on video, saying that users can easily lift the screen layer of Razr with only one nail hook. At this time, the internal components are completely open to the outside world, which will undoubtedly become the "hardest hit" for all kinds of dust and debris.

One of the reasons why mass consumers are not interested in folding screen mobile phones is the price. Judging from several folding screen mobile phones currently on sale, their official pricing has exceeded 10,000 yuan, which is much more expensive than many mobile phones with the same flagship positioning.

Considering the low yield of folding screen mobile phones and the need to redesign related components, it is understandable to set the price higher. However, if this is just a screen, it is obviously more harmful than good to sacrifice the original experience such as durability and thickness.

This is also why only a few manufacturers have decided to mass-produce folding screen mobile phones, while some other brands have also shown prototypes, but they have no plans to mass-produce them.

For example, Xiaomi’s MIX Alpha, although this product does not have a "folding" part, but it uses a large bending screen structure, it also needs to use similar technologies as folding screens.

In the original plan, Xiaomi MIX Alpha should have had a small-scale mass production at the end of December last year, but now there is no following. Until today, this mobile phone can only be packaged in the glass cabinet of Xiaomi House, and perhaps even Xiaomi himself is not at ease to hand over such a concept device to consumers.

Walking into 2020, the folding screen mobile phone is about to usher in its first iteration.

The fastest progress should still be Samsung. At today’s Oscar film awards ceremony, Samsung has announced a new generation of folding screen mobile phone Galaxy Z Filp in advance through TV advertisements.

Different from last year’s Fold, this time Samsung chose a clamshell design similar to Motorola Razr, which should get a better experience in a thinner volume.

At the same time, there are some rumors about the upgraded version of Huawei Mate X. It is reported that the aircraft will be equipped with a new Kirin 990 chip, but it will continue the everted structure.

Earlier, Gao Dongzhen, president of Samsung Mobile, also revealed in an interview with the media that the sales volume of Samsung Galaxy Fold should be around 400,000-500,000 units, while Huawei Mate X, which is only sold in China, shipped around 100,000 units in the first month after its launch.

There is no doubt that in the face of current pricing and product maturity, Samsung and Huawei will obviously not hold the sales target of millions of orders to produce folding screen mobile phones. At least until the hidden problems mentioned above are solved, the traditional flat mobile phone will still occupy the main position.

This is the same as the curved screen mobile phone of that year. If the folding screen mobile phone wants to become a new star product, it still needs to wait for the gradual iteration of screen and hinge technology and the cost reduction of the upstream supply chain when it develops to a more mature stage.

A similar development path can refer to Samsung’s curved screen technology. Although as early as 2013, Samsung has released the first mobile phone Galaxy Round with curved screen design, at this time, Samsung’s flagship is still a flat screen mobile phone.

It was not until the Galaxy S8 series in 2017 that Samsung really let the flat screen completely withdraw from the flagship camp and fully applied the dual curved surface screen to its flagship machine. In the past two years, with the decline of cost, Samsung is not the only mobile phone with curved screen design.

However, what is certain is that the folding screen will definitely not become a short-lived design like the lifting camera. After all, technology suppliers such as Samsung obviously value not only the category of smart phones, but the folding screen technology itself.

As the carrier of information, people are still obsessed with making the screen as thin as paper, and it can be rolled up and taken away like files and newspapers, which makes "folding" an inevitable stage in the development of screen technology.

Therefore, even if the folding screen mobile phone cannot become a decent business, the research and development related to folding screen will continue to progress.

As long as the material and structure constraints can be solved, the future display screen will not only appear on electronic products, but also be further extended to the surfaces of various objects, which is suitable for more equipment and scenes.

Title map source: Bloomberg

N postures of deposit and withdrawal in card-free era: brushing face, scanning code and paying by mobile phone.

  Everyone can travel without cash now, but many people dare not take their bank cards, for fear that they will not be able to get money from the ATM in case they need cash. In fact, with the continuous innovation of bank deposit and withdrawal methods, it is nothing new to deposit and withdraw cash without a card. Beijing Youth Daily reporter recently visited a number of banks and experienced a variety of convenient services that can be enjoyed without a bank card.

  Brush face to withdraw money: there is a limit.

  The latest way to withdraw cash without a card is to push the face to withdraw money. Stand in front of the ATM, let the camera take a picture, and then enter a few simple messages, and the money can be spit out from the ATM. A plot that sounds like science fiction has now become a reality. At present, some ATMs of China Merchants Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank and other banks have the function of withdrawing money by brushing their faces.

  In October 2015, China Merchants Bank took the lead in announcing the launch of "ATM face-brushing withdrawal" business in China. Now there are hundreds of ATMs of China Merchants Bank providing this service in Beijing.

  How to use this function? On the homepage of ATM screen of China Merchants Bank, there is a function bar of "brush face to withdraw money". After clicking it, the customer enters the face recognition image screen, and the customer must face the ATM camera to expose the whole face, and can’t block it and shake it frequently. After the system automatically captures the customer’s head, the page will prompt the cardholder to enter the mobile phone number reserved in China Merchants Bank, and the system will automatically compare it. After matching, the ATM will display the card number information under the customer’s name, the customer will select the card number for withdrawal, and then enter the withdrawal amount and password, and the cash will be spit out from the machine. If the system does not match, it will prompt that the personal information cannot be matched and the transaction is cancelled. The whole process is very convenient without inserting a card to get it.

  ABC’s face-brushing withdrawal process is basically similar to that of China Merchants Bank, except that in the process of identity verification, ABC can choose to enter ID number or mobile phone number. According to the experience of netizens, the withdrawal can be completed in less than one minute, which is similar to the withdrawal with a card.

  However, in terms of functional authority, ABC’s face-brushing withdrawal function does not need to be specially opened, while China Merchants Bank needs cardholders to specially open this function on mobile banking. Considering that face recognition technology is an innovative attempt in the field of withdrawal, in order to reduce security risks, there is a limit on the current "face-brushing withdrawal". China Merchants Bank’s cumulative withdrawal limit for a single card on the same day is 3,000 yuan; Agricultural Bank of China does not exceed 3,000 yuan per day for a single transaction, 10,000 yuan per day in total, and no more than 5 times per day.

  Scan the code to withdraw money: use the bank APP

  When people pay the bill, they are used to taking out their mobile phones to scan the code. In fact, they can also withdraw money by scanning the code at ATM.

  In May last year, ICBC launched a new service of mobile banking to withdraw cash by scanning code. Customers don’t need to use the physical medium of bank cards, just open the "scan" function in ICBC’s mobile banking client, scan the QR code displayed on the ATM screen, enter the withdrawal amount and use ICBC e-payment to verify it successfully, and then click the "Withdraw" button on the ATM to complete the whole withdrawal process. If the customer has enabled the one-click payment function of mobile banking, it is more convenient to complete the payment safely by inputting the preset static payment password in the mobile banking client without inputting the mobile phone number, account, verification code and other information in the process of code scanning cash withdrawal.

  On September 15th this year, the ATM of Bank of China added the function of mobile phone scanning QR code to withdraw cash. A few days ago, the reporter came to a 24-hour self-service bank in a branch of Bank of China for a field experience. To withdraw money by scanning code, you need to download the mobile banking APP of Bank of China on your mobile phone and bind it with a bank card, without opening other permissions. Then, click "scan code to withdraw money" on the ATM screen of Bank of China, scan the QR code on the ATM with the "scan" function of mobile banking, then enter the withdrawal amount, confirm the withdrawal account and enter the withdrawal password, and you can successfully withdraw the required cash. The whole process takes only a few minutes.

  According to reports, Bank of China’s ATM scanning code withdrawal adopts double insurance of mobile banking APP verification and ATM encryption verification. When withdrawing money, you need to log in to mobile banking through your fingerprint, and enter the withdrawal password at ATM, which effectively ensures the security of customer accounts and funds. At present, the ATM scanning code withdrawal of China Bank is completely free, and the daily withdrawal limit is 5,000 yuan.

  Pay withdrawal by mobile phone: to verify fingerprints

  After Apple Pay entered the China market, it captured the hearts of many fruit fans by paying the bill with one stroke. In fact, cardholders can also withdraw money without a card through Apple Pay at ATM. Samsung Pay and Huawei Pay can do the same.

  As long as the cardholder’s mobile phone and ATM both support related functions, the cardholder can successfully withdraw cash from the ATM by swiping the mobile phone and checking the fingerprint "Pay". At present, some ATMs of CCB, China Merchants Bank and China Everbright Bank have supported cash withdrawal through "Pay".

  Take Everbright Bank as an example, it only takes five easy steps for cardholders to withdraw money through Apple Pay at Everbright ATM. First, choose the contactless IC card withdrawal service at ATM, enter the withdrawal amount, then put the mobile phone near the sensing area, verify the fingerprint through Touch ID, enter the withdrawal password, and verify the fingerprint through Touch ID again, and the withdrawal can be successful.

  Withdrawal by appointment: the limit of each bank is different.

  Before face-brushing withdrawal, code-scanning withdrawal and mobile phone Pay withdrawal, more banks carry out card-free withdrawal business through appointments in mobile phone banking, online banking, telephone banking and other channels. It is understood that there are differences in specific details among banks in handling cash withdrawals without cards, but the handling steps basically include two links: online reservation withdrawal and offline cash withdrawals without cards.

  When making an appointment, banks generally require customers to choose the account and withdrawal amount for making an appointment, but other agreed information varies slightly from bank to bank. For example, CCB will ask for an appointment for the withdrawal period and area, and the cardholder will withdraw money from the ATM with the special withdrawal ID and withdrawal password received by SMS. ICBC needs to set a 6-digit reservation code, and the reservation is valid only on the same day, and it is stipulated that a debit card registered with mobile banking can be withdrawn without a card. The maximum amount of a card-free withdrawal by ABC is 3,000 yuan, and the reservation is valid for 24 hours. You can directly use the "card-free reservation withdrawal" function at ATM, and you can withdraw money by entering your mobile phone number and withdrawal password, without other reservation codes or verification codes.

  In terms of cash withdrawal amount, most banks can make a cumulative appointment of 20,000 yuan per day for cash withdrawal without a card, but there are differences in the single cash withdrawal limit and the number of cash withdrawals per day. In terms of a single amount, some banks do not exceed 2500 yuan at most, and some banks can reach 3000 yuan. CCB also stipulates that the cumulative number of days for mobile banking to apply for special withdrawals should not exceed 5,000 yuan.

  No card deposit: you need to remember the card number.

  You can withdraw money without a card and deposit without a card. Yesterday, Beijing Youth Daily reporter saw the function bars of "no card deposit", "no passbook deposit" and "no card passbook deposit" on the deposit and withdrawal machines of most banks such as ICBC, CCB and ABC.

  After clicking Enter, you need to completely enter the card number or passbook number twice. After checking the account and the owner’s name, the deposit slot at the bottom of the electronic screen will open, and the customer will put the banknotes with face value of 100 yuan into the deposit slot, and the machine will start counting. After the counting is completed, the unqualified banknotes will be required to be retrieved, and the number and total amount of qualified banknotes will be displayed on the screen. After the customer confirms, the information such as account, account name and deposit amount will be displayed again. After final confirmation, the transaction is completed, and you can choose to print the receipt.

  It is worth noting that only 100 yuan banknotes can be deposited, with a maximum of 100 banknotes at a time. The deposit account can be your own or someone else’s.

  Safety tips

  The security of withdrawing money without card is strong, so we need to be vigilant.

  Bankers remind that although it is simple and convenient to withdraw money without a card, cardholders should always pay attention to protecting their own funds. In operation, it should be noted that after users make an appointment to withdraw money on platforms such as mobile banking, they will receive information such as "special withdrawal number, set special withdrawal password and withdrawal amount" issued by the bank. For such short messages, users need to take good care of them and avoid leaking them (for example, forwarding bank notification short messages to others) to ensure the safety of funds.

  In addition, users need to be especially alert to criminals using "cash withdrawal without card" to commit fraud, especially not to send the verification code received by the mobile phone to others in any form. Previously, there have been cases in which criminals used the bank’s card-free appointment withdrawal business to commit fraud.

  Text/reporter Cheng Wei

"Fang’s Unique Skill" —— Song Yulin’s Talk on Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Paintings

  Editor’s Note: The official WeChat platform of Song Wenzhi Art Research Center has opened the book "Youyuan — — Since the column "Essays on Tibetan Fan by the Owner of Shiyanzhai", it has been deeply loved by art lovers and collectors. Previously, Mr. Song Yulin had published "Yuyuan" and "Mo Yuan", and "Dream Yuan" was his "three-edge" work. The three books are not only independent books, but also interrelated and coordinated, involving more than 200 ancient and modern calligraphers and painters, and more than 230 articles, which are very precious. The author introduces the artist’s artistic experience, the style characteristics of his works and his love for calligraphy and painting with the collection.

  Among contemporary Lingnan painters, Fang Chuxiong is an excellent flower-and-bird painter. His animal paintings are unique and praised as "a unique skill of Fang". I am often attracted by the cordial and warm atmosphere in his paintings. I remember a philosopher once said: brilliant, will be attributed to plain. I think it is appropriate to describe Chuxiong’s paintings as brilliant and plain. I can’t remember when and where I met Brother Chuxiong. Maybe we didn’t have much communication at that time, so the impression was not deep. A few years ago, Brother Chuxiong heard from a friend that I liked his works, so he called me and said that he would give me one, which made me quite embarrassed, but I appreciated his kindness.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Map of Rats and Cows in 2006.

  Fang Chuxiong is a native of Puning, Guangdong Province. He was born in Shantou in 1950, so he is also from Chaoshan. Because of this, several of my artists in Shantou are very familiar with Brother Chuxiong, and Brother Zhang Yingping is one of them. In 2006, my son got married, and the two new people belonged to a cow and a mouse. Therefore, Brother Ping specially invited Brother Chuxiong to draw a picture of a mouse and a cow as a gift, and the young couple got this gift, be in heaven. In 2014, it was a good opportunity for Ying Pingdi to help me find 12 frames of animal albums painted by Brother Chuxiong, in which there were two dogs, ducklings, young tigers, two sheep, fairy mice, pigs, jade rabbits, octopuses (cats and butterflies), chickens, monkeys, koalas, buffaloes, etc., with accurate pictures.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Animal Album" and "Two Dogs" in 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Animal Album" and "Blessed Pig" in 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Koala in Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, Jade Rabbit, 2014

  A painter’s style of painting mostly comes from his nature. Brother Chuxiong loves the truth and plainness of nature, and is especially good at using animals common in mountains and farmhouses as his creative materials. My brother has lived in Lingnan for a long time, so it is self-evident that the painting style of Lingnan painting school has both form and spirit, gorgeous colors and appeal to both refined and popular tastes. Gao Jianfu and Gao Qifeng Kunzhong are both masters of animal painting, but Chuxiong’s animal painting is different from theirs. There is a difference between them. The former wins with atmosphere and momentum, while Chuxiong is restrained and quiet, which is mainly related to Chuxiong’s temperament.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Animal Album" and "Young Tiger" in 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, You Chicken, 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, Double Sheep, 2014

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album, Octopus (Cat Butterfly), 2014

  Brother Chuxiong entered the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1975, stayed there to teach after graduation in 1978, and was sent to Beijing and Tianjin to study. Li Keran, Li Kuchan, Cui Zifan and Sun Qifeng all taught him. However, I feel that Mr. Wang Lanruo (1911— 2015) seems more important to him. If Wang Lan is from Jieyang, Guangdong Province, Jieyang also belongs to Chaoshan area. In those days, Chaoshan businessmen were very close to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai because of their business, so most of the nave and screen strips hung in their homes were made by famous marine artists. Therefore, the influence of Shanghai-style art in Lingdong area is enormous. It is said that there are more than 60 Chaoshan people who have studied in Shanghai Art College (including Mr. Xie Haiyan and Mr. Chen Dayu who later worked in Nanjing Art College). Mr. Wang Lanruo studied painting with Zhu Wenyun in Shanghai in his early years, and then he was admitted to Shanghai Fine Arts College. After graduating in 1935, he returned to his hometown to serve as a middle school teacher for a long time. When Fang Chuxiong was 6 years old, he became a teacher with Mr. Wang Lanruo. This special relationship between Wang Lanruo and Shanghai style painting also profoundly influenced the artistic path of Brother Chuxiong after his death. In fact, pushing forward, Sun Peigu (1891— 1944) is also a painting predecessor who combines Lingnan painting school and Shanghai painting school, and Wang Lanruo is from Sun Peigu’s door. From Sun Peigu to Wang Lanruo and then to Fang Chuxiong, we can clearly feel the existence of Lingnan and sea painting style in their works.Naturally, Brother Chuxiong’s paintings can’t be si

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fairy Mouse of Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Fang Chuxiong’s "Two Monkeys" in Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Ducklings in Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014.

"Dream" column on Fang Chuxiong's animal paintings

Buffalo in Fang Chuxiong’s Animal Album in 2014

Summer in the "Summer" Township | Spend a sauna day and meet the "Arctic Village" in Wuhan.

avoid/escape summer heat
Xiaxiang town
The countryside of Wuhan is 5℃ lower.

The air here is free and fresh.

There are distant mountains and smoke, dogs and fields.

height of summer

A visit to the countryside in Wuhan with a summer temperature of 5℃

First stop
Huangpi liujiashan village
Cool heart and lungs, Wuhan "North Pole"

Liujiashan Village, Caidian Street, huangpi district is located at an altitude of 806 meters.Among the mountains.Green and cool, it is the tallest, northernmost and most remote village in Wuhan, and is called the "Arctic Village" in Wuhan.

The original ecology is the biggest feature of the local natural environment. In summer, the temperature here is 6-8 degrees lower than that in downtown Wuhan, which is a good place for summer in rural Wuhan.

If this title is not enough for you to locate its coordinates and mention "Qingliangzhai", everyone should know!

At the top of Qingliangzhai, you will enter the village even if you pass through the archway of "hometown of the top scholar, Liujiashan Village"!

There is a mirror-like lake in the village, clear and clean, which is the result of careful care by the villagers.

Most of the retro buildings along the lake are Huizhou style with white walls and blue tiles. The landscape in front of the house is strewn at random with green plants, which is hidden among the green mountains and green waters, and it is full of refreshing meaning.

Every summer vacation, there will be a wave of summer tourists in the village. Most of them are old people with their grandchildren. Some choose to stay in the farmhouse for a short time, while others choose to rent a farmhouse for a comfortable summer.

Take a walk along the plank road in the middle of the lake, blow the mountain lake wind, find enthusiastic old people in the village and ask the historical story of the Qing Dynasty Jinshi.

There is also an excellent viewing platform on the top of the mountain, watching the sunrise and sunset and watching the stars move. Standing on the platform, you can still blow the wind from your neighbor Xiaogan ~

Looking back at Liu Jiashan, the villagers are rich and peaceful. Who would have thought that it was once a poor and backward ravine ~

When talented people return home, the countryside changes dramatically.

In 2004, Yi Youqing, an "able man of Huangpi", came to Liujiashan Village to develop tourism. He invested 40 million yuan to build leisure resorts and scenic spots in Qingliang Village, an old tea plantation in Liujiashan Village, and rebuilt the houses in Liujiashan Village to keep its original quaint appearance.

After the transformation, Liujiashan Village has become a beautiful water town in the deep mountains. The scenic spot also excavates the history of Liu Binshi, the ancestor of Liujiashan Village, who took the second place in the Qing Dynasty’s scientific research, and deduces such scenic spots as Shuxiang River, Zhuangyuan Bridge, Jintu Bridge, Reading Pavilion, and Cowherd’s Cave.

Nowadays, villagers are either hired as employees in scenic spots, or open farmhouses or set up stalls to sell local products. Every household has a tourist meal. In the past, poor and backward mountain villages wereRural construction has experienced gorgeous transformation in more than ten years!

The old stone road between the cottages and the "old house" that is 100 years old have witnessed the transformation of Liujiashan Village.

Get out of the urban heat island and come to the village for the summer!

A movie "roadshow" ticket is fried to thousands of dollars! Who is making a profit behind it?

Many new film release publicity meetings will arrange "film roadshows" in cinemas, that is, arrange the main creators and starring actors to meet the audience during the movie viewing sessions. Because there are stars present, this method is highly praised by many fans, and the ticket price is often fired to hundreds or even thousands of yuan. Who is selling these high-priced "roadshow" tickets?
Entering the keyword "movie roadshow" in a second-hand trading platform can search out a large number of information about movie tickets purchased and resold by fans from all over the world. Among them, the highest selling price is a roadshow of the film "Crossing the Sea" in Shenzhen, and the price tag is 1000 yuan. The seller said, "There are not many ticket sources, so you need to take a ticket quickly." At the scene of an offline roadshow in Chaoyang District, Beijing, many scalpers disguised as fans. Some of them are collecting tickets, while others are looking for buyers.
According to the reporter’s visit, roadshow information is often released through the official Weibo of the film, WeChat or the theater where roadshows are held. The ways to get tickets for roadshows vary from place to place. Some tickets are sold publicly, while others are given internally. Take Beijing as an example. Tickets for roadshows are not for sale. Audiences need to sign up for a viewing group, which will be randomly drawn according to the number of seats in the cinema. However, during the film announcement period, a large number of fans lacked information and idolize was urgent, which gave scalpers an opportunity.
Where do the high-priced roadshow tickets come from? There are many kinds of channels for scalpers
While not publicly selling, all kinds of high-priced scalper tickets flowed out. Where did these resold roadshow tickets come from? Who is profiting behind the "realization of roadshows"?
On the second-hand platform, the reporter selected a roadshow that has attracted high attention in Beijing recently for consultation. The other party claimed that "as long as 450 yuan can enter his identity information in advance, he can directly sign in at the scene to exchange tickets". However, when the reporter asked what kind of ticket it was, the other party did not reply, but kept urging, saying that "if you don’t submit your identity information, you will close the registration." How can I participate in the roadshow without signing up for the viewing group? Where did these tickets come from and can they be redeemed successfully? In order to further understand the situation, the reporter finally paid the relevant fees and arrived at the scene in advance on the day of the road show as required.
Staff of the viewing group:This is a booking, two different viewing groups, one viewing group and one hall. We are all free here.
Since I didn’t receive the text message, the reporter contacted the scalper again, but the other party refused to answer it, and told me with WeChat that "don’t say what you bought outside, just say that you won the prize, report the information directly, and even don’t have to show them the electronic invitation letter". Subsequently, the reporter took the ID card and successfully exchanged the shadow tickets and checked the tickets according to the scalper’s statement.The so-called roadshow ticket is actually the winning qualification of fans. As long as the scalper can enter the buyer’s information into the organizer’s winning list, it can be exchanged.
According to industry sources, in order to promote the effect, organizers usually invite guests to participate in roadshows by way of booking. In this process, there are indeed some ticket sources flowing out. In order to maximize the benefits of the cinema, or hope that the fare will be sold higher, the possibility of joint speculation with the scalper is not ruled out.
Staff of a film publicity company in Beijing:It is possible that the scalper has already applied for the quota of the viewing group, and the viewing group has given him the qualification. Because unlike concerts, it is difficult to verify one-on-one real names.
Head of a cinema in Beijing:As soon as tickets are released in the cinema, scalpers will buy them first, and a total of 150 seats will buy 100 tickets first. If you can’t buy it, the scalper will give you an invoice through the star studio, or the "big V" channel.
Source: CCTV Finance

Pay attention to eight major issues and avoid four major defects in tourist attractions!

According to statistics, there are nearly 20,000 scenic spots in China at present, and the management of most scenic spots is still under the management mode of government monopoly. In today’s management, four defects are gradually exposed.

First, the four aspects of scenic spot management defects

1. Separation of government from enterprise

The management expenses of scenic spots are included in the two lines of government revenue and expenditure, which causes managers to lack market risk awareness and determination to open up the market, and can not effectively develop and utilize scenic spots resources reasonably.

2. Set administrative personnel and business managers in one.

The lack of effective management mechanism for the performance of managers makes the management of scenic spots break away from the rules of market competition, and the outcome is often an afterthought, which delays the good opportunity for tourism development.

3. Diversification of management and operation system standards

There are both government officials and externally recruited personnel in the middle and senior management of scenic spots, and two sets of standards of government and enterprise are implemented in the personnel and salary system, which leads to unreasonable distribution and unclear responsibilities, resulting in low management efficiency of scenic spots.

4. Lack of understanding of scenic spot management

The management of scenic spots is limited to simple personnel, finance, safety, reception and daily work, and the coordination management of other industrial chains in scenic spots is ignored, such as the effective management mode of interaction and mutual benefit among travel agencies, hotels, motorcades, media and scenic spots.

Second, eight matters needing attention in scenic spot management

1. Formulate the organizational management structure and management process suitable for the development of scenic spots.

According to the types of scenic resources and the characteristics of products, the company’s organizational structure is formulated, and the management team headed by the general manager is established, supplemented by three deputy general managers of scenic marketing, scenic management and commodity management, and the core management team-the team of department heads is established.

In management, the general manager responsibility system is implemented, and the general manager takes full responsibility for the benefit target of the scenic spot throughout the year. The three deputy general managers of marketing, scenic spot management and commodity management are responsible for the business indicators of each section decomposed by the general manager according to their responsibilities.

The work of each department closely revolves around the four-step process of "planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing", so that each manager can clearly understand the company framework and his position and responsibilities in it. To achieve political integrity and harmony, the work arrangement is simple and clear, and the responsible person is clear, which effectively improves the effectiveness of management.

2. Establish the rules and regulations of the scenic spot and improve the overall management level of the scenic spot.

System is the foundation of the normal operation of enterprises and the premise of management norms. First, we optimize the original rules and regulations and make a good management process record.

Make the original management of employees by leaders change into the management of employees by the company system, effectively put an end to human management, record the management process on a standardized form, and ensure that management does not go through the motions and the implementation is recorded.

At the same time, the company pays attention to humanized management, establishes a smooth dialogue channel between employees and leaders, and requires managers to have a reply letter to employees’ opinions within three days, hold regular meetings on rationalization system opinions every month, and revise and compile existing regulations next month, which will serve as the standard for future work.

3. Strengthen financial and ticketing management.

In financial management, expenses should be planned, expenses should be approved in a process, contract payments should be authorized, financial revenues and expenditures should be regulated, and monthly financial analysis reports should be made.

4. Implement the elimination system of post performance reward and evaluation.

In order to arouse employees’ work enthusiasm and make their starting points at the same starting line, this paper analyzes the job content and tourist volume data of departments in scenic spots in recent years, and after comprehensive consideration, formulates the performance indicators and evaluation contents according to each position of each department. In the evaluation, it implements the evaluation method of parallel channels of department heads and competent leaders, so as to achieve fair competition and pay more for more work, and eliminate employees who cannot complete their jobs according to the company’s rules and regulations.

5. Improve the service quality of staff and the professional level of tour guides.

Starting with the on-the-job training of employees, we should improve their service awareness and standardize the service courtesy terms in scenic spots;

Supervise the standardization of employee service quality with quality inspection as a supplement;

Work out the post workflow, so as to unify the work steps;

Strengthen the education of tourism professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality of managers, and implement the system of holding certificates in important or professional positions.

6. Pay attention to marketing and channel construction of tourism industry.

Establish a marketing department with the marketing manager, regional manager, marketing staff and tourist team as the core, expand the staffing of the original scenic spot marketing department, set up offices in each target regional market for market segmentation, and conduct hierarchical management at the same time.

In the channel of tourism industry, we establish a mutually beneficial cooperation platform with the tourism service agencies (hotels, travel agencies and transportation, etc.) where the scenic spots are located and the surrounding tourist attractions, and share information resources through the network to improve efficiency, ensure the service quality standards of tourism teams and prevent mistakes and accidents.

7. "Manage" the channel advantages of the government.

Closely combine the flexibility of enterprise operation with the advantages of government information, channels and resources, combine the brand of scenic spots with the brand of cities, promote the brand of scenic spots with the help of various government investment promotion activities, exhibition activities and conference activities, publicize cities and scenic spots with the help of government visits and cultural exchanges, and timely and reasonably adjust the direction of product management and marketing in scenic spots with the help of government information advantages.

8. Pay attention to the development of tourist experience products.

According to the culture, people and folk activities recorded in history, combined with the resource conditions, comprehensive ability and market situation of the existing scenic spots, the products of the scenic spots are clearly positioned, and the activities that tourists can experience and participate in are excavated in stages, so that tourists can experience personalized services and feel the truth in the process.

Note: The pictures and texts in this article come from the Internet. If your rights and interests are infringed, please contact us in time and we will deal with them as soon as possible.

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What is culture? How to explain culture?

What is culture?

If culture talks about appearances, it is: everything that is different from nature in human social life is culture. As long as it is not natural, it is created by people, and it is all culture, but this is only the appearance.

The core of culture: it is the common way of thinking and values formed by this nation that has lived for a long time in a special natural environment and a unique mode of production and lifestyle. This is culture. Specific environment, specific period. Then a group of people generated this value. For example, if he lives on the plateau, or the natural environment on this plain is different from that on the prairie, and his way of life and production are different, then his way of thinking and values are different. This way of thinking and values, he is not a person, he is the common lifestyle and values of this nation or this country, and this is culture.

We in China pay attention to family and everything. We have talked about it for more than 2,000 years. Now the common people also recognize it. It is this value that China people recognize. Therefore, culture is a unique value of a farming nation.

The most basic bond of farming people’s survival is blood, but the basic unit of survival is family, so from this perspective, this family and everything is the unique culture of our Chinese nation. Not in other countries, because their lifestyles and production methods are different, he will change. For example, in Hanshu, especially in Biography of Xiongnu, there is a dialogue between Han Division and Xiongnu, which is called Khan’s dialogue between them. This is called two different cultures, which are actually right from their respective perspectives, but because of their different lifestyles and production methods, I think you are wrong, and you think I am wrong. So what is right and what is wrong? What is suitable for our survival is called right.

# Culture # # Xiongnu #