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AITO asks M7, an "all-around vehicle" that satisfies perfectionists.

"An idealist who is unconstrained and unconstrained, a painter who hopes to live in a fantasy land." Miss Ni, the owner of M7, described herself like this. "Choosing a car is difficult for a girl, not to mention that I am a perfectionist." As everyone knows, a person who is uninhibited and uninhibited when painting, in the face of real life problems, is difficult to choose.



In the middle of the year, the goddess of luck came to Miss Ni. Being in a first-tier city, she was happy to get the car purchase index, and fell into ecstasy after learning the news. But soon, Miss Ni was entangled again. "I want to buy a car that is perfect in all aspects, but I am afraid of disappointment. Being a perfectionist is too tired! " She vomited.


Bound mseven"Pentathlon" in the eyes of perfectionists


After a period of investigation and comparison, Miss Ni finally chose the M7 as her new car. Friends have expressed their incomprehension. Why did a little girl choose such a big 6-seat SUV? In the interview, Miss Ni told us the reasons for her decision to buy a new car with the confession of "perfectionist".



"For a car, my request is quite a lot. First of all, the space is big enough, and the car makes me feel insecure; Then there is that intelligent technology must be in place, and the configuration should be rich enough and intimate enough; Yan value and aesthetic online, this is also a must; There is also the hope of saving fuel. Now that the oil price is so high, it is better to take a taxi if you don’t save fuel! " In the eyes of a perfectionist like Miss Ni, even if she has a thousand choices, she must find the car that best matches her needs.


Fortunately, she still found M7 who meets the perfect standard of pentathlon.


"Large space represents security"


Regarding friends’ questions, Miss Ni has a unique and interesting point of view: "I hope the car can be bigger, not because I am greedy for more space, but because of a ‘ Big guy ’ Not only can it hold my little universe, but it also makes me feel safe ‘ Protection force field ’ 。”



Wenjie M7 has six large spaces with a body size of 5020x1945x1775mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm, and its longitudinal distance is superior to its peers. In addition, Wenjie M7 is equipped with the industry’s first commercial AITO zero-gravity seat, which opens the zero-pressure suspension with one button and ergonomically creates a first-class comfortable ride experience.



"In the uninspired night, go to a place where there is no one with your car and bid farewell to external disturbances. Lying in the chair, looking at the stars and the moon through the skylight, imagining the story between them, being unconstrained and isolated, and feeling safe. " Miss Ni shared it, and her eyes sparkled.


"Strong intelligence represents imagination"


In Miss Ni’s view, imagination is a gift from the world, which originates from the connection between people and the world. "The more nodes you connect, the more imagination you can get. Not only the connection with people, animals, music and history is the source of my imagination. Just like smart devices, asking the wisdom of M7 is even a better choice than imagination. "



The M7 is equipped with the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, which can provide car owners with an unimaginable intelligent travel experience anytime and anywhere. Super desktop, realizing seamless transfer of multiple devices to the car, and mobile applications can get on the bus at any time; Intelligent voice interaction, which can be said visually, has more intelligent reminding function to create a top-level interactive experience; The intelligent scene from HarmonyOS makes the interior environment more comfortable and the car machine knows the owner’s mind better.


"Multiple configurations represent vitality"


"At the peak of my creation, I want to get more and create more every day, and tossing is essential. Youth and vitality have nothing to do with age, but are determined by mentality. Although the environment and platform will decide a lot, whether it is there or not and whether it is wanted or not are two different things. There are more choices in life and more cars. I believe no one will refuse, but that is the vitality! "



The vitality of Miss Ni’s mouth is displayed in the rich configuration on the M7. Front seats come standard with seat massage and ventilation heating; Dual 40W wireless fast charging makes the mobile phone full of power at all times; Unit 19 HUAWEI SOUND sound system, luxury mobile concert hall; Studio-class soft light queen mirror, with soft light, can easily create beautiful makeup; 128-color ambient light and 3-slot fragrance system add more colors to life. Haopei is standard, and the world M7 builds an all-round technology cockpit with vitality.


"High face value represents creativity"


For almost all girls, Yan value is definitely the highest weight in the process of car selection, and so is Miss Ni. But her judgment on car design is not limited to face value. "High face value is not only important, but also the source of my creativity. If it is a conservative car, it will make me feel boring. But if it is too angular, it will make me feel that creativity is bound. "



The M7 continues the ultimate, simple and pure design concept of the series of models. The visual appearance is luxurious, calm and extremely symmetrical, and the interior design style is people-oriented and experience first. Through exquisite design techniques, the M7 combines attractive classic symbols with luxurious body elements to create a high-value luxury smart car that is more suitable for modern people’s aesthetics, so that more consumers can take the car as the origin and stimulate the creativity of their beautiful peers.


"Low energy consumption represents execution"


Because she got the fuel vehicle index, Miss Ni didn’t consider the pure electric vehicle, and she didn’t want those uncontrollable and constrained conditions. The extended-range hybrid of M7 is different from traditional energy sources, which not only has long battery life, but also has low fuel consumption. The unique characteristics of the world give her a sense of deja vu and old friends.



Thanks to the intelligent platform of pure electric drive, Wenjie M7 can provide Miss Ni with a comprehensive battery life of 1,220 kilometers for a tank of oil, a four-second acceleration of 100 kilometers and a fuel consumption as low as 5.8L. Based on the excellent chassis and suspension adjustment, the driving quality of the M7 is both maneuverable and comfortable. With 6 driving modes and 3 energy consumption modes, this freedom-loving girl can enjoy more driving pleasure at lower travel cost.



"Quiet and powerful, I appreciate the character of being able to work hard in a place that others can’t see, with execution but not exposed." Miss Ni commented on the new car like this.


In Miss Ni’s eyes, the M7 is an "all-round model" that makes perfectionists satisfied. She smiled and said, "I know there must be a perfect product in the world, but the process of finding it is always difficult and painful." Fortunately, I didn’t give up my initial intention and standards, which is another inspiration that I chose to ask M7. "

The Yangtze River has been closed to fishing for ten years, and these changes are related to you and me.

  On February 15, 2021, the ship sailed in the waters of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Recently, all kinds of mountain flowers on both sides of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have opened, and the spring is getting stronger. Xinhua news agency

  Red-billed gull living in the area of Jijiang Yangtze River Bridge in jiangjin district, Chongqing, Xinhua News Agency issued.

  Hukou, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province assisted the patrol team in patrolling Poyang Lake. Our reporter Zhou Mengshuang photo/bright picture

  [Ecological topic]

  "The Yangtze River has a long history and a vast water surface. It is a good water town for freshwater fish to have children and grow up." The documentary "story of the yangtze river" filmed by CCTV in 1983 praised the mother river in this way. However, in recent decades, due to the comprehensive influence of various human activities, the ecological environment in the Yangtze River basin has deteriorated sharply, and the biological integrity index has reached the worst "no fish" level.

  In order to save the aquatic biodiversity of the Yangtze River, on January 1, 2021, the main stream of the Yangtze River, large Tongjiang lakes and important tributaries officially began a 10-year comprehensive fishing ban. 111,000 fishing boats and 231,000 fishermen retreated ashore, which began the historical turning point of "people returning fish to enter". The "No.1 Document of the Central Committee" in 2021 released a few days ago clearly proposed to strengthen the conservation of aquatic biological resources, promote the capacity building of fishery law enforcement focusing on the Yangtze River, ensure the effective implementation of the 10-year fishing ban, and do a good job in ensuring the resettlement of retired fishermen. According to the strategic plan of the CPC Central Committee on the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, from March 1, China’s first special law on river basin protection — — The Yangtze River Protection Law will also be officially implemented.

  Recently, Guangming Daily Weibo launched an online survey on "What are you most concerned about when the Yangtze River is closed for ten years". Based on the results of the previous survey, with some questions that netizens are most concerned about, our reporter interviewed relevant experts, heads of competent departments and volunteer representatives.

  Will our table be affected after the ban on fishing?

  In Huaiyang Restaurant, Yangtze shad is a famous dish, which is regarded as a delicacy by many diners because of its tender meat.

  "Now that the Yangtze River is completely banned from fishing, is this signature dish gone?" Many people have doubts about this.

  "This kind of worry is a bit redundant, because the Yangtze River shad has been extinct for almost 30 years." Zhou Zhuocheng, an expert from China Fishery Association, explained that the Yangtze River shad is a migratory fish. In 1975, the catch reached 1,570 tons, but since the 1980s, its number has dropped rapidly, and it has been impossible to form a fish season. After the 1990s, there is no record of catching it, which is equivalent to functional extinction.

  So, what has been sold in restaurants? "Yangtze river shad is ‘ Sanxian of Yangtze River ’ First of all, in order to maintain profits, merchants actually use close relatives such as American shad and Southeast Asian clouded shad. " Zhou Zhuocheng said that with the decline of aquatic biological resources in the Yangtze River, it is very common to confuse the real with the fake.

  The fate of the Yangtze River shad is not a case. According to statistics, the annual natural catch in the Yangtze River basin has dropped from 427,000 tons in 1954 to less than 100,000 tons in recent years. Even the common "four big fish" such as herring, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp, their seedling production has dropped from 129.1 billion in 1965 to more than one billion today.

  "In contrast to the decline of fishery resources in the Yangtze River, since the 1950s, ‘ Four big fish ’ Artificial reproduction has been successful one after another, and the freshwater aquaculture industry has developed rapidly, and the table of ordinary people has not been affected. " Cao Wenxuan, a scientist who initiated the ten-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River and an academician of the China Academy of Sciences, said that from 2016 to 2019, the output of freshwater aquaculture in China was around 30 million tons, with an annual output of about 5 million tons of grass carp, 4 million tons of silver carp and nearly 3 million tons of bighead carp, providing consumers with delicious dishes such as "boiled fish" and "chopped pepper fish head" — — "The annual per capita consumption of China’s 1.4 billion population ‘ Four big fish ’ 9.4 kilograms. "

  Cheap and high-quality farmed fish can’t be separated from wild fish.

  Cao Wenxuan introduced that the artificially cultured fish in fish ponds are often the descendants of several pairs of parent fish. After long-term inbreeding, the genes will degenerate and get sick easily. Therefore, it is necessary to have wild fish to improve their germplasm resources, so that the cultured fish can grow fast and grow well. "To make people eat fish and eat better fish for a longer period of time, we must protect the natural germplasm resource pool of the Yangtze River." Cao Wenxuan stressed.

  "I don’t eat fish. Does it matter to me to protect the Yangtze River fish?" Some netizens hold this attitude. In fact, protecting the fish in the Yangtze River is not only related to the dining table, but also related to the drinking water safety of hundreds of millions of people.

  "Biodiversity is complete, and the service function of the ecosystem can be brought into play. One of the most important service functions of the Yangtze River ecosystem is to purify water quality. " Taking the development model of "controlling water with fish" in Qiandao Lake as an example, Cao Wenxuan explained that "plankton such as algae in the lake can absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and other substances in the water body, and then artificially put a certain amount of silver carp and bighead carp to eat these plankton, so that when it enters, it is three types of water, and when it flows out, it becomes one type of water."

  "I have been calling on my friends to stop eating wild fish and let the Yangtze River catch its breath. Moreover, wild fish will enrich some toxic and harmful substances in the natural environment, but the safety is not as good as that of farmed fish. " Zhou Zhuocheng, a popular science "big V" with more than 6 million fans in Weibo, said.

  What about the livelihood of fishermen after landing?

  In the past few years, in order to promote the ten-year fishing ban, Ma Yi, director of the Yangtze River Basin Fishery Supervision and Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, has been running around the Yangtze River for a long time.





  In order to ensure the livelihood of retired fishermen, as of January 31, 2021, 25.167 billion yuan of compensation funds for no-catching and no-catching have been fully put in place; In key waters, 129,743 people have changed jobs (accounting for 99.76% of the base number), 171,626 people have been provided with social security, and the task of social security for fishermen who have retired has been fully completed.

  In Cao Wenxuan’s view, the ten-year ban on fishing is not only to protect fish, but also to help fishermen change their production and lifestyle. "The Yangtze River ‘ No fish ’ The image is that fishermen can’t catch fish with legal large mesh nets, so they have to use ‘ Juehu. com ’ 、‘ Labyrinth ’ Illegal means such as electric fish can catch a little fish. In this way, the Yangtze River fishing industry is like entering ‘ Dead end ’ 。”

  Song Bin is a native of Jiangbei District, Chongqing. For more than ten years, he has been fishing and managing catering boats on the river. With the increasing number of catering boats, Song Bin feels that the Yangtze River has changed. "Disposable tableware floats on the river from time to time, and the fish is not only caught less and less, but also with a ‘ Diesel oil ’ Taste. "

  In 2018, in response to the call of the government, Song Bin took the lead in dismantling the catering boat and opened an old Songjia fish restaurant not far from the shore with compensation. Nowadays, the business of the fish house is not only booming, but also four retired fishermen like Song Bin have joined the fish house and lived a stable life on the shore.

  After the Yangtze River was completely closed to fishing, a group of fishermen still chose to stay on the river.

  On February 5, 2021, at dawn, on the surface of Poyang Lake in Hukou County, Jiangxi Province, accompanied by the "sudden" motor sound, Shu Yinan and his colleagues began a day’s work, while monitoring the number of Yangtze finless porpoises, while discouraging anglers from using "four anchor hooks" on the shore. "This ‘ Four anchor hooks ’ There are four sharp hook tips, which can directly hook through the body of big fish without biting the bait, which is very destructive to fishery resources. " Shu Yinan told reporters.

  In 2017, Shu Yinan, who was born on a fishing boat and caught fish for more than 40 years, put away his fishing net and signed up for the newly formed Hukou Assistance Patrol Team. "In the past few decades, I have seen that the Yangtze River shad and other fish are gone, and the fish caught are getting smaller and smaller. If there are no fish in the future, where will there be fishermen? "

  As the "ecstasy" in Poyang Lake was cleaned up, the electric fishermen were punished by law, and Shu Yinan saw the gratifying changes in the Yangtze River. "I patrolled 20 kilometers this morning and saw finless porpoises jump out of the water more than a dozen times. They didn’t dare to dock so close before. When I came back from my patrol at noon, I saw ‘ The Yangtze finless porpoise was promoted to the national first-class protected animal ’ The news. Great, the future of the Yangtze River will definitely be better! " Shu Yinan was very excited.

  Ten years later, will the Yangtze River regain its former vitality?

  During the investigation, some netizens also asked: "To what extent can the Yangtze River recover after ten years of fishing ban?" "Will the number of fish exceed the natural carrying capacity?"

  "If the Yangtze River ‘ Sick ’ If so, then the ten-year fishing ban can only be said to be a visit to the mother river ‘ Rescue ’ 。” Cao Wenxuan pointed out that the 10-year ban on fishing is only a small step in the great protection of the Yangtze River. "This is not once and for all, and there is still a long way to go to save the aquatic life of the Yangtze River."

  Cao Wenxuan estimated that after ten years of rest and recuperation, the spawning capacity of the "four major fishes" in the Yangtze River could rise to about 20 billion to 30 billion, reaching the level of 30% in the 1960s at most, while the recovery of many endangered species was more difficult.

  Wei Qiwei, a researcher at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, said that in the investigation of fishery resources and environment in the Yangtze River from 2017 to 2019, they found that 130 species of historically distributed fish failed to collect samples — — What’s more, rare fish such as Chinese sturgeon, Yangtze sturgeon, mullet, and Hucho taiwanese have not naturally propagated.

  "The Yangtze shad disappeared so fast that we didn’t have time to conquer the artificial propagation method; In addition, the baiji and the white sturgeon have also declared functional extinction. " Wei Qiwei believes that after ten years, the biological resources of the Yangtze River will be improved and the vitality of the ecosystem will be revived, but some species may leave us forever.

  "Fishing ban has guaranteed the survival rate of Chinese sturgeon larvae released artificially, but due to physical changes such as blocking rivers and building dams, the problem that Chinese sturgeon cannot lay eggs needs urgent scientific research. As a river-sea migratory fish, Chinese sturgeon lives in the ocean most of the time, and there are still gaps in this protection. " How to prevent the Chinese sturgeon from repeating the mistakes of the white sturgeon is a problem that Wei Qiwei has been thinking about — — Obviously, "the ban on fishing alone can’t save all the fish."

  While the population protection of Chinese sturgeon is still facing a severe test, the Yangtze finless porpoise, another flagship species of the Yangtze River, has good news.

  Dr. Qian Zhengyi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation, recalled that during his studies at the Institute of Aquatic Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he dissected 60 or 70 dead finless porpoises, about half of which had empty stomachs or other symptoms of hunger. "They were hungry and couldn’t find fish to eat in the vast Yangtze River."

  With the orderly promotion of the ban on fishing in the Yangtze River in recent years, the images of Yangtze finless porpoises playing in Poyang Lake, Yichang, Zhenjiang, Nanjing and other river sections frequently appeared on hot search. "The total ban on fishing has reduced the risk of illegal fishing gear hurting finless porpoises, and their food sources have greatly increased. I believe that in the next few years, their population will be restored to some extent. " Qian zhengyi is very confident about this.

  After graduating from Ph.D. in 2017, Qian Zhengyi devoted himself to the protection of the Yangtze finless porpoise and joined the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation. Under the guidance of the Yangtze River Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Foundation cooperated with the fishery administration department to jointly create an assisted patrol mode to attract demobilized fishermen to engage in patrol supervision. "Fishermen are most familiar with the Yangtze River and have the most affection for it. Let them from ‘ Fishing up ’ Become ‘ Fish protector ’ , which can not only meet the demand of changing production and jobs, but also give the Yangtze finless porpoise ‘ Exclusive bodyguard ’ 。” Qian Zhengyi said jokingly.

  It’s not just finless porpoises that have good news. Not long ago, researchers from the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences found a fish in Yichang section of the Yangtze River. Siniperca chuatsi was once an important economic fish in the Yangtze River basin. Due to overfishing, river and lake barriers and habitat degradation, Siniperca chuatsi disappeared in several historical distribution areas, and was listed as a provincial-level key protected aquatic wild animal in Hubei and Hunan.

  "After the squid disappeared for more than 20 years, one was found in 2017, and another was found in 2020 after a lapse of three years. The time interval between appearances was shortened, which marked the gradual recovery of the squid population." Wei Qiwei believes that with the continuous development of the ten-year fishing ban, the scale of common fish populations in the Yangtze River will increase significantly, and some threatened fish populations will also recover.

  (Reporter Zhou Mengshuang)

Leading high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation.

  Author: Dai Shuanping, professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Economics of Jilin University, and researcher of China State-owned Economic Research Center of Jilin University.

  The Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 emphasized: "We must take the promotion of Chinese modernization as the greatest politics, unite the overwhelming majority of the people under the unified leadership of the Party, focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, and turn the grand blueprint of Chinese modernization into a beautiful reality step by step." It is of great theoretical and practical significance to accurately understand the theoretical wisdom and practical requirements contained in it for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization.

  Promoting high-quality development is the primary task for China to move towards a moderately developed country. Leading the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation is a realistic choice for China to promote new industrialization at present. The modern industrial system is the foundation of the new development pattern, the basic framework for promoting high-quality development and the core component of the modern economic system. Science and technology, education and talents are the strategic supporting forces to promote Chinese modernization. A new round of scientific and technological revolution with artificial intelligence as the core is entering an all-round expansion period and will profoundly change the future economic form. Therefore, exploring new industries, new models, new kinetic energy and developing new quality productivity is an important way for China to seize future development opportunities.

  Diversified layout, regional cooperation, green transformation and digital empowerment are the distinctive features of the current global industrial system and industrial chain supply chain reshaping. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference not only emphasized "improving the new national system", "vigorously promoting new industrialization" and "supporting key core technology research, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction", but also proposed "building a number of strategic emerging industries such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace and low-altitude economy, opening up new tracks for future industries such as quantum and life sciences, widely applying digital intelligence technology and green technology, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries". Ecological civilization construction and green low-carbon development also fully reflect the characteristics driven by technological innovation. "Green low-carbon supply chain", "realization mechanism of ecological product value", "new energy system" and "intensive recycling and efficient utilization of resources" are all closely related to the construction of modern industrial system.

  Modern industrial system and scientific and technological innovation are mutually conditional and mutually supportive. Scientific and technological innovation leads the construction of modern industrial system, and industrial development is the soil for continuous scientific and technological innovation. In some frontier science and technology fields, China is changing its role from "runner" to "runner" or even "leader". However, how to play a leading role in basic research and cutting-edge core technologies requires China to make major reforms and explorations in the national innovation system. To promote the close integration of scientific and technological innovation and the construction of modern industrial system, it is necessary to continuously promote the popularization and application of intelligent and green technologies in manufacturing industry, continuously optimize the business environment, continuously stimulate the vitality of innovative subjects, open up new scenes, new fields and new tracks for innovation, establish new ones and break old ones, and accelerate the construction of a modern economic system.

  Expand domestic demand consistent with high-quality development requirements. Modern economic system is a sustainable economic system driven by scientific and technological progress, with high efficiency in resource allocation and continuous upgrading of industrial structure and product quality. Effective internal demand is the fundamental guarantee for stabilizing the economic system. However, effective demand is not static. Demand should face the future, guide resource allocation, and promote industrial structure and product quality improvement. Therefore, tapping new consumption and other new consumption growth points that meet the needs of high-quality development and effectively support new industries, new models and new kinetic energy is the key work direction to expand domestic demand. At the same time, to form effective demand, it is necessary to enhance people’s consumption confidence and satisfaction. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference put forward corresponding measures to expand the effective demand of residents from the perspectives of implementing new development concepts and building a new development pattern. For example, "promoting urban-rural integration and coordinated regional development", "promoting new urbanization with county towns as an important carrier" and "building livable, resilient and smart cities" can all expand the total demand. Similarly, giving priority to people’s livelihood and employment has sent a strong signal to stabilize social expectations. Only by building a sound social security system can residents be willing to spend and dare to spend.

  Deepen reform in key areas and expand high-level opening up. Domestic reform and opening to the outside world are the most basic experience summary of China’s economic construction. The Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 highlighted two basic points of work: reform in key areas and high-level opening to the outside world. Fully activating the endogenous motivation and innovation vitality of various business entities is the basic foothold of deepening the reform in key areas, treating state-owned enterprises and private enterprises equally, promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in a new direction of specialization, serving the new round of scientific and technological revolution and helping high-quality development. It is worth noting that the meeting proposed to plan a new round of fiscal and taxation system reform, which will be of great significance to building a modern economic system and establishing a risk prevention mechanism in key areas.

  High-level opening to the outside world pays attention to tapping new kinetic energy of foreign trade, and expands and consolidates the foundation and depth of international exchanges based on new economic development models, new kinetic energy and new industries. Focus on expanding intermediate trade, service trade, digital trade, cross-border e-commerce export, and promoting the opening up of the service market, which shows that China’s foreign trade pattern has undergone fundamental changes, and traditional raw materials and processing and manufacturing have not adapted to the requirements of China’s high-quality development. With the reshaping of the industrial chain value chain, Chinese enterprises have been deeply embedded in the global value chain, and the importance of intermediate trade is getting higher and higher, and the status of producer service trade and digital trade in the trading system is gradually improving. Meanwhile. The construction of such institutional systems as "high standard economic and trade rules", "cross-border flow of data", "market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment" and "investing in China" should also meet the requirements of China’s new development pattern and high-quality development as soon as possible.

  Prevent and resolve risks in key areas. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference emphasized that "next year, we should persist in striving for progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, establishing first and then breaking", and put forward the working bottom line of "stabilizing expectations, growth and employment". The working idea of "stabilizing" is embodied in social stability, implementing a prudent monetary policy, maintaining the basic stability of RMB exchange rate at a reasonable level, stabilizing and expanding traditional consumption, ensuring the employment stability of key groups, and ensuring the supply and price stability of important livelihood commodities.

  "Striving for progress with stability, promoting stability with progress, establishing first and then breaking" embodies China’s new thinking in dealing with the relationship between reform and development, as well as new strategies to reduce the pain of reform and stabilize social mentality. What "stands" is not only the new quality productivity, but also the new economic governance mode. At present, the risks of real estate, local debts and small and medium-sized financial institutions are the three major risk areas. Based on this, this paper puts forward some concrete work ideas to prevent and resolve risks, such as "three major projects", "accelerating the construction of a new model of real estate development" and "a big economic province should really take the lead". These schemes are based on the premise of maintaining overall stability, setting buffer zones, gradually absorbing risks, and minimizing the possible negative impact of "breaking".

The sun will live a billion years less? It’s not just you and me.

  Can you imagine a world without the sun? Astronomers’ research shows that if there is no sun, the average surface temperature of the earth will drop to below-17.78 degrees Celsius in a week, and it will drop to-73.33 degrees Celsius in a year. Most plants will die in a few weeks, and then most life will disappear because of the disappearance of the sun, and everything will be dead.

  Now we know how important the sun is to us! However, something unfortunate happened. Recently, foreign scientists’ research on the metal abundance of the sun shows that we may overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, and the sun may die one billion years earlier than we expected.

  Elemental abundance controls the sun’s life gate

  It is understood that scientists have previously deduced that the life of the sun is about 10 billion years based on the standard solar model that ignores the rotation effect, which is a theoretical value simulated by the stellar evolution program, not a real value. And this value only refers to the central hydrogen combustion life in the theory of star evolution.

  "This is not to say that the sun really can only exist for 10 billion years. The accurate statement should be called the main sequence life of the solar model. In theory, the sun will become a red giant in about 10 billion years, but it still exists and will emit more sunlight. " Associate Professor Yang Wuming from the Astronomy Department of Beijing Normal University told the Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  He said that there are many preconditions to get the theoretical value of 10 billion years, and it is necessary to assume the initial element abundance of the sun and the physical process inside the sun. The life of the solar model is different with different initial element abundances. Because it is impossible to really get the initial element abundance of the sun and determine its internal physical processes, the life of the sun and even other stars cannot be accurately estimated.

  Twenty years ago, astronomers’ direct and indirect measurements of the sun showed that the metal abundance of the sun was around 1.8%; However, the latest solar spectrum measurement shows that the metal abundance of the sun is only 1.3%, which is far lower than the previous measurement results, and correspondingly, the life of the sun will be reduced by 1 billion years.

  The so-called solar metal abundance is the general term for the abundance of solar elements except hydrogen and helium. This metal is different from what we usually call metals. Because the contents of hydrogen and helium in the sun account for the vast majority, astronomers call all the heavier elements in the sun "metals". Although the content of these metals is small, it affects the fate of the sun.

  Because the electrons of metal elements easily absorb photons, which hinders radiation, the higher the metal abundance of the sun or star, the higher the opacity. The opacity of the sun or star is closely related to its life, temperature, brightness and other properties. Sani Vaniotch, a physicist who studies solar metal abundance at Stockholm University in Sweden, said that a very small amount of metal is enough to completely change the behavior of a star, and metal abundance can basically tell you how the star will die.

  Influence of atmospheric model on solar lifetime estimation

  The solar spectral measurement used in the latest research usually means that astronomers get the spectral lines of all measurable elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron through solar spectral analysis, and then compare them with the spectral lines given by the solar atmospheric model. When the two are consistent, the abundance of elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron used in the atmospheric model is considered as the element abundance of the solar photosphere. "However, this method cannot obtain the relative abundance of inert gases such as helium, neon and argon. The abundance of helium on the surface of the sun can only be inferred by helioseismology. " Yang Wuming said.

  After the latest measurement results come out, many people are wondering: Why is there such a big difference between the solar metal abundance measured before and after?

  In this regard, Yang Wuming explained that the old solar metal abundance was derived from the one-dimensional atmospheric model of local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines; The new solar metal abundance is derived from the three-dimensional atmospheric model of non-local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines. The old one-dimensional atmospheric model is considered to ignore many physical factors. Some scientists think that the new atmospheric model is closer to the real situation, and it is the improvement of the atmospheric model and the update of the transition probability data of atoms and molecules that cause the difference in the abundance of old and new metal elements.

  In the evolution of stars, if other conditions remain unchanged, the decrease of metal abundance will lead to the energy generated by the central nuclear reaction radiating outward more easily. However, the energy tends to radiate outward, which will cause the star to contract more easily and increase the density and temperature of the center of the star. More importantly, the increase of density and temperature will accelerate the hydrogen combustion rate, which will lead to the shortening of the total time of central hydrogen combustion, that is, the main sequence life of the solar model will be shortened. However, if other conditions change, such as the increase of hydrogen abundance or the influence of the sun’s rotation on its evolution, then the aforementioned life reduction does not exist.

  So, how to verify which method is more correct in the future?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, the answer to this question lies in which metal abundance measurement is more accurate and whether the helioseismology inversion result is reliable. Only by giving the correct abundance of solar elements can we determine how long the life of the sun is. If we can give a new solar model of gold abundance consistent with the helioseismology inversion results, all related problems will be solved.

  Life geometry is related to the theory of stellar evolution.

  Chen Pengfei, a professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, said that he was inclined to think that the initial life span of the sun was correct, and the life span of the sun would not be reduced by one billion years. "For several reasons, I prefer to think that the original model is correct: first, the measurement results of metal abundance in the solar wind by satellites support 1.8%; Secondly, the density of photosphere on the surface of the sun is high enough, so it is reasonable to adopt the approximation of local heat balance model in the past; Thirdly, the new model takes into account the inhomogeneity of the solar atmosphere, which is indeed an improvement, but it also ignores other factors, such as the influence of magnetic field; Fourth, to take a step back, even if the results of the new model are correct, because the distribution of metal abundance may be uneven, the metal abundance on the surface of the sun may be different from that inside. " Chen Pengfei said.

  At the same time, Yang Wuming also agrees that the initial solar life is correct. He said that the life of the sun has not been overestimated by 1 billion years, and that the life of the sun is overestimated because only the reduction of metal abundance is considered. When the influence of hydrogen abundance increase and rotation on the evolution of the sun is considered, the life of the sun will not be reduced.

  However, the astrophysicist Martin asp Lund of the Australian National University insists that the 1.3% solar metal abundance is correct. He said that all aspects of astronomy will be affected, and an accurate understanding of the evolution of stars has laid the foundation for almost everything.

  So, if astronomers do overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, what theories need to be revised?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, if the life of the sun is really overestimated by 1 billion years, it shows that the theory of stellar evolution established by astronomers before is not complete, so they need to re-examine the theory and model of stellar evolution established before. For example, the standard theory of star evolution ignores the influence of star rotation, but in fact all stars are rotating. We have reached the time when we need to seriously consider the influence of rotation on the evolution of stars. Astronomical research on star clusters and galaxies depends on the theory of stellar evolution to a certain extent. If the theory of stellar evolution is wrong, the previous understanding of star clusters and galaxies needs to be adjusted.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: In March, the automobile production and sales decreased by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively.

  Beijing, April 14 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released the economic operation of the automobile industry in March 2020. The data shows that in March, the production and sales of automobiles were 1.422 million and 1.43 million respectively, down by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively. From January to March, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.474 million and 3.672 million respectively, down by 45.2% and 42.4% respectively.

  According to reports, in March, 2020, with the phased results of epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, auto companies accelerated their resumption of work and production, production and operation resumed in an orderly manner, and the auto market gradually picked up, but the overall production and sales were still at a low level.

  Car sales in March decreased by 43.3% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of automobiles were 1.422 million and 1.43 million respectively, down by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.474 million and 3.672 million respectively, down by 45.2% and 42.4% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  — — In March, passenger car sales decreased by 48.4% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of passenger cars were 1.049 million and 1.043 million respectively, down by 49.9% and 48.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of cars were 493,000 and 491,000 respectively, down by 50.3% and 48.6% respectively. The production and sales of SUVs were 498,000 and 485,000 respectively, down by 44.8% and 43.9% respectively. The production and sales of MPV were 35,000 and 46,000 respectively, down by 77.3% and 70% respectively. The production and sales of crossover passenger cars were 22,000 and 21,000 respectively, down by 48.6% and 58.2% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of passenger cars were 2.684 million and 2.877 million respectively, down by 48.7% and 45.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of cars were 1.233 million and 1.325 million respectively, down by 50.4% and 47.6% respectively. The production and sales of SUVs were 1.288 million and 1.372 million respectively, down by 43.1% and 39.6% respectively. The production and sales of MPV were 114,000 and 136,000 respectively, down by 70.4% and 63.3% respectively. The production and sales of crossover passenger cars were 49,000 and 45,000 respectively, down by 51.1% and 54.1% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  In March, China brand passenger cars sold 433,000 vehicles, down 48.2% year-on-year, accounting for 41.5% of the total passenger car sales, and its share increased by 0.2 percentage points year-on-year.

  From January to March, the cumulative sales of China brand passenger cars was 1.155 million, down 47.3% year-on-year, accounting for 40.1% of the total sales of passenger cars, and the share decreased by 1.5 percentage points year-on-year. Among them, the sales volume of cars was 265,000, down 48.7% year-on-year, with a market share of 20.1%; The sales volume of SUVs was 752,000 units, down 41.3% year-on-year, with a market share of 54.8%. MPV sold 91,000 vehicles, down 69% year-on-year, with a market share of 67.2%.

  — — Commercial vehicle sales in March decreased by 22.6% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 373,000 and 388,000 respectively, down by 20.3% and 22.6% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of trucks were 341,000 and 357,000 respectively, down by 20.3% and 22.1% respectively. The production and sales of passenger cars were 32,000 and 31,000 respectively, down by 20.9% and 28% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 790,000 and 794,000 respectively, down by 28.7% and 28.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of trucks were 721,000 and 728,000 respectively, down by 29.3% and 28.2% respectively. The production and sales of buses were 69,000 and 66,000 respectively, down by 22.9% and 30.7% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  In March, the sales of new energy vehicles decreased by 53.2% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 50,000 and 53,000 respectively, down by 56.9% and 53.2% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 38,000 and 40,000 respectively, down by 58.5% and 55.6% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 11,000 and 13,000 respectively, down by 50.2% and 44.1% respectively. The production and sales of fuel cell vehicles were 38 and 36 respectively, of which the output increased by 5.6% year-on-year, and the sales volume was the same as the same period.

  From January to March, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 105,000 and 114,000 respectively, down by 60.2% and 56.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 77,000 and 85,000 respectively, down by 61.8% and 58.6% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles were 28,000 and 29,000 respectively, down by 55% and 48.5% respectively. The production and sales of fuel cell vehicles were 183 and 207 respectively, down by 19.7% and 7.2% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  From January to February, the main business income of key enterprises decreased by 32.8% year-on-year.

  From January to February, the main business income of key enterprises (groups) in the automobile industry totaled 382.7 billion yuan, down 32.8% year-on-year; Accumulated profits and taxes totaled 21.16 billion yuan, down 65.1% year-on-year.

  Automobile exports increased by 0.8% year-on-year in March.

  In March, 91,000 vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 0.8%. In terms of models, the number of passenger cars exported was 68,000, a year-on-year increase of 21.9%; The number of commercial vehicles exported was 23,000, a year-on-year decrease of 33.8%.

  From January to March, 204,000 vehicles were exported, down 11.5% year-on-year. In terms of models, the number of passenger cars exported was 154,000, a year-on-year increase of 5.3%; 50,000 commercial vehicles were exported, down 40.7% year-on-year.

The earliest tea unearthed in the world has promoted the tea affair in China for 300 years, and tea culture is exquisite.

Original literature and history Jun Haoran literature and history

There are two boys serving tea in the front of (part of) Yan Yin Tu in Tang Dynasty.

An archaeological report published by the archaeological team of Shandong University officially announced the discovery of the world’s earliest tea in the ruins of the ancient city of Guo in Zoucheng, Jining, Shandong. Prior to this, the earliest tea in the world was found in the burial pit of Yangling, Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty. This discovery of Shandong University directly pushed the historical upper limit of tea drinking in China for more than 300 years. Tea, as a kind of drink, has entered the daily life of China people for a long time. With the development of history, not only tea itself and its related material forms have been developed, but also tea has entered the spiritual world of China people and become a sustenance of the elegant people. When the tea inscription meets the ancient paintings, those long-gone tea events are vividly presented in front of us. Let’s follow these ancient paintings to see the tea events in China!

Tea found in the ruins of the ancient city of Guo in Zoucheng, Jining, Shandong Province

I. Tea Affairs in Tang and Song Dynasties

China people’s acceptance of tea is a gradual process. Legend has it that tea originated from Emperor Yan Shennong, but at this time it was used as a medicinal drink. In the Warring States period, people in China had drunk tea. In the Han Dynasty, tea was still used as a medicine or food to participate in people’s lives.

The earliest and most reliable record of tea can be found in "Tong Yue" written by Wang Bao of Sichuan in the Western Han Dynasty. It records what a servant should do every day, and one of them is "brew tea does everything … Wuyang buys tea". Later, tea pots engraved with the word "tea" in the Eastern Han Dynasty were unearthed in Zhejiang and other places. This shows that tea has been quite popular in the Han Dynasty.

Although there were sporadic records about tea in Wei and Jin Dynasties, the tea culture at this time was still in a hazy period. Tea culture gradually surfaced, not only in ancient paintings, but also in systematic records, starting from the Tang Dynasty. The Classic of Tea by Lu Yu, a native of Tang Dynasty, is the first monograph on tea culture in the history of China, while The Orchid Pavilion of Xiao Yi is the first ancient painting with brew tea in the history of our country.

The Song Dynasty’s Copy of Xiao Yi Earning Lan Ting Tu, which was anonymous in Tang Dynasty.

The popularity of tea in the Tang dynasty was recorded in detail in the sealed "Feng’s Experience". It is said that during the Kaiyuan period, a monk in Lingyan Temple in Taishan forgot to eat and sleep in order to study Zen, and he relied on drinking tea to eliminate his fatigue and hunger. After the news spread, it became a custom to follow suit. From Shandong to Chang ‘an, the then capital city, and Chasiying Street, the world could beg for a cup of tea as long as it invested money.

After the publication of Lu Yu’s Tea Classics in Tang Suzong, tea culture gradually became an art, which was favored by ministers and nobles. "When the tea ceremony is popular, all princes and courtiers will drink.".

"Wu Mei Niang Legend" Tea tasting in upper class

A picture of Gong Le Tu in the Tang Dynasty depicts twelve beautiful women playing music around the table. They are holding pipa, guzheng, sheng and other musical instruments. There is a big tea basin on the table, and a maid-in-waiting is taking tea from the tea basin and giving it to everyone. A beautiful woman is making a drink, which shows that tea has become an essential thing for these princes and nobles to have fun every day.

Gong le tu in Tang dynasty

According to Lu Yu’s Book of Tea, people in the Tang Dynasty can be divided into boiled tea, nunnery tea and tea. In the Tang dynasty, people also called boiling tea fried tea. Although their names are different, their methods are generally the same. Use a "tea pot" or "tea kettle" for "boiling tea". After the tea is cooked, you need to use a tea spoon to take it to other places. The "fried tea" uses "tea pan", and after the tea is cooked, it can flow directly from the spout to the container.

Temple tea is now brewed directly with boiling water, while tea is special. In the Tang Dynasty, people mixed tea and porridge into a kind of tea porridge, and this drinking method was called "porridge".

"Xiao Yi Earns Lanting Map" Part

The painting "Xiao Yi Earns Lanting Map" tells the story of Xiao Yi defrauding Lanting Preface from the debating machine for Emperor Taizong. In the lower left corner of the painting, there is a stove boiling tea, and an old man is squatting on the ground, holding a bamboo pod and stirring the tea powder in the tea pot. The old man is on his back, his nostrils are enlarged, and he seems to appreciate the rich tea fragrance. While another teenager is holding a black lacquer lamp holder and a white porcelain bowl, leaning over and waiting to pick up the tea that is about to be fried. The instrument used by the old people to cook tea is a tea jar. After the tea is cooked, it can be poured directly into the tea cup offered by the young people. This way of frying tea was a common way in the Tang Dynasty. Besides, we can also see tea-making tools such as saucer, tea mill and tea combination in this painting.

The image expressed in "Xiao Yi Earns Lanting Map" itself is that guests come to cook tea, which inadvertently reflects the skills and related tools of tea cooking in Tang Dynasty, and shows that the method of tea cooking in Tang Dynasty has reached maturity and entered people’s daily life. It is in line with Lu Yu’s sentence: "When you are immersed in the customs, it is prosperous in the country, and the two capitals are between Jing and Yu, thinking that it is better than drinking in the house."

The maid on the left side of Tang Zhou Fang’s "Tune the piano and compose the tea" serves tea.

Song people are better at tea than Tang people, but they have the habits of Song people. Tea was divided into "piece tea" and "loose tea" by Song people. "Piece tea" is a cake that has been squeezed into cakes, while "loose tea" is tea that has not been squeezed. However, Song people like tea powder, that is, grinding tea into powder, so whether it is "piece tea" or "loose tea", it is actually tea powder.

Because of the different forms of tea, the way of drinking tea in Song Dynasty was different from that in Tang Dynasty. Tang people like to "make tea", while Song people like to "order tea". The so-called "tea-ordering" means putting the tea powder in a tea cup, adding soup to it with a tea bottle, and finally stirring the tea powder. "Ordering" also means drip. This process seems simple, but it is actually very learned. The appearance of ordering tea, a way of drinking tea, also led to the emergence of a competition about tea cooking in Song Dynasty-fighting tea.

Prepare tea map

Tea fighting, also known as "tea fighting", has several processes. At first, it is necessary to iron the tea cup, and then "paste mixing", that is, pour the tea powder into the tea cup. The most important process is to pour boiling water and stir the tea leaves with teaspoons and tea baskets. Especially when mixing with a tea basket, we should pay attention to the priorities. After mixing a bowl of good tea soup, the foam floating on the surface should be evenly spread and the foam should be close to the tea cup, which is called "biting the cup". However, if the foamed camellia is not evenly spread to reveal a gap, then the mixing fails, which is called "cloud foot scattering" or "water foot scattering".

In the Song Dynasty, we can see several people in folk costumes squatting and fighting for tea, which is a good picture of folk fighting for tea.

Song dynasty’s anonymous "dou cha tu"

Generally speaking, not all tea leaves will use tea in this way. Song Wangguan said in "Learning Forest" that "the best of tea is to sip it; Those who fry and sip it are all common ",that is to say, good tea will use the way of ordering tea, and ordinary tea will still be used to fry tea." But in fact, almost everyone in the Song Dynasty used some tea when drinking tea.

Song people like tea, from the emperor or the public to the common people. Song Huizong once painted a picture of Wen Hui Tu, which was about the literati’s elegant collection of tea. The lower part of the painting depicts several waiters waiting for soup and ordering tea, showing the literati’s love for ordering tea at that time. In addition, in order to meet their own demand for tea, the royal family in the Northern Song Dynasty specially sent a transshipment ambassador to Beiyuan, Fujian Province to make tribute tea, with the name "Dragon and Phoenix Tuancha". Song Huizong once praised it as "Dragon and Phoenix Tuancha, which is famous in the world", and even wrote "Daguan Tea Theory" himself, becoming the only emperor in China history who personally wrote the tea theory.

Wen Hui Tu by Song Huizong in Northern Song Dynasty (partial)

In the masterpiece The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, we can find tea shops everywhere in the bustling Bianjing street, which became the most important place to meet the material and spiritual needs of the citizens in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Song Zhang Zeduan’s Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival (partial)

Second, tea affairs in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties

The Yuan Dynasty was a dynasty established by Mongolian ethnic minorities. Because of the difference in diet, the Mongols were not very interested in drinking tea. In addition, the country of the Yuan Dynasty was not very long, so the drinking habits of the Yuan Dynasty basically followed the way of drinking tea in the Song Dynasty. However, the Yuan Dynasty was a transitional stage. At that time, there was a tea-making method of "soaking soup to remove smoke and decocting it with soup" in the south, which was basically consistent with the tea-drinking method in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Yuan mural Dao Tong

By the Ming Dynasty, there had been another great change in the way of drinking tea in China. Because the manufacturing process of tea powder is complicated, Ming Taizu officially abolished the tribute tea in Fujian in the Song Dynasty in the 24th year of Hongwu, and changed the tea powder to make tea. The form of tea was formally changed from group tea and cake tea to loose tea, which led to the general way of making tea now. Tea powder was abandoned, and the method of ordering tea was naturally abandoned. Over time, people in the Ming Dynasty did not know what the method of ordering tea was.

Xu Cishu, a Ming Dynasty man, recorded the way of making tea in Tea and Vegetables Cooking Point: "First, hold tea in your hand, once the soup is put into the pot, throw the tea soup at hand, and cover it with a lid. When you breathe three times, you will pour it into the pot again." Although the Ming people still pay attention to the first tea soup for washing tea and the second for drinking, this way of making tea has been much simpler than the tea frying method in Tang Dynasty and the tea ordering method in Song Dynasty.

Ming anonymous "tea tasting map"

In Wen Zhiming’s Tea Tasting Map, we can see a grass hiding under a tree, two people sitting opposite each other in the cottage, a teapot and two white porcelain teacups on the middle desk, and a boy cooking water in the side room. Tea drinking is born with a quiet temperament. Drinking tea in downtown is lively, but in such an environment as painting, tea drinking pays attention to quietness, and it is the most desirable way for scholars in Ming Dynasty to discuss tea in quietness. Zhang Yuan, a Ming Dynasty scholar, said in Tea Record: "Drinking tea with few guests is more expensive, but many guests are noisy, and noisy is lacking in elegance." It can be seen that the tea drinking of Ming scholars is a static word, which also gives a different sustenance to tea tasting.

Tea Tasting Map by Wen Zhiming in Ming Dynasty (partial)

When we compare this picture with the Song Dynasty’s "Dou Cha Tu" mentioned before, we will find that with the disappearance of tea powder and tea ordering, tea sets have been simplified, and the tools needed for drinking tea in the Song Dynasty, such as tea grinders, teaspoons and tea baskets, are no longer popular, so that scholars in the middle and late Ming Dynasty will be confused when they read the tea baskets written by Song people.

Tea basket

Although the procedures for drinking tea and tea sets have been simplified, the quality of life of the literati in Ming and Qing dynasties has not decreased at all. They have played new tricks on the remaining teapots, teacups and tea cans, and the tea sets in the Ming and Qing dynasties are more exquisite and exquisite.

Teapots in the two dynasties were made of purple clay pots, and Wen Zhenheng, a Ming dynasty, said in "Chronicles of Long Stories" that "the teapot is made of sand, and the cover is neither fragrant nor cooked." Ming people also prefer small pots, it is best to have a small pot for each person at the elegant meeting, so as to enjoy themselves.

Porcelain firing in Ming and Qing Dynasties reached its peak, which was reflected in tea ware’s style. Most of tea ware are exquisite, but the style is according to the emperor’s preference. Yong Zhengdi in Qing Dynasty likes elegance, while tea sets in Yongzheng Dynasty are mostly simple in shape, fresh and elegant in style, giving people a pleasing feeling. For example, in Yongzheng period, there were two Yixing Kiln Zisha tea pots, one of which was hexagonal, with the word "before the rain" engraved on the lid, while the other was round and round, with the word "Zhulan" engraved on the lid.

Objects in Yongzheng period

However, Emperor Qianlong advocated magnificence, so the style of tea set in Qianlong Dynasty was warm and gorgeous, and glaze and other techniques were widely used, with bright colors and diverse patterns, with the intention of highlighting the weather of a prosperous generation. For example, in the Qianlong Dynasty, a sapphire Sanqing tea poem covered the bowl. The sapphire was transparent, covered with gold patterns, and the bowl was exquisitely carved with poems. But this is also generally speaking, there were gorgeous tea sets in Yongzheng Dynasty, and there were also elegant tea sets in Qianlong Dynasty.

Qianlong period artifacts

It is worth mentioning that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty kept their own tea culture-milk tea when they accepted the tea culture of the Han nationality. According to records, Manchu people still kept the habit of drinking milk tea after entering the customs, and the palace also set up a special institution to provide milk tea. The Qing emperor liked to have a cup of milk tea before eating, and the milk tea and other drinks in the court were also distributed according to the quantity. The rulers of the Qing dynasty loved milk tea, and even when they went hunting, they didn’t forget to have a drink.

Ranz Ning’s Hongli Hunting Dinner in Qing Dynasty (partial)

Wen Shijun said

The origin of tea culture in China is very early, and ancient ancestors have already recognized the medicinal function of tea. With the development of history, tea has increasingly entered people’s daily lives, and the fragrance of tea can be smelled in the deep gardens of the palace, in the streets of the streets and in the barren hills and wild forests. The rise of tea culture has led to the change of the material form of tea drinking, and also enriched the spiritual life of the ancient people, and tea tasting has been given a different spiritual sustenance by the ancient people. Therefore, China’s tea culture includes both material and spiritual aspects.

reference data

Qiu Jiping: Chinese Tea Painting, Zhejiang Photography Publishing House, 2014.

Liao Baoxiu: Tea Affairs and tea ware in Past Dynasties, Palace Museum Press, 2017.

Zhao Qiuli and Fan Feng: The Archaeological Team of Shandong University Discovered the World’s Earliest Tea Remains, Guangming Daily, November 26, 2021.

(Author: Haoran literature and history Jingsu)

The pictures used in this article are all from online search unless otherwise specified. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete them. Thank you!

Summer Economy | Night shopping, night entertainment, night travel … Which cities love "nightlife" best?

In the evening of summer, the business circle of the city is gradually becoming lively, and "shopping" and "shopping" have become "necessary" items in summer nights. In recent years, "nightlife" is expanding from catering and shopping to entertainment and leisure, and night cultural activities such as performances and exhibitions are gradually increasing.
Night shopping, night eating, night practice, night reading, night entertainment, night outing … The prosperity of "night economy" is an important symbol of a city’s economic openness and activity. Since the beginning of this year, many places have proposed to develop the night economy, and local government officials have taken the lead in taking to the streets to eat supper, and many places have issued documents to promote the vitality of night consumption.
In the hot summer, how can cities ignite "fireworks" in 2022? What are the new trends of night economy under the boost of local consumption policies? Which cities love "nightlife" best? Who is the main force of night consumption? The Beijing News Shell Finance takes you through the data to see the "consumption picture" of midsummer night.
1.2022Economic scale is expected to break through.40Trillion yuan
Which cities are"The city that never sleeps"?
Night economy is an important part of urban economy, and it is also an important starting point for cities to stimulate consumption.
According to the survey report of urban residents’ consumption habits of the Ministry of Commerce, 60% of residents’ consumption occurs at night, and young people born after 1995 are the main group of night economy.
2019 is called "the first year of night economy in China", and the night economy develops rapidly. The State Council issued "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circulation to Promote Commercial Consumption", proposing to enliven night businesses and markets and improve the convenience and activity of night consumption. In 2019, the night economy reached 26.4 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.3%. In the following two years, the night economic growth rate exceeded 17%. According to Ai Media Consulting, China’s nighttime economic growth rate will continue to grow in 2022, and the economic scale is expected to exceed 40 trillion yuan.
In 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the first batch of 120 national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas. The data shows that Beijing, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Shandong, Guangxi, Chongqing and Sichuan have the largest number of night culture and tourism consumption areas. Qianmen Street in Dongcheng District of Beijing, Tianqiao Performing Arts Zone in Xicheng District, 798-751 Art Block in Chaoyang District, Liangmahe Style Waterfront in Chaoyang District, Huaxi LIVE· Wukesong in Haidian District and Gubei Water Town in Miyun District are all on the list.
Night economic agglomeration has become the common carrier of night economic construction in most cities. Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Suzhou, Foshan and Kunming have clearly put forward relevant construction plans. For example, Foshan proposes to build eight high-quality night economic clusters by the end of 2021, and Kunming proposes to build 15-20 night economic clusters.
In order to boost the economy and consumption vitality, measures to develop night economy have been issued in many places this year.
The Beijing News Shell Finance reporter found that taking Beijing as an example, in February 2022, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and other 10 departments issued "Several Measures for Further Promoting the Development of Business Circle", which put forward 14 specific measures to promote the development of business circle from four aspects: innovating business circle management mode, creating a prosperous and standardized business circle consumption environment, improving the intelligence level of business circle and increasing policy support, among which "encouraging key business circles to develop night economy" became an important content.
Henan proposes to focus on the development of "night economy", allowing the use of "shops outside" and "open-air markets" under standardized and orderly conditions. In Xi ‘an, qualified commercial pedestrian streets and commercial complexes are allowed to operate outside in the specified time period at night, and outdoor activities such as automobile market, cultural and creative market, cultural performances and night trips to Chang ‘an are held based on characteristic commercial districts.
This summer, the "trunk market" rose again, enriching the nightlife consumption scene.
In Nanjing, Qingdao and other cities, whenever night falls, many people drive their cars to the local square, line them up in turn, open the trunk to display goods, install small light bulbs and literary signs, and turn them into miniature shops. Such a "trunk shop" has attracted many citizens to stop.
Generally speaking, China’s night economy presents the characteristics of "strong in the south and weak in the north". According to the big data of the ride, during the period from May 1 to June 20, 2022, among the TOP 10 cities with night travel activity, 9 cities in the south and only one city in Beijing in the north. Among them, the top five cities in activity belong to South China.
In addition, the demand for night travel also reflects the economic vitality of the city, and the demand for night travel of residents in new first-tier cities is generally more. The Beijing News Shell Finance reporter found that among the top ten cities traveling at night, there are 5 new first-tier cities, 3 first-tier cities and 2 second-tier cities. In 2021, the GDP trillion club, New Jincheng, Dongguan ranked third, and Foshan ranked fourth.
It is worth mentioning that second-tier coastal cities are also active at night. Two second-tier cities, Xiamen and Quanzhou, ranked in the top ten for night trips, and Xiamen ranked second, second only to Shenzhen.
2."at nightDrink "into a young man"New consumption trend
exceedsixsucceedInterviewedConsumers go at least once a month.
On summer nights, having a drink with three or five friends has become one of the ways for young people to relax at night.
Urban nightlife scenes are constantly enriched, and pubs that are mainly open at night have become an important scene for people to socialize and entertain. According to the sample survey of Ai Media Consulting, more than 60% of the consumers interviewed go at least once a month, among which 27.5% go once every two to three weeks and 18.9% go once a month.
Although drinking is the main thing, unlike nightclubs, the bistro with a sense of atmosphere provides more social space and is a "compound" venue that includes music, board games, performances and catering.
Night consumer demand is constantly released, and the pub economy is growing steadily.
In 2018, the scale of China’s tavern market exceeded 100 billion yuan; In 2021, the market scale reached 128.04 billion yuan, an increase of 26.2% compared with 2020. Zheshang Securities said that with the relaxation of epidemic prevention and control policies in various places and the peak of night consumption in summer, the demand for night consumption has been steadily restored, which is expected to promote the concentrated outbreak of pub format in summer.
The pub economy is hot, more people are eyeing this "cake", and many catering enterprises have entered the "bistro" across the border. According to Ai Media Consulting, from 2015 to 2020, the total registered volume of China tavern-related enterprises showed an overall upward trend, with a compound annual growth rate of 49.5%. By the end of 2021, the total registered volume of related enterprises reached 14,658. Among them, there are many new consumer brands like Naixue, as well as catering enterprises such as Puju and Laoxiang Chicken.
3. DuodiExtend the opening hours of cultural venues such as museums.
Cultural life enters night economy.
In addition to catering and shopping, the cultural consumption of night life is also increasingly prosperous. Many places propose to extend the opening hours of museums, art galleries and other cultural venues, and visiting museums and watching exhibitions has also become a favorite night cultural activity for consumers.
The rise of night cultural activities has promoted the gradual recovery of China’s performance market.
In 2021, the overall scale of China’s performance market reached 33.585 billion yuan, an increase of 27.76% compared with 2020. Among them, drama has become the most popular type of performance. In 2021, among the 114,400 theatrical performances, the box office revenue of drama performances ranked first, and the number of drama performances ranked third.
On June 29th, Ma Li, deputy director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, said that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism would plan and implement an action plan to promote cultural and tourism consumption in the second half of the year, seize the peak summer consumption season, focus on developing night culture and tourism economy, and guide relevant institutions to publish night culture and tourism consumption maps.
4.E-commerce night market "helps night economy"
Which cities like to place orders at night?
Liu Genghong, who escaped the aerobics this summer, did not escape Dong Yuhui, who brought goods in the live broadcast room of Oriental Zhenpin.
Since June this year, the bilingual live broadcast of New Oriental has been on fire, which not only allows people to see the new way of live broadcast with goods, but also allows people to see the potential of e-commerce night market economy.
With the maturity of new consumption patterns such as live e-commerce, the proportion of online sales channels shopping at night is expanding. Ningbo, Shanghai and other places issue e-commerce coupons to stimulate consumption. On June 27th, Anhui started the night economic consumption season, focusing on key sectors such as automobiles, home appliances, catering and e-commerce, to help the whole chain of consumption recover.
The data shows that people in first-tier cities prefer to place orders online on summer nights. From May to June 20, 2022, the number of online shopping orders in first-tier cities ranked in the top four, and Beijing ranked first. Chengdu, which is called "the city that never sleeps" by many tourists, is also enthusiastic about online shopping.
What do people who don’t sleep buy? Residents in different areas have regional characteristics in shopping. Consumers in Changsha and Hangzhou, online celebrity’s tourist cities, prefer travel products, while residents in Fuzhou and Guangzhou prefer entertainment products. People in Sichuan and Chongqing prefer food and drinks, while Beijing and Shanghai prefer fresh food.

2023 Oriental Beauty Valley International Cosmetics Conference opens. How can China’s beauty industry break?

"Oriental Beauty Valley China Characteristic Cosmetic Raw Material Base Alliance" was unveiled. The pictures in this article are all provided by the organizers.

The 6th China International Import Expo is in full swing, and the international top event of cosmetics industry is also on schedule.

On the morning of November 9, 2023 Oriental Beauty Valley International Cosmetics Conference officially opened. This conference is the sixth, with the theme of "Beautiful World of Oriental Beauty Valley", and many well-known enterprises, experts, scholars and industry leaders from home and abroad gathered together.

As the "capital of cosmetics industry in China", Oriental Beauty Valley has gathered more than one third of cosmetics enterprises in Shanghai, with an industrial scale of nearly 100 billion yuan. According to the "2023 Oriental Meigu Trademark Brand Value Evaluation Report" released at the opening ceremony, the trademark brand value of Oriental Meigu has reached 33.878 billion yuan, with a total increase of 312% in the past five years.

Release the blue book on the spot

Post-80s and post-90s become the main consumer groups of high-quality cosmetics.

According to the "Blue Book of Oriental Beauty Valley 2023" released at the opening ceremony, the cosmetics market in China will usher in a new round of rapid growth in 2023. In the first half of this year, the total retail sales of cosmetics market reached 207.1 billion yuan, up 8.6% year-on-year.

The blue book shows that consumers tend to pay extra premium for high-quality products, among which the post-80 s and post-95 s are the main consumer groups. More than 80% of consumers are willing to spend money because cosmetics can provide high emotional value (improve the quality of life and happiness). At the same time, consumers’ purchasing decision-making process is becoming more rational.

In terms of product cognition, the resonance between ingredients, raw materials and R&D is pushing the beauty industry to turn to biotechnology, and the beauty market has entered the raw material bonus period, and the China raw materials of domestic beauty cosmetics are also widely loved. The olfactory economy is on the rise, and perfume brands have laid out the field of care. Green and safe sustainable beauty cosmetics are leading the new trend of health and beauty.

In 2023, the brand value of Oriental Meigu trademark reached 33.878 billion yuan.

In addition, the "Oriental Beauty Valley China Characteristic Cosmetic Raw Material Base Alliance" was officially unveiled at the opening ceremony.

Raw material innovation is the source of cosmetic research and development innovation. "Grasping the source is a very high-level thing." When interviewed by reporters, Yuan Fei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Oriental Meigu Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. said. The alliance was jointly initiated by China Fragrance, Flavor and Cosmetics Industry Association and Oriental Beauty Valley, and was jointly established with China characteristic plant raw material planting bases in Yunnan, Anhui, Shandong, Ningxia, Gansu, Sichuan, Xinjiang and Guangxi. In the future, the alliance will solve the problems of low added value of domestic raw materials technology and weak market competitiveness through raw material innovation and Industry-University-Research empowerment. In addition, quality standards related to China characteristic plant raw materials will be formulated, and the substitution process of domestic raw materials will be greatly accelerated with "Oriental Meigu Raw Materials" as a booster.

Opening ceremony site

Start the brand going to sea plan and lead the international development.

Ximu Zhenpin (Shanghai) Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. is a start-up company established in 2022 and officially settled in Oriental Beauty Valley in 2023. Talking about this choice, Hu Xiaoyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, expressed the hope that Ximu Zhenpin could borrow a boat and build itself into an international brand.

Going international has always been the development direction of Oriental Beauty Valley. As early as 2016, Oriental Beauty Valley signed a strategic cooperation agreement with French Cosmetics Valley, and "Double Valley Linkage" promoted the development of beautiful and healthy industries. In 2021, Oriental Beauty Valley built the "Oriental Beauty Valley Milan Center" in Milan, Italy, becoming the first overseas platform of China’s beauty industry, fully combining beauty and fashion. In addition, Oriental Beauty Valley has been cooperating with international trade associations and has close interaction with cosmetics trade associations in Denmark, Britain, Germany, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

On the stage of the opening ceremony of the International Cosmetics Conference, Oriental Beauty Valley officially launched a new voyage of "brand going out to sea".

Yuan Fei told reporters that cosmetics brands and products must find the right entry point in addition to product quality. Brand going out to sea is always on the road. With the local online live broadcast and offline shopping malls showing the Red Sea trend, local cosmetics enterprises have shown an urgent incremental demand for going out to sea.

Football physical fitness: how do I maintain my physical fitness during the season?

Hello, everyone, today we share how I keep fit during the season. I hope you like it!

front cover

In 2020, Joshua kimmich scored the winner in the match with Dortmund. In that match, he ran 13.73 kilometers. This is the sport of football and kicking. In this sport, most of the running is not jogging, sprinting, walking, jogging and then sprinting. Because of this, the best way to improve physical fitness is to carry out high-intensity training.

We can achieve this goal by sprinting or intermittent training, but the least boring way to improve physical fitness is to use the ball for high-intensity training, which is also the focus of today. Today we will share the training methods to keep in shape during the season. Let’s officially start:

warm up

Before we start training, make sure that we have fully warmed up, do some dynamic stretching and sprinting, so that all our fast muscles will be activated, thus reducing the risk of muscle strain. Take 10 minutes to relax, and then start formal training.

Figure 1- Warm up

This is the only part that does not include the ball, and it is one of the very good agility and quick training.

We can find a friend, or install an application on our mobile phone, which can flash colors and numbers for us for 10 times as a group. I

Figure 2- Fast Move on Command

When our cell phones flash or our friends shout out a color, we sprint to the sign plate and then go back to the middle. About 30 seconds, depending on the length of the interval. In short, do five groups and rest for 30 seconds between each group.

Figure 3- Gap Time

The rest of the training is divided into three small cycles. The first cycle is what we see now. Before Ronaldinho’s dribbling training and shooting, he makes a 30-yard sprint dribble.

Figure 4- Fast Dribble

This training is great, because it can train our dribbling speed, dribble in a narrow space, and persist in dribbling when we are tired.

Figure 5- Exercise dribbling speed

It’s a hard training, but it’s important for us to keep high shooting quality. Imagine that we will be very tired in the 80th minute of the game, so even if we are tired, we should be able to shoot correctly.

Figure 6- Correct Shooting

In this cycle exercise, we can jog or walk back to the starting point as a break between repeated exercises.

If we only have one or two balls, run after them, make sure we are jogging, then jog back to the starting point, and then give yourself an extra 30 seconds to rest.

Figure 7- Jogging or Walking

In addition, because it takes a long time to start each action, you should do it for 15 minutes before continuing this circular action, and it should be very fast.

Before entering the second cycle, give yourself three to five minutes to rest. We should make sure that each cycle has intensity, and even if we are tired, we should work 100%.

Figure 8- Guaranteed Strength

In the second cycle, we make 10 passes to the wall, then zigzag dribble to practice turning and dribbling, then rush out and beat the last sign plate with one of our actions.

Figure 9- Passing the ball to the wall

Put the sign plate 8 to 10 yards away, make sure we don’t go straight through it, rush out of the sign plate for at least a few steps, then cut back the sign plate and walk back to the starting point.

Figure 10- Switch back the sign plate

Once again, this is our break time, and a sign plate is set for passing the ball on the wall to ensure that we keep good habits when passing the ball and that we will not be lazy.

This cycle improves our ability to pass, touch the ball with the first foot, dribble and cut inside with the ball, and the ability of all 1V1 to beat the defender.

All this will make our leg muscles stronger, and at the same time enhance our heart and lung function. Do it for 10 minutes, and then rest for three to five minutes before continuing.

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

Figure 11- Cardiopulmonary Enhancement

The hardest part was left to the end. Many people hated doing this exercise, but it was the simplest exercise, and it was timed in 10 minutes.

Start by running back and forth, run to the small restricted area and then run to the penalty spot at the back, then run to the top of the restricted area and come back.

Figure 12- Simple exercise

After the round-trip run, start bouncing the ball as soon as possible, don’t rest for a few seconds before starting, and then bounce the ball 30 times before starting the next round-trip run.

Figure 13- Start the ball.

The key point here is that if we screw up and drop the ball, then we need to start the next round trip immediately, which puts pressure on the ball-passing part to ensure that we concentrate on the ball-passing and strive to maintain the quality.

If we don’t have this kind of pressure, then we will drop a few times, then pick up the ball on foot, and then continue to bounce the ball and give ourselves a long rest. After 10 minutes, we have finished the hardest part, but we are not completely finished.

Figure 14- No End

Although this is not the main part of training, it is very important to do 5 to 10 minutes of cold-body exercise, which will make our muscles less tense and help us recover from the next training.

Figure 15- Let the muscles loose.

Don’t skip this link, do some static stretching or the same dynamic movement as before, but with less intensity.

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

Figure 16- Don’t try to hide from the tiger

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!

Global artificial intelligence competitiveness, the United States first, South Korea seventh, China ranked?

On March 12th, the Korean media Caijing Today published an article saying that some analysts said that South Korea’s AI (artificial intelligence) competitiveness ranked seventh in the world. The United States ranks first in the world.

According to the "The Global AI Index" of British data analysis media Tortoise Intelligence, the AI competitiveness of the United States ranks first. The analysis target is 62 countries.

The scores of the United States are: 86.19 for implementation, 100 for innovation and 88.69 for investment. Totus Intelligence converted the scores of various fields in the United States into a comprehensive score of 100, and scored other countries as a standard.

In second place is China. China scored 69.36 points for implementation, 75.69 points for innovation and 69.44 points for investment, with a comprehensive score of 62.92 points. Ranked third to sixth are Britain (40.93 points), Canada (40.19 points), Israel (38.89 points) and Singapore (38.67 points).

South Korea ranked seventh (38.6 points). The scores of each field are: 56.21 points for implementation, 51.95 points for innovation and 46.45 points for investment. In terms of specific projects, South Korea scored high in government strategy (87.5 points) and infrastructure (85.2 points). However, it ranks lower in commercial projects (5.4 points) and talents (14.5 points).

Ranked 8th to 10th are the Netherlands (36.35 points), Germany (36.04 points) and France (34.42 points). In addition, Japan and India ranked 16th (30.53 points) and 17th (30.36 points) respectively.