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Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition went on the market, with a price of 1298-176,800 yuan.

(Text/Liu Huiying Editor/Zhang Guangkai) On April 7, 2023, BYD 2023 Champion Edition was officially listed, with an official guide price of 129,800 yuan-176,800 yuan.

At the beginning of 2023, BYD launched the 2023 Champion Edition with an entry price of 99,800 yuan, which made BYD’s price drop to less than 100,000 yuan for the first time. At the beginning of listing, this car has aroused strong repercussions, which can be driven by pure electricity, with high configuration, strong performance and cheaper price, and has brought heavy blows to joint venture compact cars such as Sylphy, Corolla and so on.

In the month when BYD Qin PLUS DM-i 2023 Champion Edition went on the market, Qin family achieved the top sales of all kinds of cars with the sales volume of 30,540 vehicles; The sales volume of Qin family reached 40,850 units in March, setting a new high for all kinds of cars.

Qin PLUS EV, which is newly listed this time, has also won the pure electric A sedan championship for many times. Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition launched a total of six models, all of which upgraded the core technology of E platform 3.0, and the starting price reached 120,000.

Technically, the new car upgrades the core technology of E-platform 3.0 and is equipped with a wide temperature range high-efficiency heat pump system, which reduces the energy consumption of air conditioners by 40% under low temperature conditions and greatly improves the low-temperature cruising range; With the eight-in-one electric powertrain, the volume and weight of the system are reduced by 10%, and the comprehensive working condition efficiency is 89%.

In terms of power performance, the maximum power of the vehicle motor is increased to 150kW, and the acceleration time of 0-50km/h is increased to 3.8 seconds; Equipped with blade battery, CLTC can last up to 610km under comprehensive working conditions, and its comprehensive energy consumption is as low as 12.5kWh/100km.

Appearance, this model and the current design remain the same. The front face follows the design language of "DragonFace", with a closed front grille and a heavy downward-pressed front head. The headlights are designed in the shape of "arrow feather", but the interior has been added with a jet blue appearance and a warm sun brown interior.

In terms of seats, the integrated sports seat adds a punching process, which not only improves the heat dissipation, but also cooperates with the cloud cushion with better wrapping, which increases the comfort of driving.

In terms of intelligent network connection, the 2023 Champion Edition replaced the 8.8-inch full LCD instrument, and was equipped with DiLink 4.0 intelligent network connection system. According to different models, it provided 10.1-inch and 12.8-inch central control panels, and the 12.8-inch central control panel also supported adaptive rotation function.

In addition, the car will also be equipped with mobile phone NFC car keys, remote control driving and other functions, and equipped with electric sunroof, front electric seat adjustment, rear air outlet and other configurations.

Qin PLUS, on behalf of China brand in the car market, broke the monopoly market pattern of joint venture car enterprises. If the 99,800 Qin PLUS DM-i has penetrated the price moat of joint-venture fuel vehicles, then the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS EV 2023 will allow pure electric A sedan to enter the hinterland of fuel prices, which is expected to give China brand the right to speak in the future.

Aouita 11 first took Huawei ADS2.0 high-order intelligent driving system, leading the era of intelligent driving.

Aouita 11 is a high-end intelligent electric vehicle, equipped with Huawei’s full-stack smart car solutions, including DriveONE electric drive system, Sound sound system, AR.HUD live projector and so on. Recently, Aouita 11 announced that it will iterate the latest generation of Huawei’s intelligent driving system-ADS 2.0 in the first batch, so as to realize a full-scene intelligent driving experience with high perception, high computing power and high personification.

ADS2.0 is a high-level intelligent driving system released by Huawei on April 16th, 2023. It does not rely on high-precision maps, and can meet more than 90% of application scenarios, with a continuous non-takeover mileage exceeding 200 kilometers. ADS2.0 uses 34 intelligent driving sensors, including 3 laser radars, 6 millimeter-wave radars, 13 high-definition cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which realizes 360-degree environmental perception without dead ends. ADS2.0 also has the functions of high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance, high-speed ICA intelligent cruise assistance, APA intelligent parking assistance, etc., which can cope with complex traffic situations such as congestion, lane change overtaking and active obstacle avoidance.

Aouita 11 is one of the first vehicles equipped with ADS2.0, and it is also the result of deep cooperation between Huawei and Aouita. Aouita 11 single-motor version was officially launched on March 24th, 2023, with a maximum power of 230kW and a 6-second zero-acceleration capability. Aouita 11 single motor long battery life and long battery life are equipped with 90kWh and 116kWh ternary lithium-ion battery packs respectively, with cruising range of 600 km and 705 km respectively. Aouita 11 also has a 750V high-voltage platform with a maximum charging power of 240kW, which can realize "10 minutes and 200 kilometers" lightning fast charging.

Tan Benhong, Chairman and CEO of Aouita Science and Technology, said: "The Aouita 11 single-motor model gives users the choice of longer battery life, and has no compromise in intelligent driving experience, which shows our determination to stick to the high-end intelligent electric vehicle market and is also the basis for Aouita brand to continue to lead in the new track. We are very honored to cooperate with Huawei in depth to jointly promote the technological progress and innovation of China’s automobile industry. "

It is reported that all users of Aouita 11 can take the lead in upgrading ADS2.0 system through OTA, and enjoy the commercial opportunities in urban areas launched by Huawei. In the second quarter, we began to promote high-precision maps to 5 cities, and in the second half of the year, we will start to push the map-free plan to 45 cities, basically covering major cities in China.

Selecting insiders and manipulating competitions … God knows what China sports has experienced in recent years.

  CCTV News:A few days ago, Fiona Fang magazine sponsored by Procuratorial Daily published an article entitled "Shocking Corruption at the Top of Sports in China". The article listed some relevant measures and some specific cases of anti-corruption in China sports since the 18th National Congress. How did China sports experience the pain of reform in the past five years? Xiaobian tells you through several stories.

  Twin sisters regret retiring.

  In May, 2017, twin sisters Hua Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting returned to the stadium to win the gold medal at the award ceremony of the Flower Tour Double Event in the 13th National Games. Four years ago, because of a controversial referee’s score, the Wen Ting sisters, a world-famous flower swimming group, only achieved the third place in the National Games, ending their sports career with a bronze medal, while the host group Liaoning won the championship.

  The nearly perfect performance was awarded a low score by the referee. The score of the Liaoning team on the final day of the same set of competition actions was 2.2 points higher than that of the previous day’s preliminaries. All doubts pointed to Yu Li, then the head of synchronized swimming department of the General Administration of Sports, but after the game, Yu Li said in an interview: "The referee did not violate the relevant general rules and regulations in the scoring process, so the final score was determined to be effective and the original result was maintained."

  One year after the National Games in Liaoning, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made an all-round tour of the State Sports General Administration. After nearly one and a half months of inspection, the inspection results were announced, in which "the selection and selection of referees are not standardized, and the competition violates the principle of fairness and fraud" has become the focus of attention. On the third day after the announcement of the inspection results, the General Administration of Sports reported that an official was investigated for allegedly manipulating the competition and accepting improper bribes, and the person who was taken away was Yu Li, the former minister of the water polo department of the swimming center.

  According to authoritative media reports, in the 12th National Games, in order to "take care of" the host team’s "gold medal task", Yu Li, the former head of the National Flower Tour Team, accepted a bribe of 200,000 yuan from the director of Liaoning Swimming Center, resulting in a major scoring dispute in the flower tour project.

  In fact, the phenomenon of using authority to operate competitions like Yu Li is by no means a case in China sports, and it has even become a "hidden rule" in many projects. At the 10th National Games, Tian Liang, a famous diver, was suppressed because of his "bad relationship" with a leader of the China diving team. Before the game, in the referee’s lounge, a sports executive demanded that "no matter how well Tian Liang dances, he can only give 8.5 points at most". In the competition, after a perfect entry in Tian Liang, except one referee who gave a high score of 9.5 according to the standard, other referees really only gave 8.5 points. The referee who gave a high score finally lost the qualification of "best referee" and resigned soon after offending the leader.

  Although the official has not announced the exact reason why Yu Li was taken away, what is certain is that she can’t escape the common crime of accepting bribes or corruption. According to several media reports, although Yu Li and her husband Liu Fengyan, as cadres of the General Administration of Sports, obtained two houses allocated by the General Administration, Yu Li thought that their living conditions were not good enough, and then bought a 200-square-meter commercial house at a price of nearly 51,000 square meters, but the problem is that no one knows where the money came from.

  The table tennis player ran away angrily.

  Donna entered the national youth team at the age of 13 and won the national youth championship at the age of 16. She was called a "genius" of table tennis by the outside world, but she never participated in the world championships and the Olympic Games in the national team. Later, she changed her nationality and went to South Korea to play. After that, she won 10 games in the Korean Table Tennis Championships, ranking first in the women’s singles.

  "The Chinese Table Tennis Association does not pass the trials, but designates potential players in advance for centralized cultivation." According to media reports, Donna even said that South Korea is her motherland and hoped to enter the Olympic Games on behalf of South Korea, which caused great controversy.

  According to titan sports, Yu Li was not taken alone to assist in the investigation. She was also taken with an ace coach of the weightlifting team. It is mentioned in the article that this involves an ugly drama of China weightlifting team in the 2012 London Olympic Games. At that time, Zhou Jun, a 53kg Hubei native who represented China team, failed in snatch three times, creating the worst result of China women’s volleyball since she participated in the Olympic Games in 2000, and Zhou Jun’s qualification for the Olympic Games was also the result of the struggle of local interests.

  The similar shady selection is not a case. Take the national football team as an example. The list of players of each national team is full of disputes. As early as 2014, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also published the article "What can the professional reform do to save the" deflated football "for more than 20 years? Named the phenomenon of chaotic football management in China.

  In this paper, the expressions such as "the examination and approval of the competition and the selection and appointment of athletes and referees are not standardized, open and transparent", "the competition violates the principle of fairness, practices fraud", "the development and operation of the competition are chaotic" and "the power of the units directly under the General Administration is highly concentrated" have aroused strong repercussions from netizens, especially the majority of football fans, and China football has once again been pushed to the forefront.

  According to insiders, although the strength is the first in competitive sports, the selection of national team athletes has become a matter of great interest in many absolutely superior events, and it is easier to trigger some private power and money transactions.

  The incident of Yu Li caused an uproar among the public, and also opened the tip of the iceberg of China sports corruption. On June 25th, 2015, official website, the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, announced that Xiao Tian, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, was suspected of serious violation of discipline and law and was currently under investigation. From July 2014 to July 2015, more than 10 officials were investigated in the State Sports General Administration, sports project management centers and provincial and municipal local sports bureaus in one year.

  On March 21st, 2017, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection launched a new round of inspection of the General Administration of Sport. According to the website of CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, this patrol will achieve full coverage for 22 subordinate units of the State Sports General Administration, and "keeping an eye on key people, key matters and key issues" has become an important direction of this patrol. A series of chaos in the selection of athletes highlights the grim situation of corruption in sports, and it is urgent to crack down on the corruption of sports industry officials.

  China men’s basketball team is struggling.

  With the retirement of Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi and other veterans, the performance of China men’s basketball team in the international arena plummeted. In addition to the reasons for the lack of success, there are deeper reasons for the fall of China men’s basketball team.

  "It is inconceivable that even a company holding a three-person basketball game needs the approval of the Basketball Association. Internationally, the Olympic Games, NBA and other events are organized by non-governmental organizations and operated in a market-oriented manner. There is no official approval at all. "

  According to Qiao Xinsheng, dean of the Institute of Integrity of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, this is a disguised form of "power rent-seeking". The General Administration of Sports and the local sports authorities have formed a huge "interest chain" and turned it into a tool to gain the gray interests of the department.

  This point was also mentioned by Yao Ming, a basketball star and member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, in the "National Conference". He believes that at the current stage of development, there is no inevitable reason for the approval of sports events.

  Yao Ming pointed out that competition management and approval fees are often collected by the management centers of various sports, and the standards vary widely, which is easy to breed corruption; However, the sports management department interfered with the allocation of resources that could have been allocated by the market with the administrative hand, and also formed a monopoly objectively, which seriously hindered the enthusiasm of social forces for running sports and caused the fact of artificially setting a "threshold" for running competitions.

  Yao Ming’s proposal was adopted in the government work report of that year. However, people in the industry believe that sports departments at all levels have implemented the examination and approval of sports events for many years, and it will be difficult to remove this "cake of interests" from internal reform.

  In fact, it was not until the Central Inspection Team pointed out that "the examination and approval of sports events was irregular and opaque, highlighting the interests of departments" that the General Administration of Sports was forced to rectify its position, "canceling the examination and approval of commercial and mass sports events, and all other sports events were not required except national comprehensive sports events such as the National Games, the National Winter Games and the National Youth Games, and a few special types of sports events involving national security, politics, military affairs and diplomacy".

  Facts have proved that the cumbersome examination and approval process can not provide positive energy for the management and operation of sports events itself except for breeding the soil of "power rent-seeking". In November 2016, the new director of the General Administration of Sports, Gou Zhongwen, took office, and several major reforms and anti-corruption measures were successively introduced: from February to May this year, various forms of anti-corruption special meetings and anti-corruption inspections were held for four consecutive months, and 15 subordinate units were inspected as of May 28, and more than 180 problems were pointed out; In addition, Yao Ming, Lang Ping and other professionals are allowed to settle in trade associations to lead the reform in related fields … … The effect of this series of measures can only be tested by waiting for future events and achievements. (Text/Cheng Xiang)

Traveling with ancient poems, 25 poems about scenic spots are worth reading!

In the poet’s pen, the scenery is infinite.

West Lake is"If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always appropriate to make up lightly."; Taishan is"once climbing to the top of the peek, one would see, the other mountains all appear dwarfs under the sky."; Chibi is"Rocks go through the air, waves beat on the shore, and thousands of piles of snow are rolled up."; Yangzhou is"The green hills are faint with water, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River has not withered in autumn."……

Do you want to see it? Review 25 poems about scenic spots. This summer, start a cloud tour!

Lushan Waterfall

  • Mount Lushan

Lushan: Also known as Kuangshan, it is one of the famous mountains in China. Poyang Lake Basin, located in the northern part of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, stands on the shores of Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River in Lushan District.

Looking at Lushan Waterfall

Tang Li Bai

Purple haze was lit by the sun’s rays, and the waterfall was seen hanging in front of the mountain.

The high bluff on the high cliffs, as if there were a few thousands of feet, people trance thought that the galaxy from heaven to fall into the world.

  • Yellow Crane Tower

The Yellow Crane Tower was built in two years by Wu Huangwu of the Three Kingdoms. It is an ancient famous building, and its former site is on the Yellow Crane Rock in Wuchang, Hubei, overlooking the river and facing Guishan on the other side of the river. Located in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

Yellow crane tower

Don Cui Hao

The fairy of the past has flown away by the yellow crane, leaving only an empty yellow crane tower.

The yellow crane never came back, for thousands of years to see the long white clouds.

Every tree in Hanyang becomes clear by sunlit water, and Parrot Island is covered by the sweet grass.

But I look toward home, and twilight grows dark There was a mist hanging over the river, bringing deep melancholy to the people.

Junshan Island in Dongting Lake

  • Dongting Lake

Dongting Lake, known as Yunmeng, Jiujiang and Chonghu in ancient times, is located on the south bank of Jingjiang River in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The name of Dongting Lake began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and was named after Dongting Mountain (now Junshan Mountain) in the lake.


Don Liu Yuxi

The lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind mirror on the pool surface.

Looking at Dongting from afar, there is a green snail in the silver plate.

  • Yueyang Tower

Yueyang Tower is located in Yueyang City, Hunan Province, overlooking Dongting and overlooking Junshan Mountain. Since ancient times, it has been known as "Dongting is the world’s water, Yueyang is the world’s building", and it is also known as "the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River" with Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Hubei and Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Climbing Yueyang Tower

Don du fu

In the past, I heard that Dongting lake was magnificent, and today’s wish finally boarded the Yueyang tower.

The vast expanse of the lake tears the Wu Chu, as if the sun and the moon and the stars are floating in the water.

There is no news from my friends and relatives. I am old and ill and drift in a boat.

The battle of the northern border gates began again, and I looked into tears over the railing.

Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province

  • Three Gorges Baidicheng

Baidicheng is located in Baidi Town, fengjie county, Chongqing, at the entrance of the western end of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River (the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River starts from Baidicheng in Fengjie, Chongqing, and ends in Nanjinguan, Yichang, Hubei).

Early release of Baidicheng

Tang Li Bai

Early in the morning, I bid farewell to the high into the roller city of Kangnung, far in the thousands, the ship only one day.

Cross – strait ululation of apes, also in the ear ceaselessly crowing unconsciously, the canoe has passed the heavy castle peak.

  • blacktail row

Wuyi Lane: Located in the south of Qinhuai River in Nanjing. During the Three Kingdoms period, the State of Wu once set up a military camp here, which was the residence of the imperial army. Because the imperial guards were dressed in black uniforms at that time, there was a saying here that Wuyi Lane was called. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Dao and Xie An lived in Wuyi Lane, calling their children "Wuyilang".

Wuyi lane

Don Liu Yuxi

Rosefinch bridge edge some weeds flowering, Wuyi Lane mouth only the sunset.

The swallows under the eaves of Wang Dao and Xie an have now flown into the homes of ordinary people.

Hangzhou West Lake

  • West Lake

West Lake is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, with a lake area of 6.38 square kilometers. West Hunan, west and north are surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there are scenic spots such as Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda, King Qian’s Memorial, Jingci Temple and Su Xiaoxiao Tomb.

Rain after drinking Chu Qing on the lake

Song Sushi

The water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy.

If the west lake is more than the dead beauty Xi Shi, C Plus is so suitable.

  • Hanshan Temple

Hanshan Temple, located in gusu district, Suzhou City, was founded in the days of Tianjian in the Xiao Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, and was originally named "Miaoliping Pagoda". During the Zhenguan period in the Tang Dynasty, two eminent monks, Hanshan and Xiqian, founded Hanshan Temple. Hanshan Temple was once one of the top ten famous temples in China in history.

A night-mooring near maple bridge.

Tang Zhangji

The moon has fallen crow, crowing cold, sleeping on the maple trees and the fishing lane on the river.

The lonely cold mountain temple in the city outside the city of Suzhou, the sound of the bell ringing in the middle of the night passed to the passenger ship.

Suzhou Hanshan Temple

  • Red Wall

Chibi: This refers to Huangzhou Chibi, a "red nose rock" in the west of Huanggang, Hubei. The Red Cliff, the ancient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms, is thought by the cultural circles to be in the northwest of Pu Yin County, chibi city, Hubei Province.

Niannujiao Chibi Nostalgia

Song Sushi

The endless river flows eastward, with its huge waves,gone are all those gallant heroes of bygone years.

To the west of the old base, humanity is: Red Cliff in Zhou Lang, the Three Kingdoms.

The steep rock walls, such as the thunder of the waves against the river bank, the waves of spray like to roll up tens of millions of snow.

The majestic river shan qi, such as the picture, how many heroic heroes emerge at a time.

Thinking back in the days of Zhou Yu’s spring breeze, beautiful beautiful young Joe just married him, his heroic heroic spirit full of.

Feather fan nylon scarf, talking and laughing, lost in smoke.

I am fugue today in the battlefield, I am feeling the a feeling heart, prematurely born with white hair.

Life is like a dream, and sprinkle a cup of wine to pay tribute to the moon on the river.

  • Pavilion of Prince Teng

Tengwang Pavilion, one of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, is located in the northwest of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. It was founded in the fourth year of Tang Yonghui (AD 653), and it was named after the founding of Tengwang Li Yuanying, the younger brother of Li Shimin of Emperor Taizong. It was also famous for the poem of Wang Bo, a poet in the early Tang Dynasty, "Sunset and lonely Qi Fei, the autumn waters are all the same."

Poems of Tengwangge

Tang wangbo

Teng Wang Gao Ge Linjiang Zhu, Pei Yu Ming Luan went to dance.

Draw a building facing Nanpu cloud, and the bead curtain rolls up the rain in the western hills at dusk.

The shadow of the idle cloud pool is long, and things change for a few years.

Where is the emperor in the cabinet today? Outside the threshold, the Yangtze River flows by itself.

Mount Taishan in autumn

  • Mount Tai

Mount Tai, one of the five mountains, is located in the middle of Shandong Province. Mount Tai is regarded by the ancients as a paradise that "goes straight to the throne" and has become a sacred mountain worshipped by the people and worshipped by the emperors. There is a saying that "Mount Tai is safe and safe everywhere".

Wang yue

Don du fu

What a majestic sight of holy Mountain Tai! Out of Qilu, still visible the green peak.

Magic natural convergence of thousands of beautiful, the south of the mountains north of the separation between early morning and dusk.

Layers of white clouds, clean up the chest and ravines; Pianpian birds, fly into the eye rims.

Try to ascend the mountain’s crest: It dwarfs all peaks under our feet.

  • Temple of Marquis

Wuhou Temple, located in Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, was built in the third year of Zhangwu (223). It was originally a special temple to commemorate Zhuge Liang, also known as Kongming Temple, Zhuge Temple, Prime Minister Temple, etc., and later merged into a temple where the monarch and the minister jointly sacrificed.

Shu Xiang

Don du fu

Where is the temple of the famous Premier In a deep pine grove near the City of Silk.

With the green grass of spring colouring the steps, and birds chirping happily under the leaves.

The third summons weighted him with affairs of state, and to two generations he gave his true heart.

But before he could conquer, he was dead, and heroes have wept on their coats ever since.

Chengdu Wuhou Temple

  • Mount Songshan

Songshan Mountain is located in the west of Henan Province, in the northwest of Dengfeng City, adjacent to the ancient capital Luoyang in the west and Zhengzhou in the east, belonging to the Funiu Mountain system. There were more than 30 emperors and more than 150 famous literati in Songshan. The Book of Songs has"Song Gao Wei Yue, Jun Ji Tian"The famous sentence.

Bound home to mount song.

Tang Wangwei

The limpid river, past its bushes, running slowly as my chariot.

Becomes a fellow voyager, returning home with the evening birds.

A ruined city-wall overtops an old ferry, autumn sunset floods the peaks.

Far away, beside Mount Song, I shall close my door and be at peace.

  • Mount Emei

Emei Mountain is located in the southwest of Emei Mountain, Sichuan Province. There are two opposite peaks, which look like moths’ eyebrows, hence the name. It is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, waterfalls and springs flow along the way, and the scenery is quiet. Since ancient times, it has been known as "Emei is the best in the world".

Yuege of Emei Mountain

Tang Li Bai

Emei Mountain is in the autumn of the first half of the month, and it is reflected in the Pingqiang River.

At night, Qingxi went to the Three Gorges, and Sijun did not see Yuzhou.

Emeishan scenery

  • Tianmen Mountain

Tianmen Mountain: It is located on both sides of the Yangtze River in the southwest of dangtu county, Anhui Province, with Dongliang Mountain (also known as Bowang Mountain) in the east and Xiliang Mountain (also known as Liangshan Mountain) in the west. The confrontation between the two mountains across the river is like a gateway set by heaven, hence the name Tianmen.

Looking at Tianmen Mountain

Tang Li Bai

The Yangtze river is like a giant axe to split the Tianmen peak, the green river flows to this roundabout.

The castle peak confrontation between the two sides is difficult to compete, meet a leaf boat leisurely comes from the horizon.

  • Guanque Tower

Stork House, also known as Stork House, is named after storks sometimes inhabit it. It is located in yongji city, Shanxi. Founded in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, due to the spectacular building, ingenious structure and beautiful surrounding scenery, during the Tang and Song Dynasties, scholars went upstairs to enjoy the scenery and left many immortal poems, among which Wang Zhihuan’s at heron lodge was the most famous.

At heron lodge.

Don Wang Zhihuan

The sun was slowly sinking near the western hills, and the yellow river flowed into the east sea.

to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further

Guanque Tower

  • Jingmen mountain

Jingmen Mountain is located in the northwest of Yidu City, Yichang City, Hubei Province, on the south bank of the Yangtze River. Jingmen Mountain is located in the south of Jingmen and the north of Huya River. It is like a gate, so it is called Jingmen.

Bidding a friend farewell at jingmen ferry.

Tang Li Bai

Sailing far off from Jingmen Ferry, soon you will be with people in the south.

Where the mountains end and the plains begin, and the river winds through wilderness.

The moon is lifted like a mirror, sea-clouds gleam like palaces.

And the water has brought you a touch of home, to draw your boat three hundred miles.

  • Yangzhou ershisi bridge

Twenty-four Bridges, also known as Twenty-four Bridges, are located in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Li Dou’s Record of Yangzhou Paintings, Volume 15: "Twenty-four Bridges are Wujia Brick Bridges, a Red Medicine Bridge, and the back of Chuntai in JaeHee … Yangzhou advocates the word order cloud, so it is named because the ancient twenty-four beauties played flute here."

A message to han chuo the yangzhou magistrate.

Don Dumu

The castle peak is vaguely about green water thousands of miles away, autumn has been the Jiangnan vegetation has not withered.

Twenty-four Bridges on the moonlit night, where do jade people teach blowjobs?

Huashan scenery

  • Mount Huashan

Huashan Mountain, known as "Xiyue Mountain" in ancient times and "Taihua Mountain" in elegance, is one of the five mountains. It is located in huayin city, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, 120km east of the provincial capital Xi ‘an. It is bordered by Qinling Mountains in the south and Huang Wei in the north. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "the mountain is the best in the world".

Inscribed in the inn at tong gate on an autumn trip to the capital.

Tang Dynasty: Xu Hun

The maple trees rustled in the autumn evenings; Overnight at Tongguan station, the their own wine fragrance.

Several remnant clouds gathered in the towering Huashan mountain; The sparse autumn rain falls on the ZHONGTIAO mountains mountains.

Remote viewing of the tree color with the extension of the Tongguan mountain; The yellow river surges into the sea.

Tomorrow will be able to reach the bustling capital Chang’ an; I am still at ease with the dream of fisherman and woodman!

  • Longzhong

Longzhong is located in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, about 20 miles west of Xiangyang City, in Longzhong Scenic Area at the junction of three districts and counties (Xiangcheng District, Nanzhang County and Gucheng County) in Xishan Ring Arch.

Over the Dragon

Don Cui Daorong

Xuande rises from Wolong, and the tripod is divided into the world.

After the poor Shu kingdom was closed, I didn’t discuss Xu Shugong.

Xiangyang Gulong Middle School

  • Xuanzhou Xie Tiao building

Xie Tiao Building, located in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Xie Tiao served as the satrap of Xuancheng, and built the first floor of Lingyang Mountain in the north of the county, which was called "Gaozhai". In the Tang Dynasty, in memory of Xie Tiao, this building was rebuilt, and it was renamed as Beiwanglou, or the North Building, in the north of the county office. They are called Xie Tiao Building and Xiegong Building.

Shu Yun of Xuanzhou Xielou’s farewell school book

Tang Dynasty: Li Bai

Since yesterday had to throw me and bolt;

Today has hurt my heart even more.

The autumn wildgeese have a long wind for escort, as I face them from this villa, drinking my wine.

The bones of great writers are your brushes, in the School of Heaven, and I am a Lesser Xie growing up by your side.

We both are exalted to distant thought, want to go to the blue sky and embrace the bright moon.

But since water still flows, though we cut it with our swords, and sorrows return, though we drown them with wine

Since the world can in no way answer our craving, I will loosen my hair tomorrow and take to a fishingboat.

  • Lumen Mountain in Xiangyang

Lumen Mountain, in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. Now it is Lumen Temple National Forest Park.

Returning at Night to Lumen Mountain.

Tang Meng Haoran

In the evening, the temple bells echoed down the valley, a noisy voice at the yuluang ferry.

People walked along the shore to Jiangcun Village village, and I also took a small boat to return to the deer door.

The moonlight of the deer door made the mountain tree appear, and suddenly I came to the hermitage of exile.

Lonely mountain road silent forest road, only the hermit in this elegant come and go.

Nanyue Hengshan

  • Hengshan, Hunan

Hengshan Mountain, also known as Nanyue Mountain, is one of the "Five Mountains" in China. It is located in the southeast of central Hunan Province, China. According to the Records of Ganshi Xingjing in the Warring States Period, Hengshan Mountain is named because it is located on the wing of the Twilight Star in the constellation of 28 nights, and it is like a weighing instrument, which can be called heaven and earth.

Stopping at a temple on heng mountain i inscribe this poem in the gate-tower.

Tang hanyu

The five Holy Mountains have the rank of the Three Dukes, the other four make a ring, with the Song Mountain midmost.

Hengshan is located in the famine far away many demons and ghosts, god authorized the Nanyue god is the supreme power.

Halfway up the mountain, the cloud was filled with clouds and mists, though there was a pinnacle who could reach the top.

I came here in the autumn rain, the weather is dark, there is no wind.

Silent prayer in the heart as if to fulfill, is not a person integrity can be well – informed?

A moment of cloud sweep to show the outstanding peaks, looking up to the peak of the mountain.

The zigaifeng ridge is connected to the Tianzhu peak, and the ups and downs mountain is rugged and connected to Zhu Rong.

The precipitous Jensen dismounted and bowed down, and went straight down the pine and cypress paths to the palace of the gods.

The pink walls against the red pillars are dazzling, Pilaster on ghost pictures or green or red.

Stepping up the steps and bending over to give the meat and wine, to express the Qian by the humble offerings.

The old man in charge of the temple could understand the divine, and gaze into the Repeatedly and bow to me again and again.

Hand cup jiao kau taught me to throw the method, saying that this bo most guitar difficult the same.

I was banished to the wild, to be lucky not to die, the food and clothing are willing to die here until the end.

As soon as the desire of the king will be cut off, god will not succeed even if he blesses me.

At night I lie down to sleep in the top of a high tower, the stars and the moon are covered with clouds.

The monkey’s crow clock struck the morning, and the cold day of the east was empty.

Qujiangchi, Xi ‘an

  • Leyouyuan Scenic Resort

Leyouyuan Scenic Resort is located in the southeast of Xi ‘an, which was called Leyou Garden when Emperor Xuandi was proclaimed in the Han Dynasty. Once, Emperor Xuandi of Han Dynasty traveled here with Empress Xu, so obsessed with the beautiful scenery that he was "too happy to go home". Later, Leyou Temple was built here, and Leyouyuan Scenic Resort was named after it.

The leyou tombs.

Tang Dynasty: Li Shangyin

In the evening, the mood is unhappy, driving in the car to ancient.

Sunset, infinite beauty, only close to the dusk.

  • Furong building

Formerly known as the Northwest Building, it overlooks the Yangtze River and overlooks Jiangbei, in the northwest of Runzhou (now Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province). One said that this refers to the Furong Building in Qianyang (now Qiancheng, Hunan).

At hibiscus inn parting with xin jian.

Don Wang Changling

Misty misty rain, overnight all over Wu Dijiang days; Early morning send you, lonely to the chushan grief of infinite!

Friends, if Luoyang friends ask me to come; Just say that I still bing Xin Okho, adhere to faith!

The great rivers and mountains of the motherland were originally hidden in poetry.

There is nothing to do in midsummer. Read these poems and travel with them!

Source: WeChat WeChat official account "Classical Literature and Poetry"

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2023 Oriental Beauty Valley International Cosmetics Conference opens. How can China’s beauty industry break?

"Oriental Beauty Valley China Characteristic Cosmetic Raw Material Base Alliance" was unveiled. The pictures in this article are all provided by the organizers.

The 6th China International Import Expo is in full swing, and the international top event of cosmetics industry is also on schedule.

On the morning of November 9, 2023 Oriental Beauty Valley International Cosmetics Conference officially opened. This conference is the sixth, with the theme of "Beautiful World of Oriental Beauty Valley", and many well-known enterprises, experts, scholars and industry leaders from home and abroad gathered together.

As the "capital of cosmetics industry in China", Oriental Beauty Valley has gathered more than one third of cosmetics enterprises in Shanghai, with an industrial scale of nearly 100 billion yuan. According to the "2023 Oriental Meigu Trademark Brand Value Evaluation Report" released at the opening ceremony, the trademark brand value of Oriental Meigu has reached 33.878 billion yuan, with a total increase of 312% in the past five years.

Release the blue book on the spot

Post-80s and post-90s become the main consumer groups of high-quality cosmetics.

According to the "Blue Book of Oriental Beauty Valley 2023" released at the opening ceremony, the cosmetics market in China will usher in a new round of rapid growth in 2023. In the first half of this year, the total retail sales of cosmetics market reached 207.1 billion yuan, up 8.6% year-on-year.

The blue book shows that consumers tend to pay extra premium for high-quality products, among which the post-80 s and post-95 s are the main consumer groups. More than 80% of consumers are willing to spend money because cosmetics can provide high emotional value (improve the quality of life and happiness). At the same time, consumers’ purchasing decision-making process is becoming more rational.

In terms of product cognition, the resonance between ingredients, raw materials and R&D is pushing the beauty industry to turn to biotechnology, and the beauty market has entered the raw material bonus period, and the China raw materials of domestic beauty cosmetics are also widely loved. The olfactory economy is on the rise, and perfume brands have laid out the field of care. Green and safe sustainable beauty cosmetics are leading the new trend of health and beauty.

In 2023, the brand value of Oriental Meigu trademark reached 33.878 billion yuan.

In addition, the "Oriental Beauty Valley China Characteristic Cosmetic Raw Material Base Alliance" was officially unveiled at the opening ceremony.

Raw material innovation is the source of cosmetic research and development innovation. "Grasping the source is a very high-level thing." When interviewed by reporters, Yuan Fei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Oriental Meigu Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. said. The alliance was jointly initiated by China Fragrance, Flavor and Cosmetics Industry Association and Oriental Beauty Valley, and was jointly established with China characteristic plant raw material planting bases in Yunnan, Anhui, Shandong, Ningxia, Gansu, Sichuan, Xinjiang and Guangxi. In the future, the alliance will solve the problems of low added value of domestic raw materials technology and weak market competitiveness through raw material innovation and Industry-University-Research empowerment. In addition, quality standards related to China characteristic plant raw materials will be formulated, and the substitution process of domestic raw materials will be greatly accelerated with "Oriental Meigu Raw Materials" as a booster.

Opening ceremony site

Start the brand going to sea plan and lead the international development.

Ximu Zhenpin (Shanghai) Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. is a start-up company established in 2022 and officially settled in Oriental Beauty Valley in 2023. Talking about this choice, Hu Xiaoyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, expressed the hope that Ximu Zhenpin could borrow a boat and build itself into an international brand.

Going international has always been the development direction of Oriental Beauty Valley. As early as 2016, Oriental Beauty Valley signed a strategic cooperation agreement with French Cosmetics Valley, and "Double Valley Linkage" promoted the development of beautiful and healthy industries. In 2021, Oriental Beauty Valley built the "Oriental Beauty Valley Milan Center" in Milan, Italy, becoming the first overseas platform of China’s beauty industry, fully combining beauty and fashion. In addition, Oriental Beauty Valley has been cooperating with international trade associations and has close interaction with cosmetics trade associations in Denmark, Britain, Germany, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

On the stage of the opening ceremony of the International Cosmetics Conference, Oriental Beauty Valley officially launched a new voyage of "brand going out to sea".

Yuan Fei told reporters that cosmetics brands and products must find the right entry point in addition to product quality. Brand going out to sea is always on the road. With the local online live broadcast and offline shopping malls showing the Red Sea trend, local cosmetics enterprises have shown an urgent incremental demand for going out to sea.

The Rockets want to return to the playoffs immediately. The media bluntly said that it is crucial to do five things well, and Wu Shuai can turn the stone into gold.

There are still more than two months before the start of the new NBA season. Of course, fans seem to be impatient. Especially on the Houston Rockets side, this summer, the management recruited people everywhere. Although they didn’t win the first-team super giant, the Rockets can’t be called the top strongmen, but in the past three years, the Rockets won only 59 games in total. Obviously, the team has no room for decline and they are likely to make progress in the new season.

Not to mention the final result, the Rockets definitely want to return to the playoff stage immediately, and it is crucial for the local media to do five things bluntly. This includes Amy Uduka’s coaching ability, overall defense of by going up one flight of stairs, experience advantages of new veterans, terrible bench depth and young players, which is expected.

As the new head coach of the Rockets, replacing Steve Silas with Amy Uduka may be the biggest promotion of the Rockets this summer. Amy Uduka led the Celtics back to the finals in her first year in office, which proved his strength. The media also believe that Wu Shuai can turn the stone into gold, truly make the talent of young Rockets players cash, and put the whole team on the right track.

Amy Uduka advocates defense and discipline. This summer, the management of the Rockets also found this type of player. From Fred Van Frith, Dillon Brooks, Amen Thompson to Jock Landale, plus jabari Smith, Jason Tate and Tarry Ethan who were originally in the Rockets, they may form a steel defense line in the new season.

The Rockets are free market this summer, and all the players they brought in are around 30 years old or above. What they have in common is that they have both fighting capacity and experience. Especially Fred Van Frith and Jeff Green, both of whom have championship experience, and Dillon Brooks and Jock Landale will also speak in the dressing room, and they can provide guidance and function for young players.

After the offseason reinforcement, the depth of the Rockets bench looks at the whole league, which may be outstanding. Kevin Porter Jr., Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore all have the potential to become the super sixth man. Of course, don’t forget Jessean Tate and Tarry Ethan. They may have relatively average data, but they are indispensable frontline engineers for the Rockets.

Finally, the two rookie rockets Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore are really exciting. Amen Thompson, in particular, can complement Jay Green perfectly, and his organizational and defensive abilities can come in handy immediately. Cam Whitmore was elected as the MVP award of the Summer League. Although the advantages and disadvantages are obvious, the Rockets can get a master of chaos in the 20th pick, and it is impossible to lose.

Virtual National People’s Congress PK: Microsoft Xiao Bing VS Pingping Intelligent, which is more suitable for you?

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human has gradually become a hot topic in the field of intelligent services. Microsoft’s Xiao Bing virtual human and Feng Ping intelligent virtual human are both representative products in the industry. There are differences in technical strength, safety, application scope and price.

First of all, in terms of technical strength,Xiao Bing, a virtual human of Microsoft, owns the famous Vanke employee digital person Cui Xiaopan, who has excellent performance in natural language processing, speech recognition and image recognition, and has strong intelligent interaction ability.

Although the technical level of Fengping intelligent virtual human is also high, it is slightly lacking compared with Xiao Bing.

Secondly, in terms of security,Xiao Bing virtual human adopts Microsoft’s leading security technology to protect user data and privacy, which has higher credibility. The Fengping intelligent virtual human has also adopted a series of security measures, but compared with Microsoft’s security technology, there is still room for further improvement.

However, in terms of application scope,Fengping intelligent virtual human has more advantages. In addition to regular customer service, assistant and other services, it can also be applied to a wider range of fields such as medical care, education and finance.

Xiao Bing virtual human is mainly used in digital employees, entertainment, social and other fields.

Finally, in terms of price,The price of Fengping intelligent virtual human is relatively close to the people, which is more attractive to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual users. Xiao Bing Virtual Human is relatively expensive, which is suitable for large enterprises and users with higher demand.

To sum up, Xiao Bing Virtual Human and Feng Ping Intelligent Virtual Human have their own advantages. Microsoft Xiao Bing virtual human is stronger in technical strength and security, while Fengping intelligent virtual human has advantages in application scope and price. When choosing a virtual human technology supplier, users need to comprehensively consider their own needs, budget and requirements for technical strength, security, application scope, price and other aspects, and make wise decisions.

The reason of C Ronaldo’s bleak evening scene: mistaking the platform for ability

C Ronaldo has gone far away to the desert, so that the hot sunshine in the desert can cure the injury and pain of the defeated plum ball king!

At the age of c, he has gone to the desert, and his competitive career has been finalized.

Although there is a lot of wealth, it seems to be happy! But its heart is painful!

As we all know, Ronaldo is aloof and arrogant, and I am the only one!

I take the super plum ball king as my responsibility all my life, and pursue honor, glory and data all my life.

C Ronaldo has been a technical career for more than ten years, and his money has been free and his wealth has been satisfactory; It cares more about face, scenery and honor.

During C Ronaldo’s career, during his years in Real Madrid, he won four Golden Globes and four Champions League games, which strengthened his confidence and courage, boasted himself the first, second and third place in the world, was extremely inflated and self-mad.

C Ronaldo’s greatest misfortune is to regard the platform as an ability! It is the real Madrid platform and personal efforts that have made its real Madrid years dazzling!

C Ronaldo left Real Madrid, moved to Juventus and Manchester United, accomplished nothing, and never won the Golden Globe Award, Sir, or the Champions League again! 16 lang in the Champions League every year! Its juventus years are incomplete!

C Ronaldo’s national team was ruined, and fans said that it was lying in the European Cup. Although it was exaggerated, it was not groundless!

C Ronaldo’s World Cup achievement is hands-free, which is a stain on his life! Causing 10 zeros in the World Cup to be bleak. Single-core team leader has the best score in the top 16.

After the dark years after Real Madrid, nothing was achieved after the World Cup.

C Luo Fang understands that it is the Real Madrid platform and Lafayette that have made its brilliant Real Madrid era. I mistook the Real Madrid platform for my ability, woke up like a dream, and wanted to return to Real Madrid and relive the beauty. But the vicissitudes of life, powerless, was rejected by Real Madrid! I have to go to Saudi Arabia to waste the rest of my life!

Life is like this, when you miss the opportunity, it may be a lifetime of regret and regret!