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Ministry of Public Security: Pilot implementation of voluntary renewal of new energy vehicle license plate owners

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Public Security, on December 1, the Ministry of Public Security will take the lead in piloting new energy vehicle number plates in five cities: Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Jinan and Shenzhen. On November 21, the relevant person in charge of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security made an interpretation on the pilot implementation of the new energy vehicle number plate.

  oneWhy should the new energy vehicle number plate be activated? What is the background and significance?

  In July 2014, the General Office of the State Council issued "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles", demanding that the promotion and application of new energy vehicles be accelerated, effectively alleviating the pressure on energy and environment, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. In recent years, the number of new energy vehicles in China has increased rapidly. By the end of October 2016, the number of pure electric vehicles in China had reached 555,500.

  In order to implement the State Council’s policy of differentiated traffic management for new energy vehicles, and better promote the development of new energy vehicles, the Ministry of Public Security decided to pilot the use of special license plates for new energy vehicles. On the one hand, it can distinguish and identify new energy vehicles more effectively and conveniently, implement differentiated traffic management policies, and provide a better carrier for new energy vehicles, travel services, tax concessions, etc. On the other hand, it can reflect the characteristics of new energy vehicles more clearly and directly, and promote the accelerated development of new energy vehicles.

  In order to actively and steadily do a good job in the activation of new energy vehicle license plates, the Ministry of Public Security has adopted a pilot first and gradually pushed it forward, and fully implemented it after exploring and accumulating experience. Starting from December 1, 2016, five cities, namely Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Jinan and Shenzhen, will take the lead in piloting new energy vehicle number plates.

  2What is the style of the new energy vehicle number plate? What are the characteristics?

  In order to protect the public’s right to know and participate, and to gather the wisdom consensus from all walks of life, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security organized a multi-channel, multi-form and multi-level consultation activity on the number plate style from April to May, 2016. Public comments were solicited online, and online voting activities were organized. A total of 145,400 people participated in the voting activities and 110,000 online messages were left. Simultaneously solicited the opinions of relevant departments and industry enterprises, and organized relevant professionals to conduct in-depth discussions and systematic argumentation. According to the online voting and soliciting opinions, the style with the highest vote rate is finally selected as the new energy vehicle number plate style.

Figure 1 Small new energy vehicle number plate style

Fig. 2 Number plate style of large-scale new energy vehicles
(D stands for pure electric new energy vehicle, and F stands for non-pure electric new energy vehicle)

  The outer dimension of the new energy vehicle number plate is 480mm×140mm, and the length of the number plate is 40mm longer than that of the ordinary number plate, in which the width of the rear number plate of the large new energy vehicle is reduced by 80 mm.. Compared with ordinary car number plates, there are four main changes in appearance and style: First, it highlights green elements and embodies distinctive features. The background color of the new energy vehicle number plate is mainly green, which highlights the meaning of green environmental protection. The brand-new number plate font is adopted, and the overall style is beautiful, novel and distinctive, which is convenient for accurate identification and obvious identification in service management. The second is to add a special logo to show the electric characteristics. Add a special logo for the number plate of new energy vehicles to the number plate style. The overall logo is green, which means electric and new energy. In the green circle, the right side is an electric plug pattern, and the left color part is similar to the English letter "E" (electric). Third, the number plate number is upgraded to increase the number plate capacity. Compared with ordinary car number plates, the number plate of new energy vehicles has been upgraded from 5 to 6, for example, the original "Guangdong BD1234" can be upgraded to "Guangdong BD12345". After upgrading, the number plate number capacity is increased, the resources are richer, and the coding rules are more scientific and reasonable, which can meet the arrangement needs of "less letters and more numbers". The fourth is to implement number plate segmentation to facilitate difference management. In order to better implement the national new energy automobile industry development and differentiated management policy,New energy vehicle number plates are managed by sections according to different vehicle types. The letter "D" stands for pure electric vehicles and the letter "F" stands for non-pure electric vehicles (including plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles). The "D" or "F" in a small car number plate is located at the first place in the number plate, and the "D" or "F" in a large car number plate is located at the last place in the number plate. The fifth is to improve the manufacturing process and improve the anti-counterfeiting performance. Using pollution-free hot stamping production method, the process is green and environmentally friendly. At the same time, anti-counterfeiting technologies such as two-dimensional bar code, anti-counterfeiting shading and laser pattern are added to realize the uniqueness of the number plate and the traceability of the production source, and improve the anti-counterfeiting performance.

  threeWhich cars belong to new energy vehicles, and how to apply for new energy vehicle number plates?

  According to the State Council’s Industrial Development Plan for Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles (2012-2020), new energy vehicles mainly include pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. For domestic new energy vehicles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will mark them on the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products and the Factory Certificate of Motor Vehicles. For imported new energy vehicles, AQSIQ will mark them on the On-board Inspection Sheet for Imported Motor Vehicles. When the public security traffic control department handles the registration of new energy vehicles, it will strictly check and confirm the vehicles, check the information marked by the competent authorities, review the relevant certificates, and register in accordance with the law.

  For newly purchased new energy vehicles, if they are registered in five pilot cities, they can directly apply to the local public security traffic control department for a special number plate for new energy vehicles; Those who apply for registration outside the pilot area will still apply for ordinary car number plates in accordance with the original provisions. The conditions, procedures and requirements for APPlying for a new energy vehicle number plate are the same as those for an ordinary vehicle number plate. The owner can directly register with the public security traffic control department of the pilot city, or pre-select the number plate through the Internet traffic safety integrated service management platform or the 12123 mobile app, and then register with the public security traffic control department. When selecting the number, the number plate can be automatically selected by the computer (1 out of 50) or arranged by itself according to the coding rules.

  fourCan new energy vehicles that have already received ordinary car number plates be redeemed for new number plates? How to apply for renewal?

  For new energy vehicles that have received ordinary car number plates, the owners can voluntarily renew the new energy car number plates or continue to use the original ordinary car number plates. However, if the original ordinary car number plate is lost or damaged, the public security traffic control department will issue a new energy car number plate. For those who choose to continue to use ordinary car number plates, the public security traffic control department will conduct differentiated management through the information system, which will not affect the owners’ enjoyment of preferential policies for traffic management of new energy vehicles.

  At the beginning of the New Deal, there was a great demand for the masses to renew the new number plates in a centralized way. In order to avoid the crowded queue caused by centralized license plate replacement, the pilot cities provided an appointment service through the Internet traffic safety integrated service management platform, and car owners could make an appointment for the place and time of license plate replacement according to their own conditions. The first step is to register or log on to the traffic safety integrated service management platform (www.122.gov.cn). Step 2, select the license plate number on the Internet service platform by computer automatic selection (1 out of 50), and make an appointment for the time and place to renew the license plate. The third step is to handle the card changing business according to the time and place of online reservation.

  For the new energy vehicle transfer registration, the public security traffic control department of the pilot city will renew the new energy vehicle number plate. For new energy vehicles transferred from other places to pilot cities, which belong to the four pilot provinces of Shanghai, Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong, the public security traffic control department of the pilot city will issue new energy vehicle number plates; For non-pilot provinces, new energy vehicle number plates will not be issued for the time being.

  fiveWhat service measures will be provided by the public security traffic control department of the pilot city in the issuance of new energy vehicle license plates?

  The public security traffic control departments in the pilot cities will provide various service measures for applicants who apply for new energy vehicle license plates: First, open a green channel or special window for new energy vehicle license plate business, increase police force, add inspection sites, and provide delayed or Saturday and Sunday license change services. The second is to provide two service modes, namely, making number plates on the spot and mailing number plates, for the masses to choose, and to announce the registration service sites that can make number plates on the spot through various media, so as to facilitate the masses to receive number plates quickly. The third is to open a service consultation telephone to provide consultation and guidance services for the masses. By sending SMS, WeChat and other means, the registered owners of new energy vehicles will be informed one-on-one, prompting the way and requirements for renewing the license plate. The fourth is to provide on-site free license plate installation service, optimize the layout of on-site production points and installation points of license plates, and facilitate the people to collect the installation license plates nearby. Fifth, enterprises with a large number of new energy vehicles, such as buses and taxi companies, can contact the public security traffic control departments of pilot cities in advance to negotiate and determine the centralized license change.

  It should be noted that the new energy vehicle license plate fee remains unchanged, and the current national charging standard for ordinary vehicle license plates is still implemented, and each license plate is 100 yuan. It is consistent with the charging standard of ordinary car number plates.

  sixWhat supporting measures are there to ensure the smooth development of the pilot work?

  In order to do a good job in the pilot work of new energy vehicle license plates, first, the Ministry of Public Security specially issued a pilot work plan, organized the upgrading of the information management system, equipped with special production equipment for new license plates, and organized special business training. Second, the public security traffic control departments of pilot cities will simultaneously launch a unified motor vehicle number plate selection system to ensure the open, fair and just issuance of number plates. Third, closely cooperate with relevant departments and units to upgrade and transform related information systems such as insurance purchase, highway toll collection, vehicle inspection and parking toll collection, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the pilot work.

  According to the State Council’s Industrial Development Plan for Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles (2012-2020), new energy vehicles mainly include pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. By 2020, the cumulative production and sales of pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles will exceed 5 million. In the next step, on the basis of pilot projects, we will constantly sum up experience and practices, gradually expand the scope of application, and strive to promote its use throughout the country in the second half of 2017.

Apple’s first folding screen is here! Not iPhone

Source: Lei Technology AI Hardware Group | Editor: Chongjia | Typesetting: Autumn

Nowadays, folding screens have long been an important segment of smart phones. This new form of product, which is different from the traditional straight board computer, is becoming a key weapon for major mobile phone manufacturers to seize the brand highland and impact the high-end market. In addition to mobile phones, the concepts and products of folding screen notebooks and folding screen tablets are gradually emerging.

Recently, Guo Ming, a well-known Apple whistleblower, revealed that the only Apple foldable product with clear development progress is the MacBook, which will be equipped with a 20.3-inch large screen.

Notebooks are naturally foldable, but the "folding" here means "closing the lid" to make the host fit the screen. What the "foldable notebook" says is that the screen of the notebook itself can be folded.

In fact, this is not a particularly novel concept. For example, ASUS launched Lingyao X Fold, which focuses on folding screen selling points.Specifically, this notebook is still the design idea of two-in-one product (notebook and tablet in one), and its physical keyboard part and screen are separated. At the same time, the screen part of Lingyao X Fold can be folded.

(Source: ASUS)

Lingyao X Fold uses a 17.3-inch OLED screen, which is the same as a normal notebook when unfolded. In the folded state, the screen size will become 12.5 inches, which can be used either as a tablet or as a 12.5-inch notebook with half for screen display and the other half as a virtual keyboard on the screen.

Lenovo, another PC giant, has also launched a folding screen notebook, and its representative product is ThinkPad X1 Fold. Its product form and design ideas are very similar to Lingyao X Fold, and it is also a variant of two-in-one products. ThinkPad X1 Fold uses a 16.3-inch OLED screen with a 12-inch display area when folded.

(Source: Lenovo)

Judging from the folding screen notebooks of these two brands, the corresponding technologies they adopted are actually relatively mature, basically upgrading the original 2-in-1 PC, and the screen part is an OLED+ hinge solution.

In the view of Lei Technology (ID: Leitech), the folding screen MacBook will adopt similar hardware design ideas. Compared with the folding screen mobile phone, a big problem on the folding screen notebook is the handling of the physical keyboard. In order to ensure the input efficiency, it is difficult to remove the physical keyboard directly from the folding screen notebook, so it can only be designed separately.

In fact, just like the folding screen mobile phone, the core problem solved by the folding screen notebook computer is the unity of "portability and large screen". Users want to go out with a big screen, but they don’t want it to occupy too much space, so "foldable" has become an ideal solution.

Compared with the Windows camp, Apple’s situation is somewhat special. At present, Apple has not launched a two-in-one MacBook product.If Apple wants to launch a 2-in-1 folding screen notebook, then the first estimation to be solved is the system and software problems.

Apple has always been resistant to notebook touch screens. Although iPadOS has been in macOS, and they are getting closer and closer, they are still two completely different operating systems, and the underlying interactive logic and software ecology are not the same thing.

Of course, in theory, Apple can insist on not providing touch interaction function for the screen of the folding screen MacBook. But in this way, the use of folding screen notebooks will be greatly limited. Originally, the detachable screen can be used independently in the form of a flat panel, which greatly increases the selling point of the folding screen notebook. If there is no touch function, then the selling point of the folding screen MacBook may only be the large screen, which will have limited appeal to users.

It is worth mentioning that Lei recently saw an interesting "invention" of Federico Viticci in an Apple community.He used the "decapitated" MacBook with no screen with the iPad, and turned the iPad into a wireless screen of the MacBook with Sidecar function. In this way, he got a DIY version of the two-in-one MacBook. The fly in the ointment is that the Sidecar function requires two devices to access the same LAN, so it is not convenient to use it when going out.

(Source: MacStories)

In Xiao Lei’s view, Apple can learn from this idea. Nowadays, all Macs have completed the migration to the ARM self-developed chip platform, and it is not difficult to get through macOS and iPadOS. After all, we can now use a large number of iPad and iPhone applications on the MacBook. Moreover, compared with the Windows camp, Apple has stronger control over its own M-series chips, and it also has advantages in heating and power consumption control, which is very suitable for products that require more space, such as folding notebooks.

Once Apple makes macOS support touch function, the playability of folding screen MacBook will be greatly increased.

Xiao Lei believes that the order of Apple’s folding products will be folding screen MacBook, folding screen iPad and folding screen iPhone. As we all know, Apple has always been more inclined to launch mature commercial products, and is not keen to release pioneering products with cutting-edge technologies but low maturity. Mobile phones are still Apple’s pillar business, and Apple will naturally have many concerns about using the iPhone to test water folding screen devices. On MacBook products, this concern will be much less.

Unlike mobile phones, the PC market itself has a small capacity. Moreover, in the PC industry, Apple’s shipment ranking is not high. In recent years, the operation of Mac business is not particularly ideal. In terms of Q1 financial report in fiscal year 2024, Apple’s Mac revenue was $7.78 billion, accounting for about 6.5% of the total revenue. In this way, Apple has more incentive to test the water folding screen technology on the MacBook.

We can find that the current mainstream folding screen notebook solution is essentially the same as the folding screen tablet. However, the folding screen notebook has an external physical keyboard than the folding screen tablet. Similarly, since Apple intends to release a folding screen MacBook, it is also a matter of course to launch a folding screen iPad.

Previously, there has been news in the supply chain that Apple’s MacBook and iPad product lines will gradually be OLED, which is naturally conducive to the subsequent emergence of corresponding folding screen devices. Apple’s current top-end flat-panel product, iPad Pro, has a maximum size of 12.9 inches. If the screen display area is to be further broken, it is an inevitable trend to move towards a folding screen form.

(Source: Apple)

As for the folding screen iPhone that everyone pays more attention to, there are also some news. At the end of last year, Korean media AlphaBiz reported that Apple executives revealed that the folding screen iPhone is expected to be released in 2026. However, this news has not been confirmed by other sources.

One of the two most critical technologies of folding screen mobile phone is the screen, and the other is the hinge. The former is not difficult for Apple, while the latter may need to accumulate experience through folding screen MacBook and folding screen iPad. At present, the proportion of shipments of folding screen mobile phones is still low, and there is still a long way to go before it is widely popularized. There are still certain opportunities for folding screen iPhone in the future.

(Source: CNET)

Of course, Xiao Lei also believes that Apple’s perennial smashing of iPhone products will affect the competitiveness of the folding screen iPhone. Now, all major manufacturers are competing for beauty in folding screen mobile phones, but the common product evolution direction is to continuously improve the basic skills on the basis of maintaining the special advantages of folding screens.

In other words, the advantage of the early folding screen is that it can be folded, but it lags behind the traditional straight flagship in terms of image, battery life, reliability and price.Now, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO and other head brands are constantly enhancing the image ability of folding screens and enhancing reliability through better hinge technology. Folding screen mobile phones are gradually changing from "tent-type" products to "bucket-type" products.

As a conventional flagship, iPhone has lagged behind Android models in terms of heat dissipation, signal, image and charging. For example, the problem of fever and poor battery life of the iPhone 15 Pro is largely due to the lack of progress in Apple’s heat dissipation design. If Apple Trade rashly launches a folding screen iPhone now, it will perform poorly in terms of image, signal and performance stability. Apple still has a lot of lessons to make up before making a good enough folding screen phone.

The basic form of smart phones has not changed since the release of the iPhone in early 2007. After the mobile phone manufacturers have exhausted the conventional means to increase the screen size, the new form of folding screen has become the evolution trend of the next generation of mobile phones.

For notebook products, it is much less necessary for them to evolve into folding screen form. After all, the screen size of the notebook itself is much larger than that of the mobile phone, and its requirements for portability are lower than that of the mobile phone. Therefore, Xiao Lei believes that folding screen notebooks will not become the mainstream form.

Of course, the PC industry behind the notebook itself is already facing the problem of saturated market capacity and lack of room for growth. The application of cutting-edge technologies such as folding screen and AI may inject some new hopes into this ancient product.

As for the folding screen MacBook, Xiao Lei thinks it may not be too innovative in product form. However, in terms of system and software, the integration of iPadOS and macOS is more worth looking forward to. Xiao Lei is looking forward to it. Apple can bring refreshing solutions to the industry in its own way on the system software of folding screen products. Apple is late in folding screen products, and Xiaolei will keep a close track of its products, so stay tuned.


Abandoned for 65 years, the main fighter plane of World War II of the US Army "surfaced" on the British beach.


    [Content at a glance]In World War II, a P-38 fighter plane ambushed Isoroku Yamamoto’s plane and killed it. As for this fighter plane abandoned on the Welsh beach, it was gradually covered with sand and has been sleeping on the coast for 65 years. Its most famous achievement was the ambush of the plane of Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of the Japanese joint fleet, on April 18th, 1943, which killed the mastermind of the Pearl Harbor incident.


In World War II, a P-38 fighter plane ambushed Isoroku Yamamoto’s plane and killed it. [Profile picture]


The heroic attitude of P-38 Lightning fighter during World War II. [Profile picture]

The northern coast of Wales, England, has charming scenery and golden beaches, and tourists come in an endless stream in summer. Surprisingly, a plane was buried in the shallows for 65 years until July this year. According to expert appraisal, this rusty "antique" actually belongs to the famous American P-38 "Lightning" fighter in World War II.

Shoal surprises antique fighters

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on November 15, this fighter plane was discovered by a family who came here for a holiday on July 31 this year. It may be because of the climate that the sand surface on the beach flowed and retreated, which made this plane see the light again. Before that, people built sand castles, walked and swam around it, but they didn’t know it existed at all.

At first, people thought it was an unmanned reconnaissance plane in the 1950s, but when an aviation fan saw the photos published in the local newspaper, he recognized its identity from its unique "double-body" shape-the P-38 Lightning, the main fighter of the US military in World War II, and then got in touch with American aviation historians.

Experts uncover twists and turns.

Through the serial number and other records of this fighter, the experts finally determined its identity. It was built in 1941, arrived in Britain in 1942, and then began to carry out combat missions along the coast from the Netherlands to Belgium. On September 27, 1942, Robert, a pilot from North Carolina? Fred? Lieutenant Eliot took part in the bombing exercise, but due to fuel supply problems, he was forced to make an emergency landing on the Welsh beach. Because the belly of the fighter plane landed in the shallows first, the wing tip of the plane broke, but Eliot was safe and sound. Unfortunately, three months later, Eliot, 24, was hit by the enemy in an air battle in Tunisia, flying another P-38 "Lightning" fighter plane, which was destroyed and killed, but his body and wreckage were never found.

As for this fighter plane abandoned on the Welsh beach, it was gradually covered with sand and has been sleeping on the coast for 65 years. Rick gillespie, the head of the International Organization for the Restoration of Historical Aircraft, who led the team to visit, said that some official records of the United States showed that the military dismantled its weapons and equipment and salvaged it because it could not take off on the beach. "But in fact, they didn’t do it. Because of the military’s information censorship system and the fact that Britain closed the beach in World War II and did not open it to the public, no one knew where it was hidden. "

This incident was later forgotten by American officials. On November 19, 1961, a fire destroyed a lot of data of the US Air Force, and the plane that had disappeared before was later listed as "officially abandoned" by the military and was not mentioned again.

Robert Jr., 64, who lives in Tennessee, USA? Eliot, the nephew of that young pilot, spent nearly 30 years trying to understand his uncle’s deeds. "For me, this is a major discovery, which makes me excited." He expressed his great hope to go to the scene to see the recovered fighter in person.

It once frightened the Japanese army.

It is reported that the P-38 "Lightning" fighter is the first twin-engine military aircraft developed by the famous Lockheed Aircraft Company. Johnson introduced it in the late 1930s. At the beginning of 1942, an F-4 reconnaissance plane modified from P-38 suddenly appeared over the southwest Pacific Ocean, which was the first appearance of P-38 on the battlefield, and then P-38 was put into the European battlefield one after another. Because the P-38 adopts the layout of double tail supports, it looks like two fuselage, and it was called "double-body demon" by the Axis forces at that time.

After 1943, P-38 also began to appear in the vast Pacific battlefield. With high speed, heavy armor and powerful firepower, the excellent characteristics of the P-38 made the Japanese army hate and fear. Its most famous achievement was the ambush of the plane of Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of the Japanese joint fleet, on April 18th, 1943, which killed the mastermind of the Pearl Harbor incident.

By the end of production in 1945, a total of 9,923 P-38 models had been produced, but there were only 32 complete machines and some spare parts. The newly discovered plane on the Welsh beach may be the oldest "Lightning" fighter. The "International Organization for the Restoration of Historical Aircraft" plans to join hands with experts from the British Museum to begin the restoration of this fighter in the spring of 2008. The British Imperial War Museum and the Royal Air Force Museum are also interested in this. In order to prevent being robbed, the authorities did not announce the current specific location of the fighter plane, but let it continue to return to the cover of sand. (China Daily website/Kang Juan)


The United States builds a "space fighter" with 6 times the speed of sound, and it is powerful to drop bombs in low-earth orbit.

American warships visited northern Vietnam for the first time after the normalization of US-Vietnam relations.

The F-35 "Lightning 2", a new generation stealth fighter in the United States, was publicly unveiled.

In 2009, the United States provided Pakistan with F-16 technology that was prohibited from leaking to China.

The United States will allocate $100 million to develop space attack weapons.

Editor: Cao Jin

You can’t graduate from Tsinghua without swimming. Should swimming be a necessary skill for college students?

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 28th (Shang Qi) Can’t graduate from Tsinghua University without swimming? A few days ago, Tsinghua University confirmed that starting from Grade 2017, students in this school must pass the swimming test, otherwise they will not get the graduation certificate, except in special circumstances.

  Will swimming be linked to getting a diploma? Is the requirement too harsh? Why do some students always worry about physical education tests? Behind the "compulsory", what room is there for improvement in school physical education?

  Can’t swim, can’t get a diploma

  Recently, it is reported that Qiu Yong, president of Tsinghua University, announced at the faculty meeting of the university that Tsinghua University will require all undergraduates to learn to swim from 2017, and at the same time, it will adjust the curriculum to give students more time to go to the playground.

  In this regard, some media confirmed from Tsinghua University that starting from Grade 2017, students in this school must pass the swimming test after admission or take swimming lessons and meet the requirements, otherwise they will not be able to obtain graduation certificates, and students who suffer from skin diseases, water phobia and other diseases that are not suitable for swimming may not take part.

  In response to this regulation, an online survey shows that more than 60% of netizens support it. One of the options is, "Learning to swim well can save your life, and the school has good intentions." However, some netizens think that the regulations are too "wonderful". Is it "too hard" to force students to swim?

  In fact, the reporter from Zhongxin. com found that Tsinghua University was not the only one who had "good intentions" in order to let students master swimming skills.

  It is understood that Peking University, Xiamen University and other universities have rigid requirements for swimming teaching. In the independent enrollment assessment in 2017, Xiamen University requires candidates to choose any one of the six categories of track and field, martial arts, swimming and physical fitness according to their own conditions, and the weight of physical examination is 20%.

  Is swimming a necessary skill for first-class talents?

  For this new regulation in Tsinghua University, the reporter from Zhongxin.com interviewed many college students in the school. Some students told reporters that the school’s move is aimed at cultivating students’ physique, which is also conducive to future work and study in the long run. However, some students think that students’ own willingness to learn should be taken care of, and swimming is more suitable as an elective course in universities.

  The Sports Department of Tsinghua University also said that not all students have to take swimming lessons. Freshmen will take a swimming test after entering the school. If they swim 50 meters in any of the four standard strokes of breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle and backstroke, they will pass, and those who fail must take swimming lessons.

  Some commentators said that it is better to be persuasive than to force students to take physical education exams, expecting students to simply enjoy the pleasure of sports and cultivate a hobby that will benefit them for life.

  Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Academy of Educational Sciences, said in an interview with Zhongxin.com that it is difficult for every student to learn to swim. He believes that this involves the choice of personal hobbies.

  Chu Zhaohui said that it is necessary to have rigid requirements for students’ sports time during school, but the sports events should be diverse. He explained, "Some people are tall and play basketball better, while those who are small may be suitable for gymnastics. It is not necessary to make a single requirement for one sports event, but they should be flexible."

  In an interview with Zhongxin. com, Bie Dunrong, director of the Higher Education Research Center of Xiamen University, thinks that what courses colleges offer and what requirements they have for teaching should not be "fussy", but he is puzzled that higher education is to cultivate first-class talents. Will swimming be linked to graduation certificates? Does it mean that "swimming is an essential skill for first-class talents"?

  Why are students afraid of physical education tests?

  With swimming becoming a compulsory course in some schools, it is worth exploring why sports tests like swimming have always become a "heart disease" for some students and even their parents in recent years, whether it is the senior high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination.

  An investigation bulletin on the state of national fitness activities released by the State General Administration of Sport in earlier years shows that the main reason why children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 are unwilling to participate in physical exercise is that they are afraid of "affecting their studies", accounting for 44.2%, and others are "not interested", "not liking", "lacking sports skills" and "being too tired" in turn.

  On the one hand, students and parents are worried that physical exercise will "affect their study", and on the other hand, the requirements of school education for physical education tests are getting higher and higher, and the enthusiasm for students’ physical fitness tests is not diminished. In Chu Zhaohui’s view, this is actually a manifestation of "sports being cold".

  He said, "Many schools pay attention to test scores and other academic achievements, and pay insufficient attention to sports. In this case, it is necessary to advocate more sports.

  However, Biedunrong found that from kindergarten to primary school, students have physical education class, and from the college entrance examination to the university, students are still afraid of physical education exams. The reason is that "some physical education at present does not cultivate students’ sports interests and specialties, but only to pass the exams, which is the defect of current physical education." (End)

  He believes that compulsory swimming tests like Tsinghua University’s may cause some students to feel afraid of difficulties, and it is difficult for them to really enjoy swimming and sports.

  It has also been suggested that swimming is not only a sport, but also a survival skill, and you may be able to save yourself in case of danger. In this regard, Chu Zhaohui believes that this is not simply a question of incorporating swimming into the exam, but how to cultivate students’ understanding of the value of life.

The internal competition pattern of China table tennis team has changed: strong male table tennis enemies surround women table tennis opponents.

In 2022, the China table tennis team spent the first full season of the Paris Olympic cycle, won many laurels including the team world table tennis championships, and still stood at the top of the world table tennis world with the momentum of breaking bamboo. However, although the "teacher of the king" has made outstanding achievements, it is an indisputable fact that strong enemies are surrounded, especially the men’s table tennis crisis. While Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen, two veterans, are gradually fading out, the internal competition pattern of table tennis is also changing quietly.
The third man of the men’s team surfaced.
Wang Chuqin is the player who shines in table tennis this season. In the six high-level events that the main team played, the 22-year-old Beijing team won the singles four times.
After winning the first men’s singles championship in international competitions in 2019, Wang Chuqin once encountered a bottleneck in singles events. This season, he broke through himself, winning the WTT (World Table Tennis Professional League) Macau Competition at the beginning of the year, and winning the WTT Budapest Star Challenge in July. After helping the team dominate the Chengdu Team World Table Tennis Championships by "full attendance" in the knockout round, Wang Chuqin "sublimated" from technique and tactics to ideology, and then won the WTT Macau Championship and WTT World Cup again, and the world ranking rose to the third highest in his career.
Although there was no gain in the subsequent national championships and the Asian Cup in Bangkok, there is no doubt that Wang Chu Qin has made a leap this season and has gradually secured the position of the "third man" in men’s table tennis. In the singles competition, he defeated Fan Zhendong, Xu Xin, Lin Gaoyuan and many other major opponents of foreign associations throughout the year, and scored 3 wins and 1 loss against Malone. As a left-handed player, the former World Table Tennis Championship men’s doubles champion also won three mixed doubles championships and one men’s doubles championship with different players. If it can make a difference in next year’s individual World Table Tennis Championships, there should be no doubt that it will be included in the Paris Olympic lineup.
In addition to Wang Chuqin, two other non-Olympic champions in the main team of the men’s team, who are both "Mesozoic", have also won many foreign competition opportunities this season, but their performance is inferior. They not only won less than the main team of table tennis, but also lost foreign wars several times. Among them, Liang Jingkun, who will be 26 years old, once ranked third in the world, but only one WTT routine challenge singles champion was recorded, and he was banned by the Chinese Table Tennis Association at the end of the season for misconduct.
The 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan continued the "champion shortage" for more than three years. After losing to his teammates twice at the beginning of the year and winning the runner-up, he wasted six match points in the final of WTT Budapest Championship in July, failing to seize the opportunity of meritorious service when his teammates were defeated. Although she won 2 gold medals and 2 silver medals at the end of the season, and narrowly won the men’s team final against Fan Zhendong by 17-15, she still failed to show convincing performance in the international arena.
The performance of the two main players of "Long Pang" this season is remarkable. Although veteran Malone only won a runner-up, he also lost only one off-court battle. Fan Zhendong, the world’s No.1, won one championship and one Asian in the absence of the European Summer Series, but it was defeated by both Chinese and foreign strong players.
In terms of opponents, compared with the Tokyo Olympic cycle, there are more rising stars in the Eurasian team in the new cycle, and the China men’s table tennis team, which has been hit hard in the international arena, is facing greater challenges. In almost every high-level competition, the China men’s team has lost the main foreign war. In the two WTT high-level events held in Budapest in July, Guoping was "delayed" by the men’s team. Among them, Korean men’s doubles "new and old combination" Zhao Dacheng/Li Shangzhu, Lian Ke, Wang Chuqin/Malone, Liang Jingkun/Lin Gaoyuan won the Star Challenge. In the subsequent singles championship, China men’s table tennis four without Fan Zhendong were all eliminated by foreign association players, which sounded the alarm for preparing for the Olympic Games.
Healthy competition of four "golden flowers" for women’s teams
Compared with the men’s team, the performance of China women’s table tennis in the world is still strong, and its "Jianghu status" is impregnable. Not only that, with the birth of Wang Yidi, healthy competition has also formed within the women’s team, and four "golden flowers" compete with each other and promote each other.
The 25-year-old Wang Yidi has a strong upward trend in the new cycle, and broke into the semi-finals in the World Championships last year. This season, she has won many successes in high-level events and impacted the "three main players", which proves that it is no accident that she ranks among the top four in the World Championships with stable performance. In March’s WTT Grand Slam and October’s World Cup, she reached the semi-finals. In July’s WTT European Summer Series, Sun Yingsha was a "double kill", winning 1 crown and 1 Asian. In the two events at the end of the season, Wang Yidi first won the women’s team and the women’s singles in the all-round championship, among which she narrowly beat Manyu Wang to reach the top for the first time in the singles final, and then reversed Ito Meicheng’s first seal in the Asian Cup. Next year’s individual World Championships will be the "outpost" of the Paris Olympic Games. If this season’s momentum can be continued, Wang Yidi’s impact on the Olympic lineup is by no means empty talk.
However, judging from the lineup of this year’s World Table Tennis Championships, the position of the "trio" who won the team championship of the Tokyo Olympic Games for women’s table tennis has not wavered for the time being. As a "big sister", Chen Meng, 28, has made it clear that her sword refers to Paris. This year, she won 1 crown and 1 Asian in the international arena, and her performance is still stable. The two "new generations" won two championships and one Asian respectively. Among them, Sun Yingsha won two championships in the "China season" in October, and continued her unbeaten performance in foreign wars. Manyu Wang, the champion of the World Table Tennis Championships, topped the WTT Macau Tournament in January and the Budapest Championship in July, and won the mixed doubles champion and runner-up in the women’s singles in the all-round championship, with a stable record throughout the year.
Chen Xingtong, the same age as Wang Yidi and selected for the team World Table Tennis Championships, has not yet withdrawn from the competition, but his position has become marginal. Its performance in the competition fluctuated and did not pose a threat to the four main players.
Looking around the world, China women’s table tennis, with fierce internal competition, is strong, even stronger in the new cycle, not only rarely losing foreign wars, but also winning the championship, runner-up and even the semi-finals. At the World Table Tennis Championships in Chengdu in October, China defended its title by crushing its opponents, without losing a set in eight games, only losing two sets. In the ——WTT Macau Championship, the only high-level event with frequent "accidents", Manyu Wang and Chen Meng lost to European players in the first two rounds, but Chen Xingtong and Sun Yingsha still joined forces in the final, which fully reflected the strength and thickness, and also made major rivals such as Ito Meicheng feel the despair of "pressing the gourd to float the ladle".
In addition, Manyu Wang and Sun Yingsha’s women’s doubles team beat Miki Ito/Hayata Hina in the final of high-level events twice this year after last year’s World Championships, almost beating their opponents over. Both singles and doubles have a "fault" strength advantage, so it is difficult for China women’s table tennis to defend its title in the Paris Olympic Games.
Reporter Wang Xiaoxiao
(Source: Beijing Daily)

Time magazine selected the top ten games "killer 2 of the Mind" to reach the top in 2023.

For gamers, there are too many excellent works in 2023, including 3A masterpieces and independent masterpieces. Many players may even be unable to play.

Now, foreign media Time magazine has selected the top ten games in 2023. Let’s take a look.

10. Surge of Fishing Sails

9. Diablo IV

8. Star Wars Jedi: Survivors

7. Super Mario Bros.: Surprise

6. Dead Space Remastered Edition

5. Resident Evil 4 Remastered Edition

4. the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

3. Marvel Comics spider-man 2

2. The Gate of Bode 3

1. killer 2 of the Mind

Bai Yansong: Are soccer and soccer the same sport in China?

On July 19th, Bai Yansong paid attention to the "football road, how should China go?" in CCTV’s "News 1+1" program. Among them, the golden sentence is constant. Some words may sound a little harsh, but we can understand the helplessness of many experienced fans who can only have fun in the midst of years of pursuing love and constant loss. The so-called "love is deep and responsibility is urgent".

Let’s listen to what Yansong said ~

"I don’t want to talk about China football and everyone laughs."

When it comes to football in China, everyone will be happy and tell many jokes. In fact, I don’t want everyone to laugh when talking about China football, but China football has tortured fans for so many years, and I think we have some capital to laugh now. What can we do if we don’t smile?

But we really don’t want to laugh. We really want China football to develop better. But how to develop?

"How can China football develop without a stadium and a good coach?"

There is a survey: What do you think is the most important thing for China football to be strong? I think two figures are too low: 3% people choose.Build more stadiums, and 3% of people choose.Training of grass-roots coachesThis ratio is too low.

Let’s take a look at the goal of China Football Association: to expand the training scale of coaches year by year. By 2020, the total number of certified coaches in China will reach 70,000. Note that it is to strive to achieve it by 2020, which is quite different from the fact that 100 children in Iceland may have a good coach to take care of them.

There are also people who study football in China now, but after graduating in four years, they can’t get a certificate, and then they may be assigned to a school and stop teaching football and become ordinary physical education teachers.

Without a stadium and a good coach, it is almost impossible to make football in China the same sport as football.

"Playing football well has nothing to do with the population."

I often hear people in China say that 1.4 billion people can’t find 11 players. The four most populous countries in the world rank first in China, second in India, third in the United States and fourth in Indonesia. Except for the United States, which often enters the World Cup, the remaining three countries are not good at playing football, so it has nothing to do with the population.

What does that have to do with anything? CCTV 5, the sports channel, made a 20-episode feature film called Football Road before the World Cup. Frankly speaking, after the World Cup, I watched it again, and I saw that my blood was boiling and I often became very quiet. How about football in China? Is China football and football a sport after all, and how can they become the same sport?

"The goal of the national team competition in 2018 has almost not been completed."

Next, let’s look at the goals of the national team. The Chinese Football Association’s Action Plan for 2020 has drawn up three goals for the national team in 2018:

The goal of FIFA U20 World Cup was to strive to participate, but I didn’t go.;

FIFA U17′ s goal was to compete, but it didn’t go.;

The goal of U23 Asian Championship was to enter the top eight, but failed.!

In other words, the goal of the 2018 competition was almost not completed. The goal of the 2019 competition is to enter the top four of the Asian Cup. Can it be completed? Frankly, I’m not optimistic.

"We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about China football."

I really hope that all football players in China can take a good look at the 20 episodes of Football Road on Sports Channel. After reading it, we will all be the beneficiaries. We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about football in China. Frankly speaking, how lively the World Cup is, we are just passers-by, just a group of spectators. Only when China football is really well done and China football and football become the same sport, will we be really happy.

Want to see more suggestions from Bai Yansong about the development of football in China, click to watch the full video ↓↓↓

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The blood "basket" can’t stop the national movement.

Recently, in 2023, the second Summer Basketball Tournament in Anbu Town of "Sunshine Cup" kicked off, which built a platform for basketball lovers to exchange and learn from each other, further enriched the mass cultural and sports life, and promoted the all-round development of mass sports and competitive sports.
The opening match started between Guo Long and Mei Long. Guo Long took the initiative to attack and control the rebounds, taking the lead in the first quarter and playing a "small climax" of 9:0; Not to be outdone, the Meilong team actively retreated, suppressed mistakes and struggled to catch up with the score. The two sides fought fiercely, went all out, and the climax of the competition was repeated and colorful. The audience cheered and shouted and immersed themselves in the tension and excitement brought by competitive sports. In the end, Guo Long defeated Mei Long 83-63.

People: I came to watch the game with my friends tonight. The atmosphere was very good and the players were very passionate. I hope more such activities can be held in the future. Let’s participate together.

Masses: Because I often exercise and play basketball, I invited my classmates to experience the enthusiasm of the scene today. When I came to the scene, I found that both the audience and the players were very enthusiastic. I hope that in the future, everyone can actively participate in sports and enjoy the charm of sports and basketball.

The outstanding performance on the field can not be separated from the hard training day and night at the opening ceremony. It is reported that in the past half month, all teams have conducted intensive training in an orderly manner and actively prepared for war.

Guo Yangtao, a member of the Guo Long team: For this competition, our Guo Long team has gathered players one and a half months ago to train in defense and physical fitness, and strive to achieve excellent results in this competition.

It is understood that there are 16 teams participating in this basketball match in Anbu Town, which is divided into four stages: group stage, knockout stage, semi-final stage and final stage, and lasts from July 30th to August 19th, bringing a passionate basketball feast to the majority of basketball fans in the hot summer.

Guo Yangtao, a member of Guo Long Team: I think this "Sunshine Cup" basketball game is very meaningful, which not only promotes the development of Anbu sports culture, enhances the basketball atmosphere, but also enhances the friendship between villages.

Original article, copyright belongs to Chaoan Rongmedia, please indicate the source.

Manchester United’s 29-goal striker returned to the training ground in the season.

Manchester United’s 29-goal striker returned to the training ground in the season.

Premier League Manchester United striker marcus rashford has returned from injury. Although I returned to the Clintons training ground and completed my normal training, the battle has not yet been decided. Manchester United will play the away game against the AFC Bournemouth team in the 36th round of the 2022/23 season in the Vitali Stadium in Bournemouth, England at 11pm on the 20th (Korean time). At present, Manchester United has played one game less than Liverpool, which ranks fifth. At present, Manchester United, which ranks fourth with 66 points, must play in the remaining three games in order to participate in the Champions League next season. The battle of Bournemouth, the first game of the last three consecutive games, is crucial for stabilizing the end of the season. Before the game, head coach Eric Teng Hach talked about the current situation of Manchester United’s available lineup. He said: "This is positive. Of course Raphael Balaam can kick. Scott McTomini also took part in the training. After seeing the training, I can completely participate in the competition. " If Balaam, who thought he was out of the season, returns, the weight of defense will rise. However, the main gun Rachford is still a question mark. Head coach Tenghahe said: "Rachford trained well all week. But in a bad state. I will observe for another day to see how much he has recovered, and then make a decision tomorrow. Rachford missed the 35th round match against wolverhampton wanderers last weekend. Whether Rachford can play is very important for Manchester United. This season, he scored 29 goals in all competitions, which is the team with the most goals.He scored 16 goals in the Premier League alone and played a central role in Manchester United’s attack. With fast speed as a weapon, he showed his excellent goal-scoring determination this season and spent the high season of his career. In addition, if Manchester United beat Bournemouth in the away game, they will be able to score four points with Liverpool ranked fifth and share equally with Newcastle United ranked third. Manchester United must win in order to get the fourth place in the Champions League. In addition, whether Rachford will play and lead the team to attack is also highly anticipated.

Greater Paris intends to introduce Maguire for 50 million pounds; Reporter: Kane is the preferred candidate for Tenghage’s striker.


Sun: Greater Paris intends to introduce Maguire for 50 million pounds this summer, and the deal was put on the negotiating table in the winter window.


Samuel Luckhurst: Manchester United coach Tenhage’s striker priority this summer is Harry Kane, while Osman of Naples and Benfica striker Gonzalo Ramos are also Dutch signings. In addition, the Red Devils plan to cash out Marchal this summer.


Rachford was voted the best player in the Premier League and the best player in Manchester United in February. ?


Official: Tenhage was elected Premier League Coach of the Month in February.


Peristri: That’s what we do! ! Come on, Manchester United ??

According to the Daily Mirror, Manchester United coach Tenhage said after the team’s 4-1 victory over real betis: "We played a great game, both halves. We should have taken a 3-0 lead in the first half, but the result was 1-1. We were punished for a mistake, but we played very well in the second half. "

"When we replaced the last two substitutes, the team changed the score to 4-1, and Peristri did a great job."