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Amy made a perfect curtain call. Game of Thrones and Vice President became winners.

    1905 movie network news The 67th American TV Emmy Awards were announced at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles this morning, Beijing time. Hosted by Andy Samberg, the star of "Detective Bewilder", the award ceremony opened happily. This year’s Emmy Award won three awards: Best Drama, Director and Screenplay, while jon hamm, the male actor, finally ended his seven-year running with him and was honored as Emperor. Viola davis won the Best Actress in Drama. In comedy, it broke the myth of Lian Zhuang and won the best drama series. At the same time, it also included four important awards: best actress, best male actor and best screenwriter. Comedy upstart won the best actor and best director awards in comedy category.

    In the limited drama (original "mini drama")/TV movie, he won the best TV movie award by winning six awards, including the best limited drama.

[Drama] "Game of Thrones" won three awards. Joe Hamm ended his seven years of running with him.

    This year’s Amy is not as strong as last year’s, but the competition is still very fierce. "Game of Thrones" was attacked by the dark horse and other popular dramas, and finally won Amy’s favor, winning the three awards of best drama, director and screenwriter. After being nominated for the fifth time in a row, "Little Devil" Peter Dinklage won the best supporting actor award for the second time. It seems that the death of "Jiong Nuo" in the fifth season is not a serious injury, but the best bargaining chip for its Emmy award this year.

    Mad Men, which had never won a performance award before, finally won a sigh of relief for the best male actor. jon hamm ended his seven-year running with him and won the title of Emperor at the end of the season, which was the best curtain call for the era drama Mad Men. This year’s new drama made viola davis get the first Emmy nomination in her life, and finally won the best actress in drama, becoming the first African-American best actress in Emmy history. Taraji P hansen, the heroine of Hip-Hop Empire who keeps pace with her, regretted losing the election.

    Last year, uzo aduba, who won the best guest actress in comedy, was once again recognized for her slightly neurotic performance in the drama and won the best supporting actress in drama. 

[Comedy] Modern Family ended the best comedy throne of Lian Zhuang myth "Vice President"

    In this year’s comedy competition, surprise gift, Modern Family finally fell out of favor with the academy, and the Lian Zhuang record was broken. Instead, Vice President won the best comedy series. Julia Louis Dreyfus, the star of "Vice President", won the Best Actress in Emmy Comedy for the fourth time. In addition, the play won four awards, including Best Screenplay and Best Actor, which made it a big winner in this comedy category. However, my poehler in the movie finally passed Amy and ended her trip to Amy. 

    The transparent family, which focuses on "transgender" hot topics, has become the upstart comedy this year. Everyone’s beloved "Sheldon" didn’t make the shortlist for this year’s Emmy, and it was almost universally expected that Jeffrey Tambor won this year’s Emmy comedy. Previously, Jeffrey was nominated by Emmy for six times, but he didn’t win any prizes. This time, in Transparent Family, he portrayed the image of a transgendered father vividly. The play also won the best director in comedy.

    Allison janney won the Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. This year, she played steadily in "The Best Mom", and she had already been nominated for the Golden Globe Award as a female companion, and also won the TV Critics’ Choice Award. There is no suspense for Jenny to win this award.

[Limited drama/TV movie category] olive kitteridge won six important awards.

    This year’s limited drama competition is particularly fierce, and "olive kitteridge" reflect the current hot issues in American society. However, it is obvious that Olive kittredge’s description of ordinary people’s lives is more appetizing for Emmy Awards, and it won six awards in one fell swoop: Best Limited Drama, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Male Actor, Best Female Actor and Best Male Supporting. Telling the legendary life of a female blues singer won the best TV movie award.

    David oyelowo lost to olive kitteridge richard jenkins. , missed the best actor in the limited drama. There seems to be no doubt that the award for defining the best actress belongs to Frances McDormand, and her vitriolic female image in the play is impressive. And bill murray won the best male match with his consummate acting skills.

    Although there are three actors bring up the rear from "American Fear", among them, sarah paulson, the "Banana Sister", has a very high voice, but regina king broke through the tight encirclement with "American Serious Crime" and won the best supporting actress in a limited drama/TV movie category, and finally "American Fear" returned empty-handed at this year’s Emmy Awards.

award prize winner Drama awards Best drama series best actor

Jon Hamm

best actress Viola Davis Best Supporting Actor

Peter Dinklage 

Best supporting actress Uzo Aduba Best guest actor Reg e. cass  Best guest actress Margo Martindale best director

David Nutter

The best playwright David Benioff  Comedy awards Best drama series best actor Jeffrey Tambor  best actress

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Best Supporting Actor Tony Hale  Best supporting actress Allison Janney Best guest actor Bradley whitford Best guest actress Joan cusack’s Shameless Family best director Jill Soloway  The best playwright Armando Iannucci Limited drama/TV movie/drama special program award Best limited drama Best TV movie best actor

Richard Jenkins

best actress Frances McDormand  Best Supporting Actor

Bill Murray

Best supporting actress

Regina King

best director

Lisa crowden 


Jean Anderson

Reality show awards  Best competition reality show Best organized reality show Winner of ingenuity Best unorganized reality show Deadly hunting Best host Jane Lynch Variety awards  Best variety talk show Best sketch variety show best director Chuck O’Neil  The best playwright Elliott Kalan

Presenting the centenary of the founding of the party, the TV series "Red Boat" produced by the reception desk is turned on!

The Red Boat, a major revolutionary historical TV series produced by the Central Radio and Television General Station, produced by the Television Drama Documentary Center of the General Station, and produced by China TV Drama Production Center Co., Ltd., has been officially launched in Hengdian Film and Television City recently. The drama will reproduce the historical process of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s birth, development and growth from 1919 to 1928 in a panoramic way, and vividly interpret the connotation and value of the "Red Boat Spirit".

Launching ceremony of "Red Boat"

The TV series "Red Boat" is guided by the "Red Boat Spirit", which tells the story of Mao Zedong, Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and Zhou Enlai, and other proletarian revolutionary pioneers’ persistence, hard work and selfless dedication under arduous circumstances, focusing on the purity of communist party people’s initial heart, the truth of doctrine, the firmness of faith and the beauty of personality.

The whole play is ambitious, grand in structure, solid in play and true in historical facts, which shows the story of China and the strength of China, and artistically shows the historical inevitability of China’s road.

"Red Boat" stills

As the key repertoire of "A Tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)", the TV series "Red Boat" interprets the historical logic and initial struggle of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the past century from the original point, and its shooting and production has extraordinary historical significance and strong practical significance.

"Red Boat" stills

The production team of the play is strong, directed by Yeming Song, who has directed many masterpieces of major revolutionary historical themes such as Marshal Peng Dehuai and Diplomatic Fengyun. Young actors such as Wang Renjun and Xi Wang co-starred with powerful actors such as WangZhifei and Dong Yong, and powerful actors such as Yang Lixin and Ding Liuyuan joined in.

"Red Boat" stills

The main creators of the crew will uphold the spirit of artisans, adhere to the standards of profound thinking, exquisite art and excellent production, aim at high quality, high efficiency and high productivity, reproduce major historical events in a panoramic way with the artistic creation of the new era, stick to their original intentions, keep in mind their mission, take the promotion of the "Red Boat Spirit" as their own responsibility, and strive to hand over an answer that satisfies the audience.

"Red Boat" stills

The situation of hegemony between Shanghai Harbor and Shandong Taishan shows the potential of China football.

Football in China has always been an important part of domestic sports. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. In this context, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province and the outstanding performance of Taishan U21 in U21 League all show the hope and potential of China football.

First of all, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Shandong Taishan is a highlight in China Football League. The two teams showed great strength and competitiveness in this season’s league tournament, which kept the suspense of the championship until the final round. This competitive pattern not only improves the appreciation and attraction of the league, but also promotes the investment and attention of clubs in the introduction of players and the construction of coaching teams. This healthy competitive environment is very beneficial to the development of football in China.

Secondly, Taishan U21′ s outstanding performance in U21 League also shows the future of China football. This young team showed excellent technical and tactical level and teamwork ability in the competition, which made people have a deeper understanding of the strength and potential of young players in China. These young players not only represent the future of football in China, but also are an important force for the internationalization of football in China.

However, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. Among them, the most prominent problems are the low popularity of youth football, imperfect infrastructure construction and irregular management of professional leagues. Therefore, we need more attention and input to promote the development of football in China.

First of all, we need to strengthen the popularization and training of youth football. This requires not only the clubs to strengthen the youth training system, but also the support and participation of all sectors of society. Only by letting more children get in touch with and like football can we cultivate more excellent players.

Secondly, we need to strengthen infrastructure construction and improve the quality and quantity of football venues. This requires not only the support and input of government departments, but also the participation and contribution of all sectors of society. Only by building more high-quality football venues can more players have a better training and competition environment.

Finally, we need to strengthen the management and standardization of professional leagues. This requires clubs to strengthen their internal management and improve their operational level, as well as the support and supervision of relevant departments. Only by establishing a standardized league management system can professional leagues develop more healthily and orderly.

In a word, the development of football in China needs more attention and investment. Only through the joint efforts and support of the whole society can football in China achieve better development and make greater contributions to sports in China.

Analysis of the whole chain of private domain operation in beauty industry

With the in-depth development and expansion of channels, beauty consumer groups promote the rapid development of beauty industry, and multiple factors affect the development of beauty industry. How should the beauty industry seize the private dividend and promote its better development? The author summarizes some methods, hoping to help you.

With the diversification and in-depth development of sales channels, the consumer groups of beauty brands continue to expand, and multiple factors jointly promote the sustained and rapid development of the beauty industry. As a beauty brand with the highest degree of private domain matching, how to seize the private domain development dividend, break through the growth bottleneck and realize rapid growth?

Now, the beauty industry faces many problems and challenges in private domain operation. Merchants will face three stages in the process of private domain operation: construction stage, growth stage and maturity stage, and each stage will encounter relatively core problems.

First of all, during the construction period, there is a lack of standard operating tools and operating methodology.

Brand is in the exploration period of private domain construction, and it is in the acceptance and learning stage for concepts such as applet, community operation and data management. Secondly, there are many kinds of private domain tools in the market, and merchants are dazzled when choosing, so it is difficult to choose tools that suit their own brands.

Secondly, in the growth period, private domain operations are separated from each other, making it difficult to form a benign closed loop.

Brand private domain has many contacts, such as small program mall, enterprise micro, community, offline shopping guide and store mall, but they can’t get through and cooperate effectively.

Finally, in the mature period, there is a bottleneck in the stock operation, and it is difficult to tap the effective increment.

The brand has successfully accumulated some effective experience, but with the decline of incremental dividends, the traffic is gradually lacking, and the "extensive operation" has a growth bottleneck.

Turning to the current private domain development trend of the beauty industry, it mainly presents the following points:

According to the data compiled by EROMONITOR Prospective Industry Research Institute, among the changes in the proportion of major sales channels in China cosmetics industry (unit%) from 2015 to 2021, the proportion of e-commerce channels has increased rapidly year by year.

In the penetration rate of Tmall TOP100 beauty brand applet mall, 79% of beauty brands have their own applet malls.

Several well-known brands: Maybelline gradually withdrew from the Shangchao department store channel in 2018, only retaining brand boutiques and developing in parallel with online channels; In August, 2020, Vichy built the first O+O (online and offline integration channel) operation center in China. After consumers completed skin testing and product trial in the store, they placed orders in small programs. All major beauty brands in the industry began to increase their efforts to lay out online channels in 2020.

It can be seen that the brand is not only trying a new integration of online and offline, but also trying to expand more attempts including private domain.

According to the brand database data of Quest Mobile Truth Brand in September, 2021, compared with typical consumer industries such as food and beverage, household appliances, mother and baby, the scale of private users in the beauty industry after weight reduction still ranks first.

In the investigation of Tmall Top100 beauty brands in the growth black box in 2020, we can see that there are over 20% beauty brands, and their private domain sales account for nearly 25% of the total e-commerce volume (the proportion of private domain sales of beauty = private domain sales/omni-channel sales of e-commerce).

Therefore, beauty brands should pay attention to the development of private domain while developing their business, and at the same time pay attention to the potential and opportunities of customers’ deep exploration.

In fact, the brand private domain is not an additional single sales channel, but a secondary undertaking of the brand’s existing global channel passenger flow and advertising traffic. On the basis of not raising the marketing cost, it can effectively undertake the brand global channels and users reached by advertisements, and realize the precipitation and long-term transformation of user assets and brand data assets.

In the initial stage, the private domain investment of the brand is small, and the input-output is not obvious. With the introduction of drainage and fission, the scale of private domain grows rapidly and its complexity increases. At this time, the brand is exploring a suitable private domain model, and the net income (output MINUS input) presents a high negative value.

However, with the maturity of brand private domain operation, the scale of private domain has entered a stable period, the cost of innovation and operation has begun to decrease, and the customer repurchase rate (the average monthly repurchase rate in the beauty industry is 10-15%) and LTV(life time value Life Cycle Value) are also increasing. The net income is gradually improved, moving towards breakeven and creating long-term compound interest.

Therefore, by settling the private domain of brands, brands can get higher profits, and users can also get a more direct and better shopping experience.

With the development of private domain operation in beauty industry, six typical private domain operation models can be sorted out.

1. Multi-positioning promotion type: a number of small programs with different positioning, with sales promotion as the main operating mode.

Representative brands: Perfect Diary, Polaiya, Ou Shiman, etc.

Taking Perfect Diary as an example, the brand has 20+ WeChat official account with different positioning and 10+ small program malls with different positioning, which cooperate with the daily member day +bigday activities to achieve continuous promotion and transformation.

Representative brands: Lin Qingxuan, herborist and Estee Lauder.

Take Lin Qingxuan as an example, get through every contact of WeChat Ecology to drain the live broadcast room and insist on daily broadcast. By constantly trying various links and ways to transform live drainage, we found the most suitable mode for Lin Qingxuan. Moreover, the store shopping guide resources are fully mobilized, and the 3000+ store community shares the live video number.

Representative brands: Guanxia, Huaxizi, HFP, etc.

Seize the beauty component party as the core user of the brand, constantly polish the content of WeChat official account, and finally achieve the reading volume of 600,000-100,000 articles. At the same time, the brand community is operated in the applet, and users are guided to participate in sharing through official topics and activities.

Pay attention to the brand experience of users in the private domain, and guide users to complete the continuous punching of the first purchase and cultivate the habit of re-purchase through the combination boxing of exclusive gifts for newcomers, members’ trial use, sign-in courtesy (customized periphery) and limited spike by members.

Representative brands: shanghai jahwa, etc.

From the offline ordering mode to the online cloud store ordering, the efficiency of goods circulation has been greatly improved; And through policy planning, training and teaching, we will make every effort to build a benchmark store, effectively improve the sales of dealers’ cloud stores, realize the annual sales rate in ninety-seven percent, and at the same time, the headquarters will empower dealers to operate cloud stores and transform live broadcasts.

Representative brands: Sephora, Afu and so on.

Taking Sephora as an example, the SmartBA project was launched in June 2020, which systematically promoted BA from top to bottom. Through corporate WeChat, consumers are guided to enter the private domain of brands, and every "beauty consultant" is empowered by numbers. With their professionalism and aesthetic vision, they will continue to provide consumers with professional 1V1 personalized services and online extension services in the private domain community, which will eventually drive online and offline business growth.

6. Feedback to the public domain: the mall not only carries the purpose of sales transformation, but also uses user research and data analysis to guide product development in the opposite direction.

Representative brands: L ‘Oré al, Elizabeth, Ya Dun, etc.

Taking L ‘Oré al as an example, in 2018, it has started to build technical applications such as SCRM and CDP. The brand uses the accumulated data for user value analysis, and adapts and develops products according to different people and regions. L ‘Oré al is the first brand in the industry to achieve C2B innovation. It took 59 days to tap the demands of thousands of consumers aged 18-30 for "ideal cream", and quickly put into research and development and launched a zero-point cream, which sold 100,000 pieces on the day of listing.

Self-test operation mode interactive test

First of all, if you are a newly created beauty brand or want to try to upgrade the brand and expand the beauty private domain business, then the first step is to think about the private domain organizational structure and operation team building.

Regarding the organizational structure of private domain and the construction of operation team, there are generally the following four modes. Brand merchants can choose which organizational structure to build according to the comprehensive evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Secondly, when preparing for private domain operation after the team is formed, it is necessary to consider the whole link process from traffic to retention and then to sales.

The first step is to plant grass in the commons. Establish brand awareness in the public domain through explosive products, and then conduct global drainage to the private domain through e-commerce/live broadcast, store activities /BA live code, and small red book planting.

The second step is to raise grass in private areas. In the private domain, we will deepen users’ three-dimensional cognition and preference for the brand through various operating means such as enterprise micro-customer service, WeChat official account, community and video number.

The third step is to pull weeds in private areas. Finally, private domain can be realized through mall+live broadcast+member marketing.

What needs to be emphasized here is that the beauty industry has a very typical marketing model: live broadcast with goods. This interactive marketing model with goods is a growth weapon for beauty businesses. According to C2CC Media’s "Private Domain Operation & Status of Beauty Live E-commerce", 70.9% of beauty companies have chosen live broadcast to bring goods.

With the advent of the "self-broadcasting era" of merchants, the live broadcast of video number based on WeChat ecology combined with enterprise WeChat can break the traditional live broadcast barrier and connect the live broadcast with community, WeChat official account, applets and other links in series. In the whole process before, during and after the live broadcast, a complete closed-loop transaction of drainage-conversion-repurchase is constructed to carry out refined operation, thus helping beauty brands to sell goods in private domain and realize sales growth.

Taking the live broadcast of "Lin Qingxuan" private domain video number as an example, with the help of video number operation+mall operation+community operation+advertising operation, the GMV of the live broadcast increased by 570% in four months. The highlights of its live broadcast operation are as follows:

With the help of friends’ circle advertising, the live broadcast is drained, and the big data orientation ability of WeChat advertising is used to lock the brand target customers, effectively shortening the grass planting path and introducing traffic to the live broadcast room.

Fully mobilize Lin Qingxuan’s shopping guide resources, and warm up the live broadcast room by sending skin care knowledge, giving coupons by interactive question and answer, and interacting with red envelopes.

In the live broadcast, on the one hand, by setting up an order lottery activity, the interaction enthusiasm of users in the live broadcast room is enhanced, and the length of stay of users in the live broadcast room is increased; In addition, in the product selection strategy, focus on mature female customers aged 30 -50, and cooperate with drainage products to comprehensively improve GMV.

With the higher offline costs and the fading of the e-commerce dividend period, the beauty industry has moved from "flow" to "retention". For the beauty industry where quality and experience are paramount, private domain operation plays a vital role in the brand omni-channel strategy. It is the key to improve the performance growth to realize the refined operation of users and enhance the loyalty of users through the layout of private domains.

Based on the increasingly mature and diversified private domain gameplay, beauty brands can control traffic, user assets and transactions in "private land", maximize the full-time global advantages of public-private domain linkage, and finally promote the brand and benefit with a complete and efficient private domain marketing closed loop.

This article was originally published by @ Xiao Y’s operating notes. Everyone is a product manager. Reprinting is prohibited without permission.

The title map comes from Unsplash and is based on CC0 protocol.

This article only represents the author himself, and everyone is a product manager. The platform only provides information storage space services.

Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.


[See you at 8: 00] China men’s basketball team missed the top 16 of the World Cup.

  At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.


  ● The Ministry of Finance announced the national lottery in 2018, and the overdue prize money exceeded 2.5 billion yuan.

  ● Many provinces signed letters of responsibility to strive to reduce the myopia rate of children and adolescents by 0.5% every year.

  ● The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issues relevant annual reports, showing that mobile sources such as motor vehicles have become an important source of air pollution.

  ● Because the user privacy agreement of "ZAO”App is not standardized, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology conducted an inquiry interview with the relevant person in charge of Beijing Momo Technology Co., Ltd..

  ● The reporter learned from the People’s Bank of China on the 4th that P2P online lending institutions, whether in operation or out of operation, will be fully connected to the credit information system.

  ● Hetao Irrigation District in Inner Mongolia and Qianjinbei in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province were included in the World Irrigation Project Heritage List in 2019 (the sixth batch).

  ● Beijing Daxing International Airport will have the official sailing conditions before September 15th.

  ● Hainan Province will include "unreasonable low-cost travel" in the category of public interest litigation.

  ● The China Tobacco Control Association released the survey results of 10 counties/towns in 8 cities, and nearly 60% of the cigarette outlets did not have signs prohibiting the sale of minors.

  ● Ma Hongjun, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Yunnan Forestry Vocational and Technical College, was expelled from party membership and public office.

  ● In the final match of Group A of the 2019 Basketball World Cup held on the 4th, the China men’s basketball team lost to the Venezuelan team by 59:72, ranking third in the group with a record of 1 win and 2 losses, and missed the top 16.


  ● On September 4th, a New Zealand tourist bus rolled over, killing five tourists from China.

  ● On the 4th local time, an explosion occurred in a fireworks factory in India, and the death toll has risen to 19.

  ● The U.S. government intends to speed up the execution procedure of death penalty to punish the criminals of mass murder.

  ● The US-European satellite insurance collided, and the US company argued that the communication failure caused it to "do nothing".

  ● Iranian President Rouhani said on the 4th that Iran will further suspend the implementation of the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue.

  ● Due to the defection of some Members of Parliament, the British Prime Minister suffered a major setback in Parliament, or a general election will be held in advance.

  ● The South Korean Foreign Ministry said that the Rising Sun Flag is a symbol of militarism and should not appear in the Japanese Olympic Games.

  ● A formalin leakage accident occurred in a middle school in South Korea, and 51 students were sent to hospital.

  ● Scientists have warned that the melting amount of Greenland ice sheet in 2019 may set a historical record.

  ● A teenager in Britain only eats French fries, potato chips and white bread for a long time, and his eyes are blind due to nutritional imbalance.

  [hundred States]

  ● The trial of the man’s wife-killing case in Thailand ended, and the defendant refused to plead guilty. The case will be pronounced on November 8.

  ● The family members of the deceased in the Lijiang anti-killing case said that if the other party was sentenced to justifiable defense, they would not appeal.

  ● Due to the spontaneous combustion in the passenger’s charging treasure cabin, a flight of Eastern Airlines returned after taking off, and the police intervened in the investigation.

  ● Shanxi high-speed traffic police responded that "the police colluded with the car" and the police involved had been suspended.

  ● On the 4th, a crowded event occurred in the opening promotion of a shopping mall in Bazhong, Sichuan, which has injured 16 people.

  ● A public security bureau chief in Yunnan lost his horse and angered his mother. He cried in court when he was tried.

  ● Anhui cracked a huge network superstition fraud case, involving more than 50 million yuan.

  ● Huazhong University of Science and Technology responded to the suicide of Chen Zemin, a graduate student in 2016: it is fully cooperating with the public security organs to investigate and assisting the families of the students involved in handling the aftermath.

  ● A teacher of an off-campus cram school in Nanjing was arrested for allegedly molesting a female student.

  ● Nanning Customs cracked a major smuggling case of dried peppers from India and seized 620 tons of dried peppers involved.

  ● Hubei has launched a smart school bus. If a student is forgotten in the bus, the system will automatically call the police.

  ● According to astronomical experts, on the evening of the 6th of this month, Tianyu will stage "Jupiter and the Moon".

  Visual sense

  ● Recently, a brigade of the Air Force Aviation in the northern theater conducted ultra-low altitude valley flight training, and the pilot was clearly visible in the cabin.

  ● Rice in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province turns yellow one after another, and autumn is getting stronger.

  ● FIFA announced the emblem of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, which looks like a white trophy from a distance.


  ● If you complain about your work, if you feel wronged in your heart, first look at the picture below. 30,000 people support the safety of 7 million people.

  — — On the 4th, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s wife, Jing He, forwarded a post in the official discussion forum of the Major League of Police Support on her personal Facebook page, supporting the Hong Kong police.


  ● Brown rice is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which is suitable for people with three highs.

  — — Weibo, the official of Gree Electric, responded that "Dong Mingzhu claimed to make rice cookers for the three high crowds".


  ● Mr. Tielang Dai, director and screenwriter of the animated film "Sheriff Black Cat", died at 19: 25 on the 4th due to illness at the age of 89.

  ● Recently, in Taizhou, Zhejiang, eight young "prospective doctors" worked together to save a suicidal woman who wanted to jump off a bridge on the way to the hospital for internship.

  ●78-year-old American writer Andrew • Kaplan is about to become the first "AndyBot" and realize "eternal life" on the cloud.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Xiao Xiao Cai Chunlin

Zhai Xiaochuan suspected to tell the truth, Fan Ziming died for 12 hours, and qi zhou pressured Zhao Ruisheng to change!

In the basketball circle, the news that circulates often has certain basis. People who stand at the forefront usually know the truth best and have the most right to speak. However, their expressions vary widely, some are euphemistic and some are straightforward. Sometimes, straightforward words may be difficult for ordinary people to accept, but these outspoken words are often sincere advice when most people are least heeded.

Recently, there have been a series of sensational events in basketball. Qi zhou, who had expected to return to the Beijing Control Team, was unexpectedly rejected, which led to the Shanghai Men’s Basketball Team replacing him. However, due to the change of head coach and the difficulties encountered last season, the enthusiasm of the Shanghai men’s basketball team was not high, and they finally chose to leave. At the same time, Beijing Shougang men’s basketball team was involved in the trading storm with Fan Ziming as a bargaining chip. Fan Ziming couldn’t help but feel uneasy and tangled. Although he gradually adapted to life in Beijing, when he knew that he had become a bargaining chip, his mood was very complicated and he even became restless when he slept.

To his credit, Zhai Xiaochuan, Fan Ziming’s brother, was very loyal. When he learned that the transaction failed, he immediately issued a "dissolution" statement, apparently to safeguard his brother’s interests.

However, qi zhou is facing another dilemma, because no team is willing to sign with him, and his efforts seem to be in vain. This is not the expected result for him. At the same time, in order to participate in the World Cup, qi zhou must complete the transfer formalities as soon as possible, otherwise he may leave the basketball team. This makes his future full of uncertainty. Zhao Rui, his teammate, is facing a similar problem. The contract with Guangdong Team is about to expire, and it is unknown whether he will continue to sign or be traded.

There are often many stories hidden behind basketball transactions that are not known to the outside world. The players have made a lot of efforts for their future and their dreams. However, the cruelty of reality is often unsatisfactory, and people have to readjust their goals and plans. With the constant turmoil in the basketball circle, players must always make decisions, find their own stage and continue to pursue their basketball dreams.

For basketball players, career is full of ups and downs and challenges. They need to face uncertainty and make hard choices, and all these constitute a moving part of basketball. Let’s look forward to the players continuing to pursue their dreams and shine in the future basketball stage. In this changeable basketball world, I hope every player can find his own basketball home and continue to write their own legendary chapters.

186 million in 3 years, with a record average salary! Davis renewed his contract with the Lakers: teaming up with James to win the championship again

On August 5th, Beijing time, according to the famous Woj report, agent Ricky Paul revealed that Davis had reached an early renewal contract with the Lakers of $186 million for three years, and the average salary of this contract was as high as $62 million, which created the highest average salary renewal contract in NBA history. Davis and the Lakers have two years left in their original contract. Together with the current contract renewal, Davis and the Lakers’ contract will last until 2028, with a total salary of $270 million for five years. In the future, Davis will continue to join hands with James to move towards the championship again.

For Davis, it is worthwhile for him to get such a contract renewal. As one of the top power forwards in the active league, Davis has nothing to say without injury. Last season, Davis played 56 games for the team, averaging 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 2 blocks, with a shooting percentage of 56.3%. His scoring, rebounding and shooting percentage are all the highest in the last three years. It is worth mentioning that Davis averaged 25+10+2 hats per game in a single season. He is also the third player in the history of the Lakers to get such data, and his performance is evident on the shoulders of O’ Neill and Abdul-Jabbar.

After helping the Lakers win the championship, Davis was really depressed for two seasons, but last season, Davis’ performance was obvious to all. As long as he can play in the game, he can play a dominant performance. For example, in the face of the Wizards, Davis handed over the data of 55 points, 17 rebounds and 3 blocks, while in the game against the Bucks, Davis scored 44 points, 10 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 blocks. In addition, Davis also scored 30+10 in five consecutive games, playing the performance of offensive and defensive integration in the game. As long as he is not injured, then Davis is definitely one of the top players in the active league.

The reason why the Lakers renewed Davis’ contract in advance is also very clear, that is, James is not young, and the team needs to find a successor to James. If James retires after playing next season, the Lakers can continue to build a team around Davis, and the team still has the possibility of hitting the championship.

It is also helpful for Davis to stay with the Lakers for a long time, where he can enjoy the treatment of team leaders and have the opportunity to retire his jersey from the Lakers. When Gasol’s jerseys retired, Davis said that he hoped that one day his jerseys could be hung around these legendary stars, and he was eager to be one of them. Davis has a five-year contract with the Lakers. During this period, if Davis can help the team win the championship, his jersey is likely to be retired by the Lakers. It can be said that this contract renewal is beneficial to both sides. The Lakers will be the leader in the next few years, and Davis will get a high salary, and there may be opportunities for the jersey to be retired.