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That’s right! Education is not only face to face, but also shoulder to shoulder.

Everyone has their own dreams for the future, and I, as a girl, also have my own unique ideals and pursuits. In this world full of opportunities and challenges, I firmly believe that my future is not a dream.

The power of education

Education is an important way to realize dreams. As a girl, I know the importance of education. Through studying, I can broaden my horizons, improve my ability and lay a solid foundation for realizing my dreams. Therefore, I will study hard, get excellent results in all fields, and lay the foundation for entering an ideal university.

vocational development

In the future career development, I will strive to pursue my passion and interest. Whether I choose to engage in science and technology, medicine, art or other fields, I will devote myself to it and constantly improve my professional skills and knowledge. Through continuous efforts and accumulated experience, I believe I can stand out in the workplace and become a leader in the industry.


As a girl, I pursue an independent lifestyle. I believe that I have the ability to deal with all kinds of challenges and difficulties. No matter in the face of academic pressure or workplace competition, I will stick to my beliefs and bravely face and solve problems. I believe that I can become a strong and confident woman through continuous exercise and growth.


In order to realize my dream in the future, I will keep a positive attitude. No matter what difficulties and setbacks I encounter, I will learn from them and bravely meet the next challenge. I believe that every effort will make me stronger and more mature.

social responsibility

As a girl, I also have the consciousness of fulfilling social responsibility. I will pay attention to social issues and take an active part in public welfare activities. By dedicating myself, I hope to contribute to social development and progress.


My future is not a dream. As a girl, I have unlimited potential and opportunities. Through the power of education, I can realize my dream. Adhere to an independent lifestyle, keep a positive attitude and fulfill social responsibilities. I believe I can create a future full of hope and possibility. Let’s pursue our dreams and create a better tomorrow together!

Four melons a day, each one is more exciting, and the stars in the entertainment circle will play.

The incident of Zhao Wenqi’s unmarried children revealed another kind of family concept conflict. Zhao Wenqi released photos of unmarried children, but there was no husband. Netizens have speculated whether there is a hidden problem of marriage self-discipline behind this behavior. During the development of the whole incident, the social discussion on women’s self-discipline gradually warmed up, and Zhao Wenqi became the focus of the topic.

Finally, we focus on the libel of Zhao Liying. Rumors that suddenly broke out on the Internet accused Zhao Liying of tax evasion, which seriously endangered her reputation. Fans found that these rumors originated from other celebrity cases, and officials quickly dismissed them. While the rumor maker apologized to Zhao Liying, the incident revealed the harm of online rumors and called on the public to rationally identify information.

On the whole, the entertainment circle of this day is surging, and the stars are facing severe tests in family, marriage and moral choice. These events reflect the ups and downs of the entertainment circle, and the stars are always facing public scrutiny and comments under the dual pressure of public opinion and social media. This also makes us ponder, under the aura of stars, whether they are also facing trivial and real life problems like ordinary people, as well as many disturbances of family and marriage.

Starring brunson, Randall pulled his crotch again, but I didn’t expect the knight to be a soft persimmon.

The first round match between Knicks and Cavaliers has reached a score of 2-1. The Knicks are currently in a leading position, which is unexpected. Not long ago, the Knicks also won a big victory at home, which is absolutely impressive compared with the season before the Knicks entered the playoffs. However, for Knicks, the main core performance is just like that season, and Randall is right.

In a recent game, Randall scored 11 points and 8 rebounds, but the efficiency of 3-for-15 shooting was pitiful, but the performance of brunson and other teammates helped Randall, otherwise he once became the biggest culprit of the team. Randall’s play in this battle was really weak. Ten of the 15 shots in the audience came from outside the three-point line. In the face of the Cavaliers’ inside towers, Randall was once again in a state of chaos.

So far, Randall can only get the data of 17.3 points and 8.7 rebounds per game, and his shooting percentage is only 32.7%. This efficiency can be described as horrible for an insider, perhaps because the Cavaliers’ Twin Towers have relatively large restrictions on Randall. After all, mobley is the contender for the best defensive player this season. Fortunately, the Knicks’ main player this season is brunson, otherwise it will be miserable for Randall.

Randall’s skill is rough, and his projection ability is unstable. This playoff performance is also expected, but the biggest problem is that the Cavaliers are actually a soft persimmon. Under Randall’s poor performance, they were led by the Knicks and may even be eliminated by the Knicks. I am afraid that this lineup of the Cavaliers will be disappointing again. The Cavaliers, that is, Mitchell’s play is relatively stable, and others are still inexperienced.

The playoffs are the stage to test the quality of the stars. Randall played the all-star level again in the regular season, but after the playoffs, hip-pulling became the norm. The Knicks bought 120 million stars who can only play in the regular season in these four years, but the price seems to be not a loss. After all, the prices of the stars who can play in the playoffs now are not generally high. Of course, brunson still makes the Knicks feel the value.

Every season, many young players make a name for themselves in the playoffs. Now, I’m afraid the young Cavaliers are not playoff players, or they need some time to grow up.

Big Three 73+30, Lakers lead 2-1! James 2 recorded the first place in history, and Brother Thick Eyebrows created 2 miracles.

On April 23rd, Beijing time, the Lakers played G3 against the Grizzlies in the first round of the playoffs. In this campaign, Jia Morant returned from injury.

Lakers VS grizzlies

Led by James, Anthony Davis and others, the Lakers played a perfect offensive and defensive performance in the first quarter. In the second quarter, the Lakers expanded the difference to 29 points. Jia Morant led the team to chase points crazily, but the Lakers always responded on the offensive end.

In the second half, James teamed up with Brother Thick Eyebrows to wreak havoc inside, while Grizzlies relied on Jia Morant’s personal ability to get close to the points. In the fourth quarter, Jia Morant entered the scoring mode, and James teamed up with Russell to score steadily at the crucial moment, helping the Lakers always hold a lead of more than 10 points. Grizzlies failed to chase points, so they had to accept the defeat 101-111.

Lakers lead Grizzlies 2-1 in the series.

After this game, the Lakers led their opponents by a big score of 2-1. The Zijin Legion has taken the initiative in the series, and the next duel between the two sides is bound to be more intense and exciting.

Big Three 73+30, Lakers lead 2-1! James 2 records the first place in history, and Brother Thick Eyebrows creates 2 miracles!

In this game, the three giants of the Lakers all broke out. LeBron James, Anthony Davis and D ‘Angelo Russell, the three giants of Zijin Legion, all made strong performances. James contributed 25 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists, 1 steal and 1 blocked shot. At the same time, James was the second most rebounding player in the team. James scored at the crucial moment in the last quarter, which also helped the Lakers win the game.

James and Anthony Davis

Brother Thick Eyebrows slashed the super double-double data of 31 points, 17 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals and 3 blocked shots. At the same time, the rebound data of Brother Thick Eyebrows was the best in the audience. In addition, as the stealing king and blocking king of this campaign, Brother Thick Eyebrows is ubiquitous on the defensive end and full of deterrence. Brother Thick Eyebrows dominated the offensive and defensive ends of the restricted area.

Russell scored 17 points, 4 rebounds, 7 assists and 1 steal. In the case of scoring the third highest score of the team, Russell shared the scoring responsibility of James and Brother Thick Eyebrows. In addition, Russell is the assistant king of the whole team. Under Russell’s series connection, Zijin Army achieved five people to score in double figures and made a smooth attack. In this campaign, Russell’s positive and negative values are still the highest +13 in the audience.

Lakers Russell

James, Brother Thick Eyebrows and Russell jointly contributed 73 points, 30 rebounds, 14 assists, 4 steals and 4 blocks in this campaign, which is the key for Zijin Corps to defeat the strong enemy.

Lakers superstar LeBron James also set two records in this campaign. First, James is the only player in NBA history who has played 25+5+5 in a single game at least 100 times in the playoffs. James has done it 145 times.

Lebron James

Second, statistics show that James ranked first in the history of 20+ playoff games with 240 games.

James’s above two records are the highest in history. I have to say that James, a 38-year-old veteran, still has a strong fighting power, which is also an important reason why Zijin Corps is regarded as a favorite to win the championship.

Anthony Davis, the insider giant of the Lakers, also made two miracles in this campaign. First, Brother Thick Eyebrows became the first Lakers player with at least 15 hats in three playoff games since O ‘Neill in 2004.

Anthony Davis

Second, Brother Thick Eyebrows is the first player to score at least 30 points, 15 rebounds and 3 blocks in the playoffs since Pau Gasol (36 points, 16 rebounds and 3 hats) in 2008.

Brother Thick Eyebrows can compete with two famous NBA players, which proves his strength. Anthony Davis, who made two miracles, is James’ best partner for the championship.

Artificial intelligence replaces manual labor, uses machine learning to carry out scientific research and match the best alloy!

A large group of researchers found that machine learning can be used to help metallurgists find the best metal mixture to make the required alloys. In this way, they found an alloy with a thermal coefficient lower than that currently recorded.

The research was carried out by scientists from Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, who cooperated with colleagues from darmstadt University of Technology, Delft University of Technology and Royal Institute of Technology.

For thousands of years, people have been mixing metals according to their own needs and learned a lot about alloy manufacturing. But finding the right combination always requires some inspiration, patience and luck.

Therefore, most alloys are made from a single base metal (such as iron), and the obtained characteristics are observed by adding a small amount of other metals.

However, in the past few decades, the situation has begun to change-some researchers have begun to make alloys containing several metals in equal parts.

Of course, it is much more difficult to make this alloy with specified characteristics. In this new work, researchers apply machine learning to help this process. They first reduced the test space to only one application-making alloys that will not expand and contract too much when exposed to temperature changes.

In order to create a machine learning application, researchers searched and found metal features that can be used for comparison purposes, and then trained their systems using the information in the currently available databases. In the process, they developed a process to find an alloy suitable for the required goal.

The team’s process was reduced to three main steps: First, they created a new mixture using a model based on information stored in a database describing metal characteristics. Then, they use the second model to help predict the properties of some alloys they created in the first step. The last step is to study the candidate alloys produced by the system and select some of them for practical testing.

Using this system, the researchers obtained 1000 candidates, which were narrowed down to three alloys. Then, they made three kinds of alloys using the mixture described in the system and tested their physical properties.

The team used data from real alloys to train the system and repeated the whole process. They chased it for seven times and found an alloy with a thermal coefficient lower than the current record.

In their paper published in the journal Science, the team described their three-step process and its performance in the test. Scientists from the Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences published an article on the prospect in the same issue, describing the work done by the team on this new project.

Reference: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-10-machine-optimal-mixture-metals-desired.html.