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Two rare records of our army marching on foot

In the long and arduous revolutionary struggle in China, the officers and men of our army fought a series of beautiful victories and created countless classic examples in the history of our army with the spirit of selfless sacrifice and the high morale of overwhelming all enemies. Coincidentally, during the Red Army’s Long March, the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the Red Army Corps captured the Luding Bridge, and during the Qingfengdian Campaign of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army in the Liberation War, our army once created a rare record of the world army marching on foot for 120 kilometers day and night.Please pay attention to the report in today’s Liberation Army Daily-

Fly away from Luding Bridge and Feibing Qingfeng Store, and attack 120 kilometers on foot day and night-

Two rare records of our army marching on foot

■ Han Jinqiang

In the Battle of Qingfengdian, officers and men of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army ran into the position. Information photo

Schematic diagram of the red army’s flight to Luding bridge and the enemy’s deployment. Information photo

In the long and arduous revolutionary struggle in China, the officers and men of our army fought a series of beautiful victories and created countless classic examples in the history of our army with the spirit of selfless sacrifice and the high morale of overwhelming all enemies. Coincidentally, during the Red Army’s Long March, the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the Red Army Corps captured the Luding Bridge, and during the Qingfengdian Campaign of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army in the Liberation War, our army once created a rare record of the world army marching on foot for 120 kilometers day and night. The indomitable spirit of the revolutionary predecessors is enough for future generations to remember and encourage.

Flying over the Luding Bridge, the Red 4 regiment flew 120 kilometers day and night.

At 5 o’clock in the morning of May 28, 1935, the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the Red 1 Army Corps was on its way to Luding Bridge. Yang Chengwu, the political commissar, and Huang Kaixiang, the head of the regiment, received an urgent order from the Military Commission. When they opened it, they saw that it read: Huang and Yang, the Military Commission called the left-wing army to seize Luding Bridge tomorrow. You should use the highest speed marching force and resolute maneuvering means to complete this glorious and great task.

Yang Chengwu, a political commissar, said: "From the mileage marked on the map, there are still 120 kilometers from here to Luding Bridge!" This means that the troops must walk 120 kilometers in one day and night, and capture and completely control the Luding Bridge on the 29th. No one expected that the task would become so urgent. On the first day, the telegram of the Central Military Commission was marked as "urgent", but now it has become "urgent", which must be a major change in the enemy’s situation. At that time, due to the tight time, the order could only be conveyed while marching, "Walk 120 and get to Luding Bridge!" This resolute and vigorous mobilization slogan has become the belief and goal of the whole group.

At this time, the troops are racing against time and the enemy across the river. In order to ensure the resolute completion of the task, the troops marched all the way and held a "flying rally" all the way. Clusters of people gathered together temporarily, and after only a few minutes of mobilization, they dispersed; This group of people just dispersed, and then more people appeared. As they ran, they held a tense meeting to mobilize. The mobilization of emergency tasks has just been completed, and the troops are close to Tiger Hill. In the thick fog, the troops defeated an enemy regiment and a battalion with an avalanche and occupied Moses. At this time, the wooden bridge on the east river of the village has been blown up by the enemy, which has added trouble to the March of the troops. It took the troops two hours-a tense and precious 120 minutes-to build the bridge. After that, the whole group ran another 25 kilometers in one breath. At 7 o’clock in the evening, when we looked at the map, it was 55 kilometers from here to Luding Bridge, and it was all mountain roads.

One difficulty after another. Just as the troops continued to advance, it suddenly began to rain heavily. It’s dark as the bottom of an upside-down pot, and I can’t see my fingers. Only when lightning strikes can I tell which is the mountain and which is the road. The army didn’t eat for a day, and the road was very muddy, so it was really difficult to move. At this time, the enemy has caught up and is advancing parallel to us on the other side. In order to get to Luding Bridge before the enemy, Yang Chengwu mobilized all Communist party member, Communist Youth League members and activists through various party branches, asking them to try their best to overcome all difficulties and make sure to get to Luding Bridge before 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. During the March, the comrades of the Red 4 regiment carried forward the spirit of unity and friendship, pulling each other with ropes, helping each other with their hands, and then leaning on crutches; If you are hungry, chew raw rice; When you are thirsty, drink the rain … The team is rolling like a fire in the deep valley.

However, after all, it is touching the dark, and the speed of progress is obviously much slower than during the day. Yang Chengwu and Huang Kaixiang were worried when they suddenly found that the enemy on the other side was on their way with torches. It’s really "be bold when things are difficult!" Yang Chengwu asked Huang Kaixiang to discuss: "We can also light a fire!" The troops immediately bought all the bamboo fences of the villagers’ homes in nearby small villages, and each person tied a torch and lit one in each class. In order to gain time, it is required that the marching speed after the torch is lit must be kept above 5 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the trumpeter should be familiar with the contact sound and signal of the enemy, and be prepared to "contact" with the enemy when necessary.

In this way, the torches of the enemy and ourselves burn in the night sky, facing each other across the water, just like two fire dragons moving in the valley, reflecting the water of the Dadu River a few meters away. After a while, through the howling wind and rain and the waves of the Dadu River, suddenly there was a clear bugle on the other side.

"The enemy is asking us questions!" The bugler reported that.

"What troops?" Before Red 4 could answer, there was a faint voice of questioning from the opposite side.

"Blow the trumpet to answer!" Yang Chengwu told the bugler.

The bugler sounded the prepared answer according to the enemy’s number spectrum. The enemy believed it and regarded the Red Army as one of their own. In this way, the enemy and the Red Army walked 15 kilometers across the bank. Suddenly, the fire dragon on the other side disappeared. Red 4 regiment boldly blew the trumpet and asked what the enemy was doing. The enemy blew the camping horn.

Hearing this bugle, the Red 4 Regiment quickened its pace again. Everyone is moving forward in a three-step, one-fall, five-step, one-fall roll. In order to prevent falling into the river, Yang Chengwu told everyone to untie the straps on their legs and connect them one by one, each pulling the straps forward. In this way, the troops marched at a speed of 120 kilometers day and night, and arrived at the west bank of Luding Bridge at 6 o’clock the next morning, occupying all the coastal positions in the west bank, and immediately mobilized nervously, and selected 22 Communist party member and activists to form a commando team, with Liao Dazhu, the second company commander, as the commando captain.

At 4 o’clock on the 29 th, the general attack began. At the same time, the division team composed of dozens of trumpeters sounded the charge, and all our weapons fired at the other side together, and the bullets blew to the enemy positions like a whirlwind. All 22 commandos, armed with submachine guns, sabres in their backs and 10 grenades wrapped around their waists, led by captain Liao Dazhu, braved gunfire and bullets from the other side and rushed to Luding Bridge, where the bridge deck had been removed by the enemy. They climbed the bridge fence, stepped on the chain and crawled across the river. Desperately resist the defeated enemy and ignite the bridge slabs piled at the west bridge head in an attempt to prevent our army from entering the city. Commandos burned themselves regardless of the fire, climbed the bridge, rushed into the sea of fire, and threw grenades at the enemy one after another; Then rushed into the city, together with the follow-up troops, and launched a desperate street battle with the enemy. After two hours of fierce fighting, all the enemy troops on the defensive were defeated. Only 22 commandos were shot on the bridge and three people were killed, which created a miracle of capturing Luding Bridge.

Feibing Qingfeng Store, 120km and 45km competition.

In the autumn of 1947, under the continuous attack of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army of the People’s Liberation Army of China, the Kuomintang army was forced to shrink its main seven armies, totaling 33 divisions (brigades), into the triangle of Peiping, Tianjin and Baoding, and stationed one army in Shijiazhuang, in an attempt to rely on the railway line and take a defensive position to ensure the protection of Peiping, Tianjin and other strategic places. In mid-September, the Northeast Democratic Allied Forces launched an autumn offensive. In order to save the Northeast crisis, Chiang Kai-shek sent five divisions from Beiping to the Beining Line or to go through the customs to reinforce. In this case, the leaders of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army, such as Yang Dezhi, Yang Chengwu and Geng Biao, were determined to seize this favorable opportunity and attack the area north of Baoding, adopting the tactics of siege and Dayuan, and besieged Xu Shui with the 4th and 5th brigades of the 2nd column and the 3rd column to attract reinforcements from the Kuomintang troops in Peiping and Baoding. With the 3rd and 4th columns and the 7th independent brigade assembled in the northeast of Xu Shui, looking for opportunities to annihilate the enemy who came to reinforce.

On the evening of October 11th, the fighting started. By the night of 13th, my 2nd column even passed through the north and south of Xu Shui, approaching the city wall, which was likely to be conquered in one fell swoop. If we want to mobilize the reinforcements of the Kuomintang army, we must hurt it and make it feel that the war situation is urgent. But to our surprise, five enemy divisions, ten infantry regiments and one chariot regiment came from the north. The main force of our army confronted the enemy in the northeast of Xu Shui. After several days of fierce fighting, although many enemies were killed and injured, because more than 10 enemy regiments gathered together, our army failed to divide and annihilate the enemy and the campaign plan was not realized.

In this regard, Yang Dezhi, Yang Chengwu and other researchers decided to level the troops east of Hanlu to move to Luxi Suicheng and Yaocun, luring the enemy to the west, preparing to wipe out the enemy in the movement after the enemy dispersed, and immediately reported this decision to Nie Rongzhen.

On the evening of October 17th, Yang Dezhi and Yang Chengwu left the headquarters of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army and headed west of Pinghan Road. Suddenly, a sudden pounding of hooves broke the silence of the marching team. It turned out to be a cavalry correspondent. He handed a telegram to the leaders of the field army and reported: "The enemy’s situation report just taken by Commander Nie Rongzhen".

The telegram reads: "Luo Lirong, commander of the enemy’s 3rd Army in Shijiazhuang, led the 3rd Army Headquarters, 7th Division and the 66th Regiment of 16th Army to cross the Hutuo River on 16th, and they are committing crimes in the north. On 17th, they can enter Xinle area. It is estimated that they can reach Dingxian on 18th and Fangshunqiao on 19th. Liu Hua, the enemy of Baoding, is preparing to meet Luo Lirong in the south. "

The battlefield situation is really changing rapidly. After receiving the telegram, Yang Dezhi, Yang Chengwu, Geng Biao and others decided to go south to annihilate Luo Lirong with the main force of the field army. The main force no longer went west, but went south and wiped out the enemy in the form of encounter. With some troops in the north of Xu Shui to block the enemy from going south, cooperate with the main force in the action of Baonan.

Determined, where is the battle? That is, the question of battlefield choice. This problem is extremely important, which is related to whether our army can eat this enemy. Finally, the leaders of the field army chose the battlefield of the encounter in Qingfengdian area. I chose this place because Qingfeng Store is in the south of Baoding, and there is still a considerable distance from Baoding. In any case, the battlefield cannot be chosen near Baoding, which will cause the enemy to attack our army in an unfavorable situation.

The battlefield of the encounter has been decided, but time is extremely urgent for our army. Luo Lirong’s 3rd Army has crossed the Hutuo River, only 45 kilometers away from Qingfengdian, while our army is still in Xu Shui, 120 kilometers away from Qingfengdian. This means that our troops must travel nearly three times as much as the enemy at the same time. The key to victory or defeat lies in whether our army can get to Qingfengdian area south of Fangshunqiao first. If our army can’t catch up, let the enemy’s third army and the two divisions of Baoding’s new second army get close together, it will be difficult for our army to eat the enemy.

Time was pressing, and it was urgent. Yang Dezhi and Yang Chengwu had no time to report to the military commander and ask for instructions. First, they issued an action order to the troops. On the way of hammering, they sent a telegram to the military region.

Yang Chengwu and Yang Dezhi discussed that in this case, it is urgent to draft an emergency mobilization order. Because this battle is of great importance, it must be fought well. Yang Chengwu said that when he flew over Luding Bridge, he marched 120 kilometers day and night. Today, he marched 120 kilometers day and night to catch Fangshun Bridge. At that time, it was a regiment, and now it is a field army, with thousands of troops and horses. There must be a few slogans, which are imprinted on the hearts of commanders and soldiers like hammers knocking on the anvil. Yang Dezhi expressed full support for this proposal.

So, Yang Chengwu dictated, the propaganda minister Qiu Gang recorded, and an emergency battle mobilization order was quickly written.

A ticking sound of the transmitter sent out the emergency mobilization order.

At dawn, the troops rushed forward desperately in several ways. As the troops walked, they held a "flight meeting". Commanders at all levels conveyed emergency mobilization orders to the soldiers while walking. The agitation turned into an invisible force, and the troops were still full of energy and high spirits after a night of forced marching. Yang Chengwu saw the leading cadres passing by and said, "Let’s go! Carry forward the spirit of the Red Army marching 120 kilometers a day! "

On the afternoon of the 18th, most of my troops went south four to six hours in advance, and completed the long-distance marching task of more than 120 kilometers, reaching the designated position. But this time, Luo Lirong, commander of the 3rd Kuomintang Army, led his main force of more than 14,000 people and more than 200 carts, and just passed Dingxian County.

At dawn on the 20th, our army began to attack. Once in contact, the enemy’s main force quickly shrank to several villages in the southwest, such as Hehe, and rushed to Peiping to ask for reinforcements. At 3: 40 on the 22nd, the main force of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army launched a general attack on villages such as Southwest Hehe, and the battle ended at 11: 30.

In the Battle of Qingfengdian, a total of more than 11,000 officers and men including Luo Lirong, commander of the third army, were captured, and more than 2,000 people were killed and wounded. Together with the northern defense war, a total of more than 17,000 people were wiped out. 72 guns of all kinds, 489 light and heavy machine guns, more than 4,500 long and short guns and 8 radio stations were seized, and one enemy plane was shot down and injured, which set a new record in the annihilation war in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei, played an important role in reversing the war situation in North China, and effectively cooperated with the autumn offensive of the Northeast Democratic Allied Forces.

The taste of autumn

Text/Xi Bo
I like autumn, like the colorful colors in autumn, like the rich fruits in autumn, like the gloomy temperament in autumn, and prefer the mature taste in autumn.
As a result, as soon as autumn arrives, my mood is flying with the autumn clouds, flowing freely and unconstrained style; So, as soon as autumn comes, I run to the wild from time to time, looking for the taste of autumn all over the mountains.
The taste of autumn is quiet, especially after the washing of autumn rain. The sky is vast, spotless, the air is crisp, and you can smell the white clouds when you look at the blue sky from afar. Different from the new green taste of the grass in spring, the grass in autumn exudes a light fragrance, which is a mature taste. It seems to have a memory of time, clear and faint, which makes you feel a boundless yearning.
The smell of autumn is fragrant. On the ground, beside the ditch, wild flowers are everywhere, some are delicate, some are pure, some are fragrant, and some are elegant … The scattered, dense and overlapping wild chrysanthemums that spread all over the mountain embankment have openly vented their golden colors into rivers and waterfalls, and the amber-like medicinal incense has gathered like clouds and fog without reservation, emitting mature and wild.
The taste of autumn is sweet, which comes from the fresh fragrance of melons and fruits and is a gift from nature. Eat a red date, crisp, sweet and memorable; Bite an apple, the juice is as sweet as honey … In the field, persimmons are covered with branches, and the red little persimmon is like red lanterns and pink smiling faces. Pick a ripe persimmon, soft and soft, bite a mouth, suck it with your mouth, and the persimmon meat with honey juice slides into your stomach, which is extremely sweet and wonderful, just like sucking mellow wine. The sweetness of persimmons hanging on trees is clearer, richer and more mellow after the autumn frost. This seems to imply the character of autumn. After the accumulation and fermentation in spring and summer, the thick and plump autumn is mature and more flavorful.
The taste of autumn is rich, just like pomegranate seeds as red as agate and as white as crystal, some are as sweet as honey, and some are sweet and sour. Just like the red jujube, such as pearls and jade, there is sweetness in the acid and acidity in the sweetness … The taste of autumn is so rich, so mature and so rich in connotation. This kind of taste not only makes you feel the joy of harvest, but also makes you feel the sweetness of life, and also makes you think about the life situation.
…… ……
What’s the smell of autumn?
It is a quiet and natural taste, a plump and thick taste, and a colorful taste …
After all, the taste of autumn is the taste of maturity.
News clue reporting channel: download the "Qilu Yidian" APP in the application market, or search for the WeChat applet "Qilu Yidian", and 600 reporters in the province will wait for you to report online!

The theme forum "High-quality Development of Hainan Free Trade Port Film Industry" was held.

  Everything is born in the sea, and light and shadow are new forces. On December 17th, the theme forum of "High-quality Development of Hainan Free Trade Port Film Industry" was held in Sanya. Based on the advantages and characteristics of Hainan Free Trade Port, the forum is committed to promoting the development of China’s film industry and promoting exchanges and cooperation between filmmakers at home and abroad.

  The forum consists of keynote speeches and round-table forums. Industry leaders and experts and scholars from home and abroad, such as Huayi Brothers, Zhejiang Film and Television Group, Qingdao Oriental Film Capital, Communication University of China, and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, discussed how to learn from international experience in terms of copyright trading, cultural cooperation, culture going out to sea and talent training, and effectively stimulated the innovation vitality and market potential of the film industry, which opened up a broader vision, a higher pattern and a broader imagination space for Hainan’s film industry.

  In the keynote speech session, four industry big coffees explained the multi-dimensional path and its many possibilities of integration, innovation and high-quality development around Hainan film industry.

  Wang Zhonglei, co-founder, vice-chairman and CEO of Huayi Brothers Media Co., Ltd., vice-chairman of China Film Producers Association and honorary president of Hengdian Film and Television Industry Association, talked about how to further make good use of policies to promote the high-quality development of Hainan films. He suggested that the first task should be to give full play to policy advantages and pay attention to policy implementation. Secondly, it needs the support of advanced technology and creative ideas to attract talents to stay and shine for Hainan film industry. In addition, it is necessary to speed up the construction of a film and television base with a world-class industrial system, establish and improve a standardized and professional film shooting service system, and explore the development model of the film industry with Hainan characteristics.

  Zhang Xiaohui, chairman and general manager of Zhejiang Film and Television Group, put forward the vision of "inter-provincial cooperation and linkage" in his keynote speech. "I hope that by taking this opportunity, we can make a deep integration of the film and television service shooting resources of Zhejiang and Hainan provinces, and help the two provinces to make an alliance in film and television shooting." Through the cooperation between the two provinces, information sharing and resource complementarity can be realized, and homogenization competition and resource waste can be avoided.

  In the round-table forum, government leaders, industry leaders, experts and scholars discussed how to combine Hainan Free Trade Port with the national macroeconomic strategy, thus effectively stimulating the innovation vitality and market potential of the film industry.

  "If Hainan is to be a center leading the film industry, it needs to upgrade from hardware to software. This is a great challenge. Although the subsidy policy is costly, it is a very good start." Abdul Dalagudi, deputy director of the Research Institute of Multinational Corporations of the Ministry of Commerce of China and founder of Xiamen BRICS Economic and Cultural Research Service Center, said.

  Yaning, president of iQiyi Film, said, "Hainan has a policy advantage. In the future, it depends on how the policy is implemented and the shooting cost of the crew is really reduced, so as to attract more directors and production companies."

  Zhang Qiyan, deputy director of the Art Department of Hainan Provincial Tourism Department and former associate researcher of the State Council Development Research Center, believes that "one of Hainan’s great advantages is its tourism. When we discuss Hainan’s film and television industry, we can raise our horizons to a higher level and think about this issue across industries. In the future, Hainan will introduce new policies to closely integrate the film and tourism industries to seek new breakthroughs. "

  Huang Yichuan, a researcher at the China Film Art Research Center and the president and editor-in-chief of Contemporary Film magazine, said, "Hainan has sea, rainforest and hardworking people. Our advantage is not only tourism, but marine culture will definitely be a particularly important culture in the future." He suggested that it is not based on the relevant policy support of the free trade port, but should aim at excavating multi-level cultural manifestations in marine culture.

  Sun Hengqin, president of Qingdao Oriental Film Capital Industry Holding Group, said that Hainan’s advantages in personal income tax concessions, population exchanges and import procedures in the free trade zone need to be well grasped.

  Natasha Deville, a veteran filmmaker, called for responsibility for Hainan’s ecological environment in combination with her shooting experience in Hainan. She believes that the premise of attracting more films and crews to come to Hainan for filming is to protect Hainan’s environment and undeveloped areas.

  Huang Fei, general manager of Hainan Film Co., Ltd. and vice president of Hainan Film Association, said that he has cooperated with China Film Research Institute to set up a special technology joint laboratory in Sanya and is about to enter the stage of achievement transformation. The next step is to rely on the "Hainan International Media Port" project, give full play to the advantages of Hainan’s digital industry, introduce top technical teams at home and abroad, realize the comprehensive empowerment of science and technology, and promote the digital, industrialized and innovative development of Hainan’s film industry.

Beauty products are becoming more and more difficult to get out of the circle. What should brands do?

Reporter | Viann

Editor | Lou Qinqin

Beauty brands want to make explosive items. Relying on explosive products to gain popularity is also one of the methodologies for the rise of domestic beauty brands in recent years. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to make explosives.

According to the "White Paper on Beauty Industry of Huge Engine in 2021" (hereinafter referred to as "White Paper") jointly released by Huge Engine and Kado Consumer Index recently, it is becoming more and more difficult for best-selling products to get out of the circle.

According to the statistics on the purchase data of facial skin care products and cosmetics in the first-and fifth-tier cities in China in 2019 and 2020, in 2020, the number of best-selling cosmetics declined slightly from 850 in the previous year to 775, with a decrease of 9%, and the categories of skin care and cosmetics all declined.

Specifically, the number of best-selling skin care products fell from 687 to 632, a decrease of 8%; The number of best-selling cosmetics dropped from 163 to 143, a decrease of 12%.

The absolute number of best-selling products of skin care products and cosmetics has declined, which is partly due to the rising marketing cost.

In the past few years, most beauty brands have made explosive products through relatively accurate product and crowd positioning and intensive social media marketing. As the traffic dividends of Weibo, Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, bilibili and other major platforms gradually disappear, the brand marketing costs continue to increase, and the difficulty of manufacturing explosive products also increases.

However, the "White Paper" also pointed out that although the absolute number of best-selling products of skin care and make-up has declined, their sales share in the market has remained stable at 25%, which indicates that the average market contribution of each best-selling product is rising, and powerful single products have increasingly become an important support for the brand to stabilize its market share.

In other words, although it is not easy to make explosive products, it is quite critical for beauty brands to make explosive products.

For beauty brands, if they want to make explosive products, the reasonable layout of categories is very important.

According to the "White Paper", the categories that are daily necessities and have a large base of consumer goods are the most prone to explosive products. From the category point of view, cleansing and toner, as basic categories, each contribute more than 10% of the best-selling products year after year, and the number of best-selling products will remain stable in 2020.

It is worth noting that although the number of explosions in the elite category has decreased significantly, the sales contribution has increased. This means that under the support of sufficient resources, the brand will invest heavily in the essence of explosive products, and it is possible to achieve greater benefits.

In addition, beauty brands also need to identify unique selling points for single products.

Focusing on the "student party" is one of the effective beauty selling points at present. According to the White Paper, judging from the amount of content broadcast in Tik Tok, many explosive products focus on students, and drive consumers to try with cost-effective communication. For example, the velvet lip glaze of the perfect diary and the high-profile "little yellow hat" whitening sunscreen spray are all selling points with a price of less than 100 yuan and a sense of use close to big brands, which have become explosive products.

Endorsement of product efficacy through star ingredients is another effective beauty selling point, especially in skin care products. Yin Yuli, a beauty and personal care analyst at Mintel, said in an interview with Interface Fashion that after years of market education, consumers in China have a deeper understanding of skin care products. When choosing skin care products, they are mainly efficacy-oriented, and they will buy products according to the problems they want to solve. Skin care brands should not only tell consumers what ingredients are contained in products, but also point out what specific effects these ingredients have.

Take Guerlain’s Emperor Bee Posture Repair and Restoration Honey as an example. This product emphasizes the natural extract of French black bee honey, which can repair the skin. L ‘Oré al Paris’ purple iron eye cream claims to contain anti-aging ingredient Bosin, which can stimulate collagen formation.

Innovating product form is another effective way to upgrade consumer experience and make explosive products. For example, New Zealand Mystery unpacks the jelly-like sleep mask, which is convenient for consumers to control their daily dosage, and is also convenient to carry in outdoor scenes.

In addition, in the case of high market competition, last year’s best-selling products may not sell well this year, which requires beauty brands to be "prepared for danger in times of peace". According to the White Paper, the sales of best-selling products in 2019 accounted for 25% in that year. By 2020, the proportion of the same batch of products will be reduced to 22%, especially in essence, mask and cosmetics.

Therefore, after manufacturing explosive products, brands still need to continuously carry out research and development and upgrade to maintain brand popularity.

Football —— A Young Soccer Player in Daliangshan

In 2021, in order to fully implement the spirit of the State Council and the State Sports General Administration’s sports poverty alleviation project and carry out the "integration of sports and education" in depth, Sichuan Sports Vocational College and Luzhou Education and Sports Bureau reached a cooperation to select athletes of 2011 and 2012 age groups from all over the province to concentrate on learning and training, with the goal of competing in the 16th National Games (2029), and select and reserve outstanding reserve talents. More than a dozen teenagers from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, such as Shebu Yaoba Guimo, Jin Guikun and Lap Molaza, came to Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School after selection and became the reserve force of U18 football team in the 16th National Games of Sichuan Province.
Their Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School provides all-round life, study and training guarantee for young players. The school has a separate class for the team, and the players enjoy the same teaching resources as other students in the school; And according to the configuration of professional football teams, men’s and women’s teams are each equipped with a head coach, two assistant coaches, a goalkeeper coach, a team doctor and two full-time life teachers.
Chen Hua, head coach of the women’s team, said that although the young players from Daliangshan had a weak foundation when they first arrived, they did not admit defeat and trained very hard. After two years of scientific training and accumulated competition experience, these children have greatly improved their psychological quality, tactical skills and teamwork, and have grown into the main force of the team.
In the U12 group match of "Hope Cup" football match held in China Football Association’s Women’s Youth Training Center in April, Sichuan team won two wins, one draw and one loss, and Shebu Yaoku Mo won the title of "excellent player" in the match with Guangdong team. After the game, she wrote in her composition: "I will continue to cheer, join the national team, play well and win glory for my country!" "
From 2021 to 2029, from teenagers to young people, from teenagers from mountains to football players, their future can be expected. Come on, big Liangshan football teenager!
19 young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture took photos at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Nine young players from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Russian Di Mo You Zuo, Shebu Mo Gua Mo, Hou Jiexin, Ji Lian Mo Li Xue, Lu Xiaoying, Zhao Minglian, Yang Guiyang, Lap Mo Laza and Yang Jianxin (from right to left), took pictures at the football field of Luzhou Tianli Chunyu School (photo taken on May 12).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
At the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (front left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trained with the men’s team (photo taken on March 29).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Lap Molaza from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training as a goalkeeper (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Jin Guikun (right) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture trains with his teammates at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 28th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Yang Kun from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is training at the football field of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou (photo taken on March 29th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Jin Guikun (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture raised his hand in class to answer the teacher’s questions (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (middle) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is listening in class (photo taken on March 28).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
In the classroom of Tianli Chunyu School in Luzhou, Shebu Mo Gua Mo (second from left) from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and his classmates took an elective course with mock trial characteristics (photo taken on May 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the halftime of the U12 group match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the Women’s Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (third from right) and his teammates listened to the tactics arranged by head coach Chen Hua (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 group competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team member Xie Bumo (second from left) and his teammates from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture studied culture under the leadership of the teacher (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
During the free time of the U12 Group Competition of the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, Sichuan team members ran on the road inside the hotel (photo of drone, taken on April 10th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo, a Sichuan player from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, served a sideline ball in the U12 group match between Sichuan and Guangdong in the Women’s Football Youth Training Center of China Football Association held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Shebu Mo (right), a player of Sichuan team from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, struggled for the match between Sichuan team and Guangdong team in the U12 Group of Hope Cup of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Chen Hua (middle), the head coach of Sichuan team, gave tactical guidance to the players during the free time of the U12 group competition of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 9).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
Members of the Sichuan team took a group photo at the stadium after the U12 match between the Sichuan team and the Guangdong team in the "Hope Cup" of the China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province (photo taken on April 10).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo
After the "Hope Cup" U12 competition of China Football Association Women’s Youth Training Center held in Qiongzhong County, Hainan Province, the Sichuan team coach led the players to play at the seaside (photo taken on April 11th).
Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun photo

Desperate! Kane wants to leave? Old Tottenham general: I asked him that if he left Tottenham, he could only go to Manchester United.

After beating Bournemouth 1-0, Manchester United extended Liverpool’s points difference to 3 points, and the remaining 2 home games can be locked in the Champions League as long as they get 1 point. After losing to Brighton and West Ham in a row, to the recent two-game winning streak, it was not easy to win, but fortunately, it stabilized the situation and resisted Liverpool’s strong chasing momentum.

Compared with the excitement of Manchester United fans, Tottenham fans are once again in a depressed state. This round of Tottenham Hotspur was stung three times by the "Little Hornet" in the case of leading 1-0 at home, and ended the home journey of this season with a 1-3 defeat. In the game, Kane helped the team to score again, but Tottenham finally lost, which is already the standard template of Tottenham Battle Report.

Next, there is one away game left for Tottenham. It doesn’t matter who the opponent is, because anyone can lose for this Tottenham. What is embarrassing is the current situation of Tottenham Hotspur. After losing this home game, their ranking fell to the eighth place. The most optimistic thing is to play in the UEFA, and they may not even qualify for the European War. Therefore, after the game, the media, fans, experts, celebrities and veterans once again talked about Kane’s future.

The old Tottenham general Crouch asked Kane for us, and that was before Tottenham played brentford. "I did ask him this question, and his answer was very tactful. I don’t think he even knew that he might be ambitious to go elsewhere and win a trophy, but it didn’t just depend on his own wishes. He still has a year left, and there is one person in the club (Levi) who doesn’t want to lose his star player. So what does it mean for fans to lose a player like Kane? Where can he go? Manchester City has now solved the problem. "

"Manchester United is the only real choice I can think of. He can’t go to Chelsea or Arsenal. Newcastle is a potential choice, but I think Newcastle is just a level transfer. Newcastle has great potential, but I think it is better to stay in Tottenham."

From Crouch’s words, we can also hear Kane’s complicated mood at present, and this is only before the game against brentford. At that time, as long as Tottenham wins, it is still possible to qualify for the Europa League, but after losing to brentford, the situation of Tottenham is very pessimistic. Therefore, if Crouch asked after the defeat of this game, Kane revealed that it might be more likely to leave the team.

After the defeat of Tottenham Hotspur, many fans said in the comment area that they called on Levi to let Kane leave, "Don’t delay Kane any more", "Kane deserves to go to a better team", and even fans said bluntly: "Kane is really stupid not to leave".

I believe Kane will have a good talk with Levi about his future after the season. He has done everything he can for Tottenham Hotspur. Regardless of the ups and downs of the team and who the coach is, Kane has always contributed one goal after another in his position. He has scored about 30 goals for nine consecutive seasons, and his performance is worthy of the evaluation of the top three centers in football and the name of the first center in Britain, but Tottenham’s performance year after year is not worthy of BIG6′ seat.

It is very rare for a striker like Kane to rank among the top scorers in history, who can hit Alan Shearer’s goal record and win the championship at zero. Azar’s example of 7 goals and 8 crowns shows that choice is more important than hard work, so it is time for Kane, who is about to enter his thirties, to make a choice for himself. This has nothing to do with loyalty. His love for Tottenham is obvious to all. Otherwise, he would not have signed a six-year contract as soon as he signed it, and almost left his golden career at Tottenham.

And this summer is the last chance. As Crouch said, Manchester City has got Harland, and Kane missed the best choice. Chelsea and Arsenal are deadly enemies in London. It can be ruled out that Newcastle’s platform is not attractive enough, and it is doubtful whether it can compete for the championship. And Manchester United have won the championship this season, and the summer window will continue to strengthen the lineup. Tenghage will definitely buy a center this summer, and Kane can basically announce that he has no chance to stay with Manchester United if he chooses to stay for another year.

Therefore, Kane’s example also proves the importance of a good agent, who can help players plan their future more reasonably. After leaving Tottenham Hotspur, Kane can not only get a bigger contract, but also many champions may have been written in the honor book, such as Manchester City two years ago.

[Tuma] Paranoia (2)

#alpha Figure Hengyu× ×beat Ma Zhao

# Atypical abo magic change has a mountain of early warning.

# The characters belong to Cyberda ji, and ooc belongs to me.

03. Mint and Teenager’s Heart

As the saying goes, you shouldn’t meet people who are too amazing when you are young, or you will only have memories for the rest of your life, which will be too painful.

In the past, Tu Hengyu was dismissive, but later Tu Hengyu was deeply impressed.

The four years we spent together in the college were the happiest four years for Tu Hengyu. In those days, academic research and scientific research achievements were just pure research, which did not need to be linked to human life and death, and his feelings were so hot and simple.

He likes Ma Zhao, and he doesn’t know when this worship and dependence between teachers and students has quietly turned into love. But it is no secret that Tu Hengyu likes Ma Zhao, and he has no intention to hide it.

He believes that one person, one thing will not change easily.

But what bothers him most is that he never seems to see through Ma Zhao’s thoughts and heart. In the face of Tu Hengyu’s undisguised pursuit, Ma Zhao seems to feel nothing.

Ma Zhao is like a pre-set program, which only gives a feedback when asking a question. Most of the time, he is quiet and taciturn.

Perhaps the brains of science students always tend to be simple and direct.

Xiao Tu, a classmate in love, sent a pop-up virus written by himself to Ma Zhao backhand as soon as his brain was pumped, but when his hand slipped, he directly clicked on it as a group.

So that afternoon, pop-ups kept popping up on the big screens of the teaching building of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the mobile phones of teachers and students.

The content of the pop-up window is that Tu Hengyu holds a wise seagull doll with glasses and sings out-of-tune version of the rotten street divine comedy "Congratulations on making a fortune". At the end, he blushes and shouts "Teacher Ma, I love you!"

I have to say, Xiao Tu’s virus is still well written, and the mute can’t be quiet, and the pop-up window can’t be closed.

One after another out-of-tune songs and the last "Teacher Ma, I love you!" " Let the young and frivolous Xiaotu students know what social death is for the first time.

Ma Zhao, who was eating melons on the sidelines, choked with laughter, and his face was cramped. Bala backhand went out of his computer and lost a string of codes, which was also sent out in groups.

The world is finally quiet.

Confession did not attract attention, others thought it was simply an expression of admiration for the tutor, and they didn’t care too much.

Tu Hengyu thinks that this can’t be done. This plan won’t work. Regenerate it!

It’s really no good, employers and employees directly confess!

As a result, Xiaotu’s classmates were ashamed and brave, and summoned up the courage to stay up late with Ma Zhao in the early morning night, blocking Ma Zhao on the way back to the dormitory, and made a deep confession to:

"I like you."

Respond to his Ma Zhao, as always, cold and cheerless tone:

"We can’t. I’m your teacher."

"I don’t care."

"I am thirteen years older than you."

"I don’t care."

"I’m just a Beat, you shouldn’t waste time on me. As a young Alpha like you, there should be no shortage of suitors. You can find someone better and more suitable than me. "

"But I only like you."

"You just regard worship and dependence on the wrong as love. I suggest you … mmm!"

More statements of objective facts were drowned in a sudden kiss.

Tu Hengyu eagerly tried to stop Ma Zhao from spitting out more words of refusal, and conveniently took Ma Zhao’s waist with one hand. He was ready to be pushed away by Ma Zhao, but in fact he was not rejected or pushed away.

Ma Zhao’s cooperation and acquiescence seemed to give Tu Hengyu another kind of encouragement. He reached out and took off the glasses on Ma Zhao’s bridge of the nose and put them in his palm, admiring Ma Zhao’s dim eyes because he couldn’t see clearly.

Tu Hengyu can’t remember how long the kiss lasted, only remember that the night wind gradually took away his hot body temperature and blew his surging heart cold.

Finally, it was Ma Zhao who pushed him away.

The man turned his back in a hurry, and his trembling back was angry or shaken by the night wind.

"I really don’t hate you, but there is no possibility between us. I have already decided not to find a partner and devote myself to scientific research all my life. Don’t waste time on me, that’s all. "

Ma Zhao didn’t even dare to look at Hengyu’s picture. He ran away in a hurry and even forgot to come back with his glasses.

He also forgot that from beginning to end, he never denied that he also liked Tu Hengyu.

And a mint-flavored pheromone in the air lingers, so strong that it is cold to take a breath.

Ma Zhao couldn’t smell it himself, but he smoked Tu Hengyu.

From this day on, Tu Hengyu had a habit of eating mints to refresh himself.

Time passed a little bit, and Xiao Tu, who was rejected, became angry and eager to learn every day.

He made up his mind that if Ma Zhao wants to devote himself to scientific research in his life, he will watch over him himself! Even being his assistant and deputy all his life, as long as he can look at himself, he is satisfied.

Just when Tu Hengyu thought that the relationship between them would always be so tepid, the accident quietly approached.

05. Wish under doomsday

In the spring of 2030, an ordinary afternoon could not be more ordinary.

With the convening of a meeting, everything seems to have changed quietly.

The sun is aging rapidly and expanding continuously. In a hundred years, the sun will swell to engulf the whole earth. In 300 years, the solar system will cease to exist.

The rumor about the solar helium flash crisis was put forward as early as the end of last century, but it was not paid enough attention at that time.

Now I bring up the past again and put all this on the table, saying, is it true?

The tense atmosphere even enveloped the whole country, and all departments operated in an orderly manner like a huge machine.

In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, some people are leaving and some new people are joining in.

Today, even Ma Zhao was called to attend an emergency meeting.

I don’t know if Tu Hengyu is too sensitive. He always feels that Ma Zhao is hiding something when he comes back from the meeting, and he has been frowning.

So Tu Hengyu asked Ma Zhao: "Teacher Ma, do you believe in the end of the world? Will the solar helium flash really happen? "

"According to the data of solar monitoring in recent decades, solar helium flash is very likely to happen."

"But, I don’t think it will be the end of the world at that time. There is always a way for human beings to earn a chance in the last days. We will find a solution to the problem before everything happens. "

Ma Zhao always has questions and answers.

Tu Hengyu has some doubts: "But in that case, you can only survive in the harsh environment of the last days, so are you alive or alive?" What’s the point of this? "

"As long as you are alive, there is hope to change and solve problems. If you die, there is nothing."

Ma Zhao’s expression was serious and sincere, and he saw that Tu Hengyu was also full of emotion. He asked, "If the end really comes one day, what can we do with our major?"

"No matter what kind of escape or rescue plan is needed when the end comes, it needs high social cooperation and productivity level far beyond the current industrial level. The original purpose of our research in the direction of artificial intelligence is to liberate productive forces. "

Speaking of which, Ma Zhao took a serious look at Tu Hengyu and continued to:

"I dare not say what contribution I can make, but at that time, I will do my best."

Tu Hengyu looked up at Ma Zhao in a daze, wondering how the cool evening breeze in early spring could blow himself all hot and dry.

The smell of mint floating in the air will never make him feel cool again, but only make him feel dizzy. So he shook his head and asked:

"Then if the end of the world really comes, can I die with you?"

"What do you want? Still have to live down to earth. "

Looking at a silly disciple who was confused and didn’t even know that his susceptible period had arrived, Ma Zhao had the impulse to pretend to be stupid and not know Tu Hengyu for the first time.

What should we do? You can’t just leave people here, let alone leave soon … The task is urgent, and tonight is the final farewell.

"Let’s go."

Ma Zhao took Tu Hengyu’s shoulder and sighed gently.

"There is still the last link in the experimental project to finish, and time waits for no one. Let’s stay up late tonight to make the data."

The temperature in the laboratory is always low, but no matter how cold the temperature is, it can’t suppress alpha’s fiery body temperature and restless pheromones.

The original fresh and sweet taste of wisteria is suffocating in this small and closed space.

Unfortunately, Ma Zhao can’t smell anything.

Tu Hengyu was hot and unconscious, but suddenly he smelled a cool mint flavor in the mist and heat.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and Ma Zhaozheng sat in front of him and looked at him calmly.

"Although I can’t smell the pheromone, it seems that you should be susceptible."

"If you feel bad, I can help you."

The sven youth with glasses is as cold and calm as ever, as if describing a solution to the current problem without any waves.

At the unconscious figure Hengyu, Ma Zhao sighed, and quickly and naturally unbuttoned his white coat.

"I have turned off all the monitoring in the laboratory. Solve this problem early so as not to delay the progress of the research."

Ma Zhao has always believed in efficiency first, and the speed of undressing is as crisp and agile as the speed of research. In a short time, only a shirt is left on him, and the expressionless face makes people unable to see whether he is shy.

Although Tu Hengyu’s consciousness is blurred, Alpha’s instinct is still there. He clearly knows that the person in front of him is the one he has been pursuing, and his body can’t help but move with his instinct.

Action slightly rough Ma Zhao press on the experimental platform, a few times will be yourself out of the way of clothes. Tu Hengyu rubbed and sniffed carefully at Ma Zhao’s neck like a small animal, as if to mark the territory and declare sovereignty.

Ma Zhao’s body temperature is lower than normal, and his hands and feet are often cold, but in this case, such a low temperature just makes Tu Hengyu’s hot body find an antidote to cool down.

During this period, Tu Hengyu was awake for a few seconds and realized that he was holding his lover in his arms. At this moment, he was closing his eyes and taking whatever he wanted from himself.

The last string called reason in Xiao Tu’s mind also completely broke.

Tu Hengyu shot Ma Zhao’s glasses for the first time, and threw him down on the ground without being very gentle.

He likes to take off Ma Zhao’s glasses very much, and then appreciate his true feelings always hidden in thick lenses.

Those who are hazy and confused occasionally because they can’t see clearly can always give Tu Hengyu a little satisfaction. After all, the signs on weekdays are always too dull and calm, which always makes people feel difficult to control and approach.

You see, isn’t this an opportunity to pull him off the altar? It turns out that he is also a real person with feelings.

Moreover, it always reminds him of their first encounter. The tree under the wisteria flower surprised the youth of his whole youth.

Tonight’s Ma Zhao is very different. He is uncharacteristically active and even takes the initiative to kiss the young man’s red and hot lips.

Although, as always, he is expressionless, or he doesn’t know what kind of expression he should make.

Ma Zhao admits that he likes Tu Hengyu.

But so what?

The country has already made a preliminary plan for crisis response, and initially put forward the embryonic form of the plan to move mountains. At present, researchers from all over the country are urgently recruited to participate in the design and construction of related projects, so that the plan can be implemented as soon as possible.

And I am also a selected member.

This is a top-secret task that concerns the life and death of mankind. Moreover, the international community is not peaceful now, and the opposing forces are inexhaustible. People in other countries are everywhere who try to steal secrets and sabotage.

It’s not safe to go here, and the return date is unknown. Maybe he’ll stay anonymous all his life and never have a chance to come back?

He has always hated this hypothetical proposition, but his parents used to. Once you go, you will never see me again in this life, and you will never have a chance to see me again.

He had regrets, but he never regretted it, so he chose the research his parents had done before his death and took the same road as his parents did before.

Ma Zhao has long decided not to be burdened by feelings all his life, but I didn’t expect that the heart never lies, and it is even more uncontrolled.

He fell in love with his students and with Tu Hengyu.

Then let yourself be willful for once.

This life is the only time and the last time. For the first time, he used his sensibility to dominate his brain, let himself sink in his desire for the first time, hugged and kissed his lover without scruple for the first time, and let Tu Hengyu leave a temporary mark on his back neck, and appointed himself to tie the knot with each other until he was inseparable.

Ma Zhao tried his best to hug Tu Hengyu’s shoulder, as if to draw courage and warmth from him in the face of future difficulties.

A few cold moonlight cast on Ma Zhao now, suddenly like tears.

Maybe this separation is farewell.

But because I did something meaningful, I never regret leaving you.

I’m sorry, I can’t promise to be with you.

Because it is better to forbid a wish that is doomed to fail.

Whisper bb:

The flower language of wisteria: live for love, die for love, endless love, paranoid love.

The flower-scented rabbit is tender and lovely, and the soft white-cut black rabbit attacks me directly next year.

Since Fanzi didn’t write about Teacher Ma’s experience, I’ll start making it up! It’s not appropriate for a young, promising and powerful person like Mr. Ma to have no excellent genes passed down by his family, is it? Mr. Ma never married a picture of himself for the sake of scientific research, and he felt celibacy, loneliness and widowhood. Isn’t this something that can’t be done? First, it says "Shuang Shuang". If the third ball is won by sail backstab, then let’s talk about it.

When two siri start to communicate, do they talk to each other?

Produced by Tiger Sniffing Technology Group

Author | Qi Jian

Editor | Chen Yifan

Head picture | |FlagStudio

"One morning, your AI assistant sent me an interview invitation, so I asked my AI assistant to handle it. The latter thing was done by two AI systems. After many rounds of dialogue between them, the date was finalized and the conference room was booked. There was no human participation in the whole process. "

This is Michael Wooldridge’s picture of the future. He is a British AI scientist and is currently a professor of computer science at Oxford University.

What will happen to our society when artificial intelligence can communicate with each other?

During the one-hour conversation, woodridge was very interested in this topic. He is one of the top scholars in the world in the research of multi-agent systems, and "collaboration between AI" is his key research direction.

In Wooldridge’s view, although artificial intelligence has become more and more like human beings and even surpassed human beings in some fields, we still have a long way to go from real artificial intelligence, whether it is AlphaGO, which defeated human beings, or ChatGPT, which answered like a stream.

When most people are immersed in the phenomenal innovation created by OpenAI, Wooldridge appears much calmer. ChatGPT shows the power of neural network, but also shows its bottleneck-it can’t solve the huge power consumption and computing power problem, and the unsolvable AI "black box" problem."Although the deep neural network can often answer our questions perfectly, we don’t really understand why it answers like this."

AI that surpasses human beings is often called "strong artificial intelligence", while AI with universal human intelligence level is called Artificial general intelligence (AGI).Wooldridge described AGI in his book "The Complete Biography of Artificial Intelligence": AGI is roughly equivalent to a computer with all the intellectual abilities possessed by an ordinary person, including the abilities of using natural language to communicate, solve problems, reason and perceive the environment, and it is at the same or higher level of intelligence as an ordinary person. The literature about AGI usually does not involve self-consciousness or self-consciousness, so AGI is considered as a weak version of weak artificial intelligence.

However, the "weak" AGI is far from the contemporary artificial intelligence research.

"ChatGPT is a successful AI product. It is very good at tasks involving language, but that’s all. We still have a long way to go from AGI. " In a conversation with Tiger Sniff, woodridge said that deep learning enables us to build some AI programs that were unimaginable a few years ago. However, these AI programs that have made extraordinary achievements are far from the magic to push AI forward towards grand dreams, and they are not the answer to the current development problems of AGI.

Michael Wooldridge is a leading figure in the field of international artificial intelligence. He is currently the dean of the School of Computer Science of Oxford University, and has devoted himself to artificial intelligence research for more than 30 years. He served as the chairman of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) from 2015 to 2017 (which is one of the top conferences in the field of artificial intelligence), and was awarded the highest honor in the British computer field-the Lovelace Medal in 2020, which is regarded as one of the three influential scholars in the British computer field.

ChatGPT is not the answer to building AGI.

Before the appearance of ChatGPT, most people thought that general artificial intelligence was very far away. In a book entitled "Intelligent Architecture" published in 2018, 23 experts in the field of AI were investigated. When answering "Which year has a 50% chance to realize general artificial intelligence", Google Engineering Director Ray Kurzweil thought it was 2029, while the time given by iRobot co-founder Rodney Brooks was 2200. The average time point predicted by all the 18 experts who answered this question is 2099.

However, in 2022, Elon Musk also expressed his views on realizing AGI in 2029. He said on Twitter, "2029 feels like a pivotal year. I’d be surprised if we don’t have AGI by then. (I feel that 2029 is a crucial year. I would be surprised if we didn’t have AGI then) "

In this regard, Gary Marcus, a well-known AI scholar, put forward five criteria to test whether AGI is realized, including: understanding movies, reading novels, being a chef, reliably carrying more than 10,000 lines of bug-free code according to natural language specifications or through interaction with non-professional users, and arbitrarily extracting proofs from mathematical literature written in natural language and converting them into symbol forms suitable for symbol verification.

Now it seems that the general big model represented by ChatGPT seems to have taken a big step towards AGI. The task of reading novels and movies seems to be just around the corner. In this regard, Professor Michael Wooldridge believes that at present, it is still difficult for human beings to achieve AGI in 2029.

Tiger sniffing: AI experts like AlphaGo have defeated human beings, but their abilities have great limitations in practical application. Today’s general big model seems to be breaking this situation. What do you think of the future development of expert AI and AGI?

Michael Wooldridge:Symbolic artificial intelligence is a mode of early artificial intelligence, that is, assuming that "intelligence" is a question about "knowledge", if you want an intelligent system, you just need to give it enough knowledge.

This model is equivalent to modeling people’s "thinking", which led the development of artificial intelligence from 1950s to the end of 1980s, and eventually evolved into an "expert system". If you want the artificial intelligence system to do something, such as translating English into Chinese, you need to master the professional knowledge of human translators first, and then use the programming language to transfer this knowledge to the computer.

This method has great limitations,He can’t solve the problem related to "perception". Perception refers to your ability to understand the world around you and explain things around you.For example, I am looking at the computer screen now. There is a bookshelf and a lamp next to me. My human intelligence can understand these things and environments, and can also describe them. However, it is very difficult to get the computer to carry out this process. This is the limitation of symbolic artificial intelligence, which performs well on the problem of knowledge accumulation, but not well on the problem of understanding.

AI recognizes cats as dogs.

Another method is artificial intelligence based on mental model. If you look at the animal’s brain or nervous system under a microscope, you will find a large number of neurons interconnected. Inspired by this huge network and neural structure, researchers tried to model the structure in the animal brain and designed a neural network similar to the animal brain. In this process, we are not modeling thinking, but modeling the brain.

Symbolic artificial intelligence of "modeling thinking" and neural network of "modeling brain" are two main artificial intelligence modes. With the support of today’s big data and computing power, the development speed of neural network is faster, and ChatGPT of OpenAI is a typical example of neural network.

The success of ChatGPT has further enhanced people’s expectations for deep neural networks, and some people even think that AGI is coming. Indeed, AGI is the goal of many artificial intelligence researchers, but I think we still have a long way to go.Although ChatGPT has a strong general ability when it comes to language issues, it is not AGI, it does not exist in the real world, and it cannot understand our world.

For example, if you start a conversation with ChatGPT now, you will go on vacation after saying one sentence. When you come back from a week’s trip, ChatGPT is still waiting patiently for you to enter the next content. It won’t realize that time has passed or what changes have taken place in the world.

Tiger Sniff: Do you think the prediction of realizing AGI in 2029 will come true?

Michael Wooldridge:Although ChatGPT can be regarded as a part of general AI to some extent, it is not the answer to building AGI. It is just a software combination that is built and optimized to perform a specific, narrow-minded task. We need more research and technological progress to realize AGI.

I am skeptical about the idea of realizing AGI in 2029. The basis of human intelligence is "being able to live in the material world and social world". For example, I can feel my coffee cup with my hands, I can have breakfast, and I can interact with anyone. But unfortunately, AI not only can’t do this, but also can’t understand the meaning of any of them. AGI has a long way to go before AI can perceive the real world.

Although the computer’s perception and understanding ability is limited, it still learns from experience and becomes an assistant to human decision-making. At present, as long as AI can solve problems like a "human assistant", what’s the point of arguing whether a computer system can "perceive and understand"?

We will eventually see a world built entirely by AI.

From driverless cars to face recognition cameras, from AI painting and AI digital people to AI writing codes and papers, it won’t take long. As long as it involves technical fields, whether it is education, science, industry, medical care or art, every industry will see the figure of artificial intelligence.

When talking about whether ChatGPT is often used, Professor Wooldridge said that ChatGPT is part of his research, so it will definitely be used frequently. However, in the process of using it, he found that ChatGPT is really a good helper for basic work and can save a lot of time in many repetitive tasks.

Tiger Sniff: Do you use ChatGPT at work? What do you think of ChatGPT Plus’s subscription mode?

Michael Wooldridge:I often use ChatGPT. I think in the next few years, ChatGPT and the general macro model may emerge thousands of different uses, and even gradually become general tools, just like web browsers and email clients.

I am also a subscriber of ChatGPT Plus. But for the price of $25, I think different people have different opinions. Every user will know whether ChatGPT is suitable for them and whether it is necessary to pay for the enhanced version only after trying it in person. For some people, they may just find it interesting, but they prefer to do things by themselves at work. For me, I find it very useful and can handle a lot of repetitive desk work. However, at present, I regard it more as part of my research.

Tiger sniffing: A new PaaS business model with big model capability as the core is being formed in today’s AI market. OpenAI’s GPT-3 gave birth to Jasper, while ChatGPT attracted Buzzfeed. Do you think a new AI ecosystem will be formed around the general big model?

Michael Wooldridge:ChatGPT has a lot of innovations at the application level, and it may soon usher in a "big explosion" of creativity.I think in a year or two, ChatGPT and similar applications will land on a large scale.Complete simple repetitive copywriting work such as text proofreading, sentence polishing, induction and summary in commercial software.

In addition, in multimodal artificial intelligence, we may see more new application scenarios. For example, a large language model combined with image recognition and image generation may play a role in the AR field. Based on the understanding of video content of large model, AI can be used to quickly generate summaries for videos and TV dramas. However, the commercialization of multimodal scenes may take some time.But we will eventually see all kinds of content generated by AI, even virtual worlds created entirely by AI.

Tiger Sniff: What conditions do you think are needed to build a company like OpenAI from scratch?

Michael Wooldridge:I think it is very difficult to start a company like OpenAI from scratch. First of all, you need huge computing resources, purchase tens of thousands of expensive top-level GPUs, and set up a supercomputer dedicated to AI. The electricity bill alone may be costly. You can also choose cloud services, but the current price of cloud computing is not cheap. Therefore, it may cost millions of dollars to train AI every time, and it needs to run for several months or even longer.

In addition, a huge amount of data is needed, which may be the data of the whole internet. How to obtain these data is also a difficult problem. Data and computing power are only the foundation, and more importantly, it is necessary to gather a group of highly sophisticated AI R&D talents.

Tiger Sniff: Which company is more powerful in AI research and development? What do you think of the technical differences between countries in AI research and development?

Michael Wooldridge:The players on this track may include internet companies, research institutions, and perhaps the government, but they are not public. At present, there are not many players who have publicly announced that they have the strength of big models, and even one hand can count them. Large technology companies are currently developing their own large-scale language models, and their technologies are relatively advanced.

So I don’t want to judge who is stronger,I don’t think there is obvious comparability between the models. The difference between them mainly lies in the rhythm of entering the market and the number of users.OpenAI’s technology is not necessarily the most advanced, but they are one year ahead in marketization, and this year’s advantage has accumulated hundreds of millions of users for him, which also makes him far ahead in user data feedback.

At present, the United States has always dominated the field of artificial intelligence. Whether it is Google or Microsoft, or even DeepMind, which was founded in the United Kingdom, now belongs to the American Alphabet (Google’s parent company).

However, in the past 40 years, China’s development in the field of AI has also been quite rapid.In the AAAI Conference (american association for artificial intelligence Conference) in 1980, there was only one paper from Hongkong, China.But today, the number of papers from China is equivalent to that from the United States.

Of course, Britain also has excellent artificial intelligence teams, but we don’t have the scale of China. We are a relatively small country, but we definitely have a world-leading research team.

This is an interesting era, and many countries have strong artificial intelligence teams.

Deep learning has entered a bottleneck.

When people discuss whether ChatGPT can replace search engines, many people think that ChatGPT’s data only covers before 2021, so it can’t get real-time data, so it can’t be competent for search tasks. But some people think that,In fact, the content of our daily search is, to a large extent, the existing knowledge before 2021. Even if the amount of data generated after that is large, the actual use demand is not high.

In fact, the amount of data used by ChatGPT is very large. Its predecessor GPT-2 model is pre-trained on 40GB of text data, while GPT-3 model is pre-trained on 45TB of text data. These pre-training data sets include various types of texts, such as news articles, novels, social media posts, etc. The large model can learn language knowledge in different fields and styles. Many practices have proved that ChatGPT is still a "doctor" who knows astronomy above and geography below, even with data before 2021.

This has also caused people to worry about the data of large-scale model training. When we want to train a larger model than ChatGPT, is the data of our world enough?futureWill the Internet be flooded with data generated by AI, thus forming a data "snake" in the process of AI training?

Ouroborosaurus is considered as "meaning infinity"

Tiger sniffing: You mentioned in your book that neural network is the most dazzling technology in machine learning. Nowadays, neural network leads us to keep moving forward in algorithms, data, especially computing power. With the progress of technology, have you seen the bottleneck of neural network development?

Michael Wooldridge:I think neural networks are facing three main challenges at present. The first is data. Tools like ChatGPT are built from a large number of corpus data, many of which come from the Internet. If you want to build a system 10 times larger than ChatGPT, you may need 10 times the amount of data.But is there so much data in our world? Where do these data come from? How to create these data?

For example, when we train a large language model, we have a lot of English data and Chinese data. However, when we want to train small languages, for example, in a small country with a population of less than 1 million like Iceland, their language data is much smaller, which will lead to the problem of insufficient data.

At the same time, when such a powerful generative AI as ChatGPT is applied on a large scale, a worrying phenomenon may occur. A lot of data on the Internet in the future may be generated by AI.When we need to use Internet data to train the next generation of AI tools, we may use data created by AI.

The next question is about computing power. If you want to train a system that is 10 times bigger than ChatGPT, you need 10 times of computing power resources.In the process of training and use, it will consume a lot of energy and produce a lot of carbon dioxide.This is also a widespread concern.

The third major challenge involves scientific progress, and we need basic scientific progress to promote the development of this technology.Just increasing data and computing resources can really push us further in the research and development of artificial intelligence, but this is not as good as the progress brought by scientific innovation. Just like learning to use fire or inventing a computer, we can really make a qualitative leap in human progress. In terms of scientific innovation, the main challenge facing deep learning in the future is how to develop more efficient neural networks.

In addition to the above three challenges, AI needs to be "interpretable". At present, human beings can’t fully understand the logic behind neural networks, and the calculation process of many problems is hidden in the "black box" of AI.Although neural networks have been able to give good answers, we don’t really understand why they give these answers.This not only hinders the research and development of neural networks, but also makes it impossible for humans to fully believe the answers provided by AI. This also includes the robustness of AI, and to use AI in this way, we need to ensure that the neural network will not collapse and get out of control in an unpredictable way.

Although the development bottleneck is in front of us, I don’t think we will see the subversion of neural networks in the short term.We don’t even know how it works yet, so it is still far from subversion.But I don’t think neural network is the answer of artificial intelligence. I think it is only one component of "complete artificial intelligence", and there must be other components, but we don’t know what they are yet.

Tiger sniffing: If computing power is one of the important factors in the development of AI, what innovative research have you seen in the research and development of AI chips?

Michael Wooldridge:Computing power is likely to be a bottleneck in the development of AI technology in the future. The energy efficiency ratio of the human brain is very high. The power of the human brain when thinking is only 20W, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of a light bulb. Compared with computers, such energy consumption can be said to be minimal.

There is a huge natural gap between AI system and natural intelligence, which needs a lot of computing power and data resources. Humans can learn more efficiently,But this "light bulb" of human beings is always only 20W, which is not a very bright light bulb.

Therefore, the challenge we face is how to make neural networks and machine learning technologies (such as ChatGPT) more efficient. At present, no matter from the point of view of software or hardware, we don’t know how to make neural network as efficient as human brain in learning, and there is still a long way to go in this regard.

When the system talks to the system directly.

Multi-agent system is an important branch of AI field, which refers to a system composed of multiple agents. These agents can interact, cooperate or compete with each other to achieve a certain goal. In multi-agent system, each agent has its own knowledge, ability and behavior, and can complete the task by communicating and cooperating with other agents.

Multi-agent system has applications in many fields, such as robot control, intelligent transportation system, power system management and so on. Its advantage is that it can realize distributed decision-making and task allocation, and improve the efficiency and robustness of the system.

Nowadays, with the blessing of AI big model, multi-agent systems and LLM in many scenarios can try to combine applications, thus greatly expanding the boundaries of AI capabilities.

Tiger sniffing: What are the points that can be combined with the AI big model and multi-agent system of the current fire?

Michael Wooldridge:My research focuses on "what happens when artificial intelligence systems communicate with each other". Most people have smartphones and AI assistants for smartphones, such as Siri, Alexa or Cortana, which we call "agents".

For example, when I want to reserve a seat in a restaurant, I will call the restaurant directly. But in the near future, Siri or other intelligent assistants can help me complete this task. Siri will call the restaurant and make a reservation on my behalf. And the idea of multi-agent system is,Why can’t Siri communicate directly with another Siri?Why not let these AI programs communicate with each other? Multi-agent system focuses on the problems involved when these AI programs communicate with each other.

The combination of multi-agent system and large model is the project we are studying. In my opinion, there is a very interesting work to be done in building a multi-agent+large language model. Can we gain higher intelligence by making large language models communicate with each other? I think this is a very interesting challenge.

For example, we need to make an appointment for a meeting now. You and I both use Siri to communicate, but you like meetings in the morning and I like meetings in the afternoon.When there is a dispute between us, how can Siri, representing you and me, work together to solve this problem?Will they negotiate? When AI not only talks to people, but also talks to other AI systems, many new problems will arise. This is the field I am studying, and I believe that multi-agent system is the future direction.

Another interesting question about multi-agents and large language models is, if AI systems only communicate with each other, do they not need human language? Can we design more effective languages for these AI systems?

However, this will lead to other problems, and we need to formulate rules for the exchange of these agents and AI programs.How should human beings?Managing an artificial intelligence society composed of AI?

Siri’s question and answer

AI can’t go to jail instead of human beings.

Michael Faraday, a British scientist, invented the electric motor in 1831, and he didn’t expect the electric chair as a torture device. Karl Benz, who obtained the automobile patent in 1886, could not have predicted that his invention would cause millions of deaths in the next century. Artificial intelligence is a universal technology: its application is only limited by our imagination.

While artificial intelligence is developing by leaps and bounds, we also need to pay attention to the potential risks and challenges that artificial intelligence may bring, such as data privacy and job loss. Therefore, while promoting the development of artificial intelligence technology, we also need to carefully consider its social and ethical impact and take corresponding measures.

If we can really build AI with human intelligence and ability, should they be regarded as equal to human beings? Should they have their own rights and freedoms? These problems need our serious consideration and discussion.

Tiger sniffing: The Chinese Internet has an interesting point: "AI can never engage in accounting or auditing. Because AI can’t go to jail. " AIGC also has such problems in copyright. AI can easily copy the painting and writing styles of human beings, and at the same time, the creation made by human beings using AI also has the problem of unclear ownership. So what do you think of the legal and moral risks of artificial intelligence?

Michael Wooldridge:The idea that AI can’t go to jail is wonderful. Some people think that AI can be their "moral agent" and be responsible for their actions. However, this idea obviously misinterprets the definition of "right and wrong" by human beings. Instead of thinking about how to create "morally responsible" AI, we should study AI in a responsible way.

AI itself cannot be responsible. Once something goes wrong with AI, those who own AI, build AI and deploy AI will be responsible. If the AI they use violates the law, or they use AI for crimes, then it must be human beings who should be sent to prison.

In addition, ChatGPT needs to strengthen supervision in privacy protection. If ChatGPT has collected information about the whole Internet, then he must have read information about each of us. For example, my social media, my books, my papers, comments made by others on social media, and even deleted information. AI may also be able to paint a portrait of everyone based on this information, thus further infringing or hurting our privacy.

At present, there are a lot of legal discussions about artificial intelligence, not just for ChatGPT. The legal issues of artificial intelligence have always existed and become increasingly important, but at present, all sectors of society are still discussing and exploring this.

I think ChatGPT or other AI technologies will become more and more common in the next few years. However, I also think we need to use it carefully to ensure that we will not lose key human skills, such as reading and writing. AI can undoubtedly help human beings to improve production efficiency and quality of life, but it cannot completely replace human thinking and creativity.

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