标签归档 新上海龙凤

AI experts reflect on the future of human-machine coexistence: too many obstacles waiting to be broken through

The 3rd Shanghai World Artificial Intelligence Conference Cloud Summit, which ended on July 11, shoulders the mission of contributing "China’s solution" to artificial intelligence, and has become a wind vane for the development of the global artificial intelligence industry. In the face of an industry that is more unknown than known, what is the current situation of the artificial intelligence industry? What will it look like in the future? Dajiandong Studio interviewed the big coffee and enterprises who entered the venue to listen to their answers.

AI has worked its magic in a wide range of fields, and the "Shanghai sample" shows sharp corners

Ma Yun, who is giving a cloud speech with a hologram.

The epidemic is not over yet, and this conference is still full of big coffee. According to the statistics of the conference, more than 550 heavy guests gathered in the cloud, including 7 Turing Award winners, 1 Nobel Prize winner, and 62 top Chinese and foreign academicians. They analyze the artificial intelligence industry from different perspectives.

Baidu founder, chairperson and CEO Robin Li’s on-site speech said that at present, a few general AI platforms and some sub-AI platforms focusing on a certain vertical industry have emerged globally. In the vertical industries of information search, information flow recommendation, and driverless driving, artificial intelligence has proved or initially proved its potential for subversion and reconstruction of the industry.

Huawei director and CIO Tao Jingwen believes that the fourth industrial revolution has arrived, which contains huge digital opportunities. 5G + AI + cloud + industrial Internet, multi-technology integration drives industrial transformation, and human beings are accelerating into the intelligent world where everything is connected.

In the video connection, Tesla CEO Musk is very confident about the future realization of Level 5 autonomous driving. "I think it will be achieved soon, and we are confident that we will complete the basic functions of Level 5 this year."

"For example, Baidu’s autonomous driving; Ali’s city brain intelligent transportation; Tencent’s medical reading and medical image data processing; iFLYTEK’s automatic speech recognition; Cambrian, iFLYTEK, and SenseTime Technology as the representatives of start-ups in technology innovation; Hikvision occupies the first place in the global intelligent security enterprise…" Jiang Changjun, vice president of Tongji University and convener of the Shanghai artificial intelligence strategy consulting expert committee, listed them one by one, arguing that China’s artificial intelligence field, especially the intelligent industrialization application, has taken the lead in the world.

Miao Wei, Minister of MIIT, said bluntly that on the whole, the development momentum of our country’s artificial intelligence industry is good, technological innovation is increasingly active, the industrial scale continues to grow, and the application of integration with the industry continues to deepen, and the development prospect is promising.

At present, Shanghai has gathered more than 1100 key enterprises in the industry, and the output value of the artificial intelligence industry exceeds 140 billion yuan. It has gathered 100,000 industrial talents and become one of the leading regions in the development of artificial intelligence in the country.

"Statistics show that in terms of the number of AI companies, Shanghai ranks among the top in the world." Wang Yingchun, director of the Science and Technology and Society Research Office of the Shanghai Institute of Science, believes that Shanghai has taken the lead in fulfilling the mission of "pioneering a new path and model for the development of artificial intelligence", hoping to form a "Shanghai experience" and promote it nationwide.

AI in the epidemic, deep empowerment into a new trend in the industry

In the actual combat of AI, we have to mention the COVID-19 epidemic. The new round of industrial transformation force represented by artificial intelligence has highlighted "smart responsibility" in various aspects such as disease diagnosis, screening and follow-up, drug research and development, logistics and distribution.

Image detection is an important basis and means for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. The "uAI COVID-19 Intelligent Assisted Analysis System" developed by United Imaging, an artificial intelligence subsidiary of United Imaging Group, is the industry’s first AI full-process solution that integrates the overall and partial image characteristics of pneumonia and accurately triages pneumonia images.

In the face of the explosive demand for medical treatment, artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis system comes into play. Shanghai Yitu Technology launched the "COVID-19 intelligent evaluation system" based on artificial intelligence technology, carried out rapid diagnosis and intelligent analysis of curative effect, and launched it in the Shanghai Public Health Center. The evaluation results of more than 70 cases of COVID-19 have been preliminarily verified, showing that the evaluation results of the system are highly consistent with the evaluation of experts.

In the epidemic, as the first wall of intelligent early warning monitoring, the fire-eyed infrared thermometer independently developed by Shanghai Zero Carbon Technology Company can simultaneously monitor up to 100 targets in a unit area, and distinguish the temperature of each individual through an infrared detector with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees, which greatly shortens the measurement time.

In addition, UKED’s safe house technology provides support for information investigation of personnel in epidemic key regions; Yunzhisheng has launched "epidemic prevention and control robots", which has effectively helped grassroots street communities to carry out health tracking and flow investigation; small i robots use automatic speech recognition, semantic understanding and other technologies to carry out voice interaction, providing free epidemic prevention robot services to the community…

The actual combat of AI in the epidemic highlights the new trend of AI deeply empowering the industry. Ge Yue, global vice president of Apple, exclaimed, "The epidemic has shown us the power of technology."

"Artificial intelligence is a magic card in our hands." Chen Liming, chairperson of IBM Greater China Group, said that embracing new digital technologies represented by artificial intelligence and cloud computing will help enterprises reduce or even resolve the impact of unforeseen events such as major epidemics.

Basic research is still a shortcoming, and an influential ecosystem has not yet been formed

The artificial intelligence industry has made great progress, but it is still in its infancy and there are still many shortcomings.

Ge Junbo, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the cardiology department at Sun Yat-sen Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, believes that the application of artificial intelligence in reality has not been perfect so far. Medical big data is still "big and messy" because of the lack of data governance standards. "What artificial intelligence needs is accurate data. It can provide a diagnosis through learning, sometimes more accurate than a doctor. The premise is that the data you give it must be accurate."

"Technology is very useful, but it is only a tool. It can be fully utilized in technology applications in the future, but you cannot be superstitious about technology." Zhang Wenhong, director of the infectious disease department of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said that there are still many obstacles to the clinical application of big data.

He pointed out that when there are unexpected situations in big data, reliable doctors can rely on their own logic to continuously generate new data. Although artificial intelligence can continuously learn and make new judgments at every stage, medical care is not a game of Go. Artificial intelligence cannot generate new data here, but also relies on people.

Similarly, Liu Qingfeng, chairperson of iFLYTEK, said that the development of artificial intelligence today is by no means as long as there is data or as long as the data can be used to solve the problem.

How to use less data to achieve better results and make data self-driven more effective; how to solve multilingual problems; how to solve privacy problems; how to solve emotional humanization problems… In his opinion, artificial intelligence still has a lot of core technology innovation, which is a real need for source technology innovation and strong technology field.

Jiang Changjun said frankly that the current artificial intelligence industry in our country has not yet formed an influential ecosystem and industrial chain. Compared with the United States and Europe, it is more focused on application landing, and the development of basic theories and original algorithms is weak, and there is a lack of breakthrough and landmark research results. The development of common technology platforms and smart chips is relatively weak.

"We need to further raise awareness, focus on the future, increase research efforts, make up for technical shortcomings, establish an industrial ecology, and seize the commanding heights of the industry."

It is gratifying to note that currently, leading Internet companies have realized that establishing an industrial ecosystem through open-source technology is an important means to seize the commanding heights of the industry. For example, Baidu’s PaddlePaddle, Tsinghua University’s Jittor, Megvii’s MegEngine, and Huawei’s MindSpore have all open-sourced their deep learning algorithms to master the underlying AI technology through independent research and development.

What is the potential of the artificial intelligence industry? The world will have a super 12 trillion market space

UBTECH Walker Robot

How will the artificial intelligence industry develop in the future?

"It is expected that by 2025, the ICT industry will have 5 trillion scale, the retail industry will be about 1.50 trillion scale, and the smart manufacturing 6.40 trillion scale." Tao Jingwen believes that with the application of artificial intelligence and big data, the world will have a market space of more than 12 trillion, which requires a more open attitude and cooperation.

"There is a saying in the field of artificial intelligence: there is as much artificial intelligence as there is artificial intelligence, and it refers to the learning curve that a technology needs to go through in the early development process. Some people call this the sowing season and the harvest season." Chen Liming, chairperson of IBM Greater China Group, said that with the passage of time, the accumulation of experience, the enrichment of algorithms and the increase of investment, artificial intelligence will also break through the early learning cost and accelerate the deployment in various industries. Perhaps 20 years later, many companies are AI companies in a sense.

"A few years ago, a city needed to do intelligent computing and needed more than a dozen cabinets; a year ago, this AI chip could already reduce the number of cabinets to one; in the next ten years, as long as it is shrunk a hundred times on a palm-sized chip, one hand can support the city management needed today." Yitu Zhulong said that the next ten years will be the super-Moore era of AI computing power.

Wang Xiaoqiu, President of SAIC Motor Group, realized that new-generation information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing are important engines driving technological revolution and industrial change. In the future, with the continuous maturity of 5G artificial intelligence and other technologies, it will surely promote the accelerated leap of the economy and society from networking to intelligence.

Liu Qingfeng, chairperson of iFLYTEK, said: "In the post-epidemic era, we have been promoted to the digital’survival era ‘. In the future, online and offline life will become the norm. Whether it is epidemic prevention and control, or future production and life, we will face a phased or long-term coexistence of online and offline digital survival. Artificial intelligence lights up the fireworks in the world, which is not only a very attractive and attractive picture in the future, but also a huge trend in the future that we will have to face."

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, many people have also raised some concerns: Will AI replace our jobs?

Wang Yingchun, director of the Science and Technology and Society Research Office of the Shanghai Institute of Science, said, "Every profession is made up of different job content, and artificial intelligence replaces some of them, and eventually forms a working model in which humans and machines coexist harmoniously."

"In the next stage, AI will be ubiquitous and easier to apply. Traditional companies have the ability to hire their own AI engineers, just as every company has IT engineers today." Kai-Fu Lee, founder and CEO of Innovation Works, believes that AI + will continue to be valuable, but + AI is the bigger solution.

(All photos are provided by the organizers of the conference.) 

5G commercial start-up operators push various promotions to further reduce the price of 5G mobile phones

  CCTV News:Personal mobile phone users will be able to use the 5G communication service from today (1st). In order to welcome the official commercialization of 5G, the three major operators have also launched a variety of promotional measures in combination with the newly launched 5G package.

  Yin Shaochun, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom Marketing Department:We are now carrying out the package reservation activities for old users through the mobile phone business hall. The current policy is that there will be a 30% discount for those who have been online for more than three years, and a 20% discount for those who have been online for less than three years.


  Lu Liangjun, Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Marketing Department:China Telecom launched cloud VR, cloud games and ultra-high-definition video when it was officially commercialized. It combines the characteristics of high traffic of 5G with the characteristics of cloud network integration of China Telecom, which will bring users a better audio-visual experience.

  China Mobile said that it will further reduce the price of 5G mobile phones and lower the threshold for users to replace 5G mobile phones.

  Shou Jianguo, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile Marketing Department:In the second quarter of next year, we will launch a mobile phone with a gear of 2000 yuan, and in the fourth quarter of next year, it is possible to launch a mobile phone with a gear of 1000 yuan. Then, in order to further lower the threshold for customers to replace 5G, China Mobile has also launched supporting preferential activities such as installment purchase of 5G mobile phone credit and worry-free replacement.

  The person in charge of the operator also said that at present, 5G is still in the initial stage of commercialization, and the network coverage is not perfect. There may be some problems in the use process. With the gradual advancement of commercialization, the construction of 5G networks will be accelerated.

The theme forum "High-quality Development of Hainan Free Trade Port Film Industry" was held.

  Everything is born in the sea, and light and shadow are new forces. On December 17th, the theme forum of "High-quality Development of Hainan Free Trade Port Film Industry" was held in Sanya. Based on the advantages and characteristics of Hainan Free Trade Port, the forum is committed to promoting the development of China’s film industry and promoting exchanges and cooperation between filmmakers at home and abroad.

  The forum consists of keynote speeches and round-table forums. Industry leaders and experts and scholars from home and abroad, such as Huayi Brothers, Zhejiang Film and Television Group, Qingdao Oriental Film Capital, Communication University of China, and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, discussed how to learn from international experience in terms of copyright trading, cultural cooperation, culture going out to sea and talent training, and effectively stimulated the innovation vitality and market potential of the film industry, which opened up a broader vision, a higher pattern and a broader imagination space for Hainan’s film industry.

  In the keynote speech session, four industry big coffees explained the multi-dimensional path and its many possibilities of integration, innovation and high-quality development around Hainan film industry.

  Wang Zhonglei, co-founder, vice-chairman and CEO of Huayi Brothers Media Co., Ltd., vice-chairman of China Film Producers Association and honorary president of Hengdian Film and Television Industry Association, talked about how to further make good use of policies to promote the high-quality development of Hainan films. He suggested that the first task should be to give full play to policy advantages and pay attention to policy implementation. Secondly, it needs the support of advanced technology and creative ideas to attract talents to stay and shine for Hainan film industry. In addition, it is necessary to speed up the construction of a film and television base with a world-class industrial system, establish and improve a standardized and professional film shooting service system, and explore the development model of the film industry with Hainan characteristics.

  Zhang Xiaohui, chairman and general manager of Zhejiang Film and Television Group, put forward the vision of "inter-provincial cooperation and linkage" in his keynote speech. "I hope that by taking this opportunity, we can make a deep integration of the film and television service shooting resources of Zhejiang and Hainan provinces, and help the two provinces to make an alliance in film and television shooting." Through the cooperation between the two provinces, information sharing and resource complementarity can be realized, and homogenization competition and resource waste can be avoided.

  In the round-table forum, government leaders, industry leaders, experts and scholars discussed how to combine Hainan Free Trade Port with the national macroeconomic strategy, thus effectively stimulating the innovation vitality and market potential of the film industry.

  "If Hainan is to be a center leading the film industry, it needs to upgrade from hardware to software. This is a great challenge. Although the subsidy policy is costly, it is a very good start." Abdul Dalagudi, deputy director of the Research Institute of Multinational Corporations of the Ministry of Commerce of China and founder of Xiamen BRICS Economic and Cultural Research Service Center, said.

  Yaning, president of iQiyi Film, said, "Hainan has a policy advantage. In the future, it depends on how the policy is implemented and the shooting cost of the crew is really reduced, so as to attract more directors and production companies."

  Zhang Qiyan, deputy director of the Art Department of Hainan Provincial Tourism Department and former associate researcher of the State Council Development Research Center, believes that "one of Hainan’s great advantages is its tourism. When we discuss Hainan’s film and television industry, we can raise our horizons to a higher level and think about this issue across industries. In the future, Hainan will introduce new policies to closely integrate the film and tourism industries to seek new breakthroughs. "

  Huang Yichuan, a researcher at the China Film Art Research Center and the president and editor-in-chief of Contemporary Film magazine, said, "Hainan has sea, rainforest and hardworking people. Our advantage is not only tourism, but marine culture will definitely be a particularly important culture in the future." He suggested that it is not based on the relevant policy support of the free trade port, but should aim at excavating multi-level cultural manifestations in marine culture.

  Sun Hengqin, president of Qingdao Oriental Film Capital Industry Holding Group, said that Hainan’s advantages in personal income tax concessions, population exchanges and import procedures in the free trade zone need to be well grasped.

  Natasha Deville, a veteran filmmaker, called for responsibility for Hainan’s ecological environment in combination with her shooting experience in Hainan. She believes that the premise of attracting more films and crews to come to Hainan for filming is to protect Hainan’s environment and undeveloped areas.

  Huang Fei, general manager of Hainan Film Co., Ltd. and vice president of Hainan Film Association, said that he has cooperated with China Film Research Institute to set up a special technology joint laboratory in Sanya and is about to enter the stage of achievement transformation. The next step is to rely on the "Hainan International Media Port" project, give full play to the advantages of Hainan’s digital industry, introduce top technical teams at home and abroad, realize the comprehensive empowerment of science and technology, and promote the digital, industrialized and innovative development of Hainan’s film industry.

The situation of hegemony between Shanghai Harbor and Shandong Taishan shows the potential of China football.

Football in China has always been an important part of domestic sports. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. In this context, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province and the outstanding performance of Taishan U21 in U21 League all show the hope and potential of China football.

First of all, the hegemony between Shanghai Harbour and Shandong Taishan is a highlight in China Football League. The two teams showed great strength and competitiveness in this season’s league tournament, which kept the suspense of the championship until the final round. This competitive pattern not only improves the appreciation and attraction of the league, but also promotes the investment and attention of clubs in the introduction of players and the construction of coaching teams. This healthy competitive environment is very beneficial to the development of football in China.

Secondly, Taishan U21′ s outstanding performance in U21 League also shows the future of China football. This young team showed excellent technical and tactical level and teamwork ability in the competition, which made people have a deeper understanding of the strength and potential of young players in China. These young players not only represent the future of football in China, but also are an important force for the internationalization of football in China.

However, the development of football in China still faces many challenges and difficulties. Among them, the most prominent problems are the low popularity of youth football, imperfect infrastructure construction and irregular management of professional leagues. Therefore, we need more attention and input to promote the development of football in China.

First of all, we need to strengthen the popularization and training of youth football. This requires not only the clubs to strengthen the youth training system, but also the support and participation of all sectors of society. Only by letting more children get in touch with and like football can we cultivate more excellent players.

Secondly, we need to strengthen infrastructure construction and improve the quality and quantity of football venues. This requires not only the support and input of government departments, but also the participation and contribution of all sectors of society. Only by building more high-quality football venues can more players have a better training and competition environment.

Finally, we need to strengthen the management and standardization of professional leagues. This requires clubs to strengthen their internal management and improve their operational level, as well as the support and supervision of relevant departments. Only by establishing a standardized league management system can professional leagues develop more healthily and orderly.

In a word, the development of football in China needs more attention and investment. Only through the joint efforts and support of the whole society can football in China achieve better development and make greater contributions to sports in China.

Cultural self-confidence, spiritual strength is more high.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Traditional non-legacy relies on the short video "circle powder" for the younger generation; The Battle at Lake Changjin, The Awakeing Age and other main melody film and television works have aroused empathy among the whole people; Weekends in museums and grand theaters have become a lifestyle … In the past year, China’s cultural undertakings and cultural industries have flourished, and people’s sense of cultural acquisition and happiness has been continuously enhanced.

Culture makes the country prosperous and the nation strong. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee clearly put forward the long-term goal of building a cultural power by 2035. How to stimulate endogenous motivation with culture and condense the spiritual strength of forging ahead in a new journey? Our reporter interviewed a number of deputies.

Cultural undertakings flourish.

According to Yan Jingming, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, literary and artistic creation has flourished in recent years, and literature, movies, TV dramas and stage art have all made great achievements, which is gratifying. "China writers have provided a large number of excellent works to express real life, tell the story of China well and carry forward the main theme of the times; Excellent film and television dramas carry forward the spirit of the times and are full of feelings of home and country, which has aroused enthusiastic response among the broad masses of the people, especially young audiences, and fully embodies the power of culture. "

Cultural undertakings such as press and publication, radio, film and television, literature and art have flourished, further enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people; Museums and city parks are open for free, and public cultural services are continuously upgraded, making it more convenient for people to enjoy cultural life.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, by the end of 2020, there were 3,212 public libraries, 618 art galleries, 5,788 museums, 3,327 cultural centers, more than 40,000 cultural stations and 575,400 village-level comprehensive cultural service centers. All public libraries, cultural centers, cultural stations, art galleries and more than 90% museums are open free of charge, achieving "barrier-free, zero threshold".

Wu Weishan, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and director of China Art Museum, has a deep understanding of the people’s high cultural enthusiasm. Since the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the number of people making appointments for China Art Museum is 1,800 per day, and tickets are often booked out several days in advance, especially on weekends. "This reflects the public’s demand for beauty and culture." Wu Weishan said that the China Art Museum also responded to the public’s voice by holding online exhibitions and other ways. In his view, it is necessary to strengthen the aesthetic education of the whole people, enrich and cultivate the social and cultural atmosphere with the idea, spirit, behavior and creation of beauty, improve the aesthetic and humanistic quality of the whole people and enhance cultural self-confidence with aesthetic education and cultural people.

Cultural self-confidence is constantly increasing.

Only by establishing a high degree of cultural self-confidence, can a country and a nation forge the determination to persist, the courage to work hard and the vitality of innovation and creation, and let the spiritual building of the country and the nation stand tall. At this year’s two sessions, the deputies generally felt that with the continuous development of China’s cultural undertakings and cultural industries, people’s spiritual and cultural life has been continuously enriched and cultural self-confidence has been continuously enhanced.

"In the process of China opera going out, we won applause and recognition from the world audience, which greatly enhanced the cultural confidence of our opera people. We are increasingly aware that only national ones are the world’s. " Li Shujian, deputy to the National People’s Congress and vice chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, said. In recent years, he has led Henan Yu Theatre to perform in more than 30 countries and regions, including Broadway in the United States and Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. "Especially after the performance of Henan Opera" Cheng Ying Saving the Orphan "in the United States, local stars enthusiastically took photos with us, and many foreign audiences met me backstage and said that we told a good story." Li Shujian said. In order to facilitate the understanding of foreign audiences, "Saving the Orphan in Cheng Ying" has subtitles in seven languages.

It is not only a traditional opera, but also the original opera’s going out to sea has let the world see the new atmosphere of China culture.

Ke Jun, deputy to the National People’s Congress and general manager of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, said that the original operas such as River of Transportation, Jian Zhen’s East Crossing and Rabe’s Diary used the concept of integration and innovation to tell the story of China in an international language, and promoted the exchange of civilizations and mutual learning. Among them, "Jian Zhen’s Journey to the East" and "Rabe’s Diary" toured in Los Angeles, new york, Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna respectively in 2019, and were appraised by Chinese and foreign media as "China’s original opera with high standard, high quality, deep connotation, phenomenal level and world level".

"These achievements have enabled us to see the new atmosphere of a cultural power and greatly enhanced our cultural self-confidence. The creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture is promising. " Ke Jun said.

Building a strong cultural country

This year is the second year of implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan. How to better promote the construction of a strong cultural country is also a topic of concern to the deputies.

The success of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics showed the world the strength of digital technology in China and the charm of China culture. With the help of new technologies such as 5G, ultra-high-definition video and free viewing angle, the audience has gained a better sense of immersion and presence, which are the cultural and scientific achievements of the deep integration of cultural industries and new technologies.

This year’s government work report puts forward, "promote the digitalization of public culture, promote the optimization of the layout of grassroots cultural facilities and resource sharing, and expand the supply of high-quality cultural products and services." In this regard, Ma Huateng, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman and CEO of Tencent’s board of directors, believes that the integration of cultural science and technology is the cross-cutting field of the two strategies of strengthening the country by culture and technology, and the special project of "cross-border application" of cultural scientific and technological achievements should be deployed to promote the value spillover for other industries, further enhance the independent innovation capability of science and technology, and at the same time deploy the special project of "deep application" of cultural scientific and technological achievements to promote the high-quality development of cultural industries.

Han Yongjin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the National Library Council, believes that it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical research of cultural power, especially the research on the index system of cultural power; At the same time, we should pay attention to giving full play to the power of literature classics to make the words in them come alive. "Literature classics are engraved with the spirit of China and the soul of the nation, bearing the historical memory, ideological wisdom and knowledge system of the Chinese nation, and are the driving force and source for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." Han Yongjin said that the most fundamental thing to make the words in the classics come alive is to guide everyone to read. This year, national reading has appeared in the government work report for the ninth time.

Embracing the future is also the aspiration of the representatives of the literary and art circles. Ji Wei, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association, believes that the COVID-19 epidemic has changed the performance mode of traditional Quyi. "In the Internet age, traditional folk art cannot be absent. Every literary and art troupe must adapt to the new situation in which online and offline performance methods coexist and communication methods change, and give full play to the role of literary light cavalry. " Ji Wei said, "As long as the’ soul’ of traditional folk art is still there, it will certainly attract the attention of young people."

10 indie games with excellent plots! Each one is a masterpiece worthy of treasure.

Text/Cold Sword Shaoxia

Whether a game can be recognized by players, in addition to the gameplay, the more important thing is the plot. As we all know, without excessive commercial shackles, indie games will always be the strongest advantage in plot. Developers can build their own stories more freely from the perspective of human nature, which is exactly what the current 3A masterpieces lack. In this issue, we will take stock of ten stand-alone independent games with excellent plots. They have different types of gameplay, but the plot has its own uniqueness. Conscience recommends it, remember to like the collection!

This is The War of Mine.

I believe that among the themes of human nature, suffering, fortitude and bravery, no game can match the skill of the previous game. As a game work with the theme of survival, this game puts players in a war-torn world adapted from real events, a dilapidated house and three ordinary people with their own strengths. What you have to do is to make these three people live until the end of the war.

In the war-torn environment, the game renders the players into a series of difficult and unknown choices with an extremely real atmosphere. Under such conditions, making mistakes, getting injured and dying is almost a process that every player goes through, and there will be countless mistakes and regrets behind it, even though the players gradually become battle-hardened and comfortable. But I still can’t forget how much I paid at the beginning. At this time, the battle-hardened and skillful brings not only the cool feeling produced by the game mechanism, but also a kind of comfort, at least now I won’t let them die casually. And when you realize that there is no such trial-and-error settlement in reality, and the game has left great room for players in terms of mechanism and setting, I believe the anti-war thought of this game will be deeply implanted in your heart. Its connotation is all in a Zhou Mu, and its fun and playability is in a Zhou Mu, which is a veritable masterpiece of Zhou Mu.

Hollow Knight

The story of the empty knight can be said to be very excellent in integrating with the gameplay and showing the world in the story in an integrated way.

In the game, what players see is the scene of being ruined and deserted by the plague, the already withered bodies, the abandoned urban facilities, the insects’ nostalgia for the past and the feeling of bleak present life. We can not only get in touch with the appearance of the macro world, but also see the traces of insects living, whether they are alive, dead, normal or infected by the plague. In this world, they all do their jobs reasonably and wait for us to discover and challenge, so we almost get the same perspective as the bugs in the story, to explore, to appreciate, to fight and to make choices, and finally all these things we see, hear, think and think come together to form a complete understanding of the whole world of this work. This understanding is undoubtedly complicated and profound. It can be said that the Galaxy Demon City, a way to explore the terrain, makes players very comfortable and naturally immersed in it.

The Empty Knight not only has a huge and substantial story, but also can be said to be an excellent adventure. It is precisely because of the natural combination of the two that this game has become the enlightenment for many new generation players to play in into the pit Galaxy Demon City. So don’t miss it.

Life is Strange.

Although the movie trend of games has become well-known and popular under the exclusive implementation of Sony. But after all, this cinematography can only be regarded as a technique, which itself is still serving the main body of the game. This makes most cinematic games and movies get closer and closer, but there is still a clear and deep gap when we look closely. However, the strange life has really challenged the core of the film, which makes us think that when a game has a story that is really not lost to high-quality movies, high-quality and distinctive characters, and gives a very high proportion of narrative, plus a certain amount of gameplay bonus, whether the experience it creates can really replace movies. Especially when its game design is still around the story narrative, it perfectly answers to the player or the audience, "What if the protagonist makes another choice in a story?" This question.

Yes, it is true that there are many works that add branches to the plot, and there is even a plot that was popular in previous years to the game works. However, this is still the best independent game that has both cinematic performance and profound discussion and reflection on the theme of story cause and effect. I hope you can get your own thoughts in the final dilemma of the story.

Dead Cells

As an action pigeon game, this game emphasizes the concept of "rebirth" in the process and story of the game, which easily inspires our association: Who are we? What is that mass of things attached to our bodies? Why does NPC talk so meaningfully? The game mechanism, the picture performance and the fragmented plot all encourage us to strengthen our desire to explore, and at the end of this story, whether it is the development of the situation, the identity of the protagonist or the behavior of an NPC, there is a great reversal. In this story full of reincarnation and time backtracking settings, the game has brought an excellent game experience and told an excellent story with exquisite design.

Undertale ()

If a game, it can’t provide you with excellent pictures, and it can’t bring you large-scale shock, then thought will be its only winning weapon. Undertale is such a game. The theme of the game is simple, kindness and cruelty, courage and determination. In order to make players willing to sit down and think about these problems independently, developers use everything available, such as players’ inertial thinking about RPG games and the system mechanism of the game. It can be said that from the beginning, this is not a work that only provides players with substitution in the story dimension, but it is very formal, serious and sincere in talking to players through games, and at the same time guiding players. So when the player doesn’t hide behind the role he plays,

Facing all kinds of NPC with humanity in the underground world, the interaction with them and the choices made against them will be so tense and infectious. Finally, under the principle of no spoiler, I want to say that this is a game with great spiritual strength and the script itself is also very witty and humorous. I believe that when you suddenly realize the thinking made by the developer in the story, you can also gain incomparable comfort and happiness.

Go to the moon.

Old people, last wish, romance, love. These keywords constitute the biggest suspense and story theme of this book. This is a delicate and exquisite plot work. First, in the early stage of the story, the old man’s wish to go to the moon was taken as a suspense. However, in order to realize this wish, the company that can modify the memory must understand the cause and effect. Therefore, the hero and heroine sent by the company enter the memory of the elderly through instruments and instruments, and pieced together the truth of the event in different times. Because the memory is gradually explored from near to far, it is a flashback story from the player’s perspective. We know the results first and then see the process and reasons for many events. Under the careful arrangement, the curiosity of the players is fully mobilized. With beautiful music, it gradually goes deep into the core of the story. If you want to experience the purest love, you must try this book.

Fireworks (fireworks)

The horror game rooted in folk culture, the newcomer police who unexpectedly acquired psychic ability, cracked the story of the truth of the Tianjia massacre that happened many years ago with the dead female ghost. The positive side of folk custom is traditional culture, but its negative side contains feudal ignorance. All the causes of this work show us a series of tragedies caused by people’s wrong awe of the unknown and mysterious under the limited cognition and common cultural accomplishment in the past years. With a strong sense of fatalism and persuasiveness, combined with the excellent shaping of the terrorist atmosphere, we can fully realize the helplessness of the tragedies that belong to the past in a large range in modern society. Among them, many montage techniques and interactive design used in the game also add a lot of color to this story. Because of its deep restraint, it is even more arresting. Recommended!

The Binding of Isaac.

For children who are just sensible, the room and parents are probably the whole of his world and the beginning of everything. However, when this "all" and "beginning" are too narrow, too dark and too desperate. Then children who don’t have a higher and wider cognitive range can only do their best to think and judge with the little situation they have only been exposed to. This is often the beginning of a series of long or short tragedies, and Isaac’s combination is to tell such a story. Young Isaac can’t really understand his mother’s behavior, his father’s behavior, his desire for love and his simple and simple desire. He can only use his small and limited thoughts to understand the reasons for the violence his mother inflicted on him, and finally he will come to a tragic end.

As a meat pigeon game, the game puts many details that should have been elaborated in the plot into props, such as divorce agreement, knife, wallet and so on. The changes and reactions of Isaac’s body after obtaining these props touched the players and caused associations. These details confirmed each other and finally pieced together all Isaac’s experiences. I hope that in this dark and horrible story, its unique reality and sociality can give you some correct and positive thinking.

Bones: Skul: The Hero Slayer

As one of the "helpers" of the once "joint overlord". Bones: The heroic killer gains various abilities by changing his head, which is impressive. As a meat pigeon action game launched by a Korean company, this game tells a story full of anti-routines. At the beginning of the story, the positions of the brave man and the devil are exchanged. The human beings led by the brave man kidnapped the devil and transformed his subordinates to make them loyal to mankind. Players will control Bones to save the demon king, but the enemies they encounter are all in their own camp. Breaking the magic crystal that controls them can’t get rid of human control, but it will detonate the bomb on them. It has completely become a consumable that human beings fall into the hands of someone in the human camp. So what is the reason for human beings to do this kind of thing, and what is their purpose? Please set foot on the journey to find the answer yourself. I believe that all kinds of people you meet during this journey will bring you different feelings.

Rust lake: Rusty Lake: Roots.

It is not difficult to tell a horror story, but it is also good to tell a grand horror story. However, telling a grand and bizarre horror story full of calm and restraint is a test of the author’s basic skills, and rust lake: The Roots has been achieved very calmly through a series of ingenious decryption levels.

As a work called "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by many players, I prefer to understand the decryption process of the game as a separate link of observation, collection, association and interaction, because it is true that we are decrypting in the game, but every step of the so-called decryption points to an ultimate goal: narration. When all narratives are presented by the player’s decryption interaction, the player in God’s perspective is not just an irrelevant existence. Through action, the substitution of all role perspectives is seamlessly completed. So as to fully realize that there is no lack of disappointment in the strangeness of the family in the story. I believe this game can make you feel the game experience that begins with decryption and is higher than decryption. Do not miss it.

So that’s all the contents of this inventory. If you have any good games you want to share, you can leave a message in the comment area. We will inventory some classic good games with high scores for you every week. Conscience recommendation, see you next time ~


Pay attention to the "Twitter Workshop", share good games every day, and bid farewell to the game shortage!

The crazy photos of the big S sisters and Aya have been exposed, and I am afraid that the result will disappoint the Zhang Lan family

In the entertainment circle, there are many amazing stories, and one of them is Huang Zijiao. Although he used to be a lover of Xiao S, recently, his remarks have made many artists become the focus topic. Wang Xiaofei mentioned the drug problem many times, but people didn’t really pay attention to it. Now, Huang Zijiao’s words have caused widespread controversy. Although the studio of Size S issued a statement denying this statement, there are still a large number of netizens who are skeptical.

At that time, Size S took a group photo with Faye Wong, the then diva. Faye Wong wore a relatively conservative dress, but her hairstyle was unique. While the others in their box were dressed in a non-mainstream style. At that time, they were all loyal fans of Faye Wong. However, even at that time, the beauty of the big S has been revealed, and her brilliance is hard to ignore.

In the entertainment circle, the size of S quickly emerged, especially the big S, when she was only 20 years old. An advertisement for Panasonic they participated in was broadcast on CCTV, which was the first time that Wang Xiaofei, then 15, met his future "wife" on TV. Although the big S was not fully mature at that time, she had left a deep impression on Wang Xiaofei.

Big S married Wang Xiaofei, and they jointly run the Taipei South Beauty Restaurant. Big S once supported Wang Xiaofei lovingly. However, ten years of marriage finally collapsed, and Big S returned to her first love, Oba Jun-yup Koo, with two children.

Recently, Wang Xiaofei exposed the high electricity bill of the big S family, which triggered widespread speculation. This event fermented on the Internet, and the popularity of the live broadcast room in Zhang Lan suddenly soared, instead of shopping live broadcast, it became a celebration. Zhang Lan sold "jiaozi" in the live broadcast, and even his clothes changed from blue to red, and the music of "Good Days" was played in the live broadcast room.

Nowadays, the image of the once gentle and lovely size S has become annoying. It is hard for people to believe that these negative messages are related to them. At the same time, Aya has become increasingly intellectual and popular. Her programs and manners are deeply loved by everyone. This shows that in the entertainment circle, it is not enough to rely only on the popularity of many years ago, and artists also need to constantly improve themselves. Especially for the former generation of goddesses, such as Big S, not only her appearance is no longer exquisite, but also her reputation is damaged by divorce.

This picture has a relatively great influence on Aya, who almost fell into depression. For Xiao S, the impact of this incident seems to be small. Maybe she didn’t attract much attention from the beginning.

In the end, this series of events caused career ruin for Huang Zijiao, 51, who was accused of kissing a girl and taking nude photos, and even had to be unfair.

Sorry. At the same time, his wife was involved in the storm and had to apologize for his behavior, which put their family in trouble, especially their young daughter, in chaos.

At the same time, Aya has gradually emerged, and her intellectuality and charm are deeply loved by the audience. Her program and style of speech have gradually gained more recognition. This contrast also makes people wonder how the stars in the entertainment circle can cope with the changes of time and how to maintain their position in the fierce competition.

Although the size S used to be the stars of the entertainment circle, they were inevitably under the pressure and scrutiny of the spotlight. In this highly competitive world, they need to constantly adapt to changes and improve themselves, otherwise they will easily be eliminated by the times.

Martin Sr: I was moved by Messi’s America’s Cup speech. The save against Muani was the best in my career.

Live on March 11th, emiliano Martinez recently accepted an exclusive interview with Goal Net. He said that Messi’s speech before the Copa America final almost made him cry, and that the last-minute save in the World Cup final might be the best save of his career.

Martinez said: "Messi’s speech before the America’s Cup final really touched me. I really felt like crying because Messi mentioned my daughter. My wife gave birth to our daughter 10 days before the America’s Cup final, so Messi mentioned’ Martinez hasn’t even met his newborn daughter, just to be with us, so we have to make sure to win this championship for him’. Macy said these words … which really gave you goose bumps. For me, it was a wonderful beginning of that day. "

When talking about saving Muani in the final stage of the World Cup finals, Martinez said: "When I lie in bed and close my eyes, I will think,’ What if that goal is scored? I couldn’t dwell on it during the game because everything happened so fast. After Lori kicked out, we headed back, konate kicked out again, and then suddenly Muani got the chance to face me alone. Under normal circumstances, I would attack, but I was calm at that time, and I chose to wait for Muani. "

"I put a little pressure on it, and you can see my left arm and left foot reaching near the post, because I’m praying that the ball will go there. I didn’t move my face. I closed my eyes and said to myself,’ Please hit me’, and it did. "

"I haven’t moved my face. If the ball hits my nose, it will be better, you know, so as to ensure that it doesn’t fly into the goal. This may be the best save in my football career."

Where to study abroad? Stanford University has become the first choice for many China students for the following reasons.

Stanford University is a world-famous private research university located in Stanford, California, USA. Founded in 1885, it is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It is famous for cultivating some of the most talented and influential graduates. Its world-class research facilities and strong concern for innovation are only part of the reasons why students from all over the world flock to its hall every year.

1. Close to Silicon Valley

One of the most striking aspects of Stanford is its proximity to Silicon Valley, the center of the technology industry. This proximity means that students can take advantage of the huge network of technology companies and startups in the region, many of which are actively recruiting graduates from Stanford University. For example, many graduates continue to work for companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook, just to name a few. In addition, many students started their own technology companies while studying at Stanford University, and the university provided them with the support they needed to start their own businesses.

2. Interdisciplinary research

Another advantage of Stanford University is its emphasis on interdisciplinary research. The university is firmly committed to interdisciplinary cooperation and encourages students to pursue their interests in various fields. This enables students to get a comprehensive education and prepare them for a wide range of careers. In addition, the university’s partnership with local enterprises, governments and other organizations means that students can obtain a huge network of resources to help them further achieve their research goals.

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4. Advantages of artificial intelligence

One of Stanford’s most striking scientific research achievements is its work in the field of artificial intelligence. In recent years, the university has been at the forefront of the progress of deep learning, which is a subset of artificial intelligence and has been proved to be very effective in solving complex problems. For example, researchers at Stanford University have developed a deep learning algorithm that can accurately diagnose diseases based on medical images and translate speech from one language to another with high precision. These advances have the potential to completely change many industries and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.

5. Characteristics of robot field

In addition to its work in artificial intelligence, Stanford University is also famous for its cutting-edge research in the field of robotics. The university has a long history of innovation in this field, and its researchers are at the forefront of developing new and improved robots for wide applications. For example, researchers at Stanford University have developed robots that can perform complex tasks in dangerous environments, such as exploring deep-sea trenches or defusing bombs. These advances may greatly improve the safety and efficiency of many industries.

In a word, Stanford University is a world-renowned research institution, which is highly respected for its commitment to interdisciplinary research, attention to innovation and breakthrough scientific achievements. Its location in Silicon Valley provides students with unparalleled opportunities to enter the technology industry, and its partnership with local organizations means that students can obtain a huge network of resources. With great emphasis on scientific research and commitment to interdisciplinary cooperation, Stanford University is an ideal place for students interested in pursuing a career in science, engineering or medicine.

"The level of men’s football in China has been declining all the way," said the director of the General Administration of Sports.

On the 12th, the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial aisle". The first person to walk on the ministerial aisle was Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration.

Gao Zhidan said that for a long time, the development of China’s three major sports, especially men’s events, was not satisfactory, and the level of men’s football was declining all the way. There were even many chaos in the football industry, which was in sharp contrast with the requirements and expectations of the CPC Central Committee and the people of the whole country.

Gao Zhidan said,It is a sign of a sports power that the three major goals should be achieved, and it is also a short board that we must make up to speed up the construction of a sports power.

Gao Zhidan pointed out that recently, in view of the serious problems in the field of football, we have been deeply rethinking and studying solutions and ways, and we are prepared to systematically treat them from the aspects of ideological education, style construction, deepening reform and doing a good job in current work.

In the spirit of re-taking the Long March Road, we should do a good job in all the work of the three big balls, focus on the outstanding problems such as lack of spiritual integrity and not hard work style in the current work of the three big balls with the determination to eliminate the disease with strong drugs and punish the chaos with heavy punishment, and persevere in changing the work style, being strong in responsibility and grasping implementation.Resolutely crack down and severely punish corruption and "fake gambling" in football and other fields.Correct the wind and discipline, be strict in discipline, improve the system, strengthen the rules, and comprehensively repair and reconstruct the good ecology of the healthy and sustainable development of the three balls.

On March 12th, the first meeting of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial channel" interview. This is Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration, interviewed by the media. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang photo

When talking about how to revitalize football in China, Gao Zhidan said that the current reform of football and basketball has entered the deep water area, and the task of deepening the reform and achieving a breakthrough is arduous and arduous. We should unswervingly follow the road of reform, innovation and development, further emancipate our minds, be upright and innovative, and start with the construction of management system, talent system, training system, competition system and guarantee system, and constantly improve the "three big balls" development path with China characteristics. We should face up to the problems, strengthen our confidence, face up to difficulties, accurately understand and implement policies and measures such as the overall plan for football reform and development in China, promote the modernization of the "three-ball" governance system and governance capacity, promote the standardized development of the league’s governance system, be firm and orderly, consistently take the road of "three-ball" development and reform in China, revitalize the "three-ball" and play a good role in football turnaround. We must strengthen the foundation and plant a strong talent base.

We should settle down, start with dolls, give full play to the advantages of the national system, make good use of the vitality of the market mechanism, promote the healthy development of campus football, promote the large-scale growth of young football talents, and consolidate the reserve talent base. We should start from the grass roots, actively support the development of youth football clubs, give more support and guarantee to social football in terms of policies, funds and talents, and promote the benign interaction between social football and professional football.

We should start from the foundation, constantly improve the football competition system and professional league system, smooth the growth channel of outstanding young players from campus football, social football to professional football, and train more outstanding reserve young players and transport them up.In the process of doing a good job of reserve talents, we should resolutely abandon the mentality of quick success and instant benefit, and build a path and channel for the cultivation and growth of reserve talents step by step, so as to revitalize China football for a long time.

Disclaimer: This article was transferred from China News Network (ID: CNS 2012), Beijing Youth Daily, Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News. Thank you!