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How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu?

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu? Everyone knows that education is a stepping stone, so the adult college entrance examination is a good choice for many employees, but many people want to know some common questions about the adult college entrance examination in advance when they apply for the adult college entrance examination. The following small series will answer some questions about the adult college entrance examination for everyone, hoping to help everyone!

If you have questions about the adult college entrance examination, don’t know how to choose the examiners’ colleges and majors, and don’t know the local policies for entering the exam, click to learn now > >

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu?

In the English review from the entrance examination to the undergraduate level, the examination syllabus not only shows the content of the examination, but also explains the types of the examination. Candidates can choose their own suitable preparation materials according to the examination syllabus, and gradually learn with the materials to improve their learning ability step by step.

In the investigation of English subjects, the original title rarely appears, but the deformation of the original title often appears. Therefore, after preparing for the exam for a period of time and mastering the basic examination knowledge, candidates should still do the questions carefully, check and fill in the gaps from the questions, find their own knowledge weaknesses, and then consolidate them again.

Adult college entrance examination is a major that decides whether candidates are admitted or not according to the principle of "selecting the best candidates from high scores to low scores".

Undergraduate: According to the principle of filing, the Provincial Education Examinations Institute files from high scores to low scores according to candidates’ wishes. Colleges and universities determine whether candidates are admitted or not and the majors they record, and return the electronic files of those who are not admitted.

Specialty: According to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following volunteers" in parallel volunteer, the Provincial Education Examinations Institute puts the candidates’ files on the provincial control line according to the enrollment plan of colleges and universities. Colleges and universities determine whether to admit candidates and their majors within the enrollment plan limit, and return the electronic files of those who have not been admitted.

This year’s admission score line needs to wait until the exam is finished, but the annual admission score line does not fluctuate greatly. Students can refer to last year’s admission score line first. You need to take four exams for starting high school, three exams for starting high school, and three exams for starting high school, each with a perfect score of 150, with a total score of 450.

The above is related to the adult college entrance examination. Candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the adult college entrance examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online adult college entrance examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have questions about the adult college entrance examination, don’t know how to choose the examiners’ colleges and majors, and don’t know the local policies for entering the exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of National Adult College Entrance Examination in 2024

Official website Summary of Adult College Entrance Examination Registration in All Provinces of China in 2024

Summary of Registration Conditions for Adult College Entrance Examination in 2024 in All Provinces of China

Building Sports+Friends Circle, Entrepreneur Table Tennis Friendship League opens in Shanghai Hongqiao.

On December 16th, the "Open Hongqiao, Win the Future by Table Tennis" Hongqiao International Central Business District Entrepreneur Table Tennis Friendship League was held at Hongqiao International Exhibition.

The competition was guided by Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District Management Committee, Minhang District People’s Government, Shanghai Public Relations Association and Shanghai Table Tennis Association, and hosted by Minhang District South Hongqiao Management Committee Office. Organized by Shanghai Radio and Television Station Oriental Broadcasting Center. Shanghai people’s broadcasting station five-star sports broadcasting and other units co-organized.

Wang Liqin, vice chairman of China Table Tennis Association and director of Shanghai Competitive Sports Training Management Center, kicked off the friendly league. The competition attracted 24 teams and 112 participants from Hongqiao International Central Business District. Entrepreneurs and white-collar table tennis enthusiasts from many fields get together to learn skills.

The competition provides a platform for employees in the business district to display and communicate, and also fully demonstrates the charm of national sports and mass sports.

Hongqiao International Central Business District is an important gateway for brother provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta to enter Shanghai, and it is also a key hub for opening up to the outside world. In recent years, Hongqiao International Central Business District has focused on the functions of big transportation, big business, big exhibition and big science and technology innovation in accordance with the Overall Plan for the Construction of Hongqiao International Open Hub, accelerated the gathering of headquarters economy and modern service industry, and maintained a good development momentum.

This Friendship League is another measure to enhance the overall identity and core competitiveness of Hongqiao International Central Business District and build new advantages for future development. Taking this opportunity, Hongqiao International Central Business District and Shanghai Wuxing Sports Broadcasting will launch a series of sports events seasonally, build a "sports+"circle of friends, strengthen talent exchange and resource linkage among enterprises, and inject new synergy into development.

In the future, Hongqiao International Central Business District will continue to focus on organizing colorful cultural and sports activities, creating a livable and innovative environment for talents, creating a first-class business environment, and helping to build a first-class international central business district.

Sha Hailin, President of Shanghai Public Relations Association, Wang Liqin, Vice Chairman of China Table Tennis Association and Director of Shanghai Competitive Sports Training Management Center, Fu Naiyi, member and deputy director of Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District Management Committee, Zhang Bin, member and deputy director of Shanghai Hongqiao International Central Business District Management Committee, Tang Jinsong, deputy secretary of Minhang District Committee of the Communist Party of China, member of the Standing Committee of Minhang District Committee, Zhao Liang, deputy head of Minhang District, Ke Xiaolin, and Liu Yadong, director of five-star sports broadcasting frequency of Shanghai People’s Broadcasting Station, attended the competition.

CBA News: Basketball Association made a big joke! Expose qi zhou’s offer! Fan Ziming asked not to leave the team.

Fan Ziming’s response attracted the attention and support of the fans. Fan Ziming said that he has regarded Shougang as his second home and has a very harmonious relationship with his teammates. He hopes to stay in Shougang and continue to play for the team. Fan Ziming’s basketball talent can’t be ignored. His height is 2.11 meters, which gives him a certain advantage in the field. However, in recent years, Fan Ziming’s state is not satisfactory, mainly due to injuries, which has led to his state has been declining.

Just as Fan Ziming had doubts about his future, he learned that he was involved in the qi zhou transaction as a bargaining chip. Fan Ziming understands that as a professional basketball player, he has to accept the arrangement and scheduling of the team, but he still wants to stay in Shougang. After all, this team has become his second home.

Fan Ziming’s gratitude and attachment is not limited to the team, but also to the management and teammates of Shougang. He gets along very well with his teammates, helping each other and cooperating flexibly under the basket. They spent a lot of hard training and twists and turns together, and thus established a deep friendship. However, Fan Ziming’s dream came to a turning point, and he was told that he would move to Xinjiang. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Fan Ziming, who doesn’t want to leave Shougang, let alone be moved to a new environment.

Fortunately, however, the transaction between Shougang and Xinjiang reached a deadlock, and Shougang decided to take the initiative to withdraw. This means that Fan Ziming’s dream has come true. He will stay in Shougang and continue to play for the team. Fan Ziming’s response did not leave the team, which not only showed his loyalty to Shougang, but also showed his desire for survival and his vision for basketball. Fan Ziming hopes to continue to play in Shougang, strive to restore his state and contribute to the team.

A regulation in chinese basketball association recently caused controversy. In the finals of the national U17 women’s basketball competition, a team 30 points ahead of its opponent can only win the runner-up, which makes chinese basketball association’s policy a laughing stock of national basketball. According to the regulations of the Basketball Association, the final result of the game not only considers the competition results, but also includes the physical test results and skill results. Only when all three results are ahead can the team become the final champion. The intention of the Basketball Association is to pay attention to the development of players in many aspects, but if the competition results cannot be used as the standard of champions, the competition will become meaningless. The core of competitive sports lies in the fairness and fairness of competition results. This practice of the Basketball Association deviated from the original intention of competitive sports and caused dissatisfaction among fans and the media.

This provision is not only contrary to common sense, but also has some practical problems. First of all, physical test scores and skill scores can be cultivated and improved, and competition scores are the results that truly reflect the strength of the team. If the results of the game lose the meaning of champion, the efforts and struggles of the players in the game will become worthless. At the same time, this regulation also brings great pressure to referees, because they should not only consider the results of the competition, but also examine the other two results. In addition, the recent transactions about qi zhou have also attracted attention. Qi zhou put forward three additional conditions to Shougang, which caused the transaction to be aborted. First of all, qi zhou hopes Shougang can pay him an annual salary of 25 million, however, this far exceeds the salary cap limit of 6 million stipulated by the Basketball Association. Secondly, he hopes to solve his hukou problem in Beijing, which is relatively easy for Shougang. Finally, he asked for a house in Beijing.

Although Shougang has the ability to meet qi zhou’s requirements, it violates relevant regulations and has a negative impact on the team. The basketball association has set up the salary cap in order to maintain the fairness of the league and avoid the team’s excessive dependence on individual players. The request for housing in Beijing is unfair to other players. Therefore, considering comprehensively, Shougang decided to withdraw from this transaction.

As a popular sport, basketball is often full of various dynamics and changes, which has aroused public concern and heated discussion again and again. Recently, the news of Fan Ziming’s request not to leave the team, the controversy caused by the regulations of the Basketball Association and the latest development of qi zhou trading have become hot topics, attracting many people’s attention. The news that Fan Ziming requested not to leave the team caused widespread concern. As a promising young basketball player, Fan Ziming has been deeply expected by the fans. And his sudden request not to leave the team has aroused many people’s doubts and discussions. Fan Ziming’s action is praised as the embodiment of true love for the team and loyalty, and some people think it is an alternative expression. In any case, the news that Fan Ziming asked not to leave the team will undoubtedly bring more topics and wonderful performances to the basketball world.

The controversy caused by the regulations of the Basketball Association has also become the focus of attention. The rules of the basketball association are to maintain the fairness and order of the basketball game, but sometimes it will cause some controversy. Recently, due to the release of a series of basketball association regulations, it has aroused fierce controversy among fans and the media. Some people think that these regulations limit the performance space of players and damage the appreciation of the game; Some people think that these regulations can better regulate and manage basketball events. The controversy over the regulations of the Basketball Association not only reflects the dynamics and changes in the basketball world, but also is a positive exploration and attempt.

The latest development of qi zhou trading has also attracted wide attention. As an important figure in China’s basketball field, qi zhou’s trade has been attracting much attention. Recently, the news that qi zhou is about to be traded has triggered a heated discussion among fans. This news not only reflects the strategic adjustment and evolution of the team, but also shows the concern and competition of the basketball community for excellent players. The latest development of qi zhou’s trading will become a stirring force for the future development of basketball, and I believe his performance will continue to attract many people’s attention.

To sum up, the news of Fan Ziming’s request not to leave the team, the controversy caused by the regulations of the Basketball Association and the latest development of the qi zhou trade all show the dynamics and changes in the basketball world. These events have aroused widespread concern and heated discussion, and also brought more topics and wonderful performances for the future development of basketball. Basketball is always full of infinite possibilities and variables, so we have reason to expect more news and stories to be displayed in the future development.

Manchester United’s 29-goal striker returned to the training ground in the season.

Manchester United’s 29-goal striker returned to the training ground in the season.

Premier League Manchester United striker marcus rashford has returned from injury. Although I returned to the Clintons training ground and completed my normal training, the battle has not yet been decided. Manchester United will play the away game against the AFC Bournemouth team in the 36th round of the 2022/23 season in the Vitali Stadium in Bournemouth, England at 11pm on the 20th (Korean time). At present, Manchester United has played one game less than Liverpool, which ranks fifth. At present, Manchester United, which ranks fourth with 66 points, must play in the remaining three games in order to participate in the Champions League next season. The battle of Bournemouth, the first game of the last three consecutive games, is crucial for stabilizing the end of the season. Before the game, head coach Eric Teng Hach talked about the current situation of Manchester United’s available lineup. He said: "This is positive. Of course Raphael Balaam can kick. Scott McTomini also took part in the training. After seeing the training, I can completely participate in the competition. " If Balaam, who thought he was out of the season, returns, the weight of defense will rise. However, the main gun Rachford is still a question mark. Head coach Tenghahe said: "Rachford trained well all week. But in a bad state. I will observe for another day to see how much he has recovered, and then make a decision tomorrow. Rachford missed the 35th round match against wolverhampton wanderers last weekend. Whether Rachford can play is very important for Manchester United. This season, he scored 29 goals in all competitions, which is the team with the most goals.He scored 16 goals in the Premier League alone and played a central role in Manchester United’s attack. With fast speed as a weapon, he showed his excellent goal-scoring determination this season and spent the high season of his career. In addition, if Manchester United beat Bournemouth in the away game, they will be able to score four points with Liverpool ranked fifth and share equally with Newcastle United ranked third. Manchester United must win in order to get the fourth place in the Champions League. In addition, whether Rachford will play and lead the team to attack is also highly anticipated.

1-2! Levan’s goal was difficult to save, Barcelona’s unbeaten golden body was broken, and Harvey missed the miracle of Mourinho.

Touring group

In the early morning of May 21st, Beijing time, the 35th round of La Liga officially started, and Barcelona played against Real Sociedad at Camp Nou. In the first half, Sollott steals Comte and assists merino to push and shoot to break the deadlock. In the second half, Sollott pushed to expand his advantage. Levan pulled back a city at the end of the game, but he was unable to recover the defeat. In the end, Barcelona lost 1-2 to Real Sociedad at home and suffered the first home defeat of the season.

After beating the Spaniard 4-2 away from home in the last round, Barcelona has been crowned La Liga champion four rounds ahead of schedule, and winning the league title after four years has also announced the beginning of Barcelona’s reconstruction. As for Real Sociedad, 3 wins and 2 draws have remained unbeaten in the last five rounds, and even defeated Real Madrid, but their fourth position is not stable, Villarreal is still struggling to catch up, and they still need to play against Atletico Madrid and Seville, so they can’t relax.

Perhaps because he has won the championship ahead of time, Harvey directly rotated in this game. Pedri, Garvey and araujo all failed to enter the big list, and Rafinha, Dembele and Levan led the front trident; Busquets and Kathy, Derong sit in the midfield; Bald is a guest right-back, Comte returns to the middle to partner Christensen, the left-back is Alba, and the goalkeeper is Ter stegen; Before the game, the Royal Society players lined up to welcome Barcelona, who won the championship in advance, to enter the stadium.

Only 5 minutes after the opening, Comte took the ball to the midfield and was intercepted by Sollott. After the latter broke the ball, he pushed back and crossed into the restricted area. merino was unmarked and pushed the goal, 0-1! The royal society took the lead in anti-customer.

1 goal behind, Barcelona immediately launched an offensive counterattack. In the 15th minute, Rafinha broke the ball in the frontcourt and made a cross pass. lewandowski took the ball from the bottom and sent it to the back point. Dembele headed the ball and was blocked by Remiro. In the 17th minute, Kathy’s volley in the restricted area was cleared by the Lenormand goal line. In the 19th minute, De Jong inserted in front of the cross pass in the restricted area, and Su Weimendi completed the key damage. A minute later, Rafinha crossed at an oblique angle of 45 degrees, and the header in front of Lewan was actually biased; In the 23rd minute, Lewan scored a direct free kick over the crossbar.

After resisting Barcelona’s three axes, the royal society also gradually found the offensive. In the 28th minute, Rafinha made a mistake in returning, and Barrenechea turned around and strafed and was confiscated by Ter stegen. In the 30th minute, Sollott counterattacked a low cross, and Mohammad Ali Shaw outflanked and stabbed, which was solved by Ter stegen. In the 32nd minute, Muhammad Ali Shawnee sent a straight plug, and Barrenechea followed up with a volley.

Back in the second half, Harvey took the lead in adjusting, and Alonso, Fati and Ferran Torres appeared together; In the 66 th minute, Kubo Jianying set the ball and sent it to the restricted area. Diego Rico’s close-range header actually went straight to the top. After the substitution, Barcelona not only failed to gain anything on the offensive end, but the defense line fell again; In the 72nd minute, Derong’s frontcourt holding organization was broken, Kubo Kenying held the ball on the spot to push back, the Japanese international scored the ball to the left, Su Weimendi knocked horizontally, Sollott easily pushed into the net against the attacking Ter stegen, 0-2! Barcelona 2 goals behind, Real Madrid society ahead of schedule to lock the victory.

In the 90th minute, Phelan Torres got rid of the defense on the right and sent a cross. Lewan threw his head in front of the door and pulled back a city, 1-2! Levan scored the 22nd league goal, five goals ahead of Benzema, and hoped to get his first La Liga Golden Boot.

However, Barcelona finally lost 1-2 at home, and the unbeaten home league was broken. In addition, the number of goals conceded by Barcelona this season has reached 15, which failed to refresh Mourinho’s single-season record in 2004-05.

GPT-4 is coming! Microsoft executives revealed that a new generation of artificial intelligence artifacts will be released next week.

If you are a technology enthusiast, you must have heard of the name GPT-3. It is a super-large language model developed by OpenAI, with 175 billion parameters, which can generate all kinds of text content, from novels, poems, news, dialogues to codes, emails, advertisements and so on. It is known as a milestone and revolution in the field of artificial intelligence.

But what you may not know is that GPT-3 is out of date. Yes, you heard me right. Just yesterday (March 9th), Andreas Braun, chief technology officer of Microsoft Germany, revealed in an activity called "AI in Focus-Digital Kickoff", "We will launch GPT-4 next week, which will be a multimodal model and provide completely different possibilities, such as video."

What? GPT-4? Multimodal? Video?

These words make me feel both excited and confused. I immediately searched the internet for relevant information and found some interesting and important details.

First of all, what is a multimodal model? Simply put, it is a model that can handle different types of data (such as text, images, audio and video) and transform and integrate them. For example, you can describe a scene or a story in words and let the multimodal model generate corresponding pictures or videos; Or you can give a picture or video and let the multimodal model generate corresponding text descriptions or comments.

Does that sound cool? But it’s not easy to do. Because different types of data have different structures and characteristics, it takes a lot of computing resources and algorithm skills to map and understand them effectively. At present, some research teams have been exploring the multimodal field and made some progress, but none of them has been as comprehensive and powerful as GPT-3.

The GPT-4 revealed by Microsoft executives is a multimodal model, and it also contains video, the most complex and expressive data type. What does this mean?

It means that we may see more amazing and interesting artificial intelligence applications. For example:

You can enter any imaginary scene or story in words, and let GPT-4 generate corresponding video clips.

You can give a video clip and let GPT-4 generate a corresponding text description or comment, or give a different video style or theme, and let GPT-4 transform the content and form of the video.

You can ask a question in words and let GPT-4 generate a video tutorial or demonstration to answer your question, or ask a question in video and let GPT-4 answer your question in words.

You can input a lyric in words and let GPT-4 generate corresponding music and video, or give a piece of music and video and let GPT-4 generate corresponding lyrics.

Of course, these are just some examples I imagined at random. In fact, there may be more interesting and useful applications. Imagine if we can interact with artificial intelligence with natural language and multimedia data, then what powerful and convenient creativity and communication skills we will have!

However, before we are ecstatic, we should also pay attention to some potential risks and challenges. For example:

GPT-4 may be abused to create false or misleading information, such as fake news, fake videos, fake comments, etc., thus affecting public opinion and social order.

GPT-4 may threaten human originality and copyright, such as plagiarism, piracy and infringement, thus harming the interests of creators and consumers.

GPT-4 may exceed human understanding and control, such as unexpected or unpredictable results, behaviors or influences, which may lead to moral, legal and security problems.

Therefore, while we look forward to and enjoy the convenience and fun brought by GPT-4, we should also be vigilant and responsible, and use and supervise this technology reasonably. At the same time, we should also pay attention to and support those scientists, engineers, legal experts and ethicists who are committed to studying and solving these problems.

GPT-4 is a shocking and exciting technological progress, which will open a brand-new and colorful artificial intelligence world for us. I am very much looking forward to its official release next week, and see that it shows its infinite potential in various fields.

If you are interested in this topic and want to know more about it, please follow me. I will keep updating the latest, hottest, deepest and most interesting scientific and technological information.

[Appreciation of AI Painting Works-Antique] The first attempt to use AI painting, the effect is shocking

AI painting, that is, artificial intelligence painting, has broken through the limits of human beings, thus allowing painting analysis to enter a broader field of vision with humanistic spirit as the starting point and the foothold. Through artificial intelligence, a new field of painting art is opened. Artificial intelligence painting is usually mysterious, gorgeous, deep, complex and has a strong sense of the times, reflecting extraordinary imagination. Symbolizes the future development direction of painting.

As we all know, the level of AI has now reached a terrible level. AI painting is very popular recently, and the author himself has tried it, and the result is really surprising.

After thinking, I chose the tone of ancient style and tried to do the first AI painting.

The final output results are really surprising, and individual photos have reached the point where it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

(As I am a beginner, I am not proficient in the use of AI painting software, and the computer equipment used is relatively old, so I only output the above four pictures.)

What picture should AI draw next time? You are welcome to leave comments, and I will try my best to meet your requirements.

Bournemouth vs Liverpool first-half statistics: shooting 3-9, possession rate 34.2% vs 65.8%.

Live on March 11 th, in the 27th round of Premier League, Bournemouth led Liverpool 1-0 at half time with Billing’s goal, and Sqauwka counted the data of the first half of the two teams.

Bournemouth vs Liverpool first half statistics (Bournemouth first)

Expected goal-0.87 to 0.71

Shoot-3 to 9

Straight shot-1 to 5

Touching the ball in the opponent’s penalty area-8 to 14

Ball control rate-34.2% vs 65.8%

Corner kick-2 to 6

Football News: Wei Shihao, Yan Dinghao and Li Yang are basically locked in the three towns.

Live broadcast on March 11th, according to Lu Mi, a reporter from Football News, three Guangzhou players, Wei Shihao, Yan Dinghao and Li Yang, were basically confirmed in the three towns of Wuhan, which showed enough sincerity in the process. After a long negotiation and waiting, three players were finally confirmed to join the team, which made the team more competitive. Under the current downward football market, the stable investment of the three towns and the AFC Champions League still have certain appeal to the players.