标签归档 广州夜生活

History is rare! Volvo also participated in the price reduction army! Completely "crazy"!

  Source: China Fund.


  Wait, the party is blessed! Even Volvo has participated in the price reduction army!

  On March 17th, according to the news released by Chengdu, the automobile consumption activity of "production and marketing linkage" in Longquanyi District, the largest automobile production base in Chengdu, was officially launched today. Individual or legal person consumers will buy designated models from the automobile dealers operating in Chengdu, and will get a one-time subsidy ranging from 15,000 to 150,000 yuan for each car if they apply for the license and superimpose the preferential subsidies matched by the enterprises within the prescribed time limit.

  It is understood that,The event will last until June 30, 2023. The brand models participating in the event cover pure electricity, hybrid electricity and plug-in. The subsidy methods are divided into two ways: one-time car purchase subsidy and car coupon deduction.

  Funjun looked at the poster released by Chengdu auto dealers. The highest subsidy was Funjun’s dream car Volvo, with a maximum discount of 150,000 for designated models. Secondly, the highest discount for Hongqi Automobile is 71,000, the highest discount for FAW Toyota is 61,000, and the highest discount for Volkswagen under FAW is 23,500.

  The official announcement of the two billion giants: comprehensive price reduction

  Since March, Hubei, Jilin and other places have launched consumption promotion activities for cars made locally or owned by local car companies. Previously, the local government used subsidies to help car companies digest their inventory, and some traditional car companies also minced it as "dealer behavior".

  On March 16th, SAIC Volkswagen personally stepped down and announced a subsidy of 3.7 billion yuan to follow up the "price reduction tide". The maximum time-limited discount for bicycles can be 50,000 yuan. SAIC Volkswagen said that this subsidy activity will last from now until April 30.

  Specifically, Huiang offers a limited time discount of 50,000 yuan; Touran 2023, brand-new Touran X, Weiran 2023 and other models have a limited time discount of 35,000 yuan; Passat 2023, Passat PHEV and other models have a discount of 25,000 yuan, and some models also enjoy discounts ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

  In terms of new energy, SAIC Volkswagen ID. The family also joined the tide of price reduction, and the 2023 ID.6X and 2023 ID.4X were both offered a discount of 30,000 yuan; 2023 ID.3 offers a discount of 20,000 yuan.

  Earlier, SAIC subsidized the price reduction of some models in some provinces. On March 8,Shanghai automotive groupNot only has coverage been introduced in HubeiRoeweSpecial preferential activities of brands such as MG, Buick, Cadillac, etc., have also started subsidy activities for all Chevrolet departments nationwide. Same day.FAW Group in Jilin ProvinceLaunched the activity of "Banner Benefits Jilin-Subsidies for Benefiting the People within a Time Limit of 100 million yuan", covering the scope of subsidies.FAW HongqiFaw liberationFaw PentiumFAW-VolkswagenFaw ToyotaBrands and other brands, the total subsidy reached 150 million yuan.

  On the 17th, SAIC Volkswagen’s parent company SAIC Group rose 1.62% in early trading. At the close, it rose slightly by 0.28%.

  In addition, on March 17th, after the subsidy of 10 billion yuan, Changan Automobile officially announced to follow up the "subsidy tide" again, and its main sales models including CS75 series, UNI-V and Yidong PLUS participated in the subsidy.

  Specifically, the CS75 series limited-time comprehensive discount is as high as 33,000 yuan, including a direct cash drop of 10,000 yuan and a maximum equity subsidy of 23,000 yuan; UNI-V offers a limited comprehensive discount of up to 22,000 yuan, including a direct drop of 5,000 yuan in cash and a subsidy of up to 17,000 yuan in equity.

  It is worth noting that UNI-V Zhidian iDD, which has just been launched, has also joined the subsidy camp, with a time-limited comprehensive discount of up to 26,000 yuan, including a direct cash drop of 10,000 yuan and a maximum equity subsidy of 16,000 yuan.

  A few days ago, Changan Automobile unveiled four brand-new models, including Changan UNI-V Zhidian iDD, UNI-K Zhidian iDD and Auchan Z6 Zhidian iDD, and the third generation CS75 PLUS Zhidian iDD is coming soon. According to the plan, Changan Automobile plans to realize the "smart electricity" of all classic products this year.

  In addition to the direct drop in cash, Changan Automobile has launched a "one-price" model. For example, the cash of the new CS75 Blue Whale Edition has dropped by 30,000 yuan, and the current price is 83,900 yuan (the daily price is 102,900 ~ 113,900); Yidong PLUS has a price of 73,900 yuan; The price of CS35 PLUS is 78,900 yuan.

  Prior to this, Changan Automobile has launched the policy of "10 billion Huimin Car Purchase Season". Users who pick up their cars during March 1 ~ March 31 (buying all models of Changan passenger cars) can enjoy an additional 1,000 yuan car coupons, and other related car consumption subsidies introduced before April 30 will be given cash subsidies according to the corresponding policy standards.

  Changan automobile continued to fall for a long time, and bottomed out and rebounded by 1.15% on the 17th.

  Is the era of BBA per capita here?

  On March 8, "Beijing arearun quicklyThe news that the price was reduced by 110,000 yuan quickly triggered a heated discussion in the market. According to legend, the price after mercedes benz c discount is only 210,000 yuan.run quicklyThe price of E-class is as low as 330,000 yuan.

  In response to this rumor, many in Beijingrun quicklyThe 4S shop responded: "The high discount rate is not true." The 110,000 discounts rumored on the Internet are not all cash discounts, but the purchase tax, insurance, replacement subsidies, financial subsidies, second-hand car policies and big customer policies are counted together. Individual stores may have thousands of discounts to the store, but there is little difference between the terminal purchase price and the guiding price paid by consumers as a whole.

  exceptrun quicklyOutside, Audi andBMWThere are similar rumors, such as "Audi A6 bare car price is about to drop to 220,000", "BMWNews such as the price after the 3 series discount is in the early 170,000 s has been widely spread on the Internet.

  But in fact, the price reduction of luxury brands is just a word game. As the three best-selling luxury cars in China, BBA’s overall supply and demand are matched, and the gap between the number of cars in dealers’ hands and the actual delivery orders is not particularly large.

  according toBeijing automobileThe announcement issued on March 14 shows that in 2022,Beijing BenzRealized an operating income of 24.82 billion euros (about 181.625 billion yuan), a year-on-year increase of 16.59%; After-tax profit from continuing operations was 3.649 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.85%.

  Announcement shows that Beijing BenzThe double growth of revenue and profit in 2022 benefited from the increase in sales. according toMercedes-BenzAccording to the released sales data, in 2022, the sales volume of passenger cars (wholesale, including smart) in China was 753,900, up 3% year-on-year, accounting for 37% of the total sales volume, and the sales volume of light commercial vehicles in China was 34,200, down 11% year-on-year.

  As for the implementation of the national 6B standard in July, many people in the industry said that BBA was the national 6B standard long ago. The price reduction is only for individual dealers to go to stock, and the official guide price has not been adjusted yet.

Samsung closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  Samsung officially closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  On October 2nd, it was reported in Reuters that Samsung Electronics said that it had stopped producing mobile phone products in China because of the increasingly fierce competition from domestic competitors in China. This also means that Samsung’s last factory in China, located in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, has also been shut down.

  Samsung China responded to the The Paper reporter that Huizhou Samsung Electronics was one of Samsung’s first factories in China in 1992. Considering the current situation of the global mobile phone market, in order to improve the efficiency of global production and operation, it was forced to make a decision to stop production in Huizhou.

  "In the past 27 years since entering China, Samsung has followed the industrial guidance direction of the China government and adjusted its industrial layout in time to adapt to the rapid development and changes of the China market. The adjustment of the Huizhou factory is a normal industrial adjustment; Samsung’s industrial layout in China has been transformed into a high-end manufacturing industry in line with the direction of the China Municipal Government. In the past six years, it has continued to invest in high-end industries in China, amounting to more than 20 billion US dollars, far higher than the amount of industrial adjustment, and will continue to invest in high-end industries in China in the future. " Samsung said in a statement.

  Samsung said that in view of the problem of employee placement, the company will fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and properly solve it through various forms such as branch relocation and re-employment support to minimize employee losses.

  Since the beginning of this year, there have been media reports that Samsung will continue to shut down this Huizhou mobile phone factory and transfer its production capacity to Vietnam, India and other countries to cope with the pressure of rising labor costs in China. In the low-end market of China, ODM or OEM mode is adopted.

  Samsung had previously responded to the media: "Due to the severe market situation and intensified competition in China, we are adjusting the output of Huizhou factory."

  Huizhou Samsung Electronics has been pushing the recruitment information of other companies on WeChat WeChat official account for several months to find job opportunities for Huizhou factory employees.

  The full name of Samsung Huizhou Factory is Huizhou Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., which was established in 1992 as a joint venture between samsung galaxy Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Huizhou Real Estate Corporation. It was officially put into production in September 1993 with a registered capital of $32 million. Mobile phone production was introduced in 2006, and now it has developed into 40 GSM/CDMA/3G mobile phone production lines and more than 30 SMD automatic production lines. The products MAINly include main audio, DVD home theater, mobile phone and other products, with a factory area of 120,000 square meters and a construction area of 35,000 square meters.

  In recent years, Samsung’s mobile phone sales in China’s domestic market are not good, and it is impossible to provide enough orders to the China factory; However, the high cost of the China factory made it impossible to receive orders from other Samsung markets, which led to a difficult situation for the China factory. In December last year, Samsung closed the Tianjin mobile phone factory.

  A few days ago, the market research company Strategy Analytics released a report saying that Samsung Electronics’ share in China’s smartphone market in the second quarter was less than 1% due to the influence of more China consumers choosing to buy domestic smartphones. In 2013, Samsung’s smartphone market share in China once reached about 20%.

  Samsung has also said that it is reorganizing and matching global industries, and the specific measures are to transfer intensive factories to countries with lower labor costs.

  Regarding the closure of Tianjin mobile phone factory, Samsung said that it actively eliminated backward production capacity, and at the same time, it vigorously increased investment in high-tech industries and added high-end manufacturing projects such as MLCC (multilayer ceramic capacitors) and new energy power batteries. Among them, the MLCC plant is expected to be completed by the end of this year. By then, Tianjin will become one of the major overseas production bases of Samsung Electric, providing basic electronic components for mobile phones, computers, automotive electronics and other equipment worldwide, greatly improving the level and internationalization of the electronics industry in Tianjin.

  Huang Degui, president of Samsung Greater China, recently told People’s Daily that Samsung has become an important participant in the high-quality development of China’s manufacturing industry. "In the future, Samsung will continue to provide China consumers with an important driving force for a better life through technological breakthroughs and high-tech products. At the same time, it will continue to adapt to the development and changes of the China market, strengthen reform and innovation, accelerate transformation and upgrading, and strive to achieve high-quality development."

  The Paper reporter Ling Zhou

This way to return to work, no need to isolate! How to open a health certificate for work? This conference in Henan has responded!

In order to respond to social concerns, the Information Office of Henan Provincial Government held the 12th press conference on the prevention and control of pneumonia in novel coronavirus, Henan Province at 4 pm on February 19th, introducing the financial policies and measures in our province to cope with the impact of the epidemic and support enterprises to resume work and production, and develop steadily and healthily.
Since February 13th, the number of discharged patients has exceeded the number of confirmed cases.
The epidemic situation in Henan is further improving!
At the press conference, Huang Hongxia, deputy director of the Provincial Health and Wellness Committee, reported the latest epidemic situation: from 0: 00 to 24: 00 on February 18, 2020, there were 5 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus and 47 new discharged cases. Among the newly confirmed cases, there are 2 cases in Xinyang, 2 cases in Zhengzhou and 1 case in Xuchang. By 24: 00 on February 18th, the province had reported 1262 confirmed cases in novel coronavirus.
Huang Hongxia introduced that since February 4, the number of newly diagnosed cases in our province has shown a downward trend, from the highest point of 109 to 5 cases on the 18 th; Since February 13th, the number of cases cured and discharged every day has exceeded the number of confirmed cases every day, and the epidemic situation has further improved.
14 provincial medical institutions provide counterpart support to 18 provincial cities.
Huang Hongxia said that at present, the epidemic prevention and control work is in a critical period. On the one hand, our province continues to strengthen community management and medical treatment, on the other hand, it guides the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner. In terms of classified management and accurate treatment, our province implements classified management for confirmed patients, and the critically ill patients are transferred to designated hospitals at the municipal level and the critically ill patients are transferred to designated hospitals at the provincial level. By 24: 00 on February 18th, under the premise of ensuring the safety of transportation, more than 50 critically ill and critically ill patients had been transported. Today, all critically ill and critically ill patients in the province will be completely transported. Fourteen provincial medical institutions were sent to support 18 provincial cities, and provincial outstanding experts personally participated in the treatment of local severe patients to prevent serious diseases from turning into critical diseases. The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University has taken over the COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit of Xinyang Central Hospital.
Selfless assistance!
Our province supports red blood cells to Wuhan in three batches.
1200 units
In overcoming difficulties and ensuring blood use, Huang Hongxia said that due to the epidemic situation, the collection of unpaid blood donation faces many difficulties, especially in Hubei. The National Health and Wellness Commission launched a nationwide blood supply linkage guarantee mechanism, requiring Henan and Hunan provinces to be responsible for ensuring blood supply in Wuhan. The provincial blood center cooperated with blood stations in various cities to overcome difficulties and give priority to ensuring blood for clinical use in Wuhan. On January 22, February 6 and February 13, respectively, the provincial blood center provided emergency support to Wuhan red blood cells in three batches, with 1200U therapeutic doses of apheresis platelets. At the same time, the blood stations in the province exchanged blood for 97 times, and transferred 860U of red blood cells and 217 therapeutic doses of apheresis platelets to Nanyang, Xinyang and other areas with serious epidemic situation. At present, there are 6587U red blood cells and 235 apheresis platelets in the provincial blood center, which can meet the clinical needs.
In a special period, the general public supported the rescue work with the practical action of donating blood without compensation. Since the Spring Festival, the provincial blood center has received 6,716 unpaid blood donors, collected 8,563 U of whole blood and 4,356 platelets for treatment. On February 18th, Wang, a recovered person from COVID-19, gongyi city, donated plasma at the provincial blood center, which was the first time in our province that a recovered person from COVID-19 donated convalescent plasma. Many recovered people from COVID-19 in our province are willing to donate plasma for the treatment of critically ill patients, which will strongly support the treatment of clinically severe and critically ill patients. We pay high tribute to the citizens who donated blood for free and the recovered people in COVID-19!
Do you need a health certificate to go to work?
Health certificate of Henan Health and Health Commission
The declaration and inquiry system went online on Friday!
At present, many enterprises have resumed their work and production, but it is necessary to prove whether they are healthy, whether they are returning to work or entering the city or the community. Huang Hongxia, deputy director of the Provincial Health and Wellness Committee, introduced that the health certificate declaration and inquiry system of Henan Health and Wellness Committee was launched on Friday!
Huang Hongxia introduced that in terms of epidemic prevention and control, our province has implemented "one person, one certificate, and healthy return to work". On February 18th, the provincial government held a video teleconference on the job security and stable employment of enterprises in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, and the provincial prevention and control headquarters issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Certification Service of Health Declaration in COVID-19 in an Orderly Way (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), requiring all localities to implement the management system of "one person, one certificate" for health declaration. The health certificate declaration and inquiry system developed by the Provincial Health and Wellness Committee is in trial operation and will be officially put into operation this Friday.
Persons returning to work with health declaration certificates,
No need to isolate!
Huang Hongxia introduced that the main contents of the Notice are four points:
First, we must declare in good faith. Returned personnel shall truthfully fill in the history of living in the past 14 days, contact history with confirmed patients and suspected patients in COVID-19 and other important information, and promise to wear masks at work during the epidemic prevention and control period, not to go out after work, and not to attend dinners and parties.
Second, we must organize in an orderly manner. Avoid the great pressure caused by disorderly travel and the risk of infection caused by clustering.
According to incomplete statistics, since January 20, the banking institutions in the province have provided credit support for epidemic prevention and control for more than 16 billion yuan, and the loan interest rate does not exceed the benchmark interest rate for the same period. For example, from January 28th to 29th, CDB provided emergency loans of 600 million yuan to ten cities and counties such as Xinyang, Zhoukou, Zhumadian, Shangqiu, Hebi, Puyang, Changyuan, Lankao, Dengzhou and Tongbai, and the China Construction Seventh Bureau Group, which were specially used for the production of medical and health protection products and the construction of specialized hospitals. Financial institutions such as ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Zhongyuan Bank, and Rural Credit Cooperatives completed the investigation, docking, approval, and delivery of funds for sanitary materials production enterprises in Changyuan City within one day on January 28, with an amount of more than 700 million yuan to ensure the expansion of production needs of enterprises.
Affected by the epidemic,
What if the enterprise can’t repay the loan as scheduled?
The prevention and control of the epidemic situation is improving, and whether enterprises can resume work and production smoothly is the next key task. At the press conference, Zhang Yunding introduced that in order to implement the deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the provincial local financial supervision bureau recently joined forces with the People’s Bank of China Zhengzhou Central Sub-branch, Henan Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Henan Securities Regulatory Bureau and other departments to strengthen the financial services for enterprises to resume work from four aspects: policy support and work promotion.
[Practice 1] Refine policies and measures. If it is difficult for enterprises seriously affected by the epidemic to repay their loans when due, the adjustment will not affect the enterprise levy.
Focusing on the implementation of the policies and measures issued by the state and our province to support enterprises to resume work and production, the provincial local financial supervision bureau and other six departments jointly formulated the Financial Policies and Measures to Respond to the Impact of the Epidemic and Support the Stable and Healthy Development of Enterprises on February 13, which refined and clarified the policies of stabilizing loan stock, expanding loan increment, maintaining enterprise credit and reducing financing costs. For example, if it is difficult for enterprises seriously affected by the epidemic to repay their loans at maturity, they can extend or renew their loans in accordance with relevant regulations, and they can submit credit records according to the adjusted repayment arrangements, which will not affect the enterprise’s credit investigation and will not lower the loan risk classification separately; The interest rate for loan renewal and extension shall be appropriately lowered on the basis of the original contract.
[Practice 2] Accurate support, financial institutions in accommodation, catering and other industries are not allowed to blindly lend or cut off loans.
According to the current financing situation of enterprises, the provincial local financial supervision bureau adheres to the problem orientation and implements classified policies for the financing needs of different types of enterprises.
First, the key enterprises for epidemic prevention and control that are included in the special refinancing support of the People’s Bank of China should be guaranteed to make sure that all loans should be made, and the loans should be made quickly, so as to fully guarantee the capital needs of these enterprises.
Second, for the wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering, logistics and transportation, cultural tourism, agriculture and animal husbandry production and circulation industries that are greatly affected by the epidemic, all financial institutions are required not to blindly borrow, cut off or suppress loans, and support the stable and healthy development of enterprises by renewing loans without repayment, extending the period, adjusting the repayment period, lowering the loan interest rate, reducing overdue interest, increasing credit loans and medium and long-term loans.
Third, for the vast number of small and micro enterprises affected by the epidemic, adhere to the general requirements of "increment, expansion, price reduction and quality improvement" and increase financial support to ensure that the comprehensive financing cost of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans in the province will continue to decline on the basis of 2019 in 2020. The increment of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans is not lower than last year, and the growth rate of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans from corporate banking financial institutions such as rural credit cooperatives and city commercial banks is higher than the average growth rate of various loans. Fourth, for listed companies and other enterprises, we will strengthen the accurate service of one enterprise and one policy, and the local government and relevant financial institutions will jointly help and support them.
[Practice 3] Establish a working mechanism, highlight problems and focus on judgment.
In accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the provincial service enterprises’ special class promotion mechanism for resuming work and production, since February 14th, a special working mechanism for resuming work and production of financial service enterprises has been established at the provincial level, led by the provincial local financial supervision bureau and attended by Zhengzhou Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, Henan Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Henan Securities Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Finance Department and other departments, regularly combing and analyzing the obstacles and outstanding problems in the policy implementation of various localities and financial institutions, making weekly discussions and making efforts to promote the effectiveness of various policies and measures. At the city and county levels, corresponding mechanisms should be established simultaneously to strengthen the coordination and guarantee of specific funding issues.
[Practice 4] Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, and financial institutions that have a serious negative impact due to poor work shall be held accountable according to law.
Recently, the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, together with Zhengzhou Central Branch of the People’s Bank of China and Henan Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau, made arrangements for the service enterprises of banking financial institutions to resume work and production in batches. All banks are required to set up special classes, specify special personnel, coordinate with each other from top to bottom, adjust and optimize business processes, handle special matters and emergencies, maximize the efficiency of credit supply and minimize the financing costs of enterprises. Financial institutions that are ineffective in their work, improper in their methods, strongly reflected by enterprises, and have caused serious negative impacts shall be held accountable according to the law and regulations.
Henan Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau:
Fully help small and micro enterprises that encounter difficulties.
In the face of the impact of the epidemic on small and medium-sized enterprises, how can Henan play the role of supervision and guidance and increase financial support for enterprises that have resumed work and production? At the press conference, Yang Jishi, the second inspector of Henan Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau, answered questions from reporters.
Yang Jishi introduced that as a financial supervision department, the Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau regards epidemic prevention and control and supporting enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to resume work and production as the most important work at present, and actively guides the banking and insurance institutions within its jurisdiction to increase assistance to overcome the difficulties and tide over the difficulties together.
(a) to improve the overall level of small and micro services. Adhere to the goal of "increment, price reduction, quality improvement and expansion" of micro-financial services. In 2020, the increment of inclusive small and micro-enterprise loans from banking financial institutions in the province with a single credit of 10 million yuan or less will not be lower than last year. Corporate banking institutions should realize that the growth rate of inclusive small and micro-enterprise loans is higher than that of various loans, and branch banking institutions should complete the credit plan for inclusive small and micro-enterprises issued by their superiors, and the number of households with loan balances will not be lower than last year. Strive to further reduce the comprehensive loan cost of inclusive small and micro enterprises, and strive to reduce it by 0.5 percentage points this year; Strive to increase the proportion of credit loans, renewal loans and medium and long-term loans in small and micro enterprise loans; Efforts will be made to invest more new loans in small and micro enterprises that obtain loans from banking institutions for the first time, and increase the first loan ratio.
(two) fully support the epidemic prevention enterprises to expand production capacity. Promote banking institutions to closely focus on the needs of epidemic prevention and control, and make every effort to provide financing support for enterprises involved in important areas such as epidemic prevention and control, medical materials, daily necessities production and market circulation and sales. Through the special mechanism, full authorization and active docking, we will reduce financing costs, provide preferential interest rates and quality financial services, and support enterprises to restore production capacity and expand production. Encourage insurance institutions to provide accident, health, old-age care, medical care and other preferential insurance services for staff in the front line of epidemic prevention and control according to their own conditions.
(3) Fully assist small and micro enterprises that encounter difficulties. Promote banking institutions to do a good job in the service docking and demand investigation of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. For small and micro customers who have temporarily encountered difficulties due to the epidemic and still have good development prospects, they will not blindly withdraw loans, cut off loans and pressure loans, and actively help them by adjusting repayment and interest payment arrangements, moderately reducing loan interest rates, and improving the connection of loan renewal, and will not downgrade the loan risk classification solely due to the epidemic factors. We will increase the expansion of corporate property insurance, safety production liability insurance, export credit insurance and other businesses to provide more protection for the production and operation of small and micro enterprises.
(4) Fully serving the affected enterprises to resume work and production. Guide banking institutions to actively connect with each other, grasp enterprise information in time, optimize the credit process, reasonably extend the loan term, effectively reduce fees and interest rates, and support enterprises affected by the epidemic to resume production and operation in an orderly and efficient manner. Focusing on the major strategies of the country and Henan Province, support projects that have an important driving role in regional economic development. Increase manufacturing loans and strengthen supply chain financial services. Encourage insurance institutions to support enterprises seriously affected by the epidemic to tide over temporary difficulties by reducing fees and making profits and appropriately delaying the time of premium payment.
riverSouth industrial and commercial bank said:
These personnel loans overdue, after verification, did not affect the credit information.
The epidemic situation has aggravated the financing and operation difficulties of enterprises. As a large bank, what specific measures does ICBC have to support enterprises to tide over the difficulties? At the press conference, Li Lighting, vice president of ICBC Henan Branch, answered a reporter’s question.
Li Lighting introduced that since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Henan Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has set up a special group for credit support for key enterprises in epidemic prevention and control, headed by the governor of the provincial bank, and set up a "1+4" special class to help enterprises resume work and production, and promote stable and healthy economic and social development. In response to the impact of the epidemic, the "nine efforts" hard-core measures were taken to help enterprises tide over the difficulties.
First, focus on the front command. The bank presidents at all levels are personally responsible for the financing business and promote it door by door to improve the decision-making level. Adhere to the principle of "every household must implement it when it reaches a designated person", provide key enterprises with account managers to help enterprises, and provide personal and efficient financial services.
The second is to focus on ensuring scale. Customers who are included in the list of key anti-epidemic enterprises will take the initiative to connect, give priority to protection, and make full use of loans to ensure adequate supply of materials procurement, production and operation funds.
The third is to focus on improving efficiency. Adhere to special affairs, establish green channels and simplify processes. On January 28th (the fourth day of Lunar New Year’s Day), a sanitary material production enterprise in Xinxiang completed the declaration, approval and putting in place of 100 million yuan of pure credit anti-epidemic loan funds in five hours.
The fourth is to focus on supporting key projects. Actively support the construction of key government projects, start construction of a number of major infrastructure and people’s livelihood projects, actively connect with comprehensive financial services, provide ICBC solutions, and stimulate economic growth. Since February, loans of 1.8 billion yuan have been granted to 19 key enterprises and projects.
Fifth, efforts should be made to improve services in inclusive finance. We will formulate differentiated microfinance service plans, provide innovative online financing products such as "anti-epidemic loans", "medical insurance loans" and "employment loans", and increase the credit line of fast loans for key epidemic prevention and control enterprises to 10 million yuan.
Sixth, focus on helping enterprises solve problems. Enterprises in the retail, catering, civil aviation, railway and other industries that are greatly affected by the epidemic will not blindly draw, cut off or suppress loans. According to the actual situation, reasonably provide services such as loan renewal, extension and repayment adjustment, so as to relieve the problem of repayment continuity of enterprises.
Seventh, focus on reducing financing costs. The loan interest rate for enterprises listed nationwide in the fight against the epidemic does not exceed 3.15%; For the list of enterprises in the province and related anti-epidemic enterprises, corresponding interest rate concessions are also provided; For small and micro enterprises seriously affected by the epidemic, the interest rate will be appropriately lowered without charging any extra fees to reduce the burden on enterprises.
Eight is to focus on stabilizing corporate confidence. For enterprises that are temporarily in difficulties due to the epidemic, as long as they operate normally, they will not simply take drastic measures such as judicial proceedings and asset seizure under the conditions of extension, renewal of loans and adjustment of repayment. If the procedures are temporarily incomplete due to the epidemic situation, no penalty interest will be charged, and the quality classification level will not be lowered to stabilize market expectations and enterprise confidence.
Nine is to focus on protecting customer rights and interests. For the loans of medical staff, staff, confirmed patients and suspected persons and their spouses who participated in the epidemic prevention and control, due to special circumstances, they are not repaid on time. After verification, they may not be included in the breach of contract and will not affect the credit information. Small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that have temporarily lost their sources of income due to the epidemic can adjust the repayment arrangements and reasonably postpone the repayment period.
Listed companies are affected by the epidemic.
Henan: 81 listed companies have resumed work in 75.
Affected by the epidemic, some listed companies have also encountered certain difficulties. How to promote the stable and healthy development of these enterprises is a concern of everyone. How does Henan consider it? At the meeting, Zhang Zhi, deputy director of Henan Securities Regulatory Bureau, answered questions from reporters.
Zhang Zhi introduced that since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Henan Securities Regulatory Bureau has been "holding both hands", paying attention to the situation of listed companies affected by the epidemic and issuing various policies. With the implementation of various policies, at present, 75 of 81 listed companies in Henan have resumed work, of which more than 70% companies have resumed work and the recovery rate has exceeded 50%.
In the next step, in view of the difficulties encountered by listed companies in Henan affected by the epidemic, Henan Securities Regulatory Bureau will base itself on the overall situation of stable economic and social development, continue to promote the function and role of the capital market in accordance with the decision-making arrangements for epidemic prevention and control in the province, support the high-quality development of listed companies, and make more contributions to resolutely winning the epidemic prevention and control war. Focus on the following work:
First, continue to promote enterprises to resume work and production smoothly. Work together with relevant departments to jointly implement the policies issued by the state and our province to support enterprises to tide over difficulties and develop steadily.
Second, we will continue to do a good job in preventing and resolving risks such as equity pledge and bond redemption. Continue to do a good job in risk investigation and monitoring, strengthen communication and cooperation in financial supervision, supervise various financial institutions to implement the spirit of risk prevention and control, and effectively and orderly resolve major risks.
Third, continue to guide enterprises in the jurisdiction to actively connect with the capital market. At present, there are 42 enterprises in the province that are under trial and counseling to be listed, which is the most in recent years. There are also 10 listed companies carrying out mergers and acquisitions and equity refinancing, involving an amount of 18.397 billion yuan. It is necessary to support enterprises to make good use of the capital market opportunities such as the reform of registration system, the revision of refinancing system, and the reform of the New Third Board to comprehensively deepen reform policies, as well as to fight against the green channel of epidemic financing, accelerate the docking of the capital market, and promote high-quality development through initial public offering, mergers and acquisitions, refinancing, bond financing, and private equity investment.

Table tennis World Cup: No.2 seed lost again! Olympic runner-up scored 2 empty games, and South Korea bombarded 8.

On December 7th, Beijing time, the contest of Chengdu table tennis mixed team World Cup quarter-finals kicked off on the second day. The first two games were Germany VS France and South Korea VS Slovakia. As a result, the second seed Germany lost again and lost to France 4-8. As for South Korea, it was a total victory, sweeping its opponents 8-0 and winning heartily.

At present, it seems that the No.2 German team is the weakest among the top four seeds. After all, the six main players didn’t participate in the war, and the rest of the people really couldn’t hold up the scene. The day before, they lost 4-8 to Sweden, and now they lost 4-8 to France. Shan Xiaona, the Olympic runner-up, is helpless!

Please see below for the detailed situation.

The situation of this game is relatively simple. Although Slovakia advanced to the quarter-finals, it was mainly because Germany and Portugal, the two strong rivals in the group stage, were short of a large number of core players. Even so, they made a thrilling pass, and now it is natural to play against the powerful South Korean team everywhere.

In the first set of mixed doubles, Lin Zhongxun/Shen Yubin beat Apras/Raposo Wa 3-0; In the second set of women’s singles, Tian Zhixi won Kukulova 3-0; In the third set of men’s singles, Li Shangzhu beat Wang Yang 2-0, and the Korean team ended the battle with a total score of 8-0.

The battle between Germany and France was the focus on December 7th. If all the main players of the two teams participated in the war, the German team was relatively superior. However, the four main players of the German men’s team, Ochalov, Qiu Dang, Francesca and Bohr, were absent, while the two main players of the women’s team, Han Ying and Mittham, were absent. Shan Xiaona was the only core player, which was really unsustainable. They lost to Sweden 4-8 the day before.

Compared with Sweden, the strength of France is obviously stronger. lebrun brothers and Pavard Ran Ran have risen, Simon is not old, Yuan Jianan is in his prime, and his strength can reach the top four in this World Cup. It is really difficult for Germany to win the other side.

Sure enough, the first set of mixed doubles German team fell behind, and meissner/Wanyuan lost to Alex/Yuan Jianan 1-2; In the second set of women’s singles, Shan Xiaona, the 40-year-old Olympic runner-up, won the 19-year-old Pavard 2-1; In the third set of men’s singles, European Games champion Felix beat Walter 2-1. Although the total score of the French team was 5-4, it still did not open the gap.

In the fourth set of men’s doubles, Walter/Steph lost to Alex/Simon 0-3, and the French team ended the battle with a total score of 8-4. The second seed Germany collapsed again, but it was really impossible.

The best domestic documentary this year tells a story about baseball.

Wen | Ai Jiangtao

A few days ago, when I saw this film in the cinema, I didn’t see it as a documentary at first. After watching it for more than ten minutes, I realized that it was a documentary. After watching it, I found it was like a feature film. Director Xu Huijing’s later explanation relieved me: "I’ve always wanted to shoot a documentary in the form of a feature film." Different from the traditional documentary style, the director adopts multi-camera mode and tries to tell a more three-dimensional story-Under the leadership of Sun Lingfeng, the captain of the former Chinese baseball team and the founder of the strong baseball base, a group of unfortunate children from marginal broken families all over the country went to the United States to participate in the competition through training and changed their lives little by little.

Unlike many sports movies, the core of this story, as Sun Lingfeng said,Not that they chose baseball, but that baseball chose them.Sun Lingfeng told me that after being the captain of the Chinese baseball team for 15 years and the coach of the Jiangsu baseball team for a while, he had reached the ceiling in his original position and wanted to do something really valuable, cultivate children according to his own set of ideas and change the baseball ecology that few people in China care about. The criteria for his selection of players are simple and peculiar: 1. Being poor enough; 2. Good health; 3. There is no hereditary disease in the family.

The tension of the film comes from the contrast, on the one hand, children from poor families, and on the other hand, baseball, which has always been regarded as a middle-class sport. For these children, everything is lucky enough and strange enough.

In October 2017, when this documentary entered the filming, the strong base was established for more than two years. At the beginning of the film, the 10-year-old Xiao Shuang followed Erbo to his father’s grave, and they walked on the country road. Erbo told him to practice with the coach and never come back when he went out. Xiaoshuang came from rural Hebei. His father died of illness before he was born, and his mother chose to leave home when he was a few months old. Xiao Shuang was supposed to be given away, but people thought he was too thin and chose his brother. The small pair in the camera is quiet and restrained, and cries easily. Xu Huijing soon noticed this sad-looking child. When everyone was fighting, he was quietly playing with a little dinosaur in the corner.

Another protagonist of the film was careless. He was 11 years old when he started shooting. Just two days after he entered the base, he turned the place upside down. Like Xiao Shuang, Xiao Shuang doesn’t have a complete home. His father works outside all the year round. When he was a few months old, his mother left home after a fight with his father. But what he showed was recklessness and bravado: he didn’t wait in line for dinner, teased other players with somersaults, couldn’t walk in line, liked to show off how strong he was and how to scare off older children with a knife. The sloppy appearance made Xu Huijing a little excited. He felt that this story had become a protagonist who could string together other characters.

In this way, these children from troubled families met baseball. The daily training of the team is mainly handled by Sun Lingfeng’s master Zhang Jinxin. The boy’s "master", who was almost 70 years old at that time, was a legendary baseball coach in China. He was the president of Fengtai baseball school. He has been engaged in baseball training for more than 40 years and led the China junior baseball team to win four world championships. More than half of the players of China baseball national team have been trained by him. Teacher Guo Zhongjian is responsible for children’s study and daily management. Guo Zhongjian graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University. He was the president of Tsinghua University Baseball and Softball Association and was a volunteer at the base. In Xu Huijing’s words,These three men, touts are like grandfathers, Sun Lingfeng is like fathers, and Guo Zhongjian is more like mothers.

The rules of the baseball game are very trivial, and the technical and tactical requirements are also high. At the baseball base, it took Mr. Chloe Wang half an hour to let me understand the rules of the game roughly. To put it simply, the baseball game is divided into nine innings, with nine players on each side. In the game, nine members of the defense team played together, with the pitcher pitching at the pitcher’s mound, while the other members were scattered at home plate, first base, second base and third base for defense; The attacker sends one batter at a time to hit the pitcher’s ball at home plate. After hitting the ball, he should quickly run to other bases. If the defender steps on the base mat before passing the ball to the base, he will successfully get on the base, otherwise he will be out.

If he hits a good ball called a "home run", the defender can run back to home from first base and score a point without any time to pass it back. On the other hand, if you miss the pitcher’s good shot three times in a row, you will be killed and sent to other batters. After all nine players are killed, you will switch between attack and defense. For the defensive side, how to run and pass flexibly on the field according to the pitching characteristics and hitting effect to prevent the offensive players from getting on the base is a great test of the tactical level and cooperation consciousness of the players.

After a brief understanding of the rules of the game, it suddenly occurred to me that if there were no division of bats and bases, baseball would be a bit like running circles that we used to play when we were children. Similarly, many people had to run into the circle to attack and defend, and if they were caught halfway, they would be sent off directly. This makes me instinctively have a good impression on baseball. I don’t know how these children feel when they first come into contact with baseball, but obviously, they have enough things to face besides training.

Xu Huijing filmed for half a month at a time, and came back and forth for more than ten times, silently recording everything that happened here, and began to enter the inner world of children little by little.When he first arrived at the base, careless ate a lot every time he ate, until he couldn’t eat any more, and sometimes even vomited himself, which was of course related to his frequent hunger before. He looks tough and sloppy, but he is also very afraid of the dark. Because he can’t get along well with other partners, everyone doesn’t want to sleep with him, so he has to beg from the coach one by one. When sleeping, he often ties a safety rope to the bedside to fix himself and the bedside. When other players go outside to participate in the competition, they will stick to the sloppy base and sing songs that miss their mother in the night.

Xiao Shuang, who usually withers, is often said by touts that he lacks domineering and is too conservative. But when careless made fun of his father, he jumped up and had a fight with careless.For Xiao Shuang and careless, their imaginary parents may be the greatest comfort when they face all difficulties, because they have never met each other, and they can imagine their parents over and over again.Just like the little boy in "Summer of Kijiro", his mother originally existed only in imagination, but once he stumbled upon his mother’s photo and address, he couldn’t help but set foot on the road of looking for it. However, it may not be a bad thing for him not to find his mother. At least he can think about his mother again and again according to his own wishes.
Favourite has a good way of training children. For a naughty boy like careless, he let him make trouble for the first week and ignored him at all. A week later, he began to tighten the reins by staring at a small thing until he corrected it. During the filming of the documentary, Xu Huijing’s children just went to kindergarten. He applied this method to children and found it very effective. At the base, the tout told me that the children he trained in those years were all carefully selected young seeds. Now these children are more like shoveling and leading them, being more patient and understanding their hearts.

In the film, a scene is impressive. At one end of the training ground, the master kept cheering for everyone, encouraging everyone to be a wolf on the field. The camera at the other end of the training ground was careless and even the formation was not neat. He said to the camera with tears in his eyes: I am a stray dog!

After training for a while, the children can finally go to the United States to compete. The children who really came into contact with baseball culture for the first time were very excited. In the arena of Major League Baseball, in the face of a sudden heavy rain, careless turned himself into an inflatable muscular man with a raincoat and had a great time. In the official competition, due to the overage of the captains Dabao, Mahua and several other players, Xiao Shuang, whose arm was injured, became the absolute main force of the team. In the match with the previous U10 champion Chicago team, the children tried their best and lost the game.

After the game, Xiao Shuang even sat on the sidelines sobbing because of one of his pitching mistakes. He cried and said, "You know how hard it is to come here to participate in a competition with so many people helping us!" Usually naughty sloppy at this time also ran to comfort Xiao Shuang. At this time, they have become a real team. Xiaoshuang also learned to take responsibility at that moment.

However, after returning from the American competition, Xiao Shuang ran home. Sun Lingfeng personally drove home to pick him up, and he didn’t want to go back. For this reason, he also got angry with Erbo, who lived alone: You just want to throw me away! At the end of the film, Xiao Shuang ran to a big pine tree on the hillside at the entrance of the village. A person kept inserting pine leaves into the thick branches of the pine tree and chatted with Erbo sitting on the hillside without a word.

"great! The post-editing of "Teenager" has gone through a long time of more than a year. Xu Huijing found that he actually didn’t know enough about children, such as why Xiaoshuang ran home from the base and stopped his promising future. During the epidemic, Xu Huijing, who seldom takes her children, had more time to get along with her children. Slowly, the children allowed themselves to help him bathe, take him to school, and show him the way to school. The emotional connection between father and son became closer and closer. It was then that he understood that whether it was Xiao Shuang or sloppy, or the older captain Dabao and the youngest player Li Haixin,For these children from marginal families, what they lack most is a sense of security."Xiao Shuang is at Erbo’s house. At least he can shout at Erbo when he is angry, but at the base, when the coach says him, he can only listen."

When suffering meets baseball, it is not so much that baseball has changed them, but that kind of collective and regular training life makes these children who are extremely lacking in love feel vaguely at home.As Sun Lingfeng said in the film,Baseball is a home-going sport, because home plate is called home, and you can only score if you run back to home.Children are getting used to change, although they still can’t help but look back from time to time.

Like many people, I asked Sun Lingfeng why he chose such a group of children. His answer is frank and direct: it is not entirely for charity or public welfare, but pure. These children, like white paper, have less attachments and fetters, and can run through his training concept more systematically.

In his words, these children from U8 to U15 are all treasures after training here for more than three years. In the future, whether they enter professional teams or become coaches, they will be sown like seeds.For these children, baseball, like reading, doing business and learning technology, will become a brand-new way to change their destiny.Sun Lingfeng’s plan is quite ambitious. He hopes to go through the whole chain of talent output, team output, venue construction and event formation through the strong angel baseball training base.

Today, the base in Tongzhou is the fourth home of the powerful angel. On this 200-acre land, there are neat living areas, training areas and even vegetable fields. The base now has 68 players. Last year, it accepted 18 poor Yi children from Daliangshan, Sichuan, and set up a women’s baseball team composed of Yi girls. At the base, every child is very polite and greets people outside. After lunch, the children cleaned in groups in the canteen before leaving.
Sloppy skateboarding, jumping all the way to show us the vegetable fields. In front of him, he is obviously tall and thin. "Can you not be thin? We have to run 20 kilometers every day! " Thankfully, a few months ago, Xiao Shuang also returned to the base to join the training. He looks more confident and cheerful, like all children who love to play, riding a small bike and wandering around.

The copyright of the article belongs to Sanlian Life Weekly., please contact the backstage for reprinting..

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Time magazine selected the top ten games "killer 2 of the Mind" to reach the top in 2023.

For gamers, there are too many excellent works in 2023, including 3A masterpieces and independent masterpieces. Many players may even be unable to play.

Now, foreign media Time magazine has selected the top ten games in 2023. Let’s take a look.

10. Surge of Fishing Sails

9. Diablo IV

8. Star Wars Jedi: Survivors

7. Super Mario Bros.: Surprise

6. Dead Space Remastered Edition

5. Resident Evil 4 Remastered Edition

4. the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

3. Marvel Comics spider-man 2

2. The Gate of Bode 3

1. killer 2 of the Mind

Analysis of the whole chain of private domain operation in beauty industry

With the in-depth development and expansion of channels, beauty consumer groups promote the rapid development of beauty industry, and multiple factors affect the development of beauty industry. How should the beauty industry seize the private dividend and promote its better development? The author summarizes some methods, hoping to help you.

With the diversification and in-depth development of sales channels, the consumer groups of beauty brands continue to expand, and multiple factors jointly promote the sustained and rapid development of the beauty industry. As a beauty brand with the highest degree of private domain matching, how to seize the private domain development dividend, break through the growth bottleneck and realize rapid growth?

Now, the beauty industry faces many problems and challenges in private domain operation. Merchants will face three stages in the process of private domain operation: construction stage, growth stage and maturity stage, and each stage will encounter relatively core problems.

First of all, during the construction period, there is a lack of standard operating tools and operating methodology.

Brand is in the exploration period of private domain construction, and it is in the acceptance and learning stage for concepts such as applet, community operation and data management. Secondly, there are many kinds of private domain tools in the market, and merchants are dazzled when choosing, so it is difficult to choose tools that suit their own brands.

Secondly, in the growth period, private domain operations are separated from each other, making it difficult to form a benign closed loop.

Brand private domain has many contacts, such as small program mall, enterprise micro, community, offline shopping guide and store mall, but they can’t get through and cooperate effectively.

Finally, in the mature period, there is a bottleneck in the stock operation, and it is difficult to tap the effective increment.

The brand has successfully accumulated some effective experience, but with the decline of incremental dividends, the traffic is gradually lacking, and the "extensive operation" has a growth bottleneck.

Turning to the current private domain development trend of the beauty industry, it mainly presents the following points:

According to the data compiled by EROMONITOR Prospective Industry Research Institute, among the changes in the proportion of major sales channels in China cosmetics industry (unit%) from 2015 to 2021, the proportion of e-commerce channels has increased rapidly year by year.

In the penetration rate of Tmall TOP100 beauty brand applet mall, 79% of beauty brands have their own applet malls.

Several well-known brands: Maybelline gradually withdrew from the Shangchao department store channel in 2018, only retaining brand boutiques and developing in parallel with online channels; In August, 2020, Vichy built the first O+O (online and offline integration channel) operation center in China. After consumers completed skin testing and product trial in the store, they placed orders in small programs. All major beauty brands in the industry began to increase their efforts to lay out online channels in 2020.

It can be seen that the brand is not only trying a new integration of online and offline, but also trying to expand more attempts including private domain.

According to the brand database data of Quest Mobile Truth Brand in September, 2021, compared with typical consumer industries such as food and beverage, household appliances, mother and baby, the scale of private users in the beauty industry after weight reduction still ranks first.

In the investigation of Tmall Top100 beauty brands in the growth black box in 2020, we can see that there are over 20% beauty brands, and their private domain sales account for nearly 25% of the total e-commerce volume (the proportion of private domain sales of beauty = private domain sales/omni-channel sales of e-commerce).

Therefore, beauty brands should pay attention to the development of private domain while developing their business, and at the same time pay attention to the potential and opportunities of customers’ deep exploration.

In fact, the brand private domain is not an additional single sales channel, but a secondary undertaking of the brand’s existing global channel passenger flow and advertising traffic. On the basis of not raising the marketing cost, it can effectively undertake the brand global channels and users reached by advertisements, and realize the precipitation and long-term transformation of user assets and brand data assets.

In the initial stage, the private domain investment of the brand is small, and the input-output is not obvious. With the introduction of drainage and fission, the scale of private domain grows rapidly and its complexity increases. At this time, the brand is exploring a suitable private domain model, and the net income (output MINUS input) presents a high negative value.

However, with the maturity of brand private domain operation, the scale of private domain has entered a stable period, the cost of innovation and operation has begun to decrease, and the customer repurchase rate (the average monthly repurchase rate in the beauty industry is 10-15%) and LTV(life time value Life Cycle Value) are also increasing. The net income is gradually improved, moving towards breakeven and creating long-term compound interest.

Therefore, by settling the private domain of brands, brands can get higher profits, and users can also get a more direct and better shopping experience.

With the development of private domain operation in beauty industry, six typical private domain operation models can be sorted out.

1. Multi-positioning promotion type: a number of small programs with different positioning, with sales promotion as the main operating mode.

Representative brands: Perfect Diary, Polaiya, Ou Shiman, etc.

Taking Perfect Diary as an example, the brand has 20+ WeChat official account with different positioning and 10+ small program malls with different positioning, which cooperate with the daily member day +bigday activities to achieve continuous promotion and transformation.

Representative brands: Lin Qingxuan, herborist and Estee Lauder.

Take Lin Qingxuan as an example, get through every contact of WeChat Ecology to drain the live broadcast room and insist on daily broadcast. By constantly trying various links and ways to transform live drainage, we found the most suitable mode for Lin Qingxuan. Moreover, the store shopping guide resources are fully mobilized, and the 3000+ store community shares the live video number.

Representative brands: Guanxia, Huaxizi, HFP, etc.

Seize the beauty component party as the core user of the brand, constantly polish the content of WeChat official account, and finally achieve the reading volume of 600,000-100,000 articles. At the same time, the brand community is operated in the applet, and users are guided to participate in sharing through official topics and activities.

Pay attention to the brand experience of users in the private domain, and guide users to complete the continuous punching of the first purchase and cultivate the habit of re-purchase through the combination boxing of exclusive gifts for newcomers, members’ trial use, sign-in courtesy (customized periphery) and limited spike by members.

Representative brands: shanghai jahwa, etc.

From the offline ordering mode to the online cloud store ordering, the efficiency of goods circulation has been greatly improved; And through policy planning, training and teaching, we will make every effort to build a benchmark store, effectively improve the sales of dealers’ cloud stores, realize the annual sales rate in ninety-seven percent, and at the same time, the headquarters will empower dealers to operate cloud stores and transform live broadcasts.

Representative brands: Sephora, Afu and so on.

Taking Sephora as an example, the SmartBA project was launched in June 2020, which systematically promoted BA from top to bottom. Through corporate WeChat, consumers are guided to enter the private domain of brands, and every "beauty consultant" is empowered by numbers. With their professionalism and aesthetic vision, they will continue to provide consumers with professional 1V1 personalized services and online extension services in the private domain community, which will eventually drive online and offline business growth.

6. Feedback to the public domain: the mall not only carries the purpose of sales transformation, but also uses user research and data analysis to guide product development in the opposite direction.

Representative brands: L ‘Oré al, Elizabeth, Ya Dun, etc.

Taking L ‘Oré al as an example, in 2018, it has started to build technical applications such as SCRM and CDP. The brand uses the accumulated data for user value analysis, and adapts and develops products according to different people and regions. L ‘Oré al is the first brand in the industry to achieve C2B innovation. It took 59 days to tap the demands of thousands of consumers aged 18-30 for "ideal cream", and quickly put into research and development and launched a zero-point cream, which sold 100,000 pieces on the day of listing.

Self-test operation mode interactive test

First of all, if you are a newly created beauty brand or want to try to upgrade the brand and expand the beauty private domain business, then the first step is to think about the private domain organizational structure and operation team building.

Regarding the organizational structure of private domain and the construction of operation team, there are generally the following four modes. Brand merchants can choose which organizational structure to build according to the comprehensive evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Secondly, when preparing for private domain operation after the team is formed, it is necessary to consider the whole link process from traffic to retention and then to sales.

The first step is to plant grass in the commons. Establish brand awareness in the public domain through explosive products, and then conduct global drainage to the private domain through e-commerce/live broadcast, store activities /BA live code, and small red book planting.

The second step is to raise grass in private areas. In the private domain, we will deepen users’ three-dimensional cognition and preference for the brand through various operating means such as enterprise micro-customer service, WeChat official account, community and video number.

The third step is to pull weeds in private areas. Finally, private domain can be realized through mall+live broadcast+member marketing.

What needs to be emphasized here is that the beauty industry has a very typical marketing model: live broadcast with goods. This interactive marketing model with goods is a growth weapon for beauty businesses. According to C2CC Media’s "Private Domain Operation & Status of Beauty Live E-commerce", 70.9% of beauty companies have chosen live broadcast to bring goods.

With the advent of the "self-broadcasting era" of merchants, the live broadcast of video number based on WeChat ecology combined with enterprise WeChat can break the traditional live broadcast barrier and connect the live broadcast with community, WeChat official account, applets and other links in series. In the whole process before, during and after the live broadcast, a complete closed-loop transaction of drainage-conversion-repurchase is constructed to carry out refined operation, thus helping beauty brands to sell goods in private domain and realize sales growth.

Taking the live broadcast of "Lin Qingxuan" private domain video number as an example, with the help of video number operation+mall operation+community operation+advertising operation, the GMV of the live broadcast increased by 570% in four months. The highlights of its live broadcast operation are as follows:

With the help of friends’ circle advertising, the live broadcast is drained, and the big data orientation ability of WeChat advertising is used to lock the brand target customers, effectively shortening the grass planting path and introducing traffic to the live broadcast room.

Fully mobilize Lin Qingxuan’s shopping guide resources, and warm up the live broadcast room by sending skin care knowledge, giving coupons by interactive question and answer, and interacting with red envelopes.

In the live broadcast, on the one hand, by setting up an order lottery activity, the interaction enthusiasm of users in the live broadcast room is enhanced, and the length of stay of users in the live broadcast room is increased; In addition, in the product selection strategy, focus on mature female customers aged 30 -50, and cooperate with drainage products to comprehensively improve GMV.

With the higher offline costs and the fading of the e-commerce dividend period, the beauty industry has moved from "flow" to "retention". For the beauty industry where quality and experience are paramount, private domain operation plays a vital role in the brand omni-channel strategy. It is the key to improve the performance growth to realize the refined operation of users and enhance the loyalty of users through the layout of private domains.

Based on the increasingly mature and diversified private domain gameplay, beauty brands can control traffic, user assets and transactions in "private land", maximize the full-time global advantages of public-private domain linkage, and finally promote the brand and benefit with a complete and efficient private domain marketing closed loop.

This article was originally published by @ Xiao Y’s operating notes. Everyone is a product manager. Reprinting is prohibited without permission.

The title map comes from Unsplash and is based on CC0 protocol.

This article only represents the author himself, and everyone is a product manager. The platform only provides information storage space services.

China men’s basketball team wins! The biggest parallel imports are strong when they are weak, and Guangdong fans feel humiliated.

The warm-up match of China Men’s Basketball World Cup ushered in a great victory. It can be said that this is a long-lost victory. We beat Cape Verde 86-66. The best player in this game is Hu Mingxuan of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. Everyone knows that Hu Mingxuan’s strength is not inferior to that of Guo Ailun, and he can even be called the first defender in Asia. It is not bad to enter the NBA Hall of Fame in the future.

Many fans say that Hu Mingxuan’s 3-pointer is more accurate than Curry’s, and his offensive ability under the basket is comparable to James’s. In a word, he can resist playing. So now, against Cape Verde, where the fighting strength is very poor, Hu Mingxuan once again exerts his passive skills. If he is weak, he will be strong, and if he is strong, he will sit! Thanks to Hu Mingxuan, China men’s basketball team won a great victory.

In this game, both ends of Hu Mingxuan’s attack and defense have made achievements, which is completely the standard of NBA. In addition, when Hu Mingxuan was leading the team in Du Feng, there were too many cases in which a strong team scored 1 point in 40 minutes, but when he met Bahrain’s men’s basketball team, he almost lost the game. Fortunately, Jiang Weize of Jilin men’s basketball team appeared in time, otherwise Du Feng would have finished class.

Now Hu Mingxuan’s performance has made the fans shine. It seems that in this World Cup, we have entered the top eight and surpassed the history of men’s basketball. At the same time, we wish Hu Mingxuan can surpass Kobe’s record in the World Cup, cut him 90 points and directly throw 30 3-pointers. Do Guangdong fans have face? So what do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comments section.

Premier League-Eriksson passes casemiro to win Manchester United 1-0 Bournemouth Champions League qualification is in sight.

Live on May 20th, at 22: 00 pm Beijing time on May 20th, a game in the 37th round of the Premier League continued. The Red Devils Manchester United challenged Bournemouth away. In the first half, Eriksson assisted casemiro to score a goal, and after half-time, Manchester United temporarily led Bournemouth 1-0. In the second half, the two sides attacked and defended each other but did not rewrite the score. In the end, Manchester United defeated Bournemouth 1-0. In the Premier League standings, Manchester United scored 69 points with 21 wins, 6 draws, 9 losses, and remained ahead of Liverpool. Bournemouth had already relegated ahead of schedule.

[Key Events of Competition]

In the 9th minute, Eriksson directly picked the right foot at the front of the restricted area, followed by casemiro Middle Road, Senesi’s toe rubbed the ball, but the clearance failed, and casemiro scored with a sideways barb! Manchester United 1-0 Bournemouth! ↓

[Moment of Competition Focus]

In the 20th minute, Anthony cut the ball on the right and then made a cross pass. Before the B fee, Eriksson missed the ball and shot angrily, hitting high. ↓

In the 27th minute, Bournemouth counterattacked, and Solanke succeeded in passing people in the restricted area. He shot from his right foot and was saved by Degea. ↓

The 37th minute, Sancho knocks back from the left in the penalty area, and Marchal directly shoots the far corner after catching the ball outside the penalty area, hitting high. ↓

In the 41st minute, casemiro’s long-range shot outside the restricted area was confiscated by the goalkeeper. ↓

In the 47th minute, David Brooks’ powerful shot in the restricted area was saved again by Degea. ↓

In the 63rd minute, Manchester United’s attack and Wehorst’s shot in the restricted area were resolved by the goalkeeper. ↓

In the 76th minute, the corner kick from Manchester United was sent out, and the B fee kept the ball in the restricted area and directly greeted the ball and was saved by the goalkeeper. ↓

In the 84th minute, Bournemouth got a good chance, and Moore shot directly at Degea one-on-one. ↓

In the 93rd minute, Senesi shot outside the restricted area and almost equalized the score. ↓

[Information on starting and substitution of both parties]

Bournemouth starting: 13- Neto, 5- Lloyd Kelly, 25- Senesi, 27- Dzabanji, 4- Lewis Cook, 8- Lerma, 15- Adam Smith (65’18- Vigna), 32- Jaden Anthony, 7- David Brooks (56

Bournemouth substitutes: 1- Travis, 3- Stephens, 6- Chris Mapham, 17- Jack Stacy, 51- Adley, 49- Sadie.

Manchester United starters: 1- Degea, 2- Lindelov, 19- Vallanet, 23- Lu Kexiao, 290,000 Pisaca, 18- casemiro, 14- Eriksson (85’39- McTominay), 8-B fee, 25- Sancho (71’49- Garnacho), 9.

Manchester United substitutes: 31- Batland, 5- Maguire, 12- Malaysia, 20- Dallot, 28- Peristri.

Weiguan Ningxia: The silver horse is here. Will you join us?

The Yinchuan Marathon, which has been silent for several years, has set sail again this year. This should also be the second good news after this sandstorm (the first one is rain). Speaking of marathon, this should also become a traditional event in Yinchuan, right? Anyway, every time it is held, it is quite lively.

Several of Weiji’s friends are fans, and they attend almost every time, but they are all "half horses".

I remember that at the beginning, the track was in the urban area, and every time it was held, the whole city was boiling, the competition was fierce, the watch was enthusiastic, and the road was blocked by the track. The memory of returning to normal after the game is very deep.

With the maturity of the competition organization, Yinchuan has begun to optimize the route for the marathon, and try not to disturb people’s normal life on the basis of ensuring the wonderful competition.

Wei Ji, for example, originally wanted to attend, but there was no way to move bricks, so I had to stop taking part in the fun.

But although the silver horse is very famous, it is estimated that many people don’t know the reason for the marathon, right? Why should it be set at 42.195km? It’s not important. What’s important is that people can feel the happy mood and change the scenery in a beautiful moment through the competition. It is said that this year’s race will pass through many landmark buildings, so that everyone can meet the picturesque scenery while running freely and appreciate this ancient city with a long history. Will you wait and see?

Wei Ji thinks it’s good not to block the road.

This is Yinchuan! Discover the beauty of Yinchuan and feel the beauty of Yinchuan!