标签归档 南京新茶工作室

Xiaomi Mi 4 compares to Huawei P7 disassembly: Who is better?

Leonardo Phoenix is a foundational model launched by the Leonardo AI platform, which has made breakthroughs in prompt following, image generation clarity, and AI research. The model provides higher quality image generation through architectural innovation, especially in the text generation of portraits, banners, posters, and logos. In addition, it also enhances creative control, allowing users to easily access and quickly modify generated content through prompt enhancement and AI prompt editing. Although some features such as image guidance, elements, and photo realism are not yet integrated, it is expected to be added in the near future.

5G commercial start-up operators push various promotions to further reduce the price of 5G mobile phones

  CCTV News:Personal mobile phone users will be able to use the 5G communication service from today (1st). In order to welcome the official commercialization of 5G, the three major operators have also launched a variety of promotional measures in combination with the newly launched 5G package.

  Yin Shaochun, Deputy General Manager of China Unicom Marketing Department:We are now carrying out the package reservation activities for old users through the mobile phone business hall. The current policy is that there will be a 30% discount for those who have been online for more than three years, and a 20% discount for those who have been online for less than three years.


  Lu Liangjun, Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Marketing Department:China Telecom launched cloud VR, cloud games and ultra-high-definition video when it was officially commercialized. It combines the characteristics of high traffic of 5G with the characteristics of cloud network integration of China Telecom, which will bring users a better audio-visual experience.

  China Mobile said that it will further reduce the price of 5G mobile phones and lower the threshold for users to replace 5G mobile phones.

  Shou Jianguo, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile Marketing Department:In the second quarter of next year, we will launch a mobile phone with a gear of 2000 yuan, and in the fourth quarter of next year, it is possible to launch a mobile phone with a gear of 1000 yuan. Then, in order to further lower the threshold for customers to replace 5G, China Mobile has also launched supporting preferential activities such as installment purchase of 5G mobile phone credit and worry-free replacement.

  The person in charge of the operator also said that at present, 5G is still in the initial stage of commercialization, and the network coverage is not perfect. There may be some problems in the use process. With the gradual advancement of commercialization, the construction of 5G networks will be accelerated.

Is Tesla FSD "Catfish" about to enter China? Set a high-level intelligence to drive PPA head-on

Tesla FSD will enter China, can domestic car companies still fight? According to media reports, "Chen Kele, deputy director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Department of Shanghai Economic and Information Committee, said that in the next stage, Shanghai will further deepen its cooperation with Tesla, promote the layout of functional sectors such as autonomous driving and robots in Shanghai, and jointly build a technology industry cluster with core technological advantages and facing the global market."

This news has also been interpreted by the outside world as a signal that Tesla FSD is about to enter the China market. If so, then an overseas "catfish" is finally coming.

Tesla has been deeply involved in the field of autonomous driving for a long time, but can the late FSD still penetrate the smart car market in China? After all, during the absence of Tesla FSD, intelligent driving, including Tucki NGP, Huawei NCA, and even Jidu PPA, a company known as "automobile robot", has been accelerated, and China’s wisdom has changed.

The competition is raging, and the domestic intellectual drive is "anti-"roll"Tesla

Tesla is not only the leader of new energy vehicles, but also the promoter of autonomous driving. Since the release of Autopilot in 2014, Tesla’s assisted driving system has become a pioneer in assisted driving worldwide with its leading landing, rich functions and continuous OTA upgrade. When it comes to smart driving, Tesla is second to none.

However, times have changed. Standing in the smart car market in 2023, in the face of the fully blossoming domestic intelligent driving system, Tesla not only no longer occupies an overwhelming advantage, but even has the impression of being overtaken.

At present, almost all domestic smart cars already have very mature intelligent driving functions in high-speed and parking scenes, and are making efforts to assist driving in urban scenes.

For example, when Tucki launched Xmart OS 4.2 in March, it simultaneously released the first-stage capabilities of XNGP, and many of its models can open point-to-point city NGP (Intelligent Navigation Assisted Driving) in Shanghai’s high-precision map coverage area. In April, Huawei released the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 system. In the third quarter of this year, the urban NCA will realize the landing of 15 cities without maps, and in the fourth quarter, 30 cities without maps will be added.

When the limited edition of ROBO-01 lunar exploration was released in October last year, Jidu released the point-to-point navigation assistance PPA simultaneously. According to the official introduction, Jidu PPA has the high-level intelligent driving ability of "multi-domain integration" in high-speed domain, urban domain and parking domain. When ROBO-01 is delivered, the available scene coverage of PPA will reach the leading position in China. The proportion of cities in the scene of users using cars is much higher than that of high-speed and parking, so the "multi-domain integration" of PPA is the only way for high-level intelligent driving.

In addition, car companies such as Ideality, Weilai and even the Great Wall (mainly relying on its subsidiary) have similar promotion plans for urban intelligent driving.

It can be seen that Tesla, which once dominated, is full of uncertainty in the face of the competition in China’s smart driving market in 2023.

The competitive advantage of domestic intelligent driving is not only reflected in the localization of better understanding of China road conditions, but also in the leading hardware configuration. Take Tucki Expressway NGP as an example. By the end of August 2022, its accumulated mileage has reached 36.9 million kilometers. The concentration is backed by the technical empowerment of Baidu Apollo, which is not only the L4-level automatic driving ability, but also accumulated more than 50 million kilometers of test mileage. Complex "China characteristics" such as ghost probe, jam, and take-away riders all form a strong data advantage, which makes domestic intelligent drivers better understand the driving habits of China car owners and better adapt to the complex road conditions in China.

The hardware foundation determines the function of the upper software, and the domestic intelligent driver has been "armed to the teeth", and there are many volumes to be rolled. Among the representative brands of domestic smart driving, 500+TOPS computing power, 30+ sensors and laser radar are all embarrassed to take out their hands without being paired. For example, Aouita 11 is equipped with three lidar, Weilai ET7 and four Orin to pull the computing power to 1016TOPS. In addition to dual Orin X+ dual lidar, Qualcomm 8295 chip is the first to be equipped with the image convergence.

In addition to the efforts in configuration and function, the domestic intelligent driver has made multiple redundancies in safety. For example, two sets of automatic driving system perception schemes of "vision+laser radar" are applied in Jiji, which can work independently and be a safe backup for each other. In addition, the convergence has also achieved "cabin-driving integration". When the intelligent cabin domain control is extremely ineffective, the intelligent cabin domain control can take over the driving task, realize safe parking, and fully ensure the safety of intelligent driving. In addition to technology, it is the efforts made by China’s high-priced smart driving products in the popularization of science and technology.

Domestic intellectual driving technology equality,It is by no means a toy for a few people.

It must be said that Tesla’s software payment model has not only changed the business model of the traditional automobile industry, but has also been imitated by major manufacturers. However, Tesla FSD’s subscription price of 64,000 yuan is really not cheap.

The high price has discouraged many users. According to previous data, the opening rate of Tesla FSD in China is 1%-2%, and the opening rate in the global market is only about 11%, and it continues to decline. Moreover, at present, the domestic FSD is not a "complete body", which can be said to be a "castrated version" function.

Musk is also aware of this problem. In May this year, he released the news on his Twitter. Tesla will plan to provide all car owners in North America with a free one-month FSD fully automatic driving experience package, provided that the FSD is highly smooth and safe.

In fact, smart cars in China have also formed a relatively mature software payment ecology, and various optional packages for cockpit, software services and smart driving are extremely rich. At the same time, local smart car companies are also exploring new ways of playing, bringing leading functions to more users with the concept of universal technology.

Just like the limited edition of Jidu ROBO-1 lunar exploration, the official gave away many user rights and interests including high-level intelligent driving, charging and recharging, vehicle warranty, three-electricity warranty and so on for the users of lunar exploration, and they enjoyed it for life. Among them, the value of high-level intelligent driving is not less than 60,000 yuan, and it has achieved the first "following people but not following cars" mode in the industry, and you can continue to enjoy this right even if you change cars.

Xia Yiping, CEO of Jidu, even publicly stated that intelligence is standard in all departments, from the entry version to the high version, including laser radar and 35.6-inch integrated bottle. This move is tantamount to directly opening a new stage of high-level intellectual driving for science and technology inclusiveness in the domestic market.

In April this year, Ideality quickly followed suit, announcing that NOA software and services in the ideal AD Max 3.0 city will be free for life, and every AD Max user will upgrade the NOA in the AD Max 3.0 city and NOA at high speed for free.

The technology popularization of domestic smart cars is not the "backstab" of Tesla model, because technology should be popularized on a large scale instead of being lofty. With the hardware configuration and intelligent scheme of the centralized ROBO-01, there is no complicated "high-low matching" distinction. This uncomplicated and unconventional mode is not only completely different from other new domestic forces, but also a localized continuation of Tesla’s minimalist technology temperament.

Leading intelligent driving technology brings excellent driving experience to more car owners, which is the greatest significance of scientific and technological progress. At the juncture when FSD is about to enter China, a competition between local high-level intelligent driving and "overseas catfish" is also brewing.

Review the high-tech in previous Olympic Games.

  As the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil are coming, I would like to review the history and see which scientific and technological products that appeared in previous Olympic Games are still in use today.

  2000Sydney 2008 Olympic Games

  1.shark skin like swimsuit

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  For the first time in the Olympic Games, Australian star Thorpe won three gold medals in this swimsuit. Many swimmers try to enhance their competitiveness by using a "shark skin" one-piece swimsuit with a V-shaped back. Because according to the manufacturer of this swimsuit — — Speedo claims that it can increase the speed of swimmers by 3%.

  2.Trait racing suit

  Marion Jones in the United States and Cathy Freeman in Australia and other sprint stars use special running clothes developed by Nike. This kind of running suit is very sleek and has a hood, which can cover all parts of the sprinter except his face, hands and feet. This can keep the muscles warm and compress, and improve the sprinter’s performance.

  3.Recycled products sports equipment

  Steve Moneghetti, an Australian marathon runner, took part in the competition wearing shorts and vest made of recycled soft drink bottles. According to the manufacturer Nike, this material is cooler than other fabrics.

  Olympic 100-meter champion Donovan Bailey put on special running shoes made by Adidas. It is said that this special running shoe has a hard metal plate, which can keep human toes as stiff as jaguar’s claws when running.

  2004Athens Olympic Games in 2008

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  2008Beijing Olympic Games in 2008

  The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games adopted a large number of world-leading new technologies, such as ground lifting stage, multimedia, ground LED system, command system, communication system and other dozens of high and new technologies, involving many fields.

  1.Digital lamp

  The Olympic rings rose slowly in the Bird’s Nest and flew into the vast night sky. China’s ancient painting and calligraphy scrolls slowly unfolded, showing the classical artistic conception of ink painting; On the ancient Silk Road, huge wooden boats braved the wind and waves — — These shocking visual effects are outlined by the gorgeous lights of the Bird’s Nest.

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  At the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, more than 600 competition lights in the Bird’s Nest were all abandoned, and Zhang Yimou chose its own lighting. Science and technology have entered the digital age, and the lighting effect has also transitioned to digital lights. This new lighting effect makes the scale and imagination of the stage effect of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games to the extreme. Digital lights are used in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: PG lights, that is, high-brightness projection lamp. By using the principle of optical projection and high-brightness light source, the contents on the negative are projected to the ground in full color, which can form a very visual impact picture effect at night. In the performance of the opening ceremony, the large scroll that runs through the center of the venue and the evolution animation from ancient times to modern times are successively displayed on the scroll, all of which are projected to the center of the venue by this PG lamp after pre-production. The simplicity of black-and-white contrast of China ink painting, the splendor of western oil painting and the strong color of Impressionism are all presented by this high-tech technology.


  LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a semiconductor solid light emitting device, which uses a solid semiconductor chip as a light emitting material. When direct voltage is added at both ends, carriers in the semiconductor recombine to cause photon emission and generate light. LED can directly emit red, yellow, blue, green, cyan, orange, purple and white light.

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  In the 2008 Olympic Games, LED was used to the maximum extent. The opening scroll is opened on a huge LED screen. The screen is 147 meters long and 22 meters wide. It is a huge platform with the highest scientific and technological content, with 44,000 LEDs on it. The light and shadow effects made by LED are closely combined with performances, which conjure up various patterns and introduce the audience into a fantastic world. After repeated tests, LED can completely stand the tests of stepping on by actors and flooding. Although the whole opening ceremony took a long time, the key technologies such as battery solved the energy problem of LED.

  3.Aluminum alloy material

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  At the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, a big hole was opened in the center of the stage, and a "earth" with a height of 6 stories and a diameter of about 20 meters slowly rose from it. Where is such a big "earth" hiding? It turns out that this "earth" is compressed underground first, that is to say, the spherical structure must be flexible. When placed on the ground, it is oval, and it will become spherical after being pulled up by the steel wire above.

  After the ball is lifted by the lifting platform, the actor needs to perform on the vertical surface of the ball, so it needs strong stability after lifting to ensure the safety and effect of the performance. This all depends on high-tech aluminum alloy photosensitive materials, which makes the "earth" flexible.


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  At the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, "birds" and "whales" flew and swam freely over the huge scrolls. How did these come about? It turns out that slide projection technology was used in the opening ceremony before, but this time, all kinds of multimedia equipment were used. It can use computers to digitize media information such as words, graphics, images, animations, sounds and videos, and then integrate them into a certain interactive interface, so as to create a bowl-shaped screen of thousands of square meters at the top of the Bird’s Nest, showing a clear picture of the whale swimming freely and expressing the harmony between man and nature.

  5.Digital ignition

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  Twenty-nine huge colorful footprints made up of fireworks opened the curtain of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games, symbolizing that the modern Olympic Games is coming towards Beijing step by step and entering the Bird’s Nest. The lighting of these 29 big footprints is controlled by computer system and digital lighting is adopted. This technology can ignite all fireworks in a short time, ensuring that fireworks can cross 3.5 kilometers in just a few seconds. In addition, there are 22 launching points in the dragon-shaped water system next to the Bird’s Nest. After digital control by computer, all fireworks bombs can shoot into the sky one after another, making the fireworks look like a flying dragon. Although traditional fireworks are still used, after digital ignition, fireworks show different visual effects from the past.

  2012London 2008 Olympic Games

  1.Photographic robot

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  Getty Images, the official photo agency of London Olympic Games, installed photographic robots in some Olympic venues, which can realize remote control and 360-degree rotation. According to the NBC report, "photographic equipment can be hidden in flashlights, rafters and scaffolding, and placed in and around the Olympic Games, which can play the most important role in places where photographers can’t reach because of distance and safety reasons."

  2.A more attractive voice

  It is reported in the Atlantic Monthly that most of the voices heard on TV during watching the Olympic Games are not true. Some sounds were not recorded at the game site, at least in this sense, it is not true. Some audio is recorded in advance under optimized conditions and then used for TV broadcast. The website of Atlantic Monthly also cited an example of the Olympic archery competition. An Olympic audio engineer said that the sound was based on the sound he heard in the movie Robin Hood. He used a special microphone to collect the sound on the ground between the archer and the arrow rake. It is said that this method produces a sound that no one can actually experience at the scene.

  3.Double runway

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  The runway of the main stadium of London Olympic Games has adopted a brand-new surface, which means that track and field athletes do not need to wear spikes to participate in the competition. According to the BBC, "Other runways are designed with rubber particles on the top floor, which combines the traction and shock absorption. Different from the past, the runway designed by Mondo separates these functions into two layers. The bottom layer is padded, which can cushion and shock absorption, and the top layer is durable, which can maximize the skid resistance, adhesion friction and durability. " This design makes it unnecessary for athletes to wear spikes on the track.

  4.artificial limb


  South African athlete Oscar Pistorius, who has nicknames such as "Oscar Pistorius" and "the fastest legless man in the world", became the first athlete to use artificial limbs to participate in the Paralympic Games. After a controversy over whether artificial limbs should be allowed to participate in the Olympic Games, Pistorius used special carbon fiber artificial limbs to participate in the 400-meter and 4×400-meter relay races.

  5. Athletes who put data first

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  London Olympic Games is a "digital Olympics". Many athletes use sleep tracking devices and motion capture systems to understand their physical condition more accurately. According to the Financial Times, some companies dealing in biometric instruments also deal with athletes to participate in data collection to improve the performance of gadgets.

  6.Virtual bicycle


  Although it is thousands of miles away from London, Australian cyclists have been training in London cycling track by using virtual reality technology. In a video of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation explaining the technology, it can be seen that cyclists are looking at a screen that looks like a video game, which is actually an environment that is completely simulated according to the London Olympic Road Cycling Stadium. Each training bicycle is fixed in the Australia Institute of Sport, but it is equipped with a screen, a GPS and some ranging tools. This system can also collect the training data of athletes, and the coach can clearly know their time-consuming, speed, energy and riding distance.

  7.start detection system

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  Omega, the official timer of the Olympic Games, brought a new starting equipment to swimming and track and field events in London Olympic Games. The track starter is fully electronic for the first time. It is said that the technology in the 1970s required athletes to push the starting device 5 mm to start. Now, swimmers start to light up directly to show who is in the first place, who is in the second place and who is in the third place.

  8.Kick sensor

  Originally, the Olympic Games may cancel the Taekwondo competition, but technically recording the strength and accuracy of kicking may save the event. Zhao Zhengyuan, president of the World Taekwondo Federation, said in an interview: "I think Taekwondo will really benefit from technology, because it can ensure that medals will be awarded to the best athletes and will not be awarded to others because of misjudgment by the referee. This is an excellent opportunity for us to stay in the Olympic Games. There are few competitions with this technology, which will help to eliminate human errors in taekwondo competitions. "

  9.Digital housekeeper

  Being selected for the Olympic Games is not only a proof of strength for an athlete, but also a supreme honor. Can the organizers of the Olympic Games use the power of science and technology to help athletes concentrate on the competition and eliminate their worries in life? Atos, the digital partner of the London Olympic Games, did just that. Atos Company established an identity information system for nearly 15,000 athletes who participated in the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. The athletes who were included in the system were equivalent to obtaining a certification label, which made it easier to obtain visas and a series of preferential policies. Atos Company has also compiled a supporting application, so that athletes can log in to their identity accounts through their mobile phones, tablets or computers on weekdays. The account will contain a lot of information including the competition schedule, training plan and competition results, which is equivalent to providing a "digital housekeeper" for each participant.

  10.Reduce the burden on runners


  As a space power, the United States has also applied its own space technology to the preparations for the Olympic Games. Shannon Rowbury, a well-known American long-distance runner, unfortunately suffered from an injury and her femur was damaged. However, with the help of space science and technology, she only rested for six weeks after diagnosis and resumed training. Robery uses a set of AlterG anti-gravity running assistant device, which allows the trainer to train with at least 20% of his own weight, and the physical burden of the athlete will be greatly reduced. The principle of this treadmill is to pump air into the air bag around the runner’s waist. When the air pressure in the air bag rises, the runner will be lifted and the weight load will be reduced. Athletes can reduce their weight by up to 80% simply by pressing the up/down buttons in the panel.

  11.Team overall data analysis


  For cyclists, the wind tunnel laboratory is their loyal scientific and technological partner. The data analysis in the wind tunnel laboratory can help athletes optimize training programs, adjust training methods, and improve their performance by using aerodynamic scientific and technological achievements. But for a long time, the analysis of wind tunnel laboratory can only serve an athlete on a personal basis. Researchers at Monash University in Australia have improved an experimental device used to test airplanes and cars, enabling it to collect data of athletes for analysis. More crucially, this machine has crossed the barrier of analyzing individuals before, and can analyze the data of the whole bicycle fleet at the same time. In this way, the coach can make a training plan for the whole team according to the analysis results and find ways to improve the team’s performance.

  12.Red BullXplan


  Although an athlete participates in the Olympic Games alone, he represents more than just him. Behind the athletes, there is a team of coaches who support his motherland and train for him. Lolo Jones, an American hurdler, participated in the Red Bull Project X. She once said in a video: "I’m not fighting alone". The video shows the whole team behind Jones: a coach, a director, a manager, a sports scientist, a coaching consultant and a physiology consultant. Such a rich and powerful work team is naturally not busy in vain, they use the most cutting-edge technology.

  The Red Bull X project uses a 3D digital analysis system, which can do many things that humans can’t. Plan X is divided into three parts — — Vicon 3D tracking system, optical measurement system Optojump Next and data acquisition tool Phantom Flex Camera. The three technologies complement each other, which can not only give a macro evaluation of athletes’ performance, but also disassemble every minute of training competition into countless tiny fragments for analysis.

  Jones’s team made 39 reflection marks on her body. With these marks, 40 Vicon T40S motion capture cameras capable of shooting 2000 frames per second will track all her movements. Optojump Next, an optical measurement system, will decompose every jump of Jones into contact time, flight time, height, hurdle rhythm, specific energy, specific power, total energy and total power. Finally, Phantom Flex Camera, a top camera capable of shooting 10,750 frames per second, will record Jones’ every minute with images.

  "If technology can help an athlete perform better, then this system can benefit everyone." Jones’s average hurdle time is 12.5 seconds, which she believes is largely due to the help of the team and technology behind her.

  13.Real time feedback device


  Good results in the competition will be cheered by the audience and graded by the referee. However, in training, how do athletes know their performance? Jonathan Green, composer, sound engineer and Gregory Sporton, dancer of the Visualization Research Unit at the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design in Birmingham, England, developed a feedback system called Motivepro. The original intention of this system is to provide real-time action feedback for dancers. Dancers are required to wear a series of sensors, and their movement information will be collected by Motivepro. Once the wearer’s physical activity exceeds the preset range, the vibrator in the device will vibrate to remind him.

  Mimi Cesar, a rhythmic gymnast, found that this system can also be applied to rhythmic gymnastics similar to dance. For rhythmic gymnastics, the synchronization of the team is particularly critical. Motivepro system can give a reminder when an athlete’s movements are out of step, and can also collect sports information for the coach to analyze. With this system to help train, will the cooperation of the whole team be more tacit?

  14.Brand-new pool take-off platform


  The 2012 London Olympic Games used a brand-new upgraded swimming pool jumping platform in swimming competition. The platform was designed and manufactured by Omega. Compared with the previous take-off platform, the progress is that it has an adjustable inclined pedal certified by patent, which makes the athlete’s hind legs bend into a 90-degree angle when taking off in a squatting manner, which is considered to be the most suitable take-off posture. The new take-off platform is also equipped with a brand-new sensing system. This sensing system can ensure that athletes can hear the whistle at the beginning of the game at the same time, which can effectively avoid unnecessary mistakes of athletes. At the same time, the newly upgraded swimming pool take-off platform in Shanghai is equipped with a signal light system called "Swimming Ranking Indicator". At the end of the competition, the swimming lanes that won the first, second and third place will be marked on the take-off platform by different light spots, so that the audience can see at a glance.

  15.Advanced drug testing equipment


  GlaxoSmithKline is at King’ s College next to the Olympic Park. S College) has set up The Science Centre to serve the Olympic drug testing. During the Olympic Games, the center worked 24 hours a day, monitoring more than 6,000 urine samples and blood samples every day. After each competition, all the medal winners and the remaining half of the randomly selected contestants enter the center for illegal drug testing. The tested samples are divided into two parts, A and B, and A is stored for eight years for future more advanced scientific and technological testing; B was sent to the drug testing center. The drug testing center can check 70 illegal drug ingredients in one test, and each sample will be tested here for a total of 240 illegal drug ingredients. It can be seen that the fair conduct of the Olympic Games has a strong technical guarantee.

  16.Electronic medical records


  General Electric (GE) Medical Company provided an electronic medical record solution for the 2012 London Olympic Games, which made it possible for doctors and athletes to make medical records accessible through the Internet. The electronic medical records covering more than 700 participants were made in 90 days after the countdown to the London Olympic Games. At the same time, GE Medical Company also installed medical diagnostic equipment in the Olympic Park as a supporting facility for the whole set of electronic medical records.

  17.Top medical logistics


  During the Olympic Games, more than 16,000 Olympic athletes and more than 6,000 Paralympic athletes living in the Olympic Village will be fortunate to receive top-level medical logistics support. The latest version of super-large magnetic resonance imaging instrument, ultra-high-definition CT instrument, wireless digital X-ray detection system, upgraded ultrasonic detector and ECG detection equipment specially designed for the Olympic Games provided by GE Medical Company have all opened the eyes of medical volunteers for the Olympic Games. These equipments will not be removed after the Olympic Games, and they will continue to serve in this land that bears cheers and sweat.

  2014Sochi Winter Olympics in 2008

  Snow making: snow cannon

  Snow making machine is a brand-new snow making system, which forms ice on an evaporator at -15℃ and sends it to ski slopes through cooled air. Due to the climate, Beijing and Zhangjiakou host the Winter Olympics, and a large number of snow making equipment will be used. Funa machine is not affected by climate, so long as it can keep a certain amount of water, it can make snow.

  At the Sochi Olympic Games, the venue was really unfortunate — — Sochi is one of the warmest regions in Russia. In order to ensure that there is enough powdery snow to support the competition, Russian organizers use snow cannons to shoot a large number of artificial snowflakes. According to the news released by The New York Times, about 230 million gallons of water were used to make snow in this competition, and the snowfall covered an area of about 1,000 football fields.

Winter Olympics, do you know | Alpine skiing: the crown jewel of the Winter Olympics.

Introduction of alpine skiing rules. Video source: BOCOG (03:24) [Editor’s note]
Beijing Winter Olympics has entered the final countdown of 30 days, and China Olympic athletes are ready to set off, waiting for the decisive moment.
So how much do you know about the competitive events of the Winter Olympics? On this occasion, The Paper has launched the column "Winter Olympics, Do You Know?", which brings a panoramic analysis of the popular science of the Winter Olympics and helps you easily understand the ice and snow doorways.
Alpine skiing is gradually formed on the basis of cross-country skiing and is a branch of snow sports. Since 1936, alpine skiing has been listed as an event in the Winter Olympics, which has quickly attracted the attention of global winter sports enthusiasts for its ornamental and challenging nature.As the host, China has already qualified for 10 events of alpine skiing in the Beijing Winter Olympics. At present, only the women’s super slalom event needs to be continued.
Project introductionAlpine skiing is known as "the jewel in the crown of the Winter Olympics" and is one of the most ornamental competitions.
The competition is a snow racing sport with skis, snowshoes, fixers and ski pole as the main equipment, which slides down from mountain to mountain and along the track set by Qimen.
Alpine skiing in the Olympic Games includes men’s events, women’s events and mixed events. Among them, men’s events and women’s events have five events: downhill, slalom, giant slalom, super giant slalom and all-around, while the mixed events are mixed team events.
Among them, downhill and super giant slalom are speed events, and the ranking is determined according to the result of one slide. Slewing and giant slalom are technical events, which are calculated by the total results of two taxiways.
The alpine skiing competition of Beijing Winter Olympics was held at the National Alpine Ski Center, which produced 11 gold medals. Austria, Switzerland, Norway and other European countries are powerful alpine skiing countries.
gameIn the alpine skiing competition, the rules require the contestants to glide through the marked flag gate in zigzag and slide down the slope at an ultra-fast speed.
Players need to cross a series of flag gates on the taxiing route while sliding down. If a player misses a flag gate, he must go back and cross the missed flag gate again, otherwise he will lose the qualification.
In each event of alpine skiing, a single person starts, and the starting order is determined by drawing lots, but some events need to ski twice, and the order of the second starting is determined by the results of the first competition.
At the time of departure, athletes must wear sportswear with official seal marks (that is, clothes checked and approved by referees), starting number cloth, helmet, snowboard and ski pole, and at the same time, they must use detachable fixers.
The difference between alpine skiing events mainly lies in the different height difference between the starting and ending points of the venue, the different requirements of terrain and slope, and the different methods and numbers of flag gates.
The height difference between the starting point and the end point of the downhill field is 800-1000m for men and 500-700m for women. The length of the line should ensure that the best performance of men is not less than 2 minutes and that of women is not less than 1 minute and 40 seconds in the Winter Olympics and World Championships.
The venue for the slalom should be built on a hillside with a slope of 20 -27 degrees. The width of the venue shall not be less than 40m, and the height difference between the starting point and the ending point is 140m-220m for men and 120m-180m for women. There are 55-75 flag gates for men and 45-60 for women.
The giant slalom venue is usually sloping and wavy, with a width of at least 30 meters. The height difference between the starting point and the finishing point is 350-400 meters for men and 260-350 meters for women. The number of flag gates should be 12-15% of the height difference.
The mixed team race is a parallel race with giant slalom flag gates. The track is 250-300 meters, and the gate spacing is longer than the slalom, but shorter than the slalom.
Historical originAlpine skiing originated in the Alps, so it is also called "alpine skiing". Alpine skiing is gradually formed on the basis of cross-country skiing and is a branch of snow sports.
It is generally believed that alpine skiing was born in 1907, when the first alpine skiing organization "Alpine Ski Club" was founded.
Since the 1920s, alpine skiing competitions have been held in the Alps, and various alpine skiing schools have been established. Since 1936, alpine skiing has been listed as an event in the Winter Olympics.
At first, only men and women were all-around (cancelled in 1952 and restored in 1988). In 1948, men’s and women’s downhill and slalom were added, and in 1952, men’s and women’s giant slalom was added. By 1988, it had increased to 10 events including men’s and women’s super slalom.
China legionAt the ice and snow media meeting in China on December 24th, Liu Zhen, the leader of the alpine skiing national training team, described the project the team was engaged in with "the sport of the brave".
Although China has a weak foundation in alpine skiing, it has achieved great-leap-forward development under the encouragement of the Beijing Winter Olympics. According to Liu Zhen, in the 11 events of alpine skiing, the China team has won 10 events. Next, China athletes will try their best to get the qualification in the women’s super slalom qualifying competition, so as to achieve the small goal of participating in all events of the Beijing Olympic Games.
Affected by the epidemic, the players will not be able to participate in international competitions in 2020, and they will fall behind in the points of Winter Olympics. Since February, 2021, China Alpine Ski Training Team has been catching up by participating in the International Snow Federation Points Tournament held in Xiaohaituo, Yanqing and Yabuli, Heilongjiang.
On August 21st last year, a group of 21 people from China Alpine Ski Training Team came to Austria from Beijing, and continued to challenge the Olympic qualifications. So far, they have obtained the qualifications for 10 events.
Athletes are also actively striving for the only women’s super slalom that has not qualified for the Beijing Winter Olympics. At present, two athletes have scored 82 points and 85 points in a single game respectively; In the next competition, as long as the athletes score 77 points and 74 points respectively, they will be qualified for the women’s super giant slalom.
According to the schedule, the men’s team left for home last month and entered the closed training base of Chongli. The women’s team will participate in the last week’s competition in Europe from January 10 to 14, and return to China on the 16th, and go directly to Yanqing to prepare for the sprint.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

AFC publicly apologized and compensated China: Maintain the dignity of football!

Foreword of football world from a new perspective: Enthusiasm and order interweave. Welcome everyone to enter the football world. Here, we will discuss fairness, order and various stories behind football. I hope you can share this wonderful journey with me.

1. Controversial moment: What’s the meaning behind passion? In an Asian Games, a fierce confrontation between the China men’s soccer team and the Qatari team aroused widespread concern. In that game, the conflict between the two players not only increased the tension of the game, but also became the focus of media attention. In the end, although China successfully advanced, it also paid the price of players’ suspension and injury, and even suffered defeat in the follow-up matches. The AFC imposed a fine on this, and the issue of fine also caused many discussions outside.

2. Reflection on Asian football: Exploration of fairness and order Conflicts and disputes will not only affect the team’s performance, but also affect the fans’ enthusiasm for football. In order to ensure the fairness and order of the game, the Asian football community needs to reflect deeply and take corresponding measures. At the same time, the players should also show a more professional and disciplined attitude on the court to bring more exciting games to the fans.

3. Redefining Fairness: The Choice and Challenge of AFC Recently, AFC cancelled the qualification of direct promotion to the World Cup qualifiers, which caused widespread controversy. Some people think that this decision is more conducive to strong teams, while ignoring those teams affected by various reasons such as the epidemic. Fairness is not only a reflection of achievements, but also various factors behind it need to be fully considered.

4. The charm of football: not only competitive football is not only a competition, but also the intersection of emotions, enthusiasm and dreams. On this pitch, every player is fighting for honor and dreams. As fans, we should understand and support them. Conclusion: enthusiasm in order, order in enthusiasm In the world of football, enthusiasm and order are not contradictory. Every game is an exploration of fairness, discipline and enthusiasm. Let’s look forward to more exciting football.

Football enters the era of big data. China sports should practice the basic skills of the new era.

  Football enters the era of big data (Dazhao Review)

  Three days ago, Shandong Luneng Taishan professional football club management information system based on big data entered a new stage of version 3.0, and once again took the lead in football management concepts and innovations in the new era.

  Since 2015, Shandong Luneng Taishan Club has extensively learned from the research results in the field of global football big data, and continuously improved the level of data mining, analysis and application. Through more than two years of efforts, it has established an information management system including 10 modules including teams, players, competitions, training, medical care and public opinion.

  At the same time, China Football Association has also made plans for the construction of information management system and accelerated its implementation. This is an important measure to change the backward appearance of football in China and meet the needs of the public for football development.

  Today’s society has entered the era of knowledge economy with information technology as the core, and informatization has become a booster to promote national economic and social development. To improve the overall level of football and sports in China in many aspects, it is necessary to be good at obtaining data, analyzing data and using data. Football managers at all levels should also strengthen their study, understand big data, make good use of big data, enhance their ability to use data to promote training and management, improve the efficiency of talent training, and reduce the blindness and deviation of football market operation.

  Although the concept of big data has been put forward for nearly 10 years, it is still a new thing to become a new stage of information development. China football’s understanding and cognition of this is still in the initial state. It is very gratifying that Shandong Luneng Taishan Club has taken the lead, and it will certainly benefit more than one club. The strategic significance of big data technology is not to master huge data information, but to professionally process these data and realize the "value-added" of data through "processing". It is a means to develop the cause and improve the level. Information system can’t directly improve the level of football in China, but ignoring information or staying in the old view of the role of information can’t meet the new needs of football development.

  Objective data and scientific analysis are the key functions and values of information systems. On the other hand, if the data is untrue and the analysis is unscientific, then the misleading disaster may be very terrible. Football is originally a highly socialized sport, and big data is the product of the open era. Any idea of being closed and exclusive is incomprehensible to big data. The management information system of Shandong Luneng Taishan Club was established with the cooperation of many domestic and foreign partners.

  Please cherish this scientific and technological progress and major breakthrough. Football in China has caught up with the new era. In the face of this new topic in the field of football, even if it is slightly behind, it is much smaller than the gap in football competition, and the confidence in catching up with and surpassing the advanced level in the world should be much greater.

Warriors! West Ham fans singled out dozens of football hooligans to protect their stands.

On May 20th, Beijing time, the British media "Mirror" reported that Fonal, who scored the goal, was not the only Hammer hero on the night when West Ham advanced to the UEFA final. Because after the game, the West Ham fans who played away from home were attacked by the fans of the home team, and then a fan bravely fought with dozens of extreme fans to protect his own fans.

That night, Fonal scored a winner in the 94th minute of the game, helping the Hammers win 1-0 away, with a total score of 3-1 to advance to the UEFA final, which is also their entry into the European final after 47 years. However, due to the ugly incident in the stadium, the celebration of the team was interrupted, and friends and family members of West Ham United players also became the targets of extreme fans in Alkmar.

Previously, the railing separating the fans of the two teams was removed, and those extreme fans dressed in black and black hats attacked the visiting fans, but West Ham fans would never sit idly by. In fact, a fan bravely repelled dozens of football hooligans and protected his fans. There is a photo circulating on social media, in which a man named "Knollsy" stands at the forefront of the conflict, trying to stop extremists who want to attack visiting fans, and he protects the weaker fans behind him. Although his coat was torn by his opponent, he did not hesitate to confront his opponent wearing a balaclava hat.

Another man in the crowd was very appreciative of these brave moves. He posted a photo on social media with the caption: "Knollsy, a legend. Stopped the home fans from attacking the players’ families. Give him a final ticket. "

Many Dutch fans also praised Knollsy as a hero, and felt contempt for the behavior of extreme fans in Alkmar. He wrote in social media: "I am ashamed of the unbearable attacks of Alkmar fans. What they have done is disgusting."

Other fans also praised Knollsy’s selfless behavior and "paid tribute to him". In fact, Knollsy was known to West Ham United as early as 2021, when he was struggling with illness. Then West Ham United player Rice posted a video on social media and said, "I just want to extend my best wishes to you and everyone in West Ham. We are all fighting for you, man."

In the clash on Thursday night, many West Ham players also wanted to take part because they wanted to protect their families and friends. UEFA has confirmed that disciplinary action will be taken against Alkmar and his fans after the full report is released.

AC Milan’s midfield configuration has fatal shortcomings, and it is necessary to reinforce the confrontation-capable experts this summer.

Competing for the Champions League next season will be the number one goal of AC Milan in the rest of this season. No matter for the future development of the team or the club’s financial income, the Champions League seat is an indispensable part. Moreover, this will greatly affect the investment and signings of management Maldini and Ma Sala in the transfer market this summer.

Compared with the front line and the backcourt, the position of the midfield is the most criticized by the Rossoneri this season. With the club’s current investment strategy and development vision, it is difficult to ask for both winning and beautiful scenes. Although the team can have some representative performances in the strong dialogue this season, it can’t control the situation frequently because of insufficient lineup reserves in the face of weak teams.

The combination of Ben Nasser, Tonali, krunic and Diaz in the middle is always in a state of ups and downs, and the confrontation ability often suffers losses on the court, which can’t cause enough trouble for opponents. If we can have a player who can fight and take on the dirty work, it will be a great boost to the Rossoneri’s midfield strength to liberate the strengths of Ben Nasser or Tonali.

Tonali is the most indispensable midfielder in Pioli’s team at present, who can attack and retreat, while others have certain shortcomings. Ben Nasser needs to be absent for a long time after being seriously injured, and his state is unknown. When he played with Diaz, because neither of them had an advantage, he was often regarded as the key target of attack by his opponent.

Although krunic, a tiger balm, can provide tactical functions in some cases, he can constantly make up for the position and coordinate defense in the backcourt, but once he needs to press forward or take on more offensive responsibilities, he can’t do anything about it. Combing and passing is not his strong point, and he can only contact his teammates through short-distance cross passes and return safe balls. The strength of players is obviously only suitable for the role positioning of rotation.

It may be the most appropriate solution to form an all-round balanced trio, so as to increase the personnel reserve and thickness of the lineup, and let head coach Pioli have more candidates with different tactical styles on the bench, and adopt different tactical arrangements according to different opponents to pursue further achievements.

There is only one theory left for Liverpool to compete for four. klopp: It’s not bad to play in the Europa League.

Titan sports All Media Original

In the 37th round of the Premier League, Liverpool drew 1-1 at home with Aston Villa. Towards the end of the game, firmino, who came on as a substitute, scored an absolute goal for Liverpool, helping Liverpool keep the suspense of the fourth round. Because Manchester United won this round, Liverpool are currently three points behind Manchester United in one game, and it is only possible to compete for four.

In an interview after the game, Liverpool manager klopp said, "We didn’t play well in the first half, and we were too impatient, whether we had the ball or not. Obviously, we have to calm down in the second half. After that, we scored a goal, but it was invalid, and then we scored another goal and tied. "

"This result is acceptable. We haven’t played well enough for a long time this season, but we still made this journey very exciting. Seven weeks ago, I thought it was impossible to compete for four. "

Regarding Aston Villa’s waste of time at the end of the game, klopp said, "It can be said that the problem is obvious. I think we have often seen this situation throughout the season, especially today. It is no problem to make up for 10 minutes, but in these 10 minutes, should we make up for another 5 minutes? "

Talking about the players who are about to leave the team, klopp said, "firmino and Milner have proved who they are in 20 minutes, showing the reasons why we love them and the qualities they will bring to their new owners."

"We will miss them, but like all good stories in life, there will be an end when there is a beginning. Their story here is over and we will write a new chapter. "

"Considering these teams competing with us, it is a good result to qualify for the Europa League. The competition was fierce, and we finished the task, which is good. The Europa League is also good, let’s see what we can do. "
