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Difference between Mercedes E260 and E300


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Mercedes-Benz E260 and E300 are two classic Mercedes-Benz E-Class models, which are different in appearance, interior and performance. Next, I will introduce the differences between the two models in detail. `



1. Differences in design


Mercedes-Benz E260 and E300 are basically the same in appearance design, and both adopt the classic design elements of Mercedes-Benz E-Class models, such as streamlined body and large air intake grille. However, the E300 model has been improved in details, such as a more luxurious wheel design and a more exquisite chrome decoration. `



2. Differences in interior design


` In terms of interior decoration, the difference between E260 and E300 is mainly reflected in the materials and configuration. The E300 model is made of higher-grade leather, and the seat is more comfortable. In addition, E300 is equipped with some high-end configurations, such as panoramic sunroof and seat heating, to provide drivers and passengers with a more comfortable driving experience. `



3. Difference of dynamic performance


In terms of power performance, the difference between E260 and E300 is mainly reflected in the engine and driving mode. E260 is equipped with a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine, while E300 is equipped with a 3.0-liter turbocharged engine, which has stronger power performance. In addition, the E300 is equipped with a four-wheel drive system, which provides better driving stability and safety. `



4. Differences in safety performance


In terms of safety performance, E260 and E300 are equipped with the standard safety configuration of Mercedes-Benz E-Class vehicles, such as ABS, EBD and ESP. However, E300 is also equipped with some high-end safety features, such as blind spot monitoring and lane departure warning, to provide drivers with more comprehensive and safe driving protection. `



5. Price difference


In terms of price, the price of E260 is usually lower than that of E300, but the specific price will be different due to factors such as regions, distributors and promotional activities. When purchasing, you can consult your local Mercedes-Benz dealer for the latest price information. `



In order to show the differences between the two models more intuitively, I made a table for comparison:


From the above comparison, we can see that Mercedes-Benz E260 and E300 are different in appearance design, interior configuration, power performance and safety performance. However, the specific choice of which model needs to be comprehensively considered according to personal needs and budget. `


How to Tell the "China Story" in China Musical?

  China musicals have been developed for 20 years since they created and performed "Yangko Romance" and "Legend of White Snake". In these 20 years, China musicals have experienced ups and downs, however, there is still a long way to go from the developed countries in Europe and America in the presentation of their works, and even there are many gaps with the development of Japanese and Korean musicals. Last weekend, on the occasion of the 2nd Beijing Tianqiao Musical Performance Season, the "2016 Asian Musical Development Trend Forum" was held at the same time. How to develop China musicals became the focus of the forum.

  There are many grand theaters that are idle.

  In recent years, the hardware facilities of cultural construction have developed rapidly, and the grand theater has been rising all over China, which is gratifying. However, after the completion of the new theater, how to develop musical as one of the software has become an urgent problem.

  Li Dun, a producer of musicals, believes that "musicals have developed rapidly in China. In 2014, there were 1,518 musical performances, an increase of 12.4% over the same period in 2013. Among them, 930 original musicals were performed, accounting for 60% of the total musical performances for the first time, and its development activity is close to the data of South Korea, a developed Asian musical country. On the other hand, the investment in national theater construction is too fast, but the supply of theater performance content is insufficient. Nearly one-third of the performance venues are idle or used for other purposes. Most local group performances are difficult to support local theaters, and more excellent performance groups and original plays are urgently needed. "

  Experts attending the meeting thought that the hardware of Tianqiao Art Center, Shanghai Cultural Square and theaters in many places is already very good. In contrast, the original software of China musicals is still difficult to match the hardware, and there is no representative classic of China original musicals. The basic talent pool of musicals is not enough, and the market of musicals is not strong enough to support the perennial performances of theaters everywhere. These are the problems that need to be solved in the development of China musicals.

  There is self-promotion but no good story.

  There is no classic musical in China. This judgment comes from the fact that the original musical did not get good feedback after it was put into the market, and it can only be performed in one place for two or three times. The judgment of its standard comes more from self-promotion. In addition to the market operation problem, poor storytelling is one reason.

  Lv Yisheng, former president of Beijing Dance Academy and founder of musical teaching major, said: "In the past two years, I have participated in large-scale competitions of mainstream groups, including musicals, operas and dance dramas, all of which are non-verbal arts, but there is also a drama problem. The foundation of drama cannot be laid, and it is useless to sing musicals and dance well. " Lv Yisheng compares the stage art that needs to tell stories with Hollywood and Broadway musicals. "We all choose real materials, but we make the real ones fake, and Hollywood makes the fake ones real."

  In Lu Yisheng’s view, the poor storytelling of the script is mainly due to the writer’s cultivation: "Not only the cultivation of the bank, but also the cultivation of cross-border. You must have all aspects of cultivation to tell the story of the musical well."

  There is a musical major, but no outstanding talents can be cultivated.

  In the developed countries of musicals, a city has more than ten musicals every day, but no city in China can do it. In addition to the problem of original musical writers, finding musical actors is also a big problem.

  Yin Haozhen, director of Korean musical, said: "One of the problems encountered in the development of musical in China is the cultivation of talents. In Seoul, South Korea, many musicals are staged every day. When recruiting actors for musicals, there will be about 1,500 actors for each role, and the professional education of musicals has become very popular. With this foundation, there will be great development of musicals. "

  In China, although many art colleges now have musical majors, the talents trained are flawed, the actors from drama colleges lack singing and dancing skills, the dance and acting skills from music colleges are insufficient, and the singing skills from dance colleges are flawed, so it is difficult to find comprehensive high-level musical actors.

  In musical teaching, some teachers have misunderstandings about students’ material selection and teaching, thinking that they can sing musicals if they can sing pop songs. Therefore, it is really hard to find an actor with a real dramatic voice. The weakness of talents is also a reason for the slow development of China’s original musicals.

  Many musicals have no box office.

  In addition, the operation mode did not form an effective scale of development, which also limited the development of China musicals. In original musical dramas, some are created as brands of regional cultural construction, and many of them have not really entered the market operation mode; Some musicals are produced and run by musicians themselves, and there is not much financial support. However, in developed countries in Europe and America, as well as South Korea and Japan, the main reason why musicals can form a climate is to enter the real market operation.

  In the past two years, there have been seven-act musical production companies in the market, which have produced One Step to Heaven, Avenue Q, I, Don Quixote and The Sound of Music. Sha Qing, director of the application of Seven Acts Life, said: "Seven Acts thinks that musicals are more important in terms of operation, and we use a stupid method to make them — — The more money you spend, the better the product. We still take this very seriously. There is no shortcut to this. "

  In terms of operation, the "Seven Acts" also adopted a "stupid" approach. Sha Qing said: "We expect to support ourselves at the box office. Perhaps it is smarter to burn investors’ money or rely on subsidies. However, we believe that if we want to develop healthily for a long time, we must rely on the box office. "

  In this regard, some predecessors in the musical industry think that the idea of "Seven Acts" is a bit "idealistic". Because in the current market environment, although the annual box office income is constantly improving, on the whole, the pressure to rely solely on the box office to support themselves is still great.

  However, in Sha Qing’s view, a company with no college background like "Seven Acts" has to earn enough money at the box office if it wants to survive for a long time, and every drama has to make money. Only in this way can we survive.

  Fan Chong, a screenwriter and producer of musicals, said: "The biggest problem in China musicals is learning. Why study? Learn what? How to learn? First of all, producers and producers need to learn how to control the volume and scale of a play, how to evaluate the cost of a play, how to radiate values, and whether there is any soil for this play to perform in China. Drama needs rationality and data, cost control, and attracting the most audience with the least money. Creators should be rigorous and responsible to the audience, investors and theaters. Only by focusing on one thing can we witness the arrival of a musical era in China. "

  Text/reporter Lun Bing

The "drama essence" company behind "Cang Lan Ji"

Author | Weinika

Editor | Li Chunhui

The drama powder of the three ancient dolls in the summer file fell into a heated debate about the ranking. But no matter what criteria you use,From the perspective of publicity, Freesia is the best and richest.

There are only 90 Weibo hot searches in the long broadcast cycle of 56 episodes of "Splendid Star"; Also divided into two parts, 59 episodes of "Aquilaria Resina", 116 hot searches in Weibo; But "Freesia Tactics" has not been broadcast yet, so far it has reached 131 hot searches in Weibo.

The image comes from the hot search engine, and the data ends on August 27th.

The gap in Tik Tok’s hot list is even wider. From the second day of its broadcast, Freesia has been on the hot list, with an average of 5 hot list topics per day and up to 10 hot list topics per day. And "brilliant star" has never been on a hot list. Although Aquilaria Resinatum is on the list almost every day, the number is small, 1-4, and not all of them are positive topics.

It is clear at a glance that the cost of the publication of Canglan strategics is plentiful. It is needless to say that its broadcasting platform, iQiyi, is now open source and thrifty, and its consistent announcement strategy. Why is the film so exciting? It has to be said that the magical company behind "Freesia", which was established only four years ago, suddenly became popular-stellar gravity.

The general impression it gives the people who eat melons is that the boss, Wang Yixi, is very skillful, and he always replies to fans or publishes small essays. For example, he cries on the high-speed rail when he hears that the heat is breaking through. The impression given to insiders is that they are rich and know nothing else.

Nowadays, because of the discussion of freesia, many drama fans begin to hope that the gravity of stars will inherit the mantle of ancient dolls. In their view, Tang people declined from brain drain, and Zhouyi declined from the break of capital chain. The stellar gravity found the behind-the-scenes team of the Tang people, and the boss was a rich second generation who was not short of money, so he completely filled the shortcomings.

Is this really the case?

A producer who knows rice circles better than "Yu Ma"

Wang Yixu, the boss of Stellar Gravitation, Yu Zheng, the boss of Entertainment Film and Television, Liu Ning, the vice president of Perfect World, and Yang Xiaopei, the boss of Xixi Film, were honored as "Four Fine Producers" by netizens for their frequent essays and responses to netizens.

But after careful study, Wang Yixu is actually different from other producers. Most producers are keen to tell about the difficulty of the production process in order to win the sympathy of the audience; Or a online celebrity posture that wants to make a debut and constantly expresses itself. For example, Zheng Zheng often takes his own selfie after losing weight successfully. However, Yu Zheng’s essays are not all self-expression. To be honest, he is sometimes regarded as a reasonable guest who exposes the situation of the industry.

And Weibo, who is in Wang Yixu’s list, mistakenly thinks that Hard Candy has clicked into some big powder Weibo.He doesn’t look much like a producer. He doesn’t have any self-expression, but more like a fan operator.

For a drama project, from shooting to broadcasting, he constantly released various photos taken without watermark, and constantly drew prizes for fans who forwarded photos, and often forwarded fans’ second-generation videos, comic books and so on. In addition to "Freesia Tactics", YCY and Ding Yuxi’s "Lucky at Seven o’clock", which has not yet been broadcast, are also being reprinted wildly by Wang Yixu.

This kind of high-frequency fan interaction has made the series warm up in the starring powder circle and the core drama powder circle before it started broadcasting. I have to say that Wang Yixu knows the way of rice circles and uses it for the promotion of dramas.

Esther Yu and Dylan were suspected of quarreling in the live broadcast of "Freesia", but neither side responded afterwards. However, Wang Yixu responded positively to fans that Wang Hedi had "coaxed" Esther Yu, and they often quarreled. As soon as this word came out, the cp powder in a group of plays could not stop hitting the real cp.

Even the drama attracted less investment, and Wang Yixu did not forget to affirm the efforts of fans. Wang Yizhen called "black spots" (black powder, I really didn’t see any producer directly use this kind of rice circle language) to make "Canglan tactic", which was not optimistic at first. Later, due to the efforts of fans, the data records of the same type of members of iQiyi were constantly refreshed.

Isn’t this the most familiar powder abuse routine for Xiufen? Telling the helpless story that the project is not optimistic creates an illusion that "my brother only has fans", thus enhancing the stickiness and initiative of fans.

In fact, Wang Yixu’s skillful marketing of rice circles was first applied to SNH48 whitehairpin, the star of the play, during the period of "Chasing the Ball", and he bought 1,000 numbers for whitehairpin to play the list and vote in the general election, but he failed to bring a red drama series successfully.

When the IP drama "Fox Demon Little Matchmaker" of Guoman was played, Wang Yizhen was even more perfect.Netizens’ first impressions of the play are: xx appeared on the Internet, xx denied it, and then Wang Yizhen personally refuted the rumor or responded ambiguously to the rumor.Obviously, it is not a super IP, but it gives the whole story of who will play the little dragon girl and who will play Lin Daiyu more than ten years ago.

Male starring candidates from JC-T, Li Xian, Chen Xiao, Cheng Yi to Liu Yuning, slipped through the first-line niche; Liu Shishi, Angelababy and Ni Ni were chosen as the leading actresses in Yang Mi.I slipped through 85 flowers, as if half the entertainment circle were competing for the role of the play.

Later, Yang Mi and Simon joined the group "The Fox Demon Little Matchmaker Moon Red", which was thought to be settled. Who knows that the rumors about Liu Shishi’s acting are still going on, and Wang Yixu replied to a private letter from netizens that there will be no change in the selection of Huaizhu. Although he didn’t name names, Liu Shishi, who was sealed by many fans, will still star in The Fox Demon Little Matchmaker Bamboo Industry.

A new generation of Tang people?

In Weibo, Wang Yixu mentioned that he had watched the dramas of the Tang Dynasty since he was a child, which immediately triggered many netizens’ discussion about using stellar gravity to mark the Tang Dynasty. So, does this young company, which is only 4 years old, really have the potential to inherit the mantle of the Tang Dynasty?

Judging from the layout of the original star gravity, it is obviously not focused on Xianxia ancient dolls.In 2018, the star gravity, which entered the industry for the first time, invested a lot of literary films.. Including "A Cloud Made of a Rain in the Wind" directed by Lou Ye, "The Poet" starring Song Jia and Zhu Yawen, and "Punch Mom" starring Tan Zhuo. These movies have a high probability of losing money.

Only the film "Get My Brother Away" which cooperated with Wanda made a small profit. However, in 2020, Stellar Gravity and Wanda still have a contract dispute lawsuit without public ruling, which shows that Stellar Gravity is not going well in the film field.

In 2019, the sand sculpture drama "Once upon a time, there was a Lingjian Mountain" was a small reputation and popularity, and the focus of stellar gravity seemed to turn to the field of TV dramas. The play of stellar gravity is no different from that of most film and television companies. From buying IP and hoarding IP to signing authors, screenwriters, directors and actors, it involves the development of the whole industry chain.

Many people behind the scenes have a suffix of "Star Project" in the subtitle of "Freesia Tactics". This "Star Project" is a plan to train new people by stellar gravity, which means that many of these behind-the-scenes teams are self-trained. Including directors Yi Zheng and Qian Jingwu of Freesia, chief screenwriter Liu Xiaolin of the first draft, chief screenwriter Jinjin Bai of the final draft, screenwriter Zhang Li, co-screenwriter Cao Xiaotian, visual effects producer Ye Zi, music director Huang Yi, etc.

Looking through it, the "Star Project" also includes signed writers/screenwriters: Wuzai, Jiulu Feixiang, Taotao Round, Jane Dark, etc. Jiulu Feixiang also has two ancient puppet works "With the Phoenix" and "Protecting the Heart" adapted by other families. Artists’ brokerage is not outstanding. At present, Guo Xiaoting is a bit famous, and Ryan has a contract dispute lawsuit with Stellar Gravity.

In fact, most film and television companies with production ability have a set of their own training teams. The famous midday production system mostly comes from the "Shandong Gang" of Shandong film and television. A stable and efficient production team can reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles.

However, this kind of situation is rarely publicly marked like stellar gravity, and it has a title. The previous person who emphasized his own team was 500.

The arc alliance initiated by 500 includes director Wang Siyang, group B director Song Xiao, screenwriter Yu Xiaoqian, photography director Liu Yingjian, lighting director Sun Jingliang, action director Li Yinghui and so on. They will also add a suffix "A·L·U", which is the abbreviation of "ARC LIGHT UNION" in the subtitle display of "Black Storm".

This approach is equivalent to branding the production team.With the accumulation of word-of-mouth of subsequent works, it can not only cultivate mature behind-the-scenes personnel, but also increase brand value and social status.

However, whether the plan can be successful depends on whether there are successive successful works. Because they are satisfied with "Freesia", the audience who are expecting stellar gravity to inherit the mantle of the Tang Dynasty will have to wait patiently for the broadcast of the next ancient puppet by stellar gravity.

However, stellar gravity can still carry out such deep-pocketed marketing in the case of saving money in the whole industry, and Hard Sugar Jun is inevitably curious about its capital background.

where is the money to come from?

It is rumored in Jianghu that Wang Yixu is a rich second generation "idolize Big Brother".The first company he founded in 2015, Shanghai Renxiang Culture, is mainly engaged in star data analysis and provides fan data algorithm services for video websites.Therefore, it is not surprising that Wang Yixu knows the way of rice circles.

Wang Yixu’s other background can only be found that he attended the Ivy League University jointly founded by Tencent and cheung kong graduate school of business Chuangchuang Community, and studied Tencent’s business model and cultural and creative industries. Whether the "money" of stellar gravity comes from Wang Yixu or not, Hard Sugar Jun is skeptical.

According to Tianyancha information, Wang Yizhen’s financial situation in 2018-2019 may not be particularly optimistic. There were two cases in which the equity was pledged, and the pledgee was Bank of Beijing Shanghai Branch. Equity pledge refers to the act of pledging the company’s equity as a guarantee. Generally speaking, the major shareholder is short of money or the company is not well managed to pledge the equity.

Zhang Yucheng, another founder of the company, was also pledged in 2018. The biggest change in 2019 is that the investors of financial capital, Wang Zheng, Shi Bo and Tang Yizhen, successively withdrew from Zhang Yucheng’s Wuren film and television culture.

However, Hard Sugar Jun prefers that the "money" of stellar gravity comes from Zhang Yucheng.According to the data of Zhang Yucheng searched on the Internet, he studied in Shenzhen International Exchange College, a famous aristocratic school in Shenzhen. He is a full-time international high school authorized by many foreign institutions, which specializes in training students going abroad. The annual tuition fee is as high as 278,000.

Zhang Yu graduated from University College London with a bachelor’s degree in statistics, economics and finance, and graduated from Cambridge University with a master’s degree in economics and finance. From 2013 to 2015, he worked in the investment banking department of Huatai United Securities, which ranked in the top five in China.

He should have started his business in 2015 and caught up with Wang Yizhen. The capital operation of stellar gravity is probably handled by Zhang Yucheng. In 2018, there may be some situations in the capital behind the two. But soon in July 2019, stellar gravity introduced the investment of iQiyi.

In August, 2020, Star Gravitation cooperated with Zhongshi Mingda Culture Media to establish Quality Gravitation Culture Media Company. The controlling party behind Zhongshi Mingda Culture Media is Tik Tok’s Quantum Jump Technology.In other words, after the investment of long video investor iQiyi, Stellar Gravity introduced the capital of short video byte system.

What’s more worth mentioning is that Wang Jianjun, the mysterious director of Stellar Gravity. He has the employment information of directors, supervisors and legal persons of 62 companies, among which there are many companies with state-owned background, belonging to China Huadian Group, Jinneng Holding Group and Shanxi Financial Investment Holding Group.

It seems that stellar gravity is not only a long and short video, but also a director with such a background. It is not surprising that he has money. However, if you have money, you will have money. If the gravity of the stars can really stably output high-quality ancient dolls, it will benefit the younger generation of viewers. Of course, it is best not to rot.

7 Lianban Lihang Technology: The company’s business has not changed since its listing, and there is no income from low-altitude economic business at present.

Lihang Technology announced on March 13th that the company’s stock closed at the daily limit price for seven consecutive trading days from March 5th to March 13th.

The company’s main business is aircraft ground support equipment, aircraft test and inspection equipment, aircraft process equipment, aircraft parts processing and aircraft parts assembly, etc. The company’s business has not changed since its listing, and the company currently has no income from low-altitude economic business.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: In March, the automobile production and sales decreased by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively.

  Beijing, April 14 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released the economic operation of the automobile industry in March 2020. The data shows that in March, the production and sales of automobiles were 1.422 million and 1.43 million respectively, down by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively. From January to March, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.474 million and 3.672 million respectively, down by 45.2% and 42.4% respectively.

  According to reports, in March, 2020, with the phased results of epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, auto companies accelerated their resumption of work and production, production and operation resumed in an orderly manner, and the auto market gradually picked up, but the overall production and sales were still at a low level.

  Car sales in March decreased by 43.3% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of automobiles were 1.422 million and 1.43 million respectively, down by 44.5% and 43.3% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of automobiles were 3.474 million and 3.672 million respectively, down by 45.2% and 42.4% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  — — In March, passenger car sales decreased by 48.4% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of passenger cars were 1.049 million and 1.043 million respectively, down by 49.9% and 48.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of cars were 493,000 and 491,000 respectively, down by 50.3% and 48.6% respectively. The production and sales of SUVs were 498,000 and 485,000 respectively, down by 44.8% and 43.9% respectively. The production and sales of MPV were 35,000 and 46,000 respectively, down by 77.3% and 70% respectively. The production and sales of crossover passenger cars were 22,000 and 21,000 respectively, down by 48.6% and 58.2% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of passenger cars were 2.684 million and 2.877 million respectively, down by 48.7% and 45.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of cars were 1.233 million and 1.325 million respectively, down by 50.4% and 47.6% respectively. The production and sales of SUVs were 1.288 million and 1.372 million respectively, down by 43.1% and 39.6% respectively. The production and sales of MPV were 114,000 and 136,000 respectively, down by 70.4% and 63.3% respectively. The production and sales of crossover passenger cars were 49,000 and 45,000 respectively, down by 51.1% and 54.1% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  In March, China brand passenger cars sold 433,000 vehicles, down 48.2% year-on-year, accounting for 41.5% of the total passenger car sales, and its share increased by 0.2 percentage points year-on-year.

  From January to March, the cumulative sales of China brand passenger cars was 1.155 million, down 47.3% year-on-year, accounting for 40.1% of the total sales of passenger cars, and the share decreased by 1.5 percentage points year-on-year. Among them, the sales volume of cars was 265,000, down 48.7% year-on-year, with a market share of 20.1%; The sales volume of SUVs was 752,000 units, down 41.3% year-on-year, with a market share of 54.8%. MPV sold 91,000 vehicles, down 69% year-on-year, with a market share of 67.2%.

  — — Commercial vehicle sales in March decreased by 22.6% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 373,000 and 388,000 respectively, down by 20.3% and 22.6% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of trucks were 341,000 and 357,000 respectively, down by 20.3% and 22.1% respectively. The production and sales of passenger cars were 32,000 and 31,000 respectively, down by 20.9% and 28% respectively.

  From January to March, the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 790,000 and 794,000 respectively, down by 28.7% and 28.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of trucks were 721,000 and 728,000 respectively, down by 29.3% and 28.2% respectively. The production and sales of buses were 69,000 and 66,000 respectively, down by 22.9% and 30.7% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  In March, the sales of new energy vehicles decreased by 53.2% year-on-year.

  In March, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 50,000 and 53,000 respectively, down by 56.9% and 53.2% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 38,000 and 40,000 respectively, down by 58.5% and 55.6% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 11,000 and 13,000 respectively, down by 50.2% and 44.1% respectively. The production and sales of fuel cell vehicles were 38 and 36 respectively, of which the output increased by 5.6% year-on-year, and the sales volume was the same as the same period.

  From January to March, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 105,000 and 114,000 respectively, down by 60.2% and 56.4% respectively. In terms of vehicle types, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 77,000 and 85,000 respectively, down by 61.8% and 58.6% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles were 28,000 and 29,000 respectively, down by 55% and 48.5% respectively. The production and sales of fuel cell vehicles were 183 and 207 respectively, down by 19.7% and 7.2% respectively.

Image source: website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

  From January to February, the main business income of key enterprises decreased by 32.8% year-on-year.

  From January to February, the main business income of key enterprises (groups) in the automobile industry totaled 382.7 billion yuan, down 32.8% year-on-year; Accumulated profits and taxes totaled 21.16 billion yuan, down 65.1% year-on-year.

  Automobile exports increased by 0.8% year-on-year in March.

  In March, 91,000 vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 0.8%. In terms of models, the number of passenger cars exported was 68,000, a year-on-year increase of 21.9%; The number of commercial vehicles exported was 23,000, a year-on-year decrease of 33.8%.

  From January to March, 204,000 vehicles were exported, down 11.5% year-on-year. In terms of models, the number of passenger cars exported was 154,000, a year-on-year increase of 5.3%; 50,000 commercial vehicles were exported, down 40.7% year-on-year.

20 points blood abuse African champion! The men’s basketball team won Qiao Shuai’s selection lineup, and three people were eliminated. Zhao Rui regretted it

20 points blood abuse African champion, China men’s basketball team won the night, Qiao Shuai selected the lineup, three people were eliminated in advance, Zhao Rui regretted. Our China men’s basketball team in the warm-up match of the Italian team, when China men’s basketball team won the first warm-up match and beat the abusive opponent, the final selection and adjustment of the men’s basketball team, it can be said that with the performance played by the men’s basketball team this time, it also made Jojevich have a fixed mind, and at the same time, three men’s basketball team members may be eliminated in advance and may miss the subsequent World Cup appearance. In this way, China men’s basketball team can also play in the game with a more complete and reasonable lineup and play the strongest team.

First of all, we all know that our China men’s basketball team has been carrying out intensive training and training in Europe in the near future. Recently, the China men’s basketball team has also arrived in Italy, and there have been many warm-up matches in Italy. This time, we also participated in the Trentino Cup in Italy. The China men’s basketball team made its debut in the early hours of this morning. Facing the Cape Verde team, Cape Verde is also an African champion team. Our China men’s basketball team can also be said to have played a quite eye-catching performance on the court, which is absolutely not timid.

Today, many fans may have missed the game, but they also saw the final result. Our China men’s basketball team finally beat their opponents by 86: 66 and 20 points. This game showed us many characteristics of the China men’s basketball team, which were not seen by Du Feng before. In this game, the overall transmission ball of the men’s basketball team is more accurate, and there are more vacancies for our players on the court. There is no such situation as one person holding the ball and four people watching it before. Therefore, we played more resolutely and decisively in the China men’s basketball team as a whole, and the shooting accuracy was higher. In this game, the shooting percentage of the China men’s basketball team on the outside line was over 50%, and such a shooting percentage made the China men’s basketball team have the assurance of winning the game.

At the same time, we can see that the defense of the strikers has also been well reflected in this game, so how can such a men’s basketball team not make everyone full of expectations? But at the same time, after the game, some players of China Men’s Basketball Team were questioned by the outside world. It may be said that Qiao Shuai will make a key consideration on whether these three players will stay in the team after the selection of personnel in this game. Which three players are they? First of all, the first player is Zhao Rui, and Zhao Rui’s words show that Qiao Shuai made his debut in this game, but in this game, Zhao Rui obviously didn’t hand over the satisfactory answer sheet. In this game, Zhao Rui scored only four points and two assists, which was really not qualified, and the overall performance was also very lame.

In this game, more fans may question that, in addition to his personal offensive disadvantage, some mistakes caused by him on the court have greatly affected the overall rhythm of the China men’s basketball team on the court, and Zhao Rui’s attitude has not been able to satisfy the fans. Unlike Fang Shuo and other members of the China men’s basketball team, Zhao Rui will be affected by the emotional mistakes on the court, which is really not conducive to his personal play and even more unfavorable to the whole team. Positive face, right? Therefore, after this game, Zhao Rui should first make some reflections on his own situation, and we saw that Jorjevich reprimanded Zhao Rui continuously on the court, which was also a reminder to him. Therefore, if Zhao Rui can’t make personal adjustments in advance and maintain a continuous positive attitude on the court, the China men’s basketball team may make a final consideration for him in the follow-up.

In addition to Zhao Rui, the other two players are Fu Hao and Yu Jiahao, who didn’t get a chance in this game. Although these two players said that they didn’t have too many opportunities to shine and show themselves in this game, we can also see the whole clue through the overall mobilization of Qiaojieweiqi, because in this game, we saw that Qiaojieweiqi used a lot of young strikers such as Zhang Zhenlin and Zhu Junlong. They are more energetic, more mobile and more defensive, so Fu Hao’s overall tactical position and position in the team is really not prominent after the positive performance of these front lines, which may also lead him to leave the team early.

In Yu Jiahao’s words, in this game, we saw that Qiao Jieweiqi also used the other three inside lines of the team more. Yu Jiahao was also slow and had limited defensive coverage on the court. Therefore, this overall situation may also lead to his early elimination together with Fu Hao. Through this game, the morale of the men’s basketball players has soared, and the fans have more expectations for the World Cup. We are also looking forward to Qiao Jieweiqi’s final lineup through this warm-up match.

The heat is miserable! Hiro reimbursed, and Oladipo was put out. Fortunately, Butler was only bruised on his hip.

121-99, although the Heat beat the Bucks at home, they also paid a painful price. When Oladipo made a breakthrough with about 4 minutes left in the last quarter, he was suspected to have been pushed behind by Potis, which caused him to fall to the ground. Oladipo held his left knee for a long time and could not stand up. Finally, he was put out by the staff. Visually, the injury was not optimistic.

Oladipo’s career is rather bumpy. He has been wandering after a serious injury and failed to recover to the pre-injury level. He likes the team culture of the Heat and finally joined the Heat in the middle of the 2020-21 season. Now, at the age of 30, he is at the peak of his career theoretically, but obviously, the injury is not friendly to him.

Oladipo is not the absolute main force in this heat team, but the heat team needs him especially at this time. Hiro has undergone surgery on his right hand because of a broken finger and is expected to miss at least six weeks, which means that the Heat need to reach the finals before Hiro can return to the team. However, with the strength of the Heat, it is really difficult to rush out of the East this season, not to mention a hero who averages 20.1 points, 5.4 rebounds and 4.2 assists in regular games.

At this time, the Heat certainly needed a substitute like Oladipo to come forward, but in the third game of the series, Oladipo was also injured.

Butler scored 30 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals, made 12 of 19 shots, and made 4 of 4 three-pointers, which is the biggest contributor to the Heat’s victory. But in the third quarter, Butler also suffered two heavy falls, one of which was a hard back landing, which took him a long time to get up and missed an offensive round. After that, he limped back to the locker room, and when he returned to the bench in the fourth quarter, his waist and buttocks were wrapped in thick ice packs.

Butler has always been known as a tough guy, and Butler in the playoffs is really bloody enough to be slightly injured. After the game, the Heat officially issued a tweet: Butler suffered a bruise on his hip and his back was not injured. Fortunately, it’s okay to be a star.

To put it bluntly, Hiro was basically reimbursed this season; Oladipo was put out, not optimistic; Butler’s hips are also wrapped up, and it is certainly false to say that there is no influence; It’s even more difficult for the Heat, which is already a pile of draft picks. At this time, we can only pray that the injury will get worse and the Heat will have better luck!

Ten thousand people run together Lots of pictures+videos show you how happy Leshan "Half Horse" is.

"Three, two, one!"

At 7: 33 am on April 22nd.

With the sound of the starting gun

2023 Leshan Half Marathon

Run all over Sichuan (Leshan Station)

Hot start


-More than 14,000 contestants set out for happiness.

From home and abroadMore than 14,000 contestants

start off at a run

Along the ecological boulevard

Challenge yourself and run with passion

Feel the charm of sports

This competition has set up a half marathon.

And the Happy Run (5km).

Half marathon

Starting from Daduhe Square, Ecological Avenue, Central District

Go up and down the ecological avenue.

Passing through two turn-back points,

Finally arrived at Shawan Moruo Drama Creative Park.

Happy Run (5km)

Depart from Daduhe Square, Ecological Avenue, Shizhong District.

Turn back 2.5km in the direction of Ecological Avenue.

To the end of Dadu River Square

Leshan half marathon as

Leshan Sports Tourism Boutique Competition

It has been successfully held for three times before.

Has won the "silver medal competition" certification of China Athletics Association.

Won the title of "Natural Ecological Characteristic Competition"


-men’s and women’s champion, the runner in this country is "guaranteed"

In the half marathon, Ethiopian CHEKOL WORKU DIRES successfully broke through the finish line, with a total time of 1 hour, 7 minutes and 4 seconds, and became the first in the men’s team of Leshan Half Marathon and Sichuan (Leshan Station) in 2023.

Ethiopia’s MESKELU MENGISTU NIGATU and Xichang’s Wu Erqing took 1 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds and 1 hour, 9 minutes and 7 seconds respectively to win the second and third place in the men’s team.

Ethiopia’s FETO DEME ABU took the lead in breaking the finish line and won the first place in the women’s team of the half marathon.

Chengdu’s Song Xuan and Ethiopia’s ADAMU SEBLE MELKAM took 1 hour, 18 minutes, 44 seconds and 1 hour, 21 minutes and 16 seconds respectively to win the second and third place in the women’s group.

[Happy Run]

-the fun of running against the wind and rain, only they can understand.

Although the weather is not beautiful

But the contestants in the happy run

Enthusiasm is undiminished

Enjoy the beautiful scenery, make friends, challenge yourself …

Harvest full of happiness


-Run comfortably, because they are here!

In order to ensure the "Leshan Half Horse" to be held safely, smoothly and successfully, logistics support is particularly important.

Leshan City Public Security Bureau has set up a three-dimensional and efficient security headquarters, which has done a good job in security inspection and blasting, order maintenance, traffic control and emergency response. On the day of the competition, more than 1,300 people of various security forces were invested, ensuring the "Leshan Half Horse" event to be held successfully, safely and smoothly.

There are 11 medical stations in Leshan Half Horse, with an average of 2.5 kilometers. The medical staff come from major hospitals in Leshan central city and Shawan District. The medical station has prepared medical instruments to rescue cardiac arrest, drugs to prevent and treat heatstroke, sprains and falls, and AED defibrillators. Before the start of the competition, all medical staff and medical volunteers received training, assessment and live drills.

↑ "Leshan Half Horse" Medical Station, the medical staff stick to their posts and always pay attention to the physical condition of the players.

In addition, during the competition, many volunteers were active on the side of the track to provide intimate services for the players.

↑ Volunteers stick to the rain and guide the track for the players.

↑ Volunteers massage the players who have finished the competition, so that everyone can recover after the competition.


-There are always moments that are unforgettable.

From the age of 3 to 60, a three-generation synchronous happy run.

"This time we are a family of three generations, and we are participating in a happy run." On the track, 60-year-old Zhang Huiming pushed her 3-year-old granddaughter in a stroller and trotted with a smile on her face. Ahead, her family is striding and has been integrated into the ocean of joy.

Zhang Huiming, a family from Emei Mountain, learned that Leshan Half Horse will be held soon, so they decided to go out and sign up for the Happy Run. "My wife is 60 years old this year, and my eldest granddaughter is 6 years old. She has already rushed to the front with her mother. The 3-year-old granddaughter is too young, so I will push her to run slowly behind, and the family will feel the atmosphere of exercise and fitness." Zhang Huiming said.

The beautiful scenery is intoxicating, the beautiful photos are moving, and the beautiful running friends come to punch in …

Throughout the track, everyone’s eyes are the clear Dadu River, the blooming bougainvillea, the nostalgic green train and the mutual encouragement of like-minded people …

After the competition, Amy’s women’s team gathered at the end of the half marathon-Shawan Moruo Drama Creative Park to enjoy the scenery, take photos and punch in, leaving beautiful memories.

The women’s half marathon team dressed up brightly.

"In this competition, we specially dressed up beautifully, and we also took many photos along the way, which will be uploaded to my Tik Tok account. I hope that we can take the netizens to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Leshan from the perspective of our participation. " Chen Qin, a female player from Chengdu, said.

I made a special trip from Shanghai to enjoy the mountain after the game.

"We came here specially from Shanghai and arrived in Leshan yesterday. This time we participated in the half horse." Before the start of the race, Mr. Gan from Shanghai warmed up on the track, and his mother, Ms. Shi, cheered for him.

Mr. Gan, 27, just participated in a marathon in Shanghai, and heard that the "Leshan Half Horse" was about to start, so he actively signed up. After arriving in Chengdu on April 21, the mother and son didn’t buy a high-speed rail ticket, so they chartered a car to Leshan for fear of delaying the race.

"After this competition, we will travel in Leshan and feel the beauty of Leshan." Ms. Shi told reporters that she had planned to go to wutongqiao district Alsophila Canyon and other scenic spots, and she was full of expectations for this trip to Leshan.

Cheerleading beside the track is also the most beautiful scenery.

In the wonderful competition scene, besides the athletes who have attracted much attention, there are such a group of people, who are unable to participate in the race because of their age or physical reasons, but they beat gongs and drums enthusiastically and spread the happiness of "Half Horse" to all corners around them.

Gu Junfang, an empress from Shawan, is a member of the "Leshan Half Horse" performance team. "There are nearly 100 people in our performance team, all of whom are sisters from various communities in Shawan. Everyone knows that there is a marathon, and they have taken the initiative to sign up and rehearsed for a week, just to show everyone the spirit of Leshan. " She said.

Except for interesting stories.

The most on-site is

All kinds of punching cards

All kinds of joys

While everyone is enjoying sports,

Pleased the mood

Harvest happiness

Don’t say it, continue to go to the picture! !


Happiness, there is no "big ending"

Let’s look forward to the next "Leshan Half Horse"