标签归档 上海龙凤阿拉后花园

Actively explore the Hunan path of high-quality development of general aviation in the new era

  Xu Dazhe, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress

  Mao Weiming, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Provincial People’s Government.

  As a national strategic industry, general aviation plays a great role in serving economic and social development and national security. The effective development and utilization of low-altitude airspace and the construction of low-altitude flight service guarantee system are the fundamental guarantee for the high-quality development of general aviation. Since Hunan was approved as the first pilot province of global low-altitude airspace management reform in September, 2020, the provincial party committee and the provincial government attached great importance to it, quickly set up a pilot reform organization, set up a provincial-level development platform for navigation, and strengthened coordination between the central and local governments, military and civilian cooperation, provincial and municipal cooperation, government-enterprise cooperation, and vigorously promoted the mode of "one window for acceptance, one network for operation, and global service". The province has built 12 general airports and opened five low-altitude tourist routes. More than 30 central enterprises and superior enterprises from other provinces have planned industrial layout in Hunan, and the development of general aviation, low-altitude tourism, flight training, aviation sports and other industries is gratifying, laying a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of general aviation.





  Cultivate new kinetic energy for the high-quality development of Hunan. Focus on giving full play to the advantages of general aviation’s derivative formats, large development space, wide service range and sufficient supporting kinetic energy, implement major development strategies of general aviation in depth, accelerate the upgrading of aerospace, advanced materials, machinery manufacturing, automatic control, electronic information and other industries, strive to seize the commanding heights of navigation industry development, break new paths for high-quality development of general aviation, and inject new impetus and provide strong support for high-quality economic and social development of the province.

  Broaden new space for the people’s high-quality life. Promoting the popularization of civil aviation is an important measure to conform to the people’s yearning for a better life in the new era. Based on Hunan’s comparative advantages, we should identify the entry point for general aviation to create a high-quality life, speed up the improvement of general aviation supply chain and consumption chain, and constantly improve people’s participation and gain a sense of happiness and security. Accelerate the development of social public aviation services such as emergency rescue, medical treatment, urban security, traffic command and rescue, and build new security for people’s lives and property. Vigorously develop general aviation consumption services such as short-distance transportation, air travel, air sports, aviation science popularization and tourism research, and create new supplies to meet the needs of people’s better life.

  Strive to promote the high-quality development of general aviation

  Adhere to the unity of goal orientation, problem orientation and result orientation, and promote the reform pilot work with high standards and high efficiency. By 2022, we will ensure that the pilot of low-altitude airspace management reform reaches the national expected goal, initially build a "1+13+N" general airport skeleton network, realize the comprehensive application of Beidou third-generation satellite navigation technology in low-altitude surveillance, and the province’s general aviation industry will develop its comprehensive competitiveness and industry output value into the upper-middle ranks of the country. By 2025, the full coverage of general airports will be achieved, a fully functional general aviation system in the province will basically take shape, and the comprehensive development competitiveness and industry output value will enter the top three in the country, forming a new pattern of navigation development with perfect system and mechanism, good industrial ecology, large-scale agglomeration development, perfect service functions and active participation of the people.

  Focus on "one center". Around the center of the global low-altitude airspace management reform pilot, the six goals and eight tasks put forward in the reform pilot implementation plan were fully completed. According to the pilot requirements and time nodes, we will optimize the classified planning, management and use of low-altitude airspace, and steadily achieve the effective use goal of "default opening, announcement closing, dynamic use and flexible conversion".

  Strengthen the "two supports". Focusing on the two supports of general airports and navigable pilots, we will do a good job in the layout planning of general airports in the province, strengthen the approval of projects and land use, and guarantee funds and policies, and accelerate the construction of navigation bases in accordance with the construction layout of "1+13+N" general airport skeleton network. We will carry out the training of general aviation business license, private license and sports driver license, and train a group of high-quality and skilled navigation pilots as soon as possible.

  Grasp the "three keys". Focusing on the three key areas of R&D, production and consumption of the navigation industry, we will take the lead in making efforts on shortcomings and gaps in breakpoints, intensify the research on key core technologies and key components in advanced materials, automatic control and electronic information, and implement the "breaking zero and multiplying" plan to build Hunan into an innovative highland of aviation science and technology with core competitiveness. Give full play to the leading role of a new generation of technology in industrial optimization and upgrading, and fully integrate new generation technologies such as Beidou satellite navigation, cloud computing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 5G/6G communication. Promote the autonomous control of the power system and airborne system of the whole navigation machine in the province, focus on building a number of national key navigation manufacturing enterprises, and attract upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to gather in Hunan. Incorporate general aviation public services and equipment products into the scope of government procurement, develop short-distance transportation, logistics and express delivery industries, carry out aviation culture science popularization, emergency experience and aviation driving experience, fully cultivate leading enterprises of general aviation in Hunan, support leading enterprises to merge and extend the chain, strengthen the position of supply chain and the right to speak in market competition, promote the industrial chain to extend to both ends and climb to the high end, and form a number of leading enterprises of navigation industry chain with national core competitiveness. Give full play to the policy superposition and attraction capacity of the free trade zone and the airport area, increase the intensity of attracting investment and attracting talents, accelerate the construction of a national general aviation development demonstration park, and promote the professional and large-scale development of the whole industry chain.

  Leading the "four major trends". "Green, wisdom, inclusiveness and innovation" is the new trend of general aviation development. With the application of new Beidou satellite navigation technology and the implementation of collaborative and efficient management system, Hunan will take the lead in realizing centimeter-level fine division and precise management of airspace. Hunan will further follow the trend, deeply study the three-dimensional release, intelligent management and efficient use of urban low-altitude airspace, take the lead in developing "urban navigation", and first try the wide application of unmanned aerial vehicles in urban logistics express delivery, public transportation, social public management, medical assistance, urban fire protection, traffic command, emergency relief and other areas of people’s livelihood security, mass and universal, so as to enhance people’s sense of happiness in navigation flight.

  Collaborative promotion of reform pilots has achieved results.

  The pilot reform of low-altitude airspace management has a tight time, heavy tasks and high requirements. It requires the "military, land, people and enterprises" to think in one place and make efforts in one place to promote the detailed implementation of all work.

  Strengthen coordination and cooperation. Give full play to the role of general dispatch, general lead and general coordination of the Collaborative Management Committee Office, strengthen overall dispatch and comprehensive coordination, and regularly supervise the implementation of provincial units. Adhere to a game of chess, deepen the coordination between the central and local governments, the military and civilians, the provinces and cities, and the government and enterprises, jointly study and promote the implementation of major decisions, reform measures and major projects in the reform pilot, and jointly solve the difficulties, blocking points and pain points encountered in the reform pilot.

  Strengthen institutional guarantee. Learn from the experience of brother provinces extensively and speed up the local legislation of general aviation. Strengthen the top-level design guidance, pay attention to the full connection with the provincial "14 th Five-Year Plan", and compile and implement the general aviation industry development plan, navigation equipment manufacturing development plan and general airport development plan with high starting point and high quality.

  Strengthen policy guidance. Detailed implementation of various policies and measures to support the development of the general aviation industry, and fully release the policy dividend. Intensify publicity to attract domestic and foreign general aviation enterprises or groups with abundant funds and excellent qualifications to settle in Hunan. Stimulate market vitality, actively guide and encourage people to participate in navigation consumption such as navigation pilot training and low-altitude tourism, so that the general aviation industry can play a greater role in expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption upgrading.

N postures of deposit and withdrawal in card-free era: brushing face, scanning code and paying by mobile phone.

  Everyone can travel without cash now, but many people dare not take their bank cards, for fear that they will not be able to get money from the ATM in case they need cash. In fact, with the continuous innovation of bank deposit and withdrawal methods, it is nothing new to deposit and withdraw cash without a card. Beijing Youth Daily reporter recently visited a number of banks and experienced a variety of convenient services that can be enjoyed without a bank card.

  Brush face to withdraw money: there is a limit.

  The latest way to withdraw cash without a card is to push the face to withdraw money. Stand in front of the ATM, let the camera take a picture, and then enter a few simple messages, and the money can be spit out from the ATM. A plot that sounds like science fiction has now become a reality. At present, some ATMs of China Merchants Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank and other banks have the function of withdrawing money by brushing their faces.

  In October 2015, China Merchants Bank took the lead in announcing the launch of "ATM face-brushing withdrawal" business in China. Now there are hundreds of ATMs of China Merchants Bank providing this service in Beijing.

  How to use this function? On the homepage of ATM screen of China Merchants Bank, there is a function bar of "brush face to withdraw money". After clicking it, the customer enters the face recognition image screen, and the customer must face the ATM camera to expose the whole face, and can’t block it and shake it frequently. After the system automatically captures the customer’s head, the page will prompt the cardholder to enter the mobile phone number reserved in China Merchants Bank, and the system will automatically compare it. After matching, the ATM will display the card number information under the customer’s name, the customer will select the card number for withdrawal, and then enter the withdrawal amount and password, and the cash will be spit out from the machine. If the system does not match, it will prompt that the personal information cannot be matched and the transaction is cancelled. The whole process is very convenient without inserting a card to get it.

  ABC’s face-brushing withdrawal process is basically similar to that of China Merchants Bank, except that in the process of identity verification, ABC can choose to enter ID number or mobile phone number. According to the experience of netizens, the withdrawal can be completed in less than one minute, which is similar to the withdrawal with a card.

  However, in terms of functional authority, ABC’s face-brushing withdrawal function does not need to be specially opened, while China Merchants Bank needs cardholders to specially open this function on mobile banking. Considering that face recognition technology is an innovative attempt in the field of withdrawal, in order to reduce security risks, there is a limit on the current "face-brushing withdrawal". China Merchants Bank’s cumulative withdrawal limit for a single card on the same day is 3,000 yuan; Agricultural Bank of China does not exceed 3,000 yuan per day for a single transaction, 10,000 yuan per day in total, and no more than 5 times per day.

  Scan the code to withdraw money: use the bank APP

  When people pay the bill, they are used to taking out their mobile phones to scan the code. In fact, they can also withdraw money by scanning the code at ATM.

  In May last year, ICBC launched a new service of mobile banking to withdraw cash by scanning code. Customers don’t need to use the physical medium of bank cards, just open the "scan" function in ICBC’s mobile banking client, scan the QR code displayed on the ATM screen, enter the withdrawal amount and use ICBC e-payment to verify it successfully, and then click the "Withdraw" button on the ATM to complete the whole withdrawal process. If the customer has enabled the one-click payment function of mobile banking, it is more convenient to complete the payment safely by inputting the preset static payment password in the mobile banking client without inputting the mobile phone number, account, verification code and other information in the process of code scanning cash withdrawal.

  On September 15th this year, the ATM of Bank of China added the function of mobile phone scanning QR code to withdraw cash. A few days ago, the reporter came to a 24-hour self-service bank in a branch of Bank of China for a field experience. To withdraw money by scanning code, you need to download the mobile banking APP of Bank of China on your mobile phone and bind it with a bank card, without opening other permissions. Then, click "scan code to withdraw money" on the ATM screen of Bank of China, scan the QR code on the ATM with the "scan" function of mobile banking, then enter the withdrawal amount, confirm the withdrawal account and enter the withdrawal password, and you can successfully withdraw the required cash. The whole process takes only a few minutes.

  According to reports, Bank of China’s ATM scanning code withdrawal adopts double insurance of mobile banking APP verification and ATM encryption verification. When withdrawing money, you need to log in to mobile banking through your fingerprint, and enter the withdrawal password at ATM, which effectively ensures the security of customer accounts and funds. At present, the ATM scanning code withdrawal of China Bank is completely free, and the daily withdrawal limit is 5,000 yuan.

  Pay withdrawal by mobile phone: to verify fingerprints

  After Apple Pay entered the China market, it captured the hearts of many fruit fans by paying the bill with one stroke. In fact, cardholders can also withdraw money without a card through Apple Pay at ATM. Samsung Pay and Huawei Pay can do the same.

  As long as the cardholder’s mobile phone and ATM both support related functions, the cardholder can successfully withdraw cash from the ATM by swiping the mobile phone and checking the fingerprint "Pay". At present, some ATMs of CCB, China Merchants Bank and China Everbright Bank have supported cash withdrawal through "Pay".

  Take Everbright Bank as an example, it only takes five easy steps for cardholders to withdraw money through Apple Pay at Everbright ATM. First, choose the contactless IC card withdrawal service at ATM, enter the withdrawal amount, then put the mobile phone near the sensing area, verify the fingerprint through Touch ID, enter the withdrawal password, and verify the fingerprint through Touch ID again, and the withdrawal can be successful.

  Withdrawal by appointment: the limit of each bank is different.

  Before face-brushing withdrawal, code-scanning withdrawal and mobile phone Pay withdrawal, more banks carry out card-free withdrawal business through appointments in mobile phone banking, online banking, telephone banking and other channels. It is understood that there are differences in specific details among banks in handling cash withdrawals without cards, but the handling steps basically include two links: online reservation withdrawal and offline cash withdrawals without cards.

  When making an appointment, banks generally require customers to choose the account and withdrawal amount for making an appointment, but other agreed information varies slightly from bank to bank. For example, CCB will ask for an appointment for the withdrawal period and area, and the cardholder will withdraw money from the ATM with the special withdrawal ID and withdrawal password received by SMS. ICBC needs to set a 6-digit reservation code, and the reservation is valid only on the same day, and it is stipulated that a debit card registered with mobile banking can be withdrawn without a card. The maximum amount of a card-free withdrawal by ABC is 3,000 yuan, and the reservation is valid for 24 hours. You can directly use the "card-free reservation withdrawal" function at ATM, and you can withdraw money by entering your mobile phone number and withdrawal password, without other reservation codes or verification codes.

  In terms of cash withdrawal amount, most banks can make a cumulative appointment of 20,000 yuan per day for cash withdrawal without a card, but there are differences in the single cash withdrawal limit and the number of cash withdrawals per day. In terms of a single amount, some banks do not exceed 2500 yuan at most, and some banks can reach 3000 yuan. CCB also stipulates that the cumulative number of days for mobile banking to apply for special withdrawals should not exceed 5,000 yuan.

  No card deposit: you need to remember the card number.

  You can withdraw money without a card and deposit without a card. Yesterday, Beijing Youth Daily reporter saw the function bars of "no card deposit", "no passbook deposit" and "no card passbook deposit" on the deposit and withdrawal machines of most banks such as ICBC, CCB and ABC.

  After clicking Enter, you need to completely enter the card number or passbook number twice. After checking the account and the owner’s name, the deposit slot at the bottom of the electronic screen will open, and the customer will put the banknotes with face value of 100 yuan into the deposit slot, and the machine will start counting. After the counting is completed, the unqualified banknotes will be required to be retrieved, and the number and total amount of qualified banknotes will be displayed on the screen. After the customer confirms, the information such as account, account name and deposit amount will be displayed again. After final confirmation, the transaction is completed, and you can choose to print the receipt.

  It is worth noting that only 100 yuan banknotes can be deposited, with a maximum of 100 banknotes at a time. The deposit account can be your own or someone else’s.

  Safety tips

  The security of withdrawing money without card is strong, so we need to be vigilant.

  Bankers remind that although it is simple and convenient to withdraw money without a card, cardholders should always pay attention to protecting their own funds. In operation, it should be noted that after users make an appointment to withdraw money on platforms such as mobile banking, they will receive information such as "special withdrawal number, set special withdrawal password and withdrawal amount" issued by the bank. For such short messages, users need to take good care of them and avoid leaking them (for example, forwarding bank notification short messages to others) to ensure the safety of funds.

  In addition, users need to be especially alert to criminals using "cash withdrawal without card" to commit fraud, especially not to send the verification code received by the mobile phone to others in any form. Previously, there have been cases in which criminals used the bank’s card-free appointment withdrawal business to commit fraud.

  Text/reporter Cheng Wei

Jubilant animal expansion package from year of the loong to the zodiac.

The jubilant year of the loong realized that the dragon is the only animal in the zodiac that can’t find any real animals.
However, with the dragon in the zodiac, it seems that there is the whole nature. From the dragon, we can see not only the images of many animals, but also the images of plants and astronomical phenomena.
What animals, plants and even astronomical phenomena are there? Next, we will try to find possible answers.
Dragon, the animal expansion package of the zodiac. Among the 12 zodiac animals, cattle, horses, sheep, chickens, dogs and pigs, which have been domesticated by human beings, account for half. Others are mice, tigers, rabbits, snakes and monkeys, which people often say are common real animals.
"Dragon" is unique. At present, there is no one-on-one real animal that can make everyone agree. There are even views that the dragon prototype is pine, rainbow and lightning.
When looking for its animal prototype, the main one is: it deserves all the beauty in this world.
In ancient books, there are descriptions of dragons "horns like deer, head like camel, eyes like rabbits, neck like snakes, abdomen like salamanders, scales like fish, claws like eagles, palms like tigers and ears like cows". Later, everyone also had their own version of "dragons have nine similarities" in their hearts.
What other animals can compete for the dragon prototype independently?
There are alligators, pythons, silkworms and so on.
The Chinese alligator was called tuó in ancient times, and it was commonly known as "Tulong" or "Pig Polong" among the people. The name of the Chinese alligator became dragon-like. It is an ancient rare animal unique to China and a close relative of dinosaurs. And the "dragon", this is not a kiss and a kiss!
In Shuo Wen Jie Zi, the dragon "ascends to the sky at the vernal equinox and dives in the autumn equinox". The water body is the main activity place of Chinese alligator. Moreover, the roar of the Chinese alligator was once a forecast of the thunderstorm weather of our ancestors. Chinese alligator courtship and mating in the rainy season, and the loud call of courtship seems to have its own filter.
But it can dive deep, but it can’t climb to the sky. As a small crocodile, to become a dragon, it is a little powerful.
So, how can the silkworm become one of the versions of the dragon prototype, let alone formidable?
This is because, in some areas, the dragon worshipped by ancestors who herded horses and raised silkworms was the silkworm with a scaly head.
There are different opinions about the prototype of the dragon. With the dragon in the zodiac, it is like having the whole nature. This may also be a pluralistic tolerance of dragon culture.
(Source: CCTV News Client)

2023 World Robotics Congress opens in Beijing, attended by Yin Li Wan Gang.

  Original title: The 2023 World Robotics Congress opened in Beijing, attended by Wan Gang, Yin Li

  On the afternoon of August 16th, 2023 World Robotics Congress opened in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. Yin Li, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and Wan Gang, chairman of China Association for Science and Technology attended.

  At the opening ceremony, Yin Li and Wan Gang, Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Shu Wei, Deputy Party Secretary, Full-time Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of China Association for Science and Technology, Xia Linmao, Standing Committee Member of Beijing Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, Alexander Weir, Chairman of the International Federation of Robotics Academic Committee, and Wang Tianran, Academician of China Academy of Engineering jointly pressed the start button, and the 2023 World Robotics Congress was officially launched. Xin Guobin, Shu Wei, Xia Linmao and Yue Se Vieira, President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, delivered speeches respectively. The launching ceremony of the World Robotics Cooperation Organization, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Institute of Electronics and the Israel Robotics Association, was held.

  After the opening ceremony, the leaders came to the exhibition hall of World Robotics Expo 2023 and visited the booths of key core components, Eston Automation Co., Ltd. and Beijing soft robot Technology Co., Ltd. The theme of the 2023 World Robotics Congress is "Open and Innovative, Enjoy the Future". During this period, there will be "Cooperation Night", 6 main forums, 30 special forums, expositions and related events. 320 guests from all walks of life, such as Industry-University-Research Jinyong, will gather at the conference, and nearly 600 robot products from 159 enterprises will be exhibited and nearly 10,000 players will compete on the spot. The holding of the conference will further promote international cooperation, stimulate the vitality of business entities, release the kinetic energy of scientific and technological innovation, deepen exchanges and cooperation in the global robot industry, help the construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center and International Exchange Center, promote the high-quality development of the robot industry, and continue to create a new business card of "Beijing Zhizhi".

  Gou Ping, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Jin Wei and Zhao Lei, leaders of Beijing Municipality, heads of some national robotics associations and international organizations, Chinese and foreign experts and scholars, and business representatives attended. (Liu Feifei Yangqi)

Fans Travel-Embracing the World in the Language of Football

  When the opening whistle of Arsenal’s match against Manchester City sounded, Grandma Liu, 79, sat at Emirates Stadium and cheered for the team with tens of thousands of British fans. The "Granny Liu the Gunner", who has tens of thousands of fans on Weibo, is still full of enthusiasm for football, although she is white-haired. As a fan who has been fond of Arsenal for more than 10 years, it is not the first time for Grandma Liu to visit the British competition site. In 2014, accompanied by her son, she witnessed Arsenal winning the FA Cup and participated in the subsequent celebration parade.

  It is not uncommon for China fans to "cross the ocean" for their beloved team. The TV broadcast of European leagues was introduced to China earlier, including Premier League, Serie A, La Liga and other European leagues, which gathered huge fans. Nowadays, under the circumstance that "fans", a group with high user viscosity, gradually have certain consumption power and outbound travel is becoming more and more mature, the new model of "watching games+traveling" has mushroomed and spread rapidly in China.

  Subsectors have developed rapidly.

  Sports industry is an industry with great growth potential, while tourism industry is a booming sunrise industry. After the two industries are upgraded, it is "customized sports tourism". As a kind of leisure tourism, it has developed rapidly under the background of residents’ consumption upgrading in recent years. According to the data of the World Tourism Organization, this form of tourism is growing at an annual rate of 14%, which is the fastest growing sub-industry in the global tourism market, exceeding the overall growth rate of 4% to 5% of the tourism industry. There are also data predictions that in 2020, the global sports tourism market is expected to exceed 400 billion US dollars.

  With the development of the Internet, "customized fan travel" has become a more accurate and more suitable vocabulary for the needs of the times. As soon as a tourist or a sports fan lands in the local area, the consumption generated is almost all tourism consumption. Tourism is the biggest converter, sports competitions gather people, and tourism transforms people into commercial value.

  Most traditional travel agencies’ "game-watching tour" is nothing more than adding a ticket to the traditional travel route. This design obviously cannot meet the in-depth experience needs of die-hard fans. Die-hard fans pay attention to the service of the club and the event itself, such as the team’s cultural experience and the experience of watching the game. They are more willing to focus their consumption on improving the travel experience, rather than the situation where traditional outbound shopping consumption dominates.

  Nowadays, many fans will buy tickets, customize travel routes and services through a wide range of professional travel service providers such as Ali Travel, Ctrip and Caesars Travel. At present, service providers that are perpendicular to the market and specialize in the business of "sports+tourism" are also favored by more and more people.

  Lu Yiming, the founder of hardcore sports, called this kind of behavior of fans going to the stadium to watch the game and realize their dreams "pilgrimage". As the only company in China that is perpendicular to the pilgrimage of European football and has only this business, hardcore sports has cooperated with offline fan associations of many European clubs. Online, they also cooperate with some professional sports content production platforms and media community platforms to attract online users who pay attention to the events and surrounding information to watch the games. Both online and offline resources have a good consumption conversion rate.

  Tourism itself is a service, and in the subdivision of football travel, travel service providers perpendicular to the market will take the service user experience as the top priority. The service packages launched by some travel agencies include themed products such as the father-son tour of football feelings and the honeymoon pilgrimage of couples.

  Enthusiastic fans have a blue ocean.

  The concept of tourism has great inclusiveness, and the boundaries of tourism become more vague and inclusive with the development of society and the upgrading of consumption. In this context, the integration of football, even sports and tourism is deeper, its scope is wider, and the boundaries between time and space are more blurred. However, due to the different core attraction, fan tourism shows several characteristics different from other tourism activities.

  First of all, the boundaries of fan group differences are more obvious. The particularity of fan travel is that before watching the game and visiting the stadium, you have already had a love and professional understanding of this club. Compared with other tourism activities, sports tourism can be said to have certain "threshold" restrictions. There is no such detailed group division in traditional outbound sightseeing tourism, and such group differences will lead to a situation that fan tourism does not match the traditional tourism industry structure.

  Secondly, the fans are more sticky. For most fans, watching football is an endless activity, so fans’ stickiness to the club will increase and they will pour deeper feelings into the club as a tourist destination. The increase of user stickiness means lower price sensitivity, which is similar to "fan economy". More and more fans hope to realize their dream of "small but beautiful" with the help of professional travel service providers.

  For consumers, tourism content and consumption content have not only stayed in the previous sightseeing and leisure, but also integrated more experience, participation, interaction or deeper feelings, especially for those fans who have devoted their feelings to the club.

  "At present, the development of domestic mainstream tourism products is still in its infancy, and the products mainly take ticketing as their core competitiveness. For some fans who yearn for a high-end tour, they may prefer to go to a certain venue for a live experience. How to embrace the blue ocean of’ fans+tourism’, which has not yet been developed, tourism service providers need to continue to explore. " Wu Geng ‘an, deputy director of the Sports and Leisure Research Institute of Huaqiao University, said.

  Win-win cooperation in tourism and sports

  From the perspective of supply side, existing travel agencies have explored and upgraded the tourism products on the supply side. The traditional game-watching tour only has sports events and tourist routes, which will involve some sightseeing and sports industries. However, in terms of integration experience, it is still necessary to improve the service and experience of tourism products in combination with new consumer demand.

  Rich product design is a direction to promote the development of the whole sports tourism industry, so that specific sports tourism projects can be driven through the core event IP. At present, many China sports travel service providers, including Yaner Sports, try to reach cooperation with foreign clubs to provide fans with the opportunity to enter the training ground and witness the star training at close range. In the future, meeting with the stars, having dinner together, or holding a wedding at the stadium and letting the children be caddies holding hands when the stars appear are all goals that fans can achieve, and they are also the added value that most sports event tourism companies have yet to explore.

  Wu Geng ‘an said: "On the whole, with the change of tourism market demand and the maturity of tourism industry, fan tourism has also ushered in new opportunities. The improvement of fans’ demand for travel experience and the corresponding development of more abundant fan travel experience projects by suppliers all play an important role in promoting the development of sports tourism. "

  In addition, China’s huge fan market has attracted the attention of the world’s popular fan destinations. In December 2016, the British Tourism Board cooperated with the Premier League, and launched an activity of "Looking for Premier League Ace Fans" on China’s official broadcast platform Xinying Sports. The winner finally got the opportunity to go to the UK to experience the football theme tour. As far as cultural attributes are concerned, football is a "regulated language", which can be used and communicated internationally. The reason why the Premier League is accepted by the whole world is precisely because of this feature. Therefore, compared with other cultural industries, football and even sports industry has an advantage-natural internationalization characteristics and a natural international market. Premier League and other football leagues have strong international influence and international market.

  Tourism industry and football match complement each other. Tourism needs to develop the international market and rely on event attractions as a selling point. Uefa europa league has different characteristics, gathered fans’ resources, and has a wide range of international communication effects. Its influence and attention are enough to make the host city an international tourism destination. Therefore, whether football builds the business model of sports through tourism format, extends and realizes the value of sports industry, or tourism attracts tourists through the great influence of football matches, enhances the value of tourism industry, and realizes the industrial integration of football, sports and tourism.

Warriors: Faced with a choice, rebuild or pursue the championship?

The Warriors are faced with a difficult choice: whether to continue to pursue the championship or rebuild? However, for this powerful team, their attitude is clear, and the goal is still the championship. In the past few seasons, the Warriors have been the dominant player in the NBA. They have superstars such as Curry, Thompson and Green, and top players such as Durant and Cousins. Their golden age undoubtedly brought endless glory and excitement to the fans. However, with injuries and contract problems, the Warriors suffered some setbacks last season. Despite this, the Warriors did not give up the goal of pursuing the championship. Instead, they regard these difficulties as opportunities for exercise and growth. They know that if they want to stand at the top again, they must make more efforts and persistence. On the occasion of the new season, the Warriors readjusted their lineup through draft and trading, and introduced some young and potential players. They hope that these newcomers can inject new vitality into the team and play an important role in the game. In addition, the Warriors still own Curry, a superstar. He is the soul and leader of the team, and his existence provides the Warriors with the motivation to continue to compete for the championship. Although he also suffered from injuries, Curry showed amazing resilience and tenacious willpower. His return will undoubtedly inject new vitality and confidence into the Warriors. The Warriors were faced with the choice of rebuilding or pursuing the championship, and they chose the latter. They made it clear that the goal is still the championship. By adjusting the lineup, cultivating young players and Curry’s return,The Warriors will once again show their strength and determination.

When choosing Paul, the head coach of the Warriors obviously valued his ability to control the field and the importance of the game. As an experienced point guard, Paul has excellent organizational and leadership skills, which can effectively command the team’s attack and improve the overall combat effectiveness. However, we can’t ignore the risks brought by Paul’s height and age. As a point guard, Paul is relatively short, which will be limited when facing some tall inside players. On the defensive end, he may encounter some difficulties and be easily broken by his opponent by taking advantage of his height. In addition, with the growth of age, Paul’s physical fitness will gradually decline, which will have a certain impact on his lasting combat effectiveness. However, the Warriors chose Paul for no reason. First of all, the core players of the Warriors have excellent scoring ability, and they need a point guard who can organize the attack stably. Paul is such a player. His passing skills and awareness are excellent, which can create more scoring opportunities for teammates. Secondly, Paul’s importance in the game is not only reflected in the offensive end, but also can bring stable leadership and experience to the team, which has a positive impact on the growth of young players. Of course, in order to maximize Paul’s advantages and reduce risks, the Warriors can make up for his height disadvantage through tactical arrangements. They can use fast passing and flexible defensive strategies to limit the play of opponents’ inside players and strengthen the overall defensive awareness of the team. In addition, Paul also needs to arrange his rest time and training plan reasonably.In order to maintain good physical condition and stable competitive ability. It is risky for the Warriors to choose Paul, but this choice also fully takes into account his field control ability and importance.

Cole’s admiration for Paul is beyond words. He praised Paul without stint as one of the best point guards in basketball history. Indeed, both in technology and leadership, Paul has demonstrated extraordinary ability. As a point guard, Paul is skillful and comprehensive. His eye for passing the ball is extremely unique, and he can accurately find the space of his teammates and create scoring opportunities. His organizational ability is also first-class, and he can lead the team to play a smooth offensive system. In addition, Paul also showed excellent ability in shooting and breakthrough, and his personal scoring ability was remarkable. More importantly, Paul can control the game at the critical moment. He is famous for his calmness and decisiveness, and he can make the right decision in a tense situation. Whether in the playoffs or in the regular season, he can play his best and help the team win. Because of this, Cole is full of expectations for next season. He believes that under the leadership of Paul, the team can achieve better results. Cole knows that Paul’s joining is not only to improve the team’s strength, but also to bring the fans the joy of victory. In Cole’s view, next season will be a season full of hope and challenges. He believes that the team can play a wonderful game under the leadership of Paul and present a wonderful basketball feast for the fans. Regardless of the outcome, Cole firmly believes that the team will develop in the direction expected by the fans. In a word, Paul, as an excellent point guard, not only performed well technically, but also showed his ability to dominate the game at critical moments.Cole praised him and looked forward to next season.

The Warriors missed Poole, which meant that no one inside was available, which undoubtedly put an end to their championship era. In the past few years, the Warriors have been famous for their excellent outside shooting and teamwork. However, the basketball game is not only about shooting from outside, but also the existence of inside. In the past few seasons, the Warriors have made brilliant achievements with the outstanding performances of superstars such as Curry, Thompson and Duran. However, in the face of powerful opponents, their weaknesses in the inside are exposed. The lack of a strong and comprehensive insider makes them at a disadvantage in defense and rebounding. Poole’s mistake undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the Warriors. He is an insider with excellent basketball IQ and skills, and can provide stable insider support for the team. However, due to various reasons, the Warriors failed to sign him, resulting in an empty inside. However, we can’t declare that the Warriors’ championship era is over. Basketball game is a team sport, and victory depends not only on the performance of individual players. Warriors still have excellent players such as Curry, Thompson and Green, and their outside firepower is still terrible. In addition, they can make up for the lack of inside through tactical adjustment. The Warriors need to find new options inside. They can bring in an excellent inside player through trading or free market signing to enhance the overall strength of the team. At the same time, they can also train young players and improve the depth and competitiveness of the inside. It’s a pity for the Warriors to miss Poole.But it doesn’t mean that their championship era is over.

Thank you for reading this article, and the determination and strength of the Warriors will be demonstrated again. They chose to pursue the championship. By adjusting the lineup and training young players, they believe they can return to the top. Curry’s return will also inject new vitality and confidence into the team. Let’s expect the Warriors to show great strength and determination in the new season!

The Rockets want to return to the playoffs immediately. The media bluntly said that it is crucial to do five things well, and Wu Shuai can turn the stone into gold.

There are still more than two months before the start of the new NBA season. Of course, fans seem to be impatient. Especially on the Houston Rockets side, this summer, the management recruited people everywhere. Although they didn’t win the first-team super giant, the Rockets can’t be called the top strongmen, but in the past three years, the Rockets won only 59 games in total. Obviously, the team has no room for decline and they are likely to make progress in the new season.

Not to mention the final result, the Rockets definitely want to return to the playoff stage immediately, and it is crucial for the local media to do five things bluntly. This includes Amy Uduka’s coaching ability, overall defense of by going up one flight of stairs, experience advantages of new veterans, terrible bench depth and young players, which is expected.

As the new head coach of the Rockets, replacing Steve Silas with Amy Uduka may be the biggest promotion of the Rockets this summer. Amy Uduka led the Celtics back to the finals in her first year in office, which proved his strength. The media also believe that Wu Shuai can turn the stone into gold, truly make the talent of young Rockets players cash, and put the whole team on the right track.

Amy Uduka advocates defense and discipline. This summer, the management of the Rockets also found this type of player. From Fred Van Frith, Dillon Brooks, Amen Thompson to Jock Landale, plus jabari Smith, Jason Tate and Tarry Ethan who were originally in the Rockets, they may form a steel defense line in the new season.

The Rockets are free market this summer, and all the players they brought in are around 30 years old or above. What they have in common is that they have both fighting capacity and experience. Especially Fred Van Frith and Jeff Green, both of whom have championship experience, and Dillon Brooks and Jock Landale will also speak in the dressing room, and they can provide guidance and function for young players.

After the offseason reinforcement, the depth of the Rockets bench looks at the whole league, which may be outstanding. Kevin Porter Jr., Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore all have the potential to become the super sixth man. Of course, don’t forget Jessean Tate and Tarry Ethan. They may have relatively average data, but they are indispensable frontline engineers for the Rockets.

Finally, the two rookie rockets Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore are really exciting. Amen Thompson, in particular, can complement Jay Green perfectly, and his organizational and defensive abilities can come in handy immediately. Cam Whitmore was elected as the MVP award of the Summer League. Although the advantages and disadvantages are obvious, the Rockets can get a master of chaos in the 20th pick, and it is impossible to lose.

Former American international talks about Balogun choosing the United States: England is too arrogant and southgate underestimates the players.

Live on May 20th, former American international Eric wynalda was interviewed by The Action Network a few days ago. When talking about Balogun’s choice to represent the American national team, he said that England was too arrogant.

Balogun, who has been loaned to Lance by Arsenal, has done well this season. He has dual citizenship of England and the United States, but he has decided to choose the United States as his national team because he can’t be called up by the Three Lions.

Wynalda said: "southgate did make some mistakes in Balogun’s comments. southgate said before that the English team could not give players a chance to play for other national teams just to prevent them from playing for other national teams."

"Uh-oh, if southgate can take back this sentence now, I think he will. Southgate completely underestimated Balogun’s ability and tried to pretend it didn’t matter. I’m sorry, but sometimes the arrogance of the English needs to be known, and this time it’s like this. "

(goblin killer)

Dillon Brooks: The biggest joke in the NBA or the dark horse that reverses the league?

LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers showed great strength in this year’s first round series of playoffs, especially in the third game, they won more respect. On the contrary, Memphis Grizzlies suffered a terrible defeat. They only scored 9 points in the first quarter, while the Lakers scored 35 points, which is one of the biggest first-quarter leads in NBA history.

It is reported that in the last game, Dillon Brooks made a remark to LeBron James, calling him aging. Admittedly, this is an open provocation, and tonight’s game just happened to make the Lakers completely give this provocateur a loud slap in the face.

On Twitter, the fans changed from initial surprise to happy expression, because they could see their favorite team beating their opponents out of the water. Although Los Angeles and the entire NBA fans were cheering through Twitter, this scene still could not describe their feelings at that time.

Although Memphis Grizzlies posed some threats to the Lakers, their performance at that time could only be described as "terrible", especially Dillon Brooks. His words and deeds are really rash. Can you imagine what Dillon Brooks can do in the face of Lakers players like Xiao Bian? Like a sleepy hollow riding a car to a windmill, Dillon Brooks’s words and deeds were a complete fiasco. The Lakers have given him the best answer in this game: You want to play a joke, we will take this joke to the extreme.

Perhaps the Lakers’ performance in the first quarter was unbelievable, and the Memphis Grizzlies players were also surprised and nervous. But the efforts will not be in vain. In the second half of the game, Memphis Grizzlies still maintained a good performance and did not give up fighting back.

On the whole, it was a very exciting game, and the performances of LeBron James and the Lakers also made people shine. Although this is only a playoff game, we believe that this game will be a turning point in this series. Whether you support the Lakers or Memphis Grizzlies, this game will be hailed as a classic battle.

Shenzhen University Initiates: Micro-specialty of "Virtual Digital Man"

Development of 5G, AI, VR and other technologies

The "Virtual Digital Man" industry is booming.

What? Virtual digital people?

I’ve heard of virtual numbers, I’ve heard of people,

Why can’t you understand this when you combine it?

Don’t worry!

This is not a word mashup, but the first micro-specialty in Shenzhen University.

-"Virtual Digital Man"

"Virtual Digital Man"

"Virtual digital human" is a visible, interactive and adjustable virtual human form that digitizes the human body structure and presents it on the terminal screen through computer technology. As a hot field at present, it is the intersection of computer, digital media, marketing and other disciplines, and it is also the new direction of head Internet companies such as Tencent, Baidu and Iflytek.

From a technical point of view, virtual digital people can be divided into two categories: human-driven and intelligent-driven. Reality-driven is a relatively mature field at present, represented by Tianyi Luo, Liu Yexi, Xing Pupil and AYAYI in the industry. At present, the related concepts of "Metauniverse" form a clustering effect, and virtual digital human is one of the core industrial links of Metauniverse. With the lowering of the threshold and the great richness of application scenarios, it is estimated that by 2025, the virtual digital human industry will reach 100 billion.

In March, 2021, the state incorporated the development of virtual digital technology into the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Outline of Long-term Goals in 2035. Realizing virtual digital technology innovation has become the only way for China to realize industrial innovation and technological power in the future. In this context, Shenzhen University grasped the reality and focused on the future, and took the lead in creating a "virtual digital person" micro-specialty.

Based on the school-enterprise cooperation between the School of Communication of Shenzhen University and Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., the micro-specialty of "Virtual Digital Man" aims to meet the audio-visual content needs of the meta-universe and artificial intelligence, and cultivate the production methods and principles of virtual digital man. Master the planning, creation and communication skills of virtual IP; Know some artificial intelligence, algorithms and knowledge mapping principles, and be able to integrate code language with images; Establish professional innovative talents with professional understanding and research ability in the meta-universe industry, so as to get through the "last mile" of professional education and professional needs.

Micro-courses will adopt the training mode of "course cooperation+project cooperation +“IP co-creation", and 40 students will be recruited for computer, media art, news communication and other majors every academic year, and eight courses including Digital Man Making, Metauniverse and Media Philosophy, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Virtual IP Operation will be completed during the training period.

Laboratory scene

It is reported that half of the course content of the micro-major will be taught by the CDD team of Tencent Content Ecology Department in person, and students will have the opportunity to enter the actual combat of the enterprise in the name of project internship. In the teaching process, we also arranged visits and exchanges to broaden students’ horizons, hoping to transport innovative and creative talents that meet the needs of the intelligent audio-visual industry.

Wang Jianlei, the head of the micro-specialty of "virtual digital people" and an associate professor at the School of Communication, Shenzhen University, said that "virtual digital people" is a very cutting-edge professional direction, and Internet technology companies are groping for stones and finding ways to seize the new blue ocean of the market. In the education field, China Communication University, Nanjing University and South China University of Technology have all started to offer relevant virtual production courses consciously.

The cooperation between Shenzhen University and Tencent Technology Co., Ltd. has inherent advantages. If we can take the lead in setting up a micro-specialty based on this, it will be the first virtual digital professional in China. With distinctive features and high focus, it will form a good professional recognition. The adoption of micro-professional training can deliver the shortage of talents to the market in the shortest time, which will certainly benefit all parties in Industry-University-Research.

ShenZhen University

Shendawei major

In order to speed up the improvement of the trinity talent training system of "general education, professional training and characteristic development" in Shenzhen University, Shenzhen University will build a interdisciplinary and collaborative education "micro-specialty" to adapt to new technologies, new economies and new formats from 2019, expand students’ interdisciplinary horizons and knowledge reserves, and open up the "last mile" of professional education and career needs. Micro-specialty builds innovative talent training mode, actively adapts to the demand of social development for innovative compound talent training, and strengthens the close connection between talent training and industrial demand.

At present, Shenzhen University has promoted 40 micro-professional projects.