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What is the operation effect of parking service around the Road Campus of the Second Affiliated Medical College? The reporter "looks back"!

  On August 1st, Wenzhou Net News reported that parking service service was introduced to Xueyuan West Road in the urban area, hoping to rectify the traffic chaos in Xueyuan West Road by "solving the problem of marketization". This morning, the launching ceremony of parking service service around the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University will be held in Xueyuan Campus of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, which indicates the official start of parking service service there.

  The reporter learned that the parking service service around the Second Affiliated Hospital of College West Road and Eye Optometry Hospital has been put into trial operation for nearly a month. What was the effect during the trial operation? With this question, yesterday afternoon, the reporter once again came to Xueyuan West Road for a site visit.

  It takes only 30 seconds to complete the delivery and parking process.

  At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter saw in Xueyuan West Road that six signs with the words "25 yuan in parking service in the Second Affiliated Hospital" had been set up in the west-east direction of the road section to remind the residents to choose the regular parking service. Right in front of a building in the Road Campus of the Second Affiliated Medical College is the parking service Service Area. More than 10 staff members wearing uniform red vests are providing parking service services to people who come to see a doctor. The reporter found that there were more than 160 parking services at this service point at this time. After on-site timing, the whole process takes only about 30 seconds from the time when citizens drive into parking service service area to the time when parking personnel complete the delivery.

  Zhou Chengwen is the on-site manager of parking service service point. According to him, after the citizens drive their cars to parking service service area, parking personnel will immediately come forward to give the owner a bracelet with the number and contact information marked on it. After the citizens have finished seeing a doctor, they can call the number on the bracelet to pick up the car, and the parking personnel will return the car with the corresponding bracelet after driving it back to the hospital.

  "At present, we keep 15-20 parking service staff at the scene every day. After the citizens hand over the car to the parking staff, we will park the car in the regular underground parking lot in the neighborhood near the hospital, and there will never be parking staff driving on the road or parking at random." According to Zhou Chengwen, at present, the parking service point receives 200-300 vehicles that need parking every day. Generally, it takes only 3 minutes to drive from the hospital to the parking lot, but it takes 6-7 minutes to get back from the parking lot without traffic jams. "Therefore, when the citizens pick up the car, we will explain and let them call 10-15 minutes in advance to reduce the waiting time for picking up the car." Zhou Chengwen said.

  The reporter learned that at present, from 9: 30 am to 10: 00 am every day, it is the peak period of the service point. During this period, there may be many people and few cars, but with the end of the summer vacation, this situation will be improved.

  There are still these problems to be solved at the scene.

  Because the current parking service is not only convenient, but also more affordable than before, it has been praised by many citizens. However, during the interview, the reporter also found that there are still many problems that need to be solved.

  The reporter found that at the intersection of Xueyuan West Road and Feixia Road, there were still several "parking service scalpers" standing in the middle of the road. In addition, the reporter also found several illegal parking service personnel on the west side of the Stomatological Hospital. According to relevant sources, since the Second Affiliated Hospital set up a regular parking service service, it has caused a lot of influence on these illegal parking service people. "At first, they stopped to collect 40 yuan, but since the introduction of a regular parking service service, their business has been difficult, but there are still several diehards on the roadside ‘ Leak ’ 。”

  According to the previous bidding scheme for the right to operate the driving parking service, in addition to setting up the parking service area in the Second Affiliated Hospital, parking service area should also be set up in the designated area of the optometry hospital opposite. However, the reporter found yesterday that the parking service service on this side of the optometry hospital has not yet been opened. According to relevant sources, the parking service on this side of the optometry hospital has not been opened yet, because the selection of parking areas by various departments has not yet reached a final result. "This side is different from the second affiliated doctor. At present, it is impossible to set up a U-shaped passage for parking and delivery. If the delivery point is set on the road, it will easily lead to congestion, so the parties are still discussing it." The person introduced.

  In addition, the reporter also found that a new isolation guardrail was set in front of the stomatological hospital, which made the separation of people and vehicles more clear, but with the setting of the guardrail, new problems appeared. A passer-by told reporters that there are two huge distribution boxes and mobile communication cable boxes on this sidewalk. Because these two "big guys" are very close to street lamps, the originally spacious sidewalk there has become particularly crowded. "There are already many pedestrians and electric cars on this road, and every time they go to this place, they will be blocked. I really can’t figure out why these two big boxes should be placed in such a small place." The citizen said.

  Source: Wenzhou Daily

  Original title: The parking problem of Xueyuan West Road in the urban area is still a long-standing problem after more than 20 years — —

  Parking service process is convenient and affordable, but there are still many problems to be solved urgently.

  Reporter Du Yichuan

Leading high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation.

  Author: Dai Shuanping, professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Economics of Jilin University, and researcher of China State-owned Economic Research Center of Jilin University.

  The Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 emphasized: "We must take the promotion of Chinese modernization as the greatest politics, unite the overwhelming majority of the people under the unified leadership of the Party, focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, and turn the grand blueprint of Chinese modernization into a beautiful reality step by step." It is of great theoretical and practical significance to accurately understand the theoretical wisdom and practical requirements contained in it for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization.

  Promoting high-quality development is the primary task for China to move towards a moderately developed country. Leading the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation is a realistic choice for China to promote new industrialization at present. The modern industrial system is the foundation of the new development pattern, the basic framework for promoting high-quality development and the core component of the modern economic system. Science and technology, education and talents are the strategic supporting forces to promote Chinese modernization. A new round of scientific and technological revolution with artificial intelligence as the core is entering an all-round expansion period and will profoundly change the future economic form. Therefore, exploring new industries, new models, new kinetic energy and developing new quality productivity is an important way for China to seize future development opportunities.

  Diversified layout, regional cooperation, green transformation and digital empowerment are the distinctive features of the current global industrial system and industrial chain supply chain reshaping. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference not only emphasized "improving the new national system", "vigorously promoting new industrialization" and "supporting key core technology research, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction", but also proposed "building a number of strategic emerging industries such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace and low-altitude economy, opening up new tracks for future industries such as quantum and life sciences, widely applying digital intelligence technology and green technology, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries". Ecological civilization construction and green low-carbon development also fully reflect the characteristics driven by technological innovation. "Green low-carbon supply chain", "realization mechanism of ecological product value", "new energy system" and "intensive recycling and efficient utilization of resources" are all closely related to the construction of modern industrial system.

  Modern industrial system and scientific and technological innovation are mutually conditional and mutually supportive. Scientific and technological innovation leads the construction of modern industrial system, and industrial development is the soil for continuous scientific and technological innovation. In some frontier science and technology fields, China is changing its role from "runner" to "runner" or even "leader". However, how to play a leading role in basic research and cutting-edge core technologies requires China to make major reforms and explorations in the national innovation system. To promote the close integration of scientific and technological innovation and the construction of modern industrial system, it is necessary to continuously promote the popularization and application of intelligent and green technologies in manufacturing industry, continuously optimize the business environment, continuously stimulate the vitality of innovative subjects, open up new scenes, new fields and new tracks for innovation, establish new ones and break old ones, and accelerate the construction of a modern economic system.

  Expand domestic demand consistent with high-quality development requirements. Modern economic system is a sustainable economic system driven by scientific and technological progress, with high efficiency in resource allocation and continuous upgrading of industrial structure and product quality. Effective internal demand is the fundamental guarantee for stabilizing the economic system. However, effective demand is not static. Demand should face the future, guide resource allocation, and promote industrial structure and product quality improvement. Therefore, tapping new consumption and other new consumption growth points that meet the needs of high-quality development and effectively support new industries, new models and new kinetic energy is the key work direction to expand domestic demand. At the same time, to form effective demand, it is necessary to enhance people’s consumption confidence and satisfaction. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference put forward corresponding measures to expand the effective demand of residents from the perspectives of implementing new development concepts and building a new development pattern. For example, "promoting urban-rural integration and coordinated regional development", "promoting new urbanization with county towns as an important carrier" and "building livable, resilient and smart cities" can all expand the total demand. Similarly, giving priority to people’s livelihood and employment has sent a strong signal to stabilize social expectations. Only by building a sound social security system can residents be willing to spend and dare to spend.

  Deepen reform in key areas and expand high-level opening up. Domestic reform and opening to the outside world are the most basic experience summary of China’s economic construction. The Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 highlighted two basic points of work: reform in key areas and high-level opening to the outside world. Fully activating the endogenous motivation and innovation vitality of various business entities is the basic foothold of deepening the reform in key areas, treating state-owned enterprises and private enterprises equally, promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in a new direction of specialization, serving the new round of scientific and technological revolution and helping high-quality development. It is worth noting that the meeting proposed to plan a new round of fiscal and taxation system reform, which will be of great significance to building a modern economic system and establishing a risk prevention mechanism in key areas.

  High-level opening to the outside world pays attention to tapping new kinetic energy of foreign trade, and expands and consolidates the foundation and depth of international exchanges based on new economic development models, new kinetic energy and new industries. Focus on expanding intermediate trade, service trade, digital trade, cross-border e-commerce export, and promoting the opening up of the service market, which shows that China’s foreign trade pattern has undergone fundamental changes, and traditional raw materials and processing and manufacturing have not adapted to the requirements of China’s high-quality development. With the reshaping of the industrial chain value chain, Chinese enterprises have been deeply embedded in the global value chain, and the importance of intermediate trade is getting higher and higher, and the status of producer service trade and digital trade in the trading system is gradually improving. Meanwhile. The construction of such institutional systems as "high standard economic and trade rules", "cross-border flow of data", "market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment" and "investing in China" should also meet the requirements of China’s new development pattern and high-quality development as soon as possible.

  Prevent and resolve risks in key areas. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference emphasized that "next year, we should persist in striving for progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, establishing first and then breaking", and put forward the working bottom line of "stabilizing expectations, growth and employment". The working idea of "stabilizing" is embodied in social stability, implementing a prudent monetary policy, maintaining the basic stability of RMB exchange rate at a reasonable level, stabilizing and expanding traditional consumption, ensuring the employment stability of key groups, and ensuring the supply and price stability of important livelihood commodities.

  "Striving for progress with stability, promoting stability with progress, establishing first and then breaking" embodies China’s new thinking in dealing with the relationship between reform and development, as well as new strategies to reduce the pain of reform and stabilize social mentality. What "stands" is not only the new quality productivity, but also the new economic governance mode. At present, the risks of real estate, local debts and small and medium-sized financial institutions are the three major risk areas. Based on this, this paper puts forward some concrete work ideas to prevent and resolve risks, such as "three major projects", "accelerating the construction of a new model of real estate development" and "a big economic province should really take the lead". These schemes are based on the premise of maintaining overall stability, setting buffer zones, gradually absorbing risks, and minimizing the possible negative impact of "breaking".

Inspired by the China Inspiration Locke Line! China’s top-class, lifelong hiking route!

In March, 1928, American explorer Joseph Charles Francis Rock, with the help of King Muli, set foot on a road through the mysterious mountain and went deep into the local place called Gongga Risong Gongbu, which is now the Aden area of Daocheng.

Locke was impressed by the magnificent scenery here, and then published relevant articles and photos taken along the way in National Geographic magazine, which caused a great sensation in the west and showed this "pure land on the blue planet" to the world for the first time. At the beginning, the expedition team crossed the route from Muli to Gongga Ridge, which was later called "Locke Line".

The "Locke Line" has made countless adventure enthusiasts flock to it. Nearly a century later, Richard, an international student from France, led by the local explorer Lao Yin, re-took this world-class hiking route on the plateau and started an adventure through time and space to find the true meaning of Shangri-La.

Inspiration for China is an international communication video column created by Sichuan Daily Newspaper Group. The column is located in the "Z generation" group at home and abroad, and it explores, discovers, excavates and disseminates China business cards such as ancient Shu culture, tourism geography, Sichuan cuisine, animation online games, traditional Chinese medicine, modern art and sci-fi legends.

The sun will live a billion years less? It’s not just you and me.

  Can you imagine a world without the sun? Astronomers’ research shows that if there is no sun, the average surface temperature of the earth will drop to below-17.78 degrees Celsius in a week, and it will drop to-73.33 degrees Celsius in a year. Most plants will die in a few weeks, and then most life will disappear because of the disappearance of the sun, and everything will be dead.

  Now we know how important the sun is to us! However, something unfortunate happened. Recently, foreign scientists’ research on the metal abundance of the sun shows that we may overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, and the sun may die one billion years earlier than we expected.

  Elemental abundance controls the sun’s life gate

  It is understood that scientists have previously deduced that the life of the sun is about 10 billion years based on the standard solar model that ignores the rotation effect, which is a theoretical value simulated by the stellar evolution program, not a real value. And this value only refers to the central hydrogen combustion life in the theory of star evolution.

  "This is not to say that the sun really can only exist for 10 billion years. The accurate statement should be called the main sequence life of the solar model. In theory, the sun will become a red giant in about 10 billion years, but it still exists and will emit more sunlight. " Associate Professor Yang Wuming from the Astronomy Department of Beijing Normal University told the Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  He said that there are many preconditions to get the theoretical value of 10 billion years, and it is necessary to assume the initial element abundance of the sun and the physical process inside the sun. The life of the solar model is different with different initial element abundances. Because it is impossible to really get the initial element abundance of the sun and determine its internal physical processes, the life of the sun and even other stars cannot be accurately estimated.

  Twenty years ago, astronomers’ direct and indirect measurements of the sun showed that the metal abundance of the sun was around 1.8%; However, the latest solar spectrum measurement shows that the metal abundance of the sun is only 1.3%, which is far lower than the previous measurement results, and correspondingly, the life of the sun will be reduced by 1 billion years.

  The so-called solar metal abundance is the general term for the abundance of solar elements except hydrogen and helium. This metal is different from what we usually call metals. Because the contents of hydrogen and helium in the sun account for the vast majority, astronomers call all the heavier elements in the sun "metals". Although the content of these metals is small, it affects the fate of the sun.

  Because the electrons of metal elements easily absorb photons, which hinders radiation, the higher the metal abundance of the sun or star, the higher the opacity. The opacity of the sun or star is closely related to its life, temperature, brightness and other properties. Sani Vaniotch, a physicist who studies solar metal abundance at Stockholm University in Sweden, said that a very small amount of metal is enough to completely change the behavior of a star, and metal abundance can basically tell you how the star will die.

  Influence of atmospheric model on solar lifetime estimation

  The solar spectral measurement used in the latest research usually means that astronomers get the spectral lines of all measurable elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron through solar spectral analysis, and then compare them with the spectral lines given by the solar atmospheric model. When the two are consistent, the abundance of elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron used in the atmospheric model is considered as the element abundance of the solar photosphere. "However, this method cannot obtain the relative abundance of inert gases such as helium, neon and argon. The abundance of helium on the surface of the sun can only be inferred by helioseismology. " Yang Wuming said.

  After the latest measurement results come out, many people are wondering: Why is there such a big difference between the solar metal abundance measured before and after?

  In this regard, Yang Wuming explained that the old solar metal abundance was derived from the one-dimensional atmospheric model of local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines; The new solar metal abundance is derived from the three-dimensional atmospheric model of non-local thermal balance combined with the observed spectral lines. The old one-dimensional atmospheric model is considered to ignore many physical factors. Some scientists think that the new atmospheric model is closer to the real situation, and it is the improvement of the atmospheric model and the update of the transition probability data of atoms and molecules that cause the difference in the abundance of old and new metal elements.

  In the evolution of stars, if other conditions remain unchanged, the decrease of metal abundance will lead to the energy generated by the central nuclear reaction radiating outward more easily. However, the energy tends to radiate outward, which will cause the star to contract more easily and increase the density and temperature of the center of the star. More importantly, the increase of density and temperature will accelerate the hydrogen combustion rate, which will lead to the shortening of the total time of central hydrogen combustion, that is, the main sequence life of the solar model will be shortened. However, if other conditions change, such as the increase of hydrogen abundance or the influence of the sun’s rotation on its evolution, then the aforementioned life reduction does not exist.

  So, how to verify which method is more correct in the future?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, the answer to this question lies in which metal abundance measurement is more accurate and whether the helioseismology inversion result is reliable. Only by giving the correct abundance of solar elements can we determine how long the life of the sun is. If we can give a new solar model of gold abundance consistent with the helioseismology inversion results, all related problems will be solved.

  Life geometry is related to the theory of stellar evolution.

  Chen Pengfei, a professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, said that he was inclined to think that the initial life span of the sun was correct, and the life span of the sun would not be reduced by one billion years. "For several reasons, I prefer to think that the original model is correct: first, the measurement results of metal abundance in the solar wind by satellites support 1.8%; Secondly, the density of photosphere on the surface of the sun is high enough, so it is reasonable to adopt the approximation of local heat balance model in the past; Thirdly, the new model takes into account the inhomogeneity of the solar atmosphere, which is indeed an improvement, but it also ignores other factors, such as the influence of magnetic field; Fourth, to take a step back, even if the results of the new model are correct, because the distribution of metal abundance may be uneven, the metal abundance on the surface of the sun may be different from that inside. " Chen Pengfei said.

  At the same time, Yang Wuming also agrees that the initial solar life is correct. He said that the life of the sun has not been overestimated by 1 billion years, and that the life of the sun is overestimated because only the reduction of metal abundance is considered. When the influence of hydrogen abundance increase and rotation on the evolution of the sun is considered, the life of the sun will not be reduced.

  However, the astrophysicist Martin asp Lund of the Australian National University insists that the 1.3% solar metal abundance is correct. He said that all aspects of astronomy will be affected, and an accurate understanding of the evolution of stars has laid the foundation for almost everything.

  So, if astronomers do overestimate the life of the sun by one billion years, what theories need to be revised?

  In Yang Wuming’s view, if the life of the sun is really overestimated by 1 billion years, it shows that the theory of stellar evolution established by astronomers before is not complete, so they need to re-examine the theory and model of stellar evolution established before. For example, the standard theory of star evolution ignores the influence of star rotation, but in fact all stars are rotating. We have reached the time when we need to seriously consider the influence of rotation on the evolution of stars. Astronomical research on star clusters and galaxies depends on the theory of stellar evolution to a certain extent. If the theory of stellar evolution is wrong, the previous understanding of star clusters and galaxies needs to be adjusted.

The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi

On July 25th, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 8th China National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi.
In Wuyuan Sports Center Gymnasium, Xu Shubin, secretary of Wuyuan County Party Committee, presided over the opening ceremony; All the leaders and guests on the rostrum pressed the starting column together.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, announced the opening of the competition. Li Xiaoping, Director of Jiangxi Sports Bureau, and Qiu Xiangjun, Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government delivered speeches. Shi Ke, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, AARON Li, Director of Youth Sports Department of State Sports General Administration, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, Luo Laishui, Director of Shangrao Municipal Sports Bureau, Xu Shubin, Secretary of Wuyuan County Committee, Zhou Huabing, County Governor of Wuyuan County, Tao Wusheng, Chairman of Aofei Recreation and Sports Group, and other leaders attended.
The signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi volleyball team’s "Provincial Team Building" was held in Wunvzhou Convention and Exhibition Center, Wuyuan County on July 25th.
On July 25th, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, presided over the signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi Provincial Volleyball Team’s "Provincial Team Building". Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, read out the instructions of Governor Ye Jianchun of Jiangxi Provincial Government on the establishment of a special report on Jiangxi volleyball team.
Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, signed a contract with Zhu Meiqing, deputy mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, and Shi Ke, deputy governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, unveiled the Shangrao Volleyball Club in Jiangxi.
In recent years, Wuyuan County has vigorously developed the national fitness campaign, held sports brand competitions, promoted the integrated development of "sports+tourism" and improved the quality of development. It has successively hosted several national and provincial large-scale sports events such as the National Ancient Post Road Walking Competition, the "Most Beautiful Country Cup" National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament, the Wuyuan International Marathon and the Poyang Lake International Cycling Race. At the same time, a series of national fitness activities such as football, table tennis, gateball, ground throw ball and softball are widely carried out.
In 2022, the county hosted more than 40 large-scale events at or above the municipal level, such as the men’s and women’s volleyball competition in China Super League, the National Youth Table Tennis Competition (South Division) and the Cycling Cross-country Challenge around Poyang Lake. Nearly 1 million sports tourists came to Wuyuan to participate in the events, which stimulated the sports tourism consumption to reach 480 million yuan and stimulated the vitality of the tourism market.
In 2022, Wuyuan, as the only representative of the city, was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award in Shangrao’s sports work, as well as the Outstanding Contribution Award in Competitive Sports in Shangrao from 2019 to 2022 and the Advanced Unit in Mass Sports Work in Shangrao in 2022.
On July 25th, athletes were competing in Ziyang Park, Wuyuan County.
Gas volleyball is a mass sport that integrates sports, leisure and entertainment. As a new sport, it has been favored by more and more middle-aged and elderly friends. The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament in the most beautiful countryside has been held for the eighth time since it was held for the first time in 2014. The cumulative number of participants has exceeded 10,000, which has been widely praised by air volleyball fans all over the country. There are 312 teams from all over the country, and more than 3,000 team leaders, coaches and athletes participate in the competition. The competition is divided into three groups: youth group, middle-aged group and elderly group.
(China Daily Jiangxi reporter station Tang Ying/photography Zhang Wen)
Source: China Daily.

Winter Olympics, do you know | freestyle skiing snow skills, speed and difficulty of "cat jump"

Introduction to the rules of freestyle skiing skills on snow. Video source: BOCOG (00:33) [Editor’s note]
Beijing Winter Olympics has entered the final countdown of 30 days, and China Olympic athletes are ready to set off, waiting for the decisive moment.
So how much do you know about the competitive events of the Winter Olympics? On this occasion, The Paper has launched the column "Winter Olympics, Do You Know?", which brings a panoramic analysis of the popular science of the Winter Olympics and helps you easily understand the ice and snow doorways.
This is a freestyle skiing event-snow skill, which is scored by flipping, jumping and speed.If alpine skiing is the pursuit of speed and aerial skill is a challenge to difficulty, then snow skill is an art that combines speed and difficulty, like enjoying a dynamic dancer’s performance.
Project introductionThe English name of freestyle skiing snow skill project is "Mogul" (cat jumping), which is quoted from Austrian Mugel, meaning many hills.
Snow skills require skiers to slide and turn on the snowy road covered with small snow mounds, and to complete the aerial skills of jumping and flying in high-speed sliding, which requires extremely high sliding, speed and skills.
During the competition, the contestants glided on the slope of 27 at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. It is necessary to turn continuously on the 250-meter track, and the terrain of the venue is extremely challenging, so the direction must be changed every 3 meters.
Players should keep balance in the process of high-speed progress, and half of the scores need to be given by the referee according to the performance of the athletes when turning.
In the 16th Winter Olympics in Albertville, France, in 1992, the snow skill event was listed as the Winter Olympics event.
gameAthletes mainly compete in three parts: gyration, aerial skill and speed. Snow skills are ranked by the quality points of rotary movements and aerial movements and the timing results, and those who score more are ranked first.
Before the qualifying competition, the top 20 players advanced to the finals, and the final competition order was reversed according to the results of the qualifying competition. Five "gyration" judges scored according to the quality and mistakes of athletes’ gyration; Two "aerial skills" judges scored according to the completion of the operation, the height and quality of the flight.
Among them, taxiing and turning scores account for 60%, air part scores account for 25%, and speed scores account for 25%. Snowboarding venues are mostly built on steep slopes, with a length of 200-270 meters, a width of 15-25 meters and a slope of 24-32 degrees. The site must have a gentle slope and a continuous drop.
China legion"How can anyone fly in the snow room?" Guo Xiangru competed in Japan for the first time in 2008 and was stunned by foreign athletes. At that time, China’s national team of freestyle skiing and snow skills had just been established for one year.
In the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Ning Qin, the first batch of athletes of China Snow Skill Team, reached the final for the first time, which was also the first time that China Snow Skill Team qualified for the Winter Olympics.
I have witnessed the difficulty in starting China’s snow skills, and also experienced the opportunities given by this era. Now, eight years later, a batch of athletes behind Guo Xiangru and Ning Qin have devoted themselves to the snow skills project.
In 2021, the freestyle skiing snow skill project held a World Cup in Alpudier. China team’s three female players, Li Nan, Cao Tianqing and Wang Jin, all entered the top 30 in women’s snow skills, while Zhao Yang won the 28th in men’s synchronized snow skills, and all four players met the entry standards of Beijing Winter Olympics.
In the end, the China team successfully qualified for two snow skills events, one male and one female. Among them, men’s snow skills are the first time in history to qualify for the Olympic Games.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Li Ruihe: Tea is a peaceful drink. The 21st century is the tea age in China (Figure).

    "Tea is a peaceful drink." In order to continue his grandmother’s good deeds before her death, Li Ruihe built a "conscience pavilion" in Zhangzhou, serving tea to pedestrians all day long and never stopping for 14 years.

  Li Ruihe said that the 21st century is the era of China tea.

    Li Ruihe loves to drink tea in his own tea house. He often chooses a place near the window and makes and tastes tea by himself. When a tea guest came, he looked kindly and greeted the guests with gentle eyes. At this point, in the eyes of uninformed people, this is just an old man dressed in plain clothes.

    But in the tea industry, Li Ruihe is a legend in the industry, and everyone knows it. When he was in high spirits as a teenager, he took tea as his career and started "Tianrenming Tea" in 1961. After years of hard work, Tianren became the only listed tea company on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In the 1990s, Li Ruihe sold his stocks and houses to pay off his debts because of the Taiwan Province stock market bubble.

    At that time, Li Ruihe wrote an inscription: "Success is shared by all, and failure is my responsibility." His heart should be filled with the tragic feeling of a hero.

    If you are a hero, you will never give up. In 1993, 58-year-old Li Ruihe resolutely went to the mainland to invest and rebuild his tea industry, and established "Tianfu Tea House" in his ancestral home in Zhangzhou, Fujian. "Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour gave me confidence." For the choice at that time, 14 years later, Li Ruihe was still very proud, because he grasped an excellent business opportunity. After 14 years of operation, it has grown to more than 7,000 employees, and the "Tianfu" logo is also spread all over the country, with 674 chain stores nationwide. -the ups and downs of business, and the tea industry won the international market and became the world’s tea king. Mr. Li’s entrepreneurial history is an example of mutual encouragement in the tea industry.

  Seven-generation love affair with tea

    Fujian is a well-known "tea town" at home and abroad. The written record of tea production in Fujian is more than 300 years earlier than Cha Sheng Luyu’s Tea Classic. It can be seen that tea culture has a long history in Fujian, with a history of more than 1,000 years.

    "After we created oolong tea in the Ming Dynasty, we made Tieguanyin in the Qing Dynasty with a new technology, which became a tribute to the imperial palace in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and naturally became the hometown of famous tea in China." Li Ruihe enthusiastically introduced the tea production in various parts of Fujian. Between the talks, we can see that the old man has deep feelings for Fujian and tea.

    "I am from Zhangpu, Fujian." Li Ruihe always introduces himself in this way on major occasions. After careful investigation, Mr. Li’s ancestors crossed the sea from Zhangpu to Taiwan Province more than 200 years ago and settled down in Nantou. Although they moved to Taiwan Province, their ancestors did not change careers, and they still made a living by growing tea for generations. "At that time, there was a folk song saying: Thousands of villages learn to grow tea, fir tea is planted all over the house, tea is planted to prevent old age, and the price of tea is for ten thousand families. Therefore, our ancestors have always been attached to tea and have never stopped. "

    By Mr. Li Ruihe, it is already the seventh generation of "tea people". Since childhood, he has been working with his grandmother in tea fields, knowing how to grow and raise tea, and learning the skill of making tea from generation to generation.

    "My grandmother is simple and is a typical good wife and mother. For tea, it is the foundation of our family business, and at the same time, tea culture is also to be taught in our family. My grandmother often takes me to the roadside pavilion to deliver tea to passers-by. Giving someone a cup of tea is a gesture of goodwill. Because tea culture pays attention to a word of harmony, harmony between people. " Li Ruihe said that tea is a peaceful drink. In order to continue his grandmother’s good deeds before her death, he built a "conscience pavilion" in Zhangzhou, which served tea for pedestrians all day long and never stopped for fourteen years. If we say that my grandmother used to give tea to passers-by more for the sake of accumulating virtue, I pray that God can help the descendants of the Li family to make a difference. Now Mr. Li Ruihe provides tea for pedestrians in the conscience pavilion, but it is to let more people become attached to tea. "I have been drinking tea since I was a child, and I am now in my seventies. After drinking tea for 70 years, it is not only a habit in southern Fujian, but also because I know that drinking tea is really beneficial to the body. " Mr. Li has a ruddy complexion, quick thinking and very light movements, unlike an old man over seventy years of age.

    Li Ruihe has a deep affection for tea. If you can say that tea is good when talking with him, he will think you are good, and will talk and taste tea with you happily, and regard you as a friend. "I know that I love tea to the point of near infatuation, but it is my infatuation with tea that enables me to start my business again and make it bigger and stronger than my first career."

  "Tianfuming Tea" is another village.

    Taiwan Province’s stock market bubble burst in the 1990s, and Tianren Securities, a company founded by Mr. Li Ruihe, immediately fell into debt. In order to repay the debt, he had to sell the shares and real estate of Tianrenming Tea. At this point, some people think that his career has come to an end.

    "Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech in 1992 convinced me that the mainland’s reform and opening up was successful, and it was also a good development opportunity for our Taiwanese businessmen. So, I returned home with the hope of starting a business again. " Speaking of starting a business for the second time, Mr. Li Ruihe, who has experienced the storm in the shopping mall, has a dull tone, but his eyes are shining and he has a passion that cannot be concealed. "When I returned to the mainland, I realized that I had found the root." Mr. Li, who was speaking slowly, suddenly increased his tone, and raised his right hand on the chair to his heart: "When I arrived in Zhangpu, I realized that China’s tea resources are really rich, and the tea market in China is also very large. What I have to do is to do my own tea industry with my heart. "

    In 1993, Mr. Li Ruihe invested in the tea industry in Zhangpu with 10 million yuan raised from relatives and friends in Taiwan Province, established Tianfu Tea House, built his own tea production base, and processed tea with advanced technology.

    "I spend every Spring Festival in Zhangpu with my employees. In 1993, I still clearly remember that there were more than 20 people. By the Spring Festival of 2006, we will have more than 700 people. The number of Tianfu employees in our country has reached more than 7,000. In these 14 years, the development has been really fast. " Mr. Li recalled Tianfu’s entrepreneurial process and said.

    In 1994, Mr. Li Ruihe once vowed to establish 100 tea chain stores in major cities in mainland China within ten years. At that time, many people thought it was impossible. However, Tianfu’s development is better than Mr. Li’s expectation. So far, Tianfu Tea House has opened 674 direct chain stores in major and medium-sized cities in mainland China. From 2003 to 2005, Tianfu Group reported and paid 24.94 million yuan, 28.54 million yuan and 37.39 million yuan to the local tax authorities respectively, and the tax amount was as high as 90.87 million yuan.

    Mr. Li Ruihe loves tea, makes tea industry, and preaches tea culture with all his heart. Perhaps at first he just popularized tea culture out of his affection for tea, but as far as an enterprise is concerned, the promotion of tea culture has expanded and strengthened the tea market.

    At the beginning of 2000, Li Ruihe decided to invest in the establishment of Tianfu Tea Museum, with the theme of "studying tea science and inheriting tea culture". Covering an area of 80 mu, the museum is divided into four buildings, namely, the main building area for displaying tea history and the performance area for displaying tea ceremony. "People in China have been drinking tea for more than three thousand years. Why are they compared with coffee and coke? This is mainly because the tea culture in China has not been inherited and developed. Tea drinking in Japan was spread from China in the Song Dynasty, but they knew how good tea was, and kept it going, making tea ceremony kung fu to the extreme. Why can’t we in China do it? Or because we modern people know too little about tea, so I built the Tianfu Tea Museum in the hope that our younger generation can understand the tea in our country, which has a valuable culture. "

    More than 100 years ago, China tea monopolized the world tea market. Today, 100 years later, the world’s tea sales are 180 billion yuan, while the China tea market is only 18 billion yuan. At present, the planting area of tea in China ranks first in the world, but the output ranks second, and the export ranks third. At the same time, the value of tea has not been well tapped, and China’s foreign exchange earning value of tea ranks fourth in the world. The data shows that China is still in an embarrassing situation of being a big tea country rather than a strong one.

    "The tea market in China can’t be strong, mainly because of the restriction of family workshops. The production process cannot be innovated and promoted. " A professor from China Agricultural University once pointed out the shortcomings of China’s tea industry at the meeting. Mr. Li Ruihe also saw these clearly, so he decided to add modern and scientific production technology to the traditional tea culture, so as to take China tea to a higher level. In 2005, he once again invested in the establishment of Tianfu Tea Vocational and Technical College "to train professionals in the tea industry", with an investment of 200 million yuan. "The establishment of Tianfu Tea College meets the needs of the development of tea industry and is also an important step in the internationalization of China tea industry." In an interview with reporters, Mr. Chen Zongmao of China Academy of Engineering praised Li Ruihe’s development strategy of "thinking and doing".

    21st century, the era of China tea.

    Tea, coffee and cola have become the top three international drinks.

    "The Tang Dynasty had the rule of Zhenguan, and it was a prosperous time. Ambassadors from all over the world came to Tang to communicate and learned about China tea. Since then, tea has become a popular drink. " Mr. Li laughed and said that he was also surnamed Li, and he was a descendant of Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty. If his ancestors started the prosperous Tang Dynasty, he should at least revive the tea culture and make China tea popular in the world.

    "China tea to go international, first of all, we should do a good job in the domestic market. Only when the foundation at home is good can we take a step outside. " When talking about the internationalization process of China tea industry, Mr. Li Ruihe pointed out that the foundation should be laid before expansion.

    "In the 1990s, when I first returned to the mainland, I found that on average, each of us only drank more than 200 grams of tea a year, which was quite a small number. With the development of tea industry, we are more and more aware of the health, fitness and intelligence functions of tea drinks, and this number has increased, and the statistics of some departments have reached 500 grams. This is a great progress, but compared with some countries with the same level of economic development, there is still a lot of room. Every person in Taiwan Province drinks 1,200 grams of tea every year. In Britain, it is 2500 grams. " Based on the estimation of the market development space, Mr. Li Ruihe set a new goal for the number of chain stores in Tianfu nationwide: "We intend to open Tianfu to 3,000 stores all over the country."

    "Although China is a big tea country, it is not a strong tea country." Liu Nianyan, an expert from the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, pointed out with regret the pain of tea merchants in China. Analyzing the reasons, Liu Nianyan said: "First of all, it is a family-style, small-scale and traditional tea production and marketing model, so it is impossible to provide a modern tea service system. This has formed its own shackles for continuing to open up new markets. "

    Tianfu, based on the founding experience of "Tianrenming Tea" in Taiwan Province, has set a modern and scientific example for mainland tea merchants.

    Not to mention the establishment of the Tea Institute and the opening of the Tea Museum, Tianfu’s tea-making technology has used advanced equipment and carried out scientific management in the production process. At the same time, paying attention to brand building is also an important reason for Tianfu’s rapid recognition by guests. In the past, one of the factors that China tea industry has been hesitating is related to the small and miscellaneous tea brands. Tianfu, since its inception, has paid attention to building and maintaining brands.

    In 1997, Tianfu Group’s product "813 Tea King" became the designated drink of the APEC meeting held in Vancouver, Canada, which was a breakthrough of China tea and also sounded the horn of China tea era.

    In 2001, Tianfu Alpine Tea King once again became the meeting tea of APEC.

    Because the drinks in the first two APEC meetings were provided by Tianfu, and they were well received by officials from various countries, in 2005, the APEC meeting held in Busan, South Korea naturally designated Tianfu products for the third time.

    In these important international activities, Tianfu products are frequently praised by friends from all over the world, which makes Tianfu’s step into the international market a natural thing.

    "Tea is a drink of peace." When Li Ruihe was an enterprise, he was actually doing culture. He said that Tianfu Group has opened stores in the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and other countries, and he hoped that international friends could have tea in Tianfu and get to know a warm and hospitable China.

    Li Ruihe said that the 21st century is the era of China tea.

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  • Taiwan Province lost its competitiveness to South Korea for the first time. Taiwanese investment in Fujian has grown rapidly.
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  • The export value of Taiwan Province International Flower Opening Ceremony is expected to reach 100 million US dollars.
  • Editor: Wei Liangchun

    What is culture? How to explain culture?

    What is culture?

    If culture talks about appearances, it is: everything that is different from nature in human social life is culture. As long as it is not natural, it is created by people, and it is all culture, but this is only the appearance.

    The core of culture: it is the common way of thinking and values formed by this nation that has lived for a long time in a special natural environment and a unique mode of production and lifestyle. This is culture. Specific environment, specific period. Then a group of people generated this value. For example, if he lives on the plateau, or the natural environment on this plain is different from that on the prairie, and his way of life and production are different, then his way of thinking and values are different. This way of thinking and values, he is not a person, he is the common lifestyle and values of this nation or this country, and this is culture.

    We in China pay attention to family and everything. We have talked about it for more than 2,000 years. Now the common people also recognize it. It is this value that China people recognize. Therefore, culture is a unique value of a farming nation.

    The most basic bond of farming people’s survival is blood, but the basic unit of survival is family, so from this perspective, this family and everything is the unique culture of our Chinese nation. Not in other countries, because their lifestyles and production methods are different, he will change. For example, in Hanshu, especially in Biography of Xiongnu, there is a dialogue between Han Division and Xiongnu, which is called Khan’s dialogue between them. This is called two different cultures, which are actually right from their respective perspectives, but because of their different lifestyles and production methods, I think you are wrong, and you think I am wrong. So what is right and what is wrong? What is suitable for our survival is called right.

    # Culture # # Xiongnu #

    Table tennis World Cup: No.2 seed lost again! Olympic runner-up scored 2 empty games, and South Korea bombarded 8.

    On December 7th, Beijing time, the contest of Chengdu table tennis mixed team World Cup quarter-finals kicked off on the second day. The first two games were Germany VS France and South Korea VS Slovakia. As a result, the second seed Germany lost again and lost to France 4-8. As for South Korea, it was a total victory, sweeping its opponents 8-0 and winning heartily.

    At present, it seems that the No.2 German team is the weakest among the top four seeds. After all, the six main players didn’t participate in the war, and the rest of the people really couldn’t hold up the scene. The day before, they lost 4-8 to Sweden, and now they lost 4-8 to France. Shan Xiaona, the Olympic runner-up, is helpless!

    Please see below for the detailed situation.

    The situation of this game is relatively simple. Although Slovakia advanced to the quarter-finals, it was mainly because Germany and Portugal, the two strong rivals in the group stage, were short of a large number of core players. Even so, they made a thrilling pass, and now it is natural to play against the powerful South Korean team everywhere.

    In the first set of mixed doubles, Lin Zhongxun/Shen Yubin beat Apras/Raposo Wa 3-0; In the second set of women’s singles, Tian Zhixi won Kukulova 3-0; In the third set of men’s singles, Li Shangzhu beat Wang Yang 2-0, and the Korean team ended the battle with a total score of 8-0.

    The battle between Germany and France was the focus on December 7th. If all the main players of the two teams participated in the war, the German team was relatively superior. However, the four main players of the German men’s team, Ochalov, Qiu Dang, Francesca and Bohr, were absent, while the two main players of the women’s team, Han Ying and Mittham, were absent. Shan Xiaona was the only core player, which was really unsustainable. They lost to Sweden 4-8 the day before.

    Compared with Sweden, the strength of France is obviously stronger. lebrun brothers and Pavard Ran Ran have risen, Simon is not old, Yuan Jianan is in his prime, and his strength can reach the top four in this World Cup. It is really difficult for Germany to win the other side.

    Sure enough, the first set of mixed doubles German team fell behind, and meissner/Wanyuan lost to Alex/Yuan Jianan 1-2; In the second set of women’s singles, Shan Xiaona, the 40-year-old Olympic runner-up, won the 19-year-old Pavard 2-1; In the third set of men’s singles, European Games champion Felix beat Walter 2-1. Although the total score of the French team was 5-4, it still did not open the gap.

    In the fourth set of men’s doubles, Walter/Steph lost to Alex/Simon 0-3, and the French team ended the battle with a total score of 8-4. The second seed Germany collapsed again, but it was really impossible.

    Guo Ailun has a brand-new mentality and is optimistic about the future! Looking forward to the limitless of Liao basket!

    Guo Ailun has a brand-new mentality and is optimistic about the future! Looking forward to the limitless of Liao basket!

    Guo Ailun faced the future with a brand-new mentality, showing optimism and self-confidence. Although losing the national team made him feel frustrated, he was not bothered. Instead, he focused on rehabilitation and personal growth, and firmly believed that his future was still bright. His love for basketball and loyalty to Liaoning men’s basketball team are admirable. Facing the future challenges, Guo Ailun opened his heart and looked forward to the limitless possibilities of Liaoning men’s basketball team. His positive attitude and tenacious belief will not only bring him greater personal breakthrough, but also bring more glory and hope to China basketball. Guo Ailun, a high-profile young basketball player in China, has recently experienced a low ebb. Losing the national team is a loss for any player, but Guo Ailun is not depressed. Instead, he turned his attention to rehabilitation and personal growth.

    In the days of recovery from injury, he insisted on hard training and never gave up once. He knows that only through continuous efforts can he shine again on the basketball court. For Guo Ailun, basketball is not only a profession, but also a passion. From his infatuation with basketball when he was young to his hard work later, he always regarded basketball as an indispensable part of his life. Liaoning men’s basketball team is his home, and his sense of belonging makes him feel grateful and devote all his strength to the team. No matter what kind of pressure and difficulties he faced, Guo Ailun was consistent. He interpreted the word loyalty with practical actions. Looking ahead, Guo Ailun is full of confidence. He believes that his future is still bright, and the future Liaoning men’s basketball team is also a world full of hope.

    He knew that the road to basketball would not be smooth sailing, but he didn’t flinch. On the contrary, he regards challenges as opportunities and believes that there will always be wisdom and hard work in front of difficulties. He is eager to make great achievements in the future basketball field and win glory for the team and the country. Guo Ailun’s tenacious belief and positive attitude not only affect himself, but also bring more hope to China basketball. He is an example for countless basketball teenagers and the goal they study and pursue. He told everyone with his own practical actions that as long as he has a dream and is down to earth, he can overcome all difficulties and usher in the dawn of success. Under his leadership, the future of Liaoning men’s basketball team is limitless. He will go hand in hand with his teammates and fight for the honor of the team. He knows that only by uniting and cooperating can he achieve greater success.

    There may still be many tests in the future, but he firmly believes that as long as we unite and work together, the Liaoning men’s basketball team will surely hit the peak again. To sum up, Guo Ailun faced the future with a brand-new mentality, showing optimism and self-confidence. He firmly believes that his future is still bright, and his love for basketball and loyalty to the Liaoning men’s basketball team are admirable. His positive attitude and tenacious belief will not only bring him greater personal breakthrough, but also bring more glory and hope to China basketball. Let’s look forward to Guo Ailun’s wonderful performance and cheer for him! The future of Liaoning men’s basketball team is limitless, and we are proud of the bright future of China basketball!