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Andy Lau returned to Hong Kong, claiming to be Andy’s "fiancée" to pick up the plane and reveal their 18-year relationship

Feature: Picture Channel

  At around 11:30 on August 5, the famous Hong Kong artist Andy Lau flew to Beijing Capital Airport. He arrived in Beijing this time to watch the Beijing Olympic Games. Photo by Tomita

  China News Service, August 26, Andy Lau is surrounded by over-obsessed female fans. According to Hong Kong’s Ming Pao, another "infatuated girl" was waiting for Andy at the airport yesterday morning. She told reporters that he was Andy Lau’s fiancee and they had been in a relationship for 18 years. According to the report, Andy arrived in Hong Kong at 5 pm yesterday, and an infatuated girl was waiting as early as 11:00. She told reporters that she was Andy Lau’s fiancee and they had been in a relationship for 18 years. She also wrote a love letter to Andy as "husband". Someone asked her why Andy didn’t take her to Beijing to watch the closing ceremony. She responded seriously that because Andy couldn’t pick her up in time! She waited for a while without seeing Andy and left disappointed.

  When Andy showed up at 5 p.m., he did not know that his "fiancée" had been waiting for him at the airport. Andy said he would participate in the promotion of the Paralympic Equestrian Games after returning to Hong Kong. He has great confidence in the Paralympic equestrian athletes in Hong Kong. He said he would also support the Paralympics.

Editor in charge: Wang Wenying

Introduction of common battery models What are the common battery sizes [Detailed explanation]

  What are the specifications, dimensions and uses of common battery models (No.1, No.2, No.5 and No.7)? Due to the limitation of conditions, only a few existing batteries have been roughly measured and confirmed. The logos such as AAA, AA, C, D, N, F, SC, etc. seen on the battery body are all American model logos. In China, except for a few by number, others seem to adopt the American naming method, but in other countries such as Japan, the names may be different.

  [Battery model] Introduction of common battery models Detailed description of common battery sizes and specifications

  1. Correspondence of common battery models and sizes

  In the following table, 1-4 are all commonly used in our life, while 5-9 are rarely used or paid attention to. For example, A, SC, N and F are mostly used in rechargeable battery packs, and they are often wrapped in skins, so it is impossible to directly see the battery models, but not all of them.

  Second, the common battery diagram and use

  1. AAA battery (No.7 battery)

  AAA battery is commonly known as No.7 battery, which is a little smaller than No.5 battery. It is mostly used in remote control and other places where the volume is limited but the power consumption is not too large. Flashlights are also used, but most of them are used in combination. No.7 battery size: height 44.0mm, diameter 10.0mm.

  2. AA battery (No.5 battery)

  AA battery is also called No.5 battery, which is the most common one. Electric shavers, electronic toys, digital equipment, etc. are used the most. Many AA rechargeable batteries are also used as battery packs, especially the 4.8V rechargeable four-section combination on toys. Size of 5th battery: height 49.0mm, diameter 14.0mm.

  3. Type C battery (No.2 battery)

  Type C battery is also called No.2 battery, which is a little smaller than No.1 battery and is often used in flashlights and audio-visual equipment. Size of No.2 battery: height 49.5mm, diameter 25.3mm.

  4. Type D battery (No.1 battery)

  D-type battery is also called No.1 battery, which is the same as No.5 battery. It can be used in many occasions, such as electronic lighting equipment, flashlights and so on. Size of No.1 battery: height 59.0mm, diameter 32.3mm.

  5. AAAA battery

  AAAA batteries are mostly used in some high-end electronic devices, such as Bluetooth headsets. AAAA battery size: height 41.5mm, diameter 8.1 mm..

  6. Type A battery

  Type A batteries are mostly flat-headed batteries, which are generally used as battery packs. When lucky chance searched for pictures of such batteries on Google, it seems that almost all of them are flat-headed batteries. The height of Type A batteries is similar to that of No.2 batteries, with a slightly smaller diameter. The battery size is 49.0mm in height and 16.8mm in diameter.

  7. SC battery

  SC battery is also generally used for stacking battery packs, which seems to have never been seen before. The battery size is 42.0mm in height and 22.1mm in diameter.

  8. N type battery

  N-type battery is also generally used as a battery pack. Because of its small size, it will also be used in electronic devices with limited volume, such as doorbells. The battery size is 28.5mm in height and 11.7mm in diameter.

  9. Type F battery

  F-type batteries are also used in battery packs. See the battery body for the F-type logo. The battery size: 89.0mm in height and 32.3mm in diameter.

  There are also small square or cylindrical batteries such as 23A(12V), 27A(12V), 10A(9V), 25A(9V), 6F22(9V), F22(6V), 11A(6V), 26A(6V), 476A(6V) and 2X625A(3V). The actual voltage is about 10V. In the evening, I took the 6F22 apart and looked at it. There are six "cake" batteries stacked inside (it is easy to separate them with blades and the filler is easy to pick up), and then the outside is covered with a layer of plastic and then encapsulated with aluminum skin.

Summer in the "Summer" Township | Spend a sauna day and meet the "Arctic Village" in Wuhan.

avoid/escape summer heat
Xiaxiang town
The countryside of Wuhan is 5℃ lower.

The air here is free and fresh.

There are distant mountains and smoke, dogs and fields.

height of summer

A visit to the countryside in Wuhan with a summer temperature of 5℃

First stop
Huangpi liujiashan village
Cool heart and lungs, Wuhan "North Pole"

Liujiashan Village, Caidian Street, huangpi district is located at an altitude of 806 meters.Among the mountains.Green and cool, it is the tallest, northernmost and most remote village in Wuhan, and is called the "Arctic Village" in Wuhan.

The original ecology is the biggest feature of the local natural environment. In summer, the temperature here is 6-8 degrees lower than that in downtown Wuhan, which is a good place for summer in rural Wuhan.

If this title is not enough for you to locate its coordinates and mention "Qingliangzhai", everyone should know!

At the top of Qingliangzhai, you will enter the village even if you pass through the archway of "hometown of the top scholar, Liujiashan Village"!

There is a mirror-like lake in the village, clear and clean, which is the result of careful care by the villagers.

Most of the retro buildings along the lake are Huizhou style with white walls and blue tiles. The landscape in front of the house is strewn at random with green plants, which is hidden among the green mountains and green waters, and it is full of refreshing meaning.

Every summer vacation, there will be a wave of summer tourists in the village. Most of them are old people with their grandchildren. Some choose to stay in the farmhouse for a short time, while others choose to rent a farmhouse for a comfortable summer.

Take a walk along the plank road in the middle of the lake, blow the mountain lake wind, find enthusiastic old people in the village and ask the historical story of the Qing Dynasty Jinshi.

There is also an excellent viewing platform on the top of the mountain, watching the sunrise and sunset and watching the stars move. Standing on the platform, you can still blow the wind from your neighbor Xiaogan ~

Looking back at Liu Jiashan, the villagers are rich and peaceful. Who would have thought that it was once a poor and backward ravine ~

When talented people return home, the countryside changes dramatically.

In 2004, Yi Youqing, an "able man of Huangpi", came to Liujiashan Village to develop tourism. He invested 40 million yuan to build leisure resorts and scenic spots in Qingliang Village, an old tea plantation in Liujiashan Village, and rebuilt the houses in Liujiashan Village to keep its original quaint appearance.

After the transformation, Liujiashan Village has become a beautiful water town in the deep mountains. The scenic spot also excavates the history of Liu Binshi, the ancestor of Liujiashan Village, who took the second place in the Qing Dynasty’s scientific research, and deduces such scenic spots as Shuxiang River, Zhuangyuan Bridge, Jintu Bridge, Reading Pavilion, and Cowherd’s Cave.

Nowadays, villagers are either hired as employees in scenic spots, or open farmhouses or set up stalls to sell local products. Every household has a tourist meal. In the past, poor and backward mountain villages wereRural construction has experienced gorgeous transformation in more than ten years!

The old stone road between the cottages and the "old house" that is 100 years old have witnessed the transformation of Liujiashan Village.

Get out of the urban heat island and come to the village for the summer!

Winter Olympics, do you know | Alpine skiing: the crown jewel of the Winter Olympics.

Introduction of alpine skiing rules. Video source: BOCOG (03:24) [Editor’s note]
Beijing Winter Olympics has entered the final countdown of 30 days, and China Olympic athletes are ready to set off, waiting for the decisive moment.
So how much do you know about the competitive events of the Winter Olympics? On this occasion, The Paper has launched the column "Winter Olympics, Do You Know?", which brings a panoramic analysis of the popular science of the Winter Olympics and helps you easily understand the ice and snow doorways.
Alpine skiing is gradually formed on the basis of cross-country skiing and is a branch of snow sports. Since 1936, alpine skiing has been listed as an event in the Winter Olympics, which has quickly attracted the attention of global winter sports enthusiasts for its ornamental and challenging nature.As the host, China has already qualified for 10 events of alpine skiing in the Beijing Winter Olympics. At present, only the women’s super slalom event needs to be continued.
Project introductionAlpine skiing is known as "the jewel in the crown of the Winter Olympics" and is one of the most ornamental competitions.
The competition is a snow racing sport with skis, snowshoes, fixers and ski pole as the main equipment, which slides down from mountain to mountain and along the track set by Qimen.
Alpine skiing in the Olympic Games includes men’s events, women’s events and mixed events. Among them, men’s events and women’s events have five events: downhill, slalom, giant slalom, super giant slalom and all-around, while the mixed events are mixed team events.
Among them, downhill and super giant slalom are speed events, and the ranking is determined according to the result of one slide. Slewing and giant slalom are technical events, which are calculated by the total results of two taxiways.
The alpine skiing competition of Beijing Winter Olympics was held at the National Alpine Ski Center, which produced 11 gold medals. Austria, Switzerland, Norway and other European countries are powerful alpine skiing countries.
gameIn the alpine skiing competition, the rules require the contestants to glide through the marked flag gate in zigzag and slide down the slope at an ultra-fast speed.
Players need to cross a series of flag gates on the taxiing route while sliding down. If a player misses a flag gate, he must go back and cross the missed flag gate again, otherwise he will lose the qualification.
In each event of alpine skiing, a single person starts, and the starting order is determined by drawing lots, but some events need to ski twice, and the order of the second starting is determined by the results of the first competition.
At the time of departure, athletes must wear sportswear with official seal marks (that is, clothes checked and approved by referees), starting number cloth, helmet, snowboard and ski pole, and at the same time, they must use detachable fixers.
The difference between alpine skiing events mainly lies in the different height difference between the starting and ending points of the venue, the different requirements of terrain and slope, and the different methods and numbers of flag gates.
The height difference between the starting point and the end point of the downhill field is 800-1000m for men and 500-700m for women. The length of the line should ensure that the best performance of men is not less than 2 minutes and that of women is not less than 1 minute and 40 seconds in the Winter Olympics and World Championships.
The venue for the slalom should be built on a hillside with a slope of 20 -27 degrees. The width of the venue shall not be less than 40m, and the height difference between the starting point and the ending point is 140m-220m for men and 120m-180m for women. There are 55-75 flag gates for men and 45-60 for women.
The giant slalom venue is usually sloping and wavy, with a width of at least 30 meters. The height difference between the starting point and the finishing point is 350-400 meters for men and 260-350 meters for women. The number of flag gates should be 12-15% of the height difference.
The mixed team race is a parallel race with giant slalom flag gates. The track is 250-300 meters, and the gate spacing is longer than the slalom, but shorter than the slalom.
Historical originAlpine skiing originated in the Alps, so it is also called "alpine skiing". Alpine skiing is gradually formed on the basis of cross-country skiing and is a branch of snow sports.
It is generally believed that alpine skiing was born in 1907, when the first alpine skiing organization "Alpine Ski Club" was founded.
Since the 1920s, alpine skiing competitions have been held in the Alps, and various alpine skiing schools have been established. Since 1936, alpine skiing has been listed as an event in the Winter Olympics.
At first, only men and women were all-around (cancelled in 1952 and restored in 1988). In 1948, men’s and women’s downhill and slalom were added, and in 1952, men’s and women’s giant slalom was added. By 1988, it had increased to 10 events including men’s and women’s super slalom.
China legionAt the ice and snow media meeting in China on December 24th, Liu Zhen, the leader of the alpine skiing national training team, described the project the team was engaged in with "the sport of the brave".
Although China has a weak foundation in alpine skiing, it has achieved great-leap-forward development under the encouragement of the Beijing Winter Olympics. According to Liu Zhen, in the 11 events of alpine skiing, the China team has won 10 events. Next, China athletes will try their best to get the qualification in the women’s super slalom qualifying competition, so as to achieve the small goal of participating in all events of the Beijing Olympic Games.
Affected by the epidemic, the players will not be able to participate in international competitions in 2020, and they will fall behind in the points of Winter Olympics. Since February, 2021, China Alpine Ski Training Team has been catching up by participating in the International Snow Federation Points Tournament held in Xiaohaituo, Yanqing and Yabuli, Heilongjiang.
On August 21st last year, a group of 21 people from China Alpine Ski Training Team came to Austria from Beijing, and continued to challenge the Olympic qualifications. So far, they have obtained the qualifications for 10 events.
Athletes are also actively striving for the only women’s super slalom that has not qualified for the Beijing Winter Olympics. At present, two athletes have scored 82 points and 85 points in a single game respectively; In the next competition, as long as the athletes score 77 points and 74 points respectively, they will be qualified for the women’s super giant slalom.
According to the schedule, the men’s team left for home last month and entered the closed training base of Chongli. The women’s team will participate in the last week’s competition in Europe from January 10 to 14, and return to China on the 16th, and go directly to Yanqing to prepare for the sprint.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

Winter Olympics, do you know | freestyle skiing snow skills, speed and difficulty of "cat jump"

Introduction to the rules of freestyle skiing skills on snow. Video source: BOCOG (00:33) [Editor’s note]
Beijing Winter Olympics has entered the final countdown of 30 days, and China Olympic athletes are ready to set off, waiting for the decisive moment.
So how much do you know about the competitive events of the Winter Olympics? On this occasion, The Paper has launched the column "Winter Olympics, Do You Know?", which brings a panoramic analysis of the popular science of the Winter Olympics and helps you easily understand the ice and snow doorways.
This is a freestyle skiing event-snow skill, which is scored by flipping, jumping and speed.If alpine skiing is the pursuit of speed and aerial skill is a challenge to difficulty, then snow skill is an art that combines speed and difficulty, like enjoying a dynamic dancer’s performance.
Project introductionThe English name of freestyle skiing snow skill project is "Mogul" (cat jumping), which is quoted from Austrian Mugel, meaning many hills.
Snow skills require skiers to slide and turn on the snowy road covered with small snow mounds, and to complete the aerial skills of jumping and flying in high-speed sliding, which requires extremely high sliding, speed and skills.
During the competition, the contestants glided on the slope of 27 at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. It is necessary to turn continuously on the 250-meter track, and the terrain of the venue is extremely challenging, so the direction must be changed every 3 meters.
Players should keep balance in the process of high-speed progress, and half of the scores need to be given by the referee according to the performance of the athletes when turning.
In the 16th Winter Olympics in Albertville, France, in 1992, the snow skill event was listed as the Winter Olympics event.
gameAthletes mainly compete in three parts: gyration, aerial skill and speed. Snow skills are ranked by the quality points of rotary movements and aerial movements and the timing results, and those who score more are ranked first.
Before the qualifying competition, the top 20 players advanced to the finals, and the final competition order was reversed according to the results of the qualifying competition. Five "gyration" judges scored according to the quality and mistakes of athletes’ gyration; Two "aerial skills" judges scored according to the completion of the operation, the height and quality of the flight.
Among them, taxiing and turning scores account for 60%, air part scores account for 25%, and speed scores account for 25%. Snowboarding venues are mostly built on steep slopes, with a length of 200-270 meters, a width of 15-25 meters and a slope of 24-32 degrees. The site must have a gentle slope and a continuous drop.
China legion"How can anyone fly in the snow room?" Guo Xiangru competed in Japan for the first time in 2008 and was stunned by foreign athletes. At that time, China’s national team of freestyle skiing and snow skills had just been established for one year.
In the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Ning Qin, the first batch of athletes of China Snow Skill Team, reached the final for the first time, which was also the first time that China Snow Skill Team qualified for the Winter Olympics.
I have witnessed the difficulty in starting China’s snow skills, and also experienced the opportunities given by this era. Now, eight years later, a batch of athletes behind Guo Xiangru and Ning Qin have devoted themselves to the snow skills project.
In 2021, the freestyle skiing snow skill project held a World Cup in Alpudier. China team’s three female players, Li Nan, Cao Tianqing and Wang Jin, all entered the top 30 in women’s snow skills, while Zhao Yang won the 28th in men’s synchronized snow skills, and all four players met the entry standards of Beijing Winter Olympics.
In the end, the China team successfully qualified for two snow skills events, one male and one female. Among them, men’s snow skills are the first time in history to qualify for the Olympic Games.
(This article is from The Paper, please download the "The Paper" APP for more original information)

The awkward game "Destiny’s Child" suddenly died? The game was closed as soon as it was updated, and the player spit Tencent’s intervention.

Hello, everyone, this is the surprise game, and I’m the little brother.

Basically, all games in China are shut down in one operation, that is, sending out the gift package of their own games and deleting all the players’ data. Players can basically only keep some screenshots and videos recorded by themselves.

Recently, South Korea’s first-hand tour stopped running, which made something different. They left some content to the players.

Recently, the well-known Korean mobile game "Destiny’s Child" has been suspended. The Hanbok, Japanese and international versions of the game will be suspended on September 21 this year. The official reason for the suspension is that the game has been in operation for more than 6 years, and now it is difficult to continue to bring better game experience to players, so I decided to close the service.

Destiny’s Child is a work developed by Shift Up, which was jointly established by Jin Hengtai, the artistic director of Sword Spirit, and his wife Cai Zhilun. Although Shift Up’s first work "Destiny’s Child" is a simple card game, it has gained great popularity with its super-tempting picture. In that year, the number of appointments in South Korea was 930,000, and later Japanese clothes easily broke through one million.

The suspension of Destiny’s Child was very sudden, because there was a wave of updates on the day of the game, and many new fashions and activities were launched, so some netizens on the outside network broke the news, and even some employees of Shift Up were suddenly notified that the game was suspended.

Although Destiny’s Child stopped working suddenly, the official gave the player a very good explanation. The official said that there will be an online concert for players to have a final aftertaste. In addition, a "commemorative" APP will be made, and players can synchronize the relevant data of their accounts into the APP, so that players can continue to soak in hot springs and enjoy the plot and wives.

Words so advanced, this … Can be regarded as a data crystal coffin.

This move can be described as very wonderful, players don’t have to feel bad about their years of efforts, and game companies don’t have to bear extra operating expenses.

Players are very sad about this sudden outage. Some players said that I will never know the ending, and my wife will sleep forever. Some players also said that although I am very sad, can I transfer the diamonds that have not been consumed in the game to the popular game "Goddess of Victory" of Shift Up? There are also players who lament that when a company has another game that is more popular, the game that is not popular is the end.

There are also players who find it hard to accept, indicating that the interface has been remade and a new BOSS has been added, which makes him think that this will be a new beginning. Some players also said that the epidemic has been going on for three years, but now it is cold. This is because Shift Up has been transformed after Tencent became a shareholder. He suspects that Tencent has intervened in the operation of the game.

Here, I would like to mention that Tencent is the second largest shareholder of Shift Up, with a 20% stake.

Xiao di bi LV gong: Although there are many players who spit Shift Up and forget the righteousness, it is probably the way to open another APP to appease the players’ emotions. Therefore, many players expressed their gratitude to Destiny’s Child for its companionship over the years, and thanked everyone who participated in the game production.

A positive question:Why do you think Destiny’s Child suddenly stopped?

Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.


[See you at 8: 00] China men’s basketball team missed the top 16 of the World Cup.

  At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.


  ● The Ministry of Finance announced the national lottery in 2018, and the overdue prize money exceeded 2.5 billion yuan.

  ● Many provinces signed letters of responsibility to strive to reduce the myopia rate of children and adolescents by 0.5% every year.

  ● The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issues relevant annual reports, showing that mobile sources such as motor vehicles have become an important source of air pollution.

  ● Because the user privacy agreement of "ZAO”App is not standardized, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology conducted an inquiry interview with the relevant person in charge of Beijing Momo Technology Co., Ltd..

  ● The reporter learned from the People’s Bank of China on the 4th that P2P online lending institutions, whether in operation or out of operation, will be fully connected to the credit information system.

  ● Hetao Irrigation District in Inner Mongolia and Qianjinbei in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province were included in the World Irrigation Project Heritage List in 2019 (the sixth batch).

  ● Beijing Daxing International Airport will have the official sailing conditions before September 15th.

  ● Hainan Province will include "unreasonable low-cost travel" in the category of public interest litigation.

  ● The China Tobacco Control Association released the survey results of 10 counties/towns in 8 cities, and nearly 60% of the cigarette outlets did not have signs prohibiting the sale of minors.

  ● Ma Hongjun, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Yunnan Forestry Vocational and Technical College, was expelled from party membership and public office.

  ● In the final match of Group A of the 2019 Basketball World Cup held on the 4th, the China men’s basketball team lost to the Venezuelan team by 59:72, ranking third in the group with a record of 1 win and 2 losses, and missed the top 16.


  ● On September 4th, a New Zealand tourist bus rolled over, killing five tourists from China.

  ● On the 4th local time, an explosion occurred in a fireworks factory in India, and the death toll has risen to 19.

  ● The U.S. government intends to speed up the execution procedure of death penalty to punish the criminals of mass murder.

  ● The US-European satellite insurance collided, and the US company argued that the communication failure caused it to "do nothing".

  ● Iranian President Rouhani said on the 4th that Iran will further suspend the implementation of the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue.

  ● Due to the defection of some Members of Parliament, the British Prime Minister suffered a major setback in Parliament, or a general election will be held in advance.

  ● The South Korean Foreign Ministry said that the Rising Sun Flag is a symbol of militarism and should not appear in the Japanese Olympic Games.

  ● A formalin leakage accident occurred in a middle school in South Korea, and 51 students were sent to hospital.

  ● Scientists have warned that the melting amount of Greenland ice sheet in 2019 may set a historical record.

  ● A teenager in Britain only eats French fries, potato chips and white bread for a long time, and his eyes are blind due to nutritional imbalance.

  [hundred States]

  ● The trial of the man’s wife-killing case in Thailand ended, and the defendant refused to plead guilty. The case will be pronounced on November 8.

  ● The family members of the deceased in the Lijiang anti-killing case said that if the other party was sentenced to justifiable defense, they would not appeal.

  ● Due to the spontaneous combustion in the passenger’s charging treasure cabin, a flight of Eastern Airlines returned after taking off, and the police intervened in the investigation.

  ● Shanxi high-speed traffic police responded that "the police colluded with the car" and the police involved had been suspended.

  ● On the 4th, a crowded event occurred in the opening promotion of a shopping mall in Bazhong, Sichuan, which has injured 16 people.

  ● A public security bureau chief in Yunnan lost his horse and angered his mother. He cried in court when he was tried.

  ● Anhui cracked a huge network superstition fraud case, involving more than 50 million yuan.

  ● Huazhong University of Science and Technology responded to the suicide of Chen Zemin, a graduate student in 2016: it is fully cooperating with the public security organs to investigate and assisting the families of the students involved in handling the aftermath.

  ● A teacher of an off-campus cram school in Nanjing was arrested for allegedly molesting a female student.

  ● Nanning Customs cracked a major smuggling case of dried peppers from India and seized 620 tons of dried peppers involved.

  ● Hubei has launched a smart school bus. If a student is forgotten in the bus, the system will automatically call the police.

  ● According to astronomical experts, on the evening of the 6th of this month, Tianyu will stage "Jupiter and the Moon".

  Visual sense

  ● Recently, a brigade of the Air Force Aviation in the northern theater conducted ultra-low altitude valley flight training, and the pilot was clearly visible in the cabin.

  ● Rice in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province turns yellow one after another, and autumn is getting stronger.

  ● FIFA announced the emblem of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, which looks like a white trophy from a distance.


  ● If you complain about your work, if you feel wronged in your heart, first look at the picture below. 30,000 people support the safety of 7 million people.

  — — On the 4th, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s wife, Jing He, forwarded a post in the official discussion forum of the Major League of Police Support on her personal Facebook page, supporting the Hong Kong police.


  ● Brown rice is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which is suitable for people with three highs.

  — — Weibo, the official of Gree Electric, responded that "Dong Mingzhu claimed to make rice cookers for the three high crowds".


  ● Mr. Tielang Dai, director and screenwriter of the animated film "Sheriff Black Cat", died at 19: 25 on the 4th due to illness at the age of 89.

  ● Recently, in Taizhou, Zhejiang, eight young "prospective doctors" worked together to save a suicidal woman who wanted to jump off a bridge on the way to the hospital for internship.

  ●78-year-old American writer Andrew • Kaplan is about to become the first "AndyBot" and realize "eternal life" on the cloud.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Xiao Xiao Cai Chunlin

Scarlett Johansson: How beautiful is a woman that Durant can’t have?

The famous NBA star once said on social media, "I want to drink Scarlett Johansson’s bath water", but Scarlett Johansson was not interested in Du Xiaoshuai’s confession. How beautiful is she?

Scarlett Johansson, like a quiet moonlight passing through the years, blooms a splendid spark in the endless night. Her beauty, different from ordinary absolute beauty, is more like a gorgeous dream, hovering quietly in the depths of the soul.

Her face is like a carved work of art, and the slight radian outlines a perfect curve, revealing calmness and mystery. Her eyes, like a deep lake, bear endless wisdom and tenderness, and each eye intersection can make people dream. And that red lip is like a cherry, blooming with enchanting temptation, as if telling all kinds of feelings precipitated in the heart.

Her hair, black as a waterfall, brushed over her shoulders, silky, and emitting a faint fragrance. The breeze gently caresses the forehead, just like a plain hand, which reminds people of lost dreams.

Scarlett’s figure is like a god descending from heaven. Tall and graceful figure and perfect curve outline elegant charm. When she walks, every step is like a poetic dance, which makes people intoxicated.

However, her beauty goes beyond her appearance. Her introverted temperament hides an indescribable agility and tenacity. Her wisdom is like a bright moon hanging high, calm and wise, emitting a confident light.

Scarlett Johansson, her beauty is a kind of soul resonance. Her charm stretches in the long river of time, like a gorgeous dream, intoxicating, fascinating and unforgettable. She is the immortal legend that blooms under the starlight, and her beauty will last forever with the years.

China men’s basketball team data report: Cui Yongxi was elected MVP, and the team’s three-point shooting rate broke 50%

On August 5th, Beijing time, China beat Cape Verde 86-66 in a warm-up match that ended early this morning.

After the game, the China men’s basketball team released the data report of this game. According to this report, the China men’s basketball team performed very well on the offensive end, and the team’s offensive efficiency reached 126.8 points per 100 rounds.

In terms of shooting, 42% of China men’s basketball team’s shots came from outside the three-point line, and the shooting percentage reached 52%. In addition, China men’s basketball team’s shooting percentage in the field was 67% and 88% respectively.

In addition, in defense, the China men’s basketball team also performed well, and they limited the offensive efficiency of the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team to 97.3 points per 100 rounds.

The MVP of the China men’s basketball team in this game was young Cui Yongxi, who hit eight sports shots in 17 minutes and scored 18 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists. The other two players who scored in double figures were Zhang Zhenlin (10 points) and Fang Shuo (11 points).