标签归档 上海后花园龙凤

A notice of the major version update of the domestic game "Tribal Survivor": new forces, new buildings and Spring Festival activities will be launched.

The domestic construction and operation game "Tribal Survivor" recently announced a major version update notice, and new forces, new buildings and recipes and Spring Festival activities will be launched. Let’s take a look!

Wandering stars

Original official announcement:

Advance notice of major version update

As you can see, we didn’t release this week’s routine update because we were concentrating.Try to be in China before the New YearComplete the release of major version. This major version includes the following contents:

Brand-new power system

Redo the trade mechanism

New wonders architecture

Theme of Spring Festival activities

Power system

We have added five new forces, four of which are from unique cultural areas, and their prestige level will gradually increase with the completion of the event and the trade.

Wandering stars

In the end, these forces will provide you with as many as 25 new buildings, 4 new crops and 17 new formulas. As for the fifth one, he is the fat trader who squeezed the fruits of your hard work in the previous game.

In addition, the brand-new trade and spectacle adjustment will also be highly related to these forces, and the content of trade and spectacle will be introduced in detail in the next part.

We hope that the participation of these forces will bring you more interesting content. Before we formally meet with you, let me introduce some of them that may interest you.

New architecture and recipes

A new crop: cactus

Wandering stars

Well, we know that the cactus in everyone’s mind is a desert plant, and I guarantee that the desert map will appear in the game in the future (provided that our art students who work overtime continuously put down their knives first).

New building: Quetzalcoatl Temple

Wandering stars

The Quetzalcoatl Temple from Mayan civilization is supposed to be mainly used for prayer and sacrifice, but in the game, it will serve as the soul of citizens and bury the dead citizens.

I know that many friends who are familiar with South American culture will hold different opinions on the function of this sacred building. But! Infinite graveyard, dear, it’s better than burning it in the river as many "cruel" players demand, isn’t it?

New formula: bamboo basket

Wandering stars

Only the basic raw material "bamboo" is needed to make a backpack column consumable, which is a mass production benefit. How did bamboo come from? We’ll know when the time comes,

Yes, the panda is a lie, and the picture has nothing to do with it (I don’t care, Meng is justice). There are more interesting contents, and I can meet you in a few days, so stay tuned.

New wonders of architecture

There is good news and bad news about spectacle buildings: the good news is that we have added two new spectacle buildings;

The bad news is that in the future games, the spectacle architecture will become the highest level of power and prestige unlocking content. In other words, friends who have not experienced the spectacle architecture, seize the last chance.

A new wonder: the grand palace

The prototype of the Grand Palace is the Hanyuan Palace, the core building of the Daming Palace in the Tang Dynasty. As one of the largest forces of human civilization at that time, the Tang Dynasty managed the largest population on the earth with an efficient official system, and they maintained a very friendly relationship with other civilizations at that time.

The effect of the grand palace also comes from the characteristics of this great empire:

The grand palace is a special city hall building, which will have all the functions of the city hall; It also has an additional 5 mayor slots, allowing the player’s city to hire up to 10 mayors; Its completion will increase the reputation of players and any other forces by 100%.

Wandering stars

Trade redo

Wandering stars

Generally speaking, apart from the original merchant ship visits, we have redone the whole trade system, and at the same time, the whole branch of trade science and technology has also been redone.

The new trading system will bring you the following conveniences and opportunities:

A more relaxed starting point

The basic trade building is now open by default, which means that you can start earning the initial money without relying on the technology tree.

Automatic transaction

Compared with before, you may need to spend more time setting trade targets and implementing trade caravans, but after these settings are completed, the caravans can regularly sell and buy goods according to your settings. Now players can really concentrate on developing advantageous industries in exchange for the circulation of scarce materials. I hope this will enrich the development options of the game and avoid the embarrassment that players have to produce all the materials themselves or order materials at high prices.

Wandering stars

Market price mechanism

There is a difference between the buying and selling prices of goods, and forces will pay higher returns for their favorite goods according to their needs, which means that if you have enough time to pay attention to these prices, you can even make direct profits through trade.

Of course, the market is not immutable. Dumping will bring down the price, and purchasing will bring up the price. Powerful businessmen are not mentally retarded, but if you are good at stock investment and the like, it is not a problem to crush the IQ of NPC.

Wandering stars


If conditions permit, you can buy an insurance for your caravan, whether on land or at sea. The insurance will provide you with some compensation in case of caravan distress and avoid a one-time excessive loss.

As for why and when the caravan is in distress, we choose to pretend that this is not a big problem. By the way, the risk of shipping is far greater than that of land, which should be known to all.

activities for Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important reunion festival in China every year.

As a team from China, we made some contents related to this festival especially during the Spring Festival.

Maybe this is just a routine operation for China players, but we sincerely hope that players from other parts of the world can share the fun of this special festival.

paste up the "Fu" Character

Wandering stars

Sticking the word "blessing" is a traditional custom in China during the New Year. Every household will stick the word "blessing" on the door and wall during the Spring Festival. The word "paste blessing" has pinned people’s yearning for a happy life and wishes for a better future. But you may find that people often paste the word "fu" upside down. Why?

Of course, it’s not because there is no culture. This is because in order to fully reflect the yearning and wishes for happiness, the people simply paste the word "fu" upside down, indicating that "happiness has fallen (arrived)". An interesting homophonic stalk represents people’s beautiful vision of a happy life.

Players who have read this passage, you now know what to do when there is a blessing event in the game. You see, those players who haven’t read the update announcement may choose the wrong one.

The legend of nian

Wandering stars

Nian beast, also known as "Xi", is a kind of monster in ancient myths and legends in China. It is said that Nian beast would invade villages all over the country at midnight at the end of the year, bringing terrible disasters. In order to drive away Nian beast, people finally found the weakness of Nian beast and successfully drove it out. People all over the world always get together to celebrate at the most important festivals, but the reasons for gathering in stories are always different, which is really wonderful. Here, we also invite players from all over the world to share the stories behind your festivals with us. Maybe we can restore these interesting stories in the game to share the joy from various cultures and regions with you.

After the update, you will know how Nian beast was defeated. Before that, guess what it is most afraid of.

Lantern festival lantern

On the 15th day after the New Year in China, it is another special festival: Lantern Festival, which means the official end of the New Year Festival in China.

Wandering stars

People will hold Lantern Festival in the bustling streets of towns. In many cities where rivers pass, people will exile lanterns in the rivers. In addition, solve riddles on the lanterns is also an important activity of the Lantern Festival. People write riddles on paper and put lanterns and lanterns for people to guess. Riddles are enlightening and interesting, so they are loved by all walks of life in the process of spreading. Many times, solving puzzles will bring some extra rewards.

Tribal Survivor is a town building game, and you will lead survivors to open up new homes. Rely on a small amount of materials to deal with natural and man-made disasters, ensure the health and happiness of citizens, choose different development routes to bring unique advantages, and finally establish a prosperous town with a large population and unique characteristics.

For more information, please pay attention to:

"May Day" Promotes Consumption and Opening of Large Auto Show Carnival

On April 29th, the "May 1st" consumption promotion and large-scale auto show carnival in Haimen District, jointly sponsored by the District Bureau of Commerce, the District Media Center and Haimen Economic and Technological Development Zone, opened in Haimen Sports Center, attracting many citizens to spend and play, and gathering popularity for Haimen consumer market.

In the auto show area, more than 20 auto dealers participated in the exhibition. Japanese and European joint venture brands exhibited some mainstream models, and many domestic first-line brands such as Chery and BYD also appeared one by one. In addition, a number of new energy vehicle brands that are very popular at present are also popular with the public, meeting the needs of different customers in all directions. It is reported that in this carnival, the auto show will last until May 1st. In order to help this auto show, the District Bureau of Commerce took out a large amount of special funds for automobile consumption to subsidize consumers, and the maximum subsidy for car purchase was 6,000 yuan. "At this auto show, the District Bureau of Commerce has preferential policies, plus the discounts of Dongfeng Nissan dealers and Haimen Dongfeng Nissan stores, adding up to the whole preferential strength is still relatively unprecedented." Liu Jia, sales manager of a car dealer, said.

The food area provides all kinds of food for the public, and freshly squeezed juice, iced drinks, octopus roast and other foods open the taste buds of diners. Online celebrity trunk market has attracted many young people to join in and show different consumption elements. In the evening, you can also watch the live Super League competition and wonderful band performances in Haimen Sports Center, which is very lively.

Original title: "May 1" Promoting Consumption and Opening of Large Auto Show Carnival "

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Bungee jumping, sandbag throwing, rope jumping … How much do you remember about childhood games?

  Data Map: On the third day of the first month in year of the loong, adults and children played "the games we played together in those years" at the Spring Festival Temple Fair in year of the loong, Xintiandi, Wuhan, playing marbles, kicking shuttlecock and rolling hoops. China News Agency issued ZhangChang photo

  BEIJING, Beijing, 12 Jan (Shangguan Yun) "Drop, drop, drop the handkerchief, and gently put it behind the child. Don’t tell him, hurry up and catch him, hurry up and catch him … …” I believe that this children’s song has a place in many people’s memories. Twenty years back, in that era when the material conditions were not as rich as now, it was not one popular video game after another that occupied many people’s childhood memories, but a series of simple but memorable entertainment activities such as "finding friends", rubber-jumping and throwing sandbags.

  For example, "turning the rope" is usually the cooperation of two people: a piece of thin rope is tied into a rope loop, put on two wrists or "put on the palm", and then woven into a pattern with fingers; The other deftly picked up the string with his fingers, connected the loop and turned it into another pattern. In this way, according to a certain routine, turn all the way down until it is turned back to its original state.

  There are quite a lot of rope-twisting routines. Two people can play and one person can play. It is said that there are more than 2,000 patterns that can be summarized so far. However, there are only four or five styles that can be turned out by two partners: bridge, noodles … … Wang Xu, the author of the popular book At that time, recorded this kind of game in detail. He said that he could vaguely remember that the fishing net and noodles followed, from the crossed fishing net in one hand to two parallel noodles in the other’s hand, which was very vivid. "And ‘ Take a bath ’ In fact, it is an empty circle — — It turned into a bath basin, and it was soaked in soup, so I had to start all over again. "

  "It’s not just rope climbing. When we were young, there were all kinds of fun games such as hopscotch, throwing sandbags and origami." After 90, Huang Xiaofei still remembers that girls like to play bungee jumping together in primary school. Basically, four or six people play together and are divided into two groups. One group puts on the rubber band and the other group jumps. According to the rules of the game, the jumping party loses and then replaces each other. "If you hook the rubber band, you lose. This game especially tests dexterity, sometimes ‘ Addiction ’ Come up, two people can also play, and the other end is tied to the tree. "

  Besides bungee jumping, Li Jing, a post-90s girl, liked and often played the game of "playing glass ball" when she was a child. "Strictly speaking, boys played glass ball more than girls, so I was quite different at that time".

  How to play "playing glass ball" Li Jing said, we should first dig a hole of moderate size on the ground, which should not be too wide or too narrow. Most of them are stuck with the diameter of the glass ball, which makes it a little difficult. "There are not too many people, and there are several different types of play. The simple thing is to draw a line away from the dug hole and bounce the glass ball in outside the line to win, which is a bit like golf; Later, it was developed to be able to bounce someone else’s glass ball into a small hole, which also counted as winning the other party. "

  "At that time, in order to play, I collected a lot of glass balls and took money to buy them in a small store. I remember that there were one dime and one dime. Unfortunately, the technology was not pure enough, and it was not long before I was won by other little boys." Speaking of the past, Li Jing couldn’t stop smiling. "There are many types of glass balls, some of which will be embedded with patterns, which are particularly beautiful. Then I won’t be willing to take them out for the competition, and I will quietly collect them."

  In fact, in addition to jumping rubber bands, turning ropes and playing glass balls, there are many fond memories of games in childhood, such as jumping houses, throwing sandbags, and a group of people competing to make hand-folded roses and paper crane … … Huang Xiaofei especially misses those games when she was a child. In her eyes, they are not just games, but also memories intertwined by many people of different ages. "We miss not only those games that look simple now, but a feeling and miss the quiet time in the past."

  Wang Xu has a similar feeling. He said that the original choice to record these games was to express a feeling of nostalgia for childhood. "The most emotional games are not necessarily the most fun games, but games like soap bubbles, rope turning and handkerchief throwing that reflect childhood innocence and warm friendship between children."

  "Most of the children don’t play these games now. If you only look at it from the perspective of playing, it may be far less interesting than what they are playing now. " Wang Xu does not deny that some of the previous games have become "outdated", but he feels that the individuality and creativity, closeness to nature and the face-to-face interaction between children in these games have all been lost. "This is a pity for the children." (Some interviewees in this article are pseudonyms) (End)

20 points blood abuse African champion! The men’s basketball team won Qiao Shuai’s selection lineup, and three people were eliminated. Zhao Rui regretted it

20 points blood abuse African champion, China men’s basketball team won the night, Qiao Shuai selected the lineup, three people were eliminated in advance, Zhao Rui regretted. Our China men’s basketball team in the warm-up match of the Italian team, when China men’s basketball team won the first warm-up match and beat the abusive opponent, the final selection and adjustment of the men’s basketball team, it can be said that with the performance played by the men’s basketball team this time, it also made Jojevich have a fixed mind, and at the same time, three men’s basketball team members may be eliminated in advance and may miss the subsequent World Cup appearance. In this way, China men’s basketball team can also play in the game with a more complete and reasonable lineup and play the strongest team.

First of all, we all know that our China men’s basketball team has been carrying out intensive training and training in Europe in the near future. Recently, the China men’s basketball team has also arrived in Italy, and there have been many warm-up matches in Italy. This time, we also participated in the Trentino Cup in Italy. The China men’s basketball team made its debut in the early hours of this morning. Facing the Cape Verde team, Cape Verde is also an African champion team. Our China men’s basketball team can also be said to have played a quite eye-catching performance on the court, which is absolutely not timid.

Today, many fans may have missed the game, but they also saw the final result. Our China men’s basketball team finally beat their opponents by 86: 66 and 20 points. This game showed us many characteristics of the China men’s basketball team, which were not seen by Du Feng before. In this game, the overall transmission ball of the men’s basketball team is more accurate, and there are more vacancies for our players on the court. There is no such situation as one person holding the ball and four people watching it before. Therefore, we played more resolutely and decisively in the China men’s basketball team as a whole, and the shooting accuracy was higher. In this game, the shooting percentage of the China men’s basketball team on the outside line was over 50%, and such a shooting percentage made the China men’s basketball team have the assurance of winning the game.

At the same time, we can see that the defense of the strikers has also been well reflected in this game, so how can such a men’s basketball team not make everyone full of expectations? But at the same time, after the game, some players of China Men’s Basketball Team were questioned by the outside world. It may be said that Qiao Shuai will make a key consideration on whether these three players will stay in the team after the selection of personnel in this game. Which three players are they? First of all, the first player is Zhao Rui, and Zhao Rui’s words show that Qiao Shuai made his debut in this game, but in this game, Zhao Rui obviously didn’t hand over the satisfactory answer sheet. In this game, Zhao Rui scored only four points and two assists, which was really not qualified, and the overall performance was also very lame.

In this game, more fans may question that, in addition to his personal offensive disadvantage, some mistakes caused by him on the court have greatly affected the overall rhythm of the China men’s basketball team on the court, and Zhao Rui’s attitude has not been able to satisfy the fans. Unlike Fang Shuo and other members of the China men’s basketball team, Zhao Rui will be affected by the emotional mistakes on the court, which is really not conducive to his personal play and even more unfavorable to the whole team. Positive face, right? Therefore, after this game, Zhao Rui should first make some reflections on his own situation, and we saw that Jorjevich reprimanded Zhao Rui continuously on the court, which was also a reminder to him. Therefore, if Zhao Rui can’t make personal adjustments in advance and maintain a continuous positive attitude on the court, the China men’s basketball team may make a final consideration for him in the follow-up.

In addition to Zhao Rui, the other two players are Fu Hao and Yu Jiahao, who didn’t get a chance in this game. Although these two players said that they didn’t have too many opportunities to shine and show themselves in this game, we can also see the whole clue through the overall mobilization of Qiaojieweiqi, because in this game, we saw that Qiaojieweiqi used a lot of young strikers such as Zhang Zhenlin and Zhu Junlong. They are more energetic, more mobile and more defensive, so Fu Hao’s overall tactical position and position in the team is really not prominent after the positive performance of these front lines, which may also lead him to leave the team early.

In Yu Jiahao’s words, in this game, we saw that Qiao Jieweiqi also used the other three inside lines of the team more. Yu Jiahao was also slow and had limited defensive coverage on the court. Therefore, this overall situation may also lead to his early elimination together with Fu Hao. Through this game, the morale of the men’s basketball players has soared, and the fans have more expectations for the World Cup. We are also looking forward to Qiao Jieweiqi’s final lineup through this warm-up match.

186 million in 3 years! The Lakers signed another sky-high contract, with an average annual salary of 6200W, the first in history!

According to media reports, the Los Angeles Lakers signed a sky-high contract again, which attracted everyone’s attention. They have signed a big contract with Anthony Davis, the core of the team, to renew the contract in advance with the highest salary. This contract is $186 million for three years. Although it is not long, the average annual salary is as high as $6,200 W, which has set a new record set by Brown and become the highest annual salary in the new history!

After Davis signed this contract, the five contracts with the highest average annual salary in the history of the league are: Davis ranks first with an annual salary of 6,200 W, Brown ranks second with an average annual salary of 6,070 W, Lillard ranks third with an average annual salary of 5,990 W, Booker ranks fourth with an average annual salary of 5,870 W, and Downs is also tied with Lillard with an average annual salary of 5,870 W. However, with the rising salary cap, these records will soon be broken.

Many fans are discussing whether Davis deserves such a high-paying contract. Let’s look at his performance and data first. In last season’s regular season, Davis played 34 minutes per game, and scored 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 2.0 blocks. He is one of the best inside players in the league, especially his contribution on the defensive end. In the second half of the season, he helped the team reach the play-offs and reached the playoffs through the play-offs. In the playoffs, Davis averaged 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.4 steals and 3.1 blocks per game, helping the team to finish the Black Seven and eliminate the Grizzlies in the first round, and then eliminated the defending champion Warriors to reach the Western Conference finals, but in front of the champion team Nuggets, they were not as good as their opponents inside and outside and were eventually swept out.

But on the whole, everyone should be satisfied with the results of the Lakers last season, whether it is the team management or the fans. In the offseason, the Lakers continued to strengthen the lineup. If Davis can continue to be strong and improve in offense, then the Lakers will definitely become one of the favorite teams for the championship next season!

Therefore, before signing this early contract renewal, the authoritative media ESPN reminded that if the Lakers don’t renew Davis now, then he will seek a contract of more than 300 million next year. After all, Brown, the second leader of the Celtics, has signed a sky-high contract of more than five years and 300 million dollars. Obviously, by contrast, Davis’ cost performance will be higher, and the Lakers may not be able to keep Davis at that time.

Many people may be worried about Davis’ glass property, but in fact, he has done well in recent seasons. According to statistics, his total number of appearances in the last seven seasons has reached 400 games, exceeding that of Embiid, Curry, Owen and Durant in the same period, not to mention Leonard, who has only 308 games. So as long as he is not too unlucky and doesn’t often use him to top the other team’s big center, I believe that Davis at his peak can lead the Lakers further.

Overnight summary! 4 giants were upset +1 team won the championship, Barcelona 1-2 at home, and Milan 5-1 was one point behind the top four.

# Hundreds of teams #

In the past night, the five major leagues in Europe were unpopular. Four giants were upset this night. Liverpool, Arsenal, Bayern and Barcelona did not win. Manchester City also won the Premier League championship ahead of schedule because Arsenal lost to Nottingham Forest. In addition, AC Milan beat Sampdoria 5-1. At present, there is one more game, one point behind Lazio.

Barcelona 1-2 Royal Society

Prior to this, Barcelona had won the championship ahead of schedule, which probably affected the mentality of the players. At home in La Liga, Barcelona only conceded 2 goals in the first 17 games this season, and as a result, they conceded 2 goals in this round, which is really incredible.

Only five minutes after the first half, Comte was robbed with the ball in his own half, and then the Royal Society counterattacked. Finally, merino pushed and shot, breaking the door of Barcelona and even the small door of Ter stegen.

In the second half, Barcelona was robbed again because of careless dribbling in the frontcourt, and the Royal Society made a perfect counterattack. Finally, three people cooperated to expand the score to 2-0. Although Barcelona scored a goal before the end of the game, they were still 1-2 upset and suffered the first defeat at home in La Liga this season.

Milan 5-1 Sampdoria

That night, AC Milan’s attack broke out completely. At home, they beat Sampdoria 5-1, leaving a glimmer of hope for the fourth round.

Only 9 minutes after the first half, Leo faced the goalkeeper with a single knife after receiving the ball and finally scored calmly, breaking the deadlock for AC Milan. After that, Gill wore a hat and Diaz scored, which helped AC Milan win the key victory.

Up to now, AC Milando is one game behind Lazio, which ranks fourth in the standings. If the opponent loses five points in the last three rounds (Lazio has a superior performance in the match, and the same point will beat AC Milan), and AC Milan wins all the remaining games, then they will overtake their opponents and reach the top four. After the exit from the Champions League, Serie A won the top four, which is the only chance for AC Milan to advance to the Champions League.

Nottingham Forest 1-0 Arsenal, Liverpool 1-1 draw with Villa.

These two games have a great impact on the Premier League title race and the fourth race. Among them, Arsenal made a fatal mistake in the away game, which was countered by Nottingham Forest and eventually lost to the opponent 0-1.

Although Liverpool drew 1-1 at home to Villa, with Manchester United beating Bournemouth away, Liverpool was basically desperate for the fourth place. Then Manchester United and Newcastle both need one more point, and Liverpool will definitely miss the top four. Because Arsenal lost, they are now four points behind Manchester City with only one game left. This result also helps Guashuai’s team win the Premier League ahead of schedule.

Bayern was reversed by Leipzig 1-3.

This night, there was also Bayern. With a 1-0 lead at home, Bayern collapsed in the second half. In the second half, Lemmer counterattacked the goal and equalized the score for Leipzig. After that, the visiting team got two penalties and finally beat Bayern 3-1 away.

After this game, Bayern’s top position is in jeopardy. If Dortmund wins augsburg in the away game, the Bundesliga championship will be completely reversed. Now the initiative is completely in Dortmund’s hands. As long as they win the last two games, they will win the Bundesliga championship this season!

145 pages of enterprise digital transformation Big Data Lake project construction and operation comprehensive solution WORD

This information source is open to the public, for personal study only, please do not use it commercially.
Part of the information content:

The application, management and display of data lake are integrated, providing standard services, data interfaces and report presentation methods. The data of data lake adopts efficient and reliable storage architecture. The enterprise business data migration plan is formulated, and the core data stored in ERP system, data acquisition system, OA system, video monitoring system and cloud business system are migrated to the data lake as a whole, and the inelastic resources are deployed locally. For the elastic computing function, it is necessary to cooperate with the algorithm data lake. So as to realize the controllability of core data and eliminate security problems and potential unknown risks. Support visual modeling, and support mouse dragging for artificial intelligence algorithm modeling. Including data preprocessing, feature engineering, algorithm model, model evaluation and deployment, etc., it supports many types of algorithm applications in the field of fast-selling business, including logistic regression, K nearest neighbor, random forest, naive Bayes, K-means clustering, linear regression, GBDT binary classification, GBDT regression and other algorithm models, and also supports artificial intelligence training models such as deep learning. The presentation layer displays the operation status and resource usage of various business systems in a multi-dimensional and dynamic way through unified business BI report components. And support the periodic or temporary generation of business situations, decision data display, fault analysis and mining and other business scenarios.

X x data lake architecture diagram

Document center:

It is mainly used to store files in various formats, including video files, video and audio files, PDF files, Office files and other types of files, and provides file-level full-text retrieval, document publishing, file sharing, file extraction and other functions. Provide file rights management, version management, version history recovery and other management functions.

The file content in the file center can exchange fusion data with the log center and data center through ETL process, and participate in data processing, data mining, machine learning, image analysis and so on.

Log center:

Collect all kinds of log data, IOT data and other real-time data, and the data will be processed in real time by the stream processing engine to ensure that the data will be analyzed and processed in the first time, so as to achieve real-time monitoring and real-time alarm.

The processed real-time data can be integrated with the data in the file center and data center to participate in data analysis.

Structured data center:

Real-time (or batch) access to structured data in databases or other media, and efficient processing of all kinds of data with the help of powerful processing capabilities such as Hadoop/Spark.

Effectively combine the data in file center and log center to participate in data analysis and data mining.

Support tens of billions of data Cube to achieve sub-second multi-dimensional query of massive data.

Standard SQL output interface, supporting the needs of continuous upgrading and secondary development.

Schematic diagram of unified interface of data lake interface

Data access principle

1. Give priority to the application-driven construction of high-value digital twin projects;

2. The data entering the lake must be certified by the data management department, and the corresponding data asset standards shall be issued to match the corresponding data responsible person;

3. The principle of data modeling is standardized step by step with original data, clean and integrated data, three normal forms structure and service wide table;

4. The overall platform shall conform to the principle of high availability and parallel expansion, and conform to the data planning of the business for 3-5 years.

Real-time data synchronization supports most real-time database synchronization requirements. Support data synchronization across WAN and receiver clustering. Build a unified, standard, easy to copy and maintain data real-time synchronization platform, and at the same time complete the technical specifications and strategies of data real-time synchronization. Realize data synchronization monitoring system, and build a continuous and reliable real-time monitoring system for data update. Complete the integration mechanism of one-time rapid data import and incremental data import-trickle replication. The Full Dump module is used to realize the encryption of data warehousing, and the HiveSQL interface is provided based on Data Handle, at the same time, the decryption of data warehousing is completed. Control of data access rights through customization of Application Adapter.

L The scheme of keeping the original database for business systems that frequently read and write data, ERP system, data acquisition system, OA system, video monitoring system and cloud business system. Business data should be synchronized to the data lake, and the consistency between local data lake and business system data should be verified periodically during the parallel operation.

L receive real-time incremental data and store the data in the local data lake according to the predetermined architecture. Real-time production data is accessed in real time and reliably transmitted to the company’s database cluster. The data access amount is about 110TB/ day, and the historical data is 40000TB.

Logical architecture diagram of data migration

L Data lake operations are divided into two categories: inelastic and elastic. For inelastic operations, operations are performed in the local data lake. For operations that consume large resources and need elastic calculation, collaborative calculation is adopted with the enterprise cloud, and data is not saved in the enterprise cloud data lake. After the operation calculation is completed, the process and result data are sent back to the local data lake for storage. Interface service supports publish-subscribe mode, cross-data lake and cross-system call, HDFS, Hive, HBase and other systems.

A) interface type

Bulk data encapsulation

A large number of data are extracted according to certain conditions and packaged into data resources. Batch data packaging must be carried out through the system, not manually.

Data request interface encapsulation

The data is encapsulated as an access interface by restful interface, so that the accessor can access the data through remote call.

B) interface security

configuration management

Configure the content of shared data and sharing interface rules, including basic data configuration, sharing service configuration, sharing rights and sharing configuration distribution.

A) basic data configuration

It can configure the basic data used in the data sharing functional domain, including the configuration of the shared data system, the data structure and semantic description of the shared data entity, and the sharing method.

B) shared service configuration

Data service definition, data service directory, data service parameter configuration (such as: target system, sharing mode, data bearing mode, access frequency, access permission period), etc.

C) sharing permission configuration

Configure the permissions of the target system that is allowed to use the shared service, and support the permissions configuration of specific data entities and attributes within the shared service.

D) shared configuration distribution

The content of shared data and sharing interface rules are distributed to all relevant systems.

Data sharing process

Monitoring, exception handling and log management of data sharing processes, and providing query statistics and analysis functions for data related to data sharing.

A) table data sharing

The target system is an application layer analysis system, which directly opens the access rights of tables, and the target system extracts data through ETL.

B) data query

The target system is an application layer analysis system, and the target system directly calls the data query service provided by the data lake to complete the data query.

C) data subscription

The target system is an application layer analysis system, and the target system puts forward data subscription requirements, and the data lake provides data subscription services.

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The registration of the Society Competition 2008 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Competition was officially launched.

The registration channel for the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Competition was officially opened! The contest was co-sponsored by China Artificial Intelligence Society and Yuhang District People’s Government of Hangzhou, undertaken by Zhejiang Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City (Haichuang Park) Management Committee, and co-organized by Beijing Iron Man Technology Co., Ltd. Based on an international perspective, the competition will focus on cutting-edge technology and application innovation, promote academic exchanges, personnel training, technological development and cross-border application and integration in the field of artificial intelligence, and build a talent exchange platform and industrial ecosystem for artificial intelligence.

Algorithm challenge

Track 1: imaging NLP-medical imaging diagnosis report generation

Track 2: Giga Rendering-A New Perspective Rendering Based on a Billion Pixel Sparse Image

Hardware challenge

Track 1: Service Robot Competition for the Elderly

Track 2: Deep Learning Smart Car Competition

Track 3: unmanned competition

Algorithm challenge

Track 1: It is divided into four stages: registration-team formation, preliminary, semi-final and final.

Sign up & Team up (March 10th–April 20th)

The opening time of the registration system is 10:00 Beijing time on March 10th, 2023, and the deadline is 12:00 noon on April 20th, 2023.

Preliminaries (March 21st–April 21st)

Rematch (April 28th–May 19th)

Final (June 9)

Track 2: It is divided into three stages: registration-team formation, online competition and final competition.

Sign up & Team up (March 10th–May 4th)

The opening time of the registration system is 10:00 Beijing time on March 10th, 2023, and the deadline is 17:00 Beijing time on May 4th, 2023.

Online Competition (March 10th–May 10th)

Final (June 9)

Hardware challenge

Registration & Team Building (March 10th-May 20th, 2023)

Final (June 6-June 9, 2023)

Competition official website: https://gaiic.caai.cn/

Algorithm challenge

Event e-mail:

Track 1 data@tsinghua.edu.cn

Track 2 challenge@gigavision.cn

QQ group for event exchange (choose one):

Track 1 566353409/75834321

Hardware challenge

Event Email: bd@artrobot.com

Event exchange QQ group:

Track 1 558080765

Track 2 558719690

Track 3 480558608

04 tournament award

Algorithm challenge

The total prize money of the competition is 850,000-920,000 RMB, and all prizes are pre-tax.

Hardware challenge

The total prize money of the competition is 400,000 RMB, and all prizes are pre-tax.

Champion: 20,000 yuan/team, and the instructor 10,000 yuan/team.

Runner-up: 15,000 yuan/team and 8,000 yuan/team for the instructor.

Third runner-up: 10,000 yuan/team, and the instructor is 5,000 yuan/team.

First prize: 3,000 yuan for each team and 2,000 yuan for each instructor, a total of 5 teams.

Second prize: 2000 yuan per team, a total of 10 teams.

Third prize: 1000 yuan for each team, a total of 15 teams.

* The above is the award setting of a single event, and there are three events in the hardware event.

Other awards:

Creative Award: 4,000 yuan/team, totally 4 teams.

05 media cooperation