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Chen He withdrew!

"I opened two

One has been closed

Vote 8 million

At the beginning of opening the store

The person responsible for investment promotion promises

You can pay back in 10-15 months.

But when business is booming

Monthly profit

The highest is only 30,000 yuan "

Chen He withdrew

Fujian Xianhezhuang shareholder

May 19

"Chen He withdraws as a shareholder of Xianhezhuang, Fujian"

Rush to Weibo’s trending topic list

The reporter inquired about the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System and learned that –

The company behind the hot pot brand Fujian Xianhezhuang has indeed changed its name and ownership. The Fujian Xianhezhuang Brand Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), which is held by actor Chen He, has withdrawn from the ranks of Fujian Xianhezhuang shareholders.


Many franchisees of Xianhezhuang

Go collectively

Chengdu Rights Protection, where the brand headquarters is located

Spark online debate

Mr. Qi from Guangzhou

Join Xianhezhuang in April 2020

A total of two stores were opened

And the first one

Closed in June 2021

"He only opened a self-operated store in Chengdu, constantly creating the illusion of queuing, and using very low prices to do a lot of promotional activities, such as 9 yuan, 9 generations and 100 yuan. Consumers and investors thought his business was very good, but in fact, he lost money as soon as he opened, because he taught you to do very low discount activities, and the business was good, but when he looked at the financial statements, it turned out to be a loss…"

"At that time, Guangzhou only opened four or five franchise stores. I didn’t expect him to open 19 stores later. If Guangzhou controlled seven or eight stores, it wouldn’t have closed down so quickly."

According to Tianyancha data…

Fujian Xianhezhuang Brand Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) is jointly owned by Chen He and Zhu Zhen, among which Chen He holds about 38.55%, making him the largest shareholder.

Nowadays, Fujian Xianhezhuang Brand Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) has withdrawn from the ranks of shareholders of Fujian Xianhezhuang, marking that Chen He has no equity relationship with Fujian Xianhezhuang.

Xianhezhuang Hotpot Store. (File photo, Visual China)

Xianhezhuang once became an Internet celebrity hot pot brand due to the blessing of actor Chen He.

According to the official website of Xianhezhuang Luwei Hotpot, the brand is led by actor Chen He, film and television actor and director Li Chen, and host Zhu Zhen. "The three of them gather hot pot and Luwei in Hezhuang."

Image/Visual China

Then, the reporter dialed the contact number of Xianhezhuang’s official website to inquire about the reasons for Chen He’s withdrawal as a shareholder, as well as the latest relationship between Xianhezhuang and Chen He. The customer service replied that they did not know about it for the time being and would report the relevant issues to the company internally, and a special person would reply.

Image/Visual China

In response to the franchisee’s rights protection, the New Yellow River reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of Xianhezhuang, according to him –

The company has issued a statement saying that it helps franchisees in various ways, but it cannot meet the franchisees’ demands for rights protection.

According to the statistics of the food collection, as of the end of April 2022, Xianhezhuang has closed more than 270 stores across the country.

Image/Visual China

Zeng Yin

Sorry for the falling ceiling of the store.

In recent years, Xianhezhuang has been mired in public opinion for many times due to health, safety and other issues, as well as doubts about "cutting leeks".

On March 11, 2021, the ceiling of a store in Hangzhou suddenly fell, injuring couples who were eating hot pot.

At that time, part of the ceiling injured the woman’s head and hands, and another part fell into the soup pot, causing the soup to burn the man’s face.

After the incident, the injured couple asked the stores involved to compensate 7 to 80,000 yuan for follow-up treatment, but the person in charge of the store said that only 40,000 could be paid, and the incident was then fermented on the Internet.

One month later.

Xianhezhuang Luwei hot pot

Issue an apology statement


Chen He forwarded the apology statement

And said

Comprehensive investigation and rectification

Security issues will not be tolerated

User comments


● According to Southern Metropolis Daily, Jinan Times, New Yellow River client side

Original title: "Chen He has withdrawn!"

Read the original text

Give full play to the supporting role of new generation digital technologies such as 5G, data center and artificial intelligence, and inject strong power into new infrastructure (innovative password o

The picture shows workers of China Telecom Lu ‘an Branch installing and debugging 5G base station equipment. Xinhua news agency

  Recently, new infrastructure has attracted much attention from all walks of life. What is the specific connotation of new infrastructure and where is new? How to build and make good use of new infrastructure? This edition has published two reports on "Innovative Passwords of New Infrastructure", so please pay attention.

  — — Editor

  At present, the central government has made important arrangements to speed up the construction of new infrastructure, and many investment and construction plans have been launched, and the technology industry, especially digital technology companies, have participated in new infrastructure.

  Why is the new infrastructure receiving so much attention? Why did you choose to press the "fast forward key" at this time? The reporter interviewed a number of relevant experts.

  Where is the new infrastructure?

  The new infrastructure mainly refers to the new infrastructure represented by 5G, data center, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and Internet of Things, which is essentially the infrastructure of information digitization.

  Not long ago, the The Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) Conference emphasized "speeding up the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G networks and data centers". Previously, the National Development and Reform Commission made clear the scope of new infrastructure for the first time, and will jointly study and issue relevant guiding opinions to promote the development of new infrastructure, and press the "fast forward button" for the construction of new infrastructure.

  What is new infrastructure? What are the differences between it and traditional infrastructure?

  Infrastructure is the foundation of economic and social activities, which has the basic characteristics of foundation, forerunner and publicity, and is very important to the development of national economy.

  "Traditional infrastructure construction mainly refers to ‘ Tiegongji ’ , including railways, highways, airports, ports, water conservancy facilities and other construction projects, plays an important fundamental role in the process of China’s economic development. The new infrastructure mainly refers to the new infrastructure represented by 5G, data center, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and Internet of Things, which is essentially the infrastructure of information digitization. " Pan Jiaofeng, dean of the Science and Technology Strategy Consulting Institute of China Academy of Sciences, said.

  Traditional infrastructure has solved the connection between things and people, and the construction of roads and airports has brought prosperous business to the region. The new digital infrastructure solves the connection, interaction and processing of data. New technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and quantum computing, as the infrastructure of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, will bring more space for industrial upgrading and promote the formation of new products and services, new production systems and new business models.

  Railways and expressways are the infrastructure in the industrial age, and in the information age, more infrastructure capabilities such as computing power and algorithms with data as the key element are reflected. Su Meng, Chairman and CEO of Beijing Percentage Information Technology Co., Ltd. described that, in terms of factors, if the data element is "oil" and the new infrastructure is "oil wells and oil pipelines", then data intelligence is "refining technology and equipment"; Data intelligence processes resources into usable and high-value products and services.

  Gao Hongwei, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., said that China’s infrastructure construction has gone through three stages: the first stage aims at establishing the production system and production capacity of energy and industrial products, and the second stage aims at improving "circulation capacity building" and "urbanization construction". At present, in the third stage, the main goal is to provide the infrastructure system of industrial governance, information governance, ecological governance and security governance services, including the information governance infrastructure.

  Liu Song, vice president of Alibaba, believes that the new infrastructure is an innovation in infrastructure, which can promote the creation of new services and new formats. It can change the basic mode of scientific research, R&D design and supply chain collaboration. For example, establishing a new value network based on data creation in the production process can transmit consumer demand to the production side in real time. This digital infrastructure can greatly improve the economic efficiency of all factors.

  Liu Song said that the next 10 years will be the "installation period" of new infrastructure. At present, based on the new generation of digital technologies such as 5G, data center, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things, various digital platforms including shopping, travel, entertainment, government affairs, and intelligent manufacturing have been formed. These platforms are also the infrastructure for digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. In addition, the traditional infrastructure, such as "TieGong Ji", has been digitally transformed to form a converged infrastructure. With the addition of technologies such as 3D printing, intelligent robots, AR glasses and autonomous driving, the new infrastructure will be a brand-new technical prospect.

  What’s the use of new infrastructure

  Advanced intelligent technology is deeply integrated with industry, and new infrastructure will accelerate the intelligent transformation of traditional industries such as finance, manufacturing and energy.

  Use big data technology to build an epidemic spread model, and quickly evaluate and predict the source of infection, spread speed, spread path and spread risk of the virus; Artificial intelligence remote consultation, auxiliary diagnosis and image analysis can effectively reduce the risk of close contact infection of medical staff and greatly improve the diagnostic efficiency; Many enterprises open their computing power free of charge, support viral gene sequencing, new drug research and development, and help scientific research institutions shorten the research and development cycle … …

  In the prevention and control of epidemic situation and the resumption of production in COVID-19, behind the new things and formats such as health code, online courses and smart retail, the new generation of information technologies such as 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and supercomputing are put into use, which shows the powerful supporting role of new infrastructure.

  The new infrastructure will deeply integrate advanced intelligent technology with industry, which will accelerate the intelligent transformation of traditional industries such as finance, manufacturing and energy.

  In the energy industry, the wind field of wind power generation is mostly distributed in remote areas, and the team of engineers is resident in R&D centers in different places, so it is difficult to carry out on-site operation and maintenance of wind turbine equipment. Due to the complex internal structure of large-scale wind power equipment, local managers of wind farms often can’t predict faults and maintenance well, resulting in high equipment maintenance costs and difficult to reduce operating costs. "Industrial Internet combined with cloud computing and Internet of Things technology can help solve such problems and reduce operation and maintenance costs." Qiao Jian, vice president of Lenovo Group, said.

  In the aerospace field, the industrial Internet also plays an important role in boosting digital transformation. China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd., an aerospace electrical company located in Guizhou, has realized the whole process, automation and intelligence from marketing signing to development and production scheduling, from supply chain and manufacturing to settlement and after-sales, and solved the problem of agile response to market diversity. "At present, the company has hundreds of thousands of orders a year, and can handle up to 2,000 orders a day, which can meet the needs of single-piece and small-batch production of various personalized products and achieve simultaneous improvement in efficiency, quality and efficiency." Gao Hongwei said.

  The new infrastructure can also promote the upgrading and development of basic industries, especially the information technology industry, which not only drives the industry itself to expand its scale, but also promotes the development and growth of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.

  Taking 5G as an example, the construction of 5G network not only involves a large number of infrastructure investments such as factories, base stations and power supply, but also drives the transformation and upgrading of various industries such as factory renovation, construction and operation, system upgrade and technical training. According to the forecast of China Xintong Institute, by 2025, the accumulated investment in 5G network construction will reach 1.2 trillion yuan, which will drive the related investment to exceed 3.5 trillion yuan.

  Some experts pointed out that the new infrastructure will also promote the deepening of basic research, promote more achievements in the fields of cloud computing, artificial intelligence algorithms and chips, and help to fill the shortcomings in the field of science and technology.

  Why did you press the "fast forward key" at this time?

  It is not only an objective need to cope with the downward pressure on the economy, but also a strategic choice made on the basis of profound insight and grasp of the general trend of world science and technology and industrial changes.

  In recent years, China has been striving to seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, vigorously develop the digital economy, and promote industrial optimization and upgrading. The planning and layout of the new infrastructure has already begun. Why do you choose to press the "fast forward button" at this time?

  Experts said that this decision is not only an objective need to cope with the downward pressure on the economy, but also a strategic choice made on the basis of profound insight and grasp of the general trend of world science and technology and industrial changes.

  Mars, a first-class inspector of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, believes that in the face of the challenges of increasing downward pressure on the economy, declining marginal benefits of traditional infrastructure investment and declining industrial penetration, promoting the construction of new digital infrastructure is an effective way to hedge the impact of the epidemic, optimize the investment structure and stimulate economic growth in China.

  Creating new kinetic energy for economic development is inseparable from the strong support of informationization, digitalization and intelligence. Ma Yuan, founder and CEO of Pengsi Technology, believes that the concentrated outbreak of online demand during the epidemic shows the potential of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data and cloud computing to drive the overall social and economic development, and objectively opens the window of new infrastructure.

  Pan Jiaofeng analyzed that as China’s economy shifts from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development, the maladjustment of the original infrastructure system becomes more prominent, and based on the new era and new mission, the infrastructure system must be strategically adjusted.

  Accelerating the promotion of new infrastructure, the value is not only immediate. 5G, data center, industrial Internet and other fields are advanced. Investing in new infrastructure is actually investing in the future and providing long-term services. Yang Yuanqing, Chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, believes that the new infrastructure is a wave of infrastructure construction around the new hard core of economy, science and technology, which injects powerful "digital power" into China’s economic transformation and upgrading, and stores energy for high-quality development.

  "In the long run, the new infrastructure is a strategic, pilot and overall project with a strong foundation and long-term benefits. We must focus on the long-term and not be divorced from the national conditions, and we must do what we can." Wan Jinbo, a researcher at the Science and Technology Strategy Consulting Institute of China Academy of Sciences, said.

  Gao Hongwei said that the enterprises participating in the new infrastructure should also have the ability, determination and patience, do things with professional counterparts, take a long-term view, and ensure the speed and quality of the new infrastructure. (Reporter Wu Yuehui Gu Yekai Yu Jianbin)

Summer in the "Summer" Township | Spend a sauna day and meet the "Arctic Village" in Wuhan.

avoid/escape summer heat
Xiaxiang town
The countryside of Wuhan is 5℃ lower.

The air here is free and fresh.

There are distant mountains and smoke, dogs and fields.

height of summer

A visit to the countryside in Wuhan with a summer temperature of 5℃

First stop
Huangpi liujiashan village
Cool heart and lungs, Wuhan "North Pole"

Liujiashan Village, Caidian Street, huangpi district is located at an altitude of 806 meters.Among the mountains.Green and cool, it is the tallest, northernmost and most remote village in Wuhan, and is called the "Arctic Village" in Wuhan.

The original ecology is the biggest feature of the local natural environment. In summer, the temperature here is 6-8 degrees lower than that in downtown Wuhan, which is a good place for summer in rural Wuhan.

If this title is not enough for you to locate its coordinates and mention "Qingliangzhai", everyone should know!

At the top of Qingliangzhai, you will enter the village even if you pass through the archway of "hometown of the top scholar, Liujiashan Village"!

There is a mirror-like lake in the village, clear and clean, which is the result of careful care by the villagers.

Most of the retro buildings along the lake are Huizhou style with white walls and blue tiles. The landscape in front of the house is strewn at random with green plants, which is hidden among the green mountains and green waters, and it is full of refreshing meaning.

Every summer vacation, there will be a wave of summer tourists in the village. Most of them are old people with their grandchildren. Some choose to stay in the farmhouse for a short time, while others choose to rent a farmhouse for a comfortable summer.

Take a walk along the plank road in the middle of the lake, blow the mountain lake wind, find enthusiastic old people in the village and ask the historical story of the Qing Dynasty Jinshi.

There is also an excellent viewing platform on the top of the mountain, watching the sunrise and sunset and watching the stars move. Standing on the platform, you can still blow the wind from your neighbor Xiaogan ~

Looking back at Liu Jiashan, the villagers are rich and peaceful. Who would have thought that it was once a poor and backward ravine ~

When talented people return home, the countryside changes dramatically.

In 2004, Yi Youqing, an "able man of Huangpi", came to Liujiashan Village to develop tourism. He invested 40 million yuan to build leisure resorts and scenic spots in Qingliang Village, an old tea plantation in Liujiashan Village, and rebuilt the houses in Liujiashan Village to keep its original quaint appearance.

After the transformation, Liujiashan Village has become a beautiful water town in the deep mountains. The scenic spot also excavates the history of Liu Binshi, the ancestor of Liujiashan Village, who took the second place in the Qing Dynasty’s scientific research, and deduces such scenic spots as Shuxiang River, Zhuangyuan Bridge, Jintu Bridge, Reading Pavilion, and Cowherd’s Cave.

Nowadays, villagers are either hired as employees in scenic spots, or open farmhouses or set up stalls to sell local products. Every household has a tourist meal. In the past, poor and backward mountain villages wereRural construction has experienced gorgeous transformation in more than ten years!

The old stone road between the cottages and the "old house" that is 100 years old have witnessed the transformation of Liujiashan Village.

Get out of the urban heat island and come to the village for the summer!

The chill is getting heavier! The temperature drops the most in beginning of winter. See where to enter the winter on the national winter map.

China Weather Network News "The north wind is cold and cold, and the sparse wood is half green and yellow." Today (November 8th), China entered the beginning of winter solar term. beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means the beginning of cold winter. After beginning of winter, cold air activities became more frequent, and the winter process accelerated. China Weather Network launched the national winter map during beginning of winter all the year round to see where the cold wind is starting and winter is coming.

[National Winter Map] During the beginning of winter season, most of the north entered the winter.

At the beginning of the solar term in beginning of winter all the year round, many places in the north have entered winter, and the front of winter has reached the central part of North China, Qinling Mountains and western Sichuan Plateau. During the solar term in beginning of winter, the process of winter accelerated, and winter continued to cross south, and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Shandong, most of Henan, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, and northwestern Hubei all entered the threshold of winter. Like Shijiazhuang (November 7), Xi ‘an (November 11), Jinan (November 10), Zhengzhou (November 13), Hefei (November 18), Nanjing (November 19) and other provincial capital cities, the average winter season is concentrated in beginning of winter season.

Most of the south is still in autumn at this time, and places like Hunan and Hubei are cool and full of autumn. In Hainan and the southern coastal areas of Guangdong, the summer heat still exists, and the summer is not over.

[Weather in beginning of winter] The temperature plummeted and the chill became heavier.

At the time of beginning of winter, everything was finally done. Beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means that life begins to close and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate has also changed from dry autumn to rainy and cold winter, with a sudden drop in temperature and a growing chill.

"One day in beginning of winter, water cooling is three points." Beginning of winter is the solar term with the fiercest cooling in the whole year, especially in the north. At this time, it has entered the cold season of "singing winter with the wind". China Weather Network took stock of the national temperature changes in the twenty-four solar terms, and found that the national average temperature began to decline since beginning of autumn, and beginning of winter had the largest decline, with the temperature in first frost dropping by 3.77℃ compared with the previous solar term.

The forms of precipitation after beginning of winter are more diverse, such as rain, snow, sleet and hail. The first snow often appears in North China, and it is already a scene of heavy snow in Northeast and Northwest China.

During the cold air intermission, the temperature difference between day and night in North China, Huanghuai and other places is large, and the humidity increases, which is prone to fog and haze weather, especially the visibility is low in the morning and evening, which will have a great impact on people’s life and travel.

Beginning of winter is not equal to winter. After beginning of winter, the cold air is stronger and the activities are more frequent. The front of winter begins to cross the Qinling Huaihe River, and most of the north has entered winter, while most of the south is still in autumn.

[beginning of winter Phenology] Water begins to freeze when it is frozen.

Beginning of winter is divided into three stages: the first stage is when the water begins to freeze, the second stage is when the ground begins to freeze, and the third stage is when the pheasant enters the flood. It is said that this solar term, water can already form ice; The land also began to freeze; After beginning of winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, but giant clams with similar lines and colors can be seen on the seashore.

"beginning of winter is sunny and has a good harvest." In beginning of winter season, the land in Northeast China is frozen, and agricultural and forestry crops enter the wintering period; Jiangnan and South China should make full use of fine weather to harvest, sun and air late rice.

[beginning of winter custom] It is necessary to make up for the winter and avoid making up for the cold.

As the saying goes, "beginning of winter fills the winter and fills the mouth." In order to resist the cold, there is a folk custom of "beginning of winter food tonic". In the north, jiaozi is eaten, while in the south, radish stewed mutton, ginger duck, crucian bean curd soup and other tonic dishes are usually eaten. However, winter tonic should be moderate, and blind "big tonic" should be avoided.

The weather is getting colder after beginning of winter, so friends should prepare down jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and other cold-proof equipment in advance, and add clothes in time to prevent colds.

When the north wind rises, everything hides, and beginning of winter is brushing away the restlessness of the season with the most peaceful attitude, so that everything can be calm. We might as well enjoy the warm sunshine in winter and feel the good time on earth quietly after our daily busyness. (Text/Liu Wei Design/Liu Hongxin Data Support/Shi Yan Part of the Image Source/vision china)

(Source: China Weather Network)

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What is culture? How to explain culture?

What is culture?

If culture talks about appearances, it is: everything that is different from nature in human social life is culture. As long as it is not natural, it is created by people, and it is all culture, but this is only the appearance.

The core of culture: it is the common way of thinking and values formed by this nation that has lived for a long time in a special natural environment and a unique mode of production and lifestyle. This is culture. Specific environment, specific period. Then a group of people generated this value. For example, if he lives on the plateau, or the natural environment on this plain is different from that on the prairie, and his way of life and production are different, then his way of thinking and values are different. This way of thinking and values, he is not a person, he is the common lifestyle and values of this nation or this country, and this is culture.

We in China pay attention to family and everything. We have talked about it for more than 2,000 years. Now the common people also recognize it. It is this value that China people recognize. Therefore, culture is a unique value of a farming nation.

The most basic bond of farming people’s survival is blood, but the basic unit of survival is family, so from this perspective, this family and everything is the unique culture of our Chinese nation. Not in other countries, because their lifestyles and production methods are different, he will change. For example, in Hanshu, especially in Biography of Xiongnu, there is a dialogue between Han Division and Xiongnu, which is called Khan’s dialogue between them. This is called two different cultures, which are actually right from their respective perspectives, but because of their different lifestyles and production methods, I think you are wrong, and you think I am wrong. So what is right and what is wrong? What is suitable for our survival is called right.

# Culture # # Xiongnu #

Combined with the predictions of many British media, leicester city’s relegation probability is above 55% on average.

Combined with the predictions of many British media, leicester city’s relegation probability is above 55% on average. Followed by Leeds, with an average of 47%, Nottingham with 40% and Everton with an average of 35%.

There are still two games left in the Premier League, and the biggest topic is Manchester City’s reversal of victory over Arsenal and who will fill the second place in the relegation of the British Championship.
Southampton failed to avoid relegation, but the 19th leicester city (30 points), 18th Leeds United (31 points), 17th Everton (32 points) and 16th Nottingham Forest (34 points) were fiercely competitive. on going
Combined with the predictions of many British media, leicester city’s relegation probability is above 55% on average. Followed by Leeds, with an average of 47%, Nottingham with 40% and Everton with an average of 35%.
The remaining two games are more complicated. Leicester will go to Newcastle United to compete for the third and fourth place, so as to secure tickets for the UEFA Champions League (UCL) next season. Their last opponent is West Ham United at home.
Leeds United’s appearance order is West Ham United (away)-Tottenham Hotspur (home). If West Ham draw with Leeds United, they will be confirmed to stay. Even if they emerge from the UECL semi-final, the league is different. Tottenham Hotspur need to catch up with Leeds United to save the Champions League. Leicester and Leeds are almost as anchored as West Ham.
Everton’s order is wolverhampton wanderers (away)-AFC Bournemouth (home), and the latter confirmed their accommodation. That’s why Everton has a higher chance of staying in the team, because the pressure on the other team is less. Nottingham’s ranking order is Arsenal (home)-Crystal Palace (away). Arsenal lost the title race. With one game less, Manchester City still topped the list with a 4-point lead.
Manchester City will play in the order of Chelsea (home)-Brighton Hof (away)-brentford (away). Beating Chelsea is guaranteed. Arsenal should want Manchester City to lose to Chelsea. We must seize Nottingham and wolverhampton wanderers at the same time with the hearts of thousands of people. Of course, Manchester City’s victory is certain. Arsenal played Nottingham first, then Manchester City played Chelsea. This is a big disadvantage. Arsenal are strengthening ties with the players who are behind in the championship competition. The attack team included Leandro Trossat, Gabriel Martin Nelli, Gabriel Jeju, Eddie Nkitiya, Bukayo Saka and Martin Edgor, but they concluded that they lacked.
In the case of entering many reinforcement candidates, it is natural to pick up the ears in the teams that have been relegated. Leeds often mentioned Rodrigo Moreno and Patrick Buckford. According to reports, Arsenal put Snake Ford in sight.
Bamford is a resilient and fast striker. He signed a contract with Leeds until June 2026, but if he falls into the mire of relegation, he may move. Of course, I remember winning in Leeds, so it is possible to maintain my sanity, but even if it is not Arsenal, Aston Villa and other upper-middle-class teams, the temptation is great.
In Southampton, which ranked last, midfielder James Ward Fraus is rapidly becoming a transfer target. Ward Fraus also wants to move, so his value will go up. It is said that Bamford’s worth has reached 20 million pounds (about 33.2 billion won).
Rodrigo’s contract will end in June next year. Liz’s position is that as long as it exceeds 10 million pounds (about 16.6 billion won). It is said that Aston Villa Unai emeri is what she wants. If Li Kangren (Mallorca) is held in emeri’s arms, Rodrigova will finish the story of "reunion" after Valencia.
Everything depends on Liz’s choice. However, if you stay away from relegation, the situation will change 180 degrees.

You must watch this game tonight! Live broadcast on the big platform! The results of the first two games bode well for Guoqing.

At 18: 00 this evening, Beijing time, China U20 will compete with South Korean U20 for a semi-final spot in the U20 Asian Cup, which is actually a qualification for the World Youth Championship. You know, the last World Youth Championship that the National Youth Team participated in dates back to the 2005 World Youth Championship in the Netherlands, so the impact of the China team on the World Youth Championship tonight is particularly worthy of the attention of China fans. In other words, China fans must watch this game!

Tonight’s game, the time is also very suitable, fans can eat rice while watching the game. Aiqiyi, Migu, Know the Ball Emperor and other platforms all have live broadcast signals, which brings convenience for fans to watch the ball. Fans can watch the live broadcast on the computer or mobile phone screen (screen TV is also acceptable) and wave the flag and shout for the China teenager! CCTV didn’t broadcast the men’s U20 football match live, but broadcast the women’s U20 football match live, which from another angle can also stimulate China teenagers to fight hard tonight!

Unlike the World Cup, the World Youth Championship is not the top team in the world, but it is very strong. For example, Argentina won the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship last year, and its youth team (namely Argentina U20) was eliminated in the World Youth Championship in South America. Argentina is the second-ranked team in the world! By the same token, the strength of the Korean national team is obviously higher than that of the China national team, but the level of its U20 team may not be much higher than that of China. Therefore, the China boy must have confidence tonight.

It is particularly worth mentioning that in the two quarterfinals of the U20 Asian Cup last night, Iraq beat Iran 1-0 at the last moment of the game. Four hours later, Uzbekistan, the host country, also beat Australia in the penalty shootout and got the second ticket to the top four. You know, the Iranian and Australian national teams are frequent visitors to the World Cup, while the Iraqi national team is less powerful, and the Uzbek national team has never made it to the World Cup. Therefore, the results of the first two games are also an encouragement to China U20, which seems to indicate that China can also eliminate the South Korean team tonight.

Think about how China U20 beat Saudi Arabia 2-0 in the group stage, and the boys will know how to play tonight. The South Korean team has always despised the China team in football. If they still have this inertia tonight and make the mistake of underestimating the enemy, the chances of the China teenager will be even greater. Argentina underestimates its enemy and can lose to Saudi Arabia in the World Cup. If South Korea underestimates its enemy, it is of course reasonable to lose to China! Come on, Guoqing! Come on, China boys!