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Does the untrustworthy executor who shows off his wealth and owes himself 600,000 yuan on Tik Tok have any money?

  Cctv newsHe refused to perform the effective judgment but frequently flaunted his wealth in Tik Tok. He was hospitalized in the name of twins. After being found by the executive judge, he was removed from the hospital and escaped in the middle of the night. After being found under the bed at home, he tried to cut himself with a knife, claiming that he had no money, but there were many gold ornaments in the bedside table … …

  Recently, the People’s Court of Pudong New Area in Shanghai (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Pudong Court) executed a private loan dispute case with an iron fist, and imposed compulsory measures on the executed person Zhang for 15 days in judicial custody, and also transferred him to the public security organ for criminal responsibility for refusing to execute the judgment or ruling.

  Lost contact Lao Lai Tik Tok Xuanfu executive judge tracking

  Since July 2014, Zhang has repeatedly borrowed money from her friend Ms. Sun on the grounds of capital turnover needs, with a cumulative amount of 600,000 yuan, and issued a debit note to Ms. Sun. However, after the loan expired, no matter how urged by the other party, Zhang refused to pay back a penny. Ms. Sun had no choice but to appeal to the Shanghai Pudong Court and won the support.

  However, after the judgment came into effect, Zhang still failed to repay the loan, and Ms. Sun applied for enforcement. Zhao Lirui and Chen Zhe, the judges in charge, repeatedly notified Zhang to talk in court, but failed. They did not find any property clues under his name through the property inspection and control system, so they included him in the list of people who were executed in bad faith and issued a "height limit order".

  How to find Zhang has become a difficult problem for the executive judge. Until July 2019, according to the clues provided by Ms. Sun, Tik Tok’s last few "fancy show off wealth" videos caught Zhao Lirui’s attention. The publisher is a man named "Mirage". In the video, he basks in money and luxury cars for a while, just like a "rich man". The positioning display video was released in a hospital in Shanghai. Ms. Sun’s identification, this person is Zhang.

  According to the judge’s analysis, if the video is really recorded and released by Zhang, it obviously has sufficient performance ability. Although he avoids it, he may be found through the location on the video. At this time, it was 8 pm, and the executive judge decided to give up the rest time and go to the hospital to find out.

  Alias hospitalization is full of doubts. Face recognition distinguishes the truth.

  When I came to the inpatient department, the nurse said that there was no patient named Zhang in the hospital. The two judges didn’t give up, and they took their mobile phones one by one to verify. After visiting for a long time, someone finally recognized that the person in the video seems to be an inpatient in the west area on the fifth floor, but it is strange that his registered name is not Zhang.

  The judge quickly found the man and found that his appearance was very similar to that of Zhang, so he asked him to take out his ID card for verification. However, he said that he did not have the habit of carrying his ID card with him, and stressed that he was not Zhang, but his "twin" brother. According to the information held by the judge, although Zhang does have a brother, they are two or three years old and cannot be twins. The judge had a clever plan and asked him to call "Zhang" on the spot, but he said that he and his brother had not contacted for many years and did not know each other’s phone number.

  Coincidentally, the man just received a short message at this time, and the judge caught a glimpse of the message clearly written on the screen that the short message was the information of the change of Zhang’s provident fund account. In order to lock his identity, the judge immediately contacted the public security department to carry out joint execution, and the police quickly rushed to the scene with a face recognition instrument. The comparison results showed that this person was Zhang.

  Pulling out the tube overnight, trying to get away, panicking and hiding under the bed

  In the face of hard evidence, guilty Zhang began to refuse to answer all questions. The enforcement judge had intended to summon him to court to talk, but after communicating with the attending doctor, his body had not yet reached the discharge standard. For humanitarian reasons, the judge immediately gave an oral warning and issued an enforcement notice and a summons to let Zhang go to the court to explain the situation immediately after he recovered from hospital. However, Zhang, whose whereabouts were exposed, didn’t wait until his body recovered, so he hurriedly pulled out the instrument and needle and was discharged from the hospital overnight, and once again disappeared.

  With the deepening of the investigation, the executive judge also found new situations. According to Zhang’s marriage registration information, he had been married once before marrying his current wife Ni, and he was always married with his first wife. "This means that Zhang has formed a family with two women respectively, and both of them have registered their marriages. If one party sues, he may constitute bigamy and need to bear criminal responsibility." Chen Zhe said.

  According to the address record left by Zhang during his residence permit in Shanghai, the executive judge found the residence of Ni and went to find Zhang many times, and finally found him one night two months later.

  Hearing the intensive footsteps approaching in the corridor, Zhang, who was in a panic, had no way to escape, and even the lights were too late to turn off. He simply hid under the bed and was caught by the executive judge and the bailiff.

  Desperate, self-mutilation with a knife, criminal responsibility and consequences.

  Even so, Zhang was still unwilling. After climbing out of the bed, he quickly took out a fruit knife from his pocket and put it on his left wrist in an attempt to threaten to obstruct the execution. The judge immediately issued a solemn warning to him that if he intends to expand the situation by ending his life, he will only face more serious legal consequences. After nearly two hours of criticism and education, Zhang’s mood finally calmed down.

  Zhang, who frequently shows off his wealth on the Internet, claims that he is a poor man and really has no ability to pay back the money. However, the judge found several credit card machines at the scene. After checking the credit card records, he found that the amount of each transaction was not small, and there were many gold ornaments in the bedside table.

  It was already past 1: 00 in the morning, and the judge decided to bring Zhang back to talk, but he kept his mouth shut about his property and refused to repay the debts he owed. In view of his repeated refusal to appear in court without justifiable reasons, his ability to perform but his long-term refusal to perform the obligation of effective judgment, and his obstruction of execution in various ways, the court imposed compulsory measures on him in judicial custody for 15 days according to law, and transferred the case file materials to the public security organs to investigate his criminal responsibility for refusing to execute the judgment or ruling.

  A month later, in the Executive Board of Pudong District Court, Zhang Hailou met with Sun Mou, the applicant of this case, and the two sides reached an implementation settlement agreement. Zhang Hailou returned 10,000 yuan to Sun Mou, and the remaining loan will be repaid in stages after Zhang Hailou found a stable job.

The Yangtze River has been closed to fishing for ten years, and these changes are related to you and me.

  On February 15, 2021, the ship sailed in the waters of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Recently, all kinds of mountain flowers on both sides of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have opened, and the spring is getting stronger. Xinhua news agency

  Red-billed gull living in the area of Jijiang Yangtze River Bridge in jiangjin district, Chongqing, Xinhua News Agency issued.

  Hukou, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province assisted the patrol team in patrolling Poyang Lake. Our reporter Zhou Mengshuang photo/bright picture

  [Ecological topic]

  "The Yangtze River has a long history and a vast water surface. It is a good water town for freshwater fish to have children and grow up." The documentary "story of the yangtze river" filmed by CCTV in 1983 praised the mother river in this way. However, in recent decades, due to the comprehensive influence of various human activities, the ecological environment in the Yangtze River basin has deteriorated sharply, and the biological integrity index has reached the worst "no fish" level.

  In order to save the aquatic biodiversity of the Yangtze River, on January 1, 2021, the main stream of the Yangtze River, large Tongjiang lakes and important tributaries officially began a 10-year comprehensive fishing ban. 111,000 fishing boats and 231,000 fishermen retreated ashore, which began the historical turning point of "people returning fish to enter". The "No.1 Document of the Central Committee" in 2021 released a few days ago clearly proposed to strengthen the conservation of aquatic biological resources, promote the capacity building of fishery law enforcement focusing on the Yangtze River, ensure the effective implementation of the 10-year fishing ban, and do a good job in ensuring the resettlement of retired fishermen. According to the strategic plan of the CPC Central Committee on the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, from March 1, China’s first special law on river basin protection — — The Yangtze River Protection Law will also be officially implemented.

  Recently, Guangming Daily Weibo launched an online survey on "What are you most concerned about when the Yangtze River is closed for ten years". Based on the results of the previous survey, with some questions that netizens are most concerned about, our reporter interviewed relevant experts, heads of competent departments and volunteer representatives.

  Will our table be affected after the ban on fishing?

  In Huaiyang Restaurant, Yangtze shad is a famous dish, which is regarded as a delicacy by many diners because of its tender meat.

  "Now that the Yangtze River is completely banned from fishing, is this signature dish gone?" Many people have doubts about this.

  "This kind of worry is a bit redundant, because the Yangtze River shad has been extinct for almost 30 years." Zhou Zhuocheng, an expert from China Fishery Association, explained that the Yangtze River shad is a migratory fish. In 1975, the catch reached 1,570 tons, but since the 1980s, its number has dropped rapidly, and it has been impossible to form a fish season. After the 1990s, there is no record of catching it, which is equivalent to functional extinction.

  So, what has been sold in restaurants? "Yangtze river shad is ‘ Sanxian of Yangtze River ’ First of all, in order to maintain profits, merchants actually use close relatives such as American shad and Southeast Asian clouded shad. " Zhou Zhuocheng said that with the decline of aquatic biological resources in the Yangtze River, it is very common to confuse the real with the fake.

  The fate of the Yangtze River shad is not a case. According to statistics, the annual natural catch in the Yangtze River basin has dropped from 427,000 tons in 1954 to less than 100,000 tons in recent years. Even the common "four big fish" such as herring, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp, their seedling production has dropped from 129.1 billion in 1965 to more than one billion today.

  "In contrast to the decline of fishery resources in the Yangtze River, since the 1950s, ‘ Four big fish ’ Artificial reproduction has been successful one after another, and the freshwater aquaculture industry has developed rapidly, and the table of ordinary people has not been affected. " Cao Wenxuan, a scientist who initiated the ten-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River and an academician of the China Academy of Sciences, said that from 2016 to 2019, the output of freshwater aquaculture in China was around 30 million tons, with an annual output of about 5 million tons of grass carp, 4 million tons of silver carp and nearly 3 million tons of bighead carp, providing consumers with delicious dishes such as "boiled fish" and "chopped pepper fish head" — — "The annual per capita consumption of China’s 1.4 billion population ‘ Four big fish ’ 9.4 kilograms. "

  Cheap and high-quality farmed fish can’t be separated from wild fish.

  Cao Wenxuan introduced that the artificially cultured fish in fish ponds are often the descendants of several pairs of parent fish. After long-term inbreeding, the genes will degenerate and get sick easily. Therefore, it is necessary to have wild fish to improve their germplasm resources, so that the cultured fish can grow fast and grow well. "To make people eat fish and eat better fish for a longer period of time, we must protect the natural germplasm resource pool of the Yangtze River." Cao Wenxuan stressed.

  "I don’t eat fish. Does it matter to me to protect the Yangtze River fish?" Some netizens hold this attitude. In fact, protecting the fish in the Yangtze River is not only related to the dining table, but also related to the drinking water safety of hundreds of millions of people.

  "Biodiversity is complete, and the service function of the ecosystem can be brought into play. One of the most important service functions of the Yangtze River ecosystem is to purify water quality. " Taking the development model of "controlling water with fish" in Qiandao Lake as an example, Cao Wenxuan explained that "plankton such as algae in the lake can absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and other substances in the water body, and then artificially put a certain amount of silver carp and bighead carp to eat these plankton, so that when it enters, it is three types of water, and when it flows out, it becomes one type of water."

  "I have been calling on my friends to stop eating wild fish and let the Yangtze River catch its breath. Moreover, wild fish will enrich some toxic and harmful substances in the natural environment, but the safety is not as good as that of farmed fish. " Zhou Zhuocheng, a popular science "big V" with more than 6 million fans in Weibo, said.

  What about the livelihood of fishermen after landing?

  In the past few years, in order to promote the ten-year fishing ban, Ma Yi, director of the Yangtze River Basin Fishery Supervision and Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, has been running around the Yangtze River for a long time.





  In order to ensure the livelihood of retired fishermen, as of January 31, 2021, 25.167 billion yuan of compensation funds for no-catching and no-catching have been fully put in place; In key waters, 129,743 people have changed jobs (accounting for 99.76% of the base number), 171,626 people have been provided with social security, and the task of social security for fishermen who have retired has been fully completed.

  In Cao Wenxuan’s view, the ten-year ban on fishing is not only to protect fish, but also to help fishermen change their production and lifestyle. "The Yangtze River ‘ No fish ’ The image is that fishermen can’t catch fish with legal large mesh nets, so they have to use ‘ Juehu. com ’ 、‘ Labyrinth ’ Illegal means such as electric fish can catch a little fish. In this way, the Yangtze River fishing industry is like entering ‘ Dead end ’ 。”

  Song Bin is a native of Jiangbei District, Chongqing. For more than ten years, he has been fishing and managing catering boats on the river. With the increasing number of catering boats, Song Bin feels that the Yangtze River has changed. "Disposable tableware floats on the river from time to time, and the fish is not only caught less and less, but also with a ‘ Diesel oil ’ Taste. "

  In 2018, in response to the call of the government, Song Bin took the lead in dismantling the catering boat and opened an old Songjia fish restaurant not far from the shore with compensation. Nowadays, the business of the fish house is not only booming, but also four retired fishermen like Song Bin have joined the fish house and lived a stable life on the shore.

  After the Yangtze River was completely closed to fishing, a group of fishermen still chose to stay on the river.

  On February 5, 2021, at dawn, on the surface of Poyang Lake in Hukou County, Jiangxi Province, accompanied by the "sudden" motor sound, Shu Yinan and his colleagues began a day’s work, while monitoring the number of Yangtze finless porpoises, while discouraging anglers from using "four anchor hooks" on the shore. "This ‘ Four anchor hooks ’ There are four sharp hook tips, which can directly hook through the body of big fish without biting the bait, which is very destructive to fishery resources. " Shu Yinan told reporters.

  In 2017, Shu Yinan, who was born on a fishing boat and caught fish for more than 40 years, put away his fishing net and signed up for the newly formed Hukou Assistance Patrol Team. "In the past few decades, I have seen that the Yangtze River shad and other fish are gone, and the fish caught are getting smaller and smaller. If there are no fish in the future, where will there be fishermen? "

  As the "ecstasy" in Poyang Lake was cleaned up, the electric fishermen were punished by law, and Shu Yinan saw the gratifying changes in the Yangtze River. "I patrolled 20 kilometers this morning and saw finless porpoises jump out of the water more than a dozen times. They didn’t dare to dock so close before. When I came back from my patrol at noon, I saw ‘ The Yangtze finless porpoise was promoted to the national first-class protected animal ’ The news. Great, the future of the Yangtze River will definitely be better! " Shu Yinan was very excited.

  Ten years later, will the Yangtze River regain its former vitality?

  During the investigation, some netizens also asked: "To what extent can the Yangtze River recover after ten years of fishing ban?" "Will the number of fish exceed the natural carrying capacity?"

  "If the Yangtze River ‘ Sick ’ If so, then the ten-year fishing ban can only be said to be a visit to the mother river ‘ Rescue ’ 。” Cao Wenxuan pointed out that the 10-year ban on fishing is only a small step in the great protection of the Yangtze River. "This is not once and for all, and there is still a long way to go to save the aquatic life of the Yangtze River."

  Cao Wenxuan estimated that after ten years of rest and recuperation, the spawning capacity of the "four major fishes" in the Yangtze River could rise to about 20 billion to 30 billion, reaching the level of 30% in the 1960s at most, while the recovery of many endangered species was more difficult.

  Wei Qiwei, a researcher at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, said that in the investigation of fishery resources and environment in the Yangtze River from 2017 to 2019, they found that 130 species of historically distributed fish failed to collect samples — — What’s more, rare fish such as Chinese sturgeon, Yangtze sturgeon, mullet, and Hucho taiwanese have not naturally propagated.

  "The Yangtze shad disappeared so fast that we didn’t have time to conquer the artificial propagation method; In addition, the baiji and the white sturgeon have also declared functional extinction. " Wei Qiwei believes that after ten years, the biological resources of the Yangtze River will be improved and the vitality of the ecosystem will be revived, but some species may leave us forever.

  "Fishing ban has guaranteed the survival rate of Chinese sturgeon larvae released artificially, but due to physical changes such as blocking rivers and building dams, the problem that Chinese sturgeon cannot lay eggs needs urgent scientific research. As a river-sea migratory fish, Chinese sturgeon lives in the ocean most of the time, and there are still gaps in this protection. " How to prevent the Chinese sturgeon from repeating the mistakes of the white sturgeon is a problem that Wei Qiwei has been thinking about — — Obviously, "the ban on fishing alone can’t save all the fish."

  While the population protection of Chinese sturgeon is still facing a severe test, the Yangtze finless porpoise, another flagship species of the Yangtze River, has good news.

  Dr. Qian Zhengyi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation, recalled that during his studies at the Institute of Aquatic Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he dissected 60 or 70 dead finless porpoises, about half of which had empty stomachs or other symptoms of hunger. "They were hungry and couldn’t find fish to eat in the vast Yangtze River."

  With the orderly promotion of the ban on fishing in the Yangtze River in recent years, the images of Yangtze finless porpoises playing in Poyang Lake, Yichang, Zhenjiang, Nanjing and other river sections frequently appeared on hot search. "The total ban on fishing has reduced the risk of illegal fishing gear hurting finless porpoises, and their food sources have greatly increased. I believe that in the next few years, their population will be restored to some extent. " Qian zhengyi is very confident about this.

  After graduating from Ph.D. in 2017, Qian Zhengyi devoted himself to the protection of the Yangtze finless porpoise and joined the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation. Under the guidance of the Yangtze River Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Foundation cooperated with the fishery administration department to jointly create an assisted patrol mode to attract demobilized fishermen to engage in patrol supervision. "Fishermen are most familiar with the Yangtze River and have the most affection for it. Let them from ‘ Fishing up ’ Become ‘ Fish protector ’ , which can not only meet the demand of changing production and jobs, but also give the Yangtze finless porpoise ‘ Exclusive bodyguard ’ 。” Qian Zhengyi said jokingly.

  It’s not just finless porpoises that have good news. Not long ago, researchers from the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences found a fish in Yichang section of the Yangtze River. Siniperca chuatsi was once an important economic fish in the Yangtze River basin. Due to overfishing, river and lake barriers and habitat degradation, Siniperca chuatsi disappeared in several historical distribution areas, and was listed as a provincial-level key protected aquatic wild animal in Hubei and Hunan.

  "After the squid disappeared for more than 20 years, one was found in 2017, and another was found in 2020 after a lapse of three years. The time interval between appearances was shortened, which marked the gradual recovery of the squid population." Wei Qiwei believes that with the continuous development of the ten-year fishing ban, the scale of common fish populations in the Yangtze River will increase significantly, and some threatened fish populations will also recover.

  (Reporter Zhou Mengshuang)

The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi

On July 25th, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 8th China National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament was held in Wuyuan, Jiangxi.
In Wuyuan Sports Center Gymnasium, Xu Shubin, secretary of Wuyuan County Party Committee, presided over the opening ceremony; All the leaders and guests on the rostrum pressed the starting column together.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, announced the opening of the competition. Li Xiaoping, Director of Jiangxi Sports Bureau, and Qiu Xiangjun, Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government delivered speeches. Shi Ke, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, AARON Li, Director of Youth Sports Department of State Sports General Administration, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, Luo Laishui, Director of Shangrao Municipal Sports Bureau, Xu Shubin, Secretary of Wuyuan County Committee, Zhou Huabing, County Governor of Wuyuan County, Tao Wusheng, Chairman of Aofei Recreation and Sports Group, and other leaders attended.
The signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi volleyball team’s "Provincial Team Building" was held in Wunvzhou Convention and Exhibition Center, Wuyuan County on July 25th.
On July 25th, Zhu Meiqing, Vice Mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government, presided over the signing and unveiling ceremony of Jiangxi Provincial Volleyball Team’s "Provincial Team Building". Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, read out the instructions of Governor Ye Jianchun of Jiangxi Provincial Government on the establishment of a special report on Jiangxi volleyball team.
Zhang Songtao, deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Sports Bureau, signed a contract with Zhu Meiqing, deputy mayor of Shangrao Municipal Government.
Liu Guoyong, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, and Shi Ke, deputy governor of Jiangxi Provincial Government, unveiled the Shangrao Volleyball Club in Jiangxi.
In recent years, Wuyuan County has vigorously developed the national fitness campaign, held sports brand competitions, promoted the integrated development of "sports+tourism" and improved the quality of development. It has successively hosted several national and provincial large-scale sports events such as the National Ancient Post Road Walking Competition, the "Most Beautiful Country Cup" National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament, the Wuyuan International Marathon and the Poyang Lake International Cycling Race. At the same time, a series of national fitness activities such as football, table tennis, gateball, ground throw ball and softball are widely carried out.
In 2022, the county hosted more than 40 large-scale events at or above the municipal level, such as the men’s and women’s volleyball competition in China Super League, the National Youth Table Tennis Competition (South Division) and the Cycling Cross-country Challenge around Poyang Lake. Nearly 1 million sports tourists came to Wuyuan to participate in the events, which stimulated the sports tourism consumption to reach 480 million yuan and stimulated the vitality of the tourism market.
In 2022, Wuyuan, as the only representative of the city, was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award in Shangrao’s sports work, as well as the Outstanding Contribution Award in Competitive Sports in Shangrao from 2019 to 2022 and the Advanced Unit in Mass Sports Work in Shangrao in 2022.
On July 25th, athletes were competing in Ziyang Park, Wuyuan County.
Gas volleyball is a mass sport that integrates sports, leisure and entertainment. As a new sport, it has been favored by more and more middle-aged and elderly friends. The National Balloon Volleyball Invitational Tournament in the most beautiful countryside has been held for the eighth time since it was held for the first time in 2014. The cumulative number of participants has exceeded 10,000, which has been widely praised by air volleyball fans all over the country. There are 312 teams from all over the country, and more than 3,000 team leaders, coaches and athletes participate in the competition. The competition is divided into three groups: youth group, middle-aged group and elderly group.
(China Daily Jiangxi reporter station Tang Ying/photography Zhang Wen)
Source: China Daily.

The Lakers offered an offer of $167 million for three years! Target Varan, continue to reinforce?

According to ESPN reporter Brian Windhost, the Lakers intend to offer anthony davis a three-year contract offer of $167 million. At present, Davis has $83.8 million left in his contract for two years, with an annual salary of $40.6 million and $43.22 million respectively.

This contract renewal is already the biggest contract that the Lakers can give at this stage. But it’s not the biggest contract that Thick Eyebrows can get. The purpose of the Lakers’ offer is to express their attitude. We must keep you.

Although the average salary seems to be not low, the annual salary is more than 50 million US dollars. But now Van fleet can get more than 40 million yuan, and even Jaylen Brown has got a contract with an annual salary of more than 60 million yuan. The healthy thick eyebrows are undoubtedly the top stars in the league and deserve a top salary. Last season, thick eyebrows averaged 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 2 blocks per game, ranking first in the league in rebounds, but missed the rebounding king because of insufficient appearances, and ranked second in blocks. In the playoffs, thick eyebrows can be called the first defensive person. It can interfere with opponents’ shots 17.3 times per game, and the shooting percentage of counterpoint players dropped from 50.4% to 45.4%, and the three-point ratio dropped from 36.6% to 30.9%.

But the biggest problem with heavy eyebrows is health.

It’s really amazing when you are healthy, but your body often has problems, which makes you unable to play ball. In the past three seasons, thick eyebrows missed 104 games in the regular season. There are no major injuries, but minor injuries continue. The ups and downs of heavy eyebrows also caused the Lakers’ record to slide continuously. In 2021, the team was out in the first round and the play-offs in 2022 were not made. This year’s thick eyebrows are relatively healthy, and the Lakers’ correct operation before the trading deadline finally made it to the Western Conference as the seventh in the West. However, the influence of James’s game is not as good as before. At this time, it is even more necessary to stand up with thick eyebrows.

The three-year contract, which is close to $170 million, given by the Lakers can leave the peak of the eyebrows in the Lakers. In order to make the heavy eyebrows consume less and have fewer injuries in the regular season, it is very necessary for the Lakers to add a meat shield center. Recently, the Lakers set their sights on their old club with thick eyebrows, that is, Pelican center Varan. At present, the latter’s contract has only one year left, and the Pelican team has also put it on the shelf. At present, they want to send Varan to the Cavaliers or Pistons in exchange for Allen or Stewart. But so far, there is no progress in any transaction, so it is not impossible for the Lakers to win him.

Last season, Varan averaged 14.1 points and 10.2 rebounds per game, shooting 54.7% from the field and shooting 34.9% from the three-pointers. He is a big player with both inside and outside, but the protective frame is almost meaningless. But this, heavy eyebrows can make up for it. Although the Lakers’ newly signed insider Hayes is also a former Pelican player, he is a substitute for Varan, and the overall effect of Varan is definitely better. However, in order to get Varan, the Lakers have to pay some chips, which may be eight villages. However, if you trade Bacunjian for Varan, some of it will not be worth the loss.

But in any case, the Lakers continue to reinforce this matter, and it can’t stop at present.