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RAVE Smart Wearable Air Conditioning AICE3 Global Conference: Open New Imaginations of Life

Author: Wang Li Time: 2023-04-03 21:00

On April 2, 2023, rave, a cutting-edge domestic brand that focuses on new lifestyles, held a new product launch conference in Shenzhen with the theme of "opening a new imagination of life".AICE3, the first smart wearable air conditioner with human health monitoring function on the whole network, made a stunning appearance at this conferenceBrand co-founder Yan Longpeng and product manager Luo Rui made an in-depth analysis of the product’s original R & D intention, R & D process and innovative performance points at the press conference, and introduced the epoch-making product in detail for the global audience in an all-round way.

With the original intention of driving industry change, we continue to make efforts for outdoor cooling

In the past few years, the Rave Research Institute found that as the climate warms, more than 366 national weather stations around the world have released record high temperatures, and the number of people who die from heat stroke every year is as high as 5 million, and this number continues to rise. However, traditional fans and air conditioning products are very limited in application scenarios due to their bulky characteristics. At this conference, Yan Longpeng, the co-founder of the Rave brand, also carried a traditional air conditioner weighing nearly 40 kilograms to "demonstrate" the wrong outdoor cooling method for the audience. To this end, the Rave Research Institute has been hoping to develop a lightweight outdoor cooling product to solve the problem of heat stroke in outdoor travel for humans, and continues to make unremitting efforts to this end.

In 2020, Rave launched a market-disrupting bladeless neck fan, bringing the neck fan into the public eye, freeing their hands to welcome the summer breeze and refreshing users’ awareness of outdoor cooling products.

In 2021, rave noticed users’ high pursuit of high wind, so it revolutionized the air duct and launched a 4-core super-wind neck fan, which greatly improved the wind speed and increased the air volume by 130%.

In 2022, the rave innovative 8 air duct will produce wind up and down, and the new Phantom neck fan will be officially launched, truly enabling the wind to cover the whole body.

These three products have been ranked first in the domestic online market for three consecutive years, and more and more users and brands in the same industry have begun to pay attention to outdoor cooling products. On the way to driving industry change, rave can be said to have played a key role in promoting and leading. However, in order to create a more extreme outdoor cooling experience, rave research institute has undergone 4 years of technical research and continuous iterative innovation of products. In 2023, rave’s new generation of smart wearable air conditioners ushered in new opportunities.

An epoch-making explosion was born, opening up a new imagination of life

Up to now, the rave neck series has successfully applied for more than 230 patents, and has received a large number of real and original sound feedback from users around the world, which has been well received. However, rave’s research and development of products does not stop there. How to make the wind cooler and more comfortable is still the key point that rave needs to explore and improve.

In 2022, rave upgraded the neck fan to a neck air conditioner for the first time, and the cooling technology took a big step forward. "Although we have made a breakthrough in the industry, we still aspire to create an outdoor cooling product that is more extreme, healthier, and more able to meet the multi-dimensional needs of users," said the brand co-founder. Therefore, AICE3 smart wearable air conditioner was born under such a great research and development mission.

At the press conference, brand co-founder Yan Longpeng officially announced the three epoch-making innovations of AICE3:

"A device that truly realizes rapid coolingAICE3 can achieve an instantaneous temperature drop of 12.6 degrees, and the cooling performance is 26% higher than that of the previous generation of neck air conditioners, which is a ceiling-level existence in the industry.

"True outdoor equipment with human health monitoring": AICE3 is also a smart device that can monitor heart rate, blood oxygen and other signs at all times. It can monitor changes in human signs and soothe users’ emotions by adjusting temperature. It is an intelligent cooling partner that can truly understand emotions. Considering the development trend of the current environment, the function of integrating" health "monitoring can be said to be homeopathic.

"A truly intelligent temperature-controlled deviceThe AICE3 is equipped with an Arm32-bit smart chip, which can automatically adjust temperature changes according to the ambient temperature without manual operation, truly achieving active temperature regulation and making intelligence ubiquitous.

These three technologies that revolutionized the times were a major breakthrough in outdoor cooling equipment, which was enough to establish the leading position of rave neck air conditioners in the industry.

RANVOO-ICEMAX cooling technology and Metaura interactionSystem, refresh the new height of products of the same category

After a large number of user research, experiments and scientific calculation and demonstration, Rave found that "comfortable cooling experience" is the core demand of users to purchase cool products in hot weather, and effectively reducing the body temperature under high temperature is also the difficulty that outdoor cooling equipment needs to overcome. Therefore, the Rave Research Institute has improved and optimized the cooling technology from the three dimensions of "cooling efficiency", "heat dissipation system" and "innovative air duct", and strives to bring a cool and comfortable healthy cooling experience. This is also the launch of the AICE3 networkRave Ice Sensing Technology (RANVOO-ICEMAX)Product manager Luo Rui said in an interview with the media, "It is with the support of this cooling technology that AICE3 has achieved a continuous reduction of 10 degrees even in a high temperature environment of 40 degrees. Looking at the industry, no outdoor cooling product has been able to do it so far."

Products that can only cool down are not enough to have the significance of "epoch-making". Making the product return to the human itself is the ultimate goal of rave’s research and development of outdoor cooling products. rave hopes that smart wearable air conditioners are not only a tool for adjusting hot and cold, but also pay attention to the user’s health status, so that temperature can become a means of calming emotions and relieving stress. Therefore, AICE3 applies the intelligent Metaura active interaction system, striving to explore different scenarios, so that users can have a more comfortable temperature experience.

AICE series products are equipped with multiple temperature sensors to monitor the user’s body temperature and ambient temperature changes in real time. It has also introduced a healthy exercise section in AICE3. Through a variety of sensors, the product intelligently senses the user’s heart rate, blood oxygen and other signs, helping users have a healthier life and challenge higher limits. For example, if you start exercising in a very hot summer, AICE3 will recognize that the user has entered the exercise state through the Metaura system, actively turn on the cooling function, and adjust the temperature and wind according to the increase or decrease of exercise intensity, frequency conversion, switch to exercise mode, record the exercise data, and assist users in completing exercise indicators in a comfortable environment.

What’s more innovative is that AICE3 has designed a 1.9 three-dimensional pressure-sensitive touch screen that can be touched with gestures. Through full-screen touch and three-dimensional pressure-sensitive gestures, convenient functions such as quickly setting temperature and stepless wind speed can be realized. It also supports instant viewing of more health and sports data on the screen. This has truly achieved a new concept of leading the future and ushered in a new era of touch screens for wearing air conditioners.

According to statistics, a total of 200,000 + users from home and abroad watched the global live broadcast of the rave AICE3 product launch on the evening of April 2 at the same time, with a total exposure of 1.784 million + people and a total of 552,000 + likes. Among them, the live stream of the rave Tmall flagship store rushed to the TOP1 real-time list of Tmall live broadcast within half an hour of the launch. This series of data shows that this new product of the subversive era has indeed focused the attention of the whole network, and has also triggered a large number of users to be curious and explore the psychology of new technology products that can lead the future. It is not difficult to predict that in this summer, the rave AICE3 smart wearable air conditioner is bound to become a super hit in the technology wearable market, once again subverting people’s perception of outdoor cooling products, opening up new imaginings in users’ lives, breaking new highs in the industry, and helping the neck series product market take off.

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(Editor in charge: Yongqing)

AI experts reflect on the future of human-machine coexistence: too many obstacles waiting to be broken through

The 3rd Shanghai World Artificial Intelligence Conference Cloud Summit, which ended on July 11, shoulders the mission of contributing "China’s solution" to artificial intelligence, and has become a wind vane for the development of the global artificial intelligence industry. In the face of an industry that is more unknown than known, what is the current situation of the artificial intelligence industry? What will it look like in the future? Dajiandong Studio interviewed the big coffee and enterprises who entered the venue to listen to their answers.

AI has worked its magic in a wide range of fields, and the "Shanghai sample" shows sharp corners

Ma Yun, who is giving a cloud speech with a hologram.

The epidemic is not over yet, and this conference is still full of big coffee. According to the statistics of the conference, more than 550 heavy guests gathered in the cloud, including 7 Turing Award winners, 1 Nobel Prize winner, and 62 top Chinese and foreign academicians. They analyze the artificial intelligence industry from different perspectives.

Baidu founder, chairperson and CEO Robin Li’s on-site speech said that at present, a few general AI platforms and some sub-AI platforms focusing on a certain vertical industry have emerged globally. In the vertical industries of information search, information flow recommendation, and driverless driving, artificial intelligence has proved or initially proved its potential for subversion and reconstruction of the industry.

Huawei director and CIO Tao Jingwen believes that the fourth industrial revolution has arrived, which contains huge digital opportunities. 5G + AI + cloud + industrial Internet, multi-technology integration drives industrial transformation, and human beings are accelerating into the intelligent world where everything is connected.

In the video connection, Tesla CEO Musk is very confident about the future realization of Level 5 autonomous driving. "I think it will be achieved soon, and we are confident that we will complete the basic functions of Level 5 this year."

"For example, Baidu’s autonomous driving; Ali’s city brain intelligent transportation; Tencent’s medical reading and medical image data processing; iFLYTEK’s automatic speech recognition; Cambrian, iFLYTEK, and SenseTime Technology as the representatives of start-ups in technology innovation; Hikvision occupies the first place in the global intelligent security enterprise…" Jiang Changjun, vice president of Tongji University and convener of the Shanghai artificial intelligence strategy consulting expert committee, listed them one by one, arguing that China’s artificial intelligence field, especially the intelligent industrialization application, has taken the lead in the world.

Miao Wei, Minister of MIIT, said bluntly that on the whole, the development momentum of our country’s artificial intelligence industry is good, technological innovation is increasingly active, the industrial scale continues to grow, and the application of integration with the industry continues to deepen, and the development prospect is promising.

At present, Shanghai has gathered more than 1100 key enterprises in the industry, and the output value of the artificial intelligence industry exceeds 140 billion yuan. It has gathered 100,000 industrial talents and become one of the leading regions in the development of artificial intelligence in the country.

"Statistics show that in terms of the number of AI companies, Shanghai ranks among the top in the world." Wang Yingchun, director of the Science and Technology and Society Research Office of the Shanghai Institute of Science, believes that Shanghai has taken the lead in fulfilling the mission of "pioneering a new path and model for the development of artificial intelligence", hoping to form a "Shanghai experience" and promote it nationwide.

AI in the epidemic, deep empowerment into a new trend in the industry

In the actual combat of AI, we have to mention the COVID-19 epidemic. The new round of industrial transformation force represented by artificial intelligence has highlighted "smart responsibility" in various aspects such as disease diagnosis, screening and follow-up, drug research and development, logistics and distribution.

Image detection is an important basis and means for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. The "uAI COVID-19 Intelligent Assisted Analysis System" developed by United Imaging, an artificial intelligence subsidiary of United Imaging Group, is the industry’s first AI full-process solution that integrates the overall and partial image characteristics of pneumonia and accurately triages pneumonia images.

In the face of the explosive demand for medical treatment, artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis system comes into play. Shanghai Yitu Technology launched the "COVID-19 intelligent evaluation system" based on artificial intelligence technology, carried out rapid diagnosis and intelligent analysis of curative effect, and launched it in the Shanghai Public Health Center. The evaluation results of more than 70 cases of COVID-19 have been preliminarily verified, showing that the evaluation results of the system are highly consistent with the evaluation of experts.

In the epidemic, as the first wall of intelligent early warning monitoring, the fire-eyed infrared thermometer independently developed by Shanghai Zero Carbon Technology Company can simultaneously monitor up to 100 targets in a unit area, and distinguish the temperature of each individual through an infrared detector with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees, which greatly shortens the measurement time.

In addition, UKED’s safe house technology provides support for information investigation of personnel in epidemic key regions; Yunzhisheng has launched "epidemic prevention and control robots", which has effectively helped grassroots street communities to carry out health tracking and flow investigation; small i robots use automatic speech recognition, semantic understanding and other technologies to carry out voice interaction, providing free epidemic prevention robot services to the community…

The actual combat of AI in the epidemic highlights the new trend of AI deeply empowering the industry. Ge Yue, global vice president of Apple, exclaimed, "The epidemic has shown us the power of technology."

"Artificial intelligence is a magic card in our hands." Chen Liming, chairperson of IBM Greater China Group, said that embracing new digital technologies represented by artificial intelligence and cloud computing will help enterprises reduce or even resolve the impact of unforeseen events such as major epidemics.

Basic research is still a shortcoming, and an influential ecosystem has not yet been formed

The artificial intelligence industry has made great progress, but it is still in its infancy and there are still many shortcomings.

Ge Junbo, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the cardiology department at Sun Yat-sen Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, believes that the application of artificial intelligence in reality has not been perfect so far. Medical big data is still "big and messy" because of the lack of data governance standards. "What artificial intelligence needs is accurate data. It can provide a diagnosis through learning, sometimes more accurate than a doctor. The premise is that the data you give it must be accurate."

"Technology is very useful, but it is only a tool. It can be fully utilized in technology applications in the future, but you cannot be superstitious about technology." Zhang Wenhong, director of the infectious disease department of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said that there are still many obstacles to the clinical application of big data.

He pointed out that when there are unexpected situations in big data, reliable doctors can rely on their own logic to continuously generate new data. Although artificial intelligence can continuously learn and make new judgments at every stage, medical care is not a game of Go. Artificial intelligence cannot generate new data here, but also relies on people.

Similarly, Liu Qingfeng, chairperson of iFLYTEK, said that the development of artificial intelligence today is by no means as long as there is data or as long as the data can be used to solve the problem.

How to use less data to achieve better results and make data self-driven more effective; how to solve multilingual problems; how to solve privacy problems; how to solve emotional humanization problems… In his opinion, artificial intelligence still has a lot of core technology innovation, which is a real need for source technology innovation and strong technology field.

Jiang Changjun said frankly that the current artificial intelligence industry in our country has not yet formed an influential ecosystem and industrial chain. Compared with the United States and Europe, it is more focused on application landing, and the development of basic theories and original algorithms is weak, and there is a lack of breakthrough and landmark research results. The development of common technology platforms and smart chips is relatively weak.

"We need to further raise awareness, focus on the future, increase research efforts, make up for technical shortcomings, establish an industrial ecology, and seize the commanding heights of the industry."

It is gratifying to note that currently, leading Internet companies have realized that establishing an industrial ecosystem through open-source technology is an important means to seize the commanding heights of the industry. For example, Baidu’s PaddlePaddle, Tsinghua University’s Jittor, Megvii’s MegEngine, and Huawei’s MindSpore have all open-sourced their deep learning algorithms to master the underlying AI technology through independent research and development.

What is the potential of the artificial intelligence industry? The world will have a super 12 trillion market space

UBTECH Walker Robot

How will the artificial intelligence industry develop in the future?

"It is expected that by 2025, the ICT industry will have 5 trillion scale, the retail industry will be about 1.50 trillion scale, and the smart manufacturing 6.40 trillion scale." Tao Jingwen believes that with the application of artificial intelligence and big data, the world will have a market space of more than 12 trillion, which requires a more open attitude and cooperation.

"There is a saying in the field of artificial intelligence: there is as much artificial intelligence as there is artificial intelligence, and it refers to the learning curve that a technology needs to go through in the early development process. Some people call this the sowing season and the harvest season." Chen Liming, chairperson of IBM Greater China Group, said that with the passage of time, the accumulation of experience, the enrichment of algorithms and the increase of investment, artificial intelligence will also break through the early learning cost and accelerate the deployment in various industries. Perhaps 20 years later, many companies are AI companies in a sense.

"A few years ago, a city needed to do intelligent computing and needed more than a dozen cabinets; a year ago, this AI chip could already reduce the number of cabinets to one; in the next ten years, as long as it is shrunk a hundred times on a palm-sized chip, one hand can support the city management needed today." Yitu Zhulong said that the next ten years will be the super-Moore era of AI computing power.

Wang Xiaoqiu, President of SAIC Motor Group, realized that new-generation information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing are important engines driving technological revolution and industrial change. In the future, with the continuous maturity of 5G artificial intelligence and other technologies, it will surely promote the accelerated leap of the economy and society from networking to intelligence.

Liu Qingfeng, chairperson of iFLYTEK, said: "In the post-epidemic era, we have been promoted to the digital’survival era ‘. In the future, online and offline life will become the norm. Whether it is epidemic prevention and control, or future production and life, we will face a phased or long-term coexistence of online and offline digital survival. Artificial intelligence lights up the fireworks in the world, which is not only a very attractive and attractive picture in the future, but also a huge trend in the future that we will have to face."

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, many people have also raised some concerns: Will AI replace our jobs?

Wang Yingchun, director of the Science and Technology and Society Research Office of the Shanghai Institute of Science, said, "Every profession is made up of different job content, and artificial intelligence replaces some of them, and eventually forms a working model in which humans and machines coexist harmoniously."

"In the next stage, AI will be ubiquitous and easier to apply. Traditional companies have the ability to hire their own AI engineers, just as every company has IT engineers today." Kai-Fu Lee, founder and CEO of Innovation Works, believes that AI + will continue to be valuable, but + AI is the bigger solution.

(All photos are provided by the organizers of the conference.) 

Does the untrustworthy executor who shows off his wealth and owes himself 600,000 yuan on Tik Tok have any money?

  Cctv newsHe refused to perform the effective judgment but frequently flaunted his wealth in Tik Tok. He was hospitalized in the name of twins. After being found by the executive judge, he was removed from the hospital and escaped in the middle of the night. After being found under the bed at home, he tried to cut himself with a knife, claiming that he had no money, but there were many gold ornaments in the bedside table … …

  Recently, the People’s Court of Pudong New Area in Shanghai (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Pudong Court) executed a private loan dispute case with an iron fist, and imposed compulsory measures on the executed person Zhang for 15 days in judicial custody, and also transferred him to the public security organ for criminal responsibility for refusing to execute the judgment or ruling.

  Lost contact Lao Lai Tik Tok Xuanfu executive judge tracking

  Since July 2014, Zhang has repeatedly borrowed money from her friend Ms. Sun on the grounds of capital turnover needs, with a cumulative amount of 600,000 yuan, and issued a debit note to Ms. Sun. However, after the loan expired, no matter how urged by the other party, Zhang refused to pay back a penny. Ms. Sun had no choice but to appeal to the Shanghai Pudong Court and won the support.

  However, after the judgment came into effect, Zhang still failed to repay the loan, and Ms. Sun applied for enforcement. Zhao Lirui and Chen Zhe, the judges in charge, repeatedly notified Zhang to talk in court, but failed. They did not find any property clues under his name through the property inspection and control system, so they included him in the list of people who were executed in bad faith and issued a "height limit order".

  How to find Zhang has become a difficult problem for the executive judge. Until July 2019, according to the clues provided by Ms. Sun, Tik Tok’s last few "fancy show off wealth" videos caught Zhao Lirui’s attention. The publisher is a man named "Mirage". In the video, he basks in money and luxury cars for a while, just like a "rich man". The positioning display video was released in a hospital in Shanghai. Ms. Sun’s identification, this person is Zhang.

  According to the judge’s analysis, if the video is really recorded and released by Zhang, it obviously has sufficient performance ability. Although he avoids it, he may be found through the location on the video. At this time, it was 8 pm, and the executive judge decided to give up the rest time and go to the hospital to find out.

  Alias hospitalization is full of doubts. Face recognition distinguishes the truth.

  When I came to the inpatient department, the nurse said that there was no patient named Zhang in the hospital. The two judges didn’t give up, and they took their mobile phones one by one to verify. After visiting for a long time, someone finally recognized that the person in the video seems to be an inpatient in the west area on the fifth floor, but it is strange that his registered name is not Zhang.

  The judge quickly found the man and found that his appearance was very similar to that of Zhang, so he asked him to take out his ID card for verification. However, he said that he did not have the habit of carrying his ID card with him, and stressed that he was not Zhang, but his "twin" brother. According to the information held by the judge, although Zhang does have a brother, they are two or three years old and cannot be twins. The judge had a clever plan and asked him to call "Zhang" on the spot, but he said that he and his brother had not contacted for many years and did not know each other’s phone number.

  Coincidentally, the man just received a short message at this time, and the judge caught a glimpse of the message clearly written on the screen that the short message was the information of the change of Zhang’s provident fund account. In order to lock his identity, the judge immediately contacted the public security department to carry out joint execution, and the police quickly rushed to the scene with a face recognition instrument. The comparison results showed that this person was Zhang.

  Pulling out the tube overnight, trying to get away, panicking and hiding under the bed

  In the face of hard evidence, guilty Zhang began to refuse to answer all questions. The enforcement judge had intended to summon him to court to talk, but after communicating with the attending doctor, his body had not yet reached the discharge standard. For humanitarian reasons, the judge immediately gave an oral warning and issued an enforcement notice and a summons to let Zhang go to the court to explain the situation immediately after he recovered from hospital. However, Zhang, whose whereabouts were exposed, didn’t wait until his body recovered, so he hurriedly pulled out the instrument and needle and was discharged from the hospital overnight, and once again disappeared.

  With the deepening of the investigation, the executive judge also found new situations. According to Zhang’s marriage registration information, he had been married once before marrying his current wife Ni, and he was always married with his first wife. "This means that Zhang has formed a family with two women respectively, and both of them have registered their marriages. If one party sues, he may constitute bigamy and need to bear criminal responsibility." Chen Zhe said.

  According to the address record left by Zhang during his residence permit in Shanghai, the executive judge found the residence of Ni and went to find Zhang many times, and finally found him one night two months later.

  Hearing the intensive footsteps approaching in the corridor, Zhang, who was in a panic, had no way to escape, and even the lights were too late to turn off. He simply hid under the bed and was caught by the executive judge and the bailiff.

  Desperate, self-mutilation with a knife, criminal responsibility and consequences.

  Even so, Zhang was still unwilling. After climbing out of the bed, he quickly took out a fruit knife from his pocket and put it on his left wrist in an attempt to threaten to obstruct the execution. The judge immediately issued a solemn warning to him that if he intends to expand the situation by ending his life, he will only face more serious legal consequences. After nearly two hours of criticism and education, Zhang’s mood finally calmed down.

  Zhang, who frequently shows off his wealth on the Internet, claims that he is a poor man and really has no ability to pay back the money. However, the judge found several credit card machines at the scene. After checking the credit card records, he found that the amount of each transaction was not small, and there were many gold ornaments in the bedside table.

  It was already past 1: 00 in the morning, and the judge decided to bring Zhang back to talk, but he kept his mouth shut about his property and refused to repay the debts he owed. In view of his repeated refusal to appear in court without justifiable reasons, his ability to perform but his long-term refusal to perform the obligation of effective judgment, and his obstruction of execution in various ways, the court imposed compulsory measures on him in judicial custody for 15 days according to law, and transferred the case file materials to the public security organs to investigate his criminal responsibility for refusing to execute the judgment or ruling.

  A month later, in the Executive Board of Pudong District Court, Zhang Hailou met with Sun Mou, the applicant of this case, and the two sides reached an implementation settlement agreement. Zhang Hailou returned 10,000 yuan to Sun Mou, and the remaining loan will be repaid in stages after Zhang Hailou found a stable job.

Cultural self-confidence, spiritual strength is more high.

Source: People’s Daily Online-People’s Daily Overseas Edition

Traditional non-legacy relies on the short video "circle powder" for the younger generation; The Battle at Lake Changjin, The Awakeing Age and other main melody film and television works have aroused empathy among the whole people; Weekends in museums and grand theaters have become a lifestyle … In the past year, China’s cultural undertakings and cultural industries have flourished, and people’s sense of cultural acquisition and happiness has been continuously enhanced.

Culture makes the country prosperous and the nation strong. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee clearly put forward the long-term goal of building a cultural power by 2035. How to stimulate endogenous motivation with culture and condense the spiritual strength of forging ahead in a new journey? Our reporter interviewed a number of deputies.

Cultural undertakings flourish.

According to Yan Jingming, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, literary and artistic creation has flourished in recent years, and literature, movies, TV dramas and stage art have all made great achievements, which is gratifying. "China writers have provided a large number of excellent works to express real life, tell the story of China well and carry forward the main theme of the times; Excellent film and television dramas carry forward the spirit of the times and are full of feelings of home and country, which has aroused enthusiastic response among the broad masses of the people, especially young audiences, and fully embodies the power of culture. "

Cultural undertakings such as press and publication, radio, film and television, literature and art have flourished, further enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people; Museums and city parks are open for free, and public cultural services are continuously upgraded, making it more convenient for people to enjoy cultural life.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, by the end of 2020, there were 3,212 public libraries, 618 art galleries, 5,788 museums, 3,327 cultural centers, more than 40,000 cultural stations and 575,400 village-level comprehensive cultural service centers. All public libraries, cultural centers, cultural stations, art galleries and more than 90% museums are open free of charge, achieving "barrier-free, zero threshold".

Wu Weishan, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and director of China Art Museum, has a deep understanding of the people’s high cultural enthusiasm. Since the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the number of people making appointments for China Art Museum is 1,800 per day, and tickets are often booked out several days in advance, especially on weekends. "This reflects the public’s demand for beauty and culture." Wu Weishan said that the China Art Museum also responded to the public’s voice by holding online exhibitions and other ways. In his view, it is necessary to strengthen the aesthetic education of the whole people, enrich and cultivate the social and cultural atmosphere with the idea, spirit, behavior and creation of beauty, improve the aesthetic and humanistic quality of the whole people and enhance cultural self-confidence with aesthetic education and cultural people.

Cultural self-confidence is constantly increasing.

Only by establishing a high degree of cultural self-confidence, can a country and a nation forge the determination to persist, the courage to work hard and the vitality of innovation and creation, and let the spiritual building of the country and the nation stand tall. At this year’s two sessions, the deputies generally felt that with the continuous development of China’s cultural undertakings and cultural industries, people’s spiritual and cultural life has been continuously enriched and cultural self-confidence has been continuously enhanced.

"In the process of China opera going out, we won applause and recognition from the world audience, which greatly enhanced the cultural confidence of our opera people. We are increasingly aware that only national ones are the world’s. " Li Shujian, deputy to the National People’s Congress and vice chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, said. In recent years, he has led Henan Yu Theatre to perform in more than 30 countries and regions, including Broadway in the United States and Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. "Especially after the performance of Henan Opera" Cheng Ying Saving the Orphan "in the United States, local stars enthusiastically took photos with us, and many foreign audiences met me backstage and said that we told a good story." Li Shujian said. In order to facilitate the understanding of foreign audiences, "Saving the Orphan in Cheng Ying" has subtitles in seven languages.

It is not only a traditional opera, but also the original opera’s going out to sea has let the world see the new atmosphere of China culture.

Ke Jun, deputy to the National People’s Congress and general manager of Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, said that the original operas such as River of Transportation, Jian Zhen’s East Crossing and Rabe’s Diary used the concept of integration and innovation to tell the story of China in an international language, and promoted the exchange of civilizations and mutual learning. Among them, "Jian Zhen’s Journey to the East" and "Rabe’s Diary" toured in Los Angeles, new york, Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna respectively in 2019, and were appraised by Chinese and foreign media as "China’s original opera with high standard, high quality, deep connotation, phenomenal level and world level".

"These achievements have enabled us to see the new atmosphere of a cultural power and greatly enhanced our cultural self-confidence. The creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture is promising. " Ke Jun said.

Building a strong cultural country

This year is the second year of implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan. How to better promote the construction of a strong cultural country is also a topic of concern to the deputies.

The success of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics showed the world the strength of digital technology in China and the charm of China culture. With the help of new technologies such as 5G, ultra-high-definition video and free viewing angle, the audience has gained a better sense of immersion and presence, which are the cultural and scientific achievements of the deep integration of cultural industries and new technologies.

This year’s government work report puts forward, "promote the digitalization of public culture, promote the optimization of the layout of grassroots cultural facilities and resource sharing, and expand the supply of high-quality cultural products and services." In this regard, Ma Huateng, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman and CEO of Tencent’s board of directors, believes that the integration of cultural science and technology is the cross-cutting field of the two strategies of strengthening the country by culture and technology, and the special project of "cross-border application" of cultural scientific and technological achievements should be deployed to promote the value spillover for other industries, further enhance the independent innovation capability of science and technology, and at the same time deploy the special project of "deep application" of cultural scientific and technological achievements to promote the high-quality development of cultural industries.

Han Yongjin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the National Library Council, believes that it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical research of cultural power, especially the research on the index system of cultural power; At the same time, we should pay attention to giving full play to the power of literature classics to make the words in them come alive. "Literature classics are engraved with the spirit of China and the soul of the nation, bearing the historical memory, ideological wisdom and knowledge system of the Chinese nation, and are the driving force and source for us to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." Han Yongjin said that the most fundamental thing to make the words in the classics come alive is to guide everyone to read. This year, national reading has appeared in the government work report for the ninth time.

Embracing the future is also the aspiration of the representatives of the literary and art circles. Ji Wei, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese Quyi Artists Association, believes that the COVID-19 epidemic has changed the performance mode of traditional Quyi. "In the Internet age, traditional folk art cannot be absent. Every literary and art troupe must adapt to the new situation in which online and offline performance methods coexist and communication methods change, and give full play to the role of literary light cavalry. " Ji Wei said, "As long as the’ soul’ of traditional folk art is still there, it will certainly attract the attention of young people."

The latest situation of table tennis World Cup: Olympic runner-up led the team to win, Germany, South Korea 8

On the evening of December 7th, Beijing time, the Chengdu Table Tennis Mixed Team World Cup continued, and four teams came on stage again for two matchups, namely, South Korea VS Sweden and Germany VS China Taipei. Among them, the second-seeded German team won 8-2 under the leadership of Olympic runner-up Shan Xiaona, ending the losing streak.

As for Sweden, which played inextricably with Japanese players not long ago, the performance was poor this time. In the end, the fourth seed South Korea won 8-2, and it was not an upset-please see below for details.

The battle between South Korea and Sweden is quite interesting. Although the overall strength of the former is obviously stronger, it is mainly the female players who are stronger. As for the male athletes, they have little advantage over Sweden. However, after the start of the competition, the Korean mixed doubles team Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi took the lead, losing 1-2 to Carlson/C Carlberg (10-12, 11-6, 6-11), and the Swedish team successfully gained the lead.

However, in the second set, South Korea quickly succeeded in counterattack. As a marginal main force, Li Shiwen quickly won 11-9, 11-9 and 11-8 in a row, sweeping Sweden’s top player Berg Sterlon. This shows the great strength gap between the two teams of female athletes.

The third set was the battle of focus. South Korean Lin Zhongxun played against Swedish men’s singles No.1 Carlberg. Not long ago, Carlberg almost overturned Zhang Benzhi and lost 2 points in the deciding game. However, this time, he lost 7-11, 8-11 and 8-11, and the Swedish team was forced into a desperate situation.

In the fourth set of men’s doubles, the former world number one and now world number two Korean team Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun played Karlsson/A Carlberg. As a result, the first two ended the battle with 11-7, and the total score of South Korea beat Sweden 8-2.

Germany is the second seed in this competition. However, Shan Xiaona, the Olympic runner-up, is the only core player. Bohr, Ochalov, Francesca, Qiu Dang, Han Ying and Mittham are absent one after another. In terms of strength, they are not even in the top four. They have lost to Sweden and France in succession before, but the China Taipei team they met this time is not at its peak.

Like Germany, the China Taipei team did not have the top three athletes Lin Yunru, Chuan Chih Yuan and Zheng Yijing, so the group stage was almost eliminated. Chen Siyu, the number one player in the quarter-finals, kept resting, and it was not realistic to win Germany.

In the first set of mixed doubles, German meissner/Winter played against China Taipei’s Yang Jiaan/Li Yuhuang. In the first set, the first two players lost 3-11, but then they won two 11-7 turnovers in a row, successfully gaining a 2-1 lead in the total score.

The second set was the battle of focus, in which Shan Xiaona and Chen Siyu, the strongest main players of the two teams, played against each other. Although Shan Xiaona is 40 years old, but the fast break is still powerful, he won the first prize with 11-7, but he was defeated by 8-11 in the second game. In the deciding game, Shan Xiaona rallied and finally ended the battle with 11-7, helping the German team to expand its advantage.

In the third set of men’s singles, Walther, a German player, played against Ye Zhiwei of China Taipei Team. The former’s offensive quality was obviously higher, and he soon ended the battle with 11-9, 11-8 and 11-5. In the fourth set, German women’s doubles team Shan Xiaona/Winter made persistent efforts and finally defeated Chen Siyu/Huang Yihua 11-6, thus defeating China Taipei 8-2 with a total score, ending the previous losing streak.

In this way, after losing in a row, Germany finally saved the face of the second seed, so what kind of ranking and achievements will they finally achieve? Let’s continue to wait and see!

Yao only scored 9 points in the fund game! The strongest surface 175 is not as good as Fang Shuo, and now even CBA can’t be played.

Thomas Jr., who was neglected in the NBA last season, was once reported to have joined the T1 League in Taiwan Province, China. However, due to a series of unreasonable demands put forward to the team (to stay in a five-star hotel, the food, clothing, housing and transportation of relatives and friends must also be paid by the team), he finally did not appear in the Baodao League. Thomas Jr., who is 34 years old, is far less competitive and physically functional than when he was a Celtic. In this Yao Fund Charity Tournament, Thomas Jr. is the absolute big name of the international star team, and his performance has really attracted everyone’s attention.

After the CBA has completely opened the home and away system, Thomas Jr., a star with a certain popularity, is indeed a potential target of CBA teams. However, given that he has no ball to play in the past season, his competitive state is still worrying, so this Yao Fund Charity Tournament may also be an important indicator for some CBA teams interested in signing him.

However, after the whole game, Thomas Jr. scored only 9 points, even worse than Fang Shuo (16 points). The offensive end relied too much on outside projection and was limited by his height. It was almost difficult for Thomas Jr. to score in the restricted area through breakthrough. Although Thomas Jr. won the full support of the fans at the game break or after the game, CBA is a stage that needs to speak with strength after all. If Thomas Jr. can only play the role of "selling tickets" like Jeremy Lin, I’m afraid most teams will flinch from him.

With the approaching of the new season, many CBA teams have signed their own foreign aid one after another, and only two teams, Kenya and Sichuan, have not yet confirmed their small foreign aid. Sichuan had previously been in contact with Gordon, who played for Beijing Control last season, so the only team that could sign Thomas Jr. was Kenya. However, at present, we don’t even know where to put the home court of the new season, and even the core players like Wu Guanxi and Zhao Lingzhou have given up. It is estimated that it is impossible for Kenya to spend a lot of money to sign Thomas Jr.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Thomas Jr. will sign other CBA teams as a third foreign aid later, but if he refuses to put down his posture, or comes to CBA to "collect and fight", he is bound to be a passer-by in CBA. In fact, in recent years, there have been many small foreign AIDS in CBA, such as Pierre Jackson and Feld, who have proved themselves in CBA.

Malanville, who played in Sichuan last season, Brandon Taylor, who played in Ningbo, and Brandon Jefferson, who played in Tianjin, although their strength was limited, they dared to play the game and were recognized by the fans. If little Thomas really wants to play in CBA, I hope he can keep a humble attitude. If he is a condescending and arrogant attitude, even if he was the strongest 175 on the surface, he is destined to be eliminated by CBA soon.

Xinhe county holds primary and secondary school track and field games and inter-class exercises competition

In order to further promote the nationwide fitness campaign, on April 18th, Xinhe County held the 2023 track and field sports meeting for primary and secondary school students and the inter-class exercise competition in the stadium.

It is understood that 25 teams and more than 5,000 students participated in this competition from 25 primary and secondary schools in the county. During the competition, the neat pace, standard movements, dashing and bright smiles of all participating teams became a beautiful scene, which fully demonstrated the confident, lively, positive and enthusiastic spirit of all primary and secondary school students, as well as the indomitable spirit of the times, and further promoted the in-depth development of sunshine sports.

In the end, 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes and 6 third prizes were selected, and the participating guests presented medals to the winning teams. (Xinhe Education)