标签归档 广州夜生活论坛

Chongqing’s deputy mayor says taxi companies have the best returns in the world

  The Beijing News reported on December 2According to Xinhua News Agency, since November, Chongqing, Hainan Sanya, Gansu Yongdeng and Guangdong Shantou and other places have a series of taxi strikes. Taxi strikes are frequent, from one side of the refraction of monopoly.

  The right to operate a taxi was fired to millions

  In response to the taxi industry monopoly, Chongqing’s "brother" Yang Xiaoming proposed the idea of "People’s Taxi Company" three years ago. However, when Yang Xiaoming applied to the Chongqing Municipal Transportation Administration for "taxi operation indicators", he was rejected.

  In fact, what Yang Xiaoming was denied was a monopolistic public resource – the right to operate taxis.

  At present, the taxi operating rights used by taxi companies are transferred by the government in the form of "concessions". At first, they were mostly transferred for free or at a low price, but they were monopolized and speculated by some companies. In some cities, the operating rights of a taxi were speculated to millions of yuan.

  Taxi companies return’best in the world’

  Huang Qifan, vice mayor of Chongqing, said in a discussion with taxi drivers that the taxi company takes about 70% of the money. After deducting costs and taxes such as car purchases, a car has a profit of about 40,000 yuan per year. The average annual income is 50%, and some even as high as 70%. It is really "the industry with the best return on investment in the world."

  Some drivers say taxi companies are simply a "rentier" class created by a monopoly.

  Transportation department research will issue a new policy

  Experts believe that the top priority is for government departments to take measures as soon as possible to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of drivers. Such as mandatory "three insurance" protection, formulating the maximum price of "part money", and providing unified and standardized contract models. The second is to break the monopoly of the industry.

  According to the reporter, the State Council has identified the transportation department as the competent department of the taxi industry. At present, the transportation department is investigating the deep-seated problems of the taxi industry and will take policy measures to solve the historical legacy problems.

  The latest data shows that there are more than 1 million taxis legally operating in the country, and there are about 2 million "brother" in the country.

  ■ Related news

  Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shanghai punish "black cars"

  According to Xinhua News Agency, recently, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places have taken measures to crack down on illegal vehicles such as "black cars".

  The Chongqing Public Security Bureau has identified key areas for the illegal operation of motor vehicles in the main urban area, including railway stations, bus stations and areas around the airport, in order to focus on cracking down on "black cars".

  On the 1st, Guangzhou began a three-day large-scale surprise operation to rectify illegal operations. On the same day, a total of 81 vehicles suspected of illegal operation were seized and dealt with, of which 51 were detained by the transportation administration department according to the law, and 21 vehicles suspected of illegal operation with incomplete documents were seized by the traffic police department.

  On the same day, 21 law enforcement units in Shanghai established the "Railway Shanghai Station Regional Linkage Law Enforcement Brigade" to jointly control "black cars" and other illegal acts in the Shanghai Railway Station area.

Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Why didn’t Hua Xizi cut with Li Jiaqi?

Original yanglei AI lanmeihui

Hua xizi set fire to his body.

Source |AI Blue Media Exchange


Author | Yang Lei

Editor | Wei Xiao

Unexpectedly, Li Jiaqi’s anger for the accident of Hua Xizi is still fermenting.

Yesterday, after work, Hua Xizi, the "silent lamb", suddenly sent an apology, saying that he was late. "I have a few words to tell you," and wrote a 450-word essay.

Hua Xizi summed up the state of these days with the words "sincere fear, at a loss". However, regarding the incident itself, Hua Xizi didn’t say a word about whether an eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan was expensive or not, and the negative impact on the brand caused by Li Jiaqi’s inappropriate remarks and the countermeasures.

In the words summed up by netizens: talking a lot means saying nothing …

In order to make up for consumers, Hua Xizi will also give away 10,000 eyebrow pencils for free use, but netizens don’t buy it.

Obviously, Hua Xizi’s public relations strategy did not work, but instead pulled himself from the edge of the incident to the center.

Early this morning, the PR people of Wangchuanhuaxizi fled overnight. And issued a statement in the circle of friends: I have resigned from Hua Xizi, and everything that happened in the hot search today has nothing to do with me.

According to Zhongxin Jingwei, people familiar with the matter said that Hua Xizi left a public relations department or collectively.

The situation has spread to this point, and Hua Xizi has been in chaos both inside and outside. But after clarifying the origin of this matter, we can’t help asking a question: Hua Xizi has been thinking about it for so many days, why hasn’t he cut with Li Jiaqi?

It’s time to untie Li Jiaqi

Suppose that the "Li Jiaqi taunts consumers" incident happened to other brands and anchors. What kind of judgment will the brand make at the first time?

A routine operation is that the brand will draw a clear line with the anchor at the first time. If it is serious, the brand will also hold the anchor accountable.

However, Hua Xizi clearly knows where the consumer is angry, but he doesn’t say anything about it. This is also one of the reasons why consumers don’t buy Hua Xizi’s apology behind this open letter.

Judging from the equity penetration chart, Li Jiaqi actually has nothing to do with Hua Xizi. However, Hua Xizi, founded in 2017, was able to go from obscurity to the head of domestic beauty cosmetics in three years, but it was all thanks to Li Jiaqi.

Looking back in the process of AI Blue Media Convergence, Li Jiaqi is deeply bound, and Hua Xizi can be described as a step into the sky. In 2019, double 11 promoted Hua Xizi to rank seventh in Tmall beauty category with GMV of 250 million yuan. In 2020, Hua Xizi became the first in the turnover list of domestic beauty cosmetics with GMV of 235 million yuan, and in that year, double 11 went straight to the second place in the category of Tmall beauty cosmetics with a turnover of over 470 million yuan.

With so many domestic products queuing up for Li Jiaqi to bring goods, it happened that Huaxizi was the most favored. The reason behind this, Li Jiaqi summed it up like this: "I have been with Hua Xizi for many years. I am the one who knows best how Hua Xizi got up. They almost gave me their home. I almost took Hua Xizi’s surname Li."

In other words, Hua Xizi is working for Li Jiaqi.

Earlier, 36Kr reported that it was rumoured that Li Jiaqi got a profit share as high as 100%-120% by cooperating with Hua Xizi, which was equivalent to brand inversion.

Although Hua Xizi denied this statement, saying that the cooperation between the company and the anchor was at the average level in the industry, Hua Xizi’s high marketing expenses were spread evenly on 79 yuan’s eyebrows, so that consumers could instinctively think about whether it was worth it.

When Li Jiaqi shouted "Where is it expensive?" And let consumers can’t afford to find their own reasons, this noisy point turned into a sword and stabbed Hua Xizi.

Can be described as Li Jiaqi, Li Jiaqi also destroyed.

In fact, Hua Xizi has also shown growth fatigue in the past two years. In 618 this year, the pre-sales of Huaxizi in Tmall, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker did not exceed 100 million yuan, which is the second year in a row. In 2021, in 618, the overall sales of Huaxizi reached 263 million yuan, which exceeded 100 million yuan during the pre-sale period.

Visible, binding Li Jiaqi, also cannot once and for all. However, Hua Xizi did not untie Li Jiaqi in time according to the routine, which also showed that they were tied too deeply to some extent.

Are the "Hua Xizi" in danger?

Hua Xizi once represented "new domestic beauty". What is "new domestic beauty"? Redefine design, aesthetics and make consumers more confident in using it.

The most representative is not 79 yuan’s eyebrow pencil, but Huaxizi’s carved lipstick. In 2019, the carved lipstick, which abandoned the public film and adopted the ancient micro-carving process, became a hit in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and Hua Xizi became famous. It takes oriental aesthetics as its selling point, establishes its own oriental beauty makeup system, and puts concentric locks, dowry, micro-carving, Miao Yin, batik and other elements into product design one by one. At that time, Hua Xizi’s exquisite and unique packaging design also repeatedly triggered discussions on social platforms.

After tasting the bonus of carved lipstick, Hua Xizi worked hard on the outer packaging. According to public information, Hua Xizi applied for 177 patents, more than half of which were product packaging design.

Excessive force on the outer packaging has gradually begun to disgust consumers. Some netizens teased: Hua Xizi is more like a company selling outer packaging.

New domestic products are expensive, not groundless.

A very direct action is that consumers begin to "weigh" the new domestic beauty cosmetics.

Before, the perfect diary stiletto was weighed by consumers to verify that the perfect diary was more expensive than Armani lipstick.

For Hua Xizi, consumers are even more merciless. Everyone accurately calculated that the price per gram of Hua Xizi eyebrow pencil is as high as 985 yuan, which is more expensive than gold.

The star product Huaxizi Loose Powder, which once sold explosively, is on the same level as Chanel under the calculation of netizens. It is understood that the price of Huaxizi Loose Powder is 169 yuan, the net content is 8.5g, and the unit price is 19.88 yuan. The price of Chanel Loose Powder is 590 yuan, and the net content is 30g, and the unit price is 19.67 yuan-which means that Huaxizi Loose Powder is more expensive than Chanel.

Cosmetics should not have been weighed, but in the face of the fact that the unit price per gram is higher than that of the first-line big brands, and its brand value and practical value are much worse than that of the big brands, it is difficult for consumers to convince themselves that they must support "new domestic products."

After the recent incident in Li Jiaqi, the most lively place is the live broadcast room of old domestic products represented by bee flowers.

A flower falls, and thousands of old Chinese goods are born. To a certain extent, it also shows that whether it is a good domestic product is really not defined by the brand itself, but judged by consumers.

Today’s topic

Did you understand Hua Xizi’s response?

Come to the comment area and let’s talk ~

Original title: "Why didn’t Hua Xizi cut with Li Jiaqi? 》

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Car breakfast | Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horse

Car breakfast | Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horseCar breakfast | Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horse

home news

Five departments launched the pilot demonstration action of intelligent manufacturing in 2023.

On August 1st, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, the General Office of the Ministry of Finance, the General Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the General Office of the General Administration of Market Supervision launched the pilot demonstration of intelligent manufacturing in 2023. We will select a number of outstanding scenes of intelligent manufacturing, build a number of intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and smart supply chains in a way of revealing the list, select a number of leading enterprises in various industries and fields, and promote the high-quality development of intelligent manufacturing.

The National Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry Metrology and Testing Center was accepted and established.

The General Administration of Market Supervision recently officially approved the establishment of the National Intelligent Networked Automobile Industry Metrology and Testing Center based on Shanghai Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. Intelligent networked vehicles are still in the initial stage of industrialization, with key components such as millimeter-wave radar, image recognition camera, laser radar, high-precision satellite positioning system (GPS, Beidou, etc.) and vehicle-mounted wireless communication module, as well as advanced driving assistance systems of intelligent networked vehicles, such as adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane keeping assistance system (LKA), emergency braking system (AEBS), automatic parking system (AP) and blind area monitoring system (AP).

Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "license restrictions" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and supporting Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other major automobile cities to implement car purchase subsidies and trade in old ones.

On August 1, the relevant person in charge of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce told the media that in the second half of the year, we will focus on mass consumption, cultural tourism consumption, sales leaders and county consumption. At present, Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Support Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other automobile major cities to implement car purchase subsidies, trade in old vehicles for new ones, and expand the sales of new energy vehicles.

Jiangxi will issue 100 million yuan coupons, including car coupons.

Recently, Jiangxi Province issued "Several Measures on Further Promoting and Expanding Consumption", which stated that in the second half of this year, Jiangxi will arrange 100 million yuan of provincial-level business development funds for issuing consumer vouchers, an increase of 30 million yuan over last year. The coupons are divided into four categories, namely, automobile coupons, household appliances coupons, catering coupons and furniture coupons.

international news

Toyota’s net profit in the first fiscal quarter reached 1.31 trillion yen, a year-on-year increase of 78%.

On August 1st, Toyota announced its consolidated financial report for the first fiscal quarter from April to June (International Accounting Standards), and its operating profit increased by 94% year-on-year to 1.12 trillion yen. Operating income increased by 24% to 10.55 trillion yen; Net profit increased by 78% to 1.31 trillion yen.

Hyundai Motor sold about 335,000 vehicles worldwide in July, up 1.2% year-on-year.

On August 1st, Hyundai Motor announced that its global sales in July 2023 was 334,968 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%. From January to July, the global sales volume of Hyundai Motor was 2,416,508 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 9.3%.

Exxon Mobil is reported to be negotiating with Tesla and Ford on lithium supply.

On July 31, according to people familiar with the matter, ExxonMobil is negotiating with Tesla, Ford, Volkswagen and other automakers to supply them with lithium. Negotiations with potential customers are still in the early stage, and the company has not yet made plans for potential lithium business.

The Japan Commercial Vehicle Alliance will put garbage collection vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells into practical use this year.

On August 1, according to Japanese media reports, Japan’s commercial vehicle alliance centered on Toyota will put garbage collection vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells into practical use this year. First of all, it will be introduced in Fukuoka City and will be promoted to other local governments. The project is implemented by "Commercial Japanese Partner Technology Company" (CJPT) funded by Toyota, Isuzu and Suzuki.

Enterprise news

SAIC: In July, SAIC sold 91,000 new energy vehicles, a record high in the year.

On August 1st, according to preliminary statistics, SAIC sold 91,000 new energy vehicles in July, continuing the good monthly growth since January, hitting a new high in the year. Among them, SAIC passenger cars (including overseas bases) sold 28,000 new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 29%; For the first time, the sales of new energy vehicles of SAIC-Volkswagen and SAIC-GM "both broke through 10,000". SAIC-Volkswagen sold 13,000 new energy vehicles and SAIC-GM sold 10,000 new energy vehicles, up 93% year-on-year. SAIC-GM-Wuling sells 35,000 new energy vehicles.

Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an sold 45,025 vehicles in July, up 80% year-on-year.

On August 1st, GAC Aian officially released the sales data of July this year and January-July this year, among which the sales volume in July this year was 45,025 units, up 80% year-on-year, while the cumulative sales volume in January-July was 254,361 units, up 103% year-on-year.

Jianghuai responded to the cooperation with Huawei to develop MPV with a price of about 1 million yuan: no relevant notice was received.

According to media reports, Guo Ming, an analyst of Tianfeng International Securities, issued a document saying that Huawei and Jianghuai Automobile are cooperating to develop the MPV with a price of about 1 million yuan, which is expected to be mass-produced in the second quarter of 2024, and the sales target is to deliver 50,000 vehicles in the first year of listing. In this regard, Huawei said it would not comment. Relevant personnel of Jianghuai Automobile responded that "no relevant notice was received." The staff of Jianghuai Automobile Securities Department said, "Huawei is the technical supplier of Jianghuai Automobile, and the company has strategic cooperation with Huawei. The relevant information is subject to the announcement."

Zotye Auto: The actual controller of the company has not lost contact.

Zotye Auto said on the interactive platform on July 31 that the company’s actual controller has not lost contact, and the company can normally contact the actual controller and communicate with the company’s related business. The actual controller also maintains close contact with the company’s board of directors and related personnel. The actual controller of the company has offices in many places and travels a lot, and the office location is not completely fixed.

Changan Ford takes over Ford electric horse

On August 1st, Ford Electric Horse issued a statement on the change of sales, service and users’ operation entities, saying that from August 1st, 2023, the sales, after-sales service and users’ operation entities of Ford Electric Horse will be changed from Ford China Electric Vehicle Division to Changan Ford.

Weilai: 20,462 new cars were delivered in July, up 103.6% year-on-year.

On August 1, Weilai announced that in July 2023, Weilai delivered 20,462 new cars, up 103.6% year-on-year and 91.1% quarter-on-quarter, and the delivery volume reached a record high.

LI sold 32,500 vehicles from July 1st to 30th.

On August 1st, according to LI, in the 31st week of 2023 (July 24-July 30), LI’s weekly sales reached 7900 vehicles. As of July 30th, the monthly sales volume of LI has reached 32,500 vehicles.

Extreme krypton cars delivered 12,039 vehicles in July, up 139.7% year on year.

On August 1st, Geely Holding’s high-end intelligent electric brand announced that the company delivered 12,039 vehicles in July, up 139.7% year-on-year and 13.4% quarter-on-quarter. As of July, a total of 132,620 vehicles have been delivered.

The sales of zero-run cars reached 14,335 units in July.

On August 1st, Zero Run Automobile said that in July 2023, the sales volume of Zero Run Automobile reached 14,335 units, and the monthly sales volume continued to grow, with the delivery of C series exceeding 12,000 units.

Bai Yansong: Are soccer and soccer the same sport in China?

On July 19th, Bai Yansong paid attention to the "football road, how should China go?" in CCTV’s "News 1+1" program. Among them, the golden sentence is constant. Some words may sound a little harsh, but we can understand the helplessness of many experienced fans who can only have fun in the midst of years of pursuing love and constant loss. The so-called "love is deep and responsibility is urgent".

Let’s listen to what Yansong said ~

"I don’t want to talk about China football and everyone laughs."

When it comes to football in China, everyone will be happy and tell many jokes. In fact, I don’t want everyone to laugh when talking about China football, but China football has tortured fans for so many years, and I think we have some capital to laugh now. What can we do if we don’t smile?

But we really don’t want to laugh. We really want China football to develop better. But how to develop?

"How can China football develop without a stadium and a good coach?"

There is a survey: What do you think is the most important thing for China football to be strong? I think two figures are too low: 3% people choose.Build more stadiums, and 3% of people choose.Training of grass-roots coachesThis ratio is too low.

Let’s take a look at the goal of China Football Association: to expand the training scale of coaches year by year. By 2020, the total number of certified coaches in China will reach 70,000. Note that it is to strive to achieve it by 2020, which is quite different from the fact that 100 children in Iceland may have a good coach to take care of them.

There are also people who study football in China now, but after graduating in four years, they can’t get a certificate, and then they may be assigned to a school and stop teaching football and become ordinary physical education teachers.

Without a stadium and a good coach, it is almost impossible to make football in China the same sport as football.

"Playing football well has nothing to do with the population."

I often hear people in China say that 1.4 billion people can’t find 11 players. The four most populous countries in the world rank first in China, second in India, third in the United States and fourth in Indonesia. Except for the United States, which often enters the World Cup, the remaining three countries are not good at playing football, so it has nothing to do with the population.

What does that have to do with anything? CCTV 5, the sports channel, made a 20-episode feature film called Football Road before the World Cup. Frankly speaking, after the World Cup, I watched it again, and I saw that my blood was boiling and I often became very quiet. How about football in China? Is China football and football a sport after all, and how can they become the same sport?

"The goal of the national team competition in 2018 has almost not been completed."

Next, let’s look at the goals of the national team. The Chinese Football Association’s Action Plan for 2020 has drawn up three goals for the national team in 2018:

The goal of FIFA U20 World Cup was to strive to participate, but I didn’t go.;

FIFA U17′ s goal was to compete, but it didn’t go.;

The goal of U23 Asian Championship was to enter the top eight, but failed.!

In other words, the goal of the 2018 competition was almost not completed. The goal of the 2019 competition is to enter the top four of the Asian Cup. Can it be completed? Frankly, I’m not optimistic.

"We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about China football."

I really hope that all football players in China can take a good look at the 20 episodes of Football Road on Sports Channel. After reading it, we will all be the beneficiaries. We don’t want to be people who tell jokes about football in China. Frankly speaking, how lively the World Cup is, we are just passers-by, just a group of spectators. Only when China football is really well done and China football and football become the same sport, will we be really happy.

Want to see more suggestions from Bai Yansong about the development of football in China, click to watch the full video ↓↓↓

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Jiangnan Sports: Robben visited Bayern for training, and tuchel invited him to play in this round of league matches.

On Friday morning, local time, legendary Bayern Munich star Arjan Robben unexpectedly appeared at Bayern Munich training ground in Sebenne Street.

At 11: 13 in the morning, when Robben returned to his familiar venue, he was all smiles! His sons Luca and Kay also followed the former Wembley hero to the training ground to meet their former teammates and friends warmly!

Robben was also warmly embraced by head coach Thomas tuchel. After the meeting, tuchel joked at the press conference on Friday afternoon: "I tried to persuade him to play with us tomorrow. He is not the problem. The problem is DFL! He is not registered. We will talk to Kathleen Krüger seriously about whether we can find any loopholes … "

Tuchel’s words caused a burst of laughter. In addition, tuchel commented on Robben: "He represents the highest level of football! I’m glad he’s here. He has a halo, personality and spiritual strength, and has been constantly providing a high level and keeping hungry! These are so impressive! "

Robben also chatted with his Dutch compatriots Driget, Blind and Gravenberger, and warmly embraced his old teammate Thomas Muller for many years. They also took a group photo as a souvenir.

Tuchel said: "He is very popular, and we hope that he can visit us again and again. Everyone, every player and every football player can learn a lesson from Robben! This is very clear. "