标签归档 南京夜生活去哪玩

Watch the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show first! Car companies are all showing this in unison.

The 19th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Auto Show") will be unveiled at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) from April 21st to 28th. Today is the Media Day of Shanghai Auto Show. Journalists from China Industrial Information Industry Network and China Manufacturing are the first to enter the scene of Shanghai Auto Show. By observing and interviewing the on-site auto companies, they will deliver the latest and cutting-edge auto information to readers.

The theme of this year’s Shanghai Auto Show is "Embrace Change". The reporters from China Gongxin Industry Network and China Manufacturing noted that the scene is not only a new force for building cars, but also traditional automobile enterprises are actively embracing new technologies. Electrification, intelligence and networking have become the consensus of all automobile enterprises at the Shanghai Auto Show.

As the world’s first A-class auto show held as scheduled in 2021, the Shanghai Auto Show will continue to play the role of a weather vane to lead the technology and market of the global auto industry. The release of new energy vehicle products and technologies and the trend of new car-making forces will lead China and even the global new energy vehicle market forward.

Next, China Gongxin Industry Network and China Manufacturing reporter will show you the highlights of this auto show.

Huawei Autopilot Technology

At the auto show, the polar fox car equipped with Huawei HI smart car solution attracted many media onlookers. Liu Guangyang, the product department and R&D project manager of Huawei Intelligent Cockpit, told China Industrial Information Network and China Manufacturing reporter that the car had two bright spots. Highlight 1: In-vehicle HarmonyOS system, Android phones can share the screen with the car, and the follow-up products will be iteratively upgraded. Another highlight: the Kirin chip carried on the car.

Wuling Hongguang MINIEV macaroon

At the scene of Shanghai Auto Show, reporters from China Gongxin Industry Network and China Manufacturing noticed that Wuling Hongguang Exhibition Hall displayed the latest MINIEV macaroon. The car is jointly released by Wuling and PANTONE UNIVERSE, the world’s authoritative color research institution. The new car has three body colors: lemon yellow, avocado green and white peach powder.

"What the people need, Wuling will build". The macaroon mini-electric car launched by Wuling Hongguang this time has become one of the "punch-in" places on the spot.

In addition, Xpeng Motors, Weilai Automobile and LI have also unveiled their latest products and classic models. The person in charge of Li ONE told China Gongxin Industry Network and China Manufacturing reporter, "The models exhibited this time are all existing models from Li ONE, and the main purpose is to promote the concept of new energy vehicles. I hope to let more people know about new energy vehicles. "

Traditional BBA embraces new technology

At the scene, reporters from China Industrial Network and China Manufacturing also noticed that traditional luxury car brands BBA (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi) have developed pure electric platforms to reverse the gap with new forces. At this auto show, BBA will show its pure electric vehicles based on the pure electric platforms.

Want to know more? Next, the China Industrial Information Network and the China-made Shanghai Auto Show reporting group will continue to pay attention and present live reports for you, so stay tuned!

On the national feelings in Jin Yong’s novels

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13:13 on August 29th.

Editor: Quge Source:China Journal website
The mainland version of "Eight Dragons" started shooting yesterday. Jin Yong fans are controversial about the actors. (13:00 on August 28th) Jin Yong, the "Hero", returned to the Jianghu to revise 15 martial arts novels. (10:54 on July 21)

What should I do if medical resources are tight? The National Health and Health Commission has taken four measures.

Source: CCTV news client

Recently, public opinion has reported that some places are short of medical resources and people have difficulty in seeking medical treatment. On December 14th, the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference, and Jiao Yahui, Director of the Department of Medical Administration of the National Health and Wellness Commission, responded to the relevant situation.

Jiao Yahui introduced that in recent years, the demand for diagnosis and treatment of fever clinics has increased rapidly, and the contradiction between supply and demand is more prominent. However, the growth rate of medical service demand for general outpatient and inpatient services is relatively slow, and the utilization rate of corresponding medical resources is now in a safe and controllable range. The National Health and Health Commission has also taken a series of measures in view of the prominent demand for diagnosis and treatment of fever clinics and the rapid growth.

First, further expand the supply of medical resources and medical services. We require all hospitals above the second level and primary medical and health institutions to open fever clinics or fever clinics, and we have been vigorously promoting this matter recently. According to statistics, as of 12: 00 on December 14th, there were more than 14,000 fever clinics in hospitals above the second level in China, and more than 33,000 fever clinics or consultation rooms were set up in primary medical and health institutions. While increasing the number of fever clinics or fever clinics, we also further simplify the flow of fever clinics. The vast majority of patients go to the fever clinic mainly to prescribe drugs to treat COVID-19’s related symptoms, and many places have also set up simple clinics for fever clinics to further improve service efficiency. According to statistics in some places, the average time to see a fever clinic has been shortened from more than 4 hours at the beginning to less than 40 minutes. In addition, medical institutions in various places are also increasing the expansion and transformation of critical care resources in designated hospitals, sub-designated hospitals, and hospitals above the second level, as well as the increase of critical care beds in tertiary hospitals, the provision of equipment, the training of medical personnel, and the expansion and transformation of convertible ICU, all of which are in full swing. All 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in China have formulated corresponding plans and arranged funds. These tasks are also in the process of promotion and implementation.

The second measure is to promote graded diagnosis and treatment. On the one hand, in cities, medical associations are used as carriers, and in rural areas, county medical associations are used as carriers to promote the graded diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 and other medical services. Let the urban and rural tertiary networks and medical institutions implement their respective functional positioning. Health monitoring is mainly implemented at the grassroots level, especially the health monitoring and health management of key populations; Secondary hospitals provide technical support in all aspects of technology and manpower to meet the needs of general diagnosis and treatment; Tertiary hospitals focus on meeting the needs of diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. Through graded diagnosis and treatment, we build a reasonable and orderly medical order.

The third measure is to vigorously promote Internet medical services. Through Internet medical treatment, according to the diagnosis and treatment plan and the guide of home treatment, we will prescribe corresponding prescriptions for patients with COVID-19’s symptoms, and provide corresponding drugs through offline third-party distribution. At the same time, we also require medical institutions to provide 24-hour online consultation and medication guidance, as well as time-sharing appointment services. In this way, the instantaneous peak of medical institutions can be reduced, the gathering of people can be reduced, and the risk of cross-infection when people go to the hospital offline can be reduced.

Fourth, continuously optimize the process of fever clinic, general clinic and hospitalization. By optimizing the medical treatment process, it will provide greater convenience for the broad masses of people to go to medical institutions for medical treatment.

Jiao Yahui said that in the next step, we will further guide medical institutions at all levels in various places to continuously implement relevant measures, and use various methods and measures to expand the supply of medical resources and medical services to better meet the needs of the people for medical treatment.

(CCTV reporter Shi Yingchun and Huang Zhenglong)

Why is China not suitable for "free medical care"? Subject to these conditions

With the rapid growth of medical expenses and the high level of personal medical expenses, "free medical care" has always been one of the hot topics in the field of people’s livelihood.

Since its establishment more than five years ago, the National Medical Insurance Bureau has repeatedly replied to the proposals and suggestions on free medical care. The National Medical Insurance Bureau believes that under the current social and economic development conditions, the level of medical insurance financing is still not high, the fund support ability is still insufficient, medical insurance still needs to adhere to the basic principles of insurance, it is still necessary for individuals to bear certain medical and health expenditure responsibilities, and the implementation of "free medical care" is not conducive to the long-term stable and sustainable development of China’s medical security system.

The medical insurance experts interviewed by CBN believe that free medical care seems to be a beautiful ideal, but it is difficult to realize it, and it will be restricted by many realistic conditions. China’s financial resources, unbalanced medical resources and other factors determine that China is not suitable for free medical care at present. At present, there are still many pain points and difficulties in China’s basic medical security, which need to be solved by further deepening the universal medical insurance system.

"Free medical care" is not really free.

Free medical care is popularly understood as "seeing a doctor without spending money". Poverty caused by illness or returning to poverty due to illness is a concern of many families. Therefore, realizing free medical care for all is considered as a way to reduce the medical burden of the people.

But "seeing a doctor without spending money" is not the real connotation of free medical care. Free medical care is not free of charge, but "paid" by the government or medical insurance institutions.

Zhang Xiao, director of the Medical Insurance and Social Security Research Center of Southeast University, told CBN that what people generally think of as free medical care means that medical services are free, such as registration, diagnosis and treatment, surgery, hospitalization expenses, etc. In countries that are said to have achieved free medical care, some can be completely free, while others can’t. The representative of free medical care is the National Health Service (NHS) in Britain, but other Commonwealth countries except Britain are not completely free, and the most important reason is the cost.

A study by Jin Weigang, vice president of the Institute of National System of Zhejiang University, shows that according to the relevant information of 170 countries (or regions) collected by scientific research institutions of relevant state departments, the medical security situation of 115 comparable countries (or regions) is compared and analyzed, among which 74 countries (or regions) implement social medical insurance, accounting for 64.3%. At present, only a few countries (or regions) implement "free medical care for all". Therefore, the social medical insurance system has increasingly become the mainstream trend of international medical security development, while "free medical care for all" is not the mainstream model.

Liao Zangyi, an associate professor at the School of Politics and Public Administration of China University of Political Science and Law, said in an interview with CBN that free medical care is not really free for all, but through different financing models, money is paid in advance in the form of taxes and premiums, and then distributed and spent by the government or medical insurance institutions, and finally used by individuals.

From the perspective of foreign countries, there are currently two modes of free medical care. One is that the state runs hospitals, such as planned economy countries such as North Korea. The other is that individual medical treatment is free (free or almost free), and the state raises funds and pays medical expenses. This is common in market economy countries, such as Britain, Canada, Australia, Northern Europe and other countries, which raise medical insurance through high taxes and then provide it to the whole people as social welfare; Germany, Japan and other countries are social insurance models, which are paid by both work units and individuals, subsidized by the government and shared by the whole society; The United States is a pure commercial insurance model, and special people (the old, the disabled and the poor) enjoy free medical security policies.

Zhang Xiao believes that the advantage of "free medical care" for all people is that the concept of this system is to better achieve fairness, and everyone can get basic protection regardless of the economic situation. However, this system needs strong public financial support, and if we want to turn to free medical care, we must increase taxes.

In December, 2021, the National Health and Health Commission’s reply to Proposal No.4768 of the Fourth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference mentioned that public financial funds were taken from the people and used by the people, and the funds needed to implement universal free medical care ultimately came from the people in the form of taxes or social insurance premiums. For a period of time, China did not have all the foundations for implementing universal free medical care.

Some people think that since the new medical reform, China has invested a lot of money in medical and health care, and now the financial investment and other funds are enough to support free medical care, and the cost will not increase after the implementation of free medical care.

In this regard, Zhang Xiao believes that the problem is that a lot of financial investment funds are not really used for the provision of medical services for ordinary people. Public hospitals spend a lot of money on maintenance and construction and large-scale equipment procurement, and it is difficult to change this investment method with the current system in the short term.

"Free medical care" is subject to these conditions.

Liao Zangyi believes that free medical care in Britain and Northern Europe costs all taxpayers’ money. The key to realizing free medical care is to pay taxes, but free medical care only meets the minimum requirements of individuals. There is no free lunch in the world, and free medical care will not be the best.

Cai Haiqing, a master tutor at Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, wrote that in order to alleviate the unbearable problem of government finance caused by the rapid growth of medical expenses, some "free medical care" countries can only find ways to reduce the supply of medical services, and the number of drugs and medical consumables included in the free range and the number of beds in hospitals are strictly restricted or even reduced. In India, for example, public hospitals not only have poor facilities, but also have a serious shortage of beds. There are only 348 kinds of free medicines.

Zhang Xiao believes that the implementation of free medical care requires five conditions, the first is to have very ample financial support, the second is a balanced medical service system, the third is a sound medical security system, the fourth is to have a reasonable allocation of medical resources, and the fifth is legal and policy incentives, such as the reform of doctors’ salary system and legal protection.

Judging from the situation in our country, at present, public hospitals are the mainstay in our country, and the construction of medical facilities, the training and salary of medical personnel, and the recruitment of medicines all need financial support. If free medical care is to be implemented, these should be classified as financial payment, which is a burden for finance.

According to the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of China’s Health Care in 2021, the total national health expenditure in 2021 is estimated to be 7,559.36 billion yuan, and the total health expenditure accounts for 6.5% of GDP. From the international comparison, the proportion of China’s total health expenditure to GDP is far lower than that of developed countries, accounting for only half of that of Britain.

"Financial pressure is the first obstacle to free medical care, especially for developing countries, the pressure of medical investment is very great. The insufficient and unbalanced development of medical resources in China also determines that it is difficult to implement free medical care for all. If free medical care is implemented, from a fair point of view, all good medical institutions should treat patients all over the country equally, and good hospitals will be overcrowded, so it is difficult to guarantee patients’ right to fair medical treatment. Therefore, to achieve free medical care, medical resources must be rationally allocated, and it is difficult to realize the reconfiguration of medical resources now. " Zhang Xiao said.

Liao Zangyi believes that China’s medical supply is still insufficient in general, especially high-quality medical resources. Free medical care will cause a run on resources to a certain extent, which will aggravate the problem of difficulty in seeing a doctor. Many people understand that there is no threshold for free medical care, and everyone can enjoy medical services equally and freely, but as we all know, no threshold is the highest threshold, and high-quality medical resources and top-level expert teams have always been scarce resources in society. Even to some extent, free medical care will aggravate the severity of "difficulty in seeing a doctor", and there may be patients all crowding into provincial medical institutions, and the result that everyone wants to be satisfied is that everyone is not satisfied.

Do what you can to improve the level of security

Liao Zangyi pointed out that an important reason why China is not suitable for free medical care at present is that the policy of raising medical insurance is basically divided into two ways: employee medical insurance and resident medical insurance. These two methods are part of the personal burden and part of the unit burden, and then the government makes unified financial subsidies, which determines that our medical insurance fund itself is tight. It is our long-term direction and policy for medical insurance departments to solve how to spend every cent of medical insurance money and do their best to do what they can.

CBN combed the responses of the National Medical Insurance Bureau to the proposal of free medical care since 2019, and found that there are two main voices for free medical care. One is to propose free medical care for all people, and the other is to suggest free medical care for specific groups, such as the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas, the elderly over 80 years old, children or people with specific diseases.

Zhang Xiao said that the implementation of "free medical care" for all people is not suitable for China’s national conditions, but it is possible to improve the level of medical security for specific groups within the framework of the medical security system. Every country has such a policy. For example, Japan, South Korea and other aging countries also have special medical insurance policies for the elderly over 85 years old. The key is to do what you can. The amount of funds in the medical insurance fund is limited every year and it is impossible to meet the needs of everyone.

On July 20th, the National Health Insurance Bureau issued the "Reply to Recommendation No.1437 of the First Session of the 14th National People’s Congress", saying that the medical insurance department should speed up the establishment of a multi-level medical insurance system with basic medical insurance as the main body and medical assistance as the backing, supplemented by medical insurance, commercial insurance, charitable donations and medical mutual assistance, continuously improve the service level of medical insurance, and make overall plans to reduce the medical expenses burden of the insured people, including seriously ill patients in rural areas.

World Cup Preview: Dancsics Retreated from Injury! The men’s basketball team won! America is beaten!

The World Cup starts in two weeks, and national teams

Are in full swing for running-in preparations.

China men’s basketball team ushered in an exciting victory.

Beat Cape Verde in Italy’s four-nation tournament.

In this game, Li Kaier did not participate in the battle.

But the men’s basketball team still plays high-quality organization and defense.

Especially Cui Yongxi’s domineering empty dunk in the second quarter.

It shows the indispensable vitality of the new generation men’s basketball team.

Constantly honed, with the in-depth understanding of tactical concepts

I am confident to see the men’s basketball team under the new system

Re-killing in the international arena responds to some heights.

In contrast, the American team seems to be not going well.

The newly formed "dream team" is like a "dream detachment"

At the beginning of joint training, the starting lineup of American men’s basketball team

Actually lost to the selection team who came to practice. …

Cunningham played like Dancsics in the selection team.

One-on-one hit, series from soup to nuts, leading the team to victory.

But Cole said that he was not worried about such a thing at all.

It is an old tradition for the American team to lose to the selection team.

It has happened in the past, and it will not delay the men’s basketball team to win the championship in the end.

At this moment, the real Dancsics is also having a hard time.

Last time we talked about Dancsics, who became the captain.

The first time I led the team, I lost to the Greek team without letters.

Even in the game, I was robbed and dunked by the letter brother.

Brother letter at that time, don’t mention how proud you are.

"Ha ha ha! Scared! Letters are all brothers in front of me! "

Holding my breath, Slovenia and Greece fought for the second time

It’s a pity that Dancsics’s team still lost this time.

Greece finally defeated Slovenia 88-77.

Moreover, Dancsics was injured in the second quarter.

Before the knee injury, he had just scored 18 points.

After the knee injury, Dancsics dropped out of the game directly.

In fact, the injury is not serious, but the knee is very important

For safety reasons, Dong Zi didn’t play in the second half.

But it does not prevent him from continuing to participate in the national team schedule.

The really bad news is that his national team-mates

Cancar, also unfortunately injured his knee in the game.

His injury is much more serious than Dancsics’s.

77 also prayed for the health of his teammates on social media.

But in a high probability, I didn’t run away without the World Cup.

Two consecutive defeats in the warm-up match, and I was slightly injured myself.

An important teammate almost reimbursed the race schedule.

Dancsics’s World Cup trip was not very smooth.

As the strongest player in the international arena at present,

How sure is he to lead the team to win the championship?

AC Milan’s midfield configuration has fatal shortcomings, and it is necessary to reinforce the confrontation-capable experts this summer.

Competing for the Champions League next season will be the number one goal of AC Milan in the rest of this season. No matter for the future development of the team or the club’s financial income, the Champions League seat is an indispensable part. Moreover, this will greatly affect the investment and signings of management Maldini and Ma Sala in the transfer market this summer.

Compared with the front line and the backcourt, the position of the midfield is the most criticized by the Rossoneri this season. With the club’s current investment strategy and development vision, it is difficult to ask for both winning and beautiful scenes. Although the team can have some representative performances in the strong dialogue this season, it can’t control the situation frequently because of insufficient lineup reserves in the face of weak teams.

The combination of Ben Nasser, Tonali, krunic and Diaz in the middle is always in a state of ups and downs, and the confrontation ability often suffers losses on the court, which can’t cause enough trouble for opponents. If we can have a player who can fight and take on the dirty work, it will be a great boost to the Rossoneri’s midfield strength to liberate the strengths of Ben Nasser or Tonali.

Tonali is the most indispensable midfielder in Pioli’s team at present, who can attack and retreat, while others have certain shortcomings. Ben Nasser needs to be absent for a long time after being seriously injured, and his state is unknown. When he played with Diaz, because neither of them had an advantage, he was often regarded as the key target of attack by his opponent.

Although krunic, a tiger balm, can provide tactical functions in some cases, he can constantly make up for the position and coordinate defense in the backcourt, but once he needs to press forward or take on more offensive responsibilities, he can’t do anything about it. Combing and passing is not his strong point, and he can only contact his teammates through short-distance cross passes and return safe balls. The strength of players is obviously only suitable for the role positioning of rotation.

It may be the most appropriate solution to form an all-round balanced trio, so as to increase the personnel reserve and thickness of the lineup, and let head coach Pioli have more candidates with different tactical styles on the bench, and adopt different tactical arrangements according to different opponents to pursue further achievements.

"The level of men’s football in China has been declining all the way," said the director of the General Administration of Sports.

On the 12th, the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial aisle". The first person to walk on the ministerial aisle was Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration.

Gao Zhidan said that for a long time, the development of China’s three major sports, especially men’s events, was not satisfactory, and the level of men’s football was declining all the way. There were even many chaos in the football industry, which was in sharp contrast with the requirements and expectations of the CPC Central Committee and the people of the whole country.

Gao Zhidan said,It is a sign of a sports power that the three major goals should be achieved, and it is also a short board that we must make up to speed up the construction of a sports power.

Gao Zhidan pointed out that recently, in view of the serious problems in the field of football, we have been deeply rethinking and studying solutions and ways, and we are prepared to systematically treat them from the aspects of ideological education, style construction, deepening reform and doing a good job in current work.

In the spirit of re-taking the Long March Road, we should do a good job in all the work of the three big balls, focus on the outstanding problems such as lack of spiritual integrity and not hard work style in the current work of the three big balls with the determination to eliminate the disease with strong drugs and punish the chaos with heavy punishment, and persevere in changing the work style, being strong in responsibility and grasping implementation.Resolutely crack down and severely punish corruption and "fake gambling" in football and other fields.Correct the wind and discipline, be strict in discipline, improve the system, strengthen the rules, and comprehensively repair and reconstruct the good ecology of the healthy and sustainable development of the three balls.

On March 12th, the first meeting of the 14th National People’s Congress held the third "ministerial channel" interview. This is Gao Zhidan, director of the State Sports General Administration, interviewed by the media. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang photo

When talking about how to revitalize football in China, Gao Zhidan said that the current reform of football and basketball has entered the deep water area, and the task of deepening the reform and achieving a breakthrough is arduous and arduous. We should unswervingly follow the road of reform, innovation and development, further emancipate our minds, be upright and innovative, and start with the construction of management system, talent system, training system, competition system and guarantee system, and constantly improve the "three big balls" development path with China characteristics. We should face up to the problems, strengthen our confidence, face up to difficulties, accurately understand and implement policies and measures such as the overall plan for football reform and development in China, promote the modernization of the "three-ball" governance system and governance capacity, promote the standardized development of the league’s governance system, be firm and orderly, consistently take the road of "three-ball" development and reform in China, revitalize the "three-ball" and play a good role in football turnaround. We must strengthen the foundation and plant a strong talent base.

We should settle down, start with dolls, give full play to the advantages of the national system, make good use of the vitality of the market mechanism, promote the healthy development of campus football, promote the large-scale growth of young football talents, and consolidate the reserve talent base. We should start from the grass roots, actively support the development of youth football clubs, give more support and guarantee to social football in terms of policies, funds and talents, and promote the benign interaction between social football and professional football.

We should start from the foundation, constantly improve the football competition system and professional league system, smooth the growth channel of outstanding young players from campus football, social football to professional football, and train more outstanding reserve young players and transport them up.In the process of doing a good job of reserve talents, we should resolutely abandon the mentality of quick success and instant benefit, and build a path and channel for the cultivation and growth of reserve talents step by step, so as to revitalize China football for a long time.

Disclaimer: This article was transferred from China News Network (ID: CNS 2012), Beijing Youth Daily, Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News. Thank you!