标签归档 上海狼盟

On October 25, the news inventory.

  The three major indexes of A-shares were mixed: more than 4,000 stocks rose and the infrastructure sector strengthened.

  Up 0.4%,Up by 0.47%,It fell by 0.9%. The turnover exceeded 870 billion,, engineering consulting,Large infrastructure sectors, such as steel, led the gains.The medical sector was among the top losers. View the original > > >

  Can trillions of special government bonds "ignite" A shares? Four times in history, they all walked out of the high point.

  On the evening of October 24, Xinhua News Agency reported that the central finance will be in the fourth quarter of this year.In 2023, the national debt will be 1,000 billion yuan, and all the additional national debt will be arranged to local governments through transfer payment. The purpose of this issuance of special treasury bonds is to concentrate on supporting post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, making up for the shortcomings of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and improving China’s ability to resist natural disasters as a whole. View the original > > >

  Lee Ka Chiu John: Hong Kong will reduce the stamp duty on stock transactions from 0.13% to 0.1%.

  Lee Ka Chiu John, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) said today (25th) that Hong Kong will reduce the stamp duty on stocks from the current 0.13% to 0.1%, with the aim of completing the legislative process before the end of November. View the original > > >

  The marginal improvement signal of A-share market frequently appears in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets.One-day "sucking gold" is nearly 4.6 billion yuan.

  The data shows that on October 23, the total funds of stock ETFs in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets4.592 billion yuan. As of October 23, the management scale of 792 stock ETFs (stock ETFs and cross-border ETFs) in the whole market was nearly 1.60 trillion yuan. View the original > > >

  Zhang Kun, Xiao Nan, Liu Geming, Fu Youxing, etc.The manager’s heavy stock is released.

  The third quarterly report of the fund shows that Zhang Kun has adjusted the allocation structure of industries such as consumption and medicine, and Xiao Nan has increased the rightAnd Fu Youxing reduced his holdings of electronic stocks and increased his holdings of chemicals, home appliances and other stocks. View the original > > >

  Xie zhiyu jiacang(of investors) reduce one’s shares in a listed company Zhu Shaoxing reduced its holdings.(of investors) increase one’s shares in a listed company

  According to the latest data, several products managed by Xie Zhiyu of Xingzheng Global mainly reduced their holdings in the A-share market in the third quarter., increasedIn terms of Hong Kong stocks, the positions of such stocks have mainly increased.The position, such as reducing the stock. Besides,Zhu Shaoxing, mainly reduced in the third quarter,, increased.And other stocks. View the original > > >

  The third quarterly report of Gelan was released: overweight,For this fund, the position is large.

  In the third quarter, Glen stepped down as the fund manager of several funds. By the end of September, the accumulated scale of the three funds currently under management was about 63.8 billion yuan, which was nearly 13 billion yuan lower than the 76.7 billion yuan at the end of the second quarter. With the continuous disclosure of the fund’s third quarterly report, the latest positions of the three funds currently managed by Gulen also surfaced. Every time the reporter noticed, the allocation of two medical theme funds was mainly reduced., added,,Positions of such stocks; On the other hand, in the new starting point of China-Europe Mingrui, the positions have been greatly adjusted, and seven of the top ten awkward positions have been changed, making it the largest awkward position. View the original > > >

  Fu Pengbo and Zhu Yi of Ruiyuan Fund increased their positions against the trend in the third quarter.And photovoltaic stocks

  The "unique foundation" managed by Fu Pengbo, a well-known fund manager of Ruiyuan Fund-Ruiyuan Growth Value disclosed the third quarterly report of 2023. According to the third quarterly report, as of the end of the third quarter, the size of the fund was 23.377 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.052 billion yuan compared with the end of the second quarter, and the stock position dropped slightly to 9.120%. In addition, on August 28th, Ruiyuan Fund increased its share of A by 22,943,800. View the original > > >

  The latest investment trends such as Liu Yanchun, Zhu Shaoxing and Xie Zhiyu were exposed.

  Judging from the position adjustment in the third quarter, Liu Yanchun reduced his holdings.、; Liu Geyu stuck to his existing positions and did not make major structural adjustments; Zhang Kun has adjusted the allocation structure of industries such as consumption and medicine, and Zhu Shaoxing will turn over more "stones" in the future. In view of the current situation, some fund managers call "Rome wasn’t built in a day". Looking forward to the market outlook, many fund managers said that after the decline in the third quarter, the overall valuation attractiveness of the equity market has been further enhanced, and they are firmly optimistic about the prospects of stock assets, full of hope for the market outlook, and believe that the market will eventually return to rationality. View the original > > >

  The third quarterly report reveals the emergence of long-term capital layout path one after another. Fund andPosition exposure

  As of October 23, more than 500 A-share listed companies have disclosed the third quarterly report of 2023. Among the companies that have disclosed the third quarterly report,Such as companies with large market value held by social security funds,QFII is a company with a large market value. View the original > > >

  Asked about the popularity of the new M7: 5,000 units were "blindly ordered" in 17 days, and the car delivery was scheduled for February next year.

  On October 25th, AITO released the latest "blind subscription" report card of M9, which has exceeded 15,000 units so far. This achievement is only 17 days after Yu Chengdong, chairman of Huawei’s smart car solution BU, said that "10,450 orders were blindly booked and 8,040 orders were accumulated". View the original > > >

  Heavy! Add 1 trillion national debt to water conservancy infrastructure or stand on the wind!

  Among the eight major aspects of the key use of 1 trillion yuan of national debt, four are related to water conservancy, including key flood control projects, other key flood control projects, irrigation area construction and renovation, key soil erosion control projects, and urban drainage and waterlogging prevention capacity improvement actions. View the original > > >

  : the central government adds leverage to show its determination to stabilize growth.

  It is pointed out that according to Xinhua news agency, the central government will issue 1 trillion yuan of special treasury bonds in the fourth quarter of this year, which will be used to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and make up for the shortcomings of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. The central government’s leverage has demonstrated the determination of the central government to stabilize growth. Considering that the issuance and delivery of bonds will take time, we slightly increase the fourth quarter and the whole year of 2023.The growth rate is predicted to be 5.6% and 5.3% respectively, and the annual growth rate of infrastructure investment may be above 8%, and it is expected that the policy effect will be more reflected in 2024. Fiscal policy overweight in the fourth quarter is expected to stabilize economic growth in the fourth quarter and even next year.Economic entities expect that further economic stabilization is expected. Looking forward to next year, it is expected that the proportion of the central government in the new deficit will continue to increase, and there is still room for the central government to increase leverage. View the original > > >

  Looking forward to the fourth quarter, it is generally judged that "positive factors are accumulating" and technological growth is still the main line in the medium term.

  Entering the fourth quarter, market volatility intensified. Recently, brokers have intensively released research reports, focusing on market hotspots such as A-share investment timing, trends and industry allocation. It is worth mentioning that a number of brokers have recently discussed the establishment of a "stabilization fund" (a fund established by the government in a legal way through a specific institution to smooth out irrational and violent fluctuations in the stock market by operating against the market index). View the original > > >

  "foreign shipments are almost the same!" Public offering: strong and weak roles or swaps of US stocks and A shares.

  DuojiaThe strategy report released this week shows that the biggest drag on the market in the near future is the outflow of funds from the north. Considering that many institutions have started to raise their expectations for the domestic economy, the outflow of foreign capital may be coming to an end. It is expected that the market with a-share and Hong Kong stock valuations greatly revised will have more valuable opportunities for bargain-hunting. Many fund companies emphasized that industries with low institutional investors and valuations at the bottom of history are significantly more resilient. View the original > > >

  Zhang Kun, the top flow fund manager, slightly reduced his scale in the third quarter.Is not the ultimate reward.

  In the third quarterly report, Zhang Kun said that fundamental investors often spend a lot of energy on analyzing and judging the future net profit level of enterprises, but net profit is not the ultimate return. Zhang Kun also stressed that we should not only pay attention to the profitability of enterprises, but also pay attention to the quality of prudent investment. View the original > > >

  : double eleven preheating on Pay attention to bibcock and emerging categories.

  The securities research report pointed out that this time, all platforms were urged to increase subsidies to make a cost-effective layout and lower consumers’ purchase threshold. Under the background of more active platform drainage and realization, the traffic will be further dispersed. In this case, the leading enterprises in the brand side are more likely to have competitive advantages because of their multi-channel operation ability, and some enterprises with differentiated operation advantages will also benefit potentially. View the original > > >

Nearly 80 dealers and over 30 brands participated in the exhibition! The 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show opened today.

On the morning of March 17th, the 2023 Zhongshan Spring Auto Show hosted by Zhongshan Daily and Zhongshan Automobile Distribution Association was held in Zhongshan Expo Center under the guidance of Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

It is understood that as the first large-scale indoor auto show subsidized by the Municipal Bureau of Commerce in the first quarter, this auto show attracted the whole citynear80Car dealers,Over 30Exhibition area of automobile brands.About 10 thousand square meters,It lasts for three days (17th-19th)..

In order to vigorously carry out automobile consumption promotion activities, fully promote the city to invigorate automobile circulation and expand automobile consumption, in this auto show, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce invested10 million yuanSpend red envelopes. At the same time, we will continue to carry out the "Zhongshan Tesco" series of activities to promote consumption, so as to make car purchase concessions more "intimate" and "effective".    

A set of pictures, the reporter takes you to the auto show ↓↓↓

(Photo: Reporter Miao Xiaojian)

National Health Planning Commission: There are 5.4 million registered patients with severe mental disorders in China.

  BEIJING, Beijing, April 8 (Shang Qi) Depression, anxiety, alcoholism and senile dementia … … With the rapid development of China’s economy and society, the aging population has intensified, the pace of life and work has been significantly accelerated, and the accompanying psychological pressure has generally increased. The public has paid more and more attention to their own mental and psychological health. So, what is the mental health status of China people at present? On the morning of the 7th, the National Health and Family Planning Commission held a press conference to introduce this.

  What is the status of severe mental disorder?

  — — There are 5.4 million registered patients with severe mental disorders in China.

  On the morning of the 7th, the National Health and Family Planning Commission held a regular press conference in Beijing to report the recent progress of mental health work in China.

  According to reports, by the end of 2015, there were 2,936 mental health service institutions in China, with 433,000 beds, a significant increase over 2010 (1,650 institutions and 228,000 beds); There are 27,733 licensed (assistant) psychiatrists, 57,591 psychiatric nurses and more than 5,000 psychotherapists in China. More than 900,000 people have obtained professional qualification certificates for psychological counselors.

  Wang Bin, deputy director of the CDC of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, revealed that by the end of 2016, there were 5.4 million patients with severe mental disorders registered in China, with a management rate of 88.7%. Among them, the number of patients with schizophrenia accounts for about 3/4 of the total number of registered patients.

  What factors lead to depression?

  — — Heredity, external pressure, unhappy life, etc.

  According to reports, depressive disorder includes depression, unspecified depressive disorder and bad mood. The prevalence rate of depressive disorder in China is generally on the rise, with 4.06%, of which 3.59% is depressive disorder, which is higher than the survey results in 1980s and 1990s.

  Wang Gang, president of Beijing Anding Hospital, said that from some mechanisms of depression, factors such as heredity, external pressure and some unpleasant events in life may lead to depression, among which the contribution of heredity is about 40% and 50%.

  It is worth noting that he also introduced that the first episode of depression is generally concentrated around the age of 30. In addition, the incidence rate of most mental diseases is equal between men and women, but the incidence rate of women is significantly higher than that of men.

  After treatment, whether depression can be cured is also the focus of public attention. In this regard, Wang Gang said that it is not difficult for patients with depression to get a clinical cure after comprehensive treatment, and most of them can return to the social function level before the onset.

  Why is the prevalence of anxiety disorder rising?

  — — Public psychological pressure has generally increased.

  What is anxiety disorder? Zhu Zhuohong, director of the mental health counseling center for employees of central state organs, explained that anxiety disorder is a group of mental disorders with anxiety as the main manifestation, accompanied by some physical manifestations, especially autonomic nerve dysfunction.

  "For example, some people will have severe palpitation, sweating, shaking hands, and even physical manifestations such as frequent urination, urgency and diarrhea." He said.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of anxiety disorder in China is 4.98%, which is higher than the survey results in 1980s and 1990s.

  Wang Bin explained that with the rapid development of China’s economy and society, the pace of life and work has been significantly accelerated, and the public psychological pressure has generally increased, which has led to a corresponding increase in the risk of illness.

  She added, "In recent decades, residents’ health awareness and willingness to seek medical treatment have also improved, and the ability of professionals to identify mental illness has also improved. These factors are related."

  How to prevent senile dementia?

  — — Promote healthy aging and improve various health policies for the elderly.

  With the aggravation of population aging in China, the prevalence of senile dementia is also on the rise.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of senile dementia is 5.56% among people aged 65 and above, which is higher than that of some areas in China since 1987.

  It is reported that compared with other countries with higher life expectancy, the prevalence of senile dementia in China is lower than that in the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

  Talking about the next work plan, Wang Bin said that considering the current situation of the rising prevalence of dementia in the elderly, we should promote healthy aging from the perspective of individuals, families and society, improve various health policies for the elderly, and delay the development of patients’ illness by taking comprehensive intervention measures.

  Is the prevalence of alcohol use disorder different between men and women?

  — — Men are significantly higher than women.

  According to public information, alcohol use disorders include alcohol dependence and poisoning symptoms, which are manifested as long-term overclocking, excessive drinking, short-term heavy drinking, etc., which will not only harm the body, but also lead to a series of serious mental health problems.

  According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, due to the influence of local drinking habits and residents’ drinking habits, previous surveys in various parts of China show that the prevalence of alcohol use disorders varies greatly in different regions.

  The results show that the prevalence rate of alcohol use disorder in China is 1.84%, and the prevalence rate of men is significantly higher than that of women.

  In addition, compared with the survey results of some economically developed countries and middle-income countries published by international authoritative journals in recent years, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder in China is at a medium level. (End)

Tongliang: 6000 acres of cherry blossoms.

At present, in Shuangshan Town, Tongliang District, 6,000 mu of cherry flowers have entered the full bloom stage, which not only attracts tourists, but also breeds new hopes for villagers to increase production and harvest this year.

Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 1
Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 2

Walking into Jianxin Village, Shuangshan Town, Tongliang District, looking around, patches of cherry flowers stretch from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, clusters and clusters, densely covered with branches, like white snow, beautiful. Visitors who come to enjoy the flowers stroll along the path among the flowers, breathing the fragrant fragrance and enjoying the beautiful scenery in spring.

Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 3
Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 4

Shuangshan Town, Tongliang District is known as the hometown of cherries, and it is a well-known "hometown of small fruits". In recent years, the local cherry and other fruits have been planted in an area of more than 10 thousand mu, among which Jianxin Village is the core area of cherry planting, with more than 10 varieties such as white cherry, cinnabar cherry, Chinese red cherry and black pearl cherry in the early, middle and late days, and the flower viewing period will last until the middle and late March. In recent years, with the flower viewing economy as the fulcrum, the local area has promoted the combination boxing of rural festivals, recommended double-mountain cherries and derivative products, promoted people’s income and helped rural revitalization.

Tongliang: 6,000 mu of cherry blossoms 5
Tongliang: 6,000 acres of cherry blossoms 6

(The first eye-Chongqing Radio and Television Special Reporter Wang Yang Zhou Zhenyu Editor Xiang Wei)

The chill is getting heavier! The temperature drops the most in beginning of winter. See where to enter the winter on the national winter map.

China Weather Network News "The north wind is cold and cold, and the sparse wood is half green and yellow." Today (November 8th), China entered the beginning of winter solar term. beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means the beginning of cold winter. After beginning of winter, cold air activities became more frequent, and the winter process accelerated. China Weather Network launched the national winter map during beginning of winter all the year round to see where the cold wind is starting and winter is coming.

[National Winter Map] During the beginning of winter season, most of the north entered the winter.

At the beginning of the solar term in beginning of winter all the year round, many places in the north have entered winter, and the front of winter has reached the central part of North China, Qinling Mountains and western Sichuan Plateau. During the solar term in beginning of winter, the process of winter accelerated, and winter continued to cross south, and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, southern Shandong, most of Henan, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, and northwestern Hubei all entered the threshold of winter. Like Shijiazhuang (November 7), Xi ‘an (November 11), Jinan (November 10), Zhengzhou (November 13), Hefei (November 18), Nanjing (November 19) and other provincial capital cities, the average winter season is concentrated in beginning of winter season.

Most of the south is still in autumn at this time, and places like Hunan and Hubei are cool and full of autumn. In Hainan and the southern coastal areas of Guangdong, the summer heat still exists, and the summer is not over.

[Weather in beginning of winter] The temperature plummeted and the chill became heavier.

At the time of beginning of winter, everything was finally done. Beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which means that life begins to close and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate has also changed from dry autumn to rainy and cold winter, with a sudden drop in temperature and a growing chill.

"One day in beginning of winter, water cooling is three points." Beginning of winter is the solar term with the fiercest cooling in the whole year, especially in the north. At this time, it has entered the cold season of "singing winter with the wind". China Weather Network took stock of the national temperature changes in the twenty-four solar terms, and found that the national average temperature began to decline since beginning of autumn, and beginning of winter had the largest decline, with the temperature in first frost dropping by 3.77℃ compared with the previous solar term.

The forms of precipitation after beginning of winter are more diverse, such as rain, snow, sleet and hail. The first snow often appears in North China, and it is already a scene of heavy snow in Northeast and Northwest China.

During the cold air intermission, the temperature difference between day and night in North China, Huanghuai and other places is large, and the humidity increases, which is prone to fog and haze weather, especially the visibility is low in the morning and evening, which will have a great impact on people’s life and travel.

Beginning of winter is not equal to winter. After beginning of winter, the cold air is stronger and the activities are more frequent. The front of winter begins to cross the Qinling Huaihe River, and most of the north has entered winter, while most of the south is still in autumn.

[beginning of winter Phenology] Water begins to freeze when it is frozen.

Beginning of winter is divided into three stages: the first stage is when the water begins to freeze, the second stage is when the ground begins to freeze, and the third stage is when the pheasant enters the flood. It is said that this solar term, water can already form ice; The land also began to freeze; After beginning of winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, but giant clams with similar lines and colors can be seen on the seashore.

"beginning of winter is sunny and has a good harvest." In beginning of winter season, the land in Northeast China is frozen, and agricultural and forestry crops enter the wintering period; Jiangnan and South China should make full use of fine weather to harvest, sun and air late rice.

[beginning of winter custom] It is necessary to make up for the winter and avoid making up for the cold.

As the saying goes, "beginning of winter fills the winter and fills the mouth." In order to resist the cold, there is a folk custom of "beginning of winter food tonic". In the north, jiaozi is eaten, while in the south, radish stewed mutton, ginger duck, crucian bean curd soup and other tonic dishes are usually eaten. However, winter tonic should be moderate, and blind "big tonic" should be avoided.

The weather is getting colder after beginning of winter, so friends should prepare down jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and other cold-proof equipment in advance, and add clothes in time to prevent colds.

When the north wind rises, everything hides, and beginning of winter is brushing away the restlessness of the season with the most peaceful attitude, so that everything can be calm. We might as well enjoy the warm sunshine in winter and feel the good time on earth quietly after our daily busyness. (Text/Liu Wei Design/Liu Hongxin Data Support/Shi Yan Part of the Image Source/vision china)

(Source: China Weather Network)

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Where can I go to cool off in a sauna day? These places in Xuhui let you embrace a cool summer!

    It is an eternal theme in summer to enjoy the cool and escape the heat.

Trees are dancing, birds are chirping,

There is a school in Xuhui parks.

The cool beauty of green waves,

Follow xiaobian,

Let’s take a look at these good places to enjoy the scenery and enjoy the cool!

part 01

Xujiahui Park

summer 2023 /

Strolling by Huijin Lake, we can see the trees are shaded, the springs are tinkling, black swans and groups of koi fish are swimming and playing leisurely on the lake, and some tourists sit around and take a nap in under the greenwood tree, while others play Tai Chi for fitness. Leaves swaying gently in the breeze, like singing a moving song, are cool and green as far as you can see.

part 02

Guangqi park

The grass is long and the fish is shallow. The sleeping lotus pond in Guangqi Park reflects the grass and trees on the shore. It is popular on the water and cool. Walking along the path in the garden, you can only hear birds chirping and make people feel the summer heat disappear.

part 03


The Kangjian Garden is shaded by trees, with winding roads, and the bamboo forests and trees on both sides are lush and distinct, which not only provides shade from the sun, but also has a good taste. The pond in the garden with clear water like a mirror isolates the transpiration of the summer heat. Visitors can exercise in twos and threes or enjoy the scenery, as if the hot summer day has gone, and only feel extremely comfortable coolness.

part 04

guilin park

Walking through the quaint small bridge in Guilin Park, the sun shines on the lake through the trees to form mottled light and shadow. The pavilion and the green trees set off each other, providing a place for the surrounding residents to enjoy the cool in summer. Several lotus flowers in the pond in the park seize the time to bloom their own beauty, fragrant and refreshing.

part 05

Dongan park

The dense canopy of Dongan Park is intertwined in the air, and the water surface is also dyed cool green. The park is lush with vegetation, and the breeze blows and rustles, forming an extended picture with the rippling pond. Even without air conditioning, the green eyes can make you feel cool.

part 06

xiang yang park

The trees in Xiangyang Park are flourishing, and the green leaves are like a propped-up green velvet umbrella, which shields tourists from the hot sun. The flower beds and fountains in the park tinkle with water, which soothes people’s restless hearts, and keeps them away from the hustle and bustle, leaving at dusk. The four seasons are different and the joy is endless.

part 07

Hengshan park

As soon as I walked into Hengshan Park, I was greeted with green eyes, accompanied by cicadas, and it seemed that I could hear my footsteps clearly and feel my breath. When the shade of grass wins the flowers, I strolled along the path and enjoyed the coolness.

The breeze dissipates the heat, and summer is long.

Come to Xuhui Park to embrace a cool summer!

Editor: Wei Li

Proofreading: Chen Haixiao

Revising: Wei Li

Please indicate the official account number from Shanghai Xuhui.

Shangguan number author: Xu Huitong


Enter the [Chinese world] > >

    CCTV.com News (broadcast by Chinese World on August 8th): > > Click to view the video.   


Lu Jufang collects table tennis apprentices in New Zealand.

Wang Chen has a table tennis club in the United States.

Table tennis that won China the reputation of "national ball"   

It can be said that with the completion of novel and unique venues, the smooth recruitment of volunteers, and the appearance of mascots, medals and torches, the pace of the Olympic Games is getting closer and closer to us. at the same time,For every athlete, participating in the Olympic Games is probably the most important and meaningful thing in his life.For Wang Chen, who retired from the Chinese national table tennis team seven years ago and immigrated to the United States,2008The significance of the Beijing Olympics is even more different.Although he is over 30 years old, Wang Chen’s impact on the Olympic Games is not weak. Because of her nervous preparations for the Olympic Games, Wang Chen had no time to face the media. However, American Chinese TV reporters managed to find her.

Like every immigrant, in the early days of coming to the United States, Wang Chen will inevitably face the differences in language and culture and the hardships of starting a business. However, the self-confidence and indomitable spirit given to her by her sports career made her bravely rush all the way. After coming to the United States for seven years, Wang Chen not only continued her sports career, but also completed the transformation of various roles. What’s more, she also gained a sweet love.

   The Beijing Olympic Games not only makes the athletes look forward to it, but also the coaches are full of expectations, especially the Chinese coaches employed by various countries are even more excited. In Auckland Table Tennis Club, New Zealand, there is a Chinese coach, Lu Jufang, who once trained nine world champions in China and now has an apprentice in New Zealand. He decided to carry forward China’s national table tennis.

   For overseas Chinese, it is not only Chinese athletes who want to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games, but also many Chinese friends may have the idea that they will be witnesses of this historic moment in person. Besides buying tickets to watch the game on the spot, there are actually many ways to become part of this sports event. In today’s program, we will tell you about the ways to get in touch with the Beijing Olympic Games:

Besides the athletes and spectators, the closest people to the stadium are the Olympic staff and volunteers. Being a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games is actually the dream of many friends. At present,2008The recruitment of all kinds of volunteers for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has been fully carried out. According to the regulations of BOCOG, the deadline for registration of Games-time volunteers is2008yearthreeMonth, and the recruitment work will be on2008yearfiveCompleted in June. Overseas Chinese friends can visit the following websites.www.bjqb.gov.cnSign up, or call the volunteer hotline of BOCOG for details.

Before the official start of the Olympic Games, there is another job that is both sacred and meaningful. That is the torch relay of the Olympic Games. At present, the selection of torchbearers and runners for the Beijing Olympic Games is also under way. Delivered outside China2480Among the torchbearers, the Olympic committees of the relay cities and countries or regions have mastered nearly.80% quota. Therefore, if overseas Chinese friends want to be torchbearers, they should pay more attention to the selection information of the local Olympic Committee.

2008The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has brought together the hearts of overseas Chinese all over the world, and they are making their own contributions to the Olympic Games in various ways. This includes the efforts of a Chinese designer. Perhaps many viewers don’t know, in fact, the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube are both concentrated in a big Olympic Park, and the designer of this park is a Chinese. Let’s get to know him now.

Editor: Cui Ying

Hong Kong’s top movie was released in Taipei, and the first day it smashed 6100 box office!

On the 15th, the film My Paradise City, starring Hong Kong’s strongest top-notch Jiang Tao and Taiwan Province’s floret Vivian Sung, was released in Taipei, and the outside world was generally optimistic about winning a high box office. Surprisingly, it was hit hard on the first day.

According to the statistics of the box office statistics website on the island,On the first day of Taipei, My Paradise City grossed NT$ 27,000 (about RMB 6,100)., ranked 13th in the single-day box office list (third from the bottom), only better than Megalodon 2: Abyss (NT$ 15,000) which was released for 45 days, and Mission Impossible 7: Fatal Liquidation (NT$ 22,000) which was released for more than two months. The following is a screenshot of box office data:

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Tao and his company ViuTV and MakerVillage attached great importance to this film, and went to Taipei to publicize it for a week before it was released. During this period, they recorded well-known variety shows such as "100% Entertainment" and accepted a large number of local media and YouTube channels. The 3,000 Hong Kong gingerbread (the nickname of Jiang Tao fans) that followed once turned Ximending into "Jiangtao Town", which made local citizens and netizens see what is the top stream. Now that this box office result comes out, it’s really quite a hit.

It can be seen that the 3,000 ginger candies left too early. Even if they left one-tenth of the troops, My Paradise City would not only receive 27,000, but there would always be NT$ 60,000. To tell the truth, if Ginger Sugar doesn’t want her idol to lose too badly, she’d better buy a plane ticket to Taiwan Province when she has time at the weekend.

In addition, this is not the first film released by Jiang Tao in Taiwan Province. His "Grandma has a second zuo" (Taiwan translation: Mother’s Star Favorite) won NT$ 430,000 (98,000 yuan) in Taiwan Province last year, and the situation is quite beautiful.

So, what will be the final box office of My Paradise City in Taiwan Province? Xiao Bian believes that according to the current situation, the high probability is between NT$ 300,000 and NT$ 400,000, and at most it is about NT$ 500,000, unless there is a major positive box office event with abnormal trend.

As for Hong Kong’s box office (released on October 12th), considering that wuli Taotao is, after all, the top stream in Hong Kong, with a huge amount of ginger candy and high combat effectiveness at home, it is expected that it will take HK$ 5 million or even HK$ 10 million even in the off-season.

Reveal the details of Fan Debiao’s 48 million contract! The new season will not continue to be assisted by the transaction.

On September 18th, Beijing time, the details of Vanderbilt’s four-year $48 million contract were exposed, with a starting salary of $10.71 million and a player option of $13.29 million in the last year. The Lakers could not trade him in the new season. In the next few years, Fan Debiao will continue to assist James and Thick Eyebrows in winning the championship.

Previously, the Lakers and Vanderbilt reached a four-year and $48 million early renewal contract. Recently, the salary website Spotrac disclosed the details of Vanderbilt’s new contract.

$10.71 million in the 2024-25 season; $11.57 million in 25-26 season; 12.43 million dollars in 26-27 season; $13.29 million in 27-28 season (player option).

The annual salary of Fan Debiao’s four-year new contract is increasing year by year, and he has the player option in the last year; In addition, Fan Debiao will have a six-month trading freeze period, which will make him unable to be traded in the new season (February next year is the trading deadline).

Fan Debiao, 24, joined the Lakers before the 22-23 season trade deadline, played 26 regular season games for the Lakers, averaging 7.2 points, 6.7 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 1.2 steals, helping the Lakers to make a strong counterattack to the playoffs and all the way to the Western Conference.

Although Fan Debiao missed the opportunity to renew the four-year $71 million maximum salary contract, he renewed the four-year $48 million contract ahead of schedule, which is the biggest contract renewal he has ever obtained in his career. Next, Fan Debiao can play for the Lakers with peace of mind, and continue to assist James and Thick Eyebrows in winning the championship.

The latest news of CBA! Basketball Association severely punished Shandong team, Jiangsu laid off Shi Yi, and Guangsha signed a super foreign aid contract.

In CBA, we have seen all kinds of wonderful tickets, including the conflict between Xi Reli Jiang and Shi Linjie in the hotel. However, when chinese basketball association issued a ticket again, it was a bit funny. Jia Cheng and Gao Shiyan of Shandong men’s basketball team were banned before, and Shandong men’s basketball team punished 10 yuan for them. As a result, chinese basketball association decided that Shandong men’s basketball team made inappropriate comments, and in this way, Shandong men’s basketball team was punished by 50,000!

Li Nan used many controversial players, including Shi Yi, when he was the head coach of China men’s basketball team. However, Shi Yi’s performance in Jiangsu men’s basketball team was a disaster, and he was laid off by Jiangsu men’s basketball team in this offseason.

The biggest problem in Zhejiang Guangsha is foreign aid. According to media reports, they have decided on the candidate for big foreign aid, that is, last season’s foreign aid for fire fighting, Willzhe, and the two sides have officially signed a contract.

When Gong Xiaobin was the head coach of Shandong Men’s Basketball Team, there was a famous saying that CBA and chinese basketball association were too dogmatic. After the match between Shandong men’s basketball team and Xinjiang men’s basketball team in CBA Summer League, Jia Cheng and Gao Shiyan were banned for one game. At that time, Shandong men’s basketball team also punished them for only 10 yuan.