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Want to know how many Internet accounts are associated with your mobile phone number? Here comes the "one card can check version 2.0"!

CCTV News:Do you know how many Internet accounts are associated with your mobile phone number? Has your mobile phone number been registered as an Internet account by others? What should I do if I find someone else has registered an Internet account with their mobile phone number? Today (July 21st), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially upgraded the "one-card universal access" system to version 2.0, which can provide users with the nationwide Internet account "one-card universal access" service.

"One-card universal inquiry 2.0" is a national Internet account convenient inquiry service launched by the anti-fraud center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the basis of the national mobile phone card "one-card universal inquiry" system, in conjunction with head Internet enterprises and telecom enterprises.

Users can inquire by filling in the mobile phone number, the last six digits of the ID number and the verification code through the inquiry portals such as "Industrial News Micro Report", "Anti-fraud Special Class of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology" and "China Xintongyuan". The query results are replied through the unified short message port within 48 hours.

       It is understood that in order to help crack down on telecommunication network fraud and solve the problem of users being "impersonated to run cards", the Network Security Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched the "one-card universal inquiry" service for national mobile phone cards in September last year. Users can check the number of mobile phone cards under their own names and cancel their accounts in time for abnormal number cards, which can effectively reduce the space for criminals to open and sell cards illegally. According to statistics, at present, more than 85% of fraud cases are carried out through the Internet, and many of them use Internet accounts registered by other people’s mobile phone numbers to carry out fraud activities. In order to prevent the risk of fraud related to Internet accounts associated with mobile phone numbers, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology upgraded the original mobile phone number "one certificate for universal access" to mobile phone+Internet account "one certificate for universal access".

At present, the "one-card universal inquiry" system has opened up the relevant systems of 93 provincial-level basic telecommunications enterprises and 39 mobile communication resale enterprises in China. As long as I have a domestic mobile phone card under my name, I can use the inquiry service.

Wei Liang, Vice President of China Information and Communication Research Institute:In order to protect users’ personal information security, we use desensitization display, transmission line, data encryption, digital certificate and other mechanisms to ensure security, and authenticate the information submitted by users, so as to ensure that only the telephone number under the user’s own name can be queried in association with the registered Internet account.

Wei Liang said that the Anti-Fraud Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has guided Internet companies to establish supporting service mechanisms such as account details inquiry and account unbinding disposal, and Internet companies will handle any objections or complaints raised by users as soon as possible. Follow-up will combine the anti-fraud work situation, connect more Internet companies according to factors such as user scale and fraud risk, and support a wider range of Internet application queries. And launched the "one-click unbinding of secondary number" service to realize one-click unbinding of the Internet account association bound by the number before I hold the mobile phone number.

Sui Jing, Director of Network Security Administration of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:In the next step, we are now actively docking with some commonly used ones, such as Sina Weibo, 58 City and so on … … Gradually increase the number of Internet companies accessing the platform, and we also welcome the vast number of Internet companies to join our queue.

Introduction of common battery models What are the common battery sizes [Detailed explanation]

  What are the specifications, dimensions and uses of common battery models (No.1, No.2, No.5 and No.7)? Due to the limitation of conditions, only a few existing batteries have been roughly measured and confirmed. The logos such as AAA, AA, C, D, N, F, SC, etc. seen on the battery body are all American model logos. In China, except for a few by number, others seem to adopt the American naming method, but in other countries such as Japan, the names may be different.

  [Battery model] Introduction of common battery models Detailed description of common battery sizes and specifications

  1. Correspondence of common battery models and sizes

  In the following table, 1-4 are all commonly used in our life, while 5-9 are rarely used or paid attention to. For example, A, SC, N and F are mostly used in rechargeable battery packs, and they are often wrapped in skins, so it is impossible to directly see the battery models, but not all of them.

  Second, the common battery diagram and use

  1. AAA battery (No.7 battery)

  AAA battery is commonly known as No.7 battery, which is a little smaller than No.5 battery. It is mostly used in remote control and other places where the volume is limited but the power consumption is not too large. Flashlights are also used, but most of them are used in combination. No.7 battery size: height 44.0mm, diameter 10.0mm.

  2. AA battery (No.5 battery)

  AA battery is also called No.5 battery, which is the most common one. Electric shavers, electronic toys, digital equipment, etc. are used the most. Many AA rechargeable batteries are also used as battery packs, especially the 4.8V rechargeable four-section combination on toys. Size of 5th battery: height 49.0mm, diameter 14.0mm.

  3. Type C battery (No.2 battery)

  Type C battery is also called No.2 battery, which is a little smaller than No.1 battery and is often used in flashlights and audio-visual equipment. Size of No.2 battery: height 49.5mm, diameter 25.3mm.

  4. Type D battery (No.1 battery)

  D-type battery is also called No.1 battery, which is the same as No.5 battery. It can be used in many occasions, such as electronic lighting equipment, flashlights and so on. Size of No.1 battery: height 59.0mm, diameter 32.3mm.

  5. AAAA battery

  AAAA batteries are mostly used in some high-end electronic devices, such as Bluetooth headsets. AAAA battery size: height 41.5mm, diameter 8.1 mm..

  6. Type A battery

  Type A batteries are mostly flat-headed batteries, which are generally used as battery packs. When lucky chance searched for pictures of such batteries on Google, it seems that almost all of them are flat-headed batteries. The height of Type A batteries is similar to that of No.2 batteries, with a slightly smaller diameter. The battery size is 49.0mm in height and 16.8mm in diameter.

  7. SC battery

  SC battery is also generally used for stacking battery packs, which seems to have never been seen before. The battery size is 42.0mm in height and 22.1mm in diameter.

  8. N type battery

  N-type battery is also generally used as a battery pack. Because of its small size, it will also be used in electronic devices with limited volume, such as doorbells. The battery size is 28.5mm in height and 11.7mm in diameter.

  9. Type F battery

  F-type batteries are also used in battery packs. See the battery body for the F-type logo. The battery size: 89.0mm in height and 32.3mm in diameter.

  There are also small square or cylindrical batteries such as 23A(12V), 27A(12V), 10A(9V), 25A(9V), 6F22(9V), F22(6V), 11A(6V), 26A(6V), 476A(6V) and 2X625A(3V). The actual voltage is about 10V. In the evening, I took the 6F22 apart and looked at it. There are six "cake" batteries stacked inside (it is easy to separate them with blades and the filler is easy to pick up), and then the outside is covered with a layer of plastic and then encapsulated with aluminum skin.

The Yangtze River has been closed to fishing for ten years, and these changes are related to you and me.

  On February 15, 2021, the ship sailed in the waters of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. Recently, all kinds of mountain flowers on both sides of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have opened, and the spring is getting stronger. Xinhua news agency

  Red-billed gull living in the area of Jijiang Yangtze River Bridge in jiangjin district, Chongqing, Xinhua News Agency issued.

  Hukou, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province assisted the patrol team in patrolling Poyang Lake. Our reporter Zhou Mengshuang photo/bright picture

  [Ecological topic]

  "The Yangtze River has a long history and a vast water surface. It is a good water town for freshwater fish to have children and grow up." The documentary "story of the yangtze river" filmed by CCTV in 1983 praised the mother river in this way. However, in recent decades, due to the comprehensive influence of various human activities, the ecological environment in the Yangtze River basin has deteriorated sharply, and the biological integrity index has reached the worst "no fish" level.

  In order to save the aquatic biodiversity of the Yangtze River, on January 1, 2021, the main stream of the Yangtze River, large Tongjiang lakes and important tributaries officially began a 10-year comprehensive fishing ban. 111,000 fishing boats and 231,000 fishermen retreated ashore, which began the historical turning point of "people returning fish to enter". The "No.1 Document of the Central Committee" in 2021 released a few days ago clearly proposed to strengthen the conservation of aquatic biological resources, promote the capacity building of fishery law enforcement focusing on the Yangtze River, ensure the effective implementation of the 10-year fishing ban, and do a good job in ensuring the resettlement of retired fishermen. According to the strategic plan of the CPC Central Committee on the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, from March 1, China’s first special law on river basin protection — — The Yangtze River Protection Law will also be officially implemented.

  Recently, Guangming Daily Weibo launched an online survey on "What are you most concerned about when the Yangtze River is closed for ten years". Based on the results of the previous survey, with some questions that netizens are most concerned about, our reporter interviewed relevant experts, heads of competent departments and volunteer representatives.

  Will our table be affected after the ban on fishing?

  In Huaiyang Restaurant, Yangtze shad is a famous dish, which is regarded as a delicacy by many diners because of its tender meat.

  "Now that the Yangtze River is completely banned from fishing, is this signature dish gone?" Many people have doubts about this.

  "This kind of worry is a bit redundant, because the Yangtze River shad has been extinct for almost 30 years." Zhou Zhuocheng, an expert from China Fishery Association, explained that the Yangtze River shad is a migratory fish. In 1975, the catch reached 1,570 tons, but since the 1980s, its number has dropped rapidly, and it has been impossible to form a fish season. After the 1990s, there is no record of catching it, which is equivalent to functional extinction.

  So, what has been sold in restaurants? "Yangtze river shad is ‘ Sanxian of Yangtze River ’ First of all, in order to maintain profits, merchants actually use close relatives such as American shad and Southeast Asian clouded shad. " Zhou Zhuocheng said that with the decline of aquatic biological resources in the Yangtze River, it is very common to confuse the real with the fake.

  The fate of the Yangtze River shad is not a case. According to statistics, the annual natural catch in the Yangtze River basin has dropped from 427,000 tons in 1954 to less than 100,000 tons in recent years. Even the common "four big fish" such as herring, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp, their seedling production has dropped from 129.1 billion in 1965 to more than one billion today.

  "In contrast to the decline of fishery resources in the Yangtze River, since the 1950s, ‘ Four big fish ’ Artificial reproduction has been successful one after another, and the freshwater aquaculture industry has developed rapidly, and the table of ordinary people has not been affected. " Cao Wenxuan, a scientist who initiated the ten-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River and an academician of the China Academy of Sciences, said that from 2016 to 2019, the output of freshwater aquaculture in China was around 30 million tons, with an annual output of about 5 million tons of grass carp, 4 million tons of silver carp and nearly 3 million tons of bighead carp, providing consumers with delicious dishes such as "boiled fish" and "chopped pepper fish head" — — "The annual per capita consumption of China’s 1.4 billion population ‘ Four big fish ’ 9.4 kilograms. "

  Cheap and high-quality farmed fish can’t be separated from wild fish.

  Cao Wenxuan introduced that the artificially cultured fish in fish ponds are often the descendants of several pairs of parent fish. After long-term inbreeding, the genes will degenerate and get sick easily. Therefore, it is necessary to have wild fish to improve their germplasm resources, so that the cultured fish can grow fast and grow well. "To make people eat fish and eat better fish for a longer period of time, we must protect the natural germplasm resource pool of the Yangtze River." Cao Wenxuan stressed.

  "I don’t eat fish. Does it matter to me to protect the Yangtze River fish?" Some netizens hold this attitude. In fact, protecting the fish in the Yangtze River is not only related to the dining table, but also related to the drinking water safety of hundreds of millions of people.

  "Biodiversity is complete, and the service function of the ecosystem can be brought into play. One of the most important service functions of the Yangtze River ecosystem is to purify water quality. " Taking the development model of "controlling water with fish" in Qiandao Lake as an example, Cao Wenxuan explained that "plankton such as algae in the lake can absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and other substances in the water body, and then artificially put a certain amount of silver carp and bighead carp to eat these plankton, so that when it enters, it is three types of water, and when it flows out, it becomes one type of water."

  "I have been calling on my friends to stop eating wild fish and let the Yangtze River catch its breath. Moreover, wild fish will enrich some toxic and harmful substances in the natural environment, but the safety is not as good as that of farmed fish. " Zhou Zhuocheng, a popular science "big V" with more than 6 million fans in Weibo, said.

  What about the livelihood of fishermen after landing?

  In the past few years, in order to promote the ten-year fishing ban, Ma Yi, director of the Yangtze River Basin Fishery Supervision and Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, has been running around the Yangtze River for a long time.





  In order to ensure the livelihood of retired fishermen, as of January 31, 2021, 25.167 billion yuan of compensation funds for no-catching and no-catching have been fully put in place; In key waters, 129,743 people have changed jobs (accounting for 99.76% of the base number), 171,626 people have been provided with social security, and the task of social security for fishermen who have retired has been fully completed.

  In Cao Wenxuan’s view, the ten-year ban on fishing is not only to protect fish, but also to help fishermen change their production and lifestyle. "The Yangtze River ‘ No fish ’ The image is that fishermen can’t catch fish with legal large mesh nets, so they have to use ‘ Juehu. com ’ 、‘ Labyrinth ’ Illegal means such as electric fish can catch a little fish. In this way, the Yangtze River fishing industry is like entering ‘ Dead end ’ 。”

  Song Bin is a native of Jiangbei District, Chongqing. For more than ten years, he has been fishing and managing catering boats on the river. With the increasing number of catering boats, Song Bin feels that the Yangtze River has changed. "Disposable tableware floats on the river from time to time, and the fish is not only caught less and less, but also with a ‘ Diesel oil ’ Taste. "

  In 2018, in response to the call of the government, Song Bin took the lead in dismantling the catering boat and opened an old Songjia fish restaurant not far from the shore with compensation. Nowadays, the business of the fish house is not only booming, but also four retired fishermen like Song Bin have joined the fish house and lived a stable life on the shore.

  After the Yangtze River was completely closed to fishing, a group of fishermen still chose to stay on the river.

  On February 5, 2021, at dawn, on the surface of Poyang Lake in Hukou County, Jiangxi Province, accompanied by the "sudden" motor sound, Shu Yinan and his colleagues began a day’s work, while monitoring the number of Yangtze finless porpoises, while discouraging anglers from using "four anchor hooks" on the shore. "This ‘ Four anchor hooks ’ There are four sharp hook tips, which can directly hook through the body of big fish without biting the bait, which is very destructive to fishery resources. " Shu Yinan told reporters.

  In 2017, Shu Yinan, who was born on a fishing boat and caught fish for more than 40 years, put away his fishing net and signed up for the newly formed Hukou Assistance Patrol Team. "In the past few decades, I have seen that the Yangtze River shad and other fish are gone, and the fish caught are getting smaller and smaller. If there are no fish in the future, where will there be fishermen? "

  As the "ecstasy" in Poyang Lake was cleaned up, the electric fishermen were punished by law, and Shu Yinan saw the gratifying changes in the Yangtze River. "I patrolled 20 kilometers this morning and saw finless porpoises jump out of the water more than a dozen times. They didn’t dare to dock so close before. When I came back from my patrol at noon, I saw ‘ The Yangtze finless porpoise was promoted to the national first-class protected animal ’ The news. Great, the future of the Yangtze River will definitely be better! " Shu Yinan was very excited.

  Ten years later, will the Yangtze River regain its former vitality?

  During the investigation, some netizens also asked: "To what extent can the Yangtze River recover after ten years of fishing ban?" "Will the number of fish exceed the natural carrying capacity?"

  "If the Yangtze River ‘ Sick ’ If so, then the ten-year fishing ban can only be said to be a visit to the mother river ‘ Rescue ’ 。” Cao Wenxuan pointed out that the 10-year ban on fishing is only a small step in the great protection of the Yangtze River. "This is not once and for all, and there is still a long way to go to save the aquatic life of the Yangtze River."

  Cao Wenxuan estimated that after ten years of rest and recuperation, the spawning capacity of the "four major fishes" in the Yangtze River could rise to about 20 billion to 30 billion, reaching the level of 30% in the 1960s at most, while the recovery of many endangered species was more difficult.

  Wei Qiwei, a researcher at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, said that in the investigation of fishery resources and environment in the Yangtze River from 2017 to 2019, they found that 130 species of historically distributed fish failed to collect samples — — What’s more, rare fish such as Chinese sturgeon, Yangtze sturgeon, mullet, and Hucho taiwanese have not naturally propagated.

  "The Yangtze shad disappeared so fast that we didn’t have time to conquer the artificial propagation method; In addition, the baiji and the white sturgeon have also declared functional extinction. " Wei Qiwei believes that after ten years, the biological resources of the Yangtze River will be improved and the vitality of the ecosystem will be revived, but some species may leave us forever.

  "Fishing ban has guaranteed the survival rate of Chinese sturgeon larvae released artificially, but due to physical changes such as blocking rivers and building dams, the problem that Chinese sturgeon cannot lay eggs needs urgent scientific research. As a river-sea migratory fish, Chinese sturgeon lives in the ocean most of the time, and there are still gaps in this protection. " How to prevent the Chinese sturgeon from repeating the mistakes of the white sturgeon is a problem that Wei Qiwei has been thinking about — — Obviously, "the ban on fishing alone can’t save all the fish."

  While the population protection of Chinese sturgeon is still facing a severe test, the Yangtze finless porpoise, another flagship species of the Yangtze River, has good news.

  Dr. Qian Zhengyi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation, recalled that during his studies at the Institute of Aquatic Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he dissected 60 or 70 dead finless porpoises, about half of which had empty stomachs or other symptoms of hunger. "They were hungry and couldn’t find fish to eat in the vast Yangtze River."

  With the orderly promotion of the ban on fishing in the Yangtze River in recent years, the images of Yangtze finless porpoises playing in Poyang Lake, Yichang, Zhenjiang, Nanjing and other river sections frequently appeared on hot search. "The total ban on fishing has reduced the risk of illegal fishing gear hurting finless porpoises, and their food sources have greatly increased. I believe that in the next few years, their population will be restored to some extent. " Qian zhengyi is very confident about this.

  After graduating from Ph.D. in 2017, Qian Zhengyi devoted himself to the protection of the Yangtze finless porpoise and joined the Yangtze River Ecological Protection Foundation. Under the guidance of the Yangtze River Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Foundation cooperated with the fishery administration department to jointly create an assisted patrol mode to attract demobilized fishermen to engage in patrol supervision. "Fishermen are most familiar with the Yangtze River and have the most affection for it. Let them from ‘ Fishing up ’ Become ‘ Fish protector ’ , which can not only meet the demand of changing production and jobs, but also give the Yangtze finless porpoise ‘ Exclusive bodyguard ’ 。” Qian Zhengyi said jokingly.

  It’s not just finless porpoises that have good news. Not long ago, researchers from the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences found a fish in Yichang section of the Yangtze River. Siniperca chuatsi was once an important economic fish in the Yangtze River basin. Due to overfishing, river and lake barriers and habitat degradation, Siniperca chuatsi disappeared in several historical distribution areas, and was listed as a provincial-level key protected aquatic wild animal in Hubei and Hunan.

  "After the squid disappeared for more than 20 years, one was found in 2017, and another was found in 2020 after a lapse of three years. The time interval between appearances was shortened, which marked the gradual recovery of the squid population." Wei Qiwei believes that with the continuous development of the ten-year fishing ban, the scale of common fish populations in the Yangtze River will increase significantly, and some threatened fish populations will also recover.

  (Reporter Zhou Mengshuang)

New era, new expression, new attitude, new revision of CCTV TV drama channel

  Focusing on the core requirements of "two improvements" in artistic level and mass satisfaction, and aiming at creating more excellent products with ideological, artistic and ornamental unity, CCTV TV drama channel will launch a brand-new revision on October 24. It is understood that this revision cuts through the management mechanism, visual image, programming and other levels and angles, and strives to bring more pleasing audio-visual experience and unprecedented content presentation to the majority of TV viewers.

  More professional, more focused, "produced by the front desk" and a strong attack.

  As the only national TV professional channel that broadcasts TV series 24 hours a day, CCTV TV series channel has presented countless classic plays to the audience since its launch, and has met the spiritual and cultural needs of the audience with endless masterpieces. In the brand-new revision of this launch, "produced by the reception desk" has become the most eye-catching brand logo.

  On October 24th, the night of the revision, the TV series "Passionate Years", produced by the Central Radio and Television General Station and co-starring Li Guangjie and Gao Lu, will be broadcast on the golden channel of TV series. As the first TV series produced by Headquarters, Passionate Years tells a touching story of Chinese researchers who took root in the Gobi and devoted their youth in the early days of the founding of New China. The unique theme, solid and beautiful storyline, accurately restored historical atmosphere and touching feelings of home and country made this masterpiece of main melody attract much attention and expectation, which triggered a warm response.

  It is understood that after "Years of Passion", many dramas produced by CCTV, such as "The Land of Hope" and "The Melody of Endeavour", will be broadcast in the prime time of CCTV. Taking the successful practice of this series of dramas as an opportunity, the TV drama channel will also launch more excellent masterpieces with good ideological, artistic and ornamental qualities.

  More youthful and fashionable, new packaging is stunning and blooming.

  Visual image design is very important for the establishment of channel brand image, which directly affects the competitiveness and recognition of channel brand communication. The brand new channel packaging of CCTV-8, which has won many heavyweight awards such as "Oscar Award in Packaging Industry" and PromaxBDA Asia Gold Award, and will be launched on October 24th, will promote the overall upgrade of brand visual system, with atmospheric style and distinctive features, which is more in line with the image positioning of world-class new mainstream media.

  The revised channel logo is based on a calm crimson background, which strengthens the color of CCTV-8 brand and brings positive energy to the audience. The concise and lively number "8" leaps to the top, and the organic integration of color and geometric numbers has a great aesthetic impression and makes people shine. It is understood that the design of the new LOGO of the channel is inspired by movie screens and home theaters. It has a three-dimensional sense and a sense of space, which will bring the audience a unique feeling of "sitting at home and watching movies".

  In addition to the stunning launch of the channel LOGO, multiple versions of ID deductive image propaganda films with different styles will further vividly explain the brand connotation of CCTV-8. Among them, it not only focuses on the communication of grand and heavy temperament, but also reflects the magnificent feeling of sunrise in the east; There is also a concise and lively expression of Chinese style, which brings a sense of elegance of flowers. It is both holistic and personalized, bringing refreshing visual experience and aesthetic enjoyment.

  More meticulous and accurate, new arrangement leads expectations.

  The TV series "National Children", which tells the touching story of the national children, recently ended in the top eight golden files of the Central Committee. According to the data of CSM National Network, the average audience rating of the drama is 1.22%, the average audience rating is 4.99%, the highest audience rating of an episode is 1.51%, and the highest audience rating of an episode is 6.48%, ranking first among the hit dramas in the same period. The Douban score of 7.6 fully shows the recognition and love of the audience and netizens for this work.

  After "National Children", the TV channel will also launch more masterpieces of realistic themes that show truth, goodness and beauty and highlight "small cost, great feelings and positive energy". Among them, Gina, a popular flower, starred in the war drama "The Unveiled Sunshine", which will be broadcast as "The Years of Passion".

  The family drama "I’m afraid it’s too late" led by Tang Zeng, the 2018 national viewing champion "Mother’s Uncle", is also gaining momentum, which makes people full of expectations.

  At the same time, the all-day arrangement scheme launched in this revision is more meticulous and accurate. In the morning, it focuses on fresh country dramas, echoing the people’s deep and sincere local complex with good stories full of life breath; In the morning, we will push the war hero drama, watch the story of Jin Ge Tie Ma Shan River, and strengthen the feelings of the country and the country. In the afternoon, the youth fashion drama will be broadcast continuously, and the touching song of youth will be sung; In the evening, it focuses on emotional hit dramas, ironing the life folds of every ordinary person with delicate and warm family emotional stories; Focus on high-quality premiere dramas in prime time, and build a top domestic premiere drama platform suitable for all ages; In the second yellow period, classic plays were launched to reproduce classic stories and reminisce about last romance; Then broadcast high-quality overseas dramas, bringing a global film and television feast with high quality, high value and high reputation; Relaxed and pleasant life dramas are broadcast continuously in the middle of the night.

  It is reported that this revision will not only highlight the fashionable and youthful channel characteristics on the basis of the original positioning, but also make full use of scientific methods such as big data analysis and research on communication laws to further adapt to the competitive situation in the national TV drama market, and continue to release the professional advantages of TV drama channels in repertoire creation, arrangement and broadcasting, and continue to maintain the "leader" position of China TV drama professional channels, with high quality, high taste and Kaku Takashina’s "masterpiece".

Inspired by the China Inspiration Locke Line! China’s top-class, lifelong hiking route!

In March, 1928, American explorer Joseph Charles Francis Rock, with the help of King Muli, set foot on a road through the mysterious mountain and went deep into the local place called Gongga Risong Gongbu, which is now the Aden area of Daocheng.

Locke was impressed by the magnificent scenery here, and then published relevant articles and photos taken along the way in National Geographic magazine, which caused a great sensation in the west and showed this "pure land on the blue planet" to the world for the first time. At the beginning, the expedition team crossed the route from Muli to Gongga Ridge, which was later called "Locke Line".

The "Locke Line" has made countless adventure enthusiasts flock to it. Nearly a century later, Richard, an international student from France, led by the local explorer Lao Yin, re-took this world-class hiking route on the plateau and started an adventure through time and space to find the true meaning of Shangri-La.

Inspiration for China is an international communication video column created by Sichuan Daily Newspaper Group. The column is located in the "Z generation" group at home and abroad, and it explores, discovers, excavates and disseminates China business cards such as ancient Shu culture, tourism geography, Sichuan cuisine, animation online games, traditional Chinese medicine, modern art and sci-fi legends.

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu?

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu? Everyone knows that education is a stepping stone, so the adult college entrance examination is a good choice for many employees, but many people want to know some common questions about the adult college entrance examination in advance when they apply for the adult college entrance examination. The following small series will answer some questions about the adult college entrance examination for everyone, hoping to help everyone!

If you have questions about the adult college entrance examination, don’t know how to choose the examiners’ colleges and majors, and don’t know the local policies for entering the exam, click to learn now > >

How to prepare for the college entrance examination for adults in Jiangsu?

In the English review from the entrance examination to the undergraduate level, the examination syllabus not only shows the content of the examination, but also explains the types of the examination. Candidates can choose their own suitable preparation materials according to the examination syllabus, and gradually learn with the materials to improve their learning ability step by step.

In the investigation of English subjects, the original title rarely appears, but the deformation of the original title often appears. Therefore, after preparing for the exam for a period of time and mastering the basic examination knowledge, candidates should still do the questions carefully, check and fill in the gaps from the questions, find their own knowledge weaknesses, and then consolidate them again.

Adult college entrance examination is a major that decides whether candidates are admitted or not according to the principle of "selecting the best candidates from high scores to low scores".

Undergraduate: According to the principle of filing, the Provincial Education Examinations Institute files from high scores to low scores according to candidates’ wishes. Colleges and universities determine whether candidates are admitted or not and the majors they record, and return the electronic files of those who are not admitted.

Specialty: According to the principle of "giving priority to scores and following volunteers" in parallel volunteer, the Provincial Education Examinations Institute puts the candidates’ files on the provincial control line according to the enrollment plan of colleges and universities. Colleges and universities determine whether to admit candidates and their majors within the enrollment plan limit, and return the electronic files of those who have not been admitted.

This year’s admission score line needs to wait until the exam is finished, but the annual admission score line does not fluctuate greatly. Students can refer to last year’s admission score line first. You need to take four exams for starting high school, three exams for starting high school, and three exams for starting high school, each with a perfect score of 150, with a total score of 450.

The above is related to the adult college entrance examination. Candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the adult college entrance examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online adult college entrance examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have questions about the adult college entrance examination, don’t know how to choose the examiners’ colleges and majors, and don’t know the local policies for entering the exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of National Adult College Entrance Examination in 2024

Official website Summary of Adult College Entrance Examination Registration in All Provinces of China in 2024

Summary of Registration Conditions for Adult College Entrance Examination in 2024 in All Provinces of China

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Education is an important way to realize dreams. As a girl, I know the importance of education. Through studying, I can broaden my horizons, improve my ability and lay a solid foundation for realizing my dreams. Therefore, I will study hard, get excellent results in all fields, and lay the foundation for entering an ideal university.

vocational development

In the future career development, I will strive to pursue my passion and interest. Whether I choose to engage in science and technology, medicine, art or other fields, I will devote myself to it and constantly improve my professional skills and knowledge. Through continuous efforts and accumulated experience, I believe I can stand out in the workplace and become a leader in the industry.


As a girl, I pursue an independent lifestyle. I believe that I have the ability to deal with all kinds of challenges and difficulties. No matter in the face of academic pressure or workplace competition, I will stick to my beliefs and bravely face and solve problems. I believe that I can become a strong and confident woman through continuous exercise and growth.


In order to realize my dream in the future, I will keep a positive attitude. No matter what difficulties and setbacks I encounter, I will learn from them and bravely meet the next challenge. I believe that every effort will make me stronger and more mature.

social responsibility

As a girl, I also have the consciousness of fulfilling social responsibility. I will pay attention to social issues and take an active part in public welfare activities. By dedicating myself, I hope to contribute to social development and progress.


My future is not a dream. As a girl, I have unlimited potential and opportunities. Through the power of education, I can realize my dream. Adhere to an independent lifestyle, keep a positive attitude and fulfill social responsibilities. I believe I can create a future full of hope and possibility. Let’s pursue our dreams and create a better tomorrow together!

Football News: Taishan will win the second place in the U21 League. In the final round, four teams will compete for the remaining place for the second place.

Live broadcast: On November 3rd, in the 21st round of U21 League, Shandong Taishan U21 team defeated Shanghai Harbour U21 team 2-1, locked in the championship one round ahead of schedule, and got the qualification to participate in the 2024 season B. According to "Football News", in the final round, there were four teams competing for the remaining one B spot.

According to the rules, the top two players in U21 League this year won the number of places in China B, but the rules on registration, promotion and demotion have not been finalized. After this round, Taishan scored 45 points, Haigang scored 40 points, Dalian scored 39 points, Rongcheng scored 39 points and Shenhua scored 38 points. Taishan U21 team has won the championship ahead of schedule and successfully rushed to B, while the four U21 teams of Haigang, Dalian, Rongcheng and Shenhua all have hope of rushing to B in the final round.

At present, the situation in the seaport is the best. If you win, you will get the qualification of B. If you draw, you need another game and it will be a draw. If you lose, you will miss B.: If Dalian people win and the harbor doesn’t win, they can get the qualification of B, and they will be tied or negative; If Rongcheng wins, and the harbor doesn’t win, it will get the qualification of B, and it will be flat or negative; If Shenhua wins and Dalian people draw with Rongcheng, they can get the qualification of B.


No renewal! CBA champion was swept out of the house and was a star of hope two years ago.

Fujian team is one of the most active teams in the offseason this year, and it is reinforced in a large area! Zou Yang, Zhao Yiming from Shenzhen team, Li Zhanglin from Shanxi team and Yang Ali from Beijing team were all very young players with great potential. Zou Yang is 1.98 meters tall, and his defense is good. His offensive end is mainly empty-cut, and his shooting is average, which is very similar to Zhai Xiaochuan’s style. Zhao Yiming scored 30+ in the league last summer, but he didn’t get any chances in Shenzhen. Li Zhanglin is the third overall pick in the CBA draft in 2021, a striker with a height of 2.03 meters. He used to be the scoring champion in CUBA history and didn’t get any chance in Shanxi team. Yang Ali is a small defender who dares to fight and fight, and he can’t get any chances in the Beijing team. I hope these young players can break out in Fujian next season.

?Wang Yixiong, the top pick of Fujian team, has a two-year rookie contract expired. Now there are Wang Huadong, Zou Yang, Li Zhanglin, Zhao Yiming and others in the frontcourt of Fujian team. Wang Yixiong will not be renewed and will be swept out of the house.

Wang Yixiong was the No.1 in the CBA draft in 2021. At that time, Fujian team was full of expectations for Wang Yixiong and trained him as a star of hope. The rookie season hasn’t started yet. Just arrived in Fujian to report that Wang Yixiong was injured in training and only played 10 games last season. This season, Wang Yixiong is in good physical condition, basically playing the whole season, averaging 18 minutes, getting 4.1 points and 2.5 rebounds, shooting 39.7% from the field, 33% from three-pointers and 41% from free throws. Such data is really hard to get! As an inside player, his overall shooting percentage is 40%, and his free throw percentage is only 41%. His basic skills are too poor. Although Wang Yixiong is physically strong, his skills are rough and his finishing ability is poor.

Wang Yixiong and another No.1 scholar, Jun Xuan, both went to the United States to play in high school. Both of them are from California State University of NCAA, and it is precisely because of their experience in studying abroad that they became the No.1 scholar. Many players studying abroad participated in the CBA draft, except Wang Yixiong, Qu Junxuan and Sun Siyao, but they didn’t play, and they were on the verge of leaving CBA.

Combined with the predictions of many British media, leicester city’s relegation probability is above 55% on average.

Combined with the predictions of many British media, leicester city’s relegation probability is above 55% on average. Followed by Leeds, with an average of 47%, Nottingham with 40% and Everton with an average of 35%.

There are still two games left in the Premier League, and the biggest topic is Manchester City’s reversal of victory over Arsenal and who will fill the second place in the relegation of the British Championship.
Southampton failed to avoid relegation, but the 19th leicester city (30 points), 18th Leeds United (31 points), 17th Everton (32 points) and 16th Nottingham Forest (34 points) were fiercely competitive. on going
Combined with the predictions of many British media, leicester city’s relegation probability is above 55% on average. Followed by Leeds, with an average of 47%, Nottingham with 40% and Everton with an average of 35%.
The remaining two games are more complicated. Leicester will go to Newcastle United to compete for the third and fourth place, so as to secure tickets for the UEFA Champions League (UCL) next season. Their last opponent is West Ham United at home.
Leeds United’s appearance order is West Ham United (away)-Tottenham Hotspur (home). If West Ham draw with Leeds United, they will be confirmed to stay. Even if they emerge from the UECL semi-final, the league is different. Tottenham Hotspur need to catch up with Leeds United to save the Champions League. Leicester and Leeds are almost as anchored as West Ham.
Everton’s order is wolverhampton wanderers (away)-AFC Bournemouth (home), and the latter confirmed their accommodation. That’s why Everton has a higher chance of staying in the team, because the pressure on the other team is less. Nottingham’s ranking order is Arsenal (home)-Crystal Palace (away). Arsenal lost the title race. With one game less, Manchester City still topped the list with a 4-point lead.
Manchester City will play in the order of Chelsea (home)-Brighton Hof (away)-brentford (away). Beating Chelsea is guaranteed. Arsenal should want Manchester City to lose to Chelsea. We must seize Nottingham and wolverhampton wanderers at the same time with the hearts of thousands of people. Of course, Manchester City’s victory is certain. Arsenal played Nottingham first, then Manchester City played Chelsea. This is a big disadvantage. Arsenal are strengthening ties with the players who are behind in the championship competition. The attack team included Leandro Trossat, Gabriel Martin Nelli, Gabriel Jeju, Eddie Nkitiya, Bukayo Saka and Martin Edgor, but they concluded that they lacked.
In the case of entering many reinforcement candidates, it is natural to pick up the ears in the teams that have been relegated. Leeds often mentioned Rodrigo Moreno and Patrick Buckford. According to reports, Arsenal put Snake Ford in sight.
Bamford is a resilient and fast striker. He signed a contract with Leeds until June 2026, but if he falls into the mire of relegation, he may move. Of course, I remember winning in Leeds, so it is possible to maintain my sanity, but even if it is not Arsenal, Aston Villa and other upper-middle-class teams, the temptation is great.
In Southampton, which ranked last, midfielder James Ward Fraus is rapidly becoming a transfer target. Ward Fraus also wants to move, so his value will go up. It is said that Bamford’s worth has reached 20 million pounds (about 33.2 billion won).
Rodrigo’s contract will end in June next year. Liz’s position is that as long as it exceeds 10 million pounds (about 16.6 billion won). It is said that Aston Villa Unai emeri is what she wants. If Li Kangren (Mallorca) is held in emeri’s arms, Rodrigova will finish the story of "reunion" after Valencia.
Everything depends on Liz’s choice. However, if you stay away from relegation, the situation will change 180 degrees.