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"May Day" Promotes Consumption and Opening of Large Auto Show Carnival

On April 29th, the "May 1st" consumption promotion and large-scale auto show carnival in Haimen District, jointly sponsored by the District Bureau of Commerce, the District Media Center and Haimen Economic and Technological Development Zone, opened in Haimen Sports Center, attracting many citizens to spend and play, and gathering popularity for Haimen consumer market.

In the auto show area, more than 20 auto dealers participated in the exhibition. Japanese and European joint venture brands exhibited some mainstream models, and many domestic first-line brands such as Chery and BYD also appeared one by one. In addition, a number of new energy vehicle brands that are very popular at present are also popular with the public, meeting the needs of different customers in all directions. It is reported that in this carnival, the auto show will last until May 1st. In order to help this auto show, the District Bureau of Commerce took out a large amount of special funds for automobile consumption to subsidize consumers, and the maximum subsidy for car purchase was 6,000 yuan. "At this auto show, the District Bureau of Commerce has preferential policies, plus the discounts of Dongfeng Nissan dealers and Haimen Dongfeng Nissan stores, adding up to the whole preferential strength is still relatively unprecedented." Liu Jia, sales manager of a car dealer, said.

The food area provides all kinds of food for the public, and freshly squeezed juice, iced drinks, octopus roast and other foods open the taste buds of diners. Online celebrity trunk market has attracted many young people to join in and show different consumption elements. In the evening, you can also watch the live Super League competition and wonderful band performances in Haimen Sports Center, which is very lively.

Original title: "May 1" Promoting Consumption and Opening of Large Auto Show Carnival "

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Domestic medical drama: It is more important to convey warmth than to make explosions.

Li Yu

Medical drama’s Welcome to Maile Village is a major theme work. It is a literary drama broadcast at special nodes such as the 10th anniversary of the "the belt and road initiative" initiative, the 60th anniversary of the dispatch of foreign aid medical teams from China, and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Tanzania. The drama tells the story of China’s foreign aid medical team saving lives and building deep friendship with local people in Africa. From the perspective of medical drama, aiding Africa to medical drama is a major feature of domestic medical drama.

2023 is a big year for medical drama. Many idol dramas focus on medical staff, such as I heard that you like me, my earthly fireworks, and healing lovers. Serious medical career dramas are frequent, including White Castle, Ask Your Heart, Extraordinary Doctor and Welcome to Mai Le Village. In particular, "Ask Your Heart" scored 8.4 points for Douban, which became a new high made in medical drama for many years.

Medical care is closely related to the interests of ordinary people. Medical drama is also a rare theme that can radiate to all levels of society, from life and death to the relationship between doctors and patients, the medical system, and then to all beings in the world. Medical drama’s people’s livelihood genes and social attributes determine that it should be medical drama’s pursuit to bridge social contradictions, protect social conscience and convey warmth and hope, rather than chasing "explosions".

The lack of explosions: medical drama’s tortuous March

Medical drama is a branch of workplace drama, which takes the hospital as the story background, the medical workers as the protagonist, and the medical staff saving lives as the main plot of the story, focusing on presenting the daily work of medical workers, the relationship between colleagues and their patients.

Domestic medical drama can be traced back to the Hippocratic Oath with only two episodes in 1986. The play has an excellent reputation, but due to the creative conditions, medical drama has not become a climate. In 2001, "It’s All Angels’ Trouble" was a romantic idol drama set in a hospital, and medical staff began to become the main characters on the screen. Never Give Up in 2001 is a real medical drama. The Final Diagnosis in 2004, Infinite Life in 2005 and The Lancet in 2009 were broadcast in medical drama, and medical drama gradually matured.

The Doctor’s Kindness in 2010 and Mind in 2012 are landmark works made in medical drama. The Doctor’s Benevolence confronts the contradiction between doctors and patients and eulogizes the doctor’s benevolence, which has been highly praised and won the first prize of the flying prize long TV series; Directed by Yang Yang, written by Zhang Jiayi and starring Christina in 1966, Mind is the first widely discussed medical drama in China, which also makes medical drama a mainstream drama type.

After Mind, medical drama, which is the focus of production, has increased, with more diverse themes and styles. Typical examples include Distance to Love in 2013, Obstetrician, Obstetrician and Gynecology of Love in 2014, Obstetrician Male Doctor, Young Doctor, Story of Emergency Room in 2015, Growing Up, Emergency Doctor, Pediatrician Justices Seeker in 2017, Fall in love with you and cure me in 2019. Domestic medical drama involves various departments, including surgery, emergency department, obstetrics and gynecology, children, psychiatry, etc. Even domestic medical drama has a scarce theme in foreign medical drama: medical aid for foreign countries, such as Take a Deep Breath Together. It is a little regrettable that so far, there has not been a medical drama with explosive broadcast effect, and even from 2013 to 2022, there is no domestic medical drama with a douban score of 8.

The year 2023 will be the turning point of domestic medical drama from quantitative change to qualitative change-a large number, different themes and high quality. For more than ten years, medical drama made in China has matured and its creative paradigm has gradually stabilized.

Presentation of Professionalism: medical drama’s Creative Consensus

As a medical workplace drama, the professional presentation of the profession should have been the foundation of medical drama. As the audience commented on Grey’s Anatomy, "Every chest and abdominal cavity are wide open, and every episode is like a Wikipedia, which broadcasts the explanations of the terms heart valve, duodenal perforation and cardiopulmonary bypass." However, for a long time before, medical drama did not regard "professionalism" as a creative consensus.

On the one hand, the creators don’t know enough about workplace dramas and medical drama, so they can’t accurately grasp the aesthetic principles of this type of dramas. In the end, medical drama often falls in love under the guise of medical treatment, or performs family ethics.

On the other hand, medical drama is a branch of workplace drama which is very difficult to create. Medical drama has a very high threshold, and non-medical professional film and television teams are at a loss about medical knowledge. At the same time, the filming of the operation process needs the support of the fine level of film and television industrialization. After all, many medical devices are very expensive, so it is impossible for the team to buy real devices, and they need to shoot with realistic imitations.

Because of the lack of knowledge and literacy of the main creator, medical drama frequently made mistakes, misled the general audience and was criticized by medical workers. In 2017, the medical community "Lilac Garden" surveyed more than 2,000 doctors, 94% of whom had watched medical TV dramas, and 85.8% of doctors had found mistakes when watching medical TV dramas. Including "no concept of sterility", "I took my glasses with sterile gloves", "I took the film backwards", "I took the CT film and said it was magnetic resonance imaging", "The feeling that the doctor can always put the white coat out of the trench coat without fastening" and "No matter what patient dies suddenly, he will be electrocuted when he comes up".

With more ridicule, the consensus that "professionalism comes first" has gradually been established in medical drama. More and more professionals have joined the screenwriter team, and they have also been supported by professionals in the creative process. In this way, the professional level of medical drama has been significantly improved in recent years.

For example, the screenwriter of "Everything about Dr. Tang" graduated from Wuhan University with a bachelor’s degree in clinical medicine, and went to Beijing to study art only with a master’s degree. Therefore, more than 70% of the episodes of this drama took place in the hospital. White Castle is adapted from an autobiographical novel of the same name by Wang Chenggang, deputy chief physician of anzhen hospital Emergency and Critical Care Center. From the script creation to the shooting of "Ask Your Heart", there are more than 150 senior doctors who form an advisory group, and the creative team will ask experts for advice at any time if they encounter any problems. The main creative team built a real scene of the hospital covering an area of 8,000 square meters, used nearly 200 conventional equipment such as micropumps, ventilators and echocardiography, and rented high-tech medical equipment such as ECMO and IVUS …

It can be said that since 2020, the professionalism of domestic medical drama has made a qualitative leap.

The growth of doctors: medical drama’s "life and death lesson"

It is generally believed that the "double P" principle is the two wheels that drive the medical workplace drama. The first is "professional", that is, the professionalism we mentioned earlier; The second is "personal", that is, personalization. medical drama must focus on the personal growth of doctors.

Every doctor has to undergo the test of "courses" other than medical courses, such as life and death courses. Hospital is a place of hope-it brings many patients back from the brink of death, and the hospital is also a place of despair-there are inevitably too many deaths here. For every new doctor, the medical school has taught them the skills of saving lives, but it may not have taught them the death lesson-how to face the death of patients and how to accept the death of patients. This is the first level that new doctors must pass.

In "White Castle", the new doctors Wang Yangming and Liu Fei were both scared when they suffered the death of a patient for the first time-they were shocked that death was so horrible. "A person who was thinking a few minutes ago, still moving, and even talking to you breathed his last breath, and then gradually became cold and became a lifeless body." After all, doctors must learn to face death calmly and calmly. If you are immersed in pain, "this kind of pain makes you have no courage, and you can’t even do this job in the face of the next patient. Accept the reality, accept the reality that you can’t do anything, and don’t have any emotional color. " Being unemotional is not "apathy", but being more diligent in profession and more serious in attitude, and always having the courage to know that there are tigers in the mountains and favor tigers in the mountains, helping every patient to resist death as much as possible.

It is a doctor’s bounden duty to "heal the wounded and rescue the dying". However, in the specific work practice, doctors often encounter the question of "save or not". For example, in The Extraordinary Doctor, Chen Hui, a new doctor, was on his way to the hospital for an interview when he met a little boy who was hit by high-altitude glass and was dying. Chen Hui judged that the little boy had pneumothorax and needed immediate treatment. He immediately ran to the convenience store, took the art knife, disposable gloves and Erguotou, disinfected it with Erguotou, and gave the little boy a closed chest drainage on the spot. This is a very thrilling emergency rescue. After all, the scene is not a sterile environment at all. Once the chest is opened in the street, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Every operation, the hospital has some procedures to follow. For example, the interns in the ward have no right to dispose, and the tracheotomy needs to be consulted. For example, the operation requires high environment. For example, some operations require the consent of family members … If the doctor violates these procedures-although the starting point is to save people, once the patient has any consequences, the responsibility will have to be borne by the doctor, and the family members may be brought to court, lose money, and may be dismissed. If faced with such a situation, should doctors "save people or protect themselves"? In dramas such as Thank You Doctor and Ask Your Heart, some doctors respect the process, while others think that saving people is the first priority-it is of course important to follow the process, but we can’t let it get stuck in life.

The hospital is a pure white world, but this does not mean that there is no calculation of interests or disputes between right and wrong in the hospital, and it does not mean that doctors and nurses have no selfishness. Where there is a workplace, there are "rivers and lakes", there is the distribution of interests, and there is a conflict between the collective and the individual. Welcome to Maile Village is a major theme of medical drama, but it cuts into the narrative with a grounded doctor’s interest dispute. Ma Jia, the first surgeon in thoracic surgery played by Jin Dong, thought that his professional title was assured and the position of director of thoracic surgery was also in the bag. Unexpectedly, in the end, "both ends failed." At this time, Ma Jia put personal interests first. His initial motivation for joining the medical aid team in Africa was not pure. However, in the process of aiding Africa, Ma Jia gradually realized the collective significance, recovered her initial intention of becoming a doctor, balanced the collective interests and personal interests, and achieved another personal growth.

Through the growth of doctors, the audience deeply realized the doctor’s dilemma, and then empathized with the doctor’s choice, and gained inspiration from it.

The Perfect Doctor: medical drama’s Ideal Call

There are growing doctors in medical dramas, and there is often a perfect doctor who is like a needle in the sea-he is the guide and role model for new doctors, and also medical drama’s imagination and call for ideal doctors.

The "perfection" of the perfect doctor is not the perfection of labeling and shouting slogans, but the firm guardian of their initial intention to become a doctor in the face of the temptation of interests. As a medical drama’s line said, "This is a cost-effective era. All relationships are evaluated by efficiency and interests, and responsibilities and obligations deteriorate into unreasonable sacrifices. Even public welfare and goodwill have to be knocked on the calculator." Even so, Do not forget your initiative mind, the ideal doctor, said, "You should have a conscience in medicine, have confidence in surgery, and be sincere to patients."

As early as 2010, Zhong Lixing, played by Xie Junhao, made many viewers unforgettable. He has superb medical skills, cold outside and hot inside, awe-inspiring justice, chivalrous and soft-hearted, broad-minded, and never gives in to money and power … He is the spiritual leader of many doctors, and he can always remain independent and sober in the face of cross-flow desires.

In Mind, Liu Chenxi played by Zhang Jiayi is also a perfect healer. He has always adhered to the principle of "benevolence and benevolence", but his own daughter is suffering from renal failure and is waiting for a chance to change her kidney. It is not that I have never met a suitable kidney source, but "any doctor will not give up saving lives because of other things before the operating table." In the face of more urgent rescue, the daughter’s kidney source is also "something else." Fortunately, one good deed deserves another. "Luck also has a name, called selflessness. If we live in an environment where everyone is for me, then I am willing to do it for everyone. "

In Welcome to Maile Village, Zu Feng plays Jiang Daqiao as a noble healer. Just after three years of border aid, he was duty-bound to join the African medical team when it needed him. Because of his dedication to the medical cause, he owed money to his family, his marriage broke down, and he finally had a happy time with his daughter and separated. But where the collective needs him, he always stands up without hesitation.

A perfect doctor is a major feature of medical drama made in China. Only under the socialist medical system can we have so many medical staff who are "particularly capable of fighting, suffering and dedication". Although the medical system still needs to be improved, and the contradiction between doctors and nurses still exists, the existence of "perfect doctors" always highlights the lofty sense of the medical profession and always reminds medical staff of their sense of mission-"doctors are the industries that make heroes."

Warm transmission: medical drama’s positive intention

Medical drama, which has been made in China for a long time, is often criticized by critics, who think that this type of drama is not worth shooting without explosions, or deny the progress of medical drama, which is made in China. Domestic medical drama, why is it difficult to explode?

The fundamental reason is that they weaken the contradiction. Specifically, medical drama’s "contradiction" has three aspects: first, the workplace contradiction between doctors, such as the struggle between factions and interests; Second, the contradiction between doctors and patients, which extends the "exposure" of the medical system; Third, through the patient’s sentient beings, it shows the suffering of ordinary families when they encounter diseases and reflects social contradictions.

The creator is not incapable of intensifying and amplifying contradictions. At the beginning of the new century, there was a medical drama whose main purpose was to expose the black, such as Behind the Red Cross in 2005. But this creative tendency is not worth encouraging. First, unlike private medical care in developed countries, China is dominated by public medical care, and the division of interests and factional infighting do not conform to the general situation of public hospitals in China. Secondly, under China’s medical system, doctors and patients are allies and comrades-in-arms. Enlarging the contradiction between doctors and patients and transferring the shortcomings of the medical system to doctors will not only lead to the occurrence of malignant cases such as medical injuries, but also lead to the loss of medical students, and the final consequence will be borne by patients. Thirdly, a serious illness does bring great suffering to ordinary families, but in a documentary like "On Earth" Chinese Doctors, we can still see the kindness, warmth and courage in suffering-this can bring strength to families troubled by the shadow of the disease. If medical drama exaggerates suffering and sadness, it will crush the inner defenses of some patients and their families.

Therefore, the domestic medical drama is not only an entertainment work, but also a social work, and it should have a positive intention-to eulogize the light, not to amplify the darkness; To bridge contradictions, not intensify them; To convey hope, not despair-even at the expense of drama and topicality.

Compared with making explosions, it is more important for medical drama to stick to the correct idea and convey more hope and warmth to the world. Medical drama, who has a good reputation in the past two years, has such a warm texture from Everything about Dr. Tang, White Castle, Ask Your Heart, Extraordinary Doctor and Welcome to Mai Le Village. It can understand the difficulties of doctors, and strive to popularize "doctors are not omnipotent" and "there are still too many difficulties in modern medicine", hoping that patients can get out of the cognitive misunderstanding of "spending money to cure" and reduce misunderstanding and hostility towards doctors.

They also saw the difficulties of countless patients. "There is only one disease in the world, called poverty disease." Some patients have neither medical insurance nor agricultural insurance, and once they are seriously ill, they will go bankrupt. How to improve the coverage of basic medical insurance? Uneven distribution of high-quality medical resources has objectively caused the burden on the top three hospitals, and it is also extravagant for outpatient doctors to fully communicate with patients. How to balance medical resources?

These warm medical drama, let us see the dilemma of both sides-this dilemma can not be completely eliminated for a while, doctors may still be very tired, and some patients will still be very bitter; These warm medical drama convey to us the courage to face, challenge and overcome difficulties-we must constantly solve personal problems through the optimization and improvement of the system; These warm medical drama encourage doctors and patients to put themselves in other’s shoes, care for each other and understand each other, so as to work together to overcome diseases. This is the glorious responsibility and beautiful pursuit of medical drama.

Why is China not suitable for "free medical care"? Subject to these conditions

With the rapid growth of medical expenses and the high level of personal medical expenses, "free medical care" has always been one of the hot topics in the field of people’s livelihood.

Since its establishment more than five years ago, the National Medical Insurance Bureau has repeatedly replied to the proposals and suggestions on free medical care. The National Medical Insurance Bureau believes that under the current social and economic development conditions, the level of medical insurance financing is still not high, the fund support ability is still insufficient, medical insurance still needs to adhere to the basic principles of insurance, it is still necessary for individuals to bear certain medical and health expenditure responsibilities, and the implementation of "free medical care" is not conducive to the long-term stable and sustainable development of China’s medical security system.

The medical insurance experts interviewed by CBN believe that free medical care seems to be a beautiful ideal, but it is difficult to realize it, and it will be restricted by many realistic conditions. China’s financial resources, unbalanced medical resources and other factors determine that China is not suitable for free medical care at present. At present, there are still many pain points and difficulties in China’s basic medical security, which need to be solved by further deepening the universal medical insurance system.

"Free medical care" is not really free.

Free medical care is popularly understood as "seeing a doctor without spending money". Poverty caused by illness or returning to poverty due to illness is a concern of many families. Therefore, realizing free medical care for all is considered as a way to reduce the medical burden of the people.

But "seeing a doctor without spending money" is not the real connotation of free medical care. Free medical care is not free of charge, but "paid" by the government or medical insurance institutions.

Zhang Xiao, director of the Medical Insurance and Social Security Research Center of Southeast University, told CBN that what people generally think of as free medical care means that medical services are free, such as registration, diagnosis and treatment, surgery, hospitalization expenses, etc. In countries that are said to have achieved free medical care, some can be completely free, while others can’t. The representative of free medical care is the National Health Service (NHS) in Britain, but other Commonwealth countries except Britain are not completely free, and the most important reason is the cost.

A study by Jin Weigang, vice president of the Institute of National System of Zhejiang University, shows that according to the relevant information of 170 countries (or regions) collected by scientific research institutions of relevant state departments, the medical security situation of 115 comparable countries (or regions) is compared and analyzed, among which 74 countries (or regions) implement social medical insurance, accounting for 64.3%. At present, only a few countries (or regions) implement "free medical care for all". Therefore, the social medical insurance system has increasingly become the mainstream trend of international medical security development, while "free medical care for all" is not the mainstream model.

Liao Zangyi, an associate professor at the School of Politics and Public Administration of China University of Political Science and Law, said in an interview with CBN that free medical care is not really free for all, but through different financing models, money is paid in advance in the form of taxes and premiums, and then distributed and spent by the government or medical insurance institutions, and finally used by individuals.

From the perspective of foreign countries, there are currently two modes of free medical care. One is that the state runs hospitals, such as planned economy countries such as North Korea. The other is that individual medical treatment is free (free or almost free), and the state raises funds and pays medical expenses. This is common in market economy countries, such as Britain, Canada, Australia, Northern Europe and other countries, which raise medical insurance through high taxes and then provide it to the whole people as social welfare; Germany, Japan and other countries are social insurance models, which are paid by both work units and individuals, subsidized by the government and shared by the whole society; The United States is a pure commercial insurance model, and special people (the old, the disabled and the poor) enjoy free medical security policies.

Zhang Xiao believes that the advantage of "free medical care" for all people is that the concept of this system is to better achieve fairness, and everyone can get basic protection regardless of the economic situation. However, this system needs strong public financial support, and if we want to turn to free medical care, we must increase taxes.

In December, 2021, the National Health and Health Commission’s reply to Proposal No.4768 of the Fourth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference mentioned that public financial funds were taken from the people and used by the people, and the funds needed to implement universal free medical care ultimately came from the people in the form of taxes or social insurance premiums. For a period of time, China did not have all the foundations for implementing universal free medical care.

Some people think that since the new medical reform, China has invested a lot of money in medical and health care, and now the financial investment and other funds are enough to support free medical care, and the cost will not increase after the implementation of free medical care.

In this regard, Zhang Xiao believes that the problem is that a lot of financial investment funds are not really used for the provision of medical services for ordinary people. Public hospitals spend a lot of money on maintenance and construction and large-scale equipment procurement, and it is difficult to change this investment method with the current system in the short term.

"Free medical care" is subject to these conditions.

Liao Zangyi believes that free medical care in Britain and Northern Europe costs all taxpayers’ money. The key to realizing free medical care is to pay taxes, but free medical care only meets the minimum requirements of individuals. There is no free lunch in the world, and free medical care will not be the best.

Cai Haiqing, a master tutor at Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, wrote that in order to alleviate the unbearable problem of government finance caused by the rapid growth of medical expenses, some "free medical care" countries can only find ways to reduce the supply of medical services, and the number of drugs and medical consumables included in the free range and the number of beds in hospitals are strictly restricted or even reduced. In India, for example, public hospitals not only have poor facilities, but also have a serious shortage of beds. There are only 348 kinds of free medicines.

Zhang Xiao believes that the implementation of free medical care requires five conditions, the first is to have very ample financial support, the second is a balanced medical service system, the third is a sound medical security system, the fourth is to have a reasonable allocation of medical resources, and the fifth is legal and policy incentives, such as the reform of doctors’ salary system and legal protection.

Judging from the situation in our country, at present, public hospitals are the mainstay in our country, and the construction of medical facilities, the training and salary of medical personnel, and the recruitment of medicines all need financial support. If free medical care is to be implemented, these should be classified as financial payment, which is a burden for finance.

According to the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of China’s Health Care in 2021, the total national health expenditure in 2021 is estimated to be 7,559.36 billion yuan, and the total health expenditure accounts for 6.5% of GDP. From the international comparison, the proportion of China’s total health expenditure to GDP is far lower than that of developed countries, accounting for only half of that of Britain.

"Financial pressure is the first obstacle to free medical care, especially for developing countries, the pressure of medical investment is very great. The insufficient and unbalanced development of medical resources in China also determines that it is difficult to implement free medical care for all. If free medical care is implemented, from a fair point of view, all good medical institutions should treat patients all over the country equally, and good hospitals will be overcrowded, so it is difficult to guarantee patients’ right to fair medical treatment. Therefore, to achieve free medical care, medical resources must be rationally allocated, and it is difficult to realize the reconfiguration of medical resources now. " Zhang Xiao said.

Liao Zangyi believes that China’s medical supply is still insufficient in general, especially high-quality medical resources. Free medical care will cause a run on resources to a certain extent, which will aggravate the problem of difficulty in seeing a doctor. Many people understand that there is no threshold for free medical care, and everyone can enjoy medical services equally and freely, but as we all know, no threshold is the highest threshold, and high-quality medical resources and top-level expert teams have always been scarce resources in society. Even to some extent, free medical care will aggravate the severity of "difficulty in seeing a doctor", and there may be patients all crowding into provincial medical institutions, and the result that everyone wants to be satisfied is that everyone is not satisfied.

Do what you can to improve the level of security

Liao Zangyi pointed out that an important reason why China is not suitable for free medical care at present is that the policy of raising medical insurance is basically divided into two ways: employee medical insurance and resident medical insurance. These two methods are part of the personal burden and part of the unit burden, and then the government makes unified financial subsidies, which determines that our medical insurance fund itself is tight. It is our long-term direction and policy for medical insurance departments to solve how to spend every cent of medical insurance money and do their best to do what they can.

CBN combed the responses of the National Medical Insurance Bureau to the proposal of free medical care since 2019, and found that there are two main voices for free medical care. One is to propose free medical care for all people, and the other is to suggest free medical care for specific groups, such as the elderly over 60 years old in rural areas, the elderly over 80 years old, children or people with specific diseases.

Zhang Xiao said that the implementation of "free medical care" for all people is not suitable for China’s national conditions, but it is possible to improve the level of medical security for specific groups within the framework of the medical security system. Every country has such a policy. For example, Japan, South Korea and other aging countries also have special medical insurance policies for the elderly over 85 years old. The key is to do what you can. The amount of funds in the medical insurance fund is limited every year and it is impossible to meet the needs of everyone.

On July 20th, the National Health Insurance Bureau issued the "Reply to Recommendation No.1437 of the First Session of the 14th National People’s Congress", saying that the medical insurance department should speed up the establishment of a multi-level medical insurance system with basic medical insurance as the main body and medical assistance as the backing, supplemented by medical insurance, commercial insurance, charitable donations and medical mutual assistance, continuously improve the service level of medical insurance, and make overall plans to reduce the medical expenses burden of the insured people, including seriously ill patients in rural areas.

How hard are the eight invisible rich people in the entertainment circle? I live in the quadrangle next to the Forbidden City, and Wang Sicong calls me brother.

Wen Miao Xiao Zhu Rui Qi

Editor, Pig Ruiqi

As we all know, there are entertainment circlesA circle where money and people get togetherIt is also a place where many people want to squeeze in.

The life of the rich is hard for ordinary people to imagine. Today, we will take stock of the entertainment circle.Top ten invisible rich peopleUsually it’s not obvious, but in fact it’s rich enough to subvert your imagination and live in the quadrangle next to the Forbidden City.Wang Sicong will shout elder brother when he sees it.

So, how hard are these people? Who are these bosses respectively?Let’s see if there’s your idol in here.

Chun WuBorn in Brunei, the family isOne of the top ten wealthy families in Brunei, and also made friends with the royal family in Brunei.It has a very high status in China, and Chun Wu is even called by insiders."Prince Brunei"In fact, he is not the real prince of the royal family, but he is also very powerful.

Chun Wu’s childhood photos

Chun Wu, who grew up with a golden spoon, also had no choice.live in cloverInstead, I decided to make a career by my own efforts.

So when she grew up, Chun Wu stepped into the entertainment circle with her dreams, and through her years of efforts, she became a smash hit new generation idol., amazing the youth of a generation.

Chun Wu luxury house

Now 43-year-old Chun Wu seems to be"frozen age"In general, it still maintains the appearance of not losing small fresh meat.

Although he has faded out of the entertainment circle now, he is still living an ordinary life every day with a well-off family.beyond imaginationThe rich life.

Chun Wu luxury house

Some time ago, Chun Wu also exposed his own Brunei mansion on the social platform, covering an area.More than 1000 square metersIt’s as gorgeous as a palace, not to mention a luxury car, which has more clothes than our wardrobe.

Chun Wu luxury house

Yu-Ching Fei

Maybe everyone didn’t think that our little brother Yu-Ching Fei is also one.invisible richHe also has a little-known nickname, that is"Store King".

Yu-Ching Fei

First of all, he has earned a lot of money from his years of fighting in the entertainment circle. He used all this money to invest in real estate, almost where the performance went.Buy the house wherever you want.

Over the years, he has owned countless properties, and Yu-Ching Fei often does some charitable activities with the money earned from these properties.

Yu-Ching Fei


You can tell from here, Du Haitao.It’s definitely not as simple as it seems.

According to reports, in addition to his first-class hosting skills, Du Haitao has also invested in many commercial fields and they have all been very successful. The chain store real estate he runs alone has already been.Worth hundreds of millions.

Du Haitao and Shen Mengchen.

Rank of writers’ rich list

After writing novels and earning a lot of money, he began to switch to directing. He directed.Tiny timesThe series has successfully won billions of box office.

Jing M.Guo and the Little Age Actresses.

There is an overbearing president living in luxury in the play.Gongming, is a role modeled on himself. Even Yang Mi once could not help but say.Jing M.Guo’s life turned her imagination upside down.

Jing M.Guo

Jing M.Guo is also a business tycoon with six companies under his name.Former site of Wang Jingwei’s Fourth Aunt TaiI also bought a townhouse worth hundreds of millions. It is no wonder that Da Power can’t help but vomit, which simply subverts the imagination of ordinary people.

Jing M.Guo

Hu Bing

Not only acting and singing, Hu Bing is also a professional model withPerfect figure, tough guy imageHe has also successfully gone international, and his income is naturally no less than that of domestic artists and stars.

Hu Bing

In 15 years, Hu Bing once showed his cloakroom in a Japanese variety show, and the total value of clothes and accessories in his cloakroom actually exceeded.4 billion yen (200 million RMB)The degree of luxury is staggering.

Later, Hu Bing also introduced his watch collected for ten years in the program. This watch is still a customized version, which is inlaid with diamonds."HB" (Hu Bing)The English letters of the words are worth about 30 million yen (1.5 million RMB).

Ten years ago, in 2005, 1.5 million watches were bought as soon as they were bought. I have to say, it really is.be full of dashAh.

Kwok-Hing Choi

Cai Guoqing likes China traditional culture and loves to collect.Antiques, antiquesWait.

There is a special place for these antiques in his home. No matter what kind of antiques, there are almost all of them here.

Kwok-Hing Choi

Even friends who have been to Cai Guoqing’s home say that this is not a home, it is a complete one.Small "Forbidden City"!

Exhibition of jadeite products collected in Cai Guoqing.

Once he showed off his antique collection on a variety show, and at that time he took out a small handleless wine cup, which was valuable after appraisal.1.8 million.

Cai Guoqing’s small wine cup is worth 1.8 million.

It is hard to imagine the total value of the "Little Forbidden City" filled with various collections.

In addition, because I love China culture, Cai Guoqing’s travel car is also ours.Domestic Light Red Flag H9, only the price.400 thousandAbout.

Kwok-Hing Choi

Not only is her temperament elegant, but her hobbies are also so elegant. She really is a woman.A low-key invisible rich man.

Ren Quan plays Gongsun Ce.

Ren Quan’s impression on many people may still stay in the young Bao Qingtian.gongsun ceOn the body, I don’t know that he has already lived a super-rich life when he quit the entertainment circle.

In 1993, Ren Quan was admitted to Shanghai Theatre Academy, where he met his fellow villagers.Li Bingbing,Since then, the two have forged a profound friendship.

Li Bingbing issued a document for Ren Quan’s birthday celebration.

When I first graduated, there was no drama to shoot, and I was hungry all day long. In order to have a stable income, Ren Quan took 60,000 yuan (of which 40,000 was borrowed from Li Bingbing) and started to do business. At that time, I found that many students loved Sichuan food, so I opened one not far from the school.Spicy fish restaurant.

Ren quan kai de restaurant

With the growing business, Ren Quan’s investment projects are becoming more and more extensive, and it has also becomeThe owner of Jiaren fashion magazineAt that time, many stars wanted to break their heads and board.Jia renCover, but Ren Quan thought of the first cover candidate is Li Bingbing.

Ren Quan

Now Ren Quan has a wide range of fields from catering to real estate to beauty.More than 40 enterprisesThe actual control of, at the same time, he is stillOne of the shareholders behind Huayi BrothersThe value can be imagined.

chengru li

The first thing that many people think of when they see him isSix groups of major crimesIn addition to actors,Li chengruAnd this"Poisonous tongue"Said, once on the show also publicly Jing M.Guo, some people say that may be the program group to pay, make the program effect.

If it’s another star, I believe it. If it’s Li Chengru,I really don’t need this money.

As early as the last century, when many families in our country were still riding bicycles, people had already driven Mercedes-Benz cars, and according to early interviews,Li Chengru’s home is next to the Forbidden City.It’s less than ten minutes’ walk.

andThe 1990sAt that time, Li Chengru also opened a shopping mall in the most prosperous area of Beijing, earning as much as 500 thousand to 600 thousand a day.The annual income is hundreds of millions.

You know, it was the 1990 s, and many people’s wages were generally one or two hundred a month, and three or five hundred were considered high wages.

Li Chengru also said in the interview that he was in the past.A pair of socks costs hundreds of dollars to cover the average person’s monthly salary.A coat costs tens of thousands of yuan.

At that time, everyone who could get 10 thousand yuan at home belonged to ten thousand households with a very good life, while Li Chengru needed tens of thousands of clothes in the 1990 s. .

Li chengru

Although he was later worth hundreds of millions because of his investment failure.Lost everything.

But the thin camel is always bigger than the horse, and a set of quadrangles in Li Chengru’s house next to the Forbidden City are priceless, even you.Money can’t buy it.

Li Chengru’s quadrangle

Before he became an actor, he had actually accumulated enough wealth, and acting was only one of his hobbies. If we say that Li Chengru received money from the program group to pay homage to Jing M.Guo,Do you still believe it?

Li Chengru’s quadrangle

Overnight summary! 4 giants were upset +1 team won the championship, Barcelona 1-2 at home, and Milan 5-1 was one point behind the top four.

# Hundreds of teams #

In the past night, the five major leagues in Europe were unpopular. Four giants were upset this night. Liverpool, Arsenal, Bayern and Barcelona did not win. Manchester City also won the Premier League championship ahead of schedule because Arsenal lost to Nottingham Forest. In addition, AC Milan beat Sampdoria 5-1. At present, there is one more game, one point behind Lazio.

Barcelona 1-2 Royal Society

Prior to this, Barcelona had won the championship ahead of schedule, which probably affected the mentality of the players. At home in La Liga, Barcelona only conceded 2 goals in the first 17 games this season, and as a result, they conceded 2 goals in this round, which is really incredible.

Only five minutes after the first half, Comte was robbed with the ball in his own half, and then the Royal Society counterattacked. Finally, merino pushed and shot, breaking the door of Barcelona and even the small door of Ter stegen.

In the second half, Barcelona was robbed again because of careless dribbling in the frontcourt, and the Royal Society made a perfect counterattack. Finally, three people cooperated to expand the score to 2-0. Although Barcelona scored a goal before the end of the game, they were still 1-2 upset and suffered the first defeat at home in La Liga this season.

Milan 5-1 Sampdoria

That night, AC Milan’s attack broke out completely. At home, they beat Sampdoria 5-1, leaving a glimmer of hope for the fourth round.

Only 9 minutes after the first half, Leo faced the goalkeeper with a single knife after receiving the ball and finally scored calmly, breaking the deadlock for AC Milan. After that, Gill wore a hat and Diaz scored, which helped AC Milan win the key victory.

Up to now, AC Milando is one game behind Lazio, which ranks fourth in the standings. If the opponent loses five points in the last three rounds (Lazio has a superior performance in the match, and the same point will beat AC Milan), and AC Milan wins all the remaining games, then they will overtake their opponents and reach the top four. After the exit from the Champions League, Serie A won the top four, which is the only chance for AC Milan to advance to the Champions League.

Nottingham Forest 1-0 Arsenal, Liverpool 1-1 draw with Villa.

These two games have a great impact on the Premier League title race and the fourth race. Among them, Arsenal made a fatal mistake in the away game, which was countered by Nottingham Forest and eventually lost to the opponent 0-1.

Although Liverpool drew 1-1 at home to Villa, with Manchester United beating Bournemouth away, Liverpool was basically desperate for the fourth place. Then Manchester United and Newcastle both need one more point, and Liverpool will definitely miss the top four. Because Arsenal lost, they are now four points behind Manchester City with only one game left. This result also helps Guashuai’s team win the Premier League ahead of schedule.

Bayern was reversed by Leipzig 1-3.

This night, there was also Bayern. With a 1-0 lead at home, Bayern collapsed in the second half. In the second half, Lemmer counterattacked the goal and equalized the score for Leipzig. After that, the visiting team got two penalties and finally beat Bayern 3-1 away.

After this game, Bayern’s top position is in jeopardy. If Dortmund wins augsburg in the away game, the Bundesliga championship will be completely reversed. Now the initiative is completely in Dortmund’s hands. As long as they win the last two games, they will win the Bundesliga championship this season!