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Apple’s first folding screen is here! Not iPhone

Source: Lei Technology AI Hardware Group | Editor: Chongjia | Typesetting: Autumn

Nowadays, folding screens have long been an important segment of smart phones. This new form of product, which is different from the traditional straight board computer, is becoming a key weapon for major mobile phone manufacturers to seize the brand highland and impact the high-end market. In addition to mobile phones, the concepts and products of folding screen notebooks and folding screen tablets are gradually emerging.

Recently, Guo Ming, a well-known Apple whistleblower, revealed that the only Apple foldable product with clear development progress is the MacBook, which will be equipped with a 20.3-inch large screen.

Notebooks are naturally foldable, but the "folding" here means "closing the lid" to make the host fit the screen. What the "foldable notebook" says is that the screen of the notebook itself can be folded.

In fact, this is not a particularly novel concept. For example, ASUS launched Lingyao X Fold, which focuses on folding screen selling points.Specifically, this notebook is still the design idea of two-in-one product (notebook and tablet in one), and its physical keyboard part and screen are separated. At the same time, the screen part of Lingyao X Fold can be folded.

(Source: ASUS)

Lingyao X Fold uses a 17.3-inch OLED screen, which is the same as a normal notebook when unfolded. In the folded state, the screen size will become 12.5 inches, which can be used either as a tablet or as a 12.5-inch notebook with half for screen display and the other half as a virtual keyboard on the screen.

Lenovo, another PC giant, has also launched a folding screen notebook, and its representative product is ThinkPad X1 Fold. Its product form and design ideas are very similar to Lingyao X Fold, and it is also a variant of two-in-one products. ThinkPad X1 Fold uses a 16.3-inch OLED screen with a 12-inch display area when folded.

(Source: Lenovo)

Judging from the folding screen notebooks of these two brands, the corresponding technologies they adopted are actually relatively mature, basically upgrading the original 2-in-1 PC, and the screen part is an OLED+ hinge solution.

In the view of Lei Technology (ID: Leitech), the folding screen MacBook will adopt similar hardware design ideas. Compared with the folding screen mobile phone, a big problem on the folding screen notebook is the handling of the physical keyboard. In order to ensure the input efficiency, it is difficult to remove the physical keyboard directly from the folding screen notebook, so it can only be designed separately.

In fact, just like the folding screen mobile phone, the core problem solved by the folding screen notebook computer is the unity of "portability and large screen". Users want to go out with a big screen, but they don’t want it to occupy too much space, so "foldable" has become an ideal solution.

Compared with the Windows camp, Apple’s situation is somewhat special. At present, Apple has not launched a two-in-one MacBook product.If Apple wants to launch a 2-in-1 folding screen notebook, then the first estimation to be solved is the system and software problems.

Apple has always been resistant to notebook touch screens. Although iPadOS has been in macOS, and they are getting closer and closer, they are still two completely different operating systems, and the underlying interactive logic and software ecology are not the same thing.

Of course, in theory, Apple can insist on not providing touch interaction function for the screen of the folding screen MacBook. But in this way, the use of folding screen notebooks will be greatly limited. Originally, the detachable screen can be used independently in the form of a flat panel, which greatly increases the selling point of the folding screen notebook. If there is no touch function, then the selling point of the folding screen MacBook may only be the large screen, which will have limited appeal to users.

It is worth mentioning that Lei recently saw an interesting "invention" of Federico Viticci in an Apple community.He used the "decapitated" MacBook with no screen with the iPad, and turned the iPad into a wireless screen of the MacBook with Sidecar function. In this way, he got a DIY version of the two-in-one MacBook. The fly in the ointment is that the Sidecar function requires two devices to access the same LAN, so it is not convenient to use it when going out.

(Source: MacStories)

In Xiao Lei’s view, Apple can learn from this idea. Nowadays, all Macs have completed the migration to the ARM self-developed chip platform, and it is not difficult to get through macOS and iPadOS. After all, we can now use a large number of iPad and iPhone applications on the MacBook. Moreover, compared with the Windows camp, Apple has stronger control over its own M-series chips, and it also has advantages in heating and power consumption control, which is very suitable for products that require more space, such as folding notebooks.

Once Apple makes macOS support touch function, the playability of folding screen MacBook will be greatly increased.

Xiao Lei believes that the order of Apple’s folding products will be folding screen MacBook, folding screen iPad and folding screen iPhone. As we all know, Apple has always been more inclined to launch mature commercial products, and is not keen to release pioneering products with cutting-edge technologies but low maturity. Mobile phones are still Apple’s pillar business, and Apple will naturally have many concerns about using the iPhone to test water folding screen devices. On MacBook products, this concern will be much less.

Unlike mobile phones, the PC market itself has a small capacity. Moreover, in the PC industry, Apple’s shipment ranking is not high. In recent years, the operation of Mac business is not particularly ideal. In terms of Q1 financial report in fiscal year 2024, Apple’s Mac revenue was $7.78 billion, accounting for about 6.5% of the total revenue. In this way, Apple has more incentive to test the water folding screen technology on the MacBook.

We can find that the current mainstream folding screen notebook solution is essentially the same as the folding screen tablet. However, the folding screen notebook has an external physical keyboard than the folding screen tablet. Similarly, since Apple intends to release a folding screen MacBook, it is also a matter of course to launch a folding screen iPad.

Previously, there has been news in the supply chain that Apple’s MacBook and iPad product lines will gradually be OLED, which is naturally conducive to the subsequent emergence of corresponding folding screen devices. Apple’s current top-end flat-panel product, iPad Pro, has a maximum size of 12.9 inches. If the screen display area is to be further broken, it is an inevitable trend to move towards a folding screen form.

(Source: Apple)

As for the folding screen iPhone that everyone pays more attention to, there are also some news. At the end of last year, Korean media AlphaBiz reported that Apple executives revealed that the folding screen iPhone is expected to be released in 2026. However, this news has not been confirmed by other sources.

One of the two most critical technologies of folding screen mobile phone is the screen, and the other is the hinge. The former is not difficult for Apple, while the latter may need to accumulate experience through folding screen MacBook and folding screen iPad. At present, the proportion of shipments of folding screen mobile phones is still low, and there is still a long way to go before it is widely popularized. There are still certain opportunities for folding screen iPhone in the future.

(Source: CNET)

Of course, Xiao Lei also believes that Apple’s perennial smashing of iPhone products will affect the competitiveness of the folding screen iPhone. Now, all major manufacturers are competing for beauty in folding screen mobile phones, but the common product evolution direction is to continuously improve the basic skills on the basis of maintaining the special advantages of folding screens.

In other words, the advantage of the early folding screen is that it can be folded, but it lags behind the traditional straight flagship in terms of image, battery life, reliability and price.Now, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO and other head brands are constantly enhancing the image ability of folding screens and enhancing reliability through better hinge technology. Folding screen mobile phones are gradually changing from "tent-type" products to "bucket-type" products.

As a conventional flagship, iPhone has lagged behind Android models in terms of heat dissipation, signal, image and charging. For example, the problem of fever and poor battery life of the iPhone 15 Pro is largely due to the lack of progress in Apple’s heat dissipation design. If Apple Trade rashly launches a folding screen iPhone now, it will perform poorly in terms of image, signal and performance stability. Apple still has a lot of lessons to make up before making a good enough folding screen phone.

The basic form of smart phones has not changed since the release of the iPhone in early 2007. After the mobile phone manufacturers have exhausted the conventional means to increase the screen size, the new form of folding screen has become the evolution trend of the next generation of mobile phones.

For notebook products, it is much less necessary for them to evolve into folding screen form. After all, the screen size of the notebook itself is much larger than that of the mobile phone, and its requirements for portability are lower than that of the mobile phone. Therefore, Xiao Lei believes that folding screen notebooks will not become the mainstream form.

Of course, the PC industry behind the notebook itself is already facing the problem of saturated market capacity and lack of room for growth. The application of cutting-edge technologies such as folding screen and AI may inject some new hopes into this ancient product.

As for the folding screen MacBook, Xiao Lei thinks it may not be too innovative in product form. However, in terms of system and software, the integration of iPadOS and macOS is more worth looking forward to. Xiao Lei is looking forward to it. Apple can bring refreshing solutions to the industry in its own way on the system software of folding screen products. Apple is late in folding screen products, and Xiaolei will keep a close track of its products, so stay tuned.


Buy grain (short story)

Text/Sun Changguo
When the neighbor’s chicken crowed for the first time, Geng Changfu got up. In fact, I didn’t sleep much all night. For three days, except for a full belly of boiled water, I didn’t touch my teeth. How can I sleep steadily?
The production team’s warehouse has long been out of food. The eldest brother and the second brother run out to dig wild vegetables every day, and sometimes they can’t dig less than half a basket on the 30-40-mile mountain road. After all, every household’s food is not plentiful. The child’s mother hasn’t had milk since she gave birth to three boys. The child cries with hunger every day. Poor big Ni ‘er is only seven years old, but every day she holds three children in her arms and asks others to find milk to eat. Er Nizi is only five years old, and she sits motionless in the corner like a sick little Yaner every day. That’s hungry …
With the faint light coming through the window, he glanced at the five children lying on the heatable adobe sleeping platform, and his empty heart suddenly became tighter.
At noon yesterday, he heard from the people who came back from Miao Mountain that there was a need for a large number of grass stalks on the construction site where the reservoir was built in Changzhuang, and he was wondering about a handful of grass left at home, which might be sold. Thinking of this, he put on a broken cotton-padded jacket and got up. He went to the kang and said something to the child’s mother, and then he went on his way with a straw.
It’s still a little cold in early spring, and I haven’t eaten for a few days. The 40-50-mile walk from home to Miaoshan feels particularly long. The sun climbed up the mountain and only walked more than ten miles, but the sweat on my face rolled like beans and fell down one by one. The wild vegetables on the roadside, including the tender leaves that are a little green, have long been picked up. At least I saw an elm tree, and Changfu broke off a branch and put it in my mouth to chew, so I felt a little full in my heart.
After barely walking more than ten miles, Changfu only felt that his footsteps were getting more and more stumbling and his head was getting heavier and heavier. He kept telling himself that he couldn’t fall down, and there were still several mouths at home waiting for him to get food back, but a fishy smell came to his throat, and then he didn’t know anything.
When he woke up again, he first saw the face of a People’s Liberation Army, and then fixed his eyes, only to find himself lying in the arms of another People’s Liberation Army. The People’s Liberation Army he saw was looking at him with a kettle.
"Hometown, what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?" The PLA man with a kettle asked.
"I’m fine, maybe I just walked too much and was tired." Changfu replied.
Oh, take a sip of water and have a rest.
Looking at the kettle handed over by the People’s Liberation Army, Changfu said with a wry smile: "Thank you, Comrade. To tell you the truth, I haven’t eaten for two or three days, and my stomach is full of water. I really don’t want to drink it."
"I haven’t eaten for two or three days, so what are you?" ……
"There is really nothing to eat at home. I heard that there is a need for straw to build a water reservoir in Changzhuang. I want to try it in the past and stutter at home."
The air seemed to condense in an instant, and Changfu clearly saw the tears rolling out of the determined eyes of the two PLA men. They went to the side and muttered for a while. They came to Changfu and said, "Hometown, it’s still a long way to Changzhuang. Besides, people may not be able to collect your straw after going there. Just because the army needs straw, we will collect it and give you 20 Jin of sticks. What do you think?"
Twenty pounds, this load of straw is put aside at ordinary times, but even five pounds of sticks can’t be exchanged. All of a sudden, I gave twenty pounds, and Changfu didn’t believe his ears. At that time, he stammered. Two PLA men threw straw into the Bucket of the truck, and handed half a bag of sticks to Changfu’s hand, accompanied by two raw sweet potatoes: "Hometown, now the country is in trouble, we have to grit our teeth and get through it. These two sweet potatoes were given to you by us, so you should eat a cushion first." They drove away before Changfu could export the words of gratitude.
When it was dark, Changfu saw the crooked-necked tree at the head of the village and two monkey children waiting under it.
"Dad is back …" Seeing him from afar, the second child trotted over and spread out his dirty little hand: "Today, my eldest brother and I went to the Arnebia euchroma to dig vegetables and found a handful of soft dates for dad to eat." Zicaowa, it’s almost the border of the neighboring county. Looking at the soft dates in the children’s hands, Changfu couldn’t help but have a sour nose: "Good boy, go back and call your mother, say that Dad has bought food and come out to push it …"
When the water was boiling and the noodle was ready to be cooked, Changfu handed the child his mother two sweet potatoes, and one of them took a bite. Looking at the tooth marks on the sweet potatoes, the child’s mother didn’t say a word, and the tears in her eyes were scattered in the boiling water with the noodle, which made a beautiful splash.
About the author: Sun Changguo, pen name Damu, a native of Laiwu District, Jinan City, now lives in Boshan District, Zibo City. Vice chairman of Boshan Writers Association, director of Zibo Writers Association, member of Jinan Writers Association and member of Shandong Writing Society.
Yi Dian Hao da mu
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Li Ruihe: Tea is a peaceful drink. The 21st century is the tea age in China (Figure).

    "Tea is a peaceful drink." In order to continue his grandmother’s good deeds before her death, Li Ruihe built a "conscience pavilion" in Zhangzhou, serving tea to pedestrians all day long and never stopping for 14 years.

  Li Ruihe said that the 21st century is the era of China tea.

    Li Ruihe loves to drink tea in his own tea house. He often chooses a place near the window and makes and tastes tea by himself. When a tea guest came, he looked kindly and greeted the guests with gentle eyes. At this point, in the eyes of uninformed people, this is just an old man dressed in plain clothes.

    But in the tea industry, Li Ruihe is a legend in the industry, and everyone knows it. When he was in high spirits as a teenager, he took tea as his career and started "Tianrenming Tea" in 1961. After years of hard work, Tianren became the only listed tea company on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In the 1990s, Li Ruihe sold his stocks and houses to pay off his debts because of the Taiwan Province stock market bubble.

    At that time, Li Ruihe wrote an inscription: "Success is shared by all, and failure is my responsibility." His heart should be filled with the tragic feeling of a hero.

    If you are a hero, you will never give up. In 1993, 58-year-old Li Ruihe resolutely went to the mainland to invest and rebuild his tea industry, and established "Tianfu Tea House" in his ancestral home in Zhangzhou, Fujian. "Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour gave me confidence." For the choice at that time, 14 years later, Li Ruihe was still very proud, because he grasped an excellent business opportunity. After 14 years of operation, it has grown to more than 7,000 employees, and the "Tianfu" logo is also spread all over the country, with 674 chain stores nationwide. -the ups and downs of business, and the tea industry won the international market and became the world’s tea king. Mr. Li’s entrepreneurial history is an example of mutual encouragement in the tea industry.

  Seven-generation love affair with tea

    Fujian is a well-known "tea town" at home and abroad. The written record of tea production in Fujian is more than 300 years earlier than Cha Sheng Luyu’s Tea Classic. It can be seen that tea culture has a long history in Fujian, with a history of more than 1,000 years.

    "After we created oolong tea in the Ming Dynasty, we made Tieguanyin in the Qing Dynasty with a new technology, which became a tribute to the imperial palace in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and naturally became the hometown of famous tea in China." Li Ruihe enthusiastically introduced the tea production in various parts of Fujian. Between the talks, we can see that the old man has deep feelings for Fujian and tea.

    "I am from Zhangpu, Fujian." Li Ruihe always introduces himself in this way on major occasions. After careful investigation, Mr. Li’s ancestors crossed the sea from Zhangpu to Taiwan Province more than 200 years ago and settled down in Nantou. Although they moved to Taiwan Province, their ancestors did not change careers, and they still made a living by growing tea for generations. "At that time, there was a folk song saying: Thousands of villages learn to grow tea, fir tea is planted all over the house, tea is planted to prevent old age, and the price of tea is for ten thousand families. Therefore, our ancestors have always been attached to tea and have never stopped. "

    By Mr. Li Ruihe, it is already the seventh generation of "tea people". Since childhood, he has been working with his grandmother in tea fields, knowing how to grow and raise tea, and learning the skill of making tea from generation to generation.

    "My grandmother is simple and is a typical good wife and mother. For tea, it is the foundation of our family business, and at the same time, tea culture is also to be taught in our family. My grandmother often takes me to the roadside pavilion to deliver tea to passers-by. Giving someone a cup of tea is a gesture of goodwill. Because tea culture pays attention to a word of harmony, harmony between people. " Li Ruihe said that tea is a peaceful drink. In order to continue his grandmother’s good deeds before her death, he built a "conscience pavilion" in Zhangzhou, which served tea for pedestrians all day long and never stopped for fourteen years. If we say that my grandmother used to give tea to passers-by more for the sake of accumulating virtue, I pray that God can help the descendants of the Li family to make a difference. Now Mr. Li Ruihe provides tea for pedestrians in the conscience pavilion, but it is to let more people become attached to tea. "I have been drinking tea since I was a child, and I am now in my seventies. After drinking tea for 70 years, it is not only a habit in southern Fujian, but also because I know that drinking tea is really beneficial to the body. " Mr. Li has a ruddy complexion, quick thinking and very light movements, unlike an old man over seventy years of age.

    Li Ruihe has a deep affection for tea. If you can say that tea is good when talking with him, he will think you are good, and will talk and taste tea with you happily, and regard you as a friend. "I know that I love tea to the point of near infatuation, but it is my infatuation with tea that enables me to start my business again and make it bigger and stronger than my first career."

  "Tianfuming Tea" is another village.

    Taiwan Province’s stock market bubble burst in the 1990s, and Tianren Securities, a company founded by Mr. Li Ruihe, immediately fell into debt. In order to repay the debt, he had to sell the shares and real estate of Tianrenming Tea. At this point, some people think that his career has come to an end.

    "Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech in 1992 convinced me that the mainland’s reform and opening up was successful, and it was also a good development opportunity for our Taiwanese businessmen. So, I returned home with the hope of starting a business again. " Speaking of starting a business for the second time, Mr. Li Ruihe, who has experienced the storm in the shopping mall, has a dull tone, but his eyes are shining and he has a passion that cannot be concealed. "When I returned to the mainland, I realized that I had found the root." Mr. Li, who was speaking slowly, suddenly increased his tone, and raised his right hand on the chair to his heart: "When I arrived in Zhangpu, I realized that China’s tea resources are really rich, and the tea market in China is also very large. What I have to do is to do my own tea industry with my heart. "

    In 1993, Mr. Li Ruihe invested in the tea industry in Zhangpu with 10 million yuan raised from relatives and friends in Taiwan Province, established Tianfu Tea House, built his own tea production base, and processed tea with advanced technology.

    "I spend every Spring Festival in Zhangpu with my employees. In 1993, I still clearly remember that there were more than 20 people. By the Spring Festival of 2006, we will have more than 700 people. The number of Tianfu employees in our country has reached more than 7,000. In these 14 years, the development has been really fast. " Mr. Li recalled Tianfu’s entrepreneurial process and said.

    In 1994, Mr. Li Ruihe once vowed to establish 100 tea chain stores in major cities in mainland China within ten years. At that time, many people thought it was impossible. However, Tianfu’s development is better than Mr. Li’s expectation. So far, Tianfu Tea House has opened 674 direct chain stores in major and medium-sized cities in mainland China. From 2003 to 2005, Tianfu Group reported and paid 24.94 million yuan, 28.54 million yuan and 37.39 million yuan to the local tax authorities respectively, and the tax amount was as high as 90.87 million yuan.

    Mr. Li Ruihe loves tea, makes tea industry, and preaches tea culture with all his heart. Perhaps at first he just popularized tea culture out of his affection for tea, but as far as an enterprise is concerned, the promotion of tea culture has expanded and strengthened the tea market.

    At the beginning of 2000, Li Ruihe decided to invest in the establishment of Tianfu Tea Museum, with the theme of "studying tea science and inheriting tea culture". Covering an area of 80 mu, the museum is divided into four buildings, namely, the main building area for displaying tea history and the performance area for displaying tea ceremony. "People in China have been drinking tea for more than three thousand years. Why are they compared with coffee and coke? This is mainly because the tea culture in China has not been inherited and developed. Tea drinking in Japan was spread from China in the Song Dynasty, but they knew how good tea was, and kept it going, making tea ceremony kung fu to the extreme. Why can’t we in China do it? Or because we modern people know too little about tea, so I built the Tianfu Tea Museum in the hope that our younger generation can understand the tea in our country, which has a valuable culture. "

    More than 100 years ago, China tea monopolized the world tea market. Today, 100 years later, the world’s tea sales are 180 billion yuan, while the China tea market is only 18 billion yuan. At present, the planting area of tea in China ranks first in the world, but the output ranks second, and the export ranks third. At the same time, the value of tea has not been well tapped, and China’s foreign exchange earning value of tea ranks fourth in the world. The data shows that China is still in an embarrassing situation of being a big tea country rather than a strong one.

    "The tea market in China can’t be strong, mainly because of the restriction of family workshops. The production process cannot be innovated and promoted. " A professor from China Agricultural University once pointed out the shortcomings of China’s tea industry at the meeting. Mr. Li Ruihe also saw these clearly, so he decided to add modern and scientific production technology to the traditional tea culture, so as to take China tea to a higher level. In 2005, he once again invested in the establishment of Tianfu Tea Vocational and Technical College "to train professionals in the tea industry", with an investment of 200 million yuan. "The establishment of Tianfu Tea College meets the needs of the development of tea industry and is also an important step in the internationalization of China tea industry." In an interview with reporters, Mr. Chen Zongmao of China Academy of Engineering praised Li Ruihe’s development strategy of "thinking and doing".

    21st century, the era of China tea.

    Tea, coffee and cola have become the top three international drinks.

    "The Tang Dynasty had the rule of Zhenguan, and it was a prosperous time. Ambassadors from all over the world came to Tang to communicate and learned about China tea. Since then, tea has become a popular drink. " Mr. Li laughed and said that he was also surnamed Li, and he was a descendant of Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty. If his ancestors started the prosperous Tang Dynasty, he should at least revive the tea culture and make China tea popular in the world.

    "China tea to go international, first of all, we should do a good job in the domestic market. Only when the foundation at home is good can we take a step outside. " When talking about the internationalization process of China tea industry, Mr. Li Ruihe pointed out that the foundation should be laid before expansion.

    "In the 1990s, when I first returned to the mainland, I found that on average, each of us only drank more than 200 grams of tea a year, which was quite a small number. With the development of tea industry, we are more and more aware of the health, fitness and intelligence functions of tea drinks, and this number has increased, and the statistics of some departments have reached 500 grams. This is a great progress, but compared with some countries with the same level of economic development, there is still a lot of room. Every person in Taiwan Province drinks 1,200 grams of tea every year. In Britain, it is 2500 grams. " Based on the estimation of the market development space, Mr. Li Ruihe set a new goal for the number of chain stores in Tianfu nationwide: "We intend to open Tianfu to 3,000 stores all over the country."

    "Although China is a big tea country, it is not a strong tea country." Liu Nianyan, an expert from the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, pointed out with regret the pain of tea merchants in China. Analyzing the reasons, Liu Nianyan said: "First of all, it is a family-style, small-scale and traditional tea production and marketing model, so it is impossible to provide a modern tea service system. This has formed its own shackles for continuing to open up new markets. "

    Tianfu, based on the founding experience of "Tianrenming Tea" in Taiwan Province, has set a modern and scientific example for mainland tea merchants.

    Not to mention the establishment of the Tea Institute and the opening of the Tea Museum, Tianfu’s tea-making technology has used advanced equipment and carried out scientific management in the production process. At the same time, paying attention to brand building is also an important reason for Tianfu’s rapid recognition by guests. In the past, one of the factors that China tea industry has been hesitating is related to the small and miscellaneous tea brands. Tianfu, since its inception, has paid attention to building and maintaining brands.

    In 1997, Tianfu Group’s product "813 Tea King" became the designated drink of the APEC meeting held in Vancouver, Canada, which was a breakthrough of China tea and also sounded the horn of China tea era.

    In 2001, Tianfu Alpine Tea King once again became the meeting tea of APEC.

    Because the drinks in the first two APEC meetings were provided by Tianfu, and they were well received by officials from various countries, in 2005, the APEC meeting held in Busan, South Korea naturally designated Tianfu products for the third time.

    In these important international activities, Tianfu products are frequently praised by friends from all over the world, which makes Tianfu’s step into the international market a natural thing.

    "Tea is a drink of peace." When Li Ruihe was an enterprise, he was actually doing culture. He said that Tianfu Group has opened stores in the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and other countries, and he hoped that international friends could have tea in Tianfu and get to know a warm and hospitable China.

    Li Ruihe said that the 21st century is the era of China tea.

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  • Editor: Wei Liangchun

    [A little information] The top 8 of the World Championships decided that four seats were born, two major tragedies, two world champions were eliminated, and China teenager 6.

    On April 22nd, Beijing time, the 1/8 final of the Snooker World Championships continued. Yesterday, three competitions ended, resulting in two tragedies and a big upset. The two tragedies were Mark Allen’s 12-4 explosion of Bingham, O ‘Sullivan’s 13-2 massacre of Wafi, and the big cold was that Jack Jones, a dark horse, defeated Australian artillery Robertson 10-7 after the 1990s, so that the quarter-finals of this World Championships were decided. O ‘Sullivan and Jack Jones, two new world champions Bingham and Robertson were eliminated, and China teenager Si Jiahui temporarily led veteran Milkins 6-2!

    This season’s hottest Mark Allen and World Championship champion Bingham met in a narrow way and staged a seed dialogue. As a result, the game turned into a one-sided massacre. With a 4-3 lead, Mark Allen then made a stormy attack and won the match point with a powerful attack wave that won eight games in a row. Bingham blasted a single shot to break the hundred in the sixteenth game and finally won a game to stop bleeding, but in the seventeenth game, Mark Allen made a shot. As a result, Bingham was blasted with 12-4. In this game, Mark Allen’s firepower was super fierce, and the audience blasted 13 shots with 50+. The powerful offensive directly smashed Bingham and created a tragedy!

    Defending champion O ‘Sullivan faced WAFI who eliminated Ding Junhui. As a result, the match between the two men was full of fiery flavor. WAFI exploded and kicked off, which completely angered O ‘Sullivan. O ‘Sullivan also responded with strength. The fire was all on, and he won 6-2 in the first stage. In the second stage, he won 7 games in a row. He ended the battle ahead of schedule with a score of 13-2, and he was beaten hard to create this session.

    Australian artillery Robertson faced Jack Jones, a dark horse born in the 1990s. As a result, Robertson lost the fiery state in the first round. He played very badly, and the whole audience felt very depressed. Jack Jones relied on winning six games in a row in the second stage, and finally defeated Robertson with a surprise of 13-7. Jack Jones only shot two shots and five shots and 50+ in the whole game, so that Jack Jones beat Carter and Robertson in succession.

    China teenager Si Jiahui and 47-year-old veteran Milkins finished the first stage of the competition. Si Jiahui felt very hot. Facing Milkins, who was in a depressed state, he blew a shot to break 100 and a 4-shot 50+, and got a 6-2 lead. But then Si Jiahui must not be careless, beware of Milkins’ counterattack. His first round of 2-7 backwardness and shocking reversal of JoPerry is an example. We must resist his counterattack!

    Literary/sports novels

    Development trend and future prospect of artificial intelligence technology

    With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has become one of the hottest topics. Artificial intelligence refers to the technology that simulates human intelligence by computer to realize the ability of independent thinking, learning, judgment and action. In the past few years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, made many significant achievements and been widely used in various fields.

    The development of artificial intelligence technology has brought many advantages. First of all, it can greatly improve production efficiency and labor utilization rate, and bring more economic and social value to enterprises and society. Secondly, artificial intelligence can provide more accurate data and analysis results to help people better predict and solve problems. In addition, artificial intelligence can also reduce the repetition, complexity and danger in work and improve work efficiency and safety.

    However, artificial intelligence also faces some challenges and problems. First of all, the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology may lead to the disappearance of some occupations or the replacement of human skills. Secondly, the development of artificial intelligence may bring some ethical and moral problems, such as privacy protection, data abuse and so on. At the same time, there may be deviations and misjudgments in the algorithms and decisions of artificial intelligence, and it is necessary to strengthen supervision and regulation.

    In order to give full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence, we need to take some countermeasures. First of all, we need to strengthen the research and innovation of artificial intelligence technology and accelerate the application and promotion of artificial intelligence technology in various fields. Secondly, we need to strengthen the supervision and regulation of artificial intelligence technology, establish relevant laws and moral standards, and protect human rights and interests. Finally, we need to improve people’s skill level and adaptability through education and training, so as to prepare for future career development.

    In a word, artificial intelligence is a promising technology, which brings many conveniences and advantages to human beings. However, we also need to recognize the challenges and problems faced by artificial intelligence technology and take some countermeasures to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence can better serve human needs and interests.

    Greater Paris intends to introduce Maguire for 50 million pounds; Reporter: Kane is the preferred candidate for Tenghage’s striker.


    Sun: Greater Paris intends to introduce Maguire for 50 million pounds this summer, and the deal was put on the negotiating table in the winter window.


    Samuel Luckhurst: Manchester United coach Tenhage’s striker priority this summer is Harry Kane, while Osman of Naples and Benfica striker Gonzalo Ramos are also Dutch signings. In addition, the Red Devils plan to cash out Marchal this summer.


    Rachford was voted the best player in the Premier League and the best player in Manchester United in February. ?


    Official: Tenhage was elected Premier League Coach of the Month in February.


    Peristri: That’s what we do! ! Come on, Manchester United ??

    According to the Daily Mirror, Manchester United coach Tenhage said after the team’s 4-1 victory over real betis: "We played a great game, both halves. We should have taken a 3-0 lead in the first half, but the result was 1-1. We were punished for a mistake, but we played very well in the second half. "

    "When we replaced the last two substitutes, the team changed the score to 4-1, and Peristri did a great job."